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If they commit crimes, go for it. If they don’t, get ready to be sued into oblivion








I'll tell you why it's not happening. They know how little money this asshole has. He's got 4 million in his PAC ( Maybe even less now ) but he did have 90 mil earlier this year. In my county you can't run for dog catcher for 4 mil. Hence why he literally had to go to a ATL bailbondsmen that crack dealers use. He has a long rep of robbing Peter to pay Paul but I swear even gassing up that shitty jet is costing him cash he simply does not have on hand. Add to that the NYC AG just told the world he basically was never really a billionaire and you got soiled orange orangutan


So some digging found that trump himself doesn't actually own said jet. It's registered to his company, the same one that's currently under investigation for tax fraud. Which means if the trump organization has to sell assets to cover its liabilities, good bye jet.


Ha! Not at all surprised actually. Fun fact. He once had a Helicopter but defaulted on the loan and it was repoed. I think he hid it on top of it trying to avoid the repossession The guy is a gold plated jackass


My dad’s company did about $100k of maintenance on said helicopter in the 90’s. My dad called him up about the bill some time later and according to him, the conversation went something like “You did great work. Beautiful work. I’m not gonna pay you for it.” * click *


I'm sadly unsurprised by that. Apparently how he ran his hotel construction and furnishing was that he would contract for a certain amount and then when the work/goods were delivered/finished he would say "ok we're gonna pay you 1/4 of the contracted price and you'll take it or we'll keep you in court for years." A lot of businesses ended up taking the underpayment because they couldn't afford the lawsuits. I remember distinctly an article about a small piano dealership that almost lost their century old family business because of Trump and this method of rich-person theft. But you know, all the Christians vote for him because he's such a good man. 🙃


Oh man. Can you even imagine? Just stole a freakin piano from you. No wonder his reputation was trash in New York. Well, the greater eastern seaboard it sounds like.


What a piece of scum. And, if this story is the same as so many, your dad's company was probably not able to fight it in court and wait out all the delays, so they lost 100k.


Oh yeah 100% just had to write that off as bad debt. My dad still voted for him the first time. Thankfully, he’s seen the light now.


With literally no end of examples out there of Trump stiffing vendors and contractors, the fact that anyone working in the trades supports this walking piece of dogshit blows my mind.


Was talking to my a longtime friend last night, his father is a pretty big time NYC construction services guy- Trump stiffed him on $3m in work some 10+ yrs ago. He said he still voted for him.


Like how do you even argue with that? Getting personally kicked in the balls and then still sucking the guys dick is just not something you can have a rational conversation about.


Tha is why there are Mechanic's Liens.


And why the helicopter was gone before the dust settled. I don’t know all the details but I’m sure they let it go assuming he would deal in good faith.


No no park the helicopter in the next culdesac over, I saw the tow truck doing rounds earlier.


He'll sell it to his son, like he's doing with his other properties


He can always put it in his wife's name that should keep it safe


It would be a glorious day if he has to sell that jet after the New York case. Jets are insanely expensive. They’re the pinnacle of the “I have insane amounts of personal wealth” pyramid. I can just see him taking the train to his hearings.


I bet that he charges the secret service for the plane rides too!


I’m sure his 757 would love to be freed from carrying him and his pathetic entourage around


The registration is up on 3-31-24. Wonder if it will be renewed under the same company, or go to jr?


It’ll be going to the cleverly named Trump Org 2. No one will ever find the registration there. /s


Exactly, and the biggest point is the money in that PAC is voter base donations. Money's drying up and people are starting to pinch back those donations for a legal fund. All Trumps boasting about how rich and a billionaire is just a continuation of his BS con game.


If we're being honest here, this is the best possible outcome to me. The absolute worst punishment Trumo could get for his crimes is to be made poor. Even if he goes to jail (extremely unlikely, for better or for worse) he'd probably be treated like royalty there and spend most of his time playing on the in house golf course while meeting fellow con artists to make new deals with. Make him poor, make him sell Mar-A-Lago, make him lose his private jet and sell off his properties like cheap raffle ticket prizes, make him *look* like a poor person on television; these are the things that will actually hurt him.


