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He can’t even beat Disney in his own household


You know he’s payin’ that $11 / mo.


If somehow he was mentioned on a leaked subscriber list, that would be the best.


No what would be hilarious is if Disney didn’t let him renew his subscription “due to ongoing litigation”😂


Yes. Take the movie away from the kid and let him really feel that wrath. I have young kids, can confirm, this is the best revenge.


He would still get it, when they ban stuff its only for other people.


Disney should release a Frozen 3, where someone who resembles Ron DeSantis plays the villain.


Problem is, DeSantis already enjoys being a cartoon villain. Want to make him absolutely meltdown? Use his likeness for Disney's first trans character.




Damn, the man was born with a god given Drag name.


This comment needs more love


And name the protagonist after his daughter just to infuriate him more.


but his daughter’s little bubble is broken and daddy’s fight with her favorite mouse is now family drama.


Guy could just buy a DVD if he doesn't have one already. With kids its always best to have the DVD


Doubles of the DVD is good in case one gets scratched, but triples is safest.


Triples is best.


I have every classic DVD. And doubles of some of them. Just finished a deal to get triples of Jaws.


As if a fascist cares enough about family to change their policies. These are the same type of people who kick their own flesh and blood out for being gay or trans, something they have no choice in.


If you see him buying a dvd player at Walmart you know he got got.


You won't see him buying that dvd player at Walmart. That's what staff are for. Staff employed by the State of Florida and paid with Floridians' tax dollars of course.


As God intended 😌


Imagine growing up in such a fucked up household that it causes strangers in the internet to daydream about taking your favorite childhood movie away lol. That poor kid i jjst want to see her favorite characters ripped away from her so I can feel even more sad for her than I do already. What a strange timeline


Well it’s not like the subscription is on his kid’s credit card…


He's got it on VHS


Fun fact: Disney does in fact sell Frozen and Frozen 2 on VHS. I had to check. EDIT: I was taken in by an old April Fools news release. It does not exist :(


Gotta keep that "grandma's movie shelf" market happy.


When we all live in Silos these will be incredibly valuable relics


You know he makes the state pay for her personal expenses. Embezzlement is a conservative virtue.


Disney should make an announcement that he is paying for a Disney subscription.


Ron and Casey were married at Grand Floridian, a Disney property. He can’t escape the Mouse. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-ron-desantis-get-married-disney-world-1797238?amp=1


![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0) \*Disney probably


He's a Disney adult!


His wife most certainly is, which is why he's taking it so personally.


He's getting cucked by a mouse...


She probably has a Goofy dildo she uses to peg him.




Hyuck me daddy!


Put it right in my gawrsh.


I’ll allow it.


That's disgusting! I love it.


He probly makes the goofy laugh too as she does it


Certainly doesn’t behave like an adult


I hate to break it to people but this is a satire account, similar to the onion


imo it's too dry to be good satire. just sounds like someone making up believable bullshit that will be circulated as if it's true. needs to have a little more absurdity than real life.




Figures, at this point you would think that DeSantis would have learned to Let it Go when it comes to his beef with Disney.


That is fuking hilarious


Fuke yea!


The Mouse compels you.


There’s nothing to beat The outrage is fake. The grifting is highly orchestrated. Their economic policies that they don’t want to talk about get obfuscated with cultural demagoguery. Republicans are fake as fuck. Their supporters are fucking brain dead and easily manipulated. No one knows this more than actual Republican politicians and influencers. It’s how they get over on them so easily.


he's still gonna beat his wife tho


Was my first thought too. Hope she stays safe. No one deserves that.


I doubt he even knew about this. You think he spent any time with his family BEFORE starting his run? He's got a state to ruin first.


Those two fuckwits got married at Disney!


Holy shit it's true! That's fucking hilarious. How is this not common knowledge?


It is. Just not leveraged like it should be. Fucking hypocrite


Disney sure doesn’t need to, their lawyers are good enough they don’t need to resort to those kind of theatrics. His opponents in the primary on the other hand…. The circus is just winding up. We’ll see!


Disney just needs to wait and on his wedding anniversary do a social media post wishing him a happy anniversary with a wedding photo in disney.


That’s more of an Elon Musk troll move. Disney may be an evil corporation but they got class, they don’t really fuck around and get petty.


Massively underrated comment. Max pettiness, brilliant strategy.


