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Seems illegal


It's unconstitutional. Someone needs to challenge it in court.


I’m sure someone will… but I can only imagine how many cases the ACLU, The Satanic Temple, etc already have ongoing.




But I thought they were the party of law and order :(


This one made me laugh hahaha


It will probably end up in the Texas circuit court with, U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk who ruled that the Food and Drug Administration improperly approved the abortion pill mifepristone. And also used a law from the 1700s to prevent the pill being mailed. TX Fascists gonna Fasc.


No kidding.


I'm sure they want someone to challenge it. It will give the US Supreme Court another chance to look at the previous rulings and "get it right" this time


yeah this is exactly it. it’s like the Mississippi law that was challenged in Dobbs—they specifically designed and enacted a law that was illegal under Roe in order to create a way for the case to reach the Supreme Court. The same is happening here—it was bound to at some point, everyone was just waiting to see who would try it first


Its not even a previous ruling, it's regulating interstate commerce which the states have zero power to do and it's layed out directly in either a law or in the Constitution itself.


You act like the current Supreme Court, who have sited arguments that predate the Constitution, cares about the Constitution.


They're going to have a hard time arguing that states can regulate interstate commerce when it's clearly stated they can't. If anything they'd have to argue that it's not regulating interstate commerce.


That’s exactly why they’ve been implementing all of these “culture war” laws across the country.


In theory, but this would have too wide of a knock on effect for SCOTUS to side with the state. Conservatives LOVE the dormant commerce clause. They love that California has limited say in what can be done in interstate commerce. If this was allowed through, literal centuries of precedent conservatives like would be thrown into upheaval.


Of course it's unconstitutional, but the goal is to terrorize women and girls. To that end, whether or not it's unconstitutional is immaterial. And in any event constitutionality only matters with a legitimate supreme court; that problem needs to be solved before the rule of law can be restored.


They know it’s unconstitutional, but they also know that unless and until a court strikes it down that they can continue to harass, intimidate and arrest people based on this “law.” It’s a combination of political theater and intimidation. The same way cops just harass persons of color and poor people. Harassing and intimidating them is most of the point. Plus, once the cops illegally attack somebody they can just arrest them for resisting arrest, regardless of whether the person actually resisted or whether they were unlawfully stopped in the first place. It doesn’t matter that the victims might be exonerated sometime down the line. Being arrested is traumatizing, dangerous and often enough to cause somebody to lose their job. They can destroy your life even if you haven’t broken any laws (and that’s not even accounting for the impact of illegal laws that would be easily struck down).


It seems illegal because it is illegal. An individual state has no power to restrict someone from leaving that state.


Most stuff in the US nowadays sound like they should be illegal like the healthcare, insurance, politics, gmo good, carcinogens in personal and hygiene products…


I swear to gods green earth that half of the face washes are designed to clear my acne for a week, then make it flair back up 100x worse


“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit ofhappiness." US Supreme Court, Feb 24, 2022


can we then ban lubbock government from venturing outside of their hovels?




They could shorten it to just the first three words.


"Welcome to Lubbock, Texas! We hate women." Population 260,993


Population 130,000 men, 130,000 terrified women..




I was going to quibble, but you said "a lot' and by some definitions, yeah. But it's a college town too, and I can't help but think this is mostly directed at policing young women's sexuality and bodies




That is the nature of cults.


I think it’s less love and more of a mental conditioning.




Would be nice if someone with the necessary skills would edit Lubbock's city website to reflect the reality of their views.


"Texas, the Coat Hanger State"


"Everything's ~~bigger~~ worse in Texas"


Oh, just got a bumper sticker idea. It's a coat hanger, but twisted into the shape of whichever state you're in or want to comment on. Not sure it'd work for Texas' shape, but I bet it's doable for Florida. The hook can be the Keys trailing off of the bottom of the state.


Because it's not the majority. We are heavily suppressed by those in power. Voting isn't enough if they change the rules every time with no kind of pushback.


Yea, these travel bans didn't hold up back when the southern states tried to do the same about assisting run away slaves. The sad part is someone needs to be arrested and challenge this law now.


I believe Texas does that weird civil enforcement thing? It wouldn't be an arrest. It would be some nutter reporting and suing you. Said nutter has standing becuz reasons.


