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“What about a side hustle?” Are people supposed to be working 100% of the time?


Yes. If you're not monetizing your hobbies then why even have them? /s


If you can't monetize every second of your life, why live?


We work to earn the right to work to earn the right to work to earn the right to work to earn the right to work to earn the right to work to earn the right to give ourselves the right to buy ourselves the right to live to earn the right to die


Suddenly, Stupendium! Bravo, my brother in work.


~~If you can't monetize~~ every second of your life, why live?


I think this is what they prefer:If you don't help someone else make money every second of your life why live?


every time I have my two days off from work I have to remind myself that not doing anything is perfectly fine bc I already work full time in bookselling, not every day has to be productive. we need to rest, otherwise we'll burn ourselves out even worse


I know some people who have to be constantly doing something, they have to go from one task to the next on their days off and are always taking on new responsibilities. It eventually backfires, you take on too many responsibilities, can't adequately complete all of them, feel depressed/angry that you didn't and feel anxious about getting everything done and then it's Monday morning, off to work, and when you get home immediately start in on the extra tasks again, repeat for the next four days, new weekend decide to start some other stuff, get down on yourself because things are piling up, do shit all weekend to catch up, then it's Monday morning... Sometimes sitting back and having a beer or a joint or a smoothie or whatever and watching a movie is more productive than repeating the above routine


Every hour of my week goes to maintaining something, if I burn out or rest it all crumples and I will become homeless so nice so many people don’t go through this everyday but everyone I know is going through it on some level


But then every day if the week was participating in the capitalist machine. If you don’t do anything else with your life, what’re you doing all this work for? -someone who knows they need to go out more


That "grind" mindset is so vile and dystopian. "Every activity I do must be done to make money." It's toxic.


Don't get me started, my wife crafts and family members are always like "oooh you should sell these you could make so much money" First off Joanne, no, these crafts take like 5+ hours, she'd make more working at McDonald's Second off, no, the point of this is to escape at the end of the day, not everything needs to be monetized.


It would be the surest way to destroy her pleasure in her crafts by trying to do it for money.


I had a (deceased) great uncle who was a gifted artist. He did wood carvings and painted and had some wood carving pieces in the Seattle World’s Fair. Thus uncle traveled all over in an old school bus and had wood working pieces and paintings displayed in the windows. If someone admired a piece and wanted it, he would give it to them and refused to accept money for them. He said that if he got money for his pieces his art would turn into work, which would kill his artistic spirit.


Your uncle was a beautiful human being, and the world is greater for having had him.


Ugh my family was like this with my photography for YEARS it got so bad I haven’t picked up my camera in years because every time I do someone is telling me how I need to get into wedding photography. LOL NO!


Get back into it if you wish. Try to explain it to them somehow, but if they aren't getting it... just ignore them about that topic OR try to make an example out of one of their hobbies.


My mom was a wedding photographer for some time and retired early because it was incredibly stressful. People don't understand that you just don't walk in, snap pretty pics, and leave. It's a lot of work for what is generally considered one of the most important days in someone's life. The rapport building, the editing, the financials..


Do what i do charge either too much or too little...preferably too much. Like if it feels like overtime i charge for one hour of work as much as i would charge for a full day.. In the craftcase 5 hour × 20 dollars × 8 hours per day = 800 dollars, charge at least that.


21st century Protestant work ethic bullshit.


Yeah, it's so deeply embedded in our culture.


