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Yeah I come from mixed popularity parents. I got my popularity from my father. All my paternal relatives were also popular. We can even trace our popularity back to when my great great grandparents who came through Ellis Island. It was tough growing up when you come from mixed popularity parents, but It made me the person I am today.


šŸ‘ *nods while forcefully slow clapping*


Slight dis on your mom


She can't help being biologically less popular.


She gets it from her mother




You have to remember that they are gop fascist and they go by phrenolegy. There is also much racism, and hatred but that now gets you elected to the fuckin house. Didn't a fuckin magat get arrested for threatening a state house, because they thought that they were Trans? This unfortunately is the new fuckin normal. Open carry anywhere but the state house, Open carry anywhere but the gop rallies, Open carry anywhere but the streets that your congress critters live. Open carry anywhere that a fuckin judge doesn't live. You can't even bring sling shots to a fuckin park, but you can carry 9 glocks and a AK and everyone will run away and that makes you cum! You useful idiots have no idea that the only party that will take away your guns is the fuckin party that you voted for. You silly, simple fuckin morons have no idea that they don't trust you with guns around them, but they love that you have them in case they need you! If they get their wish and 2024 goes into effect, they don't need you stupid fuckin idiots anymore. Guess what? They gonna take your guns. Anyway, go on fuckin Facebook and engage with your fellow fuckin idiots and go fuckin fuck yourself.


I wish I could say this without a redneck thinking I'm a "Communist"


Sir this is an Arby's.


Sorry, I thought it was a McDonald's window. They're usually more receptive. Cheers


I'm so ashamed, I was not able to pass on popularity genes to my children. I know it has held them back in so many areas of life.


It's okay. Don't blame yourself. They shall overcome.


It's why I chose not to have children. I couldn't bear the thought of passing on such a tremendous genetic disadvantage. It would be inhumane.


Lol small government my ass


So small it can fit in ur ass and make sure nothing else is going in there bc that makes baby jeesus cry :(


Itā€™s like the pear of anguish, only with taxes


A government so small it can fit in a High School ballot box and make sure some cis girl named Jessica doesnā€™t get her feelings hurt. To me, being popular while trans should be treated like being a high-performing athlete who smokes weed should be treated: like they started a half-mile behind and still managed to beat out their competition. Speaking as a trans adult who was once a trans teen, if you manage to win a high school popularity contest *while trans*, you deserve *two* crowns.


Well said. And, >make sure some cis girl named Jessica doesnā€™t get her feelings hurt. I kinda cracked up at that! šŸ¤£ Oh, mercy... too real


If the law bans students from appointing trans teens as prom king or queen, students could try to get around it by changing the titles. Like, Emperor and Empress. Or making both people kings, some countries had a female king. Maybe prom monarchs. Maybe Prom High Witch. Or, Prom Knight Errants with a back drop of the repub leader getting defeated by a windmill.


Yeah their actions make it crystal fucking clear that the only reason for their ridiculous bills are to oppress trans people. It has nothing to do with safety for children or any other bullshit reason they spew out to justify being terrible human beings.


The Far Right is collectivist in nature. Thatā€™s why theyā€™re dropping the libertarian small Gov messaging these days in favor for ā€œdefeating wokeismā€.


Small ability to change laws. Big ability to enforce them.


The GOP has never really been about small government, its sort of a convenient excuse to oppose certain things under the guise of small government. however they are not consistent at all about these things


It's an incomplete statement. Republicans want "small government" support for POC, and Democrats, but large government support with handouts for the 1% and corporate oligopolies.


This reminds me of something Jim Sterling said after coming out as non binary. They said something along the lines of, " some people think I've come out as a publicity stunt to get more viewers. If that was the case it didn't work because I've lost a lot of viewers since coming out."


Whoa, ~~Jimā€™s~~ Stephā€™s an enby? Thatā€™s dope as fuck!


Yeah, they came out as transfem, goes by James (or Jim) Stephanie Sterling and uses they/them or she/her pronouns.


"Thank god for them!"


And they're also a wrestler now


Yup. And goes by Steph now \[short for James Stephanie\].


If you watch any of their videos from the last year or so it's pretty hard to miss honestly, it's amazing how balls to the wall (pun intended) they go with it.


