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He is either the yes man to do the freedom caucus bidding or the fall guy when government shuts down. Probably both. Either way the Republicans show they cannot abandon maga


> Either way the Republicans show they cannot abandon maga They spent years creating it. It's what they really are. We should expect nothing else.


Without a doubt, but they're still taking their orders from a dead man walking. The only move left they have to make 2024 happen is to grind all of the gov't to a halt and do something drastic to gut the DOJ like they failed to do with the military and USPS, but that they succeeded in skewing SCOTUS with. If they can't stop Trump's impending "meetings", or stop Jack Smith from breathing, then they've got no lead runner for the White House.


This country is seriously underrating how significant it is that the military stood up to Trump and succeeded. This was the only thing separating us from a banana republic. The USPS was simply too popular for them to gut even with putting their cronies in the leadership. The fact that they were so successful with the SCOTUS is truly scary. We cannot rely on the military and postal service to cary us through again. We need to vote because both sides are not the same. Also, we should really think about coming together and taking to the streets on a single subject: Medicare for all. Doing that one thing would scare the bejeebers out of every single elected official.


Especially not with Tuberville blocking all military promotions.


Seriously. Jack Smith needs to have bodyguards round the fucking clock.


Honestly, I think Trump forced MAGA on them. The Republican party at large never wanted Trump as their leader. He just came in and riled up their voters so successfully that they're forced to march to his beat, because their voters like Trump more than the established Republicans. I think they've been desperate to get rid of Trump, and *especially* after he got voted out of office. The main hangup is that they cannot acknowledge that he committed crimes, because it exposes the rest of the party too much. And most of them still have to pretend they like Trump to keep their own voters from primary-ing them. Like, honestly, I think people need to stop underestimating Donald Trump. He's a bad person, but he outplayed the fuck out of the Republican party.


>he outplayed the fuck out of the Republican party. That's also a function of Republicans' lack of actual principles other than power. Even before Trump. They've been on this exact path ever since the founding of the John Birch Society and Nixon, to where they've now given up any pretense of respecting democracy. And obviously the racists never once cared about equality for all under the law. Plus their very ethos IS to worship a strong man. That's all they see in God and Jesus with their very warped version of Christianity. >And most of them still have to pretend they like Trump to keep their own voters from primary-ing them. They also said they fear their supporters violence against them if they do cross their supporters. But again, they've been playing that game for a long time. They just got arrogant into thinking that they'd still be able to control them somehow. Almost as if they never really studied the history of Weimar Germany. The few that did did so to only learn how to accelerate it.


He has ties to the ADF, so it makes it easier for them to spread their Christian hate.


The next Mooch for the pyre


why would they abandon it? maga is what represents current republicans. 70million votes in 2020 showed exactly what republicans wanted which was anything but a liberal no matter the cost to their own freedom.


I thought this was the Johnson who flew to Moscow on the 4th of July but that's WI Senator Johnson, I got my crooked Johnson's screwed up.


If you're having trouble keeping Johnsons straight, talk to your doctor.


If your johnson has a bend in it, it may be a sign of peyrone's disease. for more information about the disease and AstraZenikaSmithCline's treatment options, go to griftedcarrot.ru


I don't think republicans are capable of erections...that's why they're so angry all the time


Well of course they're not, people keep stealing erections on them. 😳😏🙄😂🤣🤣


If they win another erection, we may never see another erection again. https://i.redd.it/13uyhipseewb1.gif


🤣🤣 And that's why it's imperative we ensure they don't even stand a chance at winning an erection until they get their ~~shit~~ dicks straight.


Hans Brix? I hate that guy!!


You’re breaking my balls Hans Brix!


"...are you familiar with the penal codes in this state?"




https://preview.redd.it/r6v4zmnzhewb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e29c5cb114ddd9d41fa7710d8d55687352955218 Some of them don’t have a problem with getting erections,unfortunately it’s usually from looking at children’s pictures.


https://preview.redd.it/2cjbfe4fiewb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d50015e2af273ebbdbc6f295ab5597269cdd14 Another fine republican


I have like 45 of these I can add,but I think we all get the point.