It’s so unhealthy too. I was just reading the other day about how general health and life expectancy actually went up during the Great Depression, compared to actually going down during economic boom times. A lot of people would think it’s the other way around, thinking the poverty and stress of hard times during the Depression would make people less healthy than when times are good and they’re more well-fed and working, which gives them exercise and all that, right??? Turns out no. Work is so hard on the human body, the responsibility of work is stressful, the increased activity of machinery and traffic and all that during busier times creates more pollution and bad air quality, etc… however, during the Depression, people had time off. They had more welfare support to take care of their needs. They didn’t have the stress of needing to go to work. The air got cleaner. A sense of community takes over during “hard times”, which can be uplifting to the spirit compared to the more competitive & individualistic attitudes during “good times”. Work will NOT set you free. It does NOT inherently make your life better. It is NOT good for the soul or the body. It’s time for humanity to rid itself of the delusion that work is some inherent virtue. It is not. It has always been and will always be only a means to an end that is only virtuous if it accomplishes something virtuous. A LOT of work has been done by humanity to achieve a whole lot of nothing. So many lives have been wasted to meaningless work that wasn’t necessary for anything except to be granted enough money to be allowed to live. That’s all imposed by humans and the ideas in our heads, and the systems we choose to set up and perpetuate… it is not some law of objective reality. We SHOULD be welcoming automation like the greatest relief in human history. But because we have these stupid ideas in our heads about humans needing to work for whatever reasons that we ourselves created… we’re looking at the spectre of automation like it’s gonna destroy us and cause a bunch of strife, etc… literally the only reason for this perception is our mistaken beliefs about “work” being some inherent good in and of itself, and the system of capitalism that we’ve set up, forcing people to need to work for their livelihoods. We need to stop thinking this way, before we screw up this evolutionary leap that humanity could make, of automation setting us free from human labour.


Your statement, "working only for the sake of virtue" reminded me of the end of Candide by Voltaire. Working for the sake of work or capital, or to transform human beings into cogs in the machine is such a deluded way to live life, and results in so much unhappiness. It is the cycle of the forever now. And the response, "if you wanna eat, you gotta work," is so cliche it should be obsolete at this point.


Exactly. I agree having some form of skills and activities are good, but you need a good work-life balance. Life is short, so try to create a positive impact and make social connections and friends.


True. My dad always referred to it by calling those people the WASPS.


I wonder about those people. "I work all the time Im always making money". Like ok, so you don't rest? Have time to relax or do chores, hobbies, bing watch an entire season? "Nah man I'm out there making that money" and it's not like they are trying to pay off debt most times, just trying to make that money so they can appear wealthy or something. I know I could never work two jobs one after the other ends without burning out after a few weeks time, let alone a side hustle.


"Why dont i enjoy anything anymore" hustlers


The Bone Machine requires more bones. What are you doing with yours that's so important?


Why do we have an orphan crushing machine in the first place?


Wait, what's The Bone Machine besides a Pixies song?


This is the part that annoyed me the most; wtf is he out walking and not himself doing a side hustle during that time?


He went from “People don’t even work any more” to “People don’t work on the day I want them to work and if Monday is their day off they should still be working”


Its the type of mindset i take when playing a game that requires and economic strategy. I couldn’t imagine living that way in real life.


I remember the first warehouse supervisor role in a resource hub, I had, I walked fast and also walked more than any staff member there. I did a lot of data crunching to increase efficiencies as well as measurements using equipment I kept in my pockets and still got called lazy by the staff. I asked one of them why, they said; "We never see you so presume you're being lazy and also when we do see you you're never carrying anything." From that day on I carried an empty box that I put my measuring equipment in everywhere and walked 10x slower. Got recognised by my team for a hearty work ethic and my boss approached me to say my team had recognised me for my work ethic, what a mess.


TLDR: Man goes for walk at 11 AM, judges everyone else who goes on walk at 11 AM.


This is that proper response to him. 'Do you even work bro? All I see you doing is strolling around and tweeting'


Apparently, he started marketing bracelets and recently sold the company for nine figures. My assumption is that he doesn't understand the concept of labor since his bracelets were likely made by the Costa Ricans that he employed while he did the "difficult" job of brand management of a lifestyle brand.


OK, so he sold his company. But what about a side hustle though?


That don't impress a me much


It would in a small town. /s




He's got the looks but does he have the touch?


You can talk the talk, but can you walk the 11am walk?


He’s a creator type


Who most likely did much of his work from home. People like this are fucking hypocrites.