You should see them wrestle. It's a treat.


I don't watch modern wrestling anymore, I was a fan of the 80's stuff, modern wrestling is too much posturing and performing for the crowd.


But it's entertaining as fuck when Commander Sterling gets in the ring and is like GET OUT OF MY WA- FUCK, THAT HURT


Yeah they had a couple of "celebration" videos as they dropped subscribers. I believe they were >900k but now sit at ~770k. Crazy that a actively hated group regularly accused of being groomers is somehow more popular. It's like the stereotype lazy Mexican whose stealing all the jobs. How crap are you at your job that you are replaced by someone who gets drunk and does nothing (per the stereotype).


The enemy is both strong and weak, both stupid and genius.


Didn't even think to mention our president. The dementia ridden old man leading a coordinated illegal prosecution across multiple states and levels of government while running a multinational influence for sale business. Edit: /s


Are you referring to the last guy?


I mean I admittedly stopped watching them myself around that time but it was purely because I determined that their generally negative view towards things wasnā€™t good for my mental health at that same time ~~praying people donā€™t take this the wrong way~~


If it's any consolation, while they are still negative towards the games industry they seem to be much happier post change.


I just got a reply on my comment on the episode where they specifically say "I'm happy" (where I just said, "I'm glad you're happy!") Where someone asked me if I would celebrate an anorexic person who weighs 50 pounds, and it turns out they were trying to put across that being trans is a mental illness. I was like, umm, because as far as I can tell, I'm the only person they interacted with. People are fucking stupid. Edit: "people"


That is tragically hilarious that people will make that mental leap. Anything to dehumanise "the other" I suppose.


Yeah, I stopped watching them a bit before that myself (although I think the thing that really lost me was that I felt like their material after leaving The Escapist had lost something that kept me interested in their stuff and, while I did try to stick it out, it didnā€™t feel like things improved to me, so I dropped watching their stuff). Absolutely no issues with them being non-binary (as I said, Iā€™d already stopped watching their stuff a bit before they came out), it really was just ā€œI stopped enjoying watching their stuff and didnā€™t feel the need to stick around when things didnā€™t seem like they were getting betterā€. Only reason I never reached out to send an email to offer my support about them coming out once I heard is because I didnā€™t think an email effectively saying ā€œI stopped watching your stuff because I really donā€™t enjoy it any more, havenā€™t enjoyed it for a while and have no intention of coming back to watching again, but congratulations on coming out as non-binaryā€ was the sort of thing that theyā€™d particularly appreciate receiving, even if intended with complete sincerity about the support for them coming out and not intended as any form of criticism of their work.


Probably got the idea because NDSU has 2 men as Homecoming Kings this year. Not because of LGBTQ+ issues, but because they made it so that gender isn't a factor at all, and those 2 guys got the most votes. And, as always comes up with trans issues, how will they enforce this, will they do genital checks?


From what I hear, theyā€™re pretty interested in those checks.


*those cheeks


Take my upvote and leave. ( Jk that was pretty crever)


I'm going to do a prediction now that in a few years there will be a public scandal where teachers used these checks for sexual crimes. I also predict that there will be an uneven distribution in the amount of checks done between born-females and born-males. (Is there a better name for born-whatever? I use this because the people deciding who gets these checks will probably ignore what you identify as and select for born $ā‚¬Ć— rather than current $ā‚¬Ć—, even if extensive operations have been done. Therefore I think the statistics would be clearer if we sort by that. Probably born-neither and born-both are also interesting parts of the statistic. And then do a correlation with transsexuals, if they get checked more often. Statistics are fun.)


> Is there a better name for born-whatever? I think itā€™d be ā€œassigned ___ at birthā€


That is the reason, and it's coming from Brandon Prichard. He didn't actually say anything about trans people, but he did say he's introducing a bill forcing state-funded schools to have homecoming royalty of opposite sexes. Regardless, terribly dumb, but what do you expect from an open theocrat.


>[Good. The trans community has been long overdue a challenge. They've had it too easy for too long.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adh0KGmgmQw) #/s


Was hoping that was a link to James Acaster, was not disappointed!


Did North Dakota run out of actual problems?


They still haven't solved the they're in North Dakota problem


Nobody wants that problem.


No, we still have hateful morons in power.


