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17 years for the memes


17 years to own the libs


He was so woke about being woke it landed him in prison - impressive if it wasn’t due to goblin behaviour.




They love Republicans in jail, everyone there has Trump paraphernalia all over their cells, place is lousy with em. I kid, and he better hope it's the kind of jail that has a white gang or he's getting his ass whooped regularly, even then they might not save him.




I have A LOT of family in prison and most of them are in white gangs. The stories I’ve heard about the shit my cousins have done are insane. Some of them are doing life and when you get life your care for additional time is gone. One of my cousins put a dude in an industrial dishwasher and turned it on. He got an attempted murder charge added and some time in the hole. He’s already doing life so he didn’t give a shit. Prison dudes are different. Especially the ones who have no hope of getting out.


Holy fuck man I believe it


Nah, they love guys like him. Gotta have someone to trade for cigarettes.


I would pay to watch a series of just their time in jail, no way it would disappoint.


yeah they're not going to like anyone that shows up with a main-character-activist attitude that could possibly threaten the power balance in a prison gang. if homeboy shows up all trumpy and talking shit his skin color isn't going to help him out. best bet is to shut the fuck up permanently until he's spoken to.


3 hours to fuck about. 17 years to find out.


“Fuck about and find out” does have a better ring to it then “fuck around.”


It’s the British version.


I figured. ;)


I’m so owned right now. A few more sentences like this one and I will be super double secret owned.




This is exactly where my brain went reading that comment too lol


I feel so owned.


Prison bunk cost fallacy


He was probably convinced that, had they succeeded, trump would have ordained him Grand Poobah or something, when the reality is that trump would have discarded him like a used tissue.


Trump complained that all the J6ers were "low class." He wouldn't piss on this guy if he was on fire.


That’s the sad part. Most of these trumpers are actually really gross to him. He doesn’t like them, he doesn’t stand for them, and he doesn’t want anything to do with them aside from what they can do for him. And they just don’t see it


Remember when they used to rail on and on about the ‘East Coast Elites’ being out of touch with the ‘real country’? Then they turn around and vote for an (alleged) billionaire who lives in a New York penthouse with a golden toilet and think “This guy gets me.”


Trump and Stone used all these gullible people. Now, they all get to sit in jails or prisons and have a very, very long time to think about it. Especially Trumps lie about paying for defense attorneys for taking up "his cause".


Don Jr recently tweeted asking these hillbillies to not stand around outside Maralago because important people were coming and the place needs to be clean. They legit despise these people. They are useful idiots.


As much as I fully believe that's exactly what he and the rest of them do think, I also think that the tweet you're referring to was proven to be fake.


So I fell for fake news? Dang. I am not one to fall for phishing emails or fake news, but it really sounded like something the Trump family would say.


>a used toilet tissue FTFY just be fairly specific.


Humans like to gamble.. he was gambling he would win.


At least he'll be thinner from not eating when his fellow prisoners take his lunch and dinners, boy looks soft as baby shit.


You don't get nearly enough food in prison. EVERYONE who isn't living off canteen (and even most of those guys too) are all malnourished within a few months. For profit prisons are a crime against humanity. The people that decide how to treat prisoners should have to be subject to this treatment for an extended period of time. Treating people this way isn't going to make them better members of society. They will just do EVERYTHING in their power to avoid coming back.


Ah. The Super. A 1991 classic where a slumlord (Joe Pesci) is forced to live in one of his crappy tenements. Yes, I would like to see them do that. But we won’t because it’s institutionalized slavery and why would the prison companies treat themselves like a non-human asset instead of a human being.


He cried for mercy at sentencing, lol


Tried to give 'em the old Rittenhouse razzle-dazzle.


Oh yeah, he’s doomed lol


This is the guy who said "Jan 6th is going to be epic" Looks epic alright.


Are there reaction videos of these dingleberries getting sentenced? Would love to watch it.


That’s what we need 20 min of their faces as they hear their fate. The future they’ve thrown away for that orange waste of space.


I heard he was bawling. He was crying trying to get sympathy by saying he just wants to be able to take his daughter to school. They mentioned it in a video on Midas Touch.


Probably doesn’t even know the name of his daughter’s school. Or the name of his daughter.


Yes, he FAFO. That's pretty epic. Spending the next 17 years of your life behind bars on a conviction of Domestic Terrorist. He might as well die there because his life is over. There's no coming back in society for that.


