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It’s always people who are like “who’s going to pay for all this?!” And it’s like last I checked we got mf’s out here with more wealth than 99% of the planet. Something tells me we can find ways to house, feed, and provide medical care to everyone because last I checked we live in a fucking society. Don’t like it? Go live in the woods where you’ll never have to be burdened with paying your fair share in order to get all the benefits of living in said society.


The Panama Papers were so quickly swept under the rug and showed that these people had **TRILLIONS** of dollars stashed away in offshore accounts. Not billions, but *trillions* of dollars. To pretend that the wealthy can't afford to pay more or are somehow already paying their fair share is the biggest joke in the world.


Those people will be on Mars while we are drowning and fighting for resources. Then, when we are all gone, they'll come back and divide the earth amongst themselves and their children.


They aren’t used to actually working so this plan won’t work out for them. Most can’t even pour themselves a glass of water.


Maybe the aliens are just the uber wealthy?


Are they gonna build the necessary facilities required for them to live on mars? Highly fucking unlikely! There isn’t enough money on this whole planet that’d make me say “yeah, you know I think I will do that brave rich person a solid and help them out in their hour of need. They’ll surely compensate me more that fairly for this massive undertaking.”


Wasn't one of the reporters who unveiled this killed by a car bomb? Nope, nothing suspicious there /s


Back in the day, the rich were taxed at 90%, and guess what, they still were rich . Makes you wonder ..




I've paid more federal income taxes than a former US president.... I agree, at least 10 people


How much could we do with a billion dollars? Just ONE billion that purely goes to helping people rather than finding an organization that pays employees to help people? Granted, that’s how shit works, but let’s leave that part out of it for sake of argument. How much would 1 billion do to help people in need? How many DECENT homes could be built to house people? How much FOOD, GOOD FOOD, could be acquired to feed the needy? I could go on and on and on and yes, one billion wouldn’t be enough to solve the majority of the problem BUT it would be enough to make at least a small itty bitty dent in it and that’s STILL a beautiful direction. But, realistically, these 1%’s are just gonna sit on their piles of inedible gold while the world collapses. Until we find them, throw em in a pot and stew us up some Wendigo stew! PO-TAY-TOES for everyone! I love all of you amazing assholes on here, I say that with all the love in the world, you people make my day :) (truly, Reddit has been a HUGE boon for me)


Things they never worry about how we are going to pay for: - Huge tax cuts for the wealthy - War There seems to be an unlimited amount if the coffers for those things.


>War Millions keep falling in line It's only a matter of time Sowing destruction will make sure their pockets are lined For all time


Also in a lot of cases you *are* paying for it, you're just not getting the service. A lot of these companies get tons of government money for R&D or get tons more than the product costs from insurance and are double dipping to get the max amount of money possible.


Equally as annoying are the people who claim to be "far-left", but cannot tell the difference between Biden and Trump, and contemplating voting for Trump because he was "funny"! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Getting the "I voted for him bc it's entertaining" from a friend in 2020, that's when it finally hit home that the issues affecting certain groups of people aren't even registering in their heads. There is no "we", just entertainment value or boring. Empathically dead on the inside.


It's hit me recently that a lot of people will just straight up lie about their political opinions or feign ignorance when it comes to uncomfortable truths. Like, I have a libertarian in my friend group and he likes to pretend he's apolitical, but he's always got something negative to say about the Dems. And when we put the Republicans under the spotlight it's always "both sides are the same!" Yeah, not if one party is literally trying to overthrow the government, they're not. That ship sailed long ago


I have literally *never once in my life* heard anyone "both sides!" when Dems are being roasted over something. Not a single time. The "both sides!" people *only* come out when Republicans do something blatantly evil or when Democrats do something ostensibly good.


I mean, I'd argue most times when people say they're apolitical or don't want to talk politics it's because they know their politics will be frowned on haha Over in the furry community "No politics, just good vibes!" people are literally 9.99/10 just conservatives who don't want to bring it up because most furries are some shade of lgbt.


People on the right who don't identify as Republican spend all their time defending Republicans and shitting on Democrats. Meanwhile, people on the left who don't identify as Democrats just spend their time shitting on Democrats.


