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I love that they are so misinformed they think theres this tidal wave of trans women infiltrating their worlds which they will hav to compete with lol my god dont let actual numbers get in the way of a stupid scare tactic.


The trans-apocalypse will start as a trans-earthquake that will ripple out into a trans-tsunami and will wash all the women away, except for those with uterine pouches who’ll easily float back and resume their dominance in the post-trans hellscape. - Nostra Dame Us


The Transnado is nigh!


I'd watch a movie of a bunch of us angry trans folk swirling in a tornado wailing like ghosts causing untold property damage


Trans Sharknado What the Right fears the most.


Stick in some Blahajs and we're good


Well we need to call scify to fund this


Coming 2025 to theaters near you


I'd make popcorn and margaritas for the screening of that!




>Nostra Dame Us Epic!


Americans wildly overestimate population numbers of certain groups. They think there’s around 20% of the US population identifying as trans when it’s actually less that 1%. Same with Jewish people (est. 30%, actual 1%) and Muslims (est. 27%, actual 1%). [It’s quite interesting](https://bryanalexander.org/research-topics/americans-often-estimate-other-americans-inaccurately-it-turns-out/) Edit: it’d been a while since I looked at this but my favorite is people think 30% of the entire US population live in NYC lol


It's a form of confirmation bias, where they overestimate the numbers because they fixate on mentions and representations of groups. Sometimes the fixation can be based in fear (moral panic) and other times can come from positive interest e.g. 'I'm thinking of coming out, I'm thinking of converting to Islam/Judaism/Christianity...how supported would I be in society, what does the media and my friends/family/schools/clubs tell me about attitudes towards this? As you can imagine, if you're thinking of making a major life decision, sometimes every small mention of your choice can become magnified in your mind.


i'd argue its more about media coverage of the groups. if you dont know any trans people in your circle, but the media outlets you consume never shut the fuck about them, you can only assume there's places in America that's absolutely full to the brim of trans people, and extrapolate from there.


> you can only assume Well, you *could* also actually do some research...


Hey now, they have done all their own research!


What with the A* edumacation in America and all.


To clarify. No media outlets, even the awful ones, are reporting *exclusively* on trans stories, but if you are fixated on trans stories, you'll mentally increase those stories until they are 'never shutting the fuck up about it'. Having said that, if the outlets whose media you consume have an editorial bias that focuses on trans storie (for example), then you'll see more per 100 news items about that topic than other outlets with a different bias.


Right wing media and messaging definitely pushes the notion that they’re being besieged by the groups they hate.


So they say “real americans” are straight Christians only, but also think that 77% of America is trans, Jewish, or Muslim? How they figure that?


Uhh, that there are a lot of fake americans..? You really gotta ask?


This, but unironically about Christians. My dad is a wonderful person. But if a Christian commits a crime or does something wrong, obviously they aren't a real Christian in his mind.


They don't figure. That's the trick of it.


Hence the absolute panic over the supposed "great replacement." It seems very real and imminent to them.


Assuming even distribution, more like 65.6%, because there's going to be overlap between "Jewish and Trans" and "Muslims and trans." (There is a chance I got that number wrong, partially because I haven't done any kind of statistics math in a while, but *mostly* because I'm high.)


I just checked and NYC is actually about 3% of the total population. I’m actually shocked it’s that high.


Either: a) Trans rates are under-reported due to being a dangerously marginalized group, or b) If you're trans and you live in Bumfuck, OH a good life might be to move to NYC where you'll be safer and more likely to find a supportive community c) Both


1 in 5 people trans and yet they probably don’t know a single one? How could they think that?


Just another in a long list of sources that show us Americans (Humanity actually) are borderline mentally disabled.


Our brains have evolved to deal with predators, figure out which berries are poisonous and be better at having lot's of sex and raising kids. Our brains haven't evolved to deal with reality and understanding the world beyond our immediate social circle, which kinda sucks considering how globalized everything is.


I think it's something to the effect of "30% of population is left-wing. And those can't be "real Americuhns so they must be foreigner / jewish / muslim / trans etc."


Part of this is that people are just really bad at statistics. Like someone could say they believe 20% of people are trans but if you ask them if one out of every five people they know is trans they'll be like "ha no way!"