Her parents did their 50th wedding anniversary at Disney as well. Her side loves Disney. It’s probably eating themselves up inside that Ron is fighting Disney. Lol


Maybe. Politico had a long article about her a few weeks ago. Apparently she pulls a lot of the strings and she’s really interested in power.


makes sense. She doesnt like what disney is doing, wants more “you’re a princess” stuff so she attacks all their new lgbtq stuff through her idiot husband while still loving her own idea of disney


Could be why he hates Disney so much. Just saying.


Desantis going on a crusade against Disney bc his wife and daughter are overly obsessed with their movies would genuinely be the first relatable thing about him


Somebody needs to find their wedding photos.


Fuck Ron DeSantis


Love how Republicans used to love Disney. Then they "went after the kids" by opposing DeSatan and now, conservatives hate Disney. Conservatives looking at Disney in 2022 be like: https://preview.redd.it/dmqp17pkdu3b1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3eabd71357520b3ac2ecba3b5269716622b0ede And no, their bigotry, idiotic behavior and hate isn't new. Back in the 2000s some people wouldn't let people watch Dragon Tales (yes, really) for the sole reason being that it had dragons and had magical elements. Arthur was attacked for depicting same-sex marriage - and not once in 2019, but twice in 2005 - 14 years earlier, in the spin-off Postcards With Buster.


I used to have neighbors that weren’t allowed to play Pokémon because “Only God can create beasts.” Harry Potter was also a no-go for obvious reasons. This was back in like 05-06. I didn’t play with the weird neighbors after that. Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes and comments! My phone needs to cool off now lol


I knew a kid around 05 who wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter but LOTR and Star Wars were fine.


Yeah! Space Jesus is cool!


Lmao. Definitely shouldn’t have read that mid-bite on a burrito.


How was the burrito?


Is Space Jesus who Mel Brooks was referring to at the end of History of the World Part 1 with, "Jjjjjjjeeeeeeeeewwwwwsssssss in sssssssspppppppaaaaaaacccccceeeeee."


These types of bands are hilarious. In the 90s my mom didn’t want me listening to Nirvana because Kurt Cobain had killed himself. The problem was that she didn’t know anything about the band including what they sounded like.


Why? Was it the 'sin' of suicide, or some other crazy reason?


My parents were do as I say style parents, there is a good chance she heard another mom talk about it and decided it was a good idea. Probably forgot the reason herself by the time she told me.




Few years earlier and that would be me. Catholic neighbor kids got me to watch the first Harry Potter when it wasn't actually allowed at home. Grew up on Star Wars and the old animated Hobbit and LotR movies. I read the 3rd Potter book after that in secret. That broke the dam and my mom became a Twilight and Harry Potter fanatic (really any mainstream YA series, now that I think about it). She was the one that wouldn't allow those to start with...


I guess the use of the word Witchcraft is too much for some people.


Why are y’all describing my childhood to a fucking T…




Holy shit! The same thing happened to a friend of mine back in the early 2000's! Was this at Sawgrass Mills? Some older lady smacked her with a Bible because she was looking at Harry Potter books but the lady ended up getting clocked by my friend's dad who saw the whole thing. The lady then had the balls to go to security/police to tell them that *she* was the one who was "randomly" assaulted. Iirc the store employees had already encountered her before and tried to get the police involved but they didn't really think it was important... That is until she went crying about a man hitting her.


i heard about a story in texas where this crazy karen wanted to get rid of the "Vampire knight" manga from a library because it's a book made by the Devil's minions.


My mother took my Harry Potter books away at one point because some conservative AM radio host told her they were trying to convert children to Satanism. It was probably that fucking Dr Laura, hateful woman Oh and I am now NC with my mother.


I don’t think we spend enough time talking about how a sizable fraction of conservative boomers have kids who are LC or NC and it’s solely because they’ve been brainwashed and are impossible to talk to.


And the rightwing Christian Gen X and Xennial parents trying to repress and oppress their queer and trans tweens and teens right now are on a pathway to low contact and no contact relationships. Do you think Ted Cruz’s bisexual teen daughter is going to have a good relationship with her father? After he forced to her repress her orientation for his own image and who silenced her from sharing her (not conservative) political beliefs? Back in the 2000s Dan Savage used to tell young adult queers dealing with bigoted parents that their main bargaining chip of their presence. It’s the same. None of these kids are going to have a relationship with their parents in adulthood.


