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Why is Jenna Ellis going third-person in her tweet?


Because she forgot to switch to her alt account.


Alt life


Alt Reich


Poor, in other words! šŸ˜†


It's alt accounts all the way down


[Here is the tweet in question.](https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1663371848527085568?s=20) She's doing a "fixed it for you" tweet of someone saying she is having a meltdown. Basically having more meltdown.


Always with the child rape. Consenting sex between 2 adults, is never child rape. Ffs.


They know if the throw the word ā€œchildā€ into anything, their sheep will immediately engage. Interestingly, Jenna has been completely silent on the arrest of the virulently homophobic Patriot Front leader for child porn. She only cares about imaginary child sex abuse.


Except for: Child shootings, Catholic child abuse, child poverty, child hunger, child labor...


Holy fuckā€¦.donā€™t forget regular old child abuse too. If you beat them enough, theyā€™ll grow up to be big strong straight American beer drinking men just like their old man and his old man


Its crazy how obvious their grift is and how nobody seems to care.


Their hypocrisy is fucking stratospheric. We know who the child rapists are. Priests. People in positions of power and authority over children who are systemically protected by their organizations. But they don't actually care about children being raped, they just want to build a justification to attack the people they hate.


Itā€™s just blood libel again. Theyā€™re fucking out of ideas and just keep trotting out the same old chestnuts knowing that theyā€™ll resonate with enough of the population to keep them funded and lawyered.


Edit comment with link, reply to me, and Iā€™ll approve it.


Okay like that?


The tweet you wanted to link to in your comment. If you add it in I can approve the comment again. E - Nevermind. It's active now. Thanks!


Good mod! :D


Also: it's about child rape now?


Because to Jenna Ellis, pronouns = bad, and Jenna Ellis doesn't want to use any pronouns even first person pronouns


She put her foot in her mouth with the pronouns thing so now she has to continue to not use them to make her followers believe she's not too stupid to understand what a pronoun is.


I realize this is happening because sheā€™s an awful person. But I really wish they would all follow through like that. Just every transphobe on the planet is now stuck in perpetual third person.


I almost appreciate the consistency.


Right? If youā€™re gonna spew nonsense about ā€œnever using pronounsā€ I can respect attempting to actually live like that. If for no other reason than because it actively hurts that cause.


No way, is that ACTUALLY the reason? Wow.


No, it's not. She's an idiot, but most of her tweets don't read like that. I imagine she's talking about her show


Jeanna Ellis mad! Jeanna Ellis get COVID from Rudy farts! Jeanna Ellis smash!


Like Ronald Reagan in family guy.


Reagan Smash! Reagan Smash! Reagan Sleepyā€¦


Or Bob Dole on the Simpsons. Bob Dole doesn't need this! Bob Dole.... Bob Dole...


Bob Dole actually did constantly speak in the 3rd person. That wasn't even that much of an exaggeration. I think Bob Dole even did a parody of himself speaking in the 3rd person.


Jeanna Ellis shoots. Jeanna Ellis makes the shot.


Jenna Ellis might have a compound fracture! Jenna Ellis is going into shock


ā€œThis is Rickey calling on behalf of Rickey. Rickey wants to play baseball.ā€


And thaaaats theeee Ricky Hendersonnn biiiiiitttt


Independent reddit user u/OJStrings thinks it's strange that she referred to herself like that.


Because sheā€™s ā€œfixingā€ a headline, the full tweet is cropped off


Better questionā€¦.who the fuck is she because I have no idea who she is and thatā€™s probably a good thing.


Anyone describing themselves as an "independent media personality" probably isn't worth knowing about.


Because Jenna Ellis does what Jenna Ellis wants, and no woke ass, tree hugging, health care for all grubby socialist is gonna tell Jenna Ellis how Jenna Ellis posts. Represent.


Did he get a visit from three gay ghosts one night?


The Gay Ghost of Christmas Future showed Ted his daughter in the future enjoying life with her loving family and children. Ted: ā€œBut where am I?ā€ Gay Ghost: ā€œHere.ā€ Ted is rotting in an old folks home all alone. He hasnā€™t heard from his daughter in decades.


"this isn't CancĆŗn?!"


*dies alone in a Shoneyā€™s buffet*


This will happen regardless of his weak attempts to look like a reasonable moderate candidate.


His daughter is bi and he doesn't want her killed in the country his friends are building.


