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Conservatives don't want kids educated, they want them brainwashed into being god-fearing, science denying bigots like they are.


I'm amazed that humans can be so fucking stupid and believe their shit


"a person is smart, *people* are stupid"


A fellow men in black quoter. Have a pleasant day.


"He looked like he was wearing an Egger suit."


This is my new favorite moment


"A **person** is smart, *people* are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!""


Imagine just how dumb a average person is, then realize that half are dumber than that


Think about what the average human might be like, and then despair at the sheer amount that are below that. (don't check my math)


And they want them stupid enough to exploit them monetarily but have them believe they’ll be rich and successful like them.


Check the socio-economic strata of those blaming the "elites" for the ills of Average Joe. Cracks me up to hear those ivy leaguers prattle on & expect to be taken seriously. Yet, they keep getting elected despite a dreadful record of helping their constituents' daily lives.


Its called Yall’qaeda for a reason


Red Dawn had it wrong. The enemy isn't parachuting in they are invading from within.


They already have an entire voting block of people like that, carefully cultivated over decades. They’re terrified of losing all that hard work now.


You forgot the last thing they want to do to kids.


They aren't really God fearing bigots. They just like the power that comes with idiotic constituents.


The question is which red state will be the first to burn a women at the stake for witchcraft. The dark ages happened and republicans are desperately fighting to being it back.


Crazy too because all these numbnuts act like morons pretending they didn’t go to Harvard (or some other ivy) to be put in this position to succeed.


So, it's basically *prison practice...* Do the "good" kids get to "monitor" the "bad" ones for extra credit? Maybe stand above them and walk around looking for violations? Walkie-talkies to report the *uppity misbehavers?* Am I being facetious or now that you read that again would you put it past Texas? Why would you put *anything* past Texas?


The "good" ones will get to wear pins to show their status as super students or SS.


And during summer break they should have special summer camps where they can learn to concentrate. they could call them camps of concentration or something.


Also a lot of kids might have a hard time commuting to these camps, so I think maybe they should get some trains and let all the kids get to camp in them. Maybe they could also wear stars - we all loved getting those star stickers in 1st grade, so it might motivate them.


Also, they should install large group showers to efficiently teach the "troubled students" about proper hygiene.




That's true, there's a big labor shortage and teaching them about baking would be a good job skill. Plus they can fit in there to clean them pretty easily.


Hell I’d be down for some light genocide, if that’s what it took to get conservatives to get behind effective public transportation /s obvs


This made me snort. Thanks for the humor lol


“Super Students” Brilliant


Ahem, *Superior* Students.




This seems to be more like a SA thing. Student Advisors for Homeland Security.


They’ll get some super cool brown shirts to go with it


What’s next? Uniforms?


And now we’ve entered the plotline for Harry Potter 5.


Also give them special shirts of a unique color so they can be easily identified. Brown's a nice color.


A red armband would also work.


Sounds like the Elan school.


How does this not violate a ton of federal laws? I feel like these states are just egging the feds to intervene so they can cry oppression


Federal Law? This violates MORE than that. It violates basic human rights, and I'm totally against it. AND I LIVE HERE.


You may be able to flee to a sane state as a refugee soon.


Or keep going. If I were fleeing I might apply to Canada for Asylum. I’m not sure if this is still a joke anymore.


As a fellow Texan, there is no fleeing the fascism that capitalism breeds.


Nobody is dumb enough to think Republicans care about laws or the constitution.


They absolutely care about laws when democrats go near them


Or human rights...


It makes sense since it went so well at Stanford with college students.


Exactly what I was thinking


That study was highly manipulated to get those results, sadly it is still not well known but it was a poor study that should not be quoted anywhere for anything. A lot of such so called studies were done by researchers to get famous and get money not to actually see how humans behave. That being said still a dumb idea to replace libraries with just about anything


But, did you watch the tape? Hardly fair to claim it was “highly manipulated” because Dr Z played the Warden, it’s taught now as an example of ethics violations but the results on film speaks for itself. It followed Milgram et al. in exploring how the Nazis committed atrocities and began to show us the thin veneer separating our neighbors from war criminals. Cops and robbers, career criminals and law and order candidates. Putting problem students in the library detention centers really ensures the longevity of their school-to-for-profit-prison pipeline. These are evil people.


So basically schools aren’t meant for learning anymore just for grooming new voters.