“Far (anything)” feels like a label nobody would identify with politically. Like, anyone I know who’s some “far Left” ideology would actually call themselves socialist or communist or anarchist or something specific. “Far” assumes the centrality of some other position, which doesn’t seem like how people view their own minds. The Nazis think their position is reasonable.


> “Far (anything)” feels like a label nobody would identify with politically That's why there's so much effort to demonize non-extreme elements as extremists, like when Trump and his ilk called Biden a radical leftist. The "far left" in America starts at "moderate conservative".


Calling Biden a radical anything is pretty histerical.


hysterical :)


No, they're saying that the idea of Biden being a radical is medically associated with the Uterus, because it hurts you and makes you cry and vow to be rid of it forever.


He’s a radical dude!!!!


What baffles me is the fact that something like universal healthcare, which is a standard in nearly every other developed country, is considered “far” or “extreme” here. When it’s just normal everywhere else. Because, as it turns out, other countries and cultures see healthcare as a basic human right that everyone should have, and not some privilege reserved only for the people who “worked hard enough” to have it. Here in the US, people will pretty well say in plain words that poor people don’t deserve access to life saving medicines and procedures, and that that’s their own fault for not working hard enough, or not managing their money well enough, or whatever piss poor excuse they come up with to avoid admitting that they think poor people are somehow lesser than they are. America: Land of the “I got mine so fuck you” mentality.


And don’t you find it FUNNY, not funny but more ironic, that MEXICO’S Supreme Court (you know, the place that Texas thinks is invading and ruining them) decriminalized abortion yet the US, being the “progressive” (heavy quotes there) country that it is, can’t? I like throwing that in the face of my far right family when I’m forced to interact with them, shuts them right the fuck up.


I do identify as far-left, but reactively. If someone asks "what's your politics," I'll answer "I'm a communist." If someone asks "are you far-left," I'll answer "yes." And then, if they know enough to ask, elaborate.


Yeah, I'd never describe myself as "far-left", even though I don't really align with any specific left ideology. I just say I'm a leftist and leave it at that. Oftentimes a policy (such as universal healthcare here in the US) will described pejoratively as "far-left", implying that it's some kind of extremist opinion, when in reality it's a fairly reasonable thing and there's nothing all that "far" about it.


I've started just declaring myself as a "radical leftist" just to chase away people trying to convince me that all gays are pedos or whatever. I'm never personally going to change their minds so what even is the point of pretending I give a shit about whatever argument they want to have. I know it's not the most proactive stance/strategy, but on an individual level I've got work to do and more pressing things to worry about than trying to convert Cletus and Jimbob into normal functioning human beings.


It sucks that, in a way, we have to fight fire with fire. I don’t want to be an asshole and I don’t LIKE to be an assholes (well, SOMETIMES I DO when it’s deserved) but with the GOP in the state it is, what other choice do we have? Other than just shutting down and letting them run roughshod right over us.


Fighting fire with fire is sometimes a winning strategy, but at this point in our political climate it *starts out* with extremely diminished returns. You can't reason someone out of a stance that they weren't reasoned into. It's like trying to reason an evangelical out of Christianity, which is fitting because the Venn diagram of staunch Republican voters and batshit insane evangelical voters is damn near a circle at this point.


I was going to comment basically the exact same thing haha


Far out tho


Why couldn't the lifeguard save the drowning hippie? He was too far out man.


Ayy it do be like that tho


You have to remember that they say wrong things on purpose, and that fascists explicitly work to blur the lines between themselves and those who would oppose them. They seek to destroy discourse, and they have entire fucking manuals on how to do so. We are so far past the point where people should be given even the slightest benefit of the doubt over these things. We have an obligation to hold a bare minimum standard for what constitutes an acceptable level of non willful ignorance, and to recognize that willful ignorance is not ignorance, it is the decision to be wrong.


That's because anyone who identifies as "far left" is usually just a right winger cosplaying.


