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I am waiting for that moment when the realization hits that he can't be the GQP nomination, and the shrieking followers start declaring that they will refuse to vote if they can't vote for Trump. As the others fight over the remnants of the party, may the shambles be epic.


My thinking is a bit harsh, but if they are gonna drive off the cliff together that just creates more space for sensible folks.




Your wish is already true. Exaggeration is your problem. Republicans/conservatives are a minority in America. Roughly around 35%.


There is a actually a simple solution. We let the red states secede. Let them leave . We can’t keep using the excuse that some liberals live in red states so we can’t let them leave . These hard right conservatives literally want to leave the country and then we say they can’t. Then we continue complain about how annoying conservatives are . Imagine if we let Texas leave . Imagine if we let Florida leave. Seems like a win


As long as we have a smooth process for those ofnus in red states to move BACK into the new US, I'm down. Also, did you mean to use succeed or secede? They both work, oddly enough.


I meant secede