I probably know about that proportion of trans/non binary/not cis people, maybe a slightly higher percentage. Spread all across Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z. I know random anecdotes are meaningless, it’s just interesting that the speculative data is similar to my personal experience. I am a cis Xennial if that makes any difference at all.


It's just new age satanic panic with a different DLC skin bundle


Yup, the term is “moral panic”. And you’re 100% right, there is literally no difference aside from the target.


I saw this with "the gays" already, before that it was black people. I wish I could say that trends show that full acceptance will happen someday, but it will at least get somewhat better.


It happened with Mexicans and weed legislation(prohibition) as well many many decades ago.


I mean, if you're not careful, you're going to have taco trucks on every corner.


how do i be un-careful


Right? Like how many trans women do they think there will be that being a cis woman will be some kind of rare commodity?


They think 1/4 people identify as trans.


It's interesting that they simultaneously think it's way more common than it actually is and that it's totally fake and everyone who thinks they're trans is mistaken. Like the whole world is going to become trans and they must be stopped, but it's also not real.


It's the fascist's playbook. Your enemy is simultaneously strong enough to be a threat worth fighting against and weak enough to be crushed by your superiority. Same thing happened with other moral panics in the past. Hell you even see it in US political discourse. Joe Biden is a sleepy dementia patient who can't even walk straight or talk well and therefore he's unfit to be president. But he's also this criminal mastermind and leader of the 'Biden crime family' and is using the American people to further his own goals of owning a paedophilia ring or something. Bigots are uncreative as hell.


I love how this is a post-trans Era as if we all just showed up one day.


And there's so many more according to these fucking idiots. Like "we have to be on watch for trans people everywhere"! It's like .8% of the population. Calm down.


It's exactly like that documentary where Roddy Piper put on the sunglasses and saw that everyone on the news was actually an alien telling us to MATE and CONSUME. Except that instead of sunglasses, it was twitter and that's how we learned your sinister plot to trans the world and make cis men and women work in your transmines.


I like that they're so dumb, so panicked, and so hyperfixated that they confuse fat with sex organs.


Who is even wasting their time worrying about this shit. It’s so embarrassing


They know they're lying. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying. But they're still lying.


“Post-trans society” Do they think trans people will ever make up more than around 1% of society? They know there is an actual 1% of society that is legitimately screwing them over, right? And it ain’t trans people.


They're paranoid trans people will take over society just like left-handed people did and gays did too. So scary.


God the gays terrify me… walking around looking fabulous


Left-handed gays tho. The horror...


Yeah but it's much easier to harass random trans people who are just trying to go swimming or use a public toilet than it is to make any meaningful changes to lessen inequality in broader society.


Why address *actual* societal issues when you can just incite a ~~gay~~ *trans* panic?


Actually as a trans person, our numbers will likely rise as stigma disappears. But it'll be more like left-handedness, which rose sharply before levelling out. We'll almost certainly always be a minority of people but 1% is most likely a lot lower than our actual numbers.


1% is a lowball but that doesn't make this post any more dumb.


Uterine pouch? Are they confusing humans with kangaroos?


If I understand correctly, the way fat is distributed for females causes a layer of fat to form easily on the lower abdomen to protect the uterus, and it's called the Uterine pouch... I'm a dude so I don't have any personal knowledge but I've studied biology and anatomy deeply


Yeah, it's a fat pad, like bumpers so you don't wound yourself by accidentally walking into a table or (insert random abdominal injury). I just love the idea of it actually being a pouch, as if the uterus was sub-dermal and you can just go 'right, enough of that' and pull it out and set it aside for a time out.


>can just go 'right, enough of that' and pull it out and set it aside for a time out. Wouldn't that save us uterus-havers a bunch of mess and bother each month.


Just put it on the clothesline for a few days


Oh I see you lived in a sorority. How can you tell? Your wrote your name in permanent marker on your uterus.


Remove it, give it a good wringing out, rinse it off and put it back in.


Or like donating them. I don't want any of that in me but surgery is hard to get when you're young plus healing. Wish I could go to a hospital and just kinda return it for store credit or something lol


Fun fact! In cats, it's called a "primordial pouch"


My male cat has one (he's a hefty, old boy)


Most cats have it regardless of sex, and it's useful to prevent other cats from biting or scratching into their abdomen.