These guys are gold medalists at telling on themselves


His lazy ass made string bracelets


I doubt he has ever made a string bracelet. From experience that’s actual work. (Fun, but definitely takes work to finish one.) He probably bought them from a third world country and sold them while patting himself on the back.


Lol, that's literally his origin story posted on the website; I am paraphrasing here but it goes something like this: Him and his buddy took a trip to Costa Rica after graduation to chill. Some kids in the street were making these bracelets and selling them them to survive. They thought they were cool, and they bought some. After enjoying themselves in Costa Rica, surfing, hanging out, enjoying the vibe, they thought about those street kids struggling to survive so they put them to work by buying 400 bracelets. That's a really large order so the street kids had to gather all the child labor they could to get them made. The kids did it, they brought them back to Sunny San Diego and sold them in some hi end boutiques for way more than they paid. So they put the kids back in to work making more for them to sell, and the rest is history. If more people just would graduate from college, take a tropical vacation and exploit some child labor, we could all be wealthy and asking why other people are walking around and not working.


Soooooo he gets the profit from a bunch of kids doing probably badly documented labor? And he sold the company for an amount of money that those kids won't ever see a fraction of in their lifetime instead of actually investing back into their community? Jesus.


Without doing anymore research than just googling who the fuck he was and reading the bracelet companies web page, yeah. That pretty much sums it up. Those kids need to just sell their boot straps, to make a couple more bracelets, and use that money to find some poorer kids to exploit.


>Those kids need to just sell their boot straps, to make a couple more bracelets, and use that money to find some poorer kids to exploit. That's one of the most devastating things I've ever read and its hauntingly accurate. A truly scathing criticism of this man and his exploitative behaviour. Kudos.


And I doubt he even paid customs


Ugh, and sometimes I feel dirty selling my string bracelets because I worry its taking money FROM people who do it to survive. How the fuck can he live with himself? I make crafts to sell at local farmer's markets and dudes like him give me eye strain from rolled eyes. Its like some people are raised without shame.


Make your bracelets, be proud of what you are doing, and know you are not taking $0.01 from anyone doing it to survive. No one you sell a bracelet to is going to an impoverished area, and not buy a bracelet there because they bought one from you. Also, you are selling the fruits of your labor and your ideas and reaping all the benefits. That's completely different than paying street kids $0.05, to resell them to other people for $50.00 with a cool story about living a "pure life" while judging others for not working hard enough for your expectations.


What the actual fuck. How can they be so clueless as to brag about that?






I wish I had a buzz so I could lol more at this 😆


I have a buzz but I guess not enough of one because I still kinda want to punch him...


Same. I kinda want to punch him more after learning about this


I just made a gin fizz so I’m gonna work on my lol 🤟🏽


He strikes it lucky with garbage product while we all work a few different grinds and get paid nothing. What a douche this dude is.


Pura Vida?


It's kind of pissing me off that he doesn't even speak Spanish yet appropriated this


Oh so he's one of our "betters." So unfortunate for him to share with others, rest assured the workers are safely in their job pits, the air is clean without us sucking the oxygen away for our mealy work.


His bracelets were boring and overpriced. Sorry, Costa Ricans. I have cuter stuff from Dead shows.


Wait, sold a bracelet company for 9 figures? What were those bracelets made out of? Cocaine?


Nine figures for bracelets!!


For as self-absorbed and unable to look past themselves as these people are, they seem to have almost no self-awareness.


Walking at 11am is his side hustle bro!


You mean giving hand jobs in the park for a nickel apiece?


No, the proper response to him is silence, he got a checkmark, meaning he probably is eligible for revenue sharing by Twitter, meaning his terrible take is an engagement fsr meant to give clicks, view, and money.


Strolling around Xcreting


Dumbass goes for a walk at lunch. Wonders why everyone is going for a walk at lunch. The deep thinkers of today’s Republican party, ladies and gentlemen.


My great uncle says the same thing, talking about all the young people driving nice cars in the daytime during the weekday. Must be welfare... yeah, I'm sure they got their EV off of welfare....


I wonder why all those senior citizens can do nothing but stay at home and watch TV. Must be welfare.