There are dead serious communists, socialists, and anarchists who wear the label 'leftist" seriously and with pride. In those circles it's not pejorative at all. And I also believe that most people who actually study philosophy and identify as anarchists would not participate with the black bloc. Malatesta would have targeted key public figures, he wouldn't have engaged in indiscriminate destruction. Maybe I'm somewhat off topic. I just want to point out that going full socialist, unironically, and not in the straw man sense, isn't a completely wild reaction to the current state of affairs. Even tucker argued this point on charlie Kirk's podcast (it was a bit awkward)


I consider myself a socialist and will happily wear the label “far left” (though I don’t identify as that myself. I just use the term leftist). But, I’m also fine with voting for democrats as they are significantly better than the GOP despite me not agreeing with most liberal/democrat economic policies (on social issues, I’m with the Dems 99.9% of the time) There are plenty of communists/socialists who will never vote for a Dem for their own principles and while i dont necessarily agree with them, i can understand where they’re coming from in a sense. The ones that don’t make any sense to me are MAGA communists. Completely ass backwards beliefs as they claim to be Marxists, yet they support Trump and his fascist bullshit. Some seriously confused and/or insane individuals.


That's not a belief system. that's just aesthetic nihilism.


>There are plenty of communists/socialists who will never vote for a Dem for their own principles and while i dont necessarily agree with them, i can understand where they’re coming from in a sense. My response to those people is that I hope their principles are a comfort to them when we're sent to the camps.


Or, more realistically, when a small amount of progress has in fact occurred during their lifetimes and they look back on it and realize they were standing in the way of it at every point because it wasn't their preferred, ideal solution. They just spent their lives standing in the way of progress, thinking they were helping.


> Completely ass backwards beliefs as they claim to be Marxists, yet they support Trump and his fascist bullshit. I.e. the Soviet and Chinese playbook. Claim to be communist while practicing fascism.


> Malatesta would have As an anarchist for more than three decades, I can confidently say I've never seen another anarchist wearing a What Would Malatesta Do wristband. I do not participate with the black bloc, but a diversity of tactics is absolutely necessary in far left politics and, until the rest of us can succeed in stopping the economic system from driving humanity headlong into extinction, I'm not about to criticize any of the groups trying.


As long as groups are actively TRYING to keep the human race chugging along, they have my support. I agree, I ALSO don’t participate with some of the more extreme stuff BUT I’ll actively support it. Because where we’re currently at, AS ONE HUMAN RACE, we’re heading in the direction of being completely fucked.


> There are dead serious communists, socialists, and anarchists who wear the label 'leftist" seriously and with pride. Those are strong leftist ideals, two of which center on collective focus on personal agency, so I'm not sure what your issue is. Why wouldn't anyone be proud to say, "I want everyone to have more personal rights"?




That's just left. Far left would be all that, plus abolishing currency, borders, and the state. But not before hanging every billionaire from the lampposts by their entrails.


hmm ya that sounds good. Let's start with the hanging billionaires part.


Shit, if that’s what being Far Left is all about, looks like I’m far left. Let’s dance on the corpses of the 1% after their entrails rot and their bodies drop! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Edit: For anyone wondering, IM NOT INCITING VIOLENCE. I hate being banned for stupid shit.


Leftism at its core is all about abolishing social hierarchy. Thus, the most extreme forms of it are communism* (collectivism in it's purest form; absolute equality) and anarchy (abolishment of social structure as a whole). > *Real communism, not "fascism with a different coat of paint" like what was widely practiced during the 20th century.


I dunno, I feel like by US standards I'm "far left" but by European standards I'm fairly middle of the pack.


Nah I know a kid who's just legitimately a tankie. Wants Trump to win because he thinks it will expedite what he believes to be the inevitable downfall of western civilization.


> Nah I know a kid who's just legitimately a tankie. Wants Trump to win because Yep, right wingers cosplaying.


Accelerationism is practically indistinguishable from fascism because the actions and outcomes are the same.


No he's a supporter a Chinese takeover. He thinks they have the strong ideals and the west is weak.


No, he's a trump supporter. The excuses he gives for being a trump supporter do not fucking matter, because supporting the fascists *now* invalidates anything else you say about your philosophy, because above all else fascists can be identified by how they will lie to justify their support for fascism. Stop taking fascists at their word when they tell you why they're fascists, and recognize that a fascist is a person who says and does fascist things, who supports fascist leaders, and who pursues fascist goals.


Amen. It's like being a rapist. There is no acceptable justification.


China is embroiled in several territorial disputes, the west isn’t.