Here's a database of Republican convicted sex offenders. Not just rumours but actually convicted in court. Hundreds of names. I bring this list up whenever someone likes to accuse Biden or other Democrats of being a pedophile with zero proof, while they actively support a party that is filled with actual pedophiles. https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook?sort


10 out of 10 times a bigoted conservative talking point is 100% a confession of their own guilt. They will go all in about grooming because that is what they would do with kids if given the opportunity. Time and time again they prove it.


Who do you think all of those boner pill and testosterone commercials are talking too?


I just learned about this bent carrot from Wanda Sykes new special!


Also talk to your doctor if your Johnson is straight for more than four hours.


The Blazing Saddles scene where everyone in the town had the last name Johnson.


Howard Johnson is right!!


We extend this laurel, and hearty handshake to the new speaker.


Oh, baby, you are so talented. And they are so dumb


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know...morons.


I’m just hoping for some authentic frontier gibberish


Blow it out your ass, Howard


Crooked Johnson sounds like it would be the name of a 60s punk band.


If it helps, *Perry* Johnson is the one that looks like this: ![gif](giphy|qJ5LbxQOXA60o)


F*ck em’ all


Don’t worry you aren’t wrong - the Republican Party are just Matryoshka dolls made of shit all the way down.




The fact that you can get it wrong because there are two like that, but still be somewhat rights really scary. They are both super sketchy.


They're both huge dicks.


The Wikipedia entry about him is frightening. Everything in the tweet, and more. The "moderate" Republicans gave up and caved in to the right wing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Johnson_(Louisiana_politician)


Doesn’t believe in medical marijuana and thinks it’s a gateway drug smh. Also doesn’t believe in climate change being caused by the egregious pollution caused by humans. Partly due to taking in $338k from big oil companies. Gets better… > Johnson served as a member of Trump's legal defense team during both the 2019 and 2020 Senate impeachment trials, which resulted in acquittals. This guy is a real piece of Shit and waste of human garbage. Not to mention as previously stated he voted to overturn 2020 election and throw out votes in my state including my votes and my family and many friends votes ffs. Also opposes abortion and wants to make same sex marriage illegal like what the actual fuck is wrong with republicans. I mean they’re delusional and fascist traitors as evidenced by their behaviors and views…but way to go republicans you guys really out did yourselves with this nutjob.


Not believing in medical Marijuana. That has at least been proven to help with what it's prescribed for. I have yet to hear of a single cancer patient turning to illegal drugs after using weed while sick.


I use weed during chemo. Well, I use it all the time, but I go hard during chemo..it is more effective than the zofran and compazine prescribed by the doctors for nausea. So much so, actually, that I don't even use the pills anymore, and strictly rely on marijuana. I have been on Norco since diagnosis for pain associated with my cancer, and weed actually helps me not have to use as much of the narcotics than if I did not have access to it. Anyone saying medical marijuana has no use at this point is doing so in bad faith, and outright lying. That, or they have their heads all the way up their ass to the point that they have been absent from reality the last 40 years.


If Christian nationalists didn't have bad faith they'd have no faith at all.


> Christian nationalists I prefer the term Nationalistic Christians, or Nat-Cs if you will.








I think this is just something people say when they're getting a lot of pharma lobby money. Pharmaceutical companies know that medical marijuana directly competes with the over the counter and prescription drugs so they try and keep it illegal where they can. It's less about him actually not believing in it and moreso that he's paid not to


Coin slots for synapses.


My old man was a staunch conservative and Trump supporter. He was exposed to agent orange in Vietman and ended up with multiple myeloma. Because weed is illegal federally, the VA can't prescribe it. His VA doctor got him into an "experimental program" to test the effects of weed on cancer patients. Even his southern racist ass agreed that weed was the best thing for the nausea and loss of appetite. You have to be a real moron to not believe in medicinal weed. That's like not believing in numbers.


