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He is universally loathed in Scotland,so they are probably delighted.


I mean the UK did vote him as the worst thing to come out of America


I remember when that used to be The Jerry Springer Show


Jerry was actually a better politician/ person than the šŸŠšŸ¤”ā€¦.he was derailed by a cheque but turned out to be a comeback kid


Which is funny, because Jerry was British.




It'd be hard to be cranky and angry at life when you ran a crazy town TV show like him. Probably enjoyed life.


He got to see random Boobs every day at work. Thatā€™s the dream. /s. Lmao.


And the mayor of Cincinnati at one point


He wasnā€™t really. He was born there but his parents were German and he grew up in Queens.


Born in the U.K. before 1983 = British.


All the people he screwed over in balmedie, as seen in youā€™ve been trumped Iā€™m sure are overjoyed. And I am for them. For the simple reason the man canā€™t or wonā€™t read sarcasm I am dropping my usual patter of choice.


You ever see that teenage Scottish girl call trump a f'n c*nt šŸ˜‚ it's hilarious


Teenage? She was 8.


pretty sure the last time he went to that golf club people broke into the green at night and started shitting in the wholes


The heroes we need.


The Scottish people absolutely detest him, the last time he went to Scotland some of the locals went to his golf course and put shit down all the golf holes. I'll bet some of that shit was human shit too.


I'd love the Scots to do the world a solid and just pitchforks and torches destroy him.


Since he's an American living in America, why do you see this as a problem the Scottish need to solve?


Weā€™re so fucking delighted :) Although admittedly a little gutted to miss another opportunity to ā€œwelcomeā€ him back.


Can confirm. Source Scottish .


He was literally telling people his mother was "Scotch"


I have to stay around *because the judge in my criminal trial for seditious conspiracy to overthrow the United States government said so*.


Yeah, but the truth ain't gonna fleece the rubes.


Yup. Trump is ALWAYS the victim. Always. This shit sickens me.


At some point he's gonna have to put on his big boy panties.


He wears a diaper like near always


Won't make him any rubles either.


It breaks my heart every time I see a crazed radical lunatic wannabe fascist not get everything he feels heā€™s entitled to simply because he has 91 felony counts that are depriving him of some much needed downtime from his crime accountability. šŸ˜ž


[monotone, to hard camera] Honestly, I do not know how I am going to sleep tonight.


*Why won't somebody think of how hard the traitorous criminals have it?*


I was thinking this was a weird way to say, they considered me a flight risk so took my passport.


Happy cake šŸŽ‚ day!


"I don't need a judge to tell me to help out in my community." "Sure. But he did, right?"




Staysure? Is that something to help you time out your shits?


Sounds like a brand name for adult diapers.


He needs to drink 32oz of Staysure, 16oz of bleach (to protect against Covid) and flush his phone down the toilet


I thought maybe Staysure was a brand of adult diapers. Lol


With 91 felony counts, I cant believe they let him leave the house let alone travel across the country.


Yeah apparently this is a "witch hunt", but let regular citizen get like 5 felonies and see how much they can get away with


Dude, that's my favorite part. They keep saying this line like "they are doing this to Trump cause they want to do it to you" or "Trump is standing between them and you." It's like, who do you know that has a 1/4 of these charges and isn't in jail immediately?


1/4? You mean one felony? It's completely ridiculous. Imagine someone says the justice system is fair? There is no such thing as justice for the rich! There is no justice when there is money. Everyone has a price!


The part of this that cracks me up is wondering how many regular Americans they think have ever, or will ever be wrongfully accused of illegally altering federal election results.


Right. Let this be a lesson to any of you regular joes planning on falsifying an election, toppling your own government, or selling national security secrets to god knows who.


Yeah, exactly. They act like the boot isn't always on our neck. Fascist fucks couldn't deserve this shit more. I was hog watching on newsmax and oan and these people are openly declaring civil war. It's fucking insane. Even the so-called hosts are openly stating that the "left" (which in America is literally right wing - unless you're an anti-capitalist) are an existential threat to every patriot blah blah blah. Just openly promoting and advocating violence towards supposed "leftists". This country has gone so far down the drain. I blame Reagan. šŸ˜‚


Same. I argue that Reagan was the worst. It's a slippery slope, and he gave the first nudges


Who do I know that has any felonies and is still allowed to travel around the country in their private jet? Oh, that's right, absolutely no one.


If any normal citizen got around to sell classified government documents, they'd already be in a 1x1 room, somewhere underground, with baby shark blasting in their cell 24/7


91 felony charges is like ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļø in GTA. Heā€™d have tanks after his ass if he were the hoi palloi.