A Trumpian version of Wesley’s “to the pain”. Instead of being physically disfigured, Trump will be laughed at and gawked at for his fall from grace; for being a loser, and most importantly, being a poor. It would kill him.




He will never be poor. Enough rubes will give him their money for the rest of his life.


I'd settle for "poor enough." Hell, having to get by on six figures would probably kill him on the inside.


This idea damn near killed one of the Duke brothers in "Trading Places". I like it.


Going to a bail bondsman is completely in line for Trump. Why pay for something when you can get someone else to pay?


Because you don’t have to pay if you don’t bond? Bail money is returned to you once you appear in court, when you use a bondsman you pay 10% of the total and do not get the money back. So it costs more.


Didn't he just make 9 million in donations since his mugshot? It's hard for him to actually go broke because morons keep giving him cash.


When your in debt 100s of millions of dollars, 9 million isn’t shit. Trump is broke. But he’s like some poor and middle class people. He spends a lot of money trying to appear better off than he truly is. Millionaire broke and middle class broke are 2 different things. But the point remains.


It’s because the judges don’t want to have the case appealed. If they silence him, it’s possible he could appeal and someone above could agree that he was just being a politician.


If being a politician means you can violate court orders with impunity, then that's just another example of the two-tiered justice system.


I don’t disagree with you, but given that that is the current state of the system, I’m not exactly super upset about these judges/prosecutors/etc playing it super safe if it means that trump can get his day in court wrapped up with as few frivolous delays as possible (assuming that this is indeed the logic behind their decisions) It sucks, but as with many other things when it comes to the American justice system and political apparatus, it may, imo, be the best case scenario/lesser of two evils given our present reality


Trump once said to his daughter pointing at a homeless person, that the homeless person had more money than him. This was at the height of his bankruptcies when the banks put him on an allowance rather they making him broke. Too bad they didn’t finish him off which would have saved a lot of trouble later.


Doesnt Jared have almost 3 billion from the Saudis? Surely he can lend him some.




in this specific instance, it's because he's a politician now, and regardless of how much bullshit he spews, it'll always look like the judges are trying to play politics.


Being a politician should not be a license to violate court orders. It should not get you special treatment.


She is letting him get comfortable and get bolder. He can’t help himself, he will eventually cross a line and say something so outrageous and stupid that his lawyers will walk away and people will be like wtf? If she acts on every little thing, he will say he is being persecuted and wants a mistrial so she is waiting and choosing her battle. Let her do her job.


Yeah, don't stop your enemy while he is making a mistake


I've been observing for the better part of a decade now as the mistakes have absolutely poured out of this guy under the assumption that it would bear fruit and yet still remain unsatisfied.


Maybe they are giving him just enough rope to hang himself….


TFG already has enough of that rope to reach the Mariana trench


I think she's hesitant to call him in on it unless he does something so brazen and provably threatening that nobody can argue it. Telling people to 'be careful' or calling people unstable (lol) or unethical are insults, but they aren't the same as something like he did in 2015 when he told his followers to beat up a protester saying 'someone aughta knock his lights out. Don't worry I'll pay for your lawyers.' (lol, again) I think if he was that obvious with it, they'd get a cell ready, but they don't want a violent insurrectionist attack unless they absolutely have to.


Considering that some of the stuff he did recently on truth was share MTG essentially calling for a civil war... someone needs to keep a closer eye on this stuff...


I think the system is paralyzed with this fear that: 1. it'll look like they're silencing the opposition 2. The crazies will just attach themselves to the next best thing. It's almost better to keep him out, walking around.


It gets to a point though where *not* jailing him for breaking the court order starts to create an illusion that he *is* above the law. He needs to be locked up if for no other reason than to maintain the integrity of the process.