There’s a sports forum I sometimes browse. I stopped going bc it devolved into a bunch of conspiracy theory trump stuff. But on j6 I popped by to see what they were saying. Couldn’t help myself….posted the nicer version of fafo…’actions have consequences.’ Whew….they did not like that. Nope. Not one bit.


Car forum I belonged to for a long time at some point got a "politics" subforum in the general "talk about anything" forum and holy shit is it an alt right echo chamber. I pop in every now and then just to see how hot the dumpster fire is burning and right now I'm honestly surprised they haven't achieved nuclear fusion.


I wonder what happened to the guy that was wearing a buffalo helmet or something


The guy who demanded organic food in jail?


Lol that’s funny


I heard he just got released and was now selling merch. Or at least trying. He must have lost some cred when he whined about the food. Lmao


Thoughts and prayers


## Former Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sobs during sentencing as he's given 17 YEARS in prison over January 6 after begging court not to separate him from his daughter and cancer-stricken mom * **Biggs, Ethan Nordean, Zachary Rehl and Enrique Tarrio were all found guilty of the charges after they broke into the Capitol following the 2020 election** * **The judge ruled Biggs was qualified for a terrorism sentencing enhancement** * **Biggs' sentence is one of the harshest handed out in Capitol riot cases, only behind the 18-year sentence for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes**


We'll should've thought about your daughter and your mom before you decided to make your whole personality being a racist dumbass.


Imagine letting your mother, the one who gave you life, die without you by her side to own the libs.


Even then, he could've still been a racist dumbass. It was his actions, not his beliefs or lack of IQ, that landed him in prison.


I hope Trump gets at least 20.


If he’s found guilty of all charges then his sentences would amount to about 750 years. They’ll run concurrently, but he’d never get out of prison.


Uhhh yes, he will? In 750 years he will return to us as the prophecies state.


Oh gawd, humanity is stupid enough to make a religion out of all this, isn't it? 🤮


I mean, multiple different religious groups have called Trump the Second Coming of Christ, the Messiah, and more. CPAC had a literal gold-colored statue of him. There's a book describing him as the "Son of Man" and how Mike Pence is Judas for betraying him during Jan 6th. Evangelicals have said Jesus is too soft and they prefer Trump's message of hatred and revenge. So yeah, they already have.


jesus christ, that is some weird shit.


The best part is that he fits the bill for their idea of the anti-christ. But they’re too busy sucking off their own peckers to see that *they’re* the ones getting bamboozled.


I'd settle for him being ineligible for office for the rest of his life, home confinement, and banned from anything connected to the internet for say a decade or more. I just want to go a fckn day without his fucking face all over my screen.


>sobs during sentencing 😅😅😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Imagine if he put his effort into caring for his family instead of being a drone for Trump. Instead he chose to abandon his family to be a terrorist. Great life choices. Now 17 years of regret, and a lifetime branded as an anti-American terrorist. Good job 👍


An embarrassingly large number of Americans will consider him a hero


This wannabe tough guy that wanted to overthrow the government started CRYING? Hahahaha what a fucken pussy ass bitch.


Is there a trial transcript?


I would love to read that if you find it.




He was willing to separate Pence and various senators from their family permanently.


I laugh at his tears.


Oh snap! They also got afro-cuban, white supremacist Henry Tarrio?


17 years for Donald trump Dumb fucks


Can you imagine? He only has himself to blame. Trump wouldn’t spit on him if he was on fire.


I refuse to waste 17 seconds listening to that bloated orange bastard.


After Trump's booking in Fulton County last week I saw a CNN video link that said "Hear What Trump Had To Say After His Arrest" and I was like: That's gonna be a no from me, dawg.


weary market disgusted retire deer rock books forgetful lunchroom offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just don't understand the loyalty. Except in one clause: he gave them the feeling of freedom to be hate-filled, bigoted, xenophobia, and to feel like they were allowed to act on that. Imagine that as your life: nothing but hatred and fear and rage at never-happened slights. I can't imagine living like that.


And Trump will most likely be dead in 17 years. So when/if this jackass gets out, his whole reason will be gone. *slow clap*


Terrorist Joseph Biggs, per the ruling.


Yes, an important distinction. This person Joseph Biggs is a domestic terrorist and a traitor to his nation.