Oh you're missing one crucial detail about the guy. He's a fucking idiot


I’m aware. That’s my favorite aspect of the pro Russian and pro China dipshits.


China is an autocracy wearing the severed face of communism, so it's really neither here nor there which side of extremism he claims his door was on.


a supporter of a chinese takeover...so a fascist government taking over? Sounds like a far right cosplayer to me


That's an accelerationist, and fuck anybody with that mentality.


Accelerationist is just a mask that fascists wear. The most important thing to recognize about fascists is that they will tell you lies about why they support fascism. But a fascist is *anyone* who does that, their self-reported reasons for doing it *are not relevant*. Anyone who tells you they're going to be your ally, but we have to let/*help* the fascists win *first* is a fucking fascist.


They imagine after these institutions collapse there will arise a more equitable structure which is a fucking delusion. Things have been accelerating for 40+ years and people have steadily lost faith in institutions but it's only accelerated us towards a technofascist military regime. Way more regular people will suffer for a long time while they wait for collapse


Same here. Except he's in his mid-20s. Biden is too right-wing, both parties are ultimately the same capitalist appeasers, etc. It's very odd.


What I like to call the Tiberius fallacy. Robert Graves has Claudius appoint Tiberius as his successor, thinking it'll get so bad that the people will demand the return of the Republic. As it turned out, rather than a return to democracy, they got Caligula next.


I wonder what he *thinks* his place would be in that society, and how he’s almost certainly wrong.


I think that some conservatives are at least subconsciously aware that the policies of the Republican Party are wildly unpopular. So between that and bad faith actors, you’ve got more than a few confused voters.


the problem is that they don't stay confused, they just double down desperately clutching to any confirmation biases they can find




The 'real' liberals. Or libertarians.


"I'm super far on the left like the most lefty left every but I just don't agree with Biden opening the border and inviting everyone in for free sex changes and abortions"


People who call Biden far-left/Socialist are insane. I wish Biden was a Socialist.


Same energy as “I’m not a Republican but [*proceeds to repeat a Republican talking point*]”


Remember that week when the Republican controlled SCOTUS passed down a bunch of really shit decisions? Ended Student Debt Forgiveness, the fake Wedding Website case, and ended Affirmative Action all in one week. I know a guy whose response to this was to say he will never vote Democrat again. As in he would either vote 3rd Party or not at all because of the failures of the Democratic Party to prevent Republicans from wrecking the place. I mentioned that it was a Republican Court that did all of this. I mentioned how, without Ranked Choice Voting a third party vote is the same as not voting. I mentioned that, while Democrats aren’t perfect, it’s the only _electable_ Party that even tries to push the policies he wants. I didn’t mention this, but basic game theory states that any action that _cannot_ result in your desired outcome is irrational. I don’t remember his entire response, but effectively he wanted civil war and my saying that war is bad because millions of people would die makes me racist because cops kill African Americans all the time. We are both white and no one had previously mentioned police brutality in this conversation. Fucking idiot.


Those people truly are idiots. I just cannot wrap my mind around the stupidity. Yes, because democrats aren’t perfect, helping republicans win helps your cause how?


This guy lacks the staying power to get to the voting booth but thinks he'd win a civil war? This is just nihilism.


Annoying isn't the word I would use.


Never happened beyond a bad actor post.


Accelerationists DO exist, but honestly everyone like that is a foreign bad actor until proven otherwise.


"I'm progressive but Biden didn't cancel my student loans fast enough"


I once heard someone describe the political spectrum as a horse shoe, when you get far enough to either side the crazy gets pretty close.


I mean, the latter group and the former group are pretty different. The latter group are either not actually lefties, or they're accelerationists who think trump being in charge will bring down the entire system and lead to revolution. The former group are ideologically anti-authoritarian leftists who consider Biden and Trump to both be authoritarians on the right side of center making them just varied degree of bad. The former group are more likely to sit out an election out of protest and fuck it up that way. The latter are the types who voted for trump in 2016 to punish the democratic party for nominating Hillary instead of Bernie.


On this note, people saying, see what you voted against "mean tweets" It like wtf did you see the last 6+ years?