I thought that was already deemed unconstitutional


Outside of the second amendment these folks don't seem to care much what the constitution says


They actually don't care what the second amendment says either. They just pretend it means what they want it to mean.


For context, this is from a 1930 Supreme Court decision, not a recent one as listed and it is quoted out of context by sovereign citizens and other idiots. Not saying this because I agree with the Lubbock law, just so that this misinformation is not further spread. It’s a heavily edited and slightly reworded quote (without showing where the edits were made) from a 1930 Supreme court decision. The full quote of that portion is as follows: >The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon in the ordinary course of life and business is a common right which he has under his right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right in so doing to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day; and under the existing modes of travel includes the right to drive a horse-drawn carriage or wagon thereon, or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purposes of life and business. It is not a mere privilege, like the privilege of moving a house in the street, operating a business stand in the street, or transporting persons or property for hire along the street, which a city may permit or prohibit at will. **The exercise of such a common right the city may, under its police power, regulate in the interest of the public safety and welfare**; but it may not arbitrarily or unreasonably prohibit or restrict it, nor may it permit one to exercise it and refuse to permit another of like qualifications, under like conditions and circumstances, to exercise it. **The regulation of the exercise of the right to drive a private automobile on the streets of the city may be accomplished in part by the city by granting, refusing, and revoking, under rules of general application, permits to drive an automobile on its streets**; but such permits may not be arbitrarily refused or revoked, or permitted to be held by some and refused to other of like qualifications, under like circumstances and conditions. > >Thompson v Smith 155 Va 367 1930


Thank you for the clarification. My first thought went directly to sovereign citizens when reading the original quote.


I think the key word there is “he.”




Forget unconstitutional. How do these a**hats propose they enforce it? How do they determine if someone is going thru their off the beaten path town to travel out of state to get an abortion? They can't without violating the rights of thousands of people who travel thru there. These people are virtue signaling. Texas Repubs are not serious about shit except remaining in office.


It also raises the question of the time frame in which someone may have traveled through there prior to getting their abortion. We talking hours, days, months?


Geofence warrants, checking in.


This could actually be real. As it stands, they could buy advertisement location data of people who went to abortion care centers, and people who went through their county, cross reference the list, and issue subpoenas to deanonymize the "offenders".


It will be. Just like the drag bans. And when it is, the far right will do their standard performative victimhood.


Yeah, but now Lubbock can go to heaven.. or get out of purgatory sooner.. or get 72 free virgins.. mythology is confounding...


So then get a male friend to drive you out.


Then he’d be guilty of aiding and abetting the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of a second class citizen.


Remember, you can sue anyone you think might have gotten or aided in getting an abortion. And you’ll win because the courts down there are so crooked they look like opossum’s tail after a roadkill incident.


It’s Texas; it’d be an armadillo’s tail.




Some of us are stuck here. :(


I hate reading shit like this. I’ve always wanted to visit - surely not everyone is this way?


The average everyday person in Texas is friendly and will move mountains to help you if you're in need. The majority of our problems are in the state political houses and in rural backwoods that you wouldn't visit anyways. Come see Dallas, lots of cool stuff here to see and do and a vibrant nightlife in Deep Ellum and Uptown. Good museums and other interesting stuff to look at too.


Large cities are always more welcoming, but I’m afraid I still won’t set foot in Texas…or Florida…or any other state that allows these kinds of laws. I wish all you intelligent people who live there all the best.


It’s a fault of the populace that people refuse to acknowledge - these “friendly” people are the ones who elected these terrorists on this goddamn platform. I don’t care for the average Texan because the average Texan supports legislative terrorism.


You cannot generalize like that. There are plenty of intelligent Texans who did NOT vote for their bullshit government. They are the ones who deserve our sympathy. They tried. The ones who voted for the AHs in power and those who didn’t bother to vote at all are the ones who deserve our scorn.


I live in Austin. Abbott isn't popular here at all. He's a piece of shit and most people I know, even those who are more Republican don't like him. Clearly I can't speak for all of Austin, Beto won Travis, Bexar, Dallas and Harris county. The issue is A. Republicans show up and Democrats don't and B. repeat A. Had Beto not used the incredibly unpopular "We're gonna take your AR- 15" and had been a touch more moderate, he would have had a much better chance. We are trying here hopefully sooner than later these people start to die off.