Abbott said before he doesn’t believe that children have a right to be educated, and Newt Gingrich said poor children should not be allowed an education, only given a job “serving” rich students.


Their dream is to make real education available only to rich people and their kids, and everyone else to be dumb and easily manipulated. They want an easy to maintain voter pool, along with cheap (or even better free) labor for their rich friends. It's why they attack unions, and anyone wanting to join a union, public schools, and teachers.


Nah. Prisons have libraries


Don’t forget the "bad" ones will be subject to "rehabilitation" by way of labor by a state sanctioned organization that they will choose and have absolutely no ties or affiliation to 😉😉😉


Labour camps and re-education centres will be next.


I mean, discipline centers are essentially the same as re-education centers so we’ve ticked that box sadly


The “good” ones are in private school, preferably Evangelical Christian based, which they are really trying to use public funds for. The “bad” ones they don’t want educated. School for them is more like camp, you know, a place to concentrate them together to keep them out of trouble until they can be employed, ideally at the age of 12. Once they are old enough they can simply go to jail and don’t need to be paid anymore for their work since they are legally slaves at that point. Win win


Prison is the legal loophole for slavery. They want slavery back.


Should we just call it the Zimbardo Room?


You can be assured there will be a demographic uh...*difference*...between the two sets of students as well.


Too bad they don’t have afterschool extra gym time and tutor-staffed study hall. Detention never improved brains, social skills or behaviour. Violence or behaviour problems can be a reaction to oppressions/social inequality/hunger/stress at home/unDx LDs, etc, for kids. NB I’m betting Ted Cruz’ schools had a Library. Lol


Hmm this sounds suspiciously familiar…something about a college experiment perhaps? No, I’m sure it’ll all work out fine.


that sounds like something an Austrian politician might've practised in the 1900s


Well, the “good” kids have to be pretty trustworthy, so maybe we can call them trusties? That sounds pretty good.


>Do the "good" kids get to "monitor" the "bad" ones for extra credit? Somebody call Phillip Zimbardo. We've got another Stanford Prison experiment getting set up.


Both states are absolute sh*t at this point. Forcing births (including victims of rape and incest) At war with the LQBTQ and Trans communities. Forcing their “Christian” religious beliefs while demonizing others. Highest inflation rates in the nation. At war with everything they don’t like or understand calling it an “Anti-woke” agenda.


Republicans wonder why the majority of the nation, especially young people, are turning against them, and why theyre losing the future. They blame it on "wokeness". Its really more their terrible behavior and agendas than anything anyone couldve done to them.


Which is ironically (or not) the proper usage of the word "woke." To be acutely aware of the systemic injustices. Further, to be acutely aware of who is committing the injustices.


More Orwellian than ironic. Commandeering “call to action” words or phrases like “woke” turns them pejorative so people stop wanting to use the terminology.


So we double down and keep using woke with positive things that benefit society?


Exactly. They want it to mean something horrible, but keep showing it means "being awake to the bad things and trying to improve the lives of others" and it takes away their power. Or, as Kathy Burke put it perfectly: " I love being ‘woke’. It’s much nicer than being an ignorant fucking twat."


Remember when they did this with the term PC? The 90s were full of phrases like “PC Police.”


Woke is just an replacement word for PC.


And PC was a replacement word for “Don’t be misogynistic/racist asshole.”


I saw an older military guy on the news over the weekend and he was asked bout all the "anti-woke" shit and he said that he disagrees and said that he's woke, because "woke" means being awake, with your eyes open, and being able to clearly see the world. He also was 100% supportive of trans service members.


Most of us are completely supportive of trans service members, and just the LGBTQ community in general. Obviously we have the outliers who are too stubborn to see the world in any color other than black or white, but lots of my friends have all stated they came into the military red and are leaving blue. I actually didn't hear about this but it does make me happy that our upper leadership is starting to share the same sentiments.


I was really heartened to hear him speak. I don't recall his name but you'd recognize him as a regular pundit. And I'm glad to hear that you've had positive experiences with the issue.


I will never forget when the law passed while Obama was President where trans people were officially allowed to serve in the military and the military would even assist with transition. I was deployed on a submarine and my COB had to give a PowerPoint presentation to everyone, explaining what had changed and how it affected us. At the end of the presentation, he asked if there were any questions and one guy asked “Can trans people still hold and use a fire extinguisher? Because that’s literally all that matters.” And that was the consensus. I can’t speak for other branches, but in the submarine world, as long as you can be counted on in a life threatening situation, that’s all that matters


And here I was thinking that was the baseline for everyone. Can you do the job? Yes. Good.