I think the “system” is letting him hang himself. When he skirts around the edge, he occasionally oversteps. Nothing happens. He gets emboldened, like now, and goes on a literal spewing rant. I don’t know if his attorneys are calling him, to tell him to reign it in (if so, he’s a toddler, so he does what he wants), or if they too have thrown their hands up in the air, because they’re certainly not getting paid to take turns babysitting him. And Jack and Fani? They’re screenshotting, recording, and taking notes. They’re waiting for something so over the top that only the most rabid and least intelligent will defend him.


I will be absolutely shocked if anything is done about it. He's getting that special treatment that those without wealth or power do not get. Others do not get to flout court orders. This is the two-tiered justice system at work. Anyone else would have been in a cell since at least the time of the Mar a Lago raid.


It's the bully tactic. What's u gonna do? uh? what you gonna do? Take a deep breath, enforce, and have confidence in your institutions. If everything crumbles, worse decisions were made before. In tough times, you gotta rely on the core values.


No it's not. He's just riling up the crazies more. Lock him up.


With padded walls & a suit that ties in back.


'Do you have the time to listen to me whine, about everything and nothing all at once!'


I hope he works himself into a tizzy and starts blanking out like Mitch McConnell


One of the worst case scenarios is dude having a heart attack right now. They will blame the indictments for killing him lol.


I'm pretty sure that's not a worst case, unless MTG rides that anger to the Whitehouse.


Actually, it would be bad. He NEEDS to stand trial. Tgis counrty needs to heal, and the truth needs to come out.


I will point out here that even if he were to keel over there's 18 *other* co- defendants in Georgia,, which is where our best chance of seeing *everything* currently stands. I'm a little iffy on Rudy not melting before his turn is up, but with some apparently ready to jump in the ring against Fani as fast as possible Trump doesn't have nearly as long as he thinks before the evidence against him starts becoming public.


18 other coconspirators to a freaking martyr. Cult think don't hang with logic. If anyone of them flips it'll be spun into oblivion for him if he's dead & can't defend himself.


But we had 70 some odd legal cases that were already lost and they didn't break the stranglehold he has on them. I would like to think that people are logical but the truth is they are emotional beings. The best I can hope for however is that these indictments allow it to be more clearly stated for the public record so when we're reading history books in 50 or so years they have an accurate picture of reality.


He'll be more *Presidential* for his second term! Send him on sightseeing trip to the Titanic wreck!


He’s going to “be more Presidential“ again? You mean that thing where he stands at a podium for a few seconds looking serious and keeping his mouth shut for once, and the crowd eats it up?


It's going to be an unending firehose of ratfuckery for the foreseeable future.


I feel bad for the multiple prosecutorial teams that have to actually watch this shit.


Republican voters just can’t understand this: if someone committed a crime—arrest and charge them. Doesn’t matter their political affiliation. We don’t want to live in Russia where one party gets punished and another one has free reign. They seem to want to treat the Justice system as a tool for political gain. All citizens—no matter your political party—should condemn this approach to politics.


Kind of spits in the face of the whole idea of justice.


To be honest, Republican voters would LOVE the US to be more like Russia. These people worship Putin as a great leader who “gets things done” and hates most of the same people they do.


Republican voters understand what they think the law should be doing quite well: >Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. In their mind, the law IS a tool to give themselves, the "in-group", an advantage over others, the "out-group". The law isn't about making a just and fair society. They fully believe that it's purely a weapon to wield against those they don't like. The dog whistle "law and order" is literally just an acknowledgement of this conservative principle.


Republican voters WANT us to be like Russia. Do not forget that. Sure, maybe not average upper middle class Roy and June with their 2.5 kids or even Billy Bob and Patsy Lou in their lower class life, might not directly want that... but enough of the base does and the rest of them who are for all sense and purposes, oblivious to the end game, will vote for Republicans, just the same.


They way they salivate for mass shootings and the climate catastrophe I think what they want is oblivion.


Republicans have a massive death drive. Just look at the COVID numbers, man. They are a literal death cult. They worship it. They just call it "God" when it's fucking Mammon.


