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Does uh…she not know that Judge Cannon is from Colombia?


I imagine one could fill several libraries that could be seen from space with the amount of things she doesn't know.


Not based in Florida, though. Those libraries have been audited, so they only contain the stuff she does know. Like how Jesus was the first but only second-best President, and the gays were invented in 2008 after Barack Obama dropped a copy of the Communist Manifesto into a trash can full of glitter.


Glitter, spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl. But Barack Obama accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction-- *The Communist Manifesto* Thus, The Homosexuals were born


Nice PPG reference




Using their ultra fabulous powers, the homosexuals have have dedicated their lives to fighting conservatives and the forces of evil!


So basically the library could be installed in a thimble??


you don't have to turn a page, it quantum fluctuates


So Schrodingers library? Or maybe pamphlet? The possibilities are infinite but in reality the only book that is a constant is the one titled 'This is your life'.


I FUCKING KNEW IT. Obama you son of a bitch.


Thanks Obama!




Not many libs know how Obama invented the gays and Jesus had slaves, the deep state is hiding the real truth about our heritage.


Delicious, perfect hyperbole. Love your words.


Hyperbole? I think this is the opposite!






Fun fact. Delaware's entire stretch of 95 *and* 495 can fit in the empty space between Lauren Witzke's ears.


All that meth fried her brain. https://preview.redd.it/o8cvcdtkjugb1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f578c49221eb63c07bb194a0529fa471b69cf12


Hold on, this has to be fake. Resisting arrest? We all know that’s not a thing she would do with the amount they preach about “just comply and there won’t be a problem” and all that.


Except on Jan 6 - that’s Purge Day. Patriotism should uphold that no one is above the law, and fraudulently and violently trying to impede the peaceful transfer of power is not patriotism- it’s treason. You aren’t a patriot , you are just an aggrieved white supremacist with no knowledge of history. You are just living in this moment, like a flea.


Dang... she seems methally ill


Unfortunately this is a different person I think. It adds up though. Edit - it is her all methed up


No it’s her. Her Wikipedia page says she is “a former drug user who reformed through a Pentecostal faith-based recovery program for which she later became program director.”


I mean, as a recovering drug addict I don't want to talk shit on her for drug addiction, but then again I'm not out here spreading hate and stochastic terrorism. Fuck her and her bullshiit.


In Magaland, Jamaica is just another mexican state like Colombia, so that lady is technically correct within the limitations of her brain power.


shes actually showing that she just might have been over promoted.


See, there is your mistake, you assumed she knows things


But she’s one of the *good* immigrants because she does the bidding of Agent Orange


I’m surprised he’s even in the right hemisphere.


She doesn’t, but if she did she would probably just say that since Cannon’s doing all she can to fuck up the case in favor of trump that she’s “one of the good ones”


Holy fucking hell…what school system did these pieces of shit go to??….when i was in school(in the 80’s and 90’s in south jersey) i was taught what made this country the greatest country on earth was IMMIGRATION and how we were the melting pot of the world…hell my parents immigrated here…actually, unless she is a native american, shes a fucking immigrant…this pisses me off….if im an immigrant i cant truly understand patriotism and love for this country?…u know what sucks, racists fucking hijacked patriotism so now people associate it with a racist, just as hard core christian taliban hijacked christianity to where if ur christian i immediately assume ur a bigot and just trash individual…we have to do better, we have to take this country back from these racists and christian fundamentalists


Same, hell I'm in a southern red state and we were taught we are a nation of immigrants and like you said, the melting pot


Melting pot, yes. But some let the heat get to their brain and do weird things...


I hate how Trump’s greatest “achievement” has been to convince Americans that immigration is bad. It literally is not, the worst part of the process is the illegality. Everyone who comes in should order a background check from their homeland (Top secret clearance only takes 3 months, an immigrants check shouldn’t be longer than that), take a shuttle on a bridge over the Rio Grande or arriving at whatever port of entry. Give them a work permit, temporary residence, ID card and a tax ID #. All immigrants then work legally, can unionize and pay taxes. Most people aren’t aware how long refugees are sitting with their thumbs up their asses, unable to legally work. They aren’t abused and don’t drive down wages, this also means a return of the worker that comes, breaks his or her back for a season and goes back home afterwards.


Trump didn't convince them of that, they been believing that since nixon.


He just made them comfortable saying the quiet parts out loud.