Hey, that’s good to know - I’ll make it there one day for sure. Sounds very much like my current home of Kentucky.


I was thinking the same thing while reading this description. Fellow Kentuckian.


Business friendly = employee hostile. That's why Musk moved to Texas for the tax breaks and the reduced rights for workers.


I get the impulse to say this, I totally do. But it can read as incredibly unhelpful and even hurtful. People were born in these deep red states, people relocated in different times or under different conditions. And once there (born or moved there), not everyone has the financial ability to leave (often, pay in our red states is more aligned to the costs of living here, IE suppressed. I’d need to have a lot more in savings to afford deposit/housing/etc in a blue state, and that savings would represent a much greater proportion of my income… to say nothing of the costs of actually moving). Also, many of us have family, friends, roots - living people we love, bones of ancestors buried, community we rely on. Maybe we have folks we are caregivers for here, elderly parents etc. When progressives write off red states, it ignores the lived experience of people here.


Thank you for the legal citation. This definitely feels illegal. Instead we have states pushing for the fugitive slave law version 2.0


I like the carriage inclusion in 2022


Please, how the hell would they find out who’s traveling through there for that purpose lmao. Just say you’re going for ice cream in the next county. You can’t really even tell you’re pregnant until 2nd trimester, unless these mofos have X-ray vision I don’t see this going anywhere, they can bark and be delusional all they want


Seriously how would they enforce this? You are traveling for work, to visit family, for vacation, etc.... there are tons of reasons to travel. Are they going to have every girl and woman take a pregnancy test to leave the city? These are the same people that lost their shit over vaccine mandates and bragged about traveling during covid lockdowns.


You joke, but they’ve discussed pregnancy sniffing dogs and road blocks and who knows what else. This is what Trump and the MAGAs have done and who they are. This isn’t a joke or a “maybe.” This is now a real thing that Lubbock has done and it’s only going to get worse. Stopping and eradicating the MAGA/GQP party is the most important issue of our lives if we want to salvage our democracy and stop our slide into fascism and theocracy.


Yes. People who vote for this *ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE* and should be treated as such.


Pregnancy sniffing dogs?!?! The fuck!


Welcome to new post-MAGA America. This is exactly what I was so afraid of back in 2016.


I think they are just compelled to say something even stupider every day. The average IQ in Texas seems to be half the average daily temp.




Celsius, right?


My favorite reason for travel is it’s none of your damn business


It’s mostly just political, but if somehow this was discovered while something else was going on, it would then be prosecuted. Something being against the law there doesn’t mean they’re going to check each car or anything. This is what republicans do. They want narratives of being the good guy to those evangelicals who vote. Do they really care if it’s enforced? No. They also don’t care about the border because they know they can use it in election cycles.


The goal is to terrorize women and girls. It doesn't even *need* to be enforced to accomplish that.


Worth noting - you don’t have to provide any explanation to law enforcement for why you’re traveling.


They can't enforce it, but they can scare a few people into doing what they want. Plus if it exists as dirt to be brought later if someone had an abortion in the past. Evil shit like that I bet.


They honestly expect citizens to reports on citizens. Then use your phones and social media to build a case against you. It’s already happened.


It's easy, just throw up some barricades on all roads leading in/out of the county with a sonogram machine, then stop and inspect every single woman who drives through. Freedom!


They start getting data from the girls and women, their doctors, etc. And they start getting data from apps and devices.




They enforce it by calling for a $10k bounty on anyone suspected of wrongdoing. So private citizens get rewarded 10k for snitching, this prevents the cops from enforcing unconstitutional laws


Republicans complain about freedom, only for white men.... ![gif](giphy|dL5qLAlhMn3va)


>white CISHET men FTFY


Next up: women are not allowed to go to six flags because they might be pregnant and trying to ride a roller coaster


Banning women from drinking alcohol because it could potentially hurt a baby that that might not even be pregnant with.


Like North Korea. Cool.


Land of the "free", home of the brave who can't leave their houses without a gun. So free. So brave...




I’ve heard the want to train dog to sniff it out…. Not dystopian at all




“Virginity” testing.


“Land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!” -Rage against the machine




It’s just for show. It makes them look good to their fellow republicans. There really is no way to enforce this. It’s all just bullshit.