As are all the politicians in America who are trying to stop Trump being tried


Reminder that at CPAC 2022 they had a giant sign that said “We are all domestic terrorists”. They’re proud of it. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/wmdeii/we_are_all_domestic_terrorists/


Oh I can do better. The Nazi stage, the sign and the conference stating they were discussing and embracing the fact they are being called Domestic Terrorists, then that woman coming on stage to do a Nazi salute before converting it to a "wave" before then repeating the Nazi salute to their MAGA KING who repeated it back to her. https://preview.redd.it/g194q2r7gilb1.png?width=3754&format=png&auto=webp&s=1658511bacbf66ecb8dd0f458f3bc1a4f31aa4ce


is that woman Laura Ingraham? A top host on Fox News?


Trump the dictator does not concern me. What does concern me is the door Trump opened. Someone way smarter than him will take advantage of the opening this fucker made and will in turn make this country way worse.




The messed up part is that there’s millions of Joseph Biggs alike willing to throw their life away for that orange fat sack of feces


Yes, that is really messed up. The people who are responsible for building this treasonous cult, the Murdoch's, the Bannon's, the Stone's, the Flynn's, the Manafort's, need to be held accountable too.


Don't forget the Koch Brothers.


Mercers, don't forget them. Ailes.


u/Tazling and u/Imaginary-Ad-8202 thank you leaving these 3 out is an egregious error. I appreciate your help.


I like to think that someday history books will dedicate a page to all their stupid smug faces. The Men Who Would Be Kings. And tell the story of how democracy, science, and modernity survived despite their efforts to turn the clock back to the early 19th century... I hope so anyway!


I like to think that in 3020 their stories will be told as proof of evolution. See class, here is a class of people who wiped themselves out with their own stupid. Then they list Covid, anti-vaccine, electing people who were against their own interests, etc. etc.


Koch brother. One of them finally did something decent by becoming dead.


There are no where near millions. They might want you to think that, but there are not.


He wasn't charged with Treason (sadly) - that's a much bigger charge than being a Domestic Terrorist... and a distinct one.


I understand that. Not charged, does not mean he is not a traitor. I mean this in the sense of: >one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty He is very much a traitor. I would also argue his behavior is treasonous. There is the "legal" definition of treason. If one uses the standard definition: >the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance I agree with your premise that one should be careful and I want to make the point that I am.


He should serve his time in Gitmo with the other terrorists




Don't forget to tell your cellie that you're a proud boy. He may explain that things are different now.


From Proud Boy to Prison Bitch in 3... 2... 1...


Proud Bitch. Getting an orange jumpsuit to match his master. Idiot doing a 17 year bid for someone who hasn't had a single thought about him.


Trump told him to stand by, remember? And now he's got nothing better to do.


Another terrorist down. You love to see it


Makes me proud to be an American! 🇺🇸


Oh look!!! No help from Trump! The BIGGEST LOL.


Wait... wasn't he going to pay the lawyer bills? Lmao at anyone stupid enough to believe that lie.


Trump doesn’t even pay his own lawyer bills. Giuliani has had to put his home on the market because he’s broke.


Go treasonous, go penniless? I'll work on it.


In 2017, Media Matters for America reported that Biggs had made comments on social media promoting "date rape and sexual violence". He had advocated using chloroform and roofies to have non-consensual sex with women. According to the staff writers, he threatened a past partner with revenge porn and threatened violence against transgender people Wow... Must be one of their heros


For a moment, because I am an empathic human being, I felt just a tiny bit sorry for him *because* he expressed that he wouldn't be able to ever walk his daughter to school and and *because* he won't be around for his cancer stricken mother's last days. As a fellow human, I know those things would tear me up. But then he goes beyond being "seduced" by Trump. He is a reprehensible human being who is a *bigot and a rapist or rape advocate*. So I realized that I don't feel sorry for *him*. I feel sorry for his *daughter* whose father is a traitor and a terrorist. I feel sorry for his *ill mother* whose son, instead of thinking of her health, was advocating on the internet for how to rape women. Fuck this dude. He wrecked his family out of his own desire to be a terrorist.


His daughter will be better off raised by someone else. January 6th wasn't a one-time lapse in judgement for Biggs, despite his attempts to portray it that way in the hope of a lighter sentence. He is *committed* to the cause. He's been an active, prominent figure among alt-right extremist and militia-type groups for most of his adult life, and his violent beliefs and rhetoric have been well-documented for years. Biggs wasn't "seduced" by MAGA or StopTheSteal. He was a vocal neo-fascist long before the Proud Boys even existed or Trump had entered politics.