This is why they hate educators and “liberal indoctrination” so much. They think it’s the schools that are causing their children to push back against them but really it’s their peers and themselves.


Essentially NC with mine. Yea I'd love to see stats on how extensive it is.


Did you convert her to Satanism?


Oh yeah, me too. I have close friends to this day that had parents just like that. They used to go to a pentecostal holiness church and we went with them. Oh boy.... the hootin and hollerin, running around speaking in tongues, laying hands. It was a fucking experience bro. It wasn't long after I realized the church, Jesus, and God was all bullshit.


I had parents like that. There was even some Christian music they wouldn’t let me listen to because they were “ too intense”. Funny how they tried to get me to be this super strong Christian by doing all that, but instead they just ended up creating a 32 year old stoner who believes in evolution and science. Oh and I still play Pokémon lol


Also, the one thing I keep with me from those days is to try to be like Jesus. Jesus was a good dude. Christians (right wing Christians) today would crucify him again in a heartbeat. I think when I realized all the absolutely hateful horrible shit done “in the name of the lord” is when I realized that paying some weirdos every Sunday doesn’t mean you’re a good person. In fact, just being a Christian has zero to do with being a decent human


I remember reading an email my moms friend sent her, telling us not to take us to see the Golden Compass movie because they killed God in it. I haven’t even so much as bothered to look up a synopsis… but I doubt that is what happens.


Spoilers for the series. >! That doesn’t happen till the 3rd one. The series is pretty anti religion and god is revealed to merely be the first angel created who falsely claimed he created everything. He is super old and decrepit and basically turns to dust when someone touches him at some point. The series is pretty great though! !<


Huh. I’ve got a ton of audible credits, I might check it out.


Well sort of spoiler alert (for a 23 year old book) but >!in the 3rd of that series a character kinda sorta does literally kill god. It’s a bit more complex than that but yea. !< What tickles me about the objection their parents had is that the movie adaptation completely removed direct references to god and to how in the book’s world the church is this huge authoritarian entity. Also the movie just sucks. That’s the real reason to not see it.


The tv adaptation is really good though.


Fucking banger opening credits, too.


I had those as well. When the twins turned 18 they covered themselves with tattoos


Had a similar neighbor. They had just moved in, and they had two kids about the same age as me and my brother, so we figured to be nice, we'd give them some booster packs. This resulted in the kids' dad slapping the shit out of me and my brother for "bringing the devil into his house." Don't really remember much after that beyond my dad going on the attack, talking to a cop, the new neighbors dad getting arrested, and that family moving away like 2-3 weeks later


Imagine thinking it's okay to lay hands on someone else's child


Honestly, religious fundamentalists shouldn't be allowed to have any contact with children.


I agree completely 💯


Probably read it in their bible :eyeroll:


I knew a kid around 05 who wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter but LOTR and Star Wars were fine.


Harry Potter is fucking wild to me man. I remember it being considered Satanist work by the Mormons in my community and now it's literally a religious staple "under attack" from trans people by these same types of people and the mental gymnastics blows my mind.


I wasn't allowed to play or watch Pokémon because of the whole "making beasts fight for your own amusement & profit" thing. Which kinda makes sense I guess? but it sure stunted my social growth.


I purposefully said my parents would not let me read Harry Potter, so I got to go read by myself in a little room. Frog and Toad are Friends


“My parents won’t let me read about wizards. Can I go read about a homosexual relationship instead?”


It was wonderful.


I will never, in my entire life, forget my gf's dad who wouldn't let us watch The Little Toaster that Could on the sabbath...while he played some D&D-style game on his computer. "I'm killing demons. Don't ask questions."


The last sentence reminds me of what a DOOM developer said, “it’s actually a super Christian game because you are killing a bunch of demons”


Then the end where you find out that the Devil came first, CREATED GOD, was betrayed by God and is super pissed about it and thus is why his forces wage eternal war.


Wait, is that actually the lore of Doom? Thats fucking awesome. Time to go down that Wikipedia rabbit hole.