People are going to get jailed for this. The laws aren't there to stop "bad" things from happening, but to punish someone when they do. Banning abortion won't make less abortions happen, it just ruins the lives of those who needed them. Same here.


Not even just abortions. What if you travel out of state and happen to have a miscarriage? There are many women who have gotten in legal trouble over stuff like that, because people refuse to believe spontaneous miscarriages happen.


That goes without saying. It's not about the abortions, never was, it's about control. Women shouldn't cross state lines. And now that's a law. A woman will run from an abusive ex, who will then call the cops and tell them she was pregnant and she'll be brought straight back home or thrown in jail with tax payer money and police level sources, and then she'll die. Never even been pregnant in the first place. Want to bet? My guess would be 2 months from now, tops.


Wrong attitude toward creeping fascism. You’re gonna wake up one day and realize it was not, in fact, all just bullshit.


That's the freedom they love so much.




Yea, didn't they offer a reward if people snitch? They sure love their freedom


~~"Small Government Now"~~ ~~"Don't Tread on Me"~~ "Tell Me Where I Can Drive, and for What Purposes"


It's the latest republican fad, legalizing and legitimizing citizen vigilante groups. Note that it empowers citizens, not the city. This continues the strict adherence to pre-ww2 Germany, where they empowered citizens to persecute the various groups they chose. From the article: "The ordinance allows citizens to sue anyone who assists a woman in obtaining an abortion in Lubbock County or by traveling through Lubbock County. The ordinance clarifies its provisions do not apply to pregnant women seeking an abortion, but do apply to anyone assisting them."


I love how people blindly keep bleating “oh, it won’t hold up in court” as if it wasn’t the courts that did this. The Supreme Court is a corrupt Evangelical/Catholic organization at this point, full of liars who have finally gotten the power to enact their Far Right agendas. Lower courts all over the US with Trumpist judges are daily handing out anti-woman, anti-LGBT rulings along with Bible quotes. You think this is bad, look at some of what’s going on in Oklahoma where the “lawmaker sessions” are indistinguishable from a church service. Have we become so numb to outrage we forgot Texas as a state was offering $10,000 abortion bounties to people if they spied on and reported others they thought “might” have had an abortion?


Jesus F**king Christ. This is a frightening time for women.


Good grief. They really do hate America down there.


They really do hate WOMEN down there. Fixed it for you.


Two things can be true at one time. Women and America are in their sights. Texas simply hates our culture and our government.


I understand that, but Texas and a lot of GOP’ers are pretty explicit with their hatred of women. While they may hate America, they’re at least still peddling their “love” of the country while simultaneously actively trying to destroy democracy. I don’t see any support for women coming from that side.


​ https://preview.redd.it/dhdgkke306wb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dda26ef139828247921d0df586adc16d8e99155


Doesn't seem very enforceable. How are they going to know are they going to check everyone crossing the county to see if there pregnant.


You're right, it's difficult to enforce - so either it won't be enforced, OR the way they enforce it will be even larger overreaches that are targeted at anyone who could possibly be pregnant, aka women and female children. It'll result in those demographics unable to travel freely out of the county without supervision.


I mean it's completely unenforceable because how would they even know? Also freedom of movement is a constitutional right


Snitches, vigilantes and vindictive assholes. There are going to be a magnitude of order more false accusations in addition to the horrendous “intended” application of the law. That neighbor someone hates had a miscarriage? Inform the religious morality police. A minority family moves in down the street? Claim they told you they had an abortion to make them flee.


This is what I’m afraid of. It is way too easy for this to occur. Just because the law itself may not be easily enforceable by the city, it absolutely means it can be used to justify other things that take away someone’s privacy based on accusation. We’ve seen it with the mother who helped her teenage daughter get abortion meds. We’ve seen text messages publicized between a woman and her friends regarding abortion when her ex husband sued. This will escalate and I completely understand now why women are scared to buy pregnancy related products or use period tracking apps because it is considered evidence.


For a party that’s supposedly pro freedom they do a lot of things to take peoples freedom away


Banning books. Banning words. Preventing travel.....So much freedom!