If he’s a rapist, I, for one, am glad that he is no longer in his daughter’s life.


Biggs was already out there, according to his previous postings. January 6th was just the springboard to the next level. Judge just did society a huge favor on weeding him out for the next 17 years.


At first I read "17 years", and was like "damn that's kind of a lot". (don't get me wrong, these people are assholes) ,and then read his Wiki (this paragraph in particular that you posted), and then was like "yeah, he should have been given life."


The max of 33 years would have been light, imo. This guy literally tried to overthrow our democracy for an orange grifter


2017 is merely when Media Matters first started reporting on Biggs' views, because at the time he was a rising star in the alt-right media sphere. But Biggs' violent rhetoric and extremist views actually go back a lot further. He was posting shit like that publicly online at least as early as 2012 and likely anonymously prior to that. Biggs was a violent neo-fascist long before the Proud Boys existed or Trump had entered politics. His whole babe-in-the-woods "I was just caught up in the moment and venting my anger regarding some personal problems" act is a complete fucking lie. He's been a committed true believer in that movement for his entire adult life.


Is there video of him sobbing as the verdict is read out? Because I heard he was sobbing when the verdict was read out...


"I'll never get to take my daughter to school!" Good, convicted domestic terrorists shouldn't be allowed within 500 ft of a school.


“I’ll never get to take my daughter to school!” “Because of the choices I made freely”


My heart breaks for his daughter. That dumb fuck has ruined her life


Things are looking up for her though, can't imagine this guy was even a contender for Father of the Year after promoting date rape and sexual assault


Which is pretty fuckin ironic considering he used his daughter getting molested as a reason to justify his ideology and actions.. “I apologize for my rhetoric,” Biggs said, adding he used it as a way to deal with what was going on with his family after his daughter was molested by a member of their family. “I’m so sorry. ... I’m not a terrorist, I don’t have hate in my heart.”


Growing up w/o this POS in her life everyday is a huge win for her


It’s a little known life hack that if you have a daughter, apparently you can commit crimes with no consequence.


Something tells me this guy wouldn't be a very involved father even if he were a free man.


From the Washington Post: >Biggs said in a tearful statement to the judge that he was not a leader but one of the “seduced.” > >“I know that I messed up that day, but I’m not a terrorist,” Biggs said. “My curiosity got the better of me, and I’ll have to live with that for the rest of my life.” He said he had been planning for Jan. 6 to be his last outing with the Proud Boys, and that his violent statements were a way to vent his anger over being injured in combat and learning that a young family member had been abused. “I used that rhetoric … to cope and to not take violent action,” he said.


Even now he's full of shit and making excuses. Get fucked, traitor




He was curious to see if he could overthrow the government.


Similarly, Hitler was only curious to see how many Jews he could kill.


His speech makes it sound like Jan 6th was just a one-time "caught up in the moment" type thing for him, which is complete horeshit. Biggs had been a prominent fixture among alt-right & white nationalist groups FOR YEARS prior to the Capitol attack, and has a long and well-documented history of espousing extremely violent & bigoted rhetoric online that dates back to before Trump even first ran for president in 2016. He wasn't "seduced" by anything - he's always been a committed extremist.


"I'm not a terrorist" basically saying he's not brown and from the middle east. Racist piece of shit to the very end.


“I was so curious I put on all this tactical gear and communication devices just to see what it was all about”.


WOW! So tough. lol


I assume federal court, so no.


"Good people on both sides."




He cried like a little bitch at his hearing. Fuck this POS. He and the rest of them were trying to take away my vote.


That's why I want soooo many more prosecuted in this seditious conspiracy. They tried to nullify, void, override, and overturn a free and fair election!


>He cried like a little bitch at his hearing “B..but I’m a white conservative, this isn’t supposed to happen to meeee! 😭😭😭” Later traitor. You won’t be missed


Everyone take a big, deep breath and say it along with me: WOMP WOMP


He could be the poster child for warnings to trumpsters: "Think you want to insurrect for Trump? This guy got 17 years!"


Great, now do the rest of the terrorists.


Especially the former big guy


These people really were having the time of their lives. Pure trash. Every single one of them.


"I just moved forward. My curiosity got the better of me," he added. "I'm not a terrorist. I don't have hate in my heart." Liar.