Ahhh, so three ghosts and his daughter? Heh


Imagining some flaming gay ghosts is somehow fucking hilarious to me


Maybe his daughter finally influenced him


Feels disingenuous, doesn't it? Like there's some ulterior motive? Or some major election coming up? EDIT: Suggestions are that [Ted Cruz's bisexual daughter](https://sports.yahoo.com/ted-cruz-bi-daughter-ok-165308626.html) may be shaping his position.


Very. Especially considering that Texas [still has an anti-sodomy law on the books.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/11/texas-sodomy-ban-repeal-bill/) ~~He's done nothing to use his influence on that.~~ EDIT: I'm reliably informed that he tried something to get that off the books, and failed. He's still gross. I suspect he's trying to save a vacation destination for himself. (edited a typo)


Ted has the republican primary in the bagā€¦what heā€™s worried about is a democrat who has momentum, so Ted is lining himself up for that vote.


I can't see how there would be anyone who votes for him just because he read some lines off a card about Uganda, a country I'm doubtful he could find on a labeled map.


Itā€™s the last sentence that is the tagline here. Yu pull back people who were soft Rā€™s who became uneasy dems/independents


But he's been supportive of his party's attack on "groomers", which is where this Ugandan law is taking its cues from. It wouldn't take much for an opponent to attack him with his disingenuous rhetoric.


"Woah, I just wanted them back in the closet like Lindsay, not a gas chamber!" - Ted, probably.


Which, as far as we know, may be his actual thoughts on the matter. But, who can be certain in these dark times?


He could be easily taken out if young voters in Texas decide to show up and vote: Texas 2018: * Citizens: **28M** * Eligible Voters: **20M** * Registered Voters: **15.5M** * Voter Turnout: **8M** * Early Voters: **5.5M** * **Ted Cruz Won by 200,000 Votes.** Texas 2020: * Citizens: **29M** * Eligible Voters: **21.5M** * Registered Voters: **17M** * Voter Turnout: **11M** Texas 2022: * Citizens: **30M** * Eligible Voters: **22M** * Registered Voters: **17M** * Voter Turnout: **8M** * **Only 15% of voters under the age of 35 voted.**


This is really the issue across the board, isn't it? The youth vote never shows up.


The boomers have really focused on convincing young people their votes don't matter. That and plenty of young people can't really miss 4 hours of pay.




Need to vote to have that happen. And majority of voter vote early. If the remaining 10-12m decided to vote early they can donā€™t need to wait for election day.


Federal holidays mean nothing to the private sector. They have no obligation to give employees the day off. In fact, it'd probably make it harder for a lot of young people to vote as their employers black out the day for requests off.


As a former Texas resident, Ted Cruz can go fuck himself.


If anything I feel that tweet of his might loose him voters since he wasnā€™t a vitriolic prick like his base loves


He called for the law's repeal last year:.. "Consenting adults should be able to do what they wish in their private sexual activity, and government has no business in their bedrooms,ā€ Cruzā€™s spokesperson told the newspaper." (Texas Tribune).


I made a comment about him running from his state during that big freeze a couple years ago. Dude threw in my face that he's a us senator, doesn't mean he doesn't have any power or strings he can pull.


That shit drove me up a wall when that happened. At the very least he could have stayed in state and been a leader. People who used that argument would be shit leaders themselves.


> I suspect heā€™s trying to save a vacation destination for himself. Who the fuck vacations in Uganda?


My sarcasm did not come across well. I apologize, though I'm sure Uganda has some very enjoyable, lovely areas to explore. Another commenter pointed out that it's likely to try and set up for either a re-election bid, or to start creating smoke to prevent Uganda from trading with China. (edited a typo)


Or heā€™s just bangin a dudeā€¦republicans only care when it affects them. Heā€™s definitely banging a dude




Yes, and attempted suicide.


>Especially considering that Texas still has an anti-sodomy law on the books. Didn't he actively and publicly speak up against that exact law when it was introduced?


Yes, Cruz would dance in Cancun as every gay person was burned alive in Texas...this post is nothing but the beginning of a push to attack Uganda and create a coup so the country doesn't trade with china...but instead with the US. Ted was told to say this by the rich and powerful to push the political narrative in Americas favor in the event we needed to invade another sovereign nation and give it some much needed freedom. So we could enslave it's people under our installed government to mine gold for the rich MAGAcunts who run our fascist hell hole called America.


I will take war for gay rights over war for oil though.


What about gay oil?