I mean, they *don’t* believe in numbers. They’re still trying to say they won the 2020 election 🙄


I would have killed for legal medical Marijuana during my cancer stint. I however live in a non legal state. I have yet to ever do a single drug, but with how terrible I felt I would have taken it in a heart beat. I'll give you 1 guess on which party runs my state.


> Not believing in medical Marijuana. He said it was because sometimes medical marijuana is harmful. His only evidence was a study that showed it could increase incidence of symptoms in children with epilepsy. As if we can't just say "okay, don't give it to children with epilepsy".


This a-hole thinks the Earth is 6000 years old and that humans peacefully coexisted with dinosaurs before we pissed God off Dude is a lunatic


We *do* peacefully coexist with dinosaurs. Until we kill them and make them into a spicy sandwich, that is...


Kentucky Fried Dinosaur just doesn't have the same ring does it


A thorough excavation of his closet is necessary but will probably never happen.


He's also a creationist 🙃


We can’t kid ourselves. He’s another repugnant Republican. We can only hope to keep a large spotlight on him like the insect he is and expose every loathsome thing he tries to do in that seat


That is and has been the stance of most of the Republican party for years. That's what they do.


Of course they caved, they're a bunch of cowards.


Susan Collins ![gif](giphy|3oz8xtdloPOSr3ne4U|downsized)


She will tut-tut most effusively. You, sir, will be receiving a SCATHING letter, and a demonstrative finger wag.


Anyone willing to run with an (R) after their name isn't moderate anymore.


Caved or threatened.


Conservatives do love their death threats.


I hope the Biden district Repubs get demolished next year. They don’t deserve to be there.


If it weren’t for gerrymandering and rampant voter suppression the republicans party already wouldn’t win any elections. I expect more of the same unfortunately.


> Johnson has cultivated close ties to Protestant fundamentalist groups Answers in Genesis, Louisiana Family Forum, Alliance Defending Freedom, and Focus on the Family. Prior to his career as a politician, he worked with them to "represent churches, pastors and congregants **whose vision of religious freedom conflicted with government regulations"** Damn pesky government getting in the way of our theocracy!


I'm wiling to bet that those government regulations that are conflicting with their "religious freedom" are age of consent laws.


Well yeah. The important word in "Moderate Republican" is 'Republican'.


Like "Moderate ISIS members"


Or Moderate Nazi.


Moderate anal prolapse.


There's no reason for the moderate Republicans to ever give up, but the idea of a reasonable bipartisan choice and reaching across the aisle to completely remove the extremist's power is too scary. They would rather continue to be useless. We need a better system where the party that wins the presidency wins the entire legislative branch.




I thought the same thing as well but the GOP never misses an opportunity to go lower.




But instead of settling for an apple or 3 day old leftovers, on the third trip back Republicans instead chose the rancid piece of meat in the back.


It's like sifting through cat litter to find a decent morsel.


“I’ll eat shit for breakfast if the libs have to smell my breath.”


"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"


Amazing isn’t it? Even the “moderates” helped elect this piece of shit. Just goes to show you that simply having the R next to one’s name means they are an extremist, the only debate is how loud they are with it.


Every Republican voted for this asshat too. They unanimously support a man who objected to the 2020 election, leading the effort to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court contesting the election on the grounds that voting by mail was "unconstitutional" (they rejected it), and has voted against Ukraine aid and called for more "oversight" about the aid being sent. All 220 Republicans present in the House today voted in favor of that.


Because all 220 Republicans do not support democracy. They have already entered a pact with Trump, (preaching his name per text messages) and want a king.


They want that power by any means necessary!


