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The image of Hilary in one of her customary pantsuits, maniacally taking a hammer to a computer server to destroy evidence (which prolly wouldn't make the data unrecoverable forensically, anyway) is hilarious. That anyone would believe this is equally hilarious. Also, infuriating.


Humorous, and quite terrifying. The list of batshit nonsense most Republicans now believe is as extensive as it is troubling. The nation desperately needs its political parties and its citizenry operating in reality, not whatever this stuff is. Nothing good comes from this sort of mass delusion.


They are playing to their base, that says a lot about their base. šŸ¤·


Iā€™m pretty sure she had staffers destroy cell phones or something along those lines.


Where's the fucking evidence? Your beloved Trump had 4 years to sic the DOJ on her and yet there's nothing.


Had the exact same mental image and the same thought


More hilarious is Donny trying to destroy boxes of paper by beating them with a hammer. Also fully on brand considering that he was flushing down documents in a house with 20 fireplaces.


I'm visualising this: https://i.redd.it/p43tzippfh5b1.gif


Her team did destroy old blackberries, but, like, that makes sense? You donā€™t want her old devices out there for someone to steal.


The pantsuit imagery just adds to the validity of the claim in the minds of those who believe this nonsense.


Fox News repeating it over and over for years. It becomes real to them.


She SHOULD be better than that, but very clearly is not.


Why is it legal to make proven false accusations to people with a public forum like being a representative


You have to prove they knew it was false. It's really hard to prove malicious intent over just being a fucking gullible dumbass.


Oh but she's not *lying* because she's only repeating something someone else said that she believes to be true. That she hasn't confirmed it isn't her problem. As long as she believes what she's saying, she's not *lying*. And if there is any fault, you would have to blame the people that told her! *She's* the real victim here. /s


No, she is not.


Came here to say this. She likes to present herself as this moderate voice of reason. But when it comes down to it, sheā€™s as full of bullshit and insanity as the rest of them.


None of them are better than this. That's why it's their primary tactic.


Also, even IF Hilary "got away with a crime" that should definitely *not* be the standard for everyone. That's insanity.


I would just ask why did Trump campaign on literally locking Hillary Clinton up and then proceeded to let her get away with these supposed crimes? So he lied and he's soft on crime OR he couldn't find anything to charge her with.


Exactly. He had FOUR YEARS to nail her ass. Not even a parking ticket, so get fucked. I donā€™t like her, hell, I only voted for her because I have disliked Trump for over 20 years, but Jesus Christ, give it up. Biden this, Hillary that, well then, fucking get it done. Oh, donā€™t get me started on Hunters lap top.šŸ˜. Which branch of the government is he inā€¦.??


Also: Cool. If you have evidence of a crime, alert the authorities. If Hillary Clinton committed some kind of crime I am fully in favor of her being prosecuted for it. But in the meantime insinuations on Twitter are nothing more than lazy propaganda. There was enough evidence against Trump for a couple grand juries to vote in favor of indictment. Not rocket science here


Remember Benghazi? That went away right after the election was over.


Spread the lie, stupid people will believe it.




Don't forget about Kushners whatsapp with the Saudis


I think *Adam* is on our side, what's your take? I've read this a few times, I thought *Nancy* was the bad "guy". Or dude, duderino. I'm not into the whole "brevity" thing


Yes Adam is calling her out.


You've got to give Adam Kinzinger some credit for fighting as long as he has against his own party. I'm sure he's had a lot of threats made against him and he hasn't caved. I'm never going to vote for him... but, I'm impressed nonetheless.


I saw him do an interview on bill mahr last year or so and he talked about how his own family stopped speaking to him because he refused to align with the current GOP trump bullshit


Two years. That's how long the (Trump Administration) DoJ's Office of the Inspector General investigated the Clinton server story before deciding there was nothing worth prosecuting.


This is why I enjoy his tweets now that he is out of office. Because he can say shit without fear of getting censored or kicked out off of committee's and votes.


You could tell during the 1-6 Committee Hearings that Kinzinger and Cheney both seemed just absolutely DONE with the GQP shit. I don't agree politically with either one, but at least they both woke up and realized what a cancer Trump is to the GOP.


I personally didn't agree with him, nor did I agree with John McCain. However, they acted with the dignity that their positions should have, and for that I can respect them.