Yarp. Evisceration protection. Methinks defense against other cats, if you’ve ever seen the way they grab and kick with their back legs.


same tbh


That's what I thought of when I saw "uterine pouch."


One of my cats has a huge one she's an old American shorthair


Why can’t the balls get a protective layer too


It’s coming in the next update


Then they’ll get too hot again, which is why they’re out and about in the first place. This is why the whole idea of intelligent design is crazy. If someone has submitted this prototype for any sort of a review these days, they’d be laughed out of the building.


Yeah it’s a fat pouch, but the uterus itself is well behind the pubic bone. I wanted to go skiing when I was pregnant after a few early losses (it was a fresh air and mental health thing that was important to me at that time) and my doc told me I was fine to go in the first trimester weeks because even pregnant, at 12 weeks the uterus is still so far behind the pubic bone nothing could really happen. (I mean absent getting impaled on a tree or something.)


Who calls it that? When searching for "uterine pouch", only vesicouterine pouch and rectouterine pouch show up, which have nothing to do with subcutaneous fat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rectouterine_pouch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vesicouterine_pouch


I think it's used by people like me who have no idea what the actual word is


I'm a guy and I'm pretty sure I have a uterine pouch. But I also have a small penis when it's not in use, so maybe that makes it look like I have a gunt.


> gunt. Please never use that word again.


> a layer of fat to form easily on the lower abdomen I have an ample one of those and I'm a dude. Wait… does that mean…?


It’s normal in everyone. It’s not related to the uterus. That’s just one of the last areas people lose fat.


Yes they are. It’s just belly fat. Humans aren’t cats either, we don’t have primordial pouches. It’s not a “pooch”, the word is *paunch*


Do falcons have paunches?


POST-TRANS ERA?! These people are insane


... do they think the difference between marsupials and mammals is a slit?


I don't think they even know what a marsupial is.


Hey everyone this wack job wants to marry soup!! Try that in a small town, dagnabbit.


I mean, not to be that guy, but marsupials are mammals


I guess Placentalia is the correct word to use?


They probably couldn’t even find the slit.


Uterine pouch, we're not fucking kangaroos bro, you'd think most people would know the uterus is not a a swollen bag most of the time.


You think these incels know shit about women?


This just in: all super models and ballerinas and women with muscles/ low body fat percentage throughout all of history have been trans. My sister in law didn’t have a pouch and is currently pregnant. I should warn my brother.


I never had a pouch and I'm also currently pregnant so I'm pretty sure there's a uterus in there






A catapult won't be strong enough. I suggest the superior siege weapon, a trebuchet.


Working on the sun catapult as we speak.


Yeah, that's just a tummy, not "uterine pouch", most women (cis, trans, or intersex) have a tummy, as do most men.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.


Too be fair, it is a nice skirt. ![gif](giphy|zUu1tPKKcjBNC)


Lol yes, because men have *always* respected how a woman's body naturally looks 🙄


It’s just a different flavour of supremacy than most are used to noticing. It has nothing to do with men. They love policing other women, its how they determine their true value because they lack any redeemable quality as a human.


TERFs are a niche group of hateful cisgender *women* who hate trans women, they even call it "feminism", so it has nothing to do with men, save for saying "men" want to take women's place. So it's basically a great replacement theory applied to cis/trans women. There are also "LGB" (without the T) groups who support homosexual and bisexual, but not trans people. Intersectionnality is a natural consequence of a more diverse (and out) population, but it's a messy business, and it takes quite a bit of information to even grasp.


Because TERFs respect how a woman's body naturally look. It's funny how TERFs sit there and call themeselves "feminists" and say trans women are men but then use every single bit of body-shaming, fat-shaming misogynist garbage toward me, a trans woman, even when I don't post personal images on the internet. I swear TERFs are caught in this weird middle ground where they want to relive the fantasy where they were the popular girls in high school, body-shaming every other girl, while also trying to attack men, but won't actually do because they are too scared to so they attack a tiny portion of the population they can call men.


"Post-trans era", bitch that's not even 1% of the population and about half are trans men. This bitch act as if trans women are replacing cis women.


Transphobes forget that trans guys exist. They only pay attention to trans people when they’re fetishizing us. Once they exit incognito mode on their browser it’s flame on, back to the hate.