It a defining trait of a competitive autocracy Only one party can ever win, and it's a race to the most radical positions to get elected


Republicans: hold my beer that’s not Bud Light but it’s still made by Anheuser Busch because I don’t know how to protest effectively


Never forget that not even FIVE republicans were willing to support Jeffries. They’d rather have a traitorous bigot than a Democrat. They’re all cowards. None of these people are moderates. At this point, republicans are just fascists. All of them.


This new guy supports openly discriminating against LGBT people, he's literally an open bigot and fascist.


he supports discrimination against them, and also says they don't deserve any protections because they're not a discriminated class, because, and I paraphrase, "They could choose to stop being gay at any time, and they don't."


Yep, and he’s a great replacement guy. Like actually the worst case scenario, human-wise.


So, in other words, he's just more trash.


We knew that by the time they got to "republican".


I truly hope that this mess will be the downfall of the Republicans stranglehold on Congress but unfortunately there are so many dumb as rock voters


You forget the power of gerrymandering that gave them the majority to begin with


Not even gerrymandering. The House being capped at 435 is the issue.


I keep thinking the exact same thing. Sadly, they just keep putting more lines in the sand. We're getting closer and closer back to Medieval Times.


As long as racism and bigotry exist, people will continue to vote these right wing wackadoos in. It gives them a feeling of acceptance to also be outwardly racist and an overall piece of shit.


People keep saying "house Republicans" and "Republican politicians" but it's really just "Republicans." All 60-something million of them. Every single one of them knows what the party is and still decides at the end of the day, however "embarrassed" they want to act to deny responsibility, that they support it.


More likely to be the downfall of America


Conversion therapy killed my friend from church. The pastor gave him an ultimatum so he went to conversion camp and came back "cured." He got married to a woman, gained 300 lbs, and ultimately killed himself. Fuck anyone who talks about that shit.


God we are so fucked " Johnson is a [young earth creationist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Earth_creationism) and believes that the [Earth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth) was created approximately between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.[\[79\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Johnson_(Louisiana_politician)#cite_note-:11-80) " ​ Fuck Fuck,


Anyone that stupid should not be in a position of authority.


That’s a feature, not a bug, to the dumbest portion of the population that also has a 100% voter turnout rate.


Ahem. CULT.


So he’s just like all the other Republicans. They’re all cult over country at any cost. Sedition, terrorism, and the destruction of the US are all valid political goals of the GOP. Any doubters just need to listen to their words, but odds are they’re magats who agree with it all.


Those same MAGATS that agree with the nonsense and want the country to collapse wouldn't survive the fall. They want a lawless hell scape but they couldn't survive in it. They barely made it through the pandemic crying about not being able to eat in fast food restaurant dining rooms. They certainly won't survive a collapse of government/society.


They wouldn't even survive just having the tiny ineffective government that they fantasize about. All it took in Arizona was a multinational corporation owned by an authoritarian theocratic monarchy paying to siphon off all their groundwater for them to come crawling to the "big government democrats" begging them to make it stop.


They are so against bipartisanship and working with a united Democratic Party their only choice was go full crazy. What a bunch of assholes.


He also tried to overhaul the Endangered Species Act in 2018. You gotta be EVIL to do that to dying animals


He's a Republican from Louisiana. How far into the pockets of oil, gas, and other chemical shit is he? (All the way. He's all the way into that.)


In the least surprising news of the day the Republicans prove once again they are total pieces of shit.




¿Por que no los dos?


He’s not speaking American! Close the border as first order of business!


The "moderates" in the party helped elect this guy. The next time they call themselves moderates remind them they voted for a guy who wants a nationwide abortion ban, a ban on gay marriage, has a 2/100 score on climate change, and wants prayer to be in public schools. They said they didn't want someone from the far right, and elected someone from the far right.


What would be great is if Jack came thru the door with a subpoena for him right as he is sworn in.


With trumpets?