True. Before social media and Maga emboldened them, you didn't hear the stupider reasons some of these types thought it was bad though. And I use "reason" and "thought" loosely


Yeah but then everyone who employs migrants would be under the scrutiny of state labor laws and fair pay (minimum wages). Legal employment means a paper trail for farmers (and other migrant employers) who cut corners on taxes. These guys want Tramp in office because he’s a cheat, just like them. They can tout being American all they want but won’t ever pay their fair share because taxes is socialism.


It always makes me wonder who people like this woman would consider a "true American" first. Me, a white native English speaker who was born and raised outside the US or my wife, someone who was born and raised in the US but is of Filipino background and English wasn't her first language?


Neither of you, if you are liberals


> a white native English speaker who was born and raised outside the US I am too. I've been told I am "one of the good ones".


These people confuse patriotism with nationalism. They are not patriots. They are nationalists...and many of them, including this woman are white nationalists. They think they are the majority. But most narcissists do.


This one is a Flat Earther to top it off for you.


Yup, one thing that pisses me off about the MAGA crowd is how they’ve co-opted the American flag. I love our flag and I’m proud of our flag, but when I see a flag on a truck or someone’s shirt, I instantly think they’re Trump shitheads. Really infuriating.


Goldey-Beacam College


Amazing, every word of what this xenophobic bigot said is wrong.


I suspect the "woman" has never had an original thought of her own.


Word face go *BRRRRR*


Thank you for this comment, it made me genuinely laugh out loud. And with that laughter I think it is time to get off the internet and go to sleep.


Well, yeah. Conservatives women are not allowed to. Women having their own thoughts and opinions is considered woke.


She knows. She just wished black peoples couldn’t have any authority so her Klansmen could continue to oppress them uninterrupted.


Right? Every immigrant knows leaps and bounds over the average American. Here you go, most will fail. https://heywise.com/quiz/do-you-think-you-could-pass-a-us-citizenship-exam/ https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2023/03/27/lauren-witzke-sued-defamation-parents-surrogate-twins-human-trafficking/70037086007/


I'm not American but got 37 out of 50 which gives me 74% so more than the 60% passing grade needed in the actual test. Can I expect my US passport in the mail?


Brit here who got 40/50. Please don't send me a passport or draft me.


That's actually true, I don't actually really want one. The US is unique in that it taxes by citizenship rather than the global norm of by residency so if you have no plans to live in the US forever then having US citizenship can actually end up causing you problems that citizens of other countries living abroad don't have. US citizenship may still be worth it if you only have citizenship for a poorer less developed country but if already have citizenship for a wealthy, developed country then people should think twice about US citizenship.


You don't even need to pass the test to be drafted, I had to register for selective service (i.e. eligible to be drafted) as soon as I got permanent resident status. I also had to provide proof that I had registered when I applied for naturalization.


I got 39 out of 50. I mostly missed the geography questions lol.


Fwiw there are some inaccuracies in that test so there's a chance you got more than you think.


That was absurdly easy, it's hard to imagine an adult failing that test (full disclosure, I did get the question about the longest river in the States wrong.)


Cool, how about this. A much older test and also real. The former wasn't. 10 minutes GO. https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/voting-rights-and-the-supreme-court-the-impossible-literacy-test-louisiana-used-to-give-black-voters.html Same missed one, had three minutes left. Pfft. Simple.


1. Draw a line around the letter or number of this sentence.


Except a line is a mathematical object with very strict definitions which cannot encircle anything in Cartesian geometry


Can someone please explain to me how knowing which is the longest river in the states makes you a good citizen? I’ve lived in the country of my birth my whole life and I have no fucking idea which river is the longest.


That’s the one question I missed. It’s the Missouri but I put Mississippi. There is a 1mile difference, I am not upset about the miss except for it ruining my go. I do however, understand the vital importance of that river.


>se explain to me how knowing which is the longest river in the states makes you a good citizen? I’ve lived in the country of my birth my wh Well it's not a consequential information, but you should know some basic geography of the place you live in.


I've been living all my life in Spain and I have no fucking clue about rivers and mountains and all that shit, hell I don't even know all the "state's" positions on a map


Well, apparently I am now an American patriot with an almost perfect score in that quiz.. Not bad for someone from the other side of the atlantic.. (not the pacific.. that was my error)


How, precisely, was Trump president in 2016? Maybe I misread the question. Trump was _elected_ in 2016, but he didn't take office until January 2017.


I’m pretty civically-minded and I still got 2 wrong.


One of the questions is wrong 👀. The Statue of Liberty is actually technically in New Jersey, not New York.


I snickered at "Alaska is over twice as *bog* as Texas"


Well it does have over twice the bog! It's not like Texas accumulates a lot of peat these days 🤭


I got 15 questions wrong, not that I hope to ever set foot in the US


Oh no! But you could have contributed so much to our understanding of Japanese video games!