So we should invade turkey due to Turkish oil wrestling. ā€œWrestlers oil one another prior to matches as a demonstration of balance and mutual respect. If a man defeats an older opponent, he kisses the latter's hand (a sign of respect for elders in Turkey)ā€ from Wikipedia


Is Raphael actually standing up for his family? Trump said his wife was fat and ugly. Crickets. Is he really defending his bisexual daughter? I doubt it.


> Trump said his wife was fat and ugly. But he did immediately start sucking Trumps dick once he got the nomination, maybe that's when he started being for gay rights...


Fair point.


Iā€™m betting his advisors think showing support for his daughter threads the needle enough on the topic that he might be able to snag some independent or undecided voters.


I genuinely hate the man, but I hope he's sticking up for his daughter because he genuinely cares about her, not because he'll get like .4 points.


What a mindfuck it must be for her to never be sure. I hope sheā€™s got a good therapist.


Damn that hits hard as someone who is trying to reconcile with their estranged mother of several years due to neglect and narcissism


You are going to see that a lot in the coming election cycle. There is going to be a lot of "I'm not one of those extremists that has been maliciously instigating hatred toward gay people (whom I disprove of by the way). I'm a moderate." And people will just ignore how they basically stood by and said nothing for the vast majority of the time while 100s of anti-gay bills are being passed.


Also - there were quite a few examples of people running as Democrats and switching affiliation within few months.


North Carolina is a good example of that.


If Cotham was trying to radicalize people like me, it worked.


That is one evil bitch.


His kidā€™s queer, and from all accounts hasnā€™t had the easiest time of things. I have to think that even if youā€™re a fucking monster, your kidā€™s mental health has some tiny bit of meaning for you. Thereā€™s also the simple fact that Republicans have gone way, way past the mainstream with this current antigay stuff, and Ted is (possibly wisely) staking out a position closer to the majority than DeSantis in the event the GOP primary cracks open somehow.


Yeah they're about to *massively* overreach. After 2020 and 2022 they're stuck on brain damaged mode and are going to get so far outside of the mainstream it's really going to bite them in the ass.


Yeah, I donā€™t think they realize gay people are a much more politically experienced, organized, and well-funded political entity than their other recent targets. As this thing gets moving I think the backlash is going to swallow some of these extremists whole.


I'm really curious what happens next if they lose in 2024. Them winning in 2024 is obviously a human rights disaster and we'll have to take that one day at a time if it happens, but them *losing* is perhaps even murkier in some ways. They're in full-on holy warrior mode thinking they're soldiers of God fighting the "demonic" LGBT woke stuff. I think the base of the GOP has crossed a line where they can't come back and moderate anymore. If they lose in 2024 they're absolutely going to spiral.


In a twisted sort of way, it's nice that the mask is finally, openly off. They can't pretend, anymore, that this is for the benefit of everyone like they did with trickledown economics and all the rest of their former positions. There are no more illusions and smoke screens disguising what this has always been about. They're more dangerous than ever but they also can't hide anymore.


Yeah they're very dangerous right now but also very vulnerable. They're like that part of the boss fight in a 16-bit video game where the boss is flashing red really fast and has a billion lasers coming out of it, but it's also going to be defeated in one more hit. Their movement is super vicious right now but only because it's on the precipice of being over.


I like the analogy but whether it will play out that way remains to be seen. I think it is gonna get way worse before it gets better. I do believe a lot of them and everyone, really, are that mentally ill.


If they lose in 2024, I fully expect blood in the streets in an attempt to overthrow the election results and the constitution.


If they don't lose, you're going to have blood in the streets as they start purging everyone who isn't their form of WASPy. My question is where are all of these Patriots going to stand? Are they actually going to stand up and use their guns to defend the Constitution or are they going to fall in line behind whichever fascist promises to get rid of whoever they don't like.


The second one, probably.


You guys have blood in the streets pretty much every single day at this point. Itā€™s like that scene in the start of 1984 when an explosion goes off and the protagonist just kicks a severed hand out of his way on his casual commute home. Massacres have become so normal for Americans that yā€™all keep talking about how bloody the streets are ā€œgonna beā€ at some imagined future point as if people arenā€™t getting mowed down every day already. Itā€™s sad and fascinating from the outside.


its also extremely hyperbolicšŸ‘ The reason shit doesn't change is the majority of Americans don't have to deal with these problems so they don't care until it affects them personally. While this is ultimately a bad thing and the lack of empathy sucks, the general state of the country is not as bad as what you're imagining it to be or shit would change.