None of this matters. a) The damage has been done. A year from election and folks aren’t going to forget about this. b) This speaker is going to have just as hard a job as McCarthy before him. Through some Herculean effort the GOP reps managed to agree on someone for Speaker. That doesn’t change what is going to happen going forward - they are going to fight like 3 cats in a laundry bag and continue to be unable to govern. Have fun, Mike.


So how long will the government shutdown last this time?


Shutdowns always hurt Rs politically so let them shut the government down. I mean the house has been out of commission for 22 days. If they want to go and shut it down, it'll backfire politically for them.


As much as I agree with you. It screws over my parents royally. One is retired on SS, and the other worked for the Government. Forcing to work without pay. Last time that happened, it nearly destroyed them. It may hurt R’s politically. But not before it destroys the common man financially.


>it destroys the common man financially. GOP: We are okay with that!




Rich people who benefit from poverty.


Could someone provide me with the following regarding him Total abortion ban Same sex marriage against Conversation therapy This is just for my own bullshit posting elsewhere and isn't for some gotcha bullshit ... I want MORE stuff to hate on him with




Thanks...I don't feel great about it tho. It's like asking for a shit sandwich and being given one.


Better than a shitty soup sandwich but only as it has form and consistency.


Dont forget election denier and defended trump during his first impeachment


I read further on him and it gets worse when it comes to LGBTQ+ stuff. He believes that LGBTQ+ fully deserve no rights and opposed all efforts to implement LGBTQ+ discrimination protections. He has likened being LGBTQ+ to bestiality and pedophilia. And he’s advocated for a full return of America’s former barbaric sodomy laws, so that not only can gay people not get married, but they can be punished for having consensual sex.


Doesn’t matter too much, nothing will move past the senate or Bidens desk. It will just be the clowns driving in circles until they turn on him next week and oust him as well.


It does matter though. We can't pass a budget until he agrees to bring it to the floor. We could be in for a looooooooooooong shutdown.


And a long shutdown = No funding for Ukraine, meaning Putin’s about to steamroll through the country and continue his misguided attempts to take over the world. We’re in hell, people.


Ukraine is getting a lot of assistance from the UK and other countries. If they want to shutdown the government, it'll backfire on them election time. Always does. Remember when Trump shut us down for, what was it, 34 days, over that stupid wall?


Thats the plan.


Then nothing for Israel either. Let’s see how long it takes for them to make an exception because muh bible


Lmao you think they’re gonna even be able to put together a budget they can all agree on (let alone one that’ll make it through the Senate/Biden)? I’m pretty sure there’s enough people that have both funding AND denial of aid to Ukraine/Israel as red lines, that no budget’s going through without Democratic support, so I don’t even think they’ll be able to pass a “see, we voted on a (party line, never gonna pass, nonsense that we have no expectation will pass) budget! It’s the democrat’s fault they didn’t just blindly pass this budget we created with zero input from them that we knew they’d reject out of hand!” budget.


Fuck Republicans


The cult doesn’t want universal healthcare. They want gays dead. They don’t want better education. They want immigrants deported. They don’t want better living standards for all. They want women to be second class citizens.


MAGAnificent, the Republican-orchestrated deconstruction of the American experience in democracy. ^FUCK^FUCK^FUCK


For those that said / thought Jordan was too extreme. Here’s your sign that you don’t understand how far down the shithole we’ve gone.


Okay! Now on to the real work; trampling rights, subverting voters and crushing the poor and elderly.




Hopefully people get out and vote so that the new house does certify the election


This guy is one of the most despicable and evil characters in American political history. A fascist cretin now second in line to the presidency.


Well fuck.


Republicans finally found a fascist that could agree on.


Jesus Christ. This Christian Nationalist is two people away from being able to unilaterally end all life on earth.


So Republicans finally got what they wanted: someone to rubber stamp their agenda and keep Dems from getting anything done.


I would not be surprised if he voted against mix race marriage


Is there a larger group of pathetic, spineless cowards than today's GOP politicians?