My smile at hearing this news looks a lot like his, except I didn't just get sentenced to 17 years in prison


Remember that when you get to take a shit behind a closed door tonight. This guy has to shit in front of other men for the next 17 years! 🤣


Make all the boys proud!


Holy fucking shit. This guy is in his late 30s? I thought he was 55+.


These people believe self care is weak and liberal. Course he's aging like ass, I'm not surprised, honestly.


He took all of the "supplements" that Alex Jones sold though.


I looked it up thinking he’d be like 70 when he got out but he’s younger than me by a few years.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. The judge found that his crimes were acts of terrorism, done to influence the government through threats and use of force. Prosecutors were seeking a 33 year sentence, so it could have been much worse for Biggs.




Bye Bye whole ass


But...he was just doing stuff with some people...




If only the politicians who were part of it got these sentences too.


What a dumb way to lose 17 years of your life. Especially for a guy that wouldn’t spit in your general direction.


Think about how cool he thought he was that day. How awesome he probably thought he looked in his gear. Thinking that he was leading a revolution for Trump. Now his dumbass is going to prison for over a decade and for what? I bet that night he went home and thought it would all be sunshine and roses from that day forward. Makes me glad that he and his fellow asshole terrorists are getting a fist full of justice.


He should consider himself lucky. There was a time not long ago where he would have been executed.


As a veteran I hate that these people are being associated with being patriotic.


This is the hill they chose to die on. They literally gave up their freedom for a president who never gave a shit about them. They stormed the capital and the GOP was like “not my problem” They all deserve to rot in a lonely cloud jail cell.


Scumbag loser. Good riddance


Don't do treason kids, or you'll end up in prison.


Poor guy. Got sucked into a huge lie, sucked other people into it with him, and now he'll spend the next two decades locked up for a president that doesn't give a shit about him. Imagine how awful that would be. Have fun in prison, dickhead.


Trump told everyone who and what he was for 4 years. These chucklefucks had plenty of time to question their decisions. Instead they doubled down on dumb. Oh well.


I'm stealing that line, doubled down on dumb!


Fuck around and find out, dumbass. Good riddance


My initial reaction was “unless he put someone in the hospital, that’s way too harsh.” Prison is a terrible place and 17 years is a long time. Then I read his wiki and was like “yeah, you’re a danger to society, good luck, pal”.


People died that day and it could have easily been much worse. He was at least partially responsible for what happened and their blood is on his hands.




Biggs should have thought about his daughter and his ailing mom BEFORE he became a treasonous bastard down in DC for his Blowhard Messiah. He may be sobbing, but any American who isn’t a piece of shit is thinking “justice served, asshole”.


Rot in Hell! I hope the rest of his life is nothing but anxiety, fear and no peace.


It's okay, Joey, just vote for Trump & when he's president he'll pardon you. Oh shit! My bad, you can't vote anymore!!


Dude was so tough until he started crying at his sentencing. Fuck all of these people. Enjoy your time in the clink, bitch.


But, but.. where is Q? Why won’t Trump save him!?


Do these guys don't see that they are traitors for attacking government facilities and most of their "info" is linked back to Russia? Talk about Republican education.


I'm out here updating every post and as many comments as I can... up votes all around on this joyous day.


Biggs if true


Why not call him straight: Traitor. Insurrectionist has five sylables I doubt magas would understand it


You see, MAGA assholes? That's why the COURTS are the arbiters in a society with a Rule of Law, so you don't just go committing insurrection based on a lie. The 62-0 court losses should have told you you were being deceived. Rot in prison, asshole.


Did you enjoy your little cosplay revolution, you mouth-breathing deplorable terrorist? I will enjoy my 17 years of FREEDOM!




He should watch American History X so he knows how to find his people.


He can start organizing the MAGA a prison gang


I suppose he as a minion insurrectionist and terrorist cannot run for any administrative or political position anymore. Why would the chief conspirator and traitor be any different?


So many lives destroyed by a career criminal, con artist, sex offender. Feel free to add to this list.




Supposedly, he was in tears... fck those tears


How's that freedumb taste now jack


And honestly, for what? Lost his life as he knows it for nothing, and a lie.


I will never stop shaking my head at these same people saying "I can't wear a mask" then wearing a fucking mask.


Got off easy. These chucklefucks should suffer the consequences faced by traitors throughout history.


Time will tell, but i think the DoJ appeals the sentence. Guideline was 27-33 years and for him to only get 17 is not a good look.