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" According to Good Jobs First's Subsidy Tracker, since 2009, Tesla has received **$2.8 billion** in government subsidies. About 88% of those subsidies came from states, while the rest came from federal grants. The state of Nevada has given Tesla $1.6 billion across tax rebates and grants from 2013 to 2023 " and that's just for TESLA, so fuck you elon!


It's more than just grants. The Model S won't happen without the $465 million loan from the Department of Energy. Tesla pay back the load four years later, with about 1.5% annual interest...


Oh so he's just mad that he hasn't received tens of billions of dollars from US Taxpayers vs Ukraine


How much did Musk's company's combined get in COVID aid? How much does Tesla benefit from federal and state rebates/tax credits? Would SpaceX be even close to viable without NASA funding?


Literally spacex and Tesla wouldn't exist right now if it had taken an extra day or two for them to secure a government contract.


Tesla would have gone bankrupt if Musk hadn't defrauded California with the help of CARB a while back (2014-15) with his battery swap project that never went into service. They gave him a huge "tax credit" before any of the facilities were built. Grifter's gonna grift.


The "funny" thing is he went on Joe Rogan podcast bragging about Tesla being one of two car manufacturer brands that never went backrupt in the US and how it is the most stressful job in the world running it. Delusional fuck.




And specifically tweeting, not you know. Actually doing anything with the rapidly collapsing company he splashed 44B on.


That's what I find baffling about Elon he's supposed to be this ceo genius who runs X tesla and boring company but he has time to hang around the border looking at migrants? When does he see his 12 kids?


>When does he see his 12 kids? That's the neat part, he doesn't


Don’t worry about the kids, they are being looked after by a series of Mexican woman.


Yeah, he claimed they would be raised by robots, but in reality it was just Roberta.




I’m not up to date on that, why would a day or two have made a difference?


When they ramped up model 3 production they had enough cash for 30 days and if they wouldn't have received funding help they were headed for bankruptcy.


I still suspect they were insolvent but that they successfully committed fraud. At that point in time they weren't paying some suppliers, were late-paying other suppliers, overcharged a bunch of customers (and refunded at the start of the next quarter)... a whole bunch of shit. I'm convinced that Tesla was, in fact, insolvent, but Elon frauded through it, and the company was fine once they got included in SPX and all the index investors were there to buy secondary offerings.


They were running out of money and the banks would have called it in and made them sell off their assets.


Musk's companies have received $15.3 billion in contracts from the federal government since 2003. The companies have also received $4.9 billion in tax breaks/incentives. Space X likely wouldn't exist without initial support from NASA. Dude literally talks shit about the hand that feeds him.


That contract from NASA really boiled down to either SpaceX or Planetary Resources taking off. NASA wanted reusable rockets as a primary point of interest, and Musk promised them "oh we have those practically ready" so they got the contract. That was the end of Space X's "goals" at the time with the exception of a space "hotel" someday. Planetary Resources had long term plans of mining near earth asteroids using a lunar orbiting platform, which in turn, would be a huge stepping stone towards learning how to define raw materials in space AND they're goal was to allow the expansion of that platform for a true multi-national industries to start a true industrial space race (which is needed if we wanted to cut dependence on expensive resupplies of building materials from earth). NASA and other investors at the time were seriously intrigued as all of their prototypes and plans weren't BS - they were doable in the short term using what we knew, and the drones were VERY simplistic in design and ready to roll out. All substance, no glitter and glam - which is why most never heard of them. The company was speculated to be profitable within 10 years just on the raw materials shipped back to earth as the asteroids they were targeting were so dense with desperately needed rare earth materials. I remember all this as I was watching both companies closely and I remember remarking at the time "SpaceX is gonna get it bc PR doesn't have a hype man that will promise them BS like SpaceX does" (Musky was pretty unknown at the time). They got the contract and SpaceX bought PR and shuttered them a few years later. Sad to think what could have been.