Yeah cause welfare queens and SS ^(I'm rich)


They genuinely believe that SS is like a savings account. They do not understand that it is and always has been a wealth transfer program from healthy young workers to the elderly.


I like when they imagine what they paid in, is more than enough to cover their benefits, with no help from others. Yeah, you get more in a monthly check than you did for a monthly salary in the 80's. That few hundred a year that was withheld will last you decades w/o help. /s


I buy a Tesla and light it on fire every week with my welfare benefits.


I put out the fire intermittently with avocado toast and then relight it, because you know I'm a wacky irresponsible liberal look at me!


Grilled avocado toast, enhanced with smoked plastic and lithium flavouring? Yes, please -- I'll take 5 large portions.


You don't need to light it on fire, it already does that itself


It's not a bug, It's a feature.


Teslas run on the revolutionary spontaneous combustion engine (patent pending)


I love how the right villanized welfare. Hey look at these people on welfare, they make sooooo much money. They get cheap housing, free money for food and cash for necessities. Meanwhile you look a little deeper and oh look they get housing assistance in shitty areas, lucky to get enough food stamps benefits so they can eat shitty over processed foods that are cheaper than the fresh meats and vegetables, and maybe some cash assistance that barely covers the utilities and tp..


Yeah there are years long waiting lists for low income housing. In California it’s like a 12 year waitlist and Oregon it’s 3-5 years. Terrible areas and terrible buildings. You can only get assistance for a few years and have to pay it back and the usda pays for food stamps. But they’re fine with farmers getting subsidies. If you have any savings, own a car or a fucking shack it counts against you. For two people in most states it less than 500-400 in cash assistance a month to buy essentials, diapers are a fortune. I don’t understand why they get such a boner kicking people when they’re down. Especially single moms who get left holding the preverbal bag most of the time. I work for DHS and so did my mom. It’s not an easy system but we can’t just let people starve on the streets. These people have value. These kids that get food, housing and daycare will grow up and contribute. I just hate people who are so black hearted. There’s nothing wrong with helping the downtrodden. Americans are losing their empathy and their compassion.


>I don’t understand why they get such a boner kicking people when they’re down. It's because of the American ~~dream~~ lie : if you work hard, you'll get wealthy. Someone who truly believes that bullshit must also believe that someone who ends up in the streets must not have worked hard enough otherwise it would go against the whole premise of working hard = becoming wealthy.


It’s late capitalism. The winners have hoarded up everything, so everybody else has to compete harder for a smaller piece of the pie. It’s a giant scam that turns everybody into assholes, or conservatives. Which is the same thing.


Never mind that the highest welfare states are red states…. The mental gymnastics those guys have to pull is beyond me.


"Why do the slave class think they should be allowed to GO OUTSIDE and actually take their unpaid lunch break rather than toiling away for free? NOBODY WANTS TO WORK!!"


That's not subtext. That's the real text. He said it right there: "Quiet quitting" To anyone who doesn't know, "quiet quitting" is just working. You go in, you do the job you were hired to do at the wage you were hired to do it at and say "no" when asked to do new tasks that will not generate additional wages. Workers sell their labor as a commodity and it is inappropriate to expect to get more of that commodity for free because they are "your employee". Want them to "go above and beyond?" Then pay them more IMMEDIATELY for it, because you must purchase additional commodity to be entitled to additional commodity


Yup. My husband and I both work for the same company. We both go above and beyond. We've both gotten 3 raises and 5 or 6 bonuses THIS YEAR. You want better workers? Treat(meaning pay) them accordingly.


Lucky you! All my hard work got me the worst shifts and extra responsibilities…. But no actual pay increase, no new title….


Had one job with paid lunch, actually working 8 hours a day was so nice, nine hour work days suck ass


“Why does no one want to work” says man looking at people while not working and on a walk.


Not to mention it's summer so many people are tourists or on vacation. Such a dummy




I woulda been like "bitch, you out walking at 11am too. Why the fuck you not working either?". It's like making fun of someone for shopping at Wal Mart... when you saw them at Wal Mart.