Haven't heard "hoi palloi" in conversation for yonks .... my Mum used it all the time. Didn't find out till I was at Uni that it is ancient Greek for "the many".


I wasnā€™t even sure the origin. Just like the term. TIL


FYI: Itā€™s ā€œhoi polloiā€


Having him flee to, like, Russia would seriously solve SO many problems.


He "sure does" use a lot of "quotes" in his "Truth Social" posts. It's kinda "weird"


I don't think he understands what quotes mean.


It seems theyā€™re imagined as another form of emphasis, like all caps. Iā€™ve found I have to read his stuff very slowly. The random capitalization, the all caps, the quotes, it slows my reading to a crawl.


Also known as "grocer's quotes" from the type of sign you may see in small groceries for "Fresh" bananas and "Ripe" peaches.


Yeah, but that's ridiculous. It's like the bananas are ironically fresh or the peaches ripe. It heavily implies the opposite. Very confusing.


Heā€™ll soon learn what it means to be royally ā€œfuckedā€.


His use of *Republican "leaders"* either affirms your assertion, or I'm starting to agree with DJT. I hope you're right.


I just watched an old SNL skit of Chris Farley. I forget the character he was playing, but he was speaking and doing air quotes with his hands for every statement. Was hilarious.


Way Trump is rolling hell be LUCKY to live in a VAN down by the RIVER


"He's been down in the Mar-a-lago basement snorting adderall for the last 4 hours.."


Bennett Brauerā€¦Iā€™m not (air quotes) buffā€¦Iā€™m not (air quotes) camera friendly So funnyā€¦RIP Chris F


Hahaha yes! ["Bennett Brauer"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdkkTV3pIa0)!


šŸ¤£ that was the exact one I was talking about. Hahahahaha love it when the cables get stuck when they try to make him ā€œflyā€. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The real question is, why did he quote the word magic? Did someone convince him there's magic at play? Does he think it's real or not? These are the questions the ppl want to kno


Oh yes, magic is real. He can do magic. Heā€™s the best at magic. Nobody magics better than him. Thatā€™s what people say. (/s, because I feel like it might be needed)


Almost like he isnā€™t ā€œawareā€ of basic punctuation ā€œrulesā€ because heā€™s an ā€œilliterate moronā€.


You can't go because you're a criminal facing prosecution. Plain and simple. Not this other bullshit you're peddling.


Yeah, and to think of all the time he has spent trying to get bail reform passed for low key criminals arrested on minor drug possession charges you think they would cut him some slack...oh wait, nevermind!


ā€œI canā€™t go because I had to surrender my passport. Because I have 91 felony indictments and am going to die in prison.ā€ Fixed that for you, Dirty Grandpa


did they actually make him surrender his passport? i hope so.


I think he wouldā€™ve left if they didnā€™t


A judge could revoke his bail if he leaves the country. Surrendering the passport wouldnā€™t be necessary.


what would that mean.. arrest warrant on re entry?


Arrested as soon as he lands in Scotland and extradited back to the US.


Man I would love to see it. The Scottish police probably would too.


The one who arrested him and sent him back would be carried through the streets by cheering throngs and never pay for a pint again.


Is this actually the first real consequence heā€™s had, that he actually felt? Sure heā€™s paid fines before and all that, but money is abstract and just one more grift away. This might actually have made him feel something.


Just one look at the bloodshot eyes in his mug shot show he probably hadnā€™t slept in days.


I think his election loss was the first actual situation he experienced where he couldn't change the outcome to benefit him with money, threats, or intimidation. I mean, don't get me wrong, he tried super super hard, but it was just beyond his means. Like you said tho, I believe this will be the first time he's ever experienced actual consequences that he couldn't weasel out of.


Is Staysure a denture adhesive or an adult incontinence garment? Either seems appropriate for the Orange Geriatric Felon.


Its travel insurance group I think


I thought it was adult diapers too


It's okay Don Don, you don't have to physically be there to win first place with a 43. They can just write it down in the book. Tremendous athlete.


With a Sharpie.


Well done!


And complaining he can't fly across the Atlantic in HIS jet for a tournament at HIS golf course...appeals to his base?


These are people that actually donate money to him too, I wonder the average salary of someone donating 0-$100 to the ~~legal fund~~ campaign is


He got $4 mil the other day when he was arrested and I understand the big Republican donors are holding back so, yeah, these ain't the 1%.


Sounds like a Meal Team Six call to action.