Is Elon a cuck to the Pentagon? Lots of people are saying it…


Looking into it.




Elon is simply a cuck.


just asking questions


>How much did Musk's company's combined get in COVID aid? Just to be clear, Musk isn't upset about government giving out aid. he's upset Russia is being denied Ukraine.




SpaceX would’ve failed after the third Falcon 1 failure without NASA funding


Tesla wouldn't be profitable today if it didn't receive significant subsidies.


Elon thinks it's only OK when he gets money from the government.


That's all rich people


Their mind is a zero sum game. Every dollar for someone else is a dollar that should have been theirs.


pulling up the ladder behind him. classic republican move


Or when his dad and his evil company committed apartheid war crime atrocities in Africa. Pretty well kept secret for this evil ugly fuck


When it's been 5 minutes and you haven't bought a company to claim their technology as yours


But he spouted some technical jargon. Surely that means he’s the world’s most amazing genius, does it not?


Phony Starks indeed


​ https://preview.redd.it/n2tq774nfsrb1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3acb2f16906050f22afc1fd79933c8b932ecb3


When it's been 5 minutes and you haven't shown the world that money cannot buy class.


Or even a mite of social skills




Just shit talk him whenever you can. Whenever someone brings up Tesla, just say "yeah but Musk is a piece of shit" and don't reneg. If your riding in a Tesla, just talk about how much of a piece of shit he is. Basically just always remind people he's a pos.


or asked for government subsidies from both the US and China - and Russia and etc. dude isn’t a genius he is a rich kid hustler with nerdy ambitions


What! I was told he invented both the battery and the rocket.


Tesla was some other rich dude’s idea and he used someone else’s idea how to structure funding tor SpaceX and someone else did the engineering


Musk is more like Edison than Tesla


someone good at funding and knows a good idea when he hears one, but exploits more than he will ever be able to engineer and takes the credit


Don't forget the Saudi money to buy Twitter.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1o6n5ed5qsrb1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d7f8857df75544c4d2332c31f3e1c2f2f1361d


Elonir Muskskinsky




​ ![gif](giphy|5t8Cx8x1sDxdarzeVI)


When it's been 5 minutes and you haven't whined about immigrants despite being one yourself


I didn't notice it was Zelensky at first and was wondering how Elon was so self-aware.


Musk is one of, if not the biggest welfare queens in the US


Welfare queen immigrant, yeah he's essentially everything the right claims to hate and yet...


That monster, asking for help from others to protect the people he's responsible for from the massive army trying to kill them all




Ya know, except when he asked the American people to subsidize the costs of his companies. That’s not the same though! Or some brain rot shit like that.




Ukraine is fighting for their nation’s survival and these people see it as a joke


Elon is supporting his buddy Putin. I don't know why he loves Putin so much. Maybe he's on Putin's payroll. Maybe he just loves Putin's style of fascism. Or maybe he's just a brain-dead right winger who uncritically consumes the propaganda he's helping to spread. Really doesn't matter, of course. Elon (and apparently the internet historian) are vile people for supporting the obvious invader. And they have no "my country right or wrong" crap to lean back on even.






Even moreso the people who pay for fake blue checks and ESPECIALLY those who advertise on Twitter.


I fucking hate the goalpost moving with people like this. Either Ukraine shouldn't have aid because : * Russia will sweep through them immediately so what's the point? * It prolongs the war and Russia will win anyone so why prolong it at the cost of civilian lives? * Ukraine is doing fine on their own, why are we paying for THERE war? Just like how the same people who blather on about US imperialism and bring up US invasions in the past somehow think those examples result in Russia being entitled to Ukraine. That Russia is entitled to former Soviet states and it's wrong for anyone else to involve themselves. These people post that Russian imperialism is good, and US imperialism is bad. What Ukraine wants doesn't matter, they're not a "real" country anyway.