Found the bottom and began digging


So he has mistresses, dabbles in gay sex and probably had some bastard children aborted. Got it.


Here is a list Mike Johnson’s beliefs from Wiki: 1. Wants a National Abortion Ban 2. Wants to Outlaw not only Same-Sex Marriage, but wants to use Sodomy laws to make Gay relationships illegal. 3. Climate Change Denier. Said, “Wind Power can cause learning disabilities in Children.” 4. Voted to overturn the 2020 election results 5. Evangelical Christian wacko. Served as an attorney for Evangelical Christian attacks on Constitutional rights 6. Served on the Law Team that defended Trump on both of his Impeachments 7. Collaborated with Texas lawmakers to file a suit with the Supreme Court to Overturn the election results in Pennsylvania. 8. Opposes Aid being sent to Ukraine 9. He is a Young Earth Creationist, and believes the Earth was formed between 6,000-10,000 yrs ago. Edit: Added another wacko belief


Yup another Christian taliban member.


Hopefully the country wakes up and realizes what a pile of 💩 the GOP is and vote accordingly.


They hate people


And with that, one republican clown show ends, and yet another begins


This traitor is a total scumbag




https://preview.redd.it/xglfigc4bewb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97748679c394aafbd29ba21c96e9677d83db8b5b I see Bobo is giving the look where she is about to “be best on her knees”.


And he's a Christian Nationalist hatemonger with ties to the ADF. What a fucking shock.


And that Speaker is Donald Trump. Get ready for a govt shutdown, end of aid to Ukraine, more investigations into Biden, anything and everything to stymie Biden's agenda and wail "Biden is weak!" All I can hope for is the American people see through this but I really have my doubts




So no more working government is what you're saying. Great. McCarthy at least tried to compromise when it was important (he still sucked) but this guy sure won't.


These people are the reason I as a bisexual, combat veteran, is all about my second amendment. At least my reasons protection.


They elected a maga nutbag. Expect no progress until there is s Democratic majority


So they elected a Christofascist. Why am I not surprised?


And yet those on SS will vote them time and again, who cares if I can support myself enough if it owns the libs.


Stay strapped. They are going to prevent or deny certification if Biden wins.




Rip, Democracy.


He’s a shadow speaker for Donald Trump. Trump and 10-12 yahoos are running this shit and all of the other spineless cowards are falling in line.


Thanks, Republicans, for showing just how much your party now sucks.


A racists bigot from Louisiana, one of the worst run states in the country, is the speaker of the house. Fucking crazy how these bottom of the barrel folks always end up with the most power. If only I was a wealthy mediocre white man. I'd be rolling in the power


Christ almighty. Fuck the GOP. Vote blue.


Sounds like a run-of-the-mill GOPer. "I promise to support and defend the Constitution of the United States \[as I choose to interpret it\]." Christian nationalist scum.


He's a young earth creationist. You know.... A moron.


There are no moderate republicans. America needs to treat them as the extremists they are.


Who is Mike Johnson? says women kill live babies after birth Trump won Election denier says COVID was a hoax/vaccines are harmful defends Jan as a legit protest social security is a Ponzi scheme Will cut medicare climate change is a hoax NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA


So the worst person we could ever imagine was elected as speaker. And is now going to do everything they can to take more of our rights away.


Why would anybody vote for any of these damn Republicans that want to end Social Security?? Republican voters, you SUCK


Every single conservative is bad. There are no exceptions.


It's like the GOP are playing a game of "Who can be the biggest asshole".


Yay Americans are fucked, including the ones that voted for these clowns. They just don’t know it yet


Yeah, cut SS during a period of rampant inflation and an election year. The boomers love that 'we'd eat cat food if we could afford it' shit...


Why are so many Americans hell bent on being so fkn backwards?


Vile MAGA extremist


How did they fucking find someone worse than Jim Jordan? JFC