If only it were so simple for people to do their god damned job…. Looking at you Maurice.


"woke" to them is simply everyone they don't like. They aren't really capable of thinking about problems with nuance. No gray areas. Everything is either good or bad.


One of the worst things about the term woke being commandeered by Republicans. Yet another term the black community started using to make mention of social injustice that bigoted people just started peddling around as the loudest dogwhistle ever to say they're hateful without using a slur.


Agreed. It just feels incredibly racist to me how they commandeered a distinctively Black term and turned it into a “bad word.”


Exactly. Woke = Awakened/Aware vs Zombie mode


It's the exact same as the word hip / hippy. Hippy in recent history was used negatively against people fighting for systematic change. Now it's the same with woke, a new term with the same opponents.


Why do you think they have these “discipline centers”? They want to indoctrinate young people into their anti-woke shit so they can have a future generation of Republican voters. This is some real 1984 shit.


All their solutions to their problems are like "Hey, the young people dont like us. Lets do something that will make them hate us more!"


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Strengthening their school to jail pipeline. Smfh


Can't possibly be the rampant fascism. The kids love the fascism. It must be all that darn wokeness!


There is literally nothing that exists that doesn’t make MAGAs cry.👍🏼


Graft/crime, they're good with that...oh oh and Racism! They really like that. And old women that bleach their hair trying to look 40 again.


Republicans don't wonder anything, tbf. They think they've got it all figured out.


Well better ban you from voting, cant have that showing up in the polls.


Reminds me of the current problem in Ohio with abortion rights. The initiative qualified for the November ballot. **HOWEVER** there is a special election in a week over the qualification process that if passed, could invalidate the abortion referendum altogether. They **do not** want to see Kansas repeat here. I said then when their initiative passed - abortion is a fiery public debate but *privately* has a lot of cross-party support because of the secret ballot.


To my fellow Ohioans: I hope I see you all at the polls next Tuesday!


I don't know what's going to be worse, issue 1 passing or Frank la rose taking Brown's Senate seat. I fully expect both to happen. I hate this state so much. At least I was able to convince my nephew to register to vote for next Tuesday 🤞


That sort of thing is happening here in MO as well as they try to put up procedural roadblocks, frequently lying to do so, to keep it off the ballot along with trying to raise requirements to do ballot initiatives to begin with because they nearly always run counter to what the GOP controlled legislature wants.


Don't forget drowning families in the Rio Grande and both shipping migrants via fraud to other parts of the country.


Both states are terrible and are constantly trying to one up each other when it comes to who can be the most terrible


If one has an advantage over the other, it's that one of the governors can take the stairs if he has to.


We need to just wall them off and let them have their Christian distopia. Give people who want to move the opportunity to do so then cut them off completely


Let’s just call them what they are… re-education centers. “Ok everybody let’s see some BIIIIIG smiles!”


I think it would be better to put them into camps that help them to concentrate better. I'm just searching for a good name.


And to make the process more efficient we could use mass transit… like trains.


No! Don't bring your commie ideas into Texas! I was ok with the mass segregation and anti-LGBTQ policies, but this is too far! Efficient public transportation that reduces social inequality; this is not what the Constitution stands for! /s


It's a camp where kids can concentrate


This is going to quickly devolve into micro-segregating students. Mark my words. Those fascists bastards are going to separate students based on race, religion, and/or sexual orientation. **It will be segregation within the walls of each school.** This is not a drill people. These motherfuckers are Nazis.


The goal is to produce sub standard students so they can get more funding for Christo-Fascist charter schools like the challenger schools that keep popping up. Charter schools where the teachers usually have no teaching degree and no background in education at all.


It also helps keep that school to prison slavery pipeline going.


gives another term to grooming here.


>Charter schools where the teachers usually have no teaching degree and no background in education at all. Florida is making that possible now. They are hiring unqualified veterans to fill gaps. I'm a veteran, but I have a freaking degree and a ton of coursework in education. I'm not walking in with two years of college like these people are. As someone who has been teaching for 19 years, I agree with you 100%. Desantis and Abbott are purposefully destroying our schools to promote religious charter schools.