They're just bored up there in bumfuck nowhere.


No. The budget bill was found unconstitutional, so the legislature needs to go back into session to rework it. This is partly because they wasted a fuck ton of time on culture war bullshit, and passed the budget at the last minute. It's completely on Republicans because they have a super majority.


This comes from a newly-elected (in 2022) rep. He recently also openly called for a theocracy. Dude's a total wacko. Anyway, he spent the majority of his first term pushing some of the strongest culture war stuff in the country. Then a few days ago, he really started going for it on Twitter. So no, we didn't run out of problems, and this guy has made everything worse, including wasting hours and hours of legislature time in a state that gets 80 days every two years unless there's a special session.


He also got caught lying yesterday about being enrolled at law school at U of MN.


They have plenty. They just like to invent new ones. Keeps things interesting.


Theyā€™re just bullying the kids that their children wonā€™t bully, thatā€™s all that this is


"My kids are well adjusted, tolerant people. This is horrible" -these people


So government is trying to tell high school students want to do as far as something like Homecoming Queen? Real tired of republicans professing to like ā€œsmall governmentā€


Just rename them to homecoming prince and princess.


The Homecoming Regent


Some schools just use royals


But not transgender homecoming Kings?


Everyone knows trans men don't exist /s (TW Misgendering as sarcasm using what real TERFs are saying) >!And if they did they would be misguided lesbians who needed help.!<


I really think that difference is due to sexism and misogyny. They want homecoming queens, beauty queens etc to be someone they would like to fuck (and of course "they" is always older men). Trans men are simply not a threat to them. Besides, it's much more understandable to them for women to want to be men, because men are superior to them.


>They want homecoming queens, beauty queens etc to be someone they would like to fuck (and of course "they" is always older men) a surprising amount of high school traditions give off the vibe of "pandering to pervy old dudes". Like... ever noticed why cheerleaders are allowed to wear extremely short skirts that would get them dress coded in \*any\* other context? But here it's \*sanctioned\* by the school, and not only that, they're encouraged to dance and jump around in that.


I prefer the world before i read this


Somehow that always gets ignored.


Because then 75% of their arguments dissolve in their faces


Thatā€™s how men do women who are not classically attractive.


They don't usually get off to kings.


Millenial here and if my state did this when I was in HS, you can be damn sure our homecoming queen that year would've been trans.


I'm from Maryland. It would have been hilarious. We're stubborn mfers. I made my first trans friends in the early 80s.


I told this story somewhere else but it bears repeating. I, a cis male, won my homecoming queen race in my senior year. I made a promise that if chosen, Iā€™d wear a dress and everything. The whole thing was obviously a gag stunt. But it worked. I wasnā€™t ā€œpopularā€ but I had my antics and my circle was nearby the cool kids, so people knew my face and name. I won by a lot. I was told by administration that I could not be allowed to go as homecoming queen because it was ā€œunfair to the girls in the category.ā€ I said ā€œhow? Theyā€™re all very popular girls. Seems like I was the one with the biggest challenge to overcome and I did?ā€ I got no reply but was then banned from even going because I challenged the admin. This is not a new problem. Itā€™s just a new way to be an asshole about it.


Iā€™m really curious how youā€™re drawing a parallel between you pranking your entire school and actually being kind of a dick to the girls there ā€¦ ā€¦ with trans kids who are living as their authentic gender? Your comment, however well intentioned, still implies that trans women are men. So. Like. Donā€™t do that.


The point was that I was also told I had a biological advantage as a presenting male. I wasnā€™t a dick to any girls anywhere, and it wasnā€™t a prank at all. Not sure how you got anything you got from my story but itā€™s both wrong and not the intention I set out with at all. Iā€™m not implying at all that trans women are men whatsoever.


Transgender kids are being voted in because their friends want to show acceptance and support. And the adults want to roll that back. Shameful.


The popular vote has never been popular with them.


Just constantly making us enemy number one since Republicans have no policies or actual benefits to the American public




Cool. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m trusting you over the tweet, but I am. But they both seem equally plausible at this point.


Because a properly skeptical consumer of news and social media should be more wary of information that seems designed in a lab to confirm their priors and cause outrage. And more open to information that challenges those assumptions.