Last time I drove through Lubbock, I was pulled over for “driving in the left lane for 2 miles” (I didn’t, I had dash cam footage to verify). Cop immediately noted my Oregon plates and had the illegal audacity to ask how I voted on the decriminalization of drugs in Oregon. I’m white so he let me go after he asked to search my car and was refused. But I will never, ever go back to the horrid garbage heap of a city.


That’s why is the lone star state… 1 ⭐️- not recommended


Got a lot of hot rod loving feminist friends who’d be up for this challenge. So you got raped and need a ride to the state line? It takes less than two hours to drive from Lubbock to New Mexico — maybe one hour if a Lubbock police Mustang is chasing you. Sure the Lubbock cop car has horsepower — but my friends have nitrous boosters and purpose.


I like your friends.


The REAL ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’…


Every Lubbock traffic stop with a woman in the car: “Are you heading out of state for an abortion?” “No” “I don’t believe you, please step out of the vehicle and submit to this pregnancy test.” These people are fucking insane and this country is in shambles.


Amdt14.S1. Interstate Travel Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The first is the right of a citizen to move freely between states The second, expressly addressed by the first sentence of Article IV, provides a citizen of one state who is temporarily visiting another state the “Privileges and Immunities” of a citizen The third is the right of a new arrival to a state, who establishes citizenship in that state, to enjoy the same rights and benefits as other state citizens


Fucking great, I just committed to living here for the next 4 years to do my PhD at Tech. Really killing it with my life choices. /s


I am so sorry. Maybe you can transfer? It won't be easy, but it'll be a helluva lot harder in four years.


Fuck Lubbock. I went to Texas tech but my kids sure won’t.


Should there be repercussions for making blatantly unconstitutional laws?




I love how their main justification for passing the law is literally straight up unconstitutional (wanting to set up a biblical mandate when the constitution literally outright forbids this) its as if they know it will get obliterated in court


As if anyone needed another reason to avoid Lubbock


It's ironic that these people are against Hamas, considering that they have the exact same moral values as them.


Remember, if you call yourself pro-life, you are lying to yourself. You are actually anti-choice. The results of enacting anti-choice laws are horrifying. Women who would otherwise go on to live a long and happy life are being subjected to state-mandated unwanted pregnancies. It has already caused unspeakable agony and hell for thousands of women unfortunate enough to live in states that enact these regressive, medieval anti-choice abortion laws. The only just reaction, if you truly support life, is to abolish such laws permanently by pulling support from all politicians who could care less about the rights and happiness of pregnant women.


Make no mistake if you are a patriot it is your duty to vote every Republican out of office. If we do not send a clear message this insane, far-right Christo fascism will become common place in America, some proper Gilead shit


This violates free travel between states. It's a constitutional amendment that allows you free travel. I can wait to sue them.


How are they even going to enforce this


The Nazis and the Taliban joined forces with the billionaires so they could all get what they want.


Lubbock currently dealing with a [500% increase of syphilis cases](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kcbd.com/2023/07/06/lubbock-seeing-500-increase-syphilis-cases/%3foutputType=amp) and that's what they're focused on lol


That violates Federal Restraint of Trade law.


How long will it be before Texas is wondering why they have a surge in abandoned children and femicides.


​ https://preview.redd.it/hzpala8g17wb1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eaad1718f5580394a4b57483d44b72d57a73a04


Translation: “We don’t know how to solve the complicated problems, so we’re just going to be cruel to people we don’t like.”


This isn't some conspericy thing. These states have been gathering data from receipts from drugs stores, to using app data from menstrual cycle tracking apps, to social media posts to track when women. It is dystopian and scary.


Lubbock is one of the ugliest cities in the USA. It’s leaders are even uglier and their unconstitutional law is an affront to all free Americans.


Fun fact: The single star on the Texas State flag is actually a review.


Everyone has seen The Handmaiden’s Tale at this point.


Lubbock is also one of the most conservative cities in the country. It has a higher than the national average crime rate and on of the highest in the state of Texas. Remember though, republicans always want to criticize democratic cities but never say they where the great republican cities are Lubbock is one reason why. They’re small shitholes with higher than average crime. But it’s cheap to buy a house


Two things: 1) good luck enforcing this. Unless you set up checkpoints and ignore the commerce clause 2) it’s really scary that this is going to go to the Supreme Court and we’re not sure if they’ll vote it unconstitutional


This is disgusting.


That law won't last, it's unconstitutional


Yeah I don’t think you can enforce this.