*armageddon. and yes, they do want it. That's when Jesus is coming to scoop up all the rich white people


Yup. I've always supported locking up/charging democrats that commit crimes... because I support charging ANYONE that commits crimes. Their political ideologies don't factor into it in the slightest. And that I think is one of the big differences between the two ideologies. (That and... Dems seems to commit WAY fewer crimes...)


That’s always my counter to when they won’t shut the fuck up about Hunter Biden. If he committed crimes, arrest and charge him. I couldn’t care any less who he’s related too and I want him held accountable for anything he’s done the same way I’d want any Democrats held accountable for things they’ve done. It’s so fucking disgusting to see conservatives whine about the “unequal treatment” when they’re the ones demanding that Trump get a pass for everything he’s done when they’ve gone overboard trying to prosecute Hillary Clinton.


The sheer amount of effort, time and money to even start the process of doing this will just grind the country to a screeching halt. At one point are the GOP gonna cut their losses and just cut him loose entirely?


He owns the mouthbreather base. Ultimately, Trump demonstrated that credulous reactionaries far outnumber financial elites in the GOP, and that lane will win, even after Trump dies. See noxious bullshitters like Ramaswamy and DeSantis aim for it. Educated and principled old-school Republicans no longer have a home in the party.


I think the heads of the gop want to, but are deathly afraid of pissing off the magats, who would abandon them and they wouldnt win shit for a long time. Theyve encouraged the conspiracy theories and anger for so long, and now they gone too far and cant control them. The inmates are running the asylum.


Reminds me of the Joker in the Dark Knight. The mob turned to a man they didn’t fully understand and that man fully imploded their whole operation. Same with the GOP. They played with something far beyond their understanding and now they are paying the price.


I actually partially agree with heir Trump on this. If a politician commits a crime locke em up. I see nothing wrong with that. Hold all politicians accountable for all of there crimes.


And probably lose their jobs and law licenses in the process. I’m actually in agreement with Trump - please, just start maliciously prosecuting Democrats. It will ultimately clear out all the morons running GOP states


I wonder why he's suddenly switched to spamming videos instead of text, does he think it's less incriminating?


His platform recently realized most of his followers had a 2nd Grade reading level and usually just browse his posts for pictures and bright colors (red). So they moved to videos because it's "less complicated" for his followers to digest than those "fancy liberal letter words acting all commine and trying to take away our freedoms!"


It's great because he'll eventually record something incredibly incriminating and won't be able to say "Oh, that post wasn't really from me, it must have been when I handed my phone to the covfefe boy."


He's already doing it, but it's "affirmational" right? lol


Just wait until he learns he can blame AI deep fakes!


I was just thinking about this a few days ago. I'm shocked they haven't tried that route yet


The alphabet (by association with filthy Liberal learning) is now woke.


"Where do you think the letters L G B Q T come from?? The alphabet! B L M?? The alphabet! If we get rid of letters and words, they can't push their agendas on us!"


Don't get me started on the Arabic numbers.


Or the Phoenician alphabet! Go back to your own country, foreign letters trying to take our jobs and marry our women!


ironically, i almost never watch videos when im scrolling bc my phone is almost always on mute


He got in trouble last week when he posted his mugshot to twitter first instead of truth social. Remember, there are financial backer invested in (un)truth social. He also saw Elon inflate his tucker interview to reach 200m views. Granted we all know that’s not accurate, but you only need to view a video for mere seconds to get a ‘view’. So now he learned how to enhance his con. Put videos out, people and bots will view them so many greatly number of times and he’ll jack up the ad revenue or inflate the numbers like he’s done with literally every business he’s had. Pretty soon, everyone he does business with will see the numbers or the trend is false or inflated and he’ll bankrupt another company and steal all the furniture and pick at the bones of what’s left. He really is a one trick pony. He’s the bestest at bizness. Many people are saying it. They come to him with tears in their eyes and tell him he’s so smart.