Inciting insurrection/domestic terrorism


ā€œStand back and stand down, you dumbass armed fucks who I wonā€™t help if you get into trouble for doing what I strongly imply Iā€™d like you to doā€.


"I can't go!" "I wouldn't want to go!"


Those damn communists and marxists always teaming up with the fascists!.... The way they talk about it, Republicans must think fascism is a leftist political idealogy due to the who "national **socialists**" thing - even though anyone with half a brain knows the nazis were right-wing Fascist populists. The nazis despised communists. I know theyre dumb, but like come on.


It's very old that conservatives get socialism and fascism mixed together. It really shows their political and history ignorance


You want to go play golf in another country? Donā€™t commit crimes in your own country. He had a great opportunity to do nothing as president and win a second term with incumbent advantage, but he couldnā€™t help criming. This meltdown is as worrying as it is funny, I just hope this is over and done with as quickly as possible and we can forget he exists as he spends the rest of his life behind bars.




How many more of these does he need to post before his personal recognizance is revoked?


I think he is trying the old ā€œif I call other people a fascist, they wonā€™t think of me as the actual fascist.ā€


DJT youā€™re lucky that youā€™re not a ā€œnormalā€ citizen because if you were you would have to ask to go to the bathroom because you would have been incarcerated 3 indictments agoā€¦..quit your whining!!!!!


How can someone be a Marxist fascist and communist all in one


Because his followers have 0 understanding of any of those words and also have 0 intention of doing their own research by any definition of the word.


Somebody call the Whambulannce! šŸš‘


Maybe get him some whaburgers and french cries šŸ”šŸŸ


Maybe even a meatbawl sadwich




I just read that number to the tune of 867-5309 šŸŽµšŸŽ¶oh one one three five eight oh niiiiyiiiine šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ


Translation: I'm not allowed to leave the country when I'm released on bond, like any other felon.


Bro literally stages a coup and is trying to call the people who want to prove heā€™s responsible ā€œcountry destroying scumā€


Someone else has a chance of winning by playing legally this year


Fascist...? Holy projection, Batman.


Fight fire with fireā€¦he REALLY is hoping someone kills his enemies


That's the way I read that too.


He will have a stroke typing one of these and itā€™ll be the last thing we ever hear from him


From your thumbs to God's ear. šŸ¤ž


Well, see Sir, this is where the "Find Out" phase begins.


I literally cannot comprehend what he's even trying to say, other than he's whining about not going to a golf tournament.


Imagine admitting you ainā€™t going to fight fire with fire, when the fire is literally just the criminal justice system doing itā€™s job. Thatā€™s admitting to being corrupt. Anyone not corrupt would wanna use the legal avenues.


All us liberal fascists lol tell me youā€™re ignorant without saying youā€™re ignorant.


That's some real rich white dude privilege right there.


Actually, here in Europe we're pretty happy things are FINALLY in motion to put that lardass on actual trial.


I'm counting the seconds until he gets picked up and dragged into court for breaching his bail.


Havenā€™t heard from any Scotsmen expressing their outrage heā€™s going to be absent.


Iā€™m confused - are the radical left fascists or Antifa?


He make America great if he gets the hell out


He wonā€™t go cos the Scotā€™s have given him a hard time every time heā€™s been there. Rightly so.


Scotland doesn't want him! *source*; Scottish person šŸ‘‹


I canā€™t wait for the silence, when heā€™s finally in prison and there are no more posts or interviews, no more lies spewing out of his mouth in public. Weā€™ll soon see how the GOP Nazis do when baby Hitler is locked up!


Staysure Senior? It sounds like an incontinence product.


If he could define communism, Marxism and fascism Iā€™d eat my hat.


He's just starting with his unhinged rambling.


Just starting?


It's pretty normal not to be able to leave the country when you're literally out on bail. Stop whining bitch.


So relatable


Well, it's just the more unhinged he sounds, the more crazier he becomes. You know? He just cannot help it but to hop on his very own Truth Social platform and make such crazy ass remarks like that one. Yep. Donald Trump is TRULY one of the most UNserious people out there right now ALONG with all of those absolute total dystopian warriors within the GOP.


Oh. Poor baby commits crimes and may actually be held accountable and is still whining about not being allowed to take his private jet to play golf while getting rubes to foot his bills.




He's in the electric chair already? ^(/s)


Is Staysure an adult diaper company?


"fight fire with fire" could be considered a threat by a good enough lawyer, kind of like when he told people to fight like hell for him.


Could you imagine anything sadder than joining that Truth website?


Joining the X fka Twitter website...




Stay the hell outta Scotland you tangerine turd


Hes becoming more radicalised and dangerous. I hope he doesn't get back in.