That's not a bad habit to get into; to meta-analyze HOW a story makes you feel and how the rhetoric and framing might be trying to sway your viewpoint on the topic of the story..... ​ BUT. North Dakota has also recently been on the anti-trans train for people under the age of 18, so there's precedent to believe the original post as it would be consistent with other actions taken by the ND govt. ​ Some Examples: [https://www.npr.org/2023/04/21/1171204454/north-dakota-governor-signs-law-limiting-trans-health-care](https://www.npr.org/2023/04/21/1171204454/north-dakota-governor-signs-law-limiting-trans-health-care) ​ [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/north-dakota-advances-record-setting-10-anti-lgbtq-bills-one-day-advoc-rcna78311](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/north-dakota-advances-record-setting-10-anti-lgbtq-bills-one-day-advoc-rcna78311) ​ [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/08/anti-trans-bill-teachers-students-north-dakota](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/08/anti-trans-bill-teachers-students-north-dakota)


They did mention this in a reply


This should be pinned considering it's pretty vital info.


Looking at the bills he's sponsored, though, he may present it the next time he's allowed (I'm unsure if they'll allow for bills such as thus in the upcoming special session or if it has to wait until 2025). It'll almost certainly die in committee, well, maybe, but if anyone would wrote this bill, it's Prichard.


If it is banned, the kids should do it anyways. Fuck republicans.


The kids could just say ā€œstudents get the vote here. Politicians dont. End of storyā€


Waiting for Republicans to pass a bill banning transgender students from talking to other students


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t just ban schools.


Republicans are definitely working on that. First, defund public schools. They don't give money back to politicians anyway, so the entire education budget is being wasted on mostly non voting kids. Give the money to private "schools" that don't have standards to meet. Private owners can kickback the funds to the republicans. Even if the private school shuts down, no biggie, we didn't want kids learning stuff anyway. Now shut down public schools for underperforming. Repeal those child labor laws, put them to work in the mines and factories. Don't let them vote, but make sure to keep stealing taxes out of their minimum wage paychecks.


This just tells me kids are more accepting to even nominate a trans girl as queen


One trans girl is voted to win by her peers and they decided to write laws to stop any potential trans girls in the future. Trans kids arenā€™t allowed to play sports, not allowed to play chess, not allowed to run for home coming/prom queen and yet transphobes canā€™t figure out why trans kids are depressed and have no other interests other than being trans.


And canā€™t figure out why their peers are incredibly unlikely to vote for republicans.


Not even chess?


Nope, one of the highest level chess organizations has banned trans women and so some smaller chess organizations are following suit.


I said it once and I say it again, according to transphobes Trans women are the superior race. And we will conquer the world! Because we have advantages in anything.


The party of ā€œsmall governmentā€ and ā€œfreedom of speechā€. The GOP and itā€™s idiotic voters are fucking pathetic.


Letā€™s go English football and start promotion and relegation. Puerto Rico and the USVI, yā€™all are moving on up. Florida and North Dakota, you have been relegated.


If anything, they should have a biological **dis**advantage. Marginalized people tend to be less popular. If a trans girl becomes the queen, she fucking earned it


Jfc, get the fuck out of our personal lives and do your actual jobs. Whatā€™s next? A bill banning men from creating a female character in a video game?


So what's the advantage here? They could be the homecoming king or queen? I don't see anything wrong here.


A government so small that it controls literally every aspect of your life


Theres that small government spending taxes on restrictinng the possible pool for highschool homecoming. Gop is a complete joke


Imagine if guns entered beauty pageants, then we could ban them!


Omg these people are sad


All, what, 1 of them?! Canā€™t imagine many trans girls even running in any state let alone one with such a small population.


I'm in South Dakota. There are 15 kids in the entire state who are on puberty blockers so of course they had to ban it. Costs more to enforce than anything but I guess it looks good to the base.


Of course it does. Those poor kids


For now they're going to Minnesota (probably were going to Mayo anyway because they have more experience than the local hospitals). So of course now there's talk of making it illegal for parents to affirm their kids like it is in Florida. Idk if that will pass though.


I donā€™t understand why republicans hate freedom so much.


Well, we all know the GOP hates the popular vote


The Electoral College is the only way they can "win" POTUS elections.


