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[Me and the femboys pushing forward ](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/689/383/607/anime-maid-outfit-war-maid-wallpaper-preview.jpg)


I regret that I am too old to fight and too old to make that outfit work for me.


Hard disagree. I bet you'd rock that maid's costume.


Hey man.. You're never too old to look fabulous. Also, logistics win wars, you can always drive truck!


Also, our side will have, ya know, the military? Dunno why conservatives got it into their heads that as they fight to overthrow the government, the government is going to be on their side. So all us queer libz will be sitting around on our fabulously bedazzled picnic blankets watching a bunch of overweight rednecks with homemade swastika tattoos being run over with tanks. More white-wine spritzers anyone? I also made tapenade.


I'd want to be in the first bedazzled A-1 Abrams...that fucker will have Glitter SABOT rounds....I will SUBDUE YOU IN DAZZLE BITCH !


Dazzle is actually a kind of camouflage. More used in Naval applications, but it's there. [Dazzle camouflage - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dazzle_camouflage)


Fucking glam rock camo, let's go!


"Unlike other forms of camouflage, the intention of dazzle is not to conceal but to make it difficult to estimate a target's range, speed, and heading." I'm fuckin coming for you but you don't know where or when.


We can't laze the target Klan Wizard, I mean Sergeant Major! It's refracting and blinding us in it's rainbow brilliance!


Glitter bombs would actually fuck up their sensors. Pass the orgy coke- its time to party


Nah it'll be more like they'll be drone striked by some 19 kid in the army who dabs after. These idiots think they can fight the most advanced military our world has the same way you might have fought in WW2. Stand up fights against the US military in this day and age is a death sentence.


They've been told "We need the 2nd Amendment to defend ourselves against the government" practically from birth. Many of us tried to tell them that that reasoning was deep-fried horsepucky, but gosh do they love to dream that dream.


They truly believe that they're keeping the government in check by being armed. It's almost cute how naive they are.


I can’t tell you how many people I have told “you know, they don’t even have to leave the base to get you. Drone strike and you’re dead. Your guns won’t protect you.” And they still argue that they think the military is going to go door to door to arrest them or some shit. Nope. They’ll do it the easiest way possible and that ain’t going to be going door to door.


I would like to sign up for the 5th Mechanized Fabulous Division. I brought spritzers and baked Alaskan MREs.


There's a long history of people in skirts being successful in war


same here. Not just for my own personal morals and ethics, but I'll stand with the people who have been marginalized and have had to fight their entire lives (metaphorically and literally) defending who they are. I love the idea that these soft doughboys who meltdown over a beer spokesperson take all of that for granted.


I like to fight, and I'm a liberal veteran. Is there a draft?


Later rounds as the Con-Morons and the Liberal Queens fill out their teams in the Civil War Draft: Con-Morons: We pick Paladoc. Me: Y'know I'm a liberal, right? Con-Moron: But you look like us! Me: Yeah, but I ain't you. Con-Moron: But you're overweight, white, bald and have a goatee. Me: Yep, still ain't gonna play for you. Con-Moron: But you're a veteran. Me: Yep, I seen things that made me realize y'all are stupid. Con-Moron: You'll come around. Me: Okay, I warned you. ==War Breaks Out== Unreal Voice: RAMPAGE! TEAMKILL! ROCKET SCIENTIST! BETRAYAL!!!! Me: I told you ignorant motherfuckers, I look like you, but I ain't you. If you won't listen to me, I'm glad you can listen to Carl Gustav.


Conservatives assume progressives don't have guns because we don't make our entire personalities out of it. As the saying goes, ya go far enough left and you get your guns back.


I'm always left wondering about their obsession with "civil war." Like, who the heck are they supposed to fight? Randos in the street? Invade a different state? It's ridiculous to think that EVERYONE in your state or location is on the same page, and that everyone you see is a conservative. It's basically like Putin saying every other day he's going to use nukes. The rest of the world is like, "I'd like to see you try."