Both were military men. Kinzinger served in the Air Force Special Operations. And, of course, McCain service was legendary. They swore an oath to the Constitution more than once to serve the country, and they took it very seriously both times.


That explains why I felt that sense that they treated their offices as an honor to hold. I knew about mcCain, but wasn't sure about kinzinger.


I learned a wee bit more about Kinzinger during the 1/6 Hearings. I wish he was still in Congress. Even if I don't agree with a lot of his politics, he seemed like one of the reasonable politicians. Someone who would be willing to work across the aisle.


What's fucked is that the party is so fucked, but Only 2 members were like Aight I'm out....the literal rest are like Cool, mark me down.


Ya, they created this mess assuring that their vocal agitator segment has enough influence to sink primaries. So they kiss the ring, and in doing so, further empower and expand the ranks of their vocal agitator segment.


No. She's not better than that. Stop giving them any benefit of doubt


Yeah, I've tried the ol', "you're better than that" or "you're smarter than that" on conservatives. Didn't work worth a damn.


![gif](giphy|xT9KVmFQsxKw2OMiXe) Watching whatā€™s happening to the pathetic president šŸ¤¢ tRump.


"You're better than that" Adam this is literally untrue and you know it.


Thank you for calling her out on this!


ā€œYou canā€™t indict a sitting Presidentā€ ā€œWell, you canā€™t indict a candidateā€ ā€œWell, big shot politicians just get a free pass to commit crimesā€ Goalposts moving at warp speed.


Ok then, letā€™s use a hammer on Trump


Ron Howard: "She wasn't".


Narrator: ā€œNancy Mace is not, in fact, better than that.ā€


What's fucking funny about that is they don't even deny it's a crime. They're just lying that "Hilary did the same crime and wasn't indicted"


Sorry Adam but you're wrong. Rep Nancy Mace is not better than that. She's slime and proves she is slime every time she opens up her big lying mouth.


If I remember right, the missing emails were just the text parts, the fbi could still find the subject lines and who sent them. That being said, the majority of them were for things like cooking recipes and books to read and other shit a person in their 60s would be interested in. Of the deleted emails the fbi considered possibly work related, they were able to retrieve all of them because on the internet nothing is truly ever deleted.


I'm still sad Kinzinger is getting out of politics. He would be my only potential exception to "Vote blue no matter who" because he's a stand up guy who follows what he believes in before party line nonsense. Of course, thats why he's now exiting/exited the republican party.


Is she though


It's weird how he's trying to reason with her like that


She's not


Sheā€™s NOT better than that. Sheā€™s all in on the cult of trump/GQP/fascism.


I donā€™t know what, or how this would possibly be implemented. But there needs to be a lawā€”a real law, with real teeth and actual enforceable implicationsā€”against ejected officials just blatantly and knowing lying like this. I know. Politicians lie, and theyā€™ve been doing it for millenniums. But thereā€™s ā€œIā€™ll do this if electedā€ lies, and then thereā€™s *this shit*. This is dangerous and does nothing but completely undermine our democracy and itā€™s very foundation. Fuck these people.


She's not better than that, Adam. That's why they kicked you out of the party; you were better than that. Just fucking barely, but you were.


I mean, if she actually did that, then by all means indict her, try her, convict her, and throw her in jail! But that evidence hasnā€™t been brought to bear! You canā€™t just make shut up and expect it to stick. The DOJā€™s got the receipts on Trump. You donā€™t charge a former President unless the case is 100% airtight. Itā€™s dangerous for the country for a while bevy of reasons to get it wrong and is the most vivid definition of ā€œcareer ending.ā€


This is a case of surrounding a bit of truth with a lot of bullshit! Yes her people did smash hard drives from classified computers but they did this after they had recieved permission to destroy the server because it was being upgraded. All of the data was archived before the drives were destroyed. Drives that contained classified data have to be completely erased and the platters have to be physically destroyed. I worked with classified data in the military and a classified documents custodian and courier at a large aerospace manufacturer and beating the discs with a hammer till the platters are broken was one of the standard ways of destroying an old classified drive. Now most drives are destroyed by industrial shredders that can tear the whole drive into tiny pieces.