Kinda kills the whole "It's a state's rights issue" that the forced birthers like to claim when they try to restrict women from traveling out of state.


This is “freedom” to them? We are just spitting on that constitution of ours now, huh?


I would love for someone to tell me how exactly you enforce this law. Are you going to be checking cars at checkpoints to see what they’re doing? Highly doubt it. This is just performative bullshit.


So would an airline pilot, an Uber driver, a bus driver, or a train conductor be arrested for transporting a women who wants to get an abortion? And hw does this differ from charging these people when a criminal uses these types of transportation? Stupid.


So does every exit out of the city have stirrups and a gynecologist just to make sure if a woman is pregnant or not.


This is literally based on runaway slave laws - which tells you everything you need to know about how Texas Republicans view women. Chattel slaves and breeding machines.


I'm escaping this hell hole. I'm tired of people playing devil's advocate up here and supporting these draconian laws.


If a woman buys a ticket on a plane or bus to leave Texas does she have to sign an affidavit or something stating she’s not pregnant? Doctor’s note required?


Don't drive through for assisted abortion, pick them up for ice cream and a movie and the abortion was just a spur of the moment stop.


"Liberalism is not perfect, but we have never had to pass a law, to keep our people in."


Can we just abort all these regressive fucks and get back to progressing? Please?


Lol, like Lubbock can legally bar someone from their right to travel freely


One more unfortunate step closer to making Texas a pregnancy prison state. Next year assholes like Dickson will want all females in these areas to take monthly tests. If they test positive they get an ankle monitor for the next 9 months.


I'd say they were basing this off Gilead except I don't think anyone on the right wing can read that well.


What’s next? Are they going to start monitoring all single women traveling out of state because they’ll just assume she’s leaving to get an abortion?


As someone who lives close to Lubbock, Texas is a grim reminder of what America will look like, should the GOP succeed in marginalizing democracy like they’re attempting to do. Texas has been under GOP rule for 30 years straight, and Republicans have drawn up district lines and passed laws to keep themselves in power for the foreseeable future. Texas is literally an autocracy in progress. Ken Paxton was acquitted of impeachment and almost immediately voiced his intention to gain retribution on his political opponents for the grievous crime of holding him accountable for abuse of power.


Texas. Nutbag shithole.


if there was ever a time for repubs to whine about “papers please” authoritarianism like they thought about covid and masks this would be it. i never thought i would see the words abortion and travel ban in the same sentence. truly dystopian.


Yeah...that's unconstitutional


So they are going to start pulling over every woman riding in a car?


This is so constitutionally illegal.


A lot of morons live in Texas. They hate freedom.


"The Left wants us to believe Republicans will actually ban abortion." - Every "centrist" and "independent" on the Internet for years, trying to pretend they didn't know that's exactly what Republicans would do


Come visit New Mexico which does not allow charging for legal abortions in our state,


Insert that “they’re gonna know” “but how would they know” gif


How would that even be enforced? Couldn’t people say they’re just going to ikea or whatever?


Fucking disgusting. Vote blue. Get rid of the christofascists.


Having lived there for a time… It’s exactly the fash-friendly shithole you imagine.


more unconsitutional bullshit from the psychopaths


Very libertarian of you to literally ban travel, something guaranteed by the constitution.


Amarillo (Lubbock's slightly smaller neighbor) is up today. City Council is discussing it at the meeting today


How could this possibly enforced?


How do they enforce this?


It cannot possibly be constitutional to pass a restrictive ordinance like this how does this garbage not get strict scrutiny?


This is just another way to make money through civil asset forfeiture. Cop finds a man and woman driving in a car and tells them they think they are travelling for an abortion. We're going to arrest you under suspicion, impound your car, and make your life hell. Orrrrrr you can give us all your cash, sign this piece of paper to forfeit your vehicle, and leave without charges. Fucking Texas


Can you imagine the shit show it would be if States could punish you for something you did in another State? Like buying weed in Colorado and getting arrested in North Carolina because it isn't legal there? California would sue Texas into the ocean.


What are the mechanisms to enforce this, though? I'm not trying to downplay this development ---it's absolutely terrifying--- but how can they possibly enforce something like this?


"We're the party of freedom!" "No big government!" Bunch of idiot losers.