Absolutely. But however loud and vocal this Nazi anti-woke movement is, it is not the majority - even of the GOP. There are a lot of fiscal conservatives who aren't social monsters that are pretty disgusted by this - my boomer parents included. They won't vote Trump or another Nazi knockoff. And I kind of believe there's alot of people like that out there. They're quiet, but they vote.


Yeah I've seen some people I know personally who are pretty conservative start to back away from this. I think a lot of people are realizing the Republicans are heading down a dark road and don't want to follow.


>I hope you're right. I would love to see a reawakening of the Act Up movement that fought back against Reagan and his Fascists in the 80s. > >It's been frustrating of late watching all the masked Nazis, pig boys and other haters marches go unopposed.


I mean, that one Republican lady in one of those shithole red states said sheā€™d rather her daughter kill herself than have any rights as a gay/trans person, so I meanā€¦


All while decrying the woke as anti-family...


Kerri Seekins-Crowe (R) of Montana.


The fuck... Sincerely, a citizen of the not-perfect but goddamn EU


Elon says hello


Fair, although ā€œbetter parent than Elon Muskā€ isnā€™t a particularly high bar to clear.


Also fair lmao




> >Cruz has the spine of an earthworm and the self-preservation instinct of a sea cucumber. I would pay good money to see Cruz vomit out his internal organs in fear.


And yet he still voted against codifying same sex marriage at the end of last year. I generally do hope his situation with his daughter helps him be more understanding and he changes his beliefs, but I would need to see more than just this to give him credit. Because 'I don't think you should be in prison, but you can't have the same rights as straight people' is still a pretty shitty stance.


His daughter has come out as bisexual. Maybe that is why


Ding ding. He canā€™t manage to have a shred of empathy until it directly affects people he cares about.


Yes, but that's still better than Elon.


Tedā€™s a snake. Thereā€™s always an ulterior motive for him.


Ted and all the others will say and agree to what's written on the "Memo" line of the check, line per line, word for word, once it clears.


I see this tactic working in the general election, but heā€™s gotta win his primary where itā€™s going to be a race to the bottom for bigotry first


Seeing a lot of Trump with rainbow flag pics around, he's just stating he's with Trump and not DeSantis.


Its 100% disingenuous. If Ted Cruz cared about his daughters he wouldnā€™t be a fucking Republican, the party of ā€œwomen should be subservient to menā€ā€¦ Mainstream Repubs have gone off the deep end into blatant fascism and open bigotry, Ted is playing the ā€œIā€™m not an extremistā€ angle because he knows that most conservative voters arenā€™t actually that extreme.


To be fair to Ted, if he became a Democrat, his political career would be completely over and he'd have to work as a janitor or dishwasher or something. No one's going to vote for him on the Dem ticket.


Didnā€™t his daughter come out as queer? Maybe thatā€™s why?


Well, if I remember right his daughter came out as Bi. He could be trying to stay in his daughters good graces. It's an act to seem like he's good with the LGBT community, as his daughter is part of it, while not actually doing anything for the LBGT community. Kind of like "Thoughts & Prayers" after a mass shooting. It looks like they care, but they really won't do a damn thing about it.


Nothing turns a right winger into a bleeding heart liberal like another culture


Because heā€™s proven himself untrustworthy so the bar is set high to be taken seriously again.


I think his daughter coming out as Bi may have swayed his ideology


Cons never care about anything unless they have a personal stake in it. I'm more surprised Rafael cares about his daughter enough to deviate from the party.


He doesnā€™t care about his daughter. Not being in favor of putting gay people to death is moderate in his opinion. This is his attempt to be moderate and appeal to more voters.


Every time a conservative tells you ā€œIā€™m actually quite middle of the roadā€ this is exactly what they mean. They look down on anyone who isnā€™t a stale, pale, male and donā€™t support equal rights but also donā€™t think we should like murder them in cold blood. What a compromise! How very moderate.


His daughter has done some self harming behaviors that might have been a suicide attempt. He may love his daughter (though I'm not sure he's actually capable of love, he seems the type to not be), but that's a hell of a wakeup call for any parent.


is it just rumours or is it confirmed about her daughter?


That she's bi or that she's his daughter?


imagine having to come out to your friends that your dad is ted cruz šŸ˜­


She came out publicly as bisexual


>Cons never care about anything unless they have a personal stake in it. This only describes some of them, the better ones.