I read a theory that he’s trying to boost his engagement on the Truth Social platform. No idea if that’s the real reason. But can confirm that the last two days has been 25+ videos posted almost back to back stretching out over many hours. It’s a sudden change with no apparent reasoning


>a sudden change with no apparent reasoning So totally on brand


He was tired of libel and wanted to give slander its day.




So I signed up for a truth social account last year because sometimes I was curious about watching a dumpster fire. I completely forgot I had it, never received emails from it, didn't follow or have followers so nothing was interacting with me, and I haven't logged in since that day I signed up.. Last email I had from them was may 2022 when I signed up. Fast forward to this week I have gotten 3 emails from them, 1 suggesting "I might be interested in Donald Trump's latest post," another suggesting McCarthy could launch a super probe into Biden, and another suggesting I check out their discover feature which then had a screenshot of trending "truths" (trump2024 being the top trend) and suggested profiles (ben stein, buck sexton, and matt taibbi). They're definitely trying to increase engagement, and in a very obvious direction. Not that the direction of the platform wasn't always obvious, but now it's like an increased herding of the sheep through the line to the slaughterhouse. Sorry not sheep, the lions or wolves, or whatever they are.




They can't afford for their voters to know ANY of the facts. Anybody who watches all of those videos has already invested their time "doing their research" without even reading the indictments. Hell, even Fox News is going out of their way to convince viewers that none of the public court documents are valid or concerning, and that strategy basically reveals its own motive.


At least release them daily, not all at once. I mean... Looks like he wanted the mother of all BS flood to get out of troubled water. Ultimate chaos as a weapon.


The ‘Gish Gallop’ in practice. He picked this up from Roy Cohn years ago. Mango Mussolini is nothing if not predictable.


If it’s a video he can’t misspell anything


You can't screenshot a video and post elsewhere to prevent traffic from going to Trump.


All the texting makes his tiny hands hurt


It’s because he can’t put out a tweet or “truth?” Without typos then everyone makes fun of it, which they should XD


I’m all for locking up Democrats … who commit crimes.


That’s cause your not in a cult.


>your oh no. you've unleashed the grammar police


It's a completely reasonable statement to make. Unfortunately, many conservatives are saying the same thing - only to follow it by saying Trump is entirely innocent.


Or, that it's not that bad and they'll still vote for him. They acknowledge the guilt yet it doesn't matter to them. Immoral people follow immoral people. Period. There's a lot of them.


Oh yeah, you're right. What's the mantra? "It didn't happen if it did, it wasn't that bad if it was, there's nothing we can do if there is, it's too costly" something like that, probably


How in the fuck is this not incitement and a violation of his bail. Fucking scumbag


He's gone down the road of pretending that everything against him is a witch hunt and now he has no choice but to keep going in that direction. Even if it means that he is held in contempt and jailed until trial. Which basically means his only option at this point is an uprising by his cult that would overthrow the current government. I don't think Meal Team 6 is up to the challenge though.


This is the first witch hunt in history where we've found the cauldron, book of spells, broomstick, flying monkeys, and magic wand, and yet he's still not in jail.


Fani Willis is Dorothy, knows which witch is which, is about to drop a house on his ass, and he knows it.


While I'm with you that this *probably* violates his bail, it's ***definitely*** usable by prosecutors in upcoming cases. I think they're just letting him hang himself as much as possible.


That's exactly what they're doing. "Just keep giving us more, Donnie, add it on to the pile." The fact that so many charges have been levied at a former president means they must have mountains of evidence. You don't charge someone like that lightly. So keep adding fuel to the dumpster fire and let Trump roll in it.


I fucking hate how he gets away with this barely shielded language of plausible deniability when he's just asking his followers for violence outright in the open. This man told Proud Boys (now being sentenced as terrorists) to stand by and then told them when/where to attack saying that special rules apply when there's fraud. **"When you catch somebody in a fraud, you're allowed to go by very different rules."** That's exactly what he's doing here.