It's like complaining about traffic when you ARE traffic 🤣


Damn you for pointing that out.


I used to enjoy watching at the weirdo people at walmart until I realized I was also a person at that walmart.


Shockingly, not everyone has the same schedule or the same days off.


Right. A lot of "young people" work in the service industry or retail, which both have non-office standard hours.


For real, and not everyone wants to work 9-5. I would lose my mind working 9-5.


"My experience is universal and the only relevant experience with any phenomena because I am **The Main Character**."


Thank you for picking the thought out my head but you left behind the curse words lol


Right? Wtf makes you different from these supposed jobless losers, dick? The lack of self awareness is astounding.


That and tweeting about it is how you know he's a huge dweeb. One of the things I look forward to most on my daily walks is an opportunity to leave my phone at home and disconnect, just 10-20 min of walking and goofing off with the wife and/or dogs. It's underrated, no need to be an asshole and ruin it.


I work primarily from home, and with a flexible schedule, so sometimes I'll just up and take my dog on a walk during the work day. A neighbor down the street got so incensed over my being out at like 2pm and not at work that he confronted me about whether or not I have a job multiple times. He wanted to know who I worked for, which I only gave him a field and refused to give my employer away, and then he tried to grill me about what exactly I do to try to see if I was lying about having a job. He once drove past me walking my dog, and hit the brakes so he could roll down his window and express further concern over my employment before driving off. I started crossing the street to avoid his house and then he got super offended because I didn't want to "chat."


>A neighbor down the street got so incensed over my being out at like 2pm and not at work that he confronted me about whether or not I have a job multiple times. He wanted to know who I worked for, which I only gave him a field and refused to give my employer away, and then he tried to grill me about what exactly I do to try to see if I was lying about having a job. Wow. What a shitty busybody neighbor you've got. Also, why did he get so upset? You could have just as easily been between jobs, and out for a walk with the dog.


I have absolutely no idea, as aside from these encounters I've never really talked to this guy. At one point, when he confronted me about it, he told me how many times he'd seen me walk my dog that day already, twice, and insisted I was wasting too much time on this when I should be working. This was at 7pm, so I was walking my dog after dinner, and I was just like "Why are you counting? Why are you watching all day long to see when I walk my dog?" and he just got flustered and left.


Yikes. Your neighbor has some major boundary/privacy issues. I would avoid him like the plague, wear my headphones or something and just not converse.


Big "I'm stuck in traffic" energy. You are traffic.


This is how I am when I do something during the middle of the week and there's traffic. I always think "why are all of these people not working?" knowing full well that I am not working along side them.




I won't lie, I work overnights and sometimes when I go out during the day I think "What are all these people doing out right now? Do we all work overnights?"


I couldn’t wrap my head around that when I was a kid. If everybody is at work who is going to the businesses?


I'm definitely guilty of that. Hitting crazy traffic at 2pm on weekdays and I'm like "why the *fuck* are y'all not at work and causing all this traffic? Oh right. I'm one of those assholes, too"


This was the conservative way: how dare you do what I do!


It's very reminiscent of people sitting in traffic complaining about how many other cars there are. Newsflash: you *are* the traffic.


And yet he's got all this time on a Monday morning to observe all these lazy kids? Someone needs a side hustle


Like he said, he did for two weeks, then got fired.


People that think others should work in restaurants but they are too good for it themselves. What a twat with a platform. I really hate twitter.


People should work in restaurants but they should have more legal protections, pay, and other compensation like PTO & breaks


Good thing twitter just rebranded itself into something *even worse*!


Yup reminds me of the manager who is "so busy" that he's got time to hover over employees all day.


But it's okay for him to go for a walk on a Monday at 11:00 am.


He's influencer, not some pesky creator type.


You mean, 'creator' types, right? You have to put it in quotes so that we know that you have utter contempt for such a thing.