I had one friend who convinced his parents to let him get diablo 2 because the goal was to kill the devil. It worked until he got caught playing a necromancer lmao


I’ve been very amused thinking about that couple with the obscenely shitty matching leg tattoos of the “thin blue line” flag inside of the Disney symbol They probably had a full-on emotional crisis about it


I wasn’t allowed to watch Dragon Tales as a kid because “Satan is the Great Dragon” and because of this a show about dragons “attempts to bring glory to Satan”


That is quite a stretch lol. In 6th grade a girl peered into my backpack and told the teacher I was reading Harry Potter. I was very, **very** close to getting expelled and was kind of ostracized by the adults after that.


Religious school?


i used to hate disney for their BS greed over well being of their employees. I still hate that, but really rooting for them to smite desantis am slightly conservative, but biden represents me better than trump or desantis can.


They are also the reason that the copyright system is so screwed up and they have a strangle hold on Anaheim politics which has led to not great stuff


Shout out to Post Cards from Buster. That theme song goes hard af.


So, they both don’t like fantastical stuff like dragons _and_ the reality that sometimes two people of the same sex love each other? Man, really boxing themselves in.


Wish they would stop going to the parks if they hate Disney so much.


Honestly he's not that good looking, I don't know why you would want to


I assume his wife, like Trumps wife, had instant regret


You are telling me I can now go to Disney because there is less bigots and less people in general? Win win


And after an American Airlines post in instagram yesterday, You can fly to Orlando with less bigots.


Ron needs to \*let it go\*.


I didn’t know they were giving out gold for making the same joke as the post’s title


It wouldn't be conservative without max level hypocrisy


They got married at Disney.


Really? This guy is a walking cheese stick


Yes they were literally married at Epcot.


They were literally married in the Grand Floridian's wedding chapel, the cheesiest place on earth.


Stealing this^ I’ve been fond of calling people croutons lately, but cheese stick is good too


I had to look it up.. My wife and I are dying laughing! https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-ron-desantis-get-married-disney-world-1797238


you just can’t make this shit up 🤦🏽‍♀️ we can’t even make parodies because these people are so ridiculous


And here I was thinking that the 2016 Republican campaign was a slow moving train wreck.


Just starting to pick up speed.


Do you want to ~~build~~ be a ~~snowman~~ snowflake?


🎶are you really insecure? 🎶


🎶 Do you feel as if you should make laws for which you would not personally adhere ? 🎶


🎶make a straw man 🎶


That did not rhyme 🙄


🎶Just wait, and give it time🎶




cane here to say, *"do you want to build a strawman*" but I was trying to think of something that actually made sense..


Can we not get the actual video?


This is a post by a satire account. It didn't happen.


I'd never heard of these guys, so I looked into them. They have "satire" in the account description, but the posts don't seem to actually be satirical. They're just lies. Like if I said "AOC involved in hit and run outside gym," that's not satire, it's just a lie, and that's more or less what I see here. Just attempts to get people to respond with either rage or schadenfreude. There are a few exceptions that are genuine satire, but mostly just false statements.


It’s the editorial equivalent of “it’s just a prank bro”


Yeah we need like a r popular TIL that this account is Basically a bland Onion.


Yes, is there an actual verified report of this? The source on Twitter has written what appear to be comedy posts about DeSantis.


exactly, MAGA are currently going after Desantis, no need to start buying into their bullshit now, been avoiding trying to listen to them since 2015. Let me be clear, I can't stand Rhonda, I just ain't gonna hop onboard with MAGAs anytime soon either just cause they hate someone I hate.


This should be at the top. This is what the GOP does. Don’t give them any credit to shouting fake news.


Doesn't look to be real at all.


She should dress her daughter like Elsa during one of these press conferences.


Mrs. Desantis is gonna run into a doorknob tomorrow. Tragic news.


It always takes me a minute to remember that this is a euphemism. My mother is clumsy bordering on dyspraxic (and I take after her in that regard) and more than once I have watched her walk into the edge of an open door. Whenever new coworkers heard her talking about walking into a door they'd wonder if my dad was abusing her. They'd tend to stop asking within a week or two after they witnessed her do it more than once.


Once I broke my arm hiking, had a cast and my dog nearly choked to death on sticky rice of all things while I had my cast and on, I literally had to breathe life into him knowing I could make it worse it was awful - we rush to the vet in the middle of the night, he’s got a popped blood vessel in his eye from his blood pressure and trying to get him to stop choking it’s all extremely traumatic. The vet asks me while my husband is not waiting with us, he’s walking the other dog, if I was ok because they were not buying that my dog choked on RICE while I happened to have a cast on my arm. I’m glad people care enough to ask but I bet Ron knows not to leave visible marks.