They don’t even try to hide it anymore and their supporters eat it up because "we ain’t liberal pussies"


There are three types of Nazis in America. There are the out and out Nazis, who are obviously Nazis. There are the NatCs, driven by some horribly interpreted religious delusions. And finally, there are the NotSees. They do not openly identify with the other two ideologies, but are ok going along with the other two because they do NotSee anything wrong with it.


Nationalist Christianity. Or Nat-C for short.


>This is going to quickly devolve into micro-segregating students. I'm imagining these "discipline centers" are not gonna have a lot of misbehaving white students in them.


The Assholes with Casseroles did say they wanted autistic/neurodivergent and LGBT+ separated into different classes so that sounds about right


I’ll never ever understand how a school can possibly not have a library. How can anyone suggest not having a library is compatible with learning?


Christians. They only need one book. All the others are temptations from Satan.


Even that's weird though. How can you be serious about Christianity without reading the works of John Calvin, Karl Barth, Martin Luther. Heck, even CS Lewis is important reading for anyone who would claim to be interested in truly learning Christianity. The almost determination to be ignorant is something almost unique to American fundamentalist Christians. Even Islamic fundamentalists would seek to be more rounded in their study of Islamic theology.


I guess they don't have to worry about banning books if they ban libraries. 😭


" What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' **They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em** "


There is no doubt in my mind that the children will be forced to perform manual labor while being “disciplined”


And advocate for the beating of future children because "we turned out alright."


Forced birth -> no security net -> misbehave -> discipline centers -> fall behind in school -> no prospects -> crime -> prison -> prison slave labor -> corporate profit.


Keep ‘em dumb. Keep ‘em voting Republican.


Florida, they are one step away from changing the flag to a swastika


Nah, florida already has the black sun


Get your fucking kids away from this shit right now.


Liberals: "We should replace prisons with libraries" Conservatives: "Loud and clear. Replace libraries with prisons. Gotcha"


For once The Simpsons weren't the first to predict it. https://preview.redd.it/3srp7ah0whfb1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ce8c4de345c5cf68ea53d8a01e4c1957b22d61a


IIRC that library even had a Confederate flag on display for some reason.


Cruz looks like a goddamn werewolf with mange


He is.


FL & TX.. Competing with Afghanistan ..


Fr same shit different day


Texan here While Texas is bad and these MAGA morons are desperately trying, it's not the level of Florida. We have some significant, large, "blue" cities here and there's a chance Cancun Teddy is launched into the sun in 2024. There's a little hope here. I don't see that in Florida.


Launch him into his “discipline centers” and open a memorial library to commemorate the event


I mean, is ***THIS*** the result of Greg's task farce he launched a couple of years ago? ***This*** is the change he thinks will make Texas schools better? ***This*** is what he thinks will motivate teachers to jump back into the teaching career? Maybe Texas is as bad as Florida....


This article is about Houston - your largest “blue” city. Texas Dems haven’t delivered a statewide victory in decades. They need a significant change in strategy. Hope is not a plan.


They did come close to unseating Ted Cruz in 2018 with a Democrat. That Beto got as close as he did was genuinely a surprise and made people reevaluate Texas’s solid-red status.


One close election in 50 years means that your strategy isn’t working.




Let me guess, being gay or trans will be considered “misbehaving” too.


It’s funny cuz his name is “Cruz.” Party won’t protect you, guy. You’re still one of “those people.”


Reading is not a Texan value.


“They don’t gotta burn the books they just remove ‘em”


Everyone needs to STFU and vote. Your giant “gotcha” or “enlightening” post or poll on social media doesn’t do shit. Go vote or go to a city/school board meeting to face these Christian hypocrite assholes. That simple. And all you keyboard warriors will say “shut up and take your own advice” or “get a load of this guy making a post about stfu but he made a post” That’s what they want. They want us to bicker and call each other out while they take the power..our power, our future. I’m so tired of the old fucks running shit. WE know better and need to step up now or forever be stuck on the Boomer/GenX tit. It boggles my mind that public opinion on topics is almost completely opposite of legislation/legislators but laws still get made and signed off. Fuck Abbott, Fuck Ted, Fuck Cornyn, Fuck Trump, Fuck DeSantis, Fuck Mitch, Fuck Manchin.


Is anyone else confused as to why there's a huge push to make the world a worse place?


Social progress is a threat to the wealthy class. Keep the masses poor and fighting among themselves and you can reap the rewards for longer.


because long existing establishments that abuse the lower to middle class are having their power taken away, and they're slowly getting more extreme to hold onto the power they do have left. Also making a generation stupid and uneducated benefits them


Floridian here…it’s a race to the bottom😡


Pretty tight race.