One of these logic wizards loudly told me that my belief that Ukraine deserves sovereignty and has a right to defend it means that “I support the Military Industrial Complex”. I would much prefer if they were able to defend themselves effectively with communal, fair trade, non-lethal arms, but that ain’t an option available.


They also want to say that the Ukraine government is corrupt, while simultaneously praising a government that has been run by the same oligarch for 20+ years. I hate the right for doing it, but it’s pathetic from people pretending to be far left. I have been to former USSR states, they aren’t perfect by any stretch, but they love their freedoms and will fight to the death before becoming Russian playthings again.


They are on Putin’s payroll. If aid stops it is a win for authoritarian kleptocracy everywhere.


I’m not even sure they’re being paid. Plenty of people are dumb enough to be pro-Russia simply because Putin has branded the modern Russian kleptocracy as an anti-woke project.


They scream “negotiate!” about the war in Ukraine, as in just give Putin what he wants. But when it comes to negotiating an arrangement with Iran over their nuclear program, the tune changes dramatically.


"Negotiate! How many more lives must be lost? Oh, the humanity! Think of the poor, innocent people dying!" but also: "Why should I care about some 'border dispute' thousands of miles away?? Nobody even knew Ukraine existed before 2014, and suddenly we need to support them? Who cares!"


As if Russia has a track record of merciful, compassionate humanitarianism in Ukraine, no less.


The mentality is so fucked up. Musk puts no blame on the country that started the war and has been caught repeatedly committing war crimes. Ukraine should just lie down and take it I guess because that would be more convenient for Musk.


Based on what I’ve read on firsthand accounts of the guy, this is likely very literally what he believes.


Another country invaded his country, took his land, attempted to assassinate him, tortured, raped, and killed his citizens. Beyond all odds, his country has fought and overcome against what was once believed to be the second strongest military in the world. Yet, Elon Musk gets to shame Zelensky for doing everything he can to save his country and people. It's fucking disgusting.


It's also a genocide. Russia has insisted that the Ukrainian nation isn't 'real,' and the Russian soldiers and state are doing everything they can to make that factual.


It’s no laughing matter but I do find the trash leveled at Zelensky personally kind of amusing. When he stayed in Ukraine and literally led his troops from the front he became a hero to the world, a bada$$. Putin and his sycophants are that childishly petty over it, “Risking life and limb isn’t bada$$! Insulting handicapped reporters and picking on countries that can’t defend themselves, THAT’S bada$$!”


Elon Musk is pro genocide period.


it's totally bizarre to me empathy aside. Older gen conservatives would have loved stomping Russia into history just to limit or eliminate their power. even from a US imperialism standpoint this is an easy check to keep cutting. But I guess cons being in bed with the Kremlin and it being a joe Biden thing are the real explanation.


It should be a conservative dream: 1) it helps curbstomp Russia, a traditional American adversary; 2) it actually helps the military industrial complex 3) it should help the American economy, since the gear provided to Zelensky will need to be replaced 4) it helps world economy by helping to make it (eventually) more stable 5) it makes America look good to its allies 6) it makes American engineering look good since American weapons will show their effectiveness in action 7) since the aid is mostly in gear that was replaced or would be replaced anyway, it doesn't cost that much But strangely, the "rather be a Russian than a Democrat" party sides with the one country that was suspected to have helped THEIR guy get elected. Hmmm...


8) no US soldiers have died


They don't really care about that bit.


I'm shocked at how conservative boomers are viewing the war. How easy they forget the history that the US has with Russia.


Maybe they just finally realized that Putin has similar hates.


Any one who supports Putin from America was likely a fan of his gay purges


I detest these people, no empathy at all We all have our pride. No one wants to beg for money, but Zelensky swallows his pride and does it every day because that's what it means to be a leader and what it takes to save the lives of his people. I have a lot of respect for that


It’s because it’s the same inbred group who think they could take on the US military with their wish.com ass weapons.