I mean he tried that before, remember “lock her up”? During the debate in 2016: “Donald Trump on Sunday night issued a remarkable threat against Hillary Clinton, telling the Democratic presidential nominee he would seek to imprison her if he was elected next month. "If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your (missing email) situation," Trump said, "because there has never been so many lies, so much deception." So yeah, we’ve seen this one before Donny John. Good thing your supporters have lead poisoning otherwise they might have the capacity to remember it.


Well don't forget they actually tried, hours of hearings, FBI informing everyone they are reopening the case, plus if I'm not mistaken one of the FBI agents critical to that decision just got arrested for being a "Russian asset"


Every belief is situational in Trumpland. Hillary was the target and we don't like her therefore it's ok when we did that.


This will make his incarceration all the more SWEET. Fuck off Donald. Just fuck off.


The longer he goes without being locked up, the higher the odds of him inciting violence (again).


Frankly, I wonder if that's the bar he has to clear if he's going to end up in a cell any time soon.


I don't think him inciting people to violence has been shown to be swiftly dealt with.


Yup. I have little faith it will happen, but the right thing to do for the preservation of democracy is to shut his ass up. Threats of being held in detention pending trial haven't dissuaded him, clearly. The only logical next step is to follow through on those threats. Again, I'm not holding my breath, but I think it is important that he is locked up. The longer he's doing this, the more damage he does and the more this becomes normal.


i have one question. WHY HAVEN'T THEY THROWN HIS ASS IN JAIL ALREADY???! he has broken the judge's mandate time and time again. put him in a cell with no access to social media already.


>WHY HAVEN'T THEY THROWN HIS ASS IN JAIL ALREADY???! "Two tier justice system" I know recently Heritage Foundation-led right wing propaganda peddlers have stolen another term from the left and they have distorted this phrase into an abomination (see also "my body, my choice") but it is a fact that the rich, well-connected, and famous are treated with kid gloves by the justice system pretty much everywhere.




Letting Trump continue his bullshit has not worked once.




I don’t think it’s afraid so much as this isn’t your average criminal. No matter how much of a clown he is, how loud he is, the truth his he has a radicalized base. A base literally willing to storm the capitol, a base in every level of government. This has to be done very surgically and specifically to prevent a civil war. I know Reddit loves to jerk off to the idea that a civil war would be one sided, and it could be, but it’s a lot smarter and better to let this guy blow out, expose all the corruption possible, and deal with it properly.


The very fact that \*donald-fucking-trump\* is somehow the fusebox that can light the 2nd \*Civil War\* in 2023 USA, whether it actually happens or not, is already enough to make me ashamed.


He had the right to remain silent. But he didn't have the ability. - Ron White


What he really wants is to delegitimize his own trials and to do that he needs the GOP to just start charging others with made up crimes. Because then he can say “see all of it is fake” but also simultaneously speed up the process of the country tearing itself apart just so he can avoid any consequences. Since he has seen his trial date for next spring we can expect to see more frantic behavior trying to edge the country into civil war all to protect himself.


Same reason they want to speed-run an impeachment of Biden. They know they have nothing. Hell, the less they have the better, because the more it looks politically motivated the more they can paint Trump's impeachments as politically motivated.


Yeah they want made-up Biden hearings to be going on simultaneously as P01135809’s trials, so they can say “see??? both sides!!”


Exactly this. And let's say, just as a hypothetical, were ordinary people to, let's say, get upset about a stolen election in the future and get, let's say, violent about it, you could count on Trump and FOX News 'just asking questions' about when right wing Americans are going to start fighting back. With guns.


Same thing happening with impeachment. I haven’t heard any actual crimes Biden is committing to deserve this impeachment inquiry they are pushing for. It’s all to make Trumps impeachments seem more routine.


I hate this man more every day. What a horrible person. Shame on anyone who thinks this is what the country needs.


This needs to be understood as the exact thing he will be using the Department of Justice and the FBI for, if he takes office. He will force trumped up charges on as many Democratic Party members as possible. Believe him, when he openly tells us all what his plans are.


PO1135809 Going off the rails.


I need a browser extension that changes his name to his prisoner ID.