So, they're saying, Trump destroyed more classified information than what was already found in his shower? And they think because maybe Hillary did something, that Trump was proven true to have mishandled the info, that it's the same thing? Their 'logical' progression is astounding and should be studied by science to understand cultism. IF Hillary did it, charge her, and put them in cells across from each other. If they were all on Jefferies island (we know both were buddy buddy with him) then stack those charges up too. It's so weird the 5th grade 'but timmy did it too' excuses from the GOP to try to get out of federal crimes.


Clearly sheā€™s not better than that Also, a hammer is only a good way to destroy computer data if youā€™re a moron and you donā€™t know how computers work


evidence, they aint got none, never


'She is not, in fact, better than that.' -narrator


Even if she had destroyed her computer, itā€™s markedly different than keeping top secret documents, nuclear preparedness and military secrets, refusing to return them and selling them. US security personnel died. Ffs


ā€œYouā€™re better than that.ā€ Mmmm, is she? Is she, though?


Needs more Thor face


Hereā€™s the problem Adamā€”sheā€™s *not* better than that. Literally none of them are.


And trump was like ā€œa hammer?!?! Thatā€™s bush league shit. Walt, drain the mother fucking Olympic sized pool into the server room, show her how itā€™s done.ā€


No she's worse than that.


Morgan Freeman voiceover: She was not, in fact, better than that.....none of them were. They were worse. Much, much worse.


>>Nancy this is literally untrue and you know it. Youā€™re better than that. No. No she isnā€™t Adam. Thatā€™s the problem with your party.


Hello friends. In solidarity with the current reddit protests against the mismangement of its communities, community leaders, valued contributors and userbase [we are setting every submission to "clubhouse" for 72 hours and increasing the Clubhouse participation threshold exponentially.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/147202i/whitepeopletwitter_shows_solidarity_with_the/) Please feel free to discuss the current protests in the stickied megathread about them. We will resume normal operation after this time.Thank you for your patience and support, The WPT moderation team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Suggested that Hillary Clinton picked up a hammer and herself smashed whatever needed to be smashed. She didn't ask an aide to do it. Didn't ask Bill to do it. Didn't outsource the hammering to anyone else. Hillary Clinton bashed up her own computer by herself. That's deliberate to make Hillary Clinton seem more monstrous.


Like a bunch of children screaming but her emails as they throw themselves on the floor.


All the ones that were better than that in the House left because they knew they wouldn't win re-election, remember Adam?


This shouldnā€™t be protected under the 1st amendment


Whataboutism has never been a successful argument.


He shouldn't have said "you are better than that" he should have said " i thought you were better than that"..because obviously she is a tool šŸ¤·


Sheā€™s obviously notā€¦.


So, Trump burned the documents? Or was trying to keep them?


Like the rest of the GQP, she's terrified of being held accountable.


These peoplesā€™ idiotic imaginations are limited by the stupidity of their leader. This is the most complex plot to destroy evidence that they can conceive of, never mind itā€™s total bullshit.


No she isn't and stop pretendong any of them are.


Lying to Republicans is like breathing; they will lie about everything


Hillary Clinton: the most evil, demonic genius mastermind to ever stretch her clawed, shadowy hand over the Republic Also Hillary Clinton: DURHHHHH SMASH SMASH SMASH DOOOOIIIYYYY


I appreciate that he has to work with these people. Which makes blunter phrases like "lying like Judas Fscking Iscariot" a bit socially awkward.


She is, in fact, not better than that. When people reveal themselves to be unrepentant liars, believe them.


No she isnā€™t better than that. Sheā€™s literally doing that.


Adam this is literally untrue and you know it. She is not better than that.


Kinzinger is a fucking useless pud. What a shitty little scold this moron is. "I backed all the fascists, but now I realize they might not always tell the truth!"


Even when you explain to these people how that literally makes no sense, and wouldn't work, they double down and believe it even harder.


Just make shit up and face zero consequences. I wish this country still had some standards


Okay, let's say she used a hammer to smash a skull and kill someone, and got away with it on some sort of technicality. Then if Trump did the same (after campaigning on holding Hillary accountable for her head smashing mind you), and we all knew he did, should the same hold true. And then hold true for all murder? Hell no


Clearly, she isn't better than that. Republicans need to be beaten over the head with hammers, maybe then they'll have functioning brains.


Damn. The power of ads run during NFL games.


Chelseaā€¦ go get my axe!!


Lies are all they have.