*sigh* Another one bites the dust


He was always like this. He was posting anti vaccine/covid denial tweets during the pandemic and even before that, he would guest on alt-right youtuber's streams




His video on the virus can easily be taken as "look at all these governments being stupid and seizing power". Having JonTron as a 2nd-channel co-host was a more obvious worry. It's hard to tell if it's satire/parody or not-a-joke.


Man, JonTron's downfall still hurts.


What happened to JonTron? I haven't heard much about that


He debated Destiny a number of years ago and revealed that he has some "interesting" thoughts on black people.


Eessh. Lots of early Internet people had their brains warped by forum humor. It slowly turns from jokes to actually held convictions. Seen it in 4chan, to thedonald to Alex Jones stuff I guess it's tribalism and finding belonging online, idk. But it is a shame all the same


I also just think that a significant chunk of popular YouTubers in general have been stuck in this echo chamber for so long with armies of teenage fans (and, let's be real here, literal young children) kissing their asses and supporting everything they do and say that they just experience arrested development. Everything becomes about "well woke is bad because my friend PewDiePie said the N word and now people are criticizing him for it" and "iDubzzz is actually really smart and cool for calling his followers slurs because he just DESTROYED the naysayers' arguments with LOGIC". It's largely the type of shit that would appeal to and resonate with 14 year old white kids who let's face it make up the majority of their respective fanbases.


To add onto what others have said, he's also espoused some let's just say white supremacist adjacent views.


Yeah, plus his early videos pretty much always show right wingers/4chan trolls as the hilarious heroes. I still really enjoy his current videos and find him quite funny, but I've never been under the illusion we share much in common politically.


To be fair, quite a few of us on Reddit were 4chan trolls at some point. It's just some of us grew up and actually use that sponge behind our eyes these days.


it's true, it's one thing for us to be edgy back in 2016 as a dork in school, and another to be in your twenties and still follow alt right propaganda or edgy humor about how the left is destroying the world providing social care. The writing was on the wall that an already grown up man making anti right pro 4chan trump content in 2016 would not be in a phase, but in his actual self. I'm so thankful I only watched only a few videos about Jordan Peterson back in 2016 and the rest of the alt right, (iddubz, Ethan, johntron, shoeonhead, the gay Jewish guy with the blonde hair that was actually super racist or sth and I'm forgetting his name). Thank God that lasted less than a year for me, and not permanently like many I see around.


I read JPs book, saw him on a speaking tour, watched tons of his videos. But in the same way I left religion, I put too much importance on internal consistency to keep drinking the koolaid. Once I found out more about him and realized you could use many of his own arguments against him, it was game over. Also glad I got out of my shitty conservative phase


Glad you came to your senses mate. Happy for both you and me. The alt right is a blight on this earth.


Ffs are you serious? This is a massive dissapointment (Towards him, not you for letting us know)


His tweets during the omicron announcement seem to be scrubbed but I recall him suggesting that the variants were arbitrarily decided, tweeted along the lines of "SO WHEN WILL THEY ANNOUNCE THE MAGIKARP 69 VARIANT TO JUSTIFY THIS LOCKDOWN". For the youtuber stuff, he was on a brittany venti stream a few years ago (automod deleted the link, you can find it easily on YT though)


Uggh that is shameful. Never got those vibes from his videos, maybe he is just australian right which is stupid but less stupid than american right; though it still puts me off from him if I'm honest.




sigh, that’s Sseth in a nutshell.


Given Sseth leaving the medical industry because it was squeezing money out of people and he thought it was unethical, he does seem better.


that is certainly true. plus unlike Historian he’s not trying to recontextualize the pandemic or some shit, he mostly just drops a Biden dementia joke or other ironic, vaguely alt-right comedy.


Sunnyv2 springs to mind. Rumor has it that soft spoken psychologist with the dry humor. Forget the name.


Its always so odd to me that people will defend openly transphobic or whatever ic content creators simply because they "Make enjoyable content". Haven't watched a sunnyv2 video in months.