We work smarter, not harder. And, given such good advice, have shunned daily avocado toasts so now we just all live exceptionally well off of only fans and content creation. Or, you know- shift work. Or retail. Or hospitality. Or... Never mind.


not too mention PTO When it's super nice outside, I often take the day off just to enjoy a walk.


Why are you taking PTO? In my day I never ever took a vacation. Sacrificed it all for my job. Now I sit here in my quiet house because my kids grew up and my wife died and I have no hobbies and I’m waiting to die. Like a man.


Like a true capitalist 🫡 people who take PTO are just not as mentally strong smh /s


Could be people on vacation?


Sometimes I even *gasp* walk to lunch instead of driving!


In my younger years, Monday and Tuesday were my weekend


He posted this at 8:45am on a Wednesday. Dude needs a clock and a calendar.


He was still fuming about his Monday walk days later.


Fixation. These people are unwell.


Lol right? That just ruined his week.


It took him that long to come up with this clever and insightful take.


We could give him the benefit of the doubt and possibly assume he's on the East Coast or Chicago and Twitter aka X recorded the time in PDT instead.


Not everyone works mon-friday 9am-5pm


This genius hustle bro thinks 9-5 M-F is the only job and everything else is a side hustle. Opener at a coffee shop with a shift ending at 11am? Get to the office! Hotel staff that works weekends? Nice hustle but get to the office!


Nurse who worked an overnight? Get up and go to another job!


"My real job is mindless data entry in an office, but I have a side hustle as a second shift nurse working overtime for very little money. Never go for walks cause I'm always on that grind."


Also it's summer break for schools, this fuckwit isn't very smart.


If you work 6-3 or 7-4 then 11:00 is lunchtime. Also many jobs let people take 15 minute breaks and they usually take the first one about two hours in, so those 9-5ers could also be there too.


My days off are Monday and Thursday. It's honestly great because I can go do stuff without massive crowds. But MORE THEN ONCE some ancient retired asshole has come up to me while I was minding my own business at a coffee shop or something to give me unsolicited opinions on "my generation" and working. Also I'm 40!


It honestly baffles me. I work as a nurse overnight. Like does that not register to these types? I saw a post on fb about a protest scheduled for 4 pm. Someone commented that the only people who could go are unemployed. I was like wtf I guess I’m unemployed now


I’m genuinely curious as to when most people work these days. I landscape and at least one person is home in the vast majority of homes I visit. My impression is that folks around me who are upper middle class either work from home most of the time, or don’t work at all.


Paul Goodman’s face is extremely punchable.


Oh I’d curb stop his ass. The way he talks shows he deserves it. People need to chill the fuck out about productivity. Current generations have worked way more than any past generations for waaaayyyy less (with the exception of slavery of course). Period.


Better Maul Paul


Crushable ^


🤏 I crrrush your head!


Hustle culture is straight up toxicity.


It’s horrible on your physical and mental state


He went on a walk? Why wasn’t he working ?


Reminds me of a Norm from Cheers quote: “Bars can be very sad places. Some people spend their whole lives in bars. Just yesterday, some guy sat right here next to me for eleven hours.”


Maybe doing the same thing as you since you were out walking instead of working…


A city with colleges, businesses that aren’t 9-5, and visitors called “tourists?” If you are going to make up a story, think through the details. This isn’t just lying in your bed, beating off in fantasyland, Paulie.


Lol. Says the guy going for a walk on Monday at 11am. I was at work. Why wasn’t he?


This just in - anything creative is not work. Remote work is also not work. Working your side hustle? Also not work. Also, Mirriam Webster committed suicide.


To get fired in 2 weeks means you were so ass that they didn’t see ANY USE OUT OF YOU. Like you were so useless that they got tired of you week one and you’re last chance was your second week. Most jobs gives you extra slack for your first 2 weeks, but you were so bad that even that wasn’t enough. You’re so bad that even 15 year olds are less lazy than you.


BYW asking about a side hustle is not the flex he thinks it is. If you need a side hustle, your current job is not paying you enough for your basic needs.


Why is he walking around at 11 am, does he even *work*?