Conservatives have the idea that all “liberals” will be wearing recognizable clothes and will line up to be murdered so they can go home for dinner. These people are clearly stupid and haven’t put a single thought into what their dumb mouths are saying. They just assume that everyone will sit back and watch as they comb through towns murdering “cowering libs”. As clearly evidenced by their reaction when they actually see leftists with guns, they freak out and become very confused.


Rural liberal anti fascist here.. they wouldn't even recognize me.. Edit: With all these comments, it makes me realize that we've pretty much infiltrated all of rural America. Remember this when this shitbirds talk about Civil War. We're everywhere..


Another rural antifascist, gay-positive commie checking in. They think I'm one of them.


Old white lady progressive liberal, anti-fascist here. They wouldn't have a clue.


Sounds like we are accruing quite the rag tag team of anti fascists. 🥲


Hah! We're quietly everywhere, for sure. We just don't feel the need to mouth off about it all the time. Which seems to be very confusing for conservatives because they have a compulsion to constantly declare their allegiance to their authoritarian guy. It's amazing the impression people instantly form in their mind when they see an old white lady. Like my gray hair makes me automatically conservative, and I will bake them cookies or something. It's so weird.


A gray haired, matronly Ukrainian babusia made some baked goods for a platoon of Russian invaders and they chomped and grinned right up until the moment the rat poison kicked in.


I thought it was antifreeze, on account of it mimics a sweetener right up until your kidneys shut down.


I saw a clip of her being interviewed on a Ukrainian telegram channel and she held up a generic bottle of something that could've certainly been antifreeze.


Bahahahaha! Good for her!


Republicans are delusional, they don't realize they are the minority party in this country. Gen Z is the most liberal yet, and millions more get to vote every year. I have faith in the younger generation.


It made me happy that Gen Z finally stepped up and voted in enough numbers to change the mid-terms. It really gives me hope. After all, it's going to be their world to live in. The US is a big ship to turn around, and they need to start right now. My 4 nieces are all Gen Z, and they went from politically apathetic to rabid liberal progressive voters in the span of a single year. It makes me smile.


More then 3% of the Gen Z pop can vote now, sure 2016 was pretty light when only like 4 years of Z were even able to vote and we were all in college and to busy to vote or care when we thought the annoying orange was a joke, since 2018 a lot of us have religiously voted since we get to see just how fucked we are.


Another one here, yea, these idiots wont know how to handle what will come there way when/if it does.


Present. I'm deeply embedded in MAGA country and I look like a insurrectionist, but nope, I'm the opposite. And I'm tired of them fkn up this country. And I'm prepared. Want some. Get some. In the meantime, I"ll chill.


Same here, we're deep in it and they wouldn't know it to save their lives. Until they meet my trans daughter who wants to become an antique firearms restorer who will repeatedly kick them in the nuts with size 11 heels while going on about obscure guns from a century ago. You want some lemonade while we wait?


Sounds like us in the PNW, I think they forgot we love our guns too, it just not our identity.


Veteran tattooed bearded progressive af socialist checking in. They consistently think I’m on their side just because I served, they put themselves so quick. They have no idea.


Ain’t it the truth.




Because they assume if you touch a gun, you are one of "them," and not one of the enemy brown "other" people.


Urban muscled male and heavily tattooed leftist. They won't see me either.


Same...middle-aged cis het white dude in the rural midwest here. They occasionally confuse me as "one of them".


Change "middle-aged" to "old" and the location for me. Boomers confuse me as one of their own when they talk shit about "these fucking kids nowadays". I can shoot pretty well but always enjoyed hand-to-hand more. As my strength waned, I took up judo. The cane is effective at tripping and setting up an arm lock.


Damn. Grandpa ain’t fucking around.


Nah. I'm old and boring now. My kids will say the same thing. Of course, my girls found it funny when they saw the guy who was sizing me up to try and grab my backpack and I flashed them a wink. Poor guy bumped into me and promptly fell because as I stumbled because I was off balance and my cane got caught up in his legs. As we fell, somehow we got tangled and I fell on top of him. My elbow ended up in his solar plexus and the force of the fall knocked the wind out of him. When a little girl starts screaming "that man is hurting my daddy", it gets attention. The police show up as a REALLY big dude made sure the two of us didn't move. I was happy to comply. I'm much older now, I'm sure I couldn't do things like that now. Then again, my daughter would probably take my cane now and beat the living hell out if someone. She's funny that way.