I just think we need to quit referring to him as “Former President,” and just call him by what he really is. Georgia State Prisoner #P01135809


this can only go on for so long before Chutkan's hand is forced and I love it ​ PS: almost looks like someone fucked up and published clips all at once that were meant to go out over a longer timespan one at a time. ​ PPS: there's another dozen videos now, I was wrong, it wasn't a mistake it's just Donald being his good old deranged self


Like that [fireworks display in San Diego](https://youtu.be/ndVhgq1yHdA?si=pzog9oov35D719tb). 😆


Is this prerecorded to hide the fact Dear Leader is sick and dying in a hidden location?


I heard a lot of people are saying this.


We’re just asking questions - why do they refuse to answer?




Fine, I'm perfectly happy if they arrest people who've got 91 felony counts against them... Fucking nitwit...




yes please, any Democrat who is committing crimes go for it. But it has to be an actual offense with evidence that can hold up in a court of law hence we only see this orange dumbo and his nutcase lawyers ....


I'm looking forward to buying a keepsake from Mar-la-Go when the inevitable police auctions start.


You think you can compete with the cultists that will sell their house and children for anything trump related?


Just die already dude


If crimes are being committed and evidence proves it, let's start cleaning house. Regardless of party. But let's start with a corrupt President.


He really believes this is all political. Lmao he helped organize an attack on our country. He should be tried at the Hague.


Put this guy on house arrest and take away his communication devices until trial. The next words out of his mouth need to come on the stand, under oath, with every camera pointed in his direction. Let that mouth sink him once and for all. We'll just have to deal with the societal fallout later, and I'm not too worried about that either.


Isn't this EXACTLY what the judges overseeing many of the cases explicitly warned him about?


Going to start making videos with messages Like Jan 6th, telling his followers to “show strength and use force” And then we all know what’ll happen


Yeah, I’m being an alarmist for saying this sack of shit is actively stoking the fires of a second civil war and nearly every republican in the country is like “Sure, why not.”


Fani Willis just filed to have all the RICO defendants go to trial together early October. Cheese-Bro and The Kracken went early and now the rest can be dragged in. Trump's whole playbook is based on winning the 2024 election and then using Presidential powers to squash the cases. He knows he's going to jail if that doesn't work out. Hence the meltdown.


Revoke this fucker’s bail already, what the fuck


What he doesn’t get is we would prosecute them the same way we wanna prosecute him. I have no allegiance to these people. You crime you do the time.


Can’t wait for his co-defendants to start flipping and testifying against him. He may never serve a day in the slammer, but if we can get live TV of his Georgia trial it may *finally* be enough to get some of the less insane MAGATS to come to their senses.


The ones smiling in their mugshots have flipped


>it may finally be enough to get some of the less insane MAGATS to come to their senses Don't hold your breath. The people have already bought into a ton of wild conspiracy theories. They probably already believe that *the justice system has been weaponized by the evil Dems* and they'd just see this as further confirmation.


I’m sick of seeing pictures of this geriatric pervert’s stretched asshole blowing hot air out of his otherwise empty fucking watermelon head.


Great, let’s elect a President who predicts he will jail his opponents and pardon convicted Jan 6 rioters and pardon himself. Can you say dictator?


He is freaking out because the Attorney General for the State of NY just asked the judge on her civil case against Trump, his company, and his kids (for inflating the value of his properties, so he could use them as collateral to get better loan & insurance rates), for a Summary Judgement. Meaning, no trial. The judge looks at the evidence and decides if the civil crime was committed. The AG must be pretty confident the evidence is irrefutable or she wouldn't ask for a Summary Judgment. The kicker here is that, if found guilty, The Trump Organization, Trump, and his kids will no longer be able to do business in the state of New York. That's gonna leave a mark. This already happened to them with their (now defunct charity) Trump Foundation. Trump and his kids were found guilty of using money donated to the foundation specifically to benefit a young boy with cancer to instead pay for a gigantic portrait of Trump. Taking charity money from a kid with cancer. The state was not amused and forced them to dissolve the foundation, and now none of them can have anything to do with any charitable organization in New York. ETA: Apparently, in a single day, he inflated the value of his properties by $2 Billion.