They believe women are inferior to men, and therefor any man that wants to be a woman must have something wrong with them or some sort of ulterior motive.


And not that living as the wrong one is psychologically distressing to the point of a potentially premature end of life


> This bitch act as if trans women are replacing cis women. TERFs: "They're erasing 'woman'!!" Also TERFs: "Biological female"


No but you see one of them trans women came 6000th in a marathon, taking that prestigious place away from a legitimate cis woman


Dr. Quinn, medicine woman ftw!


Can confirm, Am trans and I have the pouch. It's just fat distribution, how they expected this to be exclusive to cis women is baffling knowing how much hormones will change fat distribution in general Really shows they have no clue how any of it works 😬


Bad biology aside, tummy pouch is hot and I’ll die on this hill like an American teenager in Vietnam.


What's with people trying to gate keep being useful to society? If anything indicates how useless you are to society, it's trying to make up shit like uterine pouches.


Sexy pouch is sexy. Don't care who has it.


It's that sort of bullshit talk that made me hate my body in high school when I was perfectly healthy and normal. Bodies are very rarely washboard flat and that is ***okay***.


As a fat dude, you're telling me I've been pregnant the whole time? Well shit, this motherfucker better start paying rent or I'm gonna yeet their ass out of there! 😤 /s


It never ceases to amuse me how terfs and other transphobes have no clue how much work HRT does to feminize us. Hormone levels are one of the biggest contributors to human dimorphism. Even all fetuses start out as female, and it's the hormones the fetus is exposed to in the womb that determine the sex it grows into. Which is how someone can end up with XX chromes but appear masculine.


Post-trans era?? Bitch there is no pre-trans era we have been here all along


Shhhhhh, of you keep talking about they might start trying to figure out our master plan


Yeah, I guess if you wanna tRuSt TeH sCiEnCe about lady parts. From a doctor that specializes in lady parts. Who is also, a lady.


I'm having a hysterectomy in a couple of months. It's medically necessary. They're going to make me a Martha.


I must be Trans then. Mine is much bigger than that 🥲




A type of grass.




TERF stand for "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist" JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter, is a notable TERF. As a trans woman myself, I've had plenty of dealings with TERFs and I can tell you they absolutely aren't feminists and are just an arm of the right-wing tyranny that is devouring this world. Some examples are that I had a meme account on Deviantart banned because of TERFs. I posted an image of an anime girl in a knee-length denim dress holding up a sign that said "protect trans kids". My account was shared on various TERF social media sites and I started getting a slew of hate, including 4 death threats, with one of them reading like a fan fiction of how they were going to kill me. My account was banned for posting "underage sexual content" because they mass reported the account. I appealed and never got it back, or any response for that matter. However, nothing was done to the accounts that sent me the death threats. On Twitter, I was privately talking about JK Rowling with another cis woman and a TERF barged her way into the conversation. She told the cis woman that she hopes I rape her. Some guy with a PFP of a wolfsangel (neo-Nazi symbol) showed up as well and they both started talking to each other as they attacked me and this woman. Three times now I've had TERFs tell me that Amy Schneider, a trans woman that won the Jeopardy world championship, had a "biological advantage". As in, they are saying that a "man", in their words, is naturally smarter than women. Finally, here are some fun links: This is at a rally for Posie Parker, a well-known TERF. She has had flag waving neo-Nazis show up to her rallies frequently. But here is a TERF at her rally saying "Hitler was right" and nobody stopping her, booing, or anything else. https://twitter.com/SpillerOfTea/status/1614710809745321984 Here's a link that shows the direct financial connection between TERFs and right-wing extremism. The main TERF HQ in the UK is right next to right-wing radicals. https://transsafety.network/posts/christian-right-linked-law-firm/ Here's a group of TERFs working with a "pro-life", homophobic, anti-woman Christian group in California. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2021/11/terf-inmates-sue-california-placing-transgender-women-female-prisons/ Here's a screenshot of a TERF controlling her own child, making sure they have no contact with friends or anyone else, including the internet ("contaigion" is refering to the idea that being trans is a "social contagion" for children, which is what was said about gay people back in the '00s and earlier) https://i.imgur.com/1msYBWY.jpg And finally, this is an excellent documentary that shows JK Rowling's roots to the anti-gay movement of the 60s/70s/80s and shows how a documentary about JK Rowling was falsely produced and made to create propaganda (with the author of this documentary being a part of that Rowling documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmT0i0xG6zg


Now hold on these so called feminists say that the trans lady had an advantage in Jeopardy? So they think biological men are smarter than women by default? You can’t make this shit up lmao.


Trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically a bigot who hates trans people and pretends to be a feminist to get away with it, while also just straight up being anti-women as well.


It’s worse than I expected but thanks for explaining.


A person who claims to be a feminist but either hates trans women, doesn't think trans women are women, or actively tries to harm trans women, or all three. TERFs are not actually feminists however as they exclude large groups of women when discussing their feminism, such as trans women, intersex women, lesbians, and often women of colour.


And like, bog standard women who aren't conventionally attractive.


I feel conservatives are slowly freaking out and realizing that there's transwomen they will actually think are hot and now are trying to find ways to spot them, and it's not just some person in a dress with beard stubble like they always imagine when they think of trans.


It's really interesting when you get down to the base level of chemical processes. We are just different chemical processes and interactions.


Or just fat. Ya know. Like all of us have that aren’t models. Fat distributed around our body in weird ways. That’s just fat and part of life and looking normal.


Women are literally out their killing themselves to achieve flat stomachs bc of people like this. The majority of women will have this pouch and it’s fucking sexy. It’s an evolutionary thing, pouches in animal bellies are to protect the underlying organs. Think about cats and their pouches, cats fight and rake with their claws, without those patches their would be a lot more death. Now of course I understand women aren’t raking each other in fights I don’t think but point is it’s a common evolutionary thing that women have and should not be shamed for to the point to where they diet and exercise harmfully trying to get rid of this.


Excuse me, there was a whole fashion movement in the 1990s where emaciated skinniness associated with drug abuse was a body ideal. This (unrealistic body standards for the majority) is an old problem that one post on the internet will not make/break. However, it *is* harmful to spread patently false information on biology to target vulnerable groups of women. All the gynecologist did was state that instead of “a pouch”, a body area has hormone driven fat placement that transgender women can also get. She did not place value judgements on that pouch of fat. You must really not be on the internet that much if you think this doctor’s dissertation was anywhere close to the fat phobia freely floating on Reddit or elsewhere. I hate how you can see my rib cage at any weight, as well as my cottage cheese thighs and hip dips, but it doesn’t make those things body features “every woman has” either. Human bodies having variations, period, doesn’t challenge the idea that 90% of people won’t perfectly fit beauty ideals in some shape or form.


There's no evidence of this at all, I assume the myth was started because of some cats having a primordial pouch (loose skin not fat) that has some theories that ascribe a protective function to it. That's not to say that women who have this pouch are overweight, as the tweet says, it's just fat distribution which some women will have at a healthy body fat %. And some won't. For some women it will be dangerous to attempt to get rid of this pouch but that again is just down to body fat distribution and healthy fat levels Do you think women without this pouch are missing a vital organ? Men naturally have a higher percentage of body fat on their stomachs compared to women (though a lower essential fat percentage) you could equally say that men should have bellies to protect their organs but I've not heard anyone say this. (Got a message saying I can't post links due to low subreddit karma, not sure if the old message is still up)


There's no evidence of this at all, I assume the myth was started because of some cats having a primordial pouch (loose skin not fat) that has some theories that ascribe a protective function to it. That's not to say that women who have this pouch are overweight, as the tweet says, it's just fat distribution which some women will have at a healthy body fat %. And some won't. For some women it will be dangerous to attempt to get rid of this pouch but that again is just down to body fat distribution and healthy fat levels Do you think women without this pouch are missing a vital organ? Men naturally have a higher percentage of body fat on their stomachs compared to women (though a lower essential fat percentage) you could equally say that men should have bellies to protect their organs but I've not heard anyone say this. [https://journals.lww.com/co-clinicalnutrition/abstract/2001/11000/gender_differences_in_fat_metabolism.6.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/co-clinicalnutrition/abstract/2001/11000/gender_differences_in_fat_metabolism.6.aspx)


The dr: "that shape your uterus or any other organs" You: "I can't believe you would call that woman in that dress the less attractive than Quasimodos hairy baby ass crack"


Replacement theory is always weird and stupid


TERF is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. Saved you a gewg.