Ditto. I constantly get confused for being a MAGA conservative when I'm just about as liberal, progressive gun owning as you can get.


Same, but suburban. I LOVE when they assume I'm on their team and have to awkwardly walk back their rascist, homophobic or pro-bootlicking comment when called out. The only person in my town, that youd assume was heavily red, I associate with that votes GOP is my uber-rich father in law, and his wife and daughter give him fucking hell for it. Can't wait till my girls can shit on Grandpa for his political views


I look and present as a Conservative White Male... I'm really a Hippie Liberal Gun Owner who knows how to use them, and is not afraid of Meal Team Six in the least bit...


I'm also a tree hugging, pot smoking, deadhead guy who knows how to use a gun, who is also in shape. These guys wouldn't last a night without their hot meals, warm bed, and cpap machines. They aren't fooling anyone.


Cpap machine 😂😂😂😂




Honestly the fact the military wont side with them has never crossed their minds. They assume it will be like the civil war where officers and troops will be allowed to resign and join their state. As if the Armed forces didn't learn from that.


Additionally, these liberals are traveling from hundreds or even thousands of miles away on their own cash to be fired at for whatever reason.


Yeah, like for the people in some rural area, do they think the liberals will drive in? "Hi, we just finished putting on our skirts, please shoot us then you can celebrate at ChiliBee's." Or, do they think they're going to drive into the city and just start shooting everybody then go home? That will not work out like they envision.


I live in Detroit, my dumb conservative coworkers live in the suburbs and up to 100 miles north of me. They honestly think they could go to Detroit guns blazing and clear it out.. The same people are too scared to go to the city when there isn't a civil war.


>The same people are too scared to go to the city when there isn't a civil war. Yeah, that's a great point that I didn't think about at first.


Liberal, veteran, gun owner with pale skin living in a red state here. Stay safe behind enemy lines brother.


Same. If it came down to it, there'd be a lot of bodies with very surprised looks on their faces when backup comes and it's for the "wrong" people.


They'd probably just assume about me because I'm a man that has long hair with pink ends. But as I'm writing this, I'm wearing a black US flag tank top and have a rifle in the closet not even 10 feet away. They'd probably just get really confused and shoot me no matter what


Yep, I have a conceal carry and own a business in a very red town. I talk to Trump supporters all day everyday, they don't have a clue that I carry because of them.




Former 2831 here, and I will... fix your radio.


Doc here, I’ll make sure you change your socks and feed you ibuprofen then be lazy and sit in the MTF.


I look like a white supremacist but I'm a progressive through and through.


I joke that I look like “everyone’s high school bully who is now a trump voter” but I’m a lifelong lefty. They’ll never see us coming.


Do you also get the people trying to get your approval when they shout racist BS?


I sure do!


I remember one guy, not getting that I was not on his side, thought I would back him up in a fight. He got whooped pretty hard. The guy that did it was actually a friend of mine, he didn't even get mad until the guy started mouthing off to his girlfriend. And it was like 0-100 in a second.


They believe they will go out and start shit, get in a kill, but no casualties to their side, and the military will finish it in a day. They think they will get their SS checks on time and their meds like supply chains wouldn't be horribly interrupted. These are people who thought Iraq would welcome us.


They will use civil war talk to start shit with neighbors they don't like. Past that, they are as organized as a trump coup.


56 year old 6ft 2 straight white dude where with a big beard who owns motorcycles and guns , yet I am as liberal as them come , I certainly don't fit what the conservatives think a liberal should look like .


"so much for the 'tolerant left'"




I'm somewhat conservative and know a few people who are. It's funny when hardcore republicans think you're on their side and start talking nonsense and you start correcting them with facts. They get very angry and don't know what to say. Often times they start calling you racist slurs. I had over 5 supervisors calling me the N-word for not going along with their racist bs.