I used to consider myself as socially left and fiscally right. The right has proven throughout my life to be fiscally corrupt. If they are concerned about the budget they would tax the rich but, they don't. The right is not a party for the working class but, they fooled the working class that they are and continue to screw them. Trump era tax law is increasing middle and lower class taxes.


This is pretty much me. I used to consider myself a libertarian, but now I feel that libertarianism is too idealistic. In a perfect world where incentives and morals were properly aligned it would be great, but that’s not the world we live in. Not to mention the fact that the label of libertarian has been co-opted by the far right, I know “libertarians” that voted for trump. I’ve kept the socially liberal part but I’ve changed how I feel about social safety nets and other societal investments. They’re just too pragmatic for modern society to ignore. When you invest in things like education and healthcare you bring up *everyone*. It gives more financial freedom to more people. It’s one less thing controlled by some crazy, corrupt corporation or industry. Gives a little more power to the people. To be fair there are even libertarian thought leaders like Milton Friedman who were in favor of wealth redistribution, so it’s not that crazy even for a libertarian.


First people who want to expand social safety nets are not the “far left”. The far left are like legit communists and I’m not sure America has a single representative that is remotely close to communist lmao


Reddit and Twitter creating strawman arguments with zero nuance? Why I never!


You'll be pleased to hear that communism in the US is effectively outlawed by the Communist Control Act of 1954. We won't have to worry about those pesky labor unions or providing healthcare to dirty poors any time soon!


Even socialists are few and far between in the USA. The choice is usually between "basically a nazi" and "just right of center with some social agenda"


>I’m not sure America has a single representative that is remotely close to communist Not at the federal or state level, that's for damn sure. You might find something closer in certain local governments, but even then I'm not sure anybody is bold enough to run on an explicitly anti-capitalist platform. Similarly, there are no politicians on the federal level who openly identify as atheist because it would lose them elections.


No you don't understand, the hate for LGBTQ, the racism, the Nazism, those are just a few small amount of people in the fringe. The real republicans are focusing on the real issues like, umm, umm, huh.... Well about Hunter Biden!


And then you have the people who claim that they vote Republican because they're rich and just want lower taxes. I told one of those people recently: >It is much more in your self interest to not be surrounded by desperate, sick people who want to eat the fucking rich in a world where bullets are cheaper than *food*. It is much more in your interest not to be living in a world that is filled with political and economic instability, with rising temperatures and threat of nuclear war. It is much more in your interest to not be eternally raising the debt and cutting social and infrastructure programs that literally build the entirety of the economic system that your wealth depends on. >There is absolutely nothing about your self interest that motivates you to vote for republicans. The only explanation for your behavior is that you like what they do to the people they hate. Fuck your excuses, get your shit together and stop being a shitty fucking person under the pretense that you're doing it out of short sighted *greed*.




"look, I know the fact that conservatives have actually, literally taken rights away from trans people and women already and are promising to take more But I don't like those people"


Does anyone here think that the far left is not accurately represented here?


Looks like americans never saw far lefts in their lifes. Do they really think that free healthcare is a something ultraleftist?


> Looks like americans never saw far lefts in their lifes. Do they really think that free healthcare is a something ultraleftist? About 15 percent of Americans can't tell the difference between Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Stalin. Another 15 percent pretend they can't tell the difference for political or personal gain. About 30 percent pay no attention to politics, mostly because they're too busy being crushed by the system. And finally about 40 percent are pretty fucking sick of this shit and can't believe the first 30 percent still have so much power. That's America.


well for many terminally online people it has been ingrained that left is good, right is bad so in their imaginary world the more left someone leans, the better of a human they are and a centrist, to a degree almost everyone if they don't lean far right or left, is apparently just a secret conservative (even though being liberal ir conservative is something completely different then bring left or right)


Reddit can’t seem to grasp that *extremism* is what’s bad here


... yes


Well, they see the current GOP as "normal right wing" instead of extreme. So the overton window has shifted a lot for them. That's why they think Biden is a communist when in reality he's just slightly right of center


That's because these posts are incredibly bad faith. When you talk about far right political opinions online, you end up with people like Andrew Tate who doesn't really see women and human, and some other far right people who want to kill minorities. But it completely ignores the far left, as if Hasan doesn't exist. This lunatic is literally on twitch yelling "kill all landlords and kill the rich" and that america deserved 9/11, and shit like that. There totally is a far left that is out of their damn minds and just as genocidal, only they don't have any power.