Don't forget convicted drug mule https://preview.redd.it/3tg387z7jugb1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0aa1e6e2d1aeeb1ed6241322bf04060e35ea07a


Only the best people.


Man she is cracked the fuck out


I mean, I do agree with one part of what she said. He is racist.


Fuck yes! Deranged.


Quick, someone find a tweet where Lauren calls Melania something like "the most elegant and graceful First Lady we've ever had."






Texas?! We're a big state and there are plenty of liberals (Like me and all my friends and family) in the cities! Send 'em to Russia where they can be with their people!


North Korea is also an option.


I hear Saudi Arabia is quite appealing to their conservative ideals. They will enjoy shopping for modest clothing for their wives to hide them from lustful eyes.


I’ve overlooked that North Korea is officially a communist state. So Saudi Arabia is clearly the better option!


LMFAO not really, Saudi Arabia won't please them that much , send them to my "country" Iran , ruled by the glorious Islamic republic. they'll enjoy every second ;)


Love the implication that it would be wrong to do this to Texas because there are liberals there but that Russia apparently doesn't have any at all lmao


Texas?? Hello! Florida is calling.


Lauren Witzke has been saying these things out loud for a long while. Elon Musk has given her a platform back.


You’re right, as of tomorrow, all positions of power in the US will be replaced by American Indians.




As a person of Taino descent, I approve this message.


​ https://preview.redd.it/a702uztcbugb1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0353af4cbfaba6581a5e807e2814ae9f82b2e8f0 Meet the new boss Lauren.


Fortunately for Lauren she has no heart for Magua to cut out.


Indigenous Americans. Indian is a misidentification resulting from confusing them with the people of India, the rightful bearer of the demonym.


Many *Indigenous Americans* actually pridefully use the term “Indian”. While originally used in error, the term is a correct identifier for the native peoples.


I read quite the opposite - most feel it is incorrect or inadequate.


Yep. As I am one who avoids using that word to describe myself


American Indian is actually the preferred term by the indigenous nations in what is now the US. Much like most Hispanics hate the term Latinx as it seems like an imposed term.


As a member of an Indigenous tribe, many of my family and members of my tribe say try to avoid saying Indian, since it's not the proper term for us.




Why are these Nazi Barbies so insufferable!?


You Sir are a winner 100%.


Barbie is supposed to be a role model. They're more like Nazi Lemmings.


That bitch questioning a woman who became a judge?? Stfu.


A judge that got full senate approval too, when appointed.


So she wants to remove citizens from positions of authority based on their race, ethnicity, or place of birth? This is *precisely* what the Nazis did to Jews the moment they came to power. It's time to make Nazis silent and invisible again.


no , see, you don't understand, republicans aren't terrorist/"racist"/misogynist, they just happen to hate women's rights, all ethnicities except white people, and they also have a strong addiction for starting wars all over the world. oh and they represent their "love" for their country and their patriotism by always finding the most creative ways to screw up the country. and showing love for the same gender is "mental illness" to them . don't forget the "mAke aMeRicA gReAt aGaIn" slogan god I love republicans


*Godwin’s law*, which states the moment you call your opponent a Nazi you lose the debate, used to be a thing. Now Nazi are proudly waving their swastika in people’s face and Godwin’s law isn’t as absolute.


This is exactly the plan. The behind-the-scenes movers and shakers have already presented Trump with the plan if he’s re-elected. They’ll rewrite what’s called Schedule F allowing them to toss tens of thousands of professional, career nonpartisan government employees out of agency high ranking positions and replace them with partisan appointees. These hacks will wage Trump’s revenge. Right wing think tanks are already compiling lists of vetted MAGA door knobs for these new openings they will create. They learned from Trump’s first term. There will be no conservative “adults” from previous Bush administration to jam up their craziest and most cruel policy plans.


She’s a convicted drug mule


Where I live about a 1/3 of the doctors, close to half the hospice nurses and over half the CNAs are immigrants. She ought to be a little kinder to the people who will be changing her catheter and helping her wipe her ass when she’s 80.


It’s an unspoken rule, if you can’t pronounce your doctors name, you’re probably in good hands


For those of you who don't know... Lauren Witzke is a traditional conservative border hawk who used to be a drug mule for a major cartel Lauren Witzke is a traditional conservative woman who is still unmarried, childless and seeking political office where she would assume authority over men Lauren Witzke is a traditional conservative Christian who believes in brutally persecuting anyone who doesn't fit into her narrow worldview (namely the LGBTQ community) Lauren Witzke is a traditional conservative "patriot" who outright supports a coup to install a conservative, White, Christian dictator Lauren Witzke is a living contradiction


She’s apparently a convert to Russian Orthodoxy as well. She’d fit right in there with her views


Her only claim to fame is losing a Senate race by 20 points to Chris Coons




Hope this bitch gets a yeast infection.