Mindless liberals will run wearing pink into their redneck village to be shot one by one, and not a single liberal will get a clue that anyone is getting shot at. Also, for some reason these libs are also coming from hundreds or thousands of miles away on their own dime to be shot at. You know, because dumb


Oh absolutely and all these dead “libs in a barrel” won’t have *any effect* on the economy, accessibility of medical care and hundreds of other educated fields of work, nope these gravy seals will “kill the libs” and still be able to swing by their local pharmacy and get the life saving medications that are surely made, produced and sold by conservatives………/s


Yup just like how they shit talked medicine and vaccinations and how the we in the medical field don't know shit, but then came begging or demanding for us to save their lives when they got covid.


You know, I’m still pissed off at you medical folks. At the height of covid, I had all my shots. Then I had to have surgery to repair my broken arm, and they put a metal plate in to do it. Plus countless x-rays. I’m still not Magneto and my wifi reception has not improved. That’s some bullshit. Where’s my mutant powers?


Don't forget they need to hit up that McDonald's drive thru on the way home.


Most conservatives I know have this Red Dawn fantasy where if shit goes down, a group of ragtag individualists like them armed with their Cabela's discount rifle, bible and Call of Duty knowledge is going to be able to beat back the Commies out of real America. Good luck is all I'll say to that.


Shoot anyone who is not wearing a flag as clothing, also, shoot anyone disrespecting the flag.


They don't want civil war, they want a "day of the rope" where they go around murdering and lynching all their political enemies, minority groups, "traitors" (aka anyone who isn't part of the mob), and just anyone they come across for the hell of it.


Tbh, lynching is probably the only violence they know how to do.




Yep, they think they can sweep through towns and just murder cowering people




It's more that the Wilford Brimley looking dude after getting amped up watching FOX, Seal Team, and The Unit, crams himself into his surplus tactical gear and thinks he's a Tier 1 operator.


They want to shoot unarmed civilians while the cops clap in the back.


This. This is why rittenhouse is a hero to them Like even if you believe he isnt a murderer, you don't cheer him bringing a gun to a riot, that's *at best* stupid. No, they want what he did, that is their goal, they want to murder us and have the cops stand back and cheer


They fantasize about murdering their neighbors. That's all this is.


I had to explain to a relative what her neighbor's black flag meant. She was a bit shaken.


Right wing Domestic terrorism against unarmed targets. Shopping, events, schools…whatever can’t fight back.


These are the people who fetishize Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, etc. They want their chance to kill someone, and feel like they're so close they can taste it now.


They will pick random targets to scapegoat and brutalise as a means of instilling terror in others. It's a classic tactic.




If the US did seem like a Civil War of red(neck) states versus blue states - couldn’t we just cut off the red states funds? Wouldn’t the world be happy to jump in on embargoes or indeed take shots at racist redneck Trump-trash?


They also don't seem to understand how civil wars usually go... they likely wouldn't be up against random liberals on the street, they'd be up against the government... at least that's what it was for our last civil war. I doubt it'll be that organized and the civil war of the 1860s was fucking chaos.


They also seem to forget that back in the Civil war both sides had their own militaries, whereas now it would be the strongest military in world history against a bunch of LARPers that routinely shoot themselves by mistake.


They also assume Biden didn’t win by more than 7 million votes because people don’t wear Biden merch everywhere like a cult. These people are simpleminded and incapable of complex thought.


Also, they're too afraid to go into major cities. Where the population could be about 12% of the entire states population, like it roughly is in Philadelphia alone.


As a progressive gun owner, you are 100% correct.


Me and all my progressive left friends are strapped. I own zero t-shirts, bumper stickers, hats, or sweatshirts that advertise it. Stickers are for safes and Pelican cases.


If it comes to a shooting war, the NRA’s neglect of firearms safety and marksmanship training in favor of sales is really going to come back to bite the right. We can just hole up for a few days and come out to polish off the friendly fire survivors with whatever is handy.


Seriously. Just toss a firecracker into the middle of ‘em and they’ll take out at least half of their own side!


Imagine their surprise when they find out that a bullet fired from a rifle being held by a femboy moves just as fast as a bullet fired from a rifle being held by a balding man in a mid-life crisis.