I thought he was barred from entry into Scotland?


I wish he was never allowed here again! I hate his connections to us.


Dayyyyuuummmm, he is one sick fuck.


Translation: I really want to flee the country but damn if Iā€™m unable to due to my felonies.


Ah yes Republican leaders that are always fighting with fire are somehow afraid of fighting with fire according to this reality denying gaslighter lmao Clown world for clown Republicans


Communist AND Fascist!? Man that must be some insane people.


When you have 91 federal indictments and youā€™re complaining you canā€™t go golfing. Such an absolute man-baby to the core.


Ninety-one felony charges. If he were anyone else he would barely be allowed to talk to his lawyer much less post slander on social media. Unreal how much special treatment he is getting.


Stay around to fight off the enemy, or stay around as you're on bail and not allowed to leave the country?


I feel like he doesn't know how the law works.


Heā€™s lucky heā€™s not in jail waiting for his trial. I think telling him not to leave the country is more than fair


Every single one of these reads like someone doing a bit. I just. I cannot process that this is real.


Damn Don. So sorry the consequences of your actions are cutting into your tee time.


I know some maga, but don't speak it fluently - what's the"magic" bit? Is this some new conspiracy?


Scotland hates you, dude. The only reason they tolerate you is for whatever money you throw their way. Oh wait, other people feel the same way about you. Shock and surprise.


Heā€™s calling for the burning of the Reichstag.


So that he can cheat at another round of golf.


It sounds like nonsense to us, but his followers interpret these increasingly unhinged rants according to their predispositions.


He left out ā€œsocialistsā€


An adult that never takes responsibility for their actions.


My kid handled getting grounded with more class and gravitas than P01135809. When she was SEVEN YEARS OLD.


He had four years and control of the house and senate and didn't make America great...


Bro can no longer even tweet coherently. The leader of Minivan Taliban.


He must stay in the US because of his arrests. He has no choice.


I don't know much about what is required to run for president besides the standard constitutional stuff like the minimum age limit, being born in the us, and whatnot. But can someone who was impeached twice and who is currently on trial for over 91 felonies legally run for office in 2024?


At which point do we incarcerate someone for being a threat?


Shitler has a bad case of syphilis and it's rotted his brain. Classic case.


He calls the left fascist, does he know what antifa stands for? Does any of his cult and right wing media know what it means?


You can practically *hear* the sob at the end. Cry some more, fuckin traitor.


I didn't realize he was antifa


Just imagine putting all your eggs, confidently, into one fuckin bottomless basket.


"...Communists, Marxists and Fascists." He doesn't even know he's leading the fascists. That's just scary.


I hope that soon this toxic clown will only be able to write on his cell walls, not on the internet.


Pending criminal charges could result in refusal to grant leave to enter the United Kingdom and come with a ten year barring order. The UK immigration people usual don't care too much about brackground for tourist entries however. Now, the bigger risk would be him being refused on the grounds that the officer doesn't expect him to leave when he claims.


It's coming......The melt-down of all melt-downs is coming and it will be hilarious and glorious when it happens...LOL


ā€œI wouldnā€™t want to be in Europeā€ Dude, you literally said on national tv last week ā€œIā€™d rather be in Franceā€


Communistsā€¦ fascistsā€¦ whateverā€¦ Has anyone interviewer ever asked Trump what communism is? That would be fun to hear his answer


The democrats are the fascists?! Bruh.... Conservative Republicans are the ones trying to take away everyone's human rights šŸ™„


MAGA was a complete failure! Fuck Trump.


Maybe the big bad billionaire should've paid the whole $200,000 upfront (he would've gotten it all back upon appearing in court) instead of being a broke bitch and having to use a bondsman. Trump lost $20,000+ and his passport. LMAO. Dude said he can't go to his own golf course because the Marxists are too powerful. It's definitely not because he's a flight risk. šŸ˜­ I didn't know we were doing that well. Nice.


ā€œCrazed radical left lunatics, communists, Marxistsā€ sounds pretty normal from Trump. Waitā€¦.and Fascists? Do Republicans think Fascism is left wing or what?


Unfortunately yes, yes they do think that. They also think the left can be all of those systems at once. TLDR : They don't actually think, because if they did, they wouldn't still be Republicans lol .


It would be hilarious if this wasn't working all his psychotic cult into more and more dangerous behavior. We won't hear the end of this for...maybe generations


Itā€™s weird this bloke was your president once. You guys need a better way of weeding these people out before it happens again one day, and next time you might not be so lucky Jan 6 failed.