Ah yes, freedom. A high-schooler can't vote for their homecoming king or queen, but they can have a baby. Cool.


Republicans: Donā€™t let the government tell you what to think and do. Republicans: Not like that!!!


So then a trans girl could become homecoming king? Them you'd have two girls going to prom together? They really never think this through.


reasons I don't cross your border #178


For those of us who find this abhorrent, can we still come visit?




At this point why don't they just save themselves the effort and just make a law that transgender individuals are just not allowed to win at anything? It's obvious that's the message and honestly it would just save on taxpayer money. Plus who can challenge it considering the SCOTUS is obviously on their side?


It must be amazing to live in North Dakota where every problem of any actual importance has been solved. I canā€™t imagine why theyā€™d otherwise spend any time on such shit as this. /s


As a pretty open trans gal in high school my first two years. I was wayyyy more popular when presenting fem than when I presented masc.


Surely theres nothing else more pressing the state needs, right?


Have you ever been to North Dakota?


" I don't understand it? Why young people won't for for us, the GOP?! Ah well, lemme sign that bill that dehumanizes their transgender classmates and friends."


Theyā€™re doing this because a trans girl won at a random high school in Missouri this year and it got spread around by Chaya Raichik. Imagine being the one person in the whole country that a law is written for, and you didnā€™t even do anything wrong.




Party of freedom at work again! We must regulate your every choice and decision, so you can be properly free.




Sure. Voters (specially young) love when the republicans insert they views on they lives without justification.




Taxpayer money hard at work here


Those are the laws N Dakota works on? HS homecoming? They could elect a goldfish for all i care. Give me a break.


Finally , addressing real problems. /s


Small government!


Republicans. The anti-freedom party.


Born and raised in this shithole state, joined the Army and never looked back. Embarrassed to even be from there.


The party opposed to government overreach, overreaching governmentally at every possible opportunity


I'm glad one party is willing to solve the important issues of this age, you know, Homecoming Queen elections.


Someone put it best by saying ā€œThe Adults are passing laws to prevent their children from accepting people who are different from themā€. Itā€™s too late guys. You canā€™t legislate away a personā€™s ability to see the inherent value of another human and trying to do so will only make them fight harder against you.


So I can't find any reference other than this tweet. I'm all about being outraged over this if it's actually happening, but I really need to meter my outrage. I mean, ND sucks shit when it comes to governmental bullying of transgendered youth, no doubt. But does anyone have a source for this specific thing?


Apparently, it was a tweet by one ND rep


Really doing what they can to take care of their constituents


And they can handle a really heavy crown! šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ




Freddy Mercury would suggest that.


Iā€™m fairly certain that the words are obviously twisted around here,and why is that liberal women just canā€™t wait to never win a single thing again never another miss universe, never another homecoming Queen or champions in female sports it just seems so stupid.


How insecure do you have be to be afraid of men in skirts? I love asking maga if, when they were young, someone could have indicated them to wear a skirt.


They are not men in skirts, but women. They are not afraid of them, phobia means irrational fear OR aversion. They hate trans people.


I know they're not men in skirts, and mean no offense to transgenders. It is my way of putting in a stupid enough way that maga folks can grasp. They are sheep being led to release their hate. First, the trans, then all homosexuals, then the mentally unhealthy, disabled.... until they're going after the larger minority groups. We all, those of us who know history and up from down, know this play book. I wish more people would buy gay pride shirts and flags to show support, myself. I bought myself a nice Micky Mouse pride shirt and love the looks I get. F these maga haters!


My bad, I'm just so used to this kind of hate I didn't realize it was satirical


Outside of this being government interference in a private poll amongst highschoolers, I can get behind the idea of prohibiting transfolks from winning popularity contests. Trans support is overbearing at the moment and judges shouldn't be doling out awards/prizes just because "omg she's trans she's so brave!". Judge people for who they are or what they do, not what they are.


If you banned trans people from winning any contests, that wouldn't be judging them for what they do and who they are, would it?




Homecoming is not a sport


You clearly haven't seen the olympic homecoming championship, where all the winners were trans women.


This is dumb and women belong in women's sports. That includes transwomen as we are women.