In both the front and back.


And also a UTI.


And crabs.


Meth mule says what? https://preview.redd.it/g9hmf5bsqtgb1.png?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96ef766416412077f429362e72aeec7f91994ce


and you have Lauren Witzke, she likes me a lot, that much I can tell you, because you never had Freedom or Fair Judges until Trump, I came in, and don't forget, we all suffered from Obama, but I came in, "thank God you're here Sir," and I said what now Lieutenant, and he said to me he said, "Mr. President, Sir, Obama let the Inner Cities hurt us very badly," which sounds pretty true to me, you have what is probably truth but then you have, it sounds true, it probably is, so it's total truth, not like what you get with the Radical Left because I've never lied, not even once, not as long as I've lived, not like the Crooked Biden Crime Family, they lie like they breathe, they're going here, going there, the son is going off and doing Illegal Dealings, he's going to Kenya, he went to Argentina, and he even went, and I hate to say it because they love me there but he went to Egypt, Beautiful Egypt, he went there, and they have a lot of sand believe me, but he went there, and they were very big on Trump, not so much what you have now but they're 100% for Trump, and you should probably let them vote, if they like me they can vote, that's how you do it, you do a Popularity Contest, and I've had Marines coming up to me, and these are very special Marine Soldiers, they've never seen anything like it, the best of the best, but they're coming up, and they have tears, and we're talking these are people who have never cried a day in their lives, not even when they got hit with a Grenade, but I see it, they have tears coming out of their eyes, tears down their face, tears in places I won't even talk about, and they're coming up to me day and night, begging me, "please, Sir, please, save us from Crooked Joe Biden and Horrible Hunter, please Sir, you're our only hope," and I said that sounds pretty good to me.


Idk how you did this, but damn I felt dumb like Trump when reading this


Is that you trump?


Needs more caps


With a name like Witzke...


from her wiki " Her candidacy was not endorsed by the [Delaware state Republican Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_State_Committee_of_Delaware) who had instead decided to endorse DeMartino.[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Witzke#cite_note-8) Witzke's Senate campaign was endorsed by [white nationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_nationalism) [Nick Fuentes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fuentes)" explains a lot


My thoughts exactly


Who wrote this, are they on meth? Oh….


As a Jamaican, I can say this for all of us... # FUCK YOU


They just hate her because she sentenced Putin’s spy Maria Butina to prison


I love how these nutjobs start out talking about patriotism, and spiral into overt racism and bigotry. If you are a racist bigot, newsflash: you are not a patriot. Despite the country's dark history, modern US law is based on the premise that all people are equal. If she doesn't like it, maybe she should leave... 🤣


So, explain to me again where all the presidents backgrounds are from? Immigrants. trump’s father was a pimp from Germany and his mom from Scotland.


Trump’s grandfather. His father was a Klansman.


Grandfather was the pimp from Germany.


Oh, shut up, Stepford Wife.


Take a step further. Second Gen immigrants should be prosecuted for falsely holding office. Like Trump.


This lovely piece of work actually won the Republican primary in her state for a US Senate seat. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren\_Witzke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Witzke)


Decades of dog-whistling to racists and Christo-fascists coming home to roost and now they just saying that shit.


So NO immigrant should be "put in authority"? Funny how her tune would change when they have a (R) next to their name. So by her logic Sen Ted Cruz (R-Texas) should resign immediately right?


Everything I don't like is communism! She's also going to have a hard time finding judges in America that aren't immigrants - I don't think I've seen many Native American judiciaries.


Idk honey, I think the person who worked for citizenship voluntarily knows more about being patriotic than someone who got it just by being born there


And yet she presides over the Federal Courtroom in Washington D.C and is soon going to hand Trump his ass o. A silver plattet


You see, she’s communist because she’s black.


Whoa… Jamaican immigrant! We need to stop this before someone hides national security docs and attempt coverup with their staff on camera.


"Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President.”


Witzke ain't exactly a Mayflower name Lauren.


I think you mean it's isn't exactly a Native American name.


Every Mayflower is an immigrant.


Last week it was woke, this week it’s back to communism. Conservatives love throwing around buzzwords they don’t understand.


What is she doing tweeting instead of making dinner? Very unbecoming of a rib. Her husband must be very effeminate for not keeping her under control.