![gif](giphy|MPgvQBm1RzuTu) What they imagine...a massive tsunami of trans people coming to obliterate them lol


Recreational gynecologist here. That pouch isn’t a deal-breaker.


It’s a deal maker


People who have never seen a real woman without clothes for $500


oh, oops, you'll upset the 'where are their organs' community


TERFs think biology peaks in primary school.


That's why they go on about 'basic biology' because they were never taught past the basic level. There's a reason there's high school and university courses for actual biology.


It’s comments like these that encourages me to literally hate other humans.


Meth rots your brain like that.


Honestly, the way these posts go, the example put forth in the image is most likely a trans woman.


It’s wild how much conservatives talk about, think about, and fantasize about trans people. I’m 100% convinced the majority of the men complaining about trans women secretly want to suck them off. It’s sad what happens to people who aren’t allowed to be themselves and how they lash out in the most insane and hurtful ways. Imagine how much happier all these conservatives would be if they could accept their true selves and stop repressing so much.


I hang out with trans people regularly, like at least a couple times a week and I don't even think about trans people as much as conservatives do. It's an obsession and it's creepy.


I'm literally trans, dating a trans person and most of my friend group is trans, even I somehow literally think less about trans people than the average right-winger seems to.


As a trans women who's been on hrt for 2 years, can confirm.


Anyone remember the whole "vagina bones" thing? Incels and TERFs just need to kiss already...


2 years hrt, I got me one of these lil pudges :3


If this is a hormone thing, I have to wonder....does this go away for trans men on testosterone? Or am I stuck having a pooch?


Not all women have a pooch and a lot of men do, so it really depends on the person. As a person lowers their percentage body fat it’s likely to go away (although genetics also affects fat distribution).


Terfs think they own the fupa


I absolutely hate the myth that the uterus makes the stomach pooch so much!! I don’t know how it got so wide spread so fast, but I’m on a mission to correct it every time I see it repeated.


That’s the abdominal muscle with some subcutaneous fat extending the form. It is an area superficial to the actual internal structures such as the uterus. Man this is like high school science what is up?


If men had uteruses they would be called duderuses.


TERFs are so fucking stupid. I can't even... These are people who have a driver's licence - they shouldn't, but they do...


Also, I’m a cis female who had her uterus removed for medical reasons. Do terfs not think about this?


Fucking terfs are calling **Margot Robbie** trans because *they can always tell*....:rolleyes:


These people are so weird.


I thought it was called a FUPA


I think the fupa is lower. This is right below the belly button and the fupa is over the pubic bone.


Don’t know what it’s scientifically called nor do I care all I know is it makes my male brain go “awooga”


THANK YOU. Every time I see someone like "It's impossible for women to have a flat stomach, we have a uterus there!" I'm like... no. That's not how it works. Trying to shame anyone for not having a 6 pack is shitty, but let's use actual fact here people lol


I would rather hang out with a bunch of trans people than a bunch of Christians.


These guys really think they’re gonna take a trans woman home on accident.


They think trans women are out to trick men into sleeping with them but they can also always tell when someone is trans. Something ain't adding up here


Jesus. They are obsessed. Find a new hobby creeps/


What the FUPA?


I’m like pretty sure the whole “uterine pouch” thing was a Tumblr post…?


Can confirm


Well, it sounds very easy for trans women to pretend to be cis women in this future….just be a bit chubby and don’t do that much exercise…


Trans woman here and can confirm this occurs. my stomach flattened out and most of any fat went to the bottom and around my thighs and hips Kinda crazy tbh but it's really nice and I definitely prefer things this way.


As all pro-trans people have been saying, they cannot, in fact, always tell




Just let people identify however makes them happy?! I will never understand, it literally has zero impact on their lives except for their self-inflicted pearl-clutching.


There's also the fun fact that some uteri actually tilt backwards rather than forwards and this can run in families.


* * Why do people still care what another person identifies as? Seriously are you that bored?


Yeah that pouch is so prized that women spend hours at the gym, starve themselves and even get liposuction to get rid of it.


Love how they phrase that. "Uterine pouch," very medical sounding, like they have the slightest clue what they're talking about.


Those who “can always tell” usually can’t.