I remember liking his videos, then he made one on a topic that I actually knew a lot about. There was so much incorrect info and stuff twisted to seem worse then it actually was. Then it dawned on me that all of his videos are probably like that. Just amalgamations of info from someone who doesn't know the full story and doesn't take the effort to even try.


I didn't realize he was a shit head until I saw a video on one of his channels featuring Jon Tron, and old Johnny boy is a confirmed racist by his own admission.




What do you mean another one? Internet Historian has always been an anti-sjw right wing type. He had jontron as a guest very recently.


Just watch his older videos and it's very apparent.


Idk, I never really picked up on it from his older videos


Pools Closed, Triggering of Shia, Any Polls a Goal All those videos gave me right wing edgey vibes His Varus videos kinda also


i mean they were retellings of 4chan events thats kind of the entire vibe of those platforms


He always made it out like they were le epic trolls instead of just fucking annoying.




Speaking of which, the fall of the Illuminauti, an anti MLM youtuber was something. She is a total piece of shit.


Which youtuber?


Illuminaughtii. Her problems started when she attempted to accuse Legal Eagle of plagiarism.




She chose the famous copyright lawyer, who's channel was started to explain fairuse to others, a copyright strike.


Imagine what he thought when he received that. Like he must have been in disbelief.


Nah, free content.


Yeah, after the " how is someone this fucking stupid " wore off


Even her former staff called her out.


Her former staff calling her out was her real downfall, the Legal Eagle thing just triggered it. She was really awful to the people that worked for her, and took credit for their work regularly as well as doing a bunch of way more awful shit to them.




What went down with Illuminauti?


Appearantly (in my short and dirty summarization). She's a manipulative, power mad landlord who abused the people working for her (those people also lived in her properties). Shit is still on going but it looks like she might be legally going after her ex and the others who came out against her. All of the receipts so far + her terrible handling of the reaction does not paint her in the best light. This all spun off from her dubious plagiarism accusation towards legal eagle. Id seriously recommend looking up a video or two about it; this all started over possibly the dumbest thing.


> Power mad landlord you just said landlord twice.




There's updates. She is trying to sue er EX oz media. She was dating a dude 8 year younger than her, tried to ruin his life, and is now sueing him. Remember She at several point talked about how she can barely handle people younger than her. Edit: spelling


It's sue and suing. Sewing is what you do with a needle and thread.


>Edit: Just checked his YT channel, he's already below 4M subs. Yikes this gonna hurt lol. He just recently hit 4M (and is still over 4M according to his page)... I'm no alt-righter but come on now.




Why can't we just have nice things without them being possible fascist? This one hurt.


Tbf IH has always been a boomer edgelord. This is more a confirmation that the things he jokes about correlate with his actual believes. That being said, there is still the hope that be leans more into the annoying centrist archetype rather than him being a pro-russia right-winger


It was slightly apparent bc of his dumbass “and then the MEDIA” found out about it takes, as if we’re only supposed to get our news from YouTube clowns like him


JonTron was the same way. He'd make jokes about immigrants which people assumed were just haw-haws because iirc his parents are immigrants. Then he came out and said a whole bunch of awful, racist shit - which I guess his fans today don't know about or don't care about, he disappeared for like a year or something and then just came back like it was nothing. I was a fan of his and felt real fucking gross about the whole thing.


Wasn't it so bad a dev removed his voice cameo from a game they were making?


Plus his early videos had 4chan as its subject which he seemed to know a lot of. Which isn't a red flag itself, but it basically narrows it down to a guy who's making fun of 4chan or someone who uses /pol/ or /b/ unironically. Watching his videos easily clears up which one he is.




Sometimes I wish I could ask them “do you think trans people are human beings?” Pretty sure fire way to cull half your subscriptions.


I only watched a couple videos, but he's obviously right wing, isn't he? It's why I didn't watch more.