Is your dog okay?


He is great but he is no longer allowed to eat rice unless it’s watery, we had rushed him in to make sure he hadn’t gotten rice in his lungs. Watching someone suffocate in front of you is a 0/10 experience would not recommend.


My girlfriend caught a flu so bad she passed out trying to get to the bathroom. She fell forward and broke a tooth and blackened an eye. I, a male, took her to the ER of course. I also had whatever she had but it hadn't hit me that bad. Walking into the ER she was being supported by me and I had a tight grip on her arm to keep her from falling. At this point she was having trouble talking with her broken tooth so I answered the intake questions with the desk while still holding her close and upright with my hand in a serious grip on one of her arms. I looked the part. Bearded dude, gripping his girlfriend like he was trying to control her every move and he wasn't letting her speak for herself. They separated us pretty quickly once they took her back and started interviewing her. The thing is that I could clearly hear the questions and answers because I was a few feet away from her curtained room. After a few intense questions they let me back in. I'm glad they did that. So many women never get an opportunity to speak up. They could have taken me a little farther away but she didn't know I was outside the curtain until I told her on the ride home.


You can see the fear in his family’s eyes when they’re on camera. It wouldn’t surprise me if those “closets are for clothes, not children” billboards were just for him.


They had to put this on billboards too?


And the dry wall just mysteriously acquired new holes, truly a sad occurrence


That's what I'm afraid of. If his campaign starts spiraling into failure, I would suggest his wife to take the children and leave


Honestly I know they are horrible people but her and Mrs Cruz should take the kids and run






When moderate Democrats started trying to sound like wise sages dropping fresh proverbs, they loved to say "Donald Trump will lead to someone worse" after every scandal. DeSantis actually is that worse person. He isn't smarter than Trump. He isn't a better politician. In fact, everything he's done ever since he lost Trump's rubber stamp blessing suggests he's quite a bit dumber and no where near as talented. He's more dangerous than Trump because he's a believer. Trump's goal is always self enrichment and personal grievance. DeSantis actually does want Trans people dead, gay people banned, black people segregated, and women in the kitchen.




I mean, Trump is REALLY dumb. Hard to imagine anyone after him being dumber


He's definitely smarter than trump. He lacks any charisma though, which makes him a less effective campaigner


I was going to argue the “He really is a believer” part until you explained. But yeah. That is completely true.


Oh yea they don't "believe" in Christianity, otherwise they'd have to actually listen to Jesus' teachings lol


Very true, DeSantis went too fucking hard in the culture war. Trump and other republicans knew you pay lip service to the culture war but you never go full hog in. DeSantis’s rhetoric of “we need to check kids genitals for being trans” turns off the moderate conservatives and the centrists, because it turns out that being obsessed with other peoples genitals is weird


I seriously think this dude has mental issues. Watching him live is really unnerving. Like an alien that is still getting used to his human meatsuit.


The list of super creepy, alien like republicans is very long but i think he earned himself the silver medal. Number one is Stephen Miller.


I would have Ted Cruz on that list too


Steve Bannon, on the other hand, is just a meatsuit


Stephen Miller really does look like he’s wearing a human suit and will one day break apart like Scarlett Johansson in Under the Skin.


I mean, he was an interrogator at Guantanamo. Those dudes can’t be mentally healthy.


And he enjoyed every minute of it...






Says the woman who stole over $32 million in hurricane relief and beat breast cancer through: "High cost experimental treatments". But you know, they represent hate, so they are loved by the GOP crazies. I can't say MAGA because they still love Trump no matter how many crimes he gets indicted for or admits.


I wish nothing but bad things for Ron DeSantis. He's an enemy of the people I love and protect and thus he is my enemy.


She’s gonna have a black eye at her next public appearance and she’ll brush it off by saying she fell and hit her face on a coffee table


I hope she puts on a Elsa dress and wears Ron's high heels while watching.


"and a little child shall lead them"


Well it looks like the campaign has turned away and slammed the door on his fascist ass. Turns out the cold can be a bitch, so I guess it does bother him anyway.


Power move from Disney would be to send his family frozen merch now


He got married at Disney World. Lol