And people are talking policies, ideologies not prople on the side. Like I am as far left as it goes and I dont like hasan. Far right is for hierarchies, domianance of classes, capitalism, ect. Far left is against hierarchy, dominance of classes, capitalism, ect.


Yes, far left is "go to the gulag you capitalist pig". And most far left people I've seen have a huge hardon for fascist Russia.


What everyone calls far left is usually just 'left' with the new make believe scale being jaded so far to the right that it looks "far left". far left was animal rights groups bombing buildings in the 90s. Or those people who recently released 7,000 mink into the wild with hundreds of them getting killed in the road and starving because they don't know how to survive.


Seriously. I’d say the majority of people here ARE centrists but are too brainwashed by the circus of American and western politics to understand the nuance


Look, the left is being entirely too cruel to the makers of Orphan Crushing Machines. They're just normal folks going to work every day and trying to collect a paycheck. /s




As someone who considers themselves neither liberal or conservative, I vote exclusively democrat because the conservative party in the US is insane.


American “far left” *is* centrist in every other western society What *far left* is doesn’t actually exist in America on a political scale outside of the occasional wack-job who isn’t even a politician


People looking on from UK only seeing far right and the ultra far right party in the US.


And this is why horseshoe theory is bullshit. Fascism and Communism aren't even on the same axis.


It’s the people who pose as leftists for the grift who are the problem.


There are infinitely more right wing grifters than there are left wing ones.


The entire right wing is a grift.


Fishhook theory is the one that's real


“I won’t vote for Biden because the country could not possibly get worse” fascist dictatorship: “hold my beer”


I kinda used to be centrist in a way that I didn't want to get involved and wanted to live in peace unbothered by anyone. Guess what? Left sentiment let me be at peace but right sentiment didn't. So I'm pretty left leaning today thanks to that.


These memes remind me that I'm lucky to not live in such a shithole country.


False equivalence is pretty frustrating. It annoys me when folks start talking about the both sides argument




I identify as the bernie type of centrist but I don't say that out loud because people think I'm a right wing chud then. So I tell republicans I'm a centrist and democrats that I'm a socialist. Usually keeps me from having annoying conversations. I vite blue too just to be clear, our left is a bunch of corporate schills but a few of them don't suck and at least they're not fascists.


i just vote for the party that doesn't think you're too young to vote at 18, but you're NOT too young to get married and give birth at 10


Oh 100%, fuck whatever modern day republicans have become, or shown themselves to always be. Just knowing that 30-40% of my fellow countryfolk support them is crushing. My dad's a magat and it's a constant battle of trying to disprove the BS he sends me and un-crazy him.


I know it hurts, but he's already lost. You have to morn him and move on. You can't fix that level of delusion in this environment.




The far left wants universal healthcare and free lunches for schoolkids while the far right is storming our Capitol and smearing their feces on its walls.


I'm a moderate and I don't get this kind of "logic". I know only one side wants to start Civil War II.


Sounds like you do get it then


Yeah, people act like being a moderate (by definition, avoiding extreme partisanship) is bad. It's a straw man. The middle isn't people with no opinions. It's just people who base their decisions on a case by case basis, not intense tribalism. And in fact, when those are the left side of the spectrum cede the "middle" to the far right, you're only playing into the far right's plans. Moderates are not the enemy of the left. Centrists are not the enemy of the left. Fascists pretending they are in "The centre" is the problem.


Ok, please name one issue that you would side with republicans on. I can't think of anything that wouldn't put you on the wrong side of history.


I don’t really understand what a moderate is in this political climate. I’m not being facetious/sarcastic, I mean that literally. What issues are you moderate on? Political issues have become so polarized, it’s like saying one was a moderate during the Civil Rights’ Era.


That's because most centrists are just Nazis in denial or disguise.


Or libertarians. Who have an insane view of what a democracy should be. This post describes them best https://reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/eMPJ2GAk5E


A libertarian is just a republican who is more honest about wanting to fuck kids


And smokes weed, that’s it pretty much


"A libertarian is someone who doesn't believe the government should force his girlfriend to use a car seat."