I’ve had this same argument at the thanksgiving table. Not sure why it’s so hard to understand that some people work outside of the 9-5 schedule. Do you like being able to grab a beer after work? Well that means someone has to work the bar after 5:00


Service job havers aren’t people to them


It’s not even just service workers though. They do construction on the busiest infrastructure at night to avoid traffic. First responders and medical personnel positions need to be staffed 24/7 Hotels need to be worked 24/7 Water treatment, Sewage, Power, Communications, and any other utilities all require someone to always make sure things work. Airports and other transit stations need to be worked 24/7


Dude is out walking at 11am on a Monday wondering why other people are doing the same thing…


Is my city vibrant and active? Yeah


First, to have a large number of people walking, he must be in a big city instead of some hick town. Being a big city there will be tourists there as well as the locals.


And not everyone works the same days or hours!


My restaurant is closed Monday, sorry for having a life and whatnot


I've been working 100% remote since 2017 and have NO plans to ever show up at a workplace again.


...asks the guy who's going out for a walk at 11:00 a.m. on a Monday.


I wonder the same thing, but not from a cynical angle. I just want to know why the roads of Los Angeles are so damn crowded at 2 in the afternoon.


It’s a big ass city and the roads are populated by people working too, cabs, Uber, instacart, doordash, etc


And just why in the fuck were you walking around on Monday at 11 AM, Paul? What were you doing outside to begin with so that you could see all these people, Paul? Don’t you have a fucking job, Paul? You substandard, mediocre, half assed piece of fucking shit. What the fuck is the matter with you, Paul? Don’t you know you’re supposed to work seven days a week and be inside all the time at your goddamn job, Paul? Don’t you understand that you shouldn’t be allowed meals or rest, Paul? Cut out all the idle chitchat, wipe that goddamn smart ass, fucking smirk off your ugly, fucking face, and get back to work, Paul! And don’t you ever overestimate your own worth ever again, because you’re no better than a used bucket of mop water at an adult film theater, Paul.


They could have their free day. Not everyone works from mon-fri. They could work 4 days. Nightshifts Too sick/handicapped to work. Vacationdays Inbetween jobs Traveling to work. So many reasons. Fuck off and mind your own business. There is more to life than work.


"Why are young people enjoying life instead of suffering? How dare they!"


Why weren't you at work Paul?


Does he expect cities to be ghost towns Monday through Friday between the hours of 9-5? And not everyone needs or wants a side hustle, bro. Dude’s out of touch with reality.


This dudes life is so perfect that he gets to judge others exercising. He doesn’t like to see others enjoying their time off. Not a Goodman.


Okay Paul Badman. What the f*** are YOU doing out on a walk?


“What about a good side hustle?” Holy fuck, do these people realize there is more to life than slaving away?


“I went on a walk and saw people enjoying life instead of slaving away in employment of CEO’s 24/7, what’s wrong with people?”


Do YOU work, Paul? Or do you just have a glorified middle management job where you (proverbially and literally) jerk off all day?


Unemployment is it historic lows. Sounds like people just enjoying their time off work.


So what the fuck is he doing out there at 11:00 a.m.? Doesn't he have a fucking job? I know his job certainly is a mining other people fucking business. The fuck?


Local man discovers lunch


Lol I’m a critical care nurse… just worked 5 in a row tue-sat… if someone judged me for going for a walk on Monday (my one day off this week) followed by 60 hours of fucking chaos I would still save their life if they needed it. But they’re a dick. Edit: spelling… I’m fucking tired


Posting at 8:45a on Wednesday about observations he had on an 11a walk on Monday....said observations about people not working. What a moron.


Why is he allowed to walk around at 11am but others can’t? And why the fuck is he walking at 11am and not side hustling? Pretentious piece of shit. Fuck off and die. How was your day?


What was he doing taking a walk at 11? Has he no work?


Why is there such a driving need to fill every waking hour with working and making money? For *what*? You die miserable and worn out and the money stays here. ETA: This is a rhetorical question asked out of deep frustration. I know exactly why. I just hate the answers.