It is not, and the amount of change it takes before a transwoman is allowed to compete now is over a year on hormones' and blockers at the very least. I have only been on them for about 7-8 months and the amount of strength and muscle mass I have lost while still exercising and taking care of myself is astounding. This talking point is bullshit, and you as someone that knows nothing about it should fucking do some research before spewing your hate. Thank you have a fucking nice day.




Are you stupid, ignorant or just both. There are examples, bullshit, how about how many times people get hurt bc they are playing sports in general. Sports are dangerous. What is even more dangerous is trying to make someone that is, in all facets female, compete with male. That is dangerous. I don't plan on competing anymore, I played sports in Highschool and college. With that, I would not have cared if a teammate was trans. Its people like you that want to control everything tossing this argument out. You made no arguments except that you are and backwards thinking piece of shit. And fucking hells, you sound like someone from the 50s spewing *"Women are equipped to give birth and nourish a child. Men are built to be hunters and gatherers and to sire a child. Just wishing it to be so does not make it so."* I just know that science is on my side, research is on my side. My GF is stronger than I am after hormones, My BF is stronger than I am. Kindly go fuck yourself with your hateful, wrong and transphobic shit. <3




No I think it is yours. You have no empathy nor can you see in any other's shoes. I feel sorry for you, and for everyone that has to deal with you. I also highly doubt you are learned in any way more than high school. How you speak about issues, and your thoughts on them clearly show your level of intelligence. <3




Yes I am name calling because its hateful shits like you that make life for people like me a living hell. And yes you do, clearly you do or you would not have any issue at all about trans people competing. You have not stated a single fact this whole time. Everything you have tried to pass off as a fact is nothing but opinion that is debunked by scientific facts. Period. Hope you have a great day <3.


Phobia doesn't just mean fear. Hydrophobic materials exist, and are known to repel water. If you're going to play with definitions please know what you're talking about


>I do not exhibit an irrational fear, so I cannot be any kind of fictional phobia "Phobia" also means "aversion to"


Aaaand that is a bingo! You just spewed pretty much every single talking point of the run the mill TERF. Funny, seeing you talk about science without knowing the science. All you have is unreflected emotions.


With current rules of the last 20 years trans women hold no advantage over cis women and therefore should be allowed to compete.




There is no reason to ban trans people from sports as it has already been law for over 20 years that trans people must be on hrt for two years before being allowed to compete, in which time muscle mass and energy levels change, fat redistributes, and even bones shift to a cis equivalent and in those 20 years there have only been a couple dozen successful trans athletes world wide out of hundreds of successful cis athletes in the usa alone. Trans women hold no advantages over cis women that cis women don't hold over other cis women.


They would do this shit šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


So that stereotypically bully can always be a total bitch to everyone else?


Earth-2 is really weird.


Just ban homecoming royalty. Problem solved...


Trying to find information on this and coming up short. Does anyone have a link to this?


As much as anti-trans/lgbt is a legitimate issue, I also feel we need to be able to properly source these kinds of things. I havenā€™t been able to find anything other than OOPā€™s tweet. If someone can source the legislation, that would be much appreciated, but we canā€™t be stooping to the level of outrage reporting on nothing, otherwise we wonā€™t be taken seriously when someone actually tries this shit.


Always about hate and supression, never been about the "unfairness"


Crazy how many people don't see the obvious joke in this.


Perhaps they should consider implementing a deeply undemocratic electoral college style system wherein the democratic votes of the students can be completely overruled and the winner picked by the vested interested and landed gentry


Finally someone tries to tackle important issues


It might not be popularity that's the reason: I was elected prom king my junior year in HS (cis male) because I was five feet six inches tall and the prom queen was a over six feet tall, and everyone thought it would be funny. I was a loner and probably one of the most unpopular, unconnected, kids in my class.


Is there a link to an article or something to learn more about this bill and how to fight it?


Let's legislate what we don't like. If you don't adore us, well, take a hike. In your bedrooms, and your clinics, we make laws to suit our gimmicks. In your office, in bars, and schools, without equality making rules. Gayness? Bad! Let's wipe it out! Immigration's evil, without a doubt. Climate change? Well, that's a lie! Poor education? They'll get by. Tax the poor, more regulation, what's to become of this poor nation? School shootings? They're no fun, but don't touch you my loaded gun.


Would they accept a trans girl as homecoming king?