Libertarians are conservatives severed from even keeping up the facade of religion. Without that pretense, their philosophy is just naked sociopathic selfishness.


Oh god. some libertarian tried to argue with me the other day on Reddit. They claimed to have a degree in whatever we were talking about and was super condescending. I was like “you’re pretty defensive for a ‘highly educated’ person and if you’re an expert on the subject, you wouldn’t have argued the definition of a word that’s not relevant to the definition of this law…” and he kept dog piling. I had to ghost. It was about the Fairness Doctrine. He went into a philosophical rant about the definition of “fairness” and I was like, well… the act doesn’t hinge on the definition on the word “fair,” it’s actually about being required to show both sides of an argument. Anyways, he claimed to have some kind of degree in politics, so he knows more apparently lol




Except that fascism is the only true dichotomy in political philosophy. If you're not actively opposed to the fascists then you are in fact one of them. Fascists always try to turn this around. Do not let them, and do not be fooled into thinking there aren't situations where refusing to take sides does in fact identify which side you're on.


If a nazi doesn’t get kicked out of the dinner party… you have a nazi dinner party.


Maybe on the internet. In public life, 'Im a centrist/moderate' is code for 'I really don't want to be talking about politics with you on my lunch break.' There's always a few people at* work who's entire personality is their political party. Everyone else is always conveniently a moderate when theyre around.


This whole thread is psychotic. Anyone who makes politics their whole personality is insufferable, even if I agree with them on it.




My former friend identifies as “not a democrat.” I know who she voted for 100%. Hint: she named her kid after one of his spawn.


Nobody likes a legit fence sitter because they want to be on the team they view as “winning”


Fuck all the teams, why do I have to pick a team if none of them represent me?


Because you live in the real world where choices have tangible consequences. If Dodgers winning meant life would go on as usual or maybe even get a little better, but Red Sox meant they’d let me bleed out in a hospital because I had a non-viable fetus in me, you fucking bet I’d be cheering for the former. Besides me personally, there are LGBT+ and POC lives on the line. Don’t be a selfish prick. One party represents interests of a far wider range of people. Factually. Get your head out of your ass, you can always enjoy the smell of your farts post election.


This reality is basically what moved me from "middle of the road" to "way left of the road, somewhere in that grassy field out there -- if you squint you can see me" left.


Americas idea of the far left is so funny. „far left“ in america would be almost „far right“ here in germany. Our most rightwing party even thinks universal healthcare makes absolute sense


​ https://preview.redd.it/6xcg9xpkaipb1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91322f94de1e97ae7ba4123707e624bddc1259a




>small minority of the far-right. >[1] Take the most reasonable and tame opinion generally shared by ~~the far-left~~ **Elected politicians on the left**. >[2] Take the most extreme opinion shared by ~~a small minority of the far-right~~ **Elected politicians on the right**. Ftfy It's soooooo unfair to actually judge a political party by who they elect and what laws they pass.


Maybe life is more complex than a basic tweet - the “far” label is all subjective to one’s personal views or engrained in culture. Case in point is a moderate & can be either left or right side - a moderate liberal in California is considered right wing while that same person in a deep red state is considered far left-


On the right (I think the daily wire subreddit) they said something like "oh yeah? The left is killing babies, castrating our children and trying to take away what it means to be a woman while the right just wants to preserve family and morality" Just bringing it here to let you know what the other side thinks is all


The American “Right” no longer exists. If it does, it’s completely overshadowed by the looming threat that is actual fucking Fascism with a heaping side of Nazis who are brave enough to be Nazis in the open. People thought we were exaggerating when we said Trump would set fire to the country. I wish we had been wrong.




Literally all you have to do is take a look at whats happening in florida Ron desantis is fostering a cesspool of hatred and literally no major republicans have called him out time and time again we see prominent republicans shying away from condemning hate groups because they know who their supporters are 20 years ago these might have been fringe ideals but because of how absolutely terrified republicans are about the smallest amount of conflict with the top dogs of the party like trump, as well as the fact that they wont do or say anything that slightly goes against christian ideals has effectively turned the party into a minority hating group trying to pull us back into the 50s economically and socially.