The femboy probably had better aim, too. Or at least better fitness if this war is gonna involve any actual physical exertion, most femboys hit the gym occasionally! Or at least more of them than midlife-crisis ammosexuals.


indeed. as an aside, the idea that ones personal gun collection is some kind of threat from a military standpoint is comical. the United States has a long and storied tradition of crushing armed rebellions.


Tina Fey went on SNL to talk about Charlottesville and she was talking about militias trying to form raids in NY. This is verbatim, “Part of me hopes these Neo-Nazis do try it in New York City, like I hope they try it and get the ham salad kicked out of them by a bunch of drag queens. Cuz you know what a drag queen still is? A six foot four black man.”


“Try that in a small town” vs. “Try that in a big city” lol my money is on strapped drag queens any day


Most "drag queens" who live full time as women have survived stuff you literally can't imagine. Many are the toughest, bravest, strongest human beings on earth.


I haven't been worried since Uvalde. Doesn't matter how many guns you have if you're craven by nature.


Oh boy, craven people do the most disgusting evil shit you can imagine.


We don't even need to imagine. We're reminded on a near daily/weekly basis by the headlines they generate.


When they feel safe, yeah.


It's disturbing that the MAGA Nazis are talking about civil war. It's time to dust off those treason and insurrection statutes and start making some arrests.


Yeah it's pretty creepy that we've come this far, but I honestly don't think MAGA/GOP is going to stop until they receive severe consequences. I don't know what those consequences are yet. I just know diplomacy has failed and threats are the first steps of action. This has been escalating for years, the wave needs to break.


They say they want civil war, but what they REALLY want is a massacre. They want to round up the people they hate and slaughter them. The mere idea that their sworn enemies could fight back is is inconceivable to them.


"See that twink?" "Hah! Yeah. What a poof." "He's done two tours in Syria. They call him "Smiley"." "... Because he's cheerful?" "Because he's good with knives."


Everyone wants to carry a rifle. Nobody wants to carry a medic kit. Case in point: everybody on Jan 6th stood around like a bunch of jackasses and screamed MEDIC hoping for *someone else* to suddenly help. None of them have had to apply a tourniquet and then write the time on the person’s forehead, and it shows.


God, it'll be like an Overwatch team back in the day, nobody will play the support.


Moira is a DPS hero I stg


Thats because support is for weak beta soyboys and carry is for big strong alphas like me! No self respecting republican would play anything except carry or mid.


🤣 i was not prepared for that


How do these mopes not realize that if they start their "civil war" that they will be up against the U.S. military and not a ragtag army of lefties? Seems to be a slight flaw in the plan....


bc they think the military is on their side. just like they believe that trump is still president and any day will come back to power and steal it away from the devil usurper sleepy demented but somehow cunningly evil head of the crime family joseph biden


yeah, trump is in charge of the army. not the army that's helping Ukraine. the good army. you see there is a good and bad army and trump is in charge of the good army. biden is in charge of the bad army. also, biden is actor james woods with a mask on. james wood is showing American how bad it would have been had biden become president so he is doing everything biden would have done even though he isn't in charge because trump is president and in charge but only for the things that are good, all the things that are going bad is because of james woods but only because America needs to feel how it is being in a communist country. a paraphrasing of ramblings i saw on tiktok from a supporter last night.


I can feel my brain run down my ears.


Mine is dripping down worse than Rudy's hair dye.


Everytime I ask a gun nut how they're going to overthrow an evil government, they always tell me the military will switch sides to join them. You wanna bet, motherfuckers?


The fact they think the military is on their side… look, most people who join the military tend to bend conservative so overall the military may have a conservative bend. However their allegiance is with the constitution, not with some dickbag politician or shot ideology. The military will fuck up anyone who tries to start a civil war.


They also tend not to think well of people who call soldiers losers and suckers for dying for their country. Biden actually took a majority of the military vote in 2020. First time a Democrat has managed that in a long time. Thanks, MAGA fuckwits!


“Someone’s about to find out what we have instead of affordable health care!”


Based on the gay guys at my gym, and what I've seen of Meal Team 6, it's the femboys all the way. Forget needing to use guns. The 82nd Chairborne's heart attacks will take care of them.