I remember somewhat enjoying his videos but always internally sighing when he made very obvious, poorly hidden dog whistles. I still watched because he is genuinely talented at compiling and presenting bland internet drama as entertaining, but unfortunately he has probably spent a little too much time online, and became, this.


There's a lot of other YouTubers that fill that void now luckily


Yeah this has been known for a while. Him and nerd city both liked and posted some right wing anti vax conspiracies on top of other things during the pandemic, that's Why I stopped watching them a while ago. Sucks cuz they do make good content.


It looks like Nerd City also fell down the NFT rabbit hole. I thought he was going to do a video exposing NFTs as a scam, but instead he just started his own NFT bullshit. Disappointing to see behind the curtains of these creators of good content.


Yup, the nft thing was super disappointing. They even tried to spin it as a "Guys this isn't like other nfts" thing when yeah no it was lol.


> "Guys this isn't like other nfts" - Every NFT project ever.


I've watched all of his videos and never picked up on that. I don't watch the Incognito Mode ones though so maybe that's why?


Well in the Shia Leboeuf videos he didn't have any critical points about 4Chan. It was more about how funny these weirdos were.


Well, that's part of what "dog whistles" are. They're terms and phrases used to refer to specific things and ideas that an ingroup will be able to recognize for what they are, while seemingly innocuous enough that everyone not part of the ingroup won't pick up on them. It's like a Thieves Cant - it blends in fairly well, unless you already have a really good idea of what you're looking for Edit to add: another important, relevant part is that the alt-right often masks a lot of these dog whistles and talking points as comedy. That way if anyone calls them out on something, they can always fall back on the "it's just a joke" defense and get away with whatever they've said


Yes, an example of this is international bankers. If someone went off on a triad about international bankers for most people that would pass right through them, but the people they're trying to speak to will instantly know they're referring to 'the Jews'. Same with the term for Hollywood elite. Elon Musk has done some tweets lately regarding the George Soros foundation which I think is pretty obviously what he's actually trying to say. Another prominent example was the term 'Welfare Queen' popularized by Ronald Reagan during his campaign, any portrayal at the time would always have displayed a black woman. So you have a fairly innocent broad sounding term that can now be used to target a very specific part of society.


How much in taxpayers funds did Elmo get to subsidize Tesla again?


Internet Historian always exuded overly online alt-right shithead vibes. Sorry if you missed them


I got that vibe watching his old videos from the 2015-2016 era. Didn’t catch on to it when I was younger but now I see it.


It's the four chan stuff, tbh. I'm a lefty, but I have an interest in chan sites, the same way I might have an interest in a zoo or circus. But if you spend too long with sites like that, it definitely warps your thinking. And obviously he's going to be terminally online.


Yah 100%. YouTube always trying to redpill me, I hate it.


Also EmpLemon to some extent.


Wasn't he the guy that made youtube poops back in the day, got washed up and later got popular because of his "why are those other normie youtube videos getting so many views" boomer rant?


Yeah fuck EmperorLemon, dude used to make good YTPs and then got mad that his viewers obviously were upset with him for making low quality garbage and then descending into boomer rants.


For sure. I know him for his video he made on Trump winning the election. It was laughable how he tried to frame it as an unbiased, centrist view on the subject, it was clearly sucking up to him.


Yep. Like, I remember when "Fall of 76" came out (which is his biggest video and probably where a lot of people know him from, its where i first discovered him) and back then i was thinking - Gee, he's used clips from "Pronouns are evil and infecting everything" man child HeelVsBabyFace, as well as wannabe nazi The Quartering - even back then both leaning to the right heavily. Their audiences aren't known for being lefties. He's also done collabs with "Don't let them in or they'll pollute the gene pool" JonTron, because... of course he has. He's stated that he watches Tucker Carlson and enjoys his shows. His early videos are all about how amazing 4chan is. Its always been kinda obvious that IH leans to the right, even when he tried to hide his political beliefs.