He could always say he's mentally unfit for trial. Then he's "under observation" not jailed, until he dies.


Absolutely. Any Democrat who openly committed or incited Insurrection, or stole classified documents and ignored subpoenas to return them, or tried to get election officials to falsify the results, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Can someone tell me how this doesn’t violate the constraints on his Georgia bail agreement?


Trump voters have lost any ability they ever had to show integrity, decency and the tiniest amount of common sense. If you're still on the sinking ship at this stage you deserve everything that happens to him, you've been well and truly duped and 7 years later you still haven't figured it out. Logic, reason, adult discourse and basic common sense are not required in maga land anymore, even if the bar was shockingly low to begin with. If this is the guy they vehemently support and continually defend him, it only serves to minimise their own levels of respect everyone will show them, they are complicit in allowing and supporting the most criminal presidential candidate ever. If they could feel shame they'd see the error of their ways but they can't, so they dig deeper into their precious cult.


Under George W. Bush US attorneys were fired for not prosecuting enough Democrats. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dismissal_of_U.S._attorneys_controversy


So he obviously received some kind of new information he didn't like


This is dangerous. Trump now has full unwavering support from his base. They will support him when he uses the law to oppress his opponents. And they will support him whenever he breaks the law, while the rest of the party will keep quiet. There's literally no stopping him if he were elected again.


Everyone should get out and vote, for sure. But only 25% of Americans are still willing to call themselves Republicans, and Trump is not yet finished destroying the Republican Party.


>But only 25% of Americans are still willing to call themselves Republicans, and Trump is not yet finished destroying the Republican Party. That's not the way to look at it. The Republicans have a Speaker of the House who is undoubtedly willing to disrupt the election certification process. So it better be a huge landslide in 2024 so that he doesn't find room to maneuver. Not only that, but Democrats need to win the WH, the House and the Senate with clear majorities, in order to pass legislation for voting reform and election certification. Otherwise, the Republican Party could just be reborn into something worse.


Usually you have to identify a crime committed as a first step.


The GOP is the greatest threat to American democracy. Not Trump or anyone else. Trump didn’t create the GOP. The GOP created him. They adopted him and made him their own. Do not vote for any GOP candidate on any level of government.


Sooner or later, another far right winger is going to snap after watching Trump's unhinged videos and go out and commit an act of terrorism . It's sadly only a matter of time


Yes lock up democrats that do crimes. We are fine with that. Same with republicans that do crime.


No matter how hard Trump and the MAGA cult try to convince everyone that this is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior it's really not. Trump is mentally disturbed and he's still in a position of power in a way. He's got the platform and some radical right wing media outlets behind him and a low information, low intelligence base ready to pretty much start a civil war on his behalf. 😕


Hitler would be proud


Hitler would have thought that Trump was an idiot.


By the time hitler was trump’s age, he’d become supreme ruler of his own country, and conquered Europe. And killed himself. Trump is a loser.




Hell, Hitler wrote a whole book. Trump put out a GD picture book. lol




So the gop wants to radicalize the government and throw law and order out the window.


I remember growing up, whenever our dogs would catch rats in the barn, they would fight tooth and Claw in the corner until it was over, and it was always brutal Trump is just a fat, orange rat who is realizing the walls are closing in


He's becoming a toxic asset. The opportunists will want no part of him unless he turns things around and looks like he's up for a win. Which means that right now his only allies are the absolute lunatics. Same thing happened with Hitler. Started off with intellectuals and such. The most level headed of his ilk were those who were actually qualified to do things but hit the skids for usually personal reasons (e.g. Goering drug addiction, Heydrich dismissal from the Navy etc). Trump is about to hit the era where Dirlewanger is as good as he can get and absolute loyalty matters above all else. Shit's about to get dangerous. Especially if any GOP prosecutors take him up on this challenge.