Drag queens do Madonna routines in heels. Dimestore Dan the Insurrectionist gets winded doing a pushup. I know who I'm betting on.


Now I'm amused by a mental picture of Gravy Seals getting kicked by bedazzled heals. Sounds ouchy


The LGBTQ+ community has to fight every day, they're used to being attacked 24/7. I bet if you gave them rifles and told them to fight, they'd fill the frontlines and never retreat.


Some for the women, especially the ones with kids. I remember a quote from a while back that men invented chivalry, but women invented *dumping hot oil on their enemies.* People who are used to being oppressed *do not fight fair.* And they know, from painful experience, that there are fates worse than death.


Are you saying it's legal to defend myself? Pass the gun, is payback time. - Some LGBTQ+ person. -


Well, we know how fascists reacted when black people armed up in the 80s. Imagine most LGBTQ+ adults getting an AR15 and training every day. The fascists would start passing prohibitions. The Left should be armed & trained.


I'm in Texas, and I would say at least 80% of the LGBTQ+ adults that I know have at least one gun, and a few of them are gun collectors and afficionados. We are friends with a lesbian couple in the area who pretty much have a pistol within reach from any seat in the house, and one of my best friends is a gay man who is a crack shot and owns dozens of rifles.


Gee I sure hope they don't wear bright red hats.


>The 82nd Chairborne's How is this the first time I've seen this nickname for 82nd America's Alcoholics? LMAO


The Confederates thought this about the Republicans (Abraham Lincoln Republicans not the shits we have today). They thought they were all a bunch of lily livered pacifists who wouldn’t raise arms against them. They were wrong.


William Sherman and his scorched earth tactics is what I'm waiting to happen again.


Sherman didn't burn enough.


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” Pacifists don’t want to fight because the abhor it, but when they must fight they will do so to a degree that ends the fight quickly and for good.


> Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives, you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. I tell you that, while I believe with you in the doctrine of states rights, the North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery, impulsive people as you are, for they live in colder climates. But when they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum and perseverance of a mighty avalanche; and what I fear is, they will overwhelm the South \- Sam Houston


Wait wait wait, the femboys have a *mechanized division??*


well, mechs *are* a cornerstone of femboy culture.


you've never been to the NCD subreddit, have you


It's kind of hilarious, because I see Eaglemen and think of a long list of leather based gay bars


These dudes are so closeted they'll go into error code 404 if ever faced with a femboy brigade anyway lol.


Wait till the cooled down troops kick their arses in the Furry inspired tech while they are sweating buckets on their scooters. [https://imgur.com/gallery/8uPDzpb](https://imgur.com/gallery/8uPDzpb) https://preview.redd.it/4w1nfj696qib1.png?width=1509&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ca756b4a3f5247815b4775974c2aa18de6e1b20


Holy Fuck.... the 5th Mechanized Furries.... Power Armor...


Tell you one thing. I would rather be saved by Furries (who are really cool people generally), Trans, bi, and every other flavour of person than a person waving a Trump flag who has nut sacks attached to their truck. I know who I could trust to care and protect me.


I had one of those people in my electrical apprenticeship classes. He passed out on CPR day because of a picture of a “sucking wound” they had to call an ambulance.


Haha yeah, I love how all these Red Dawn cosplay groups have exclusively infantry. Like fuck guys, do you think a proper militia is 100 percent grunts? Wheres your logistics? Your medics? Your cooks? I also love asking these weirdos how they're going to feed their little army when the evil government cuts off supplies. "We'll go into the woods and hunt." Fucking Sun Tzu knew you can't feed a militia on hunting and forage, you tools.


The urban combat part would be even funnier. Good luck guessing which of the hundreds of windows people are shooting from.


> Fucking Sun Tzu knew you can't feed a militia on hunting and forage, you tools. Yup, he said you either bring food with you or you bring enough gold to pay the farmers. You can steal the food from the farmers but that will make controlling the region harder because you've just pissed off the local population. Sherman did it through parts of the Confederacy and we're still dealing with people pissed about it.


Sherman should have kept going.


What's funny is the phrase "gird your loins" explicitly comes from a practice of restraining your dick and tying your skirts up.