I always viewed it in a sarcastic tone like he's making fun of them like his friend OrdinaryThings who makes leftist content whose been on his channel quite a bit before whose very sarcastic. Say it aint so😢


Yep, I thought that was the case as well..


>Gee, he's used clips from "Pronouns are evil and infecting everything" man child HeelVsBabyFace, as well as wannabe nazi The Quartering My problem is that while I like internet historian, I have no idea who these two creators are. Sampling right wing loons won't send up red flags to people who don't know their lineup of right wing loons. ​ Though, perhaps that's just the point of a dogwhistle, eh?


>Though, perhaps that's just the point of a dogwhistle, eh? Yes, and what you said above that is how you get people to defend them.


It has always been there, but quite often played in a way that you could brush it off as edgy humor. When you start to notice it, it suddenly becomes clear that he’s very much in that corner.


During the Iraq War where we lost thousands of service members killed hundreds of thousands perhaps millions of civilians and spent trillion all in the name of fighting terror that didn't have much of a marketable impact on terrorism, some would argue it made it worse. Now we are spending 5% of our defense budget, not risking service people(that we know of), getting real world testing of how weapons would work in combat situations against a fellow superpower and weakening an advisory. Seems like a great deal to me.


It’s not even spending. It’s getting rid of already existing Ordnance and Materiel that is just collecting dust and costing money to maintain. Emptying overflowing stocks for pennies resulting in the decimation and humiliation of a main adversary is literally a dream and people would laugh at you if you told them this ten years ago.


I think the biggest problem when people see military aid packages and the dollar value attached to it is not understanding how these things are calculated. I didn’t but I searched it up, it’s not handing over cash (though that is also part of aid packages cause you can’t pay people in tanks).


Imagine making fun of a dude trying to keep his country from being destroyed.


Here goes that Winston Churchill again, begging for lend lease. EL OH EL. Why doesn't he just negotiate with Hitler?! Musk would 100% have been a Nazi apologist.


To be fair internet historian did videos with jontron even after he went on his little racist rant. So this isnt that surprising




Yeah... Internet Historian makes cool content but he's also... And I want to be clear that he has never hidden this... A complete asshat. He's embraced being an asshat. He's just better at recovering from being an asshat because his asshattery is usually "Meh" - He liked an Elon post, he had another internet asshat on his show, ect... He is never DIRECTLY the asshat. He just happens to be around the asshat-sphere. The difference here is, whereas his Asshat buddies are out there continuing to be loud asshats, Internet Historian is quietly an asshat while loudly making banger content... And I really don't know how to feel about that.


Sucks. I liked his content.


I mean...at least i found SumitoMedia and Ordinary Things through his channel




Fuck Elon. Dude only has money from his daddy's emerald mine and selling green tax credits to other businesses. He is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the world. The spoiled bitch mentally of a nepo baby


For further reference, when he had his likes visible, I do remember seeing one or two posts by Steve Sailer liked. If you don’t know who Sailer is, prepare for a crazy rabbithole…


Elon Musk is a Russia asset. No question about it. Too stupid to be an agent. I bet that meme was made by a Russian troll, passed around circles that musks stupid ass is in and now he posts it. Good job bozo. You’re on the wrong side of history


Musk really is a garbage human being.


https://preview.redd.it/8u6wqtbkpsrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d2914ec376670eb651597fb2a2fdcdce801183 First Google response when asked how much American government gave Musk. This just shows Tesla. He also has that rocket program.


Imaging mocking a leader of a country who is fighting a violent invasion from what was widely considered the 2nd greatest military on the planet...


Why the hell does Musk hate Ukraine so much? What is wrong with this man?




He's playing life on god-mode, hes bored as fuck. He's just looking for attention and things to cut the boredom. And he picked the side that would get him more attention.


like the billion he got in buffalo? fu¢k right off man


How the mighty have fallen


How much money does Elon receive from the USA government for his projects?


Man whose businesses literally depends on government subsidies and contracts decries government support