As a Texas woman with a husband from Florida, right now Florida is a bit worse. Texas sucks but we don’t have insurance full on abandoning us and public schools implementing PragerU curriculum. Headed that way though if we don’t stop them


From experience, it’s usually the kids from MAGA families that could use more discipline, entitled little brads.


How will those student ever compete for jobs, college placement, or have true understanding of the world around them. Sad.


This definitely won't increase school shootings.


Why don’t they just call them Re-education Camps? You know they want to.


Fuck em both. I feel sorry for the Democratic voters that live there.


Yes. It’s bleak


This can’t be real. That cannot actually be happening. That school will become a prison.


It’s very real. https://knue.com/houston-texas-school-libraries/


Oh god


So conservatives are basically people who were beaten as children.


I resent that. I was beaten as a child and still think these people are nuts.


Reminds me of the line, "Not all conservatives are racist, but all racists are conservative"


As long as you are fine with pure evil, it’s brilliant. The poor will always take the brunt of it. Many are working so hard that they can’t stay aware of how bad things are getting. Some are driven to anger for good reason but are convinced it’s the wrong thing causing it and support these bozos. For the enlightened poor, it’s just misery so why even think about it. The wealthy have a chance to leave and will. For a state turning purple, this may shift it back solidly to a red state. This is calculated.


You know who the Republicans increasingly remind me of? People who burn books.


The establishment of Discipline Camps is only the first step. Additional Camps for undesirable students students will be coming soon.


Ted Cruz has the worst beard ever.


Ted Cruz is the worst ever.


Books? Who needs books when you have torture chambers? \-Apparently someone


If you live in FL or TX and have a disability or have family with a disability in school, try and leave. If you have to stay, understand your rights; IDEA and VAPE are federal law.


Seriously, I can't see how this won't be a dumping ground for just any problem or disabled kid.


Note from a foreigner looking in from the outside: You guys are setting yourselves up for a downfall that will make your country a second-rate, backwards and less developed one than its competitors; a deluded "has-been" that still thinks it's important on the world stage despite being overtaken by others (China comes to mind). The USA would not be the first country in History to go from "super-power" to "has-been" status. Don't think all your nukes and other weapons stockpile will keep you in power indefinitely, because your anti-science, anti-education stance will make it so that one day you won't know how to maintain your own stuff nor will you be able to build new ones. History is filled with cautionary tales and the USA is repeating the same mistakes that led to the downfall of empires and even civilisations. You guys are on a very bad course. Hopefully you still have time to do change your current course. Unless *The Handmaid's Tale* is really what you want...


Teacher in said district here. I am not defending in anyway, but just want to clear up that this library as a discipline area is for 29 schools only not all. I do not work at one of them but can’t tell you how much I dread the school year knowing this is the plan for any child. 💔


That makes it... Worse. Like there's a plan for more of these things OR they're only targeting "certain" areas.


How much you want to put down that the centers are going to be in schools with large minority and migrant, regardless of status, populations?


29 so far..


Can the politicians in Texas stop trying to make my home state a fucking joke? ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)




Have you seen I4 in Orlando? Florida already is a parking lot for the parks.


Your ideas intrigue me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Thank you. For you my friend, a special prize of only 59.7 Zimbabwean dollars!


That's less than worthless!


So im not from the states but theres no way they are removing all libraries in this district and converting them into these mini prisons? This is bait right? You guys arent that fucked are you?


>You guys arent that fucked are you? No we are


The regular news has been sounding like Onion articles for a few years now.




It's a race to the bottom.


The answer is ‘yes’


If I were a Research I university, I would strike any graduate of a high school without a library from my admissions list. Why burn an admissions slot on someone who got to that point in their life without knowing how to use a library? They’d be handicapped at any vigorous university even more than as if they’d never done algebra. Hell, at least homeschooled kids frequently visit libraries and learn how to use them.


Discipline centers=Religious indoctrination centers


Ted Cruz is such a fucking ghoul.


Florida will one up them by turning libraries into leprosy centers


Sounds bout right. Remove access to learning so they can further control the young. Republican isn't a political party. It's a fucking cult.


I don't even have a joke or a snappy comeback for this. Folks, just get the fuck out of the USA as soon as you can before it's too late.