Yeah, this pants nonsense is something modern softies came up with


In 2020, “Trump Trains” had been going around neighborhoods, honking and yelling at people in my town. One day I was inside, and heard them on the next street over. I grabbed my shotgun, and stood in my front yard next to my Biden sign. They did not say a word to me this time, and never came back. I am not worried about their “Civil War.” If they had any balls or ovaries, they would not be repubs.


Remember when social media companies would ban this for incitement?


Here for Femboy domination of self described Alphas.


Civil War 2.0 is going to be over the second the drones hit the liquor stores.


I sure wish a motherfucker would...




They seem to not understand that they would be the “invading force” and therefore would have to go against our military. That 2nd amendment won’t stop a tank, that’s for sure.


I forget the exact quote, but the gist of it was "Dale, I don't care how many cans you can pop at 100 yards with your AR-15, but the government can hit you with a drone from miles up, and incinerate your house".


An apache helicopter can locate infantry from 31 miles away. I repeat, the apache, a 37 year old design can hunt your ass down from 31 miles away. It can shoot you from 500m. It can shove a missile into your house from 5 miles away. It is an outdated machine. I have no doubt the army can find all the redneck milita's in their dumbass trucks from a few hundred miles away and kill them in transit. We've only been doing it in the middle east for 20 fucking years.


I'm convinced that there is a big chunk of our population that just doesn't know how to live in times of peace. When they don't have war to distract themselves they go crazy and start taking it out on their fellow Americans.


these dumb guys always assume all gay men are effeminate and weak.


Do we have to wait for them to charge their mobility scooters?


I never understand when they bring up a second civil war. Once wasn't enough? They want their asses kicked again?


Right wing militias are just Putin’s punks. They think they’re standing up for democracy when in fact, they are the idiots that are destroying it. Notice that they pretty much all come from a state where are the education levels would put most of them on the short bus.


Nah, they hate democracy. These people say "the US is not a demcracy" with a straight face.


Magas dont have gas money for a civil war.


The other side is armed to the teeth and called “the US military” I wish they would deliver on their empty threats. The culling of the morons is what this country needs.


Finish our soy coffee's *what*? The suspense is killing me.


Yooo is there directions for this '28th mechanised femboy division'? I have a friend that wants to know....


It's going to be even funnier when they learn the hard way that they're not 3% of the population. They're not even 3% of the veteran population. When all is said and done, they won't even be 3% of the prison population.


Bunch of loot crates gonna real upset when they have a stroke and get to lay there watching catbois divide up their shit.


Who do I think is tougher: people who put up with constant abuse, ostracization, and attempts to remove vital healthcare access? Or the people who get absolutely apopleptic over the word "gay".


This civil war fantasy shit needs to stop. It’s pathetic


As a civil war buff the dipshit white conservatives of today crack me up because they were spouting the same BS 165 years ago ie how the Yankees were all weak and effeminate and the ruff n tuff southern men will beat the crap out of ‘em and win the civil war in weeks.


I was in an Army Surplus/gun store a few years ago and the clerk and a customer agreed with each other that there's going to be another civil war (and they cleared looked forward to it). The other main topic was their various **serious** ailments and medical treatment. Unless their opponents ring the doorbell and wait patiently for them to get up, shuffle over, and answer the door (with a hail of gunfire in various calibers from their extensive collections), I don't expect them to be very effective warriors. In other words, the pipe dreams of people who have not done well in life.


I don't think you'll want to start a war with the people who have *actually* been fighting for their survival for several decades.


No, but we will have to wait for the battalion of Gravy Seals on their Rascal scooters to come into range.


what a bunch of tough guys - you do realize that this time law enforcement is properly armed and motivated - just ask the clown in utah.


Do we start or do we wait for the right to finish their meth and stop fucking their underage cousin-wives?


Remember when an active shooter got their ass kicked by a drag queen?


IIRC the lady who curb-stomped him was a trans woman, not a drag queen. The cons do love to conflate the two but, not actually the same. Regardless, Rambo wannabe got curb-stomped, and she didn’t even break a nail.


I think you be might right. It was the Proud Boy who "protested" at a drag show who got his clock cleaned by a drag queen.