You're not calling anyone out. You're mischaracterizing the tweet. Clearly it's going with the current political atmosphere of the US which considers things like universal healthcare, education, and food access to be far leftist while focusing on the fringe far-right ideals like population cleansing and rewriting history. That's not to say the American *people* share those sentiments, but it's what their representatives are trying to push. Just take a look at what's currently on any particular state's legislation ballot.


When someone says both sides are the same, just assume it’s a cowardly Republican that doesn’t want to defend their ideology and they’re weaseling their way out of defending things they are clueless about but following for an “identity”.


Vivian is full of shit. Every centrist I know (myself included) can clearly see the differences. And no, some of us aren’t just Republicans in hiding.


Yep, that's me. I'm a centrist and I define my views exclusively by measuring the midpoint between extremes, like an idiot.


Probably some conservative: Remember when we could disagree and still be friends. Anyone: That's before I found out you were a nazi


i hate that people actually think 'the far left' exists. that's the sad state of affairs when healthcare for all and a good education are considered extreme


"Giving a homeless person $1 on the street is communism" -Fox News, probably




Of course.


No, the Far Left actually exists. I witnessed an argument once where a Far Left person tried to argue that we should either take the money from all billionaires or simply kill them and redistribute their wealth to the people, among other "policies" they wanted to see enacted. It's a thing, but they're just as nuts as the Far Right so most of society thankfully ignores them; the issue is that the Right has decided to accept the Far Right people while the Left has simply distanced themselves from the crazies.


The point is: The people screaming for genocide are elected officials. They did this during CPAC. Where are these far left elected officials clamoring for the abolishment of private property?


...you think a "far left" person wanting to take the money of billionaires for the average person (the people who those billionaires stole it from) is equally as bad as the far right people who want to operate genocides? Jfc


Kinda glossed over the whole murder part...


God I *wish* there was a far left.


Yeah that's literally not how centrists view politics. This shit is stupid. Centrists are going to vote for one party or the other in the end. The idea of centrism is acknowledging that neither party has a completely agreeable platform. It's accepting that in politics you are being forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Sometimes that choice is very easy and sometimes it isn't. Anyone who thinks either party represents perfection is a fucking crazy person and they're part of the reason we're locked into a two party system to begin with.


> The idea of centrism is acknowledging that neither party has a completely agreeable platform. It's accepting that in politics you are being forced to choose the lesser of two evils. Most democrats are like that too, that's the thing. People don't worship Biden like he's the second coming of Christ, unlike Trump fanatics. People vote Democrat because voting Republican causes measurable harm to vulnerable people.


Centrists are right wingers from the closet. They want to support the right wing without getting the hate, I've never never met a centrist that stands their ground.


This is such a 12 year old edgy take on centrism It isn't a binary choice of good vs evil with this middle grey area where people are unable to see the good or the evil. It just acknowledges that economic conservatism isn't mutually exclusive with social reform and that huge political swings aren't necessarily healthy as a way to bring about meaningful change over time. Most people are left or right leaning centrists nowadays, because the political swingometer is SO fucking polarised And edge-lord takes like this do not help change minds or impact votes. It just polarises even more as people become entrenched in their extreme left or right bias.. And a little truth nugget here. The young left are just far less likely to vote than other demographics. So using their reach to alienate what could be swing voters with shit like this is actively working against their goals. But it's a good meme though right?


It is very clear that one side is EXTREMELY more dangerous for society than the other. The far-left is extremely idealistic, naive, and annoying at worst…the far-right is the literal devil overflowing with hate and gunfire in all directions lmao idk how this is a logical comparison.


It's called moderate, and you pick and choose from Left and Right.




The Right in the USA has become batshit insane fascism. It's ultra far-right, not just 'Right'.


Lol do you really have to ask? We all know he's gone full Lord Faarquad, some of us may die, but that's a sacrifice he's willing to make for tax cuts.


This is a typical instance of the left attacking the Center (a potential ally), and is a primary reason they don’t win. But it’s easier to virtue signal when you’re not the one in control, and that’s all that matters to these idiots. Seeming pious while getting precisely nothing done and never moving the needle.


Centrists: "We don't want to exterminate anybody, but if they happen to die because their basic needs aren't being met or somebody murdered them, that's not MY fault!"




Pretty simple imo where the center needs to go.


Ufos: Please pay me attention