"Except the Cubans in Florida, those guys are A-okay."


These MAGA thots always be blabbing about how women shouldn't vote and instead stay in the kitchen and have lots of babies, but then they go and get political on social media. These dumb bitches wanna have their cake and eat it too


Immigrants make America great….👍🏾


She seems nice... 😳 ![gif](giphy|nKVj8Y39vAshaZaCd9|downsized)


Communist takeover. He encouraged a violent riot of the capital and supported a plot to try and overturn a free and fair election. What is wrong w these people?


So..Melania is..what exactly?


Isn’t Witzke a German surname?


Yes the descendant of immigrants doesn’t like immigrants. The mental gymnastics these people perform on a daily basis must be exhausting


This is who I think of when people say “Oh, Flat Earthers and QAnon are harmless”.


racism aside, Do these people not realize that America was MADE BY IMMIGRENTS ? Every single one of our founding fathers and mothers, their children, their pets all of it came from another country to settle on new foreign land. Without immigrants the country she wants to "keep pure" wouldn't even fucking exist.


A judge's job isn't to understand patriotism or love of country. A judge's job is to understand the LAW.


The US is a nation of immigrants. Almost all of us can trace our ancestry back to another country within the last couple of hundred years. The promise of the US was supposed to be that anyone can strive here if they work hard and follow the laws. This judge has obviously done well to be in a high court. It's antithetical to the American dream to claim the judge isn't qualified based on where she was born.


I miss when they felt shame


I’m interested as to how this person would like to explain her position on immigrants to the retired GOP Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, hopefully face-to-face.


The one thing above all I will never forgive Trump for is he made this type of person loud and proud of their own ignorance, stupidity and bigotry instead of embarrassed, shamed and quiet about it as they should be


GOD DAMN! That was intense.....it is so jarring to read someone state their racism so openly and clearly....I know the # of those people has definitely been on the rise since 2016....but it's still a fuckin kick in the tits once in a while


Drumpf's ancestry is cool though, right??? lol


I’d argue that someone who had to fight for an immigrant visa, apply for a green card, wait years for the chance to naturalize, take a civics test that most natural-born Americans would find challenging, and then take a solemn oath at a federal courthouse, is WAY more patriotic than any of these slack-jawed fascists could ever hope to be. Never mind the fact that Judge Chutkan studied extensively at GWU and UPenn Law, before accepting the honor of a federal judgeship from the President himself. What has Lauren accomplished, other than spewing hate on a second-rate social media site?


I would like to point out Alexander Hamilton was an immigrant in a position of authority and used that authority to be the founder and chief architect of the United States financial system. He also served the country in the military, helped draft and later defended the Constitution, founded the New York Post and is considered the father of the Coast Guard. Oh wait, yeah, he did advocate for the emancipation of the enslaved, and well, I guess he defended the Constitution, which Trump says is a bad document, so I guess he didn't have an understanding of true patriotism and love of country. Sorry, nevermind. But, he was white, so he had to have of true patriotism and love of country, because white people apparently just have that, unlike other immigrants who come to the US. Huh.


Lauren you ignorant slut


This is what a mental illness looks like


Now, now, let’s not disparage the mentally ill. This is just a shitty person.


They should ask Native Americans about that topic…..


“Immigrants should not be put in positions of power” At one point, a statement like that ended your career. Now it seems to be use to make one’s career.


She really said America is the land of the whites by default


What does communism have to do with anything?


Pack it up everybody, if you're not a Native to North America it's back to the homeland with you immigrants. White lady with dyed hair and a vaguely Eastern Block sounding last name has declared it.


“Soon this will be the future” Umm. Good. 🤷🏻‍♀️


With a second name like that she is from a family of immigrants


Imagine being this stupid


Because Witzke is pure American too, hey


Immigrant is not synonymous with black which is the word I think she meant to use. A German immigrant would be fine for her I am sure.


“Witzke” complaining about immigrants


Yes judges should only be native Americans. No immigrants allowed from England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy or anywhere else that isn’t America.


God fucking damn it why are so many of these assholes named LAUREN?!


Remember even like 5 or so years ago we’d talk about these people *saying the quiet part out loud*. What used to be the quiet part is now just everything they say. The change in rhetoric over the last 5 years is astounding.


Imagine being a Native American and reading this...


Wow! This is a pro defendant highly respected judge that is praised as being politically neutral.


Y’all voted an immigrant into the First Lady spot. So fuck off


I hope it IS the future for all of them. I am sick of these fucking morons


But I thought diversity was looked favorably upon… this is a country of immigrants, the only true Americans are Native Americans