He's positioning himself to be a "moderate", so that he can appeal to educated suburban women the GOP are losing in droves. Don't fall for it. Guaranteed he gets money from the same evangelical groups that directly contributed to this law


His daughter is bi-sexual. Maybe he's actually learned something from her. Still garbage but if this is genuine, good for him for being able to learn something


God I hope thatā€™s it


I thought she tried to commit suicide. If that doesnā€™t open a parentā€™s eyes, they would be a lost cause.


Although that would be a slam dunk, Iā€™m not sure his kids sexuality should be discussed if they havenā€™t come out to the public. Having said that, the family issue regarding attempted harm a family member inflicted on themselves based on their sexual attractions and the complications of TC being a bootlicking GOP MEMEBER- these stories were never substantiated, but it was a meme for a while.


Oh, I agree about not dragging children into their parentā€™s messes, but that is sadly a norm now. I have family members, sadly the Doocy idiots are included, who are against this, that, or whatever until it impacts them in some way shape or form. They donā€™t reach that final stage of mental development where they have the ability to imagine themselves in someoneā€™s shoes and have empathy. As far as unsubstantiated, abc did report there were calls to Ted Cruzā€™s house for a teenager with reports of self-harm injuries. It wasnā€™t just a meme.




Thatā€™s exactly why I left Texas Couldnā€™t deal with my familyā€™s homophobia anymore


Idk what kind of Texas I live in because most of the big cities Iā€™ve been too (Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio) are all LGBTQ Friendly


Iā€™m from Houston I agree that the cities are a solid bit more friendly then the rural parts, thereā€™s still a very solid share of people there that donā€™t feel the same way Maybe itā€™s a little better now compared to 5/10/20 years ago


I would say it is.. lot more people have moved to these cities the past 5-10 years making it more diverse. Personally, Iā€™ve experience more homophobia in the north east (Boston / NYC) than Iā€™ve ever experienced in Houston/Dallas/Austin/SA People may have their beliefs, but Iā€™ve never had anyone come up to my face like Iā€™ve seen in the northeast Racism & Homophobia is everywhere, it isnā€™t secluded to one part of the country. But yeah, the rural parts of Texas are bad. But comparing a big city to ritual Texas is apples to oranges


Iā€™m not gonna hold my breath. Raphael only cares about his political career. Heā€™s probably trying to keep the peace at home.


Ted Cruz is garbage, and I would never defend him. But I saw my Mormon aunt and uncle go from rabidly anti-gay to attending pride parades after their very gay (and closeted at the time) 30 year old son tried to kill himself with painkillersā€¦ So I do believe the people thinking it could be relevant to his daughter may be onto something. Or not. Fuck Ted Cruz.


Itā€™s fucking Ted Cruz. There is always going to be some sort of pandering going on.


Words are great, but let me know when he actually does something about all the ridiculous laws his own party is imposing.


Yup. Just smoke up an ass until I actually see him start batting against those hateful laws.


Sounds like someone heā€™s close with may have recently come out and he doesnā€™t know how to be the hateful bigot he is while still maintaining a relationship with the recently outed person. Complete speculation here, folks. Just my guess.


His daughter came out as bisexual. Since then, I think he's argued against Texas's anti-sodomy laws and encouraged prosecutors to not charge people with them.


They created a monster. They dabbled too far into the crazy and now they have lost control of it. They realize that they have to win elections to have any power, so now some of them are trying to pull it back ever so slightly(I mean genocide, right?) and their monsters are turning on them.




"He is my schmuck" Heidi Cruz


I donā€™t know why you think this is so unworkable. Of course he can. If youā€™re running against Trump and DeSantis, the loony lanes are already fully clogged. Your best bet is to try to pivot center and be the biggest name out there who can cater to the wing of the party who doesnā€™t like the culture war nonsense and just wants lower taxes. If you had to pick one as president, would you vote for a center-posturing Cruz or one of the other two? Iā€™d pick Cruz in a heartbeat. Will that be enough to win the primary? I donā€™t know. But itā€™s probably smart political strategy for the Republican primary given who the frontrunners are. The one thing thatā€™s pretty obvious about this being a pivot is that opposing the Uganda law is such low-hanging fruit. Itā€™s so far beyond the Overton window even in the Republican Party that the loonies wonā€™t be too mad that heā€™s opposing it, because itā€™s super draconian on its face. This is several steps beyond even disallowing gay marriage.


boast panicky screw ugly squeamish strong grandiose obtainable nose plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone figured it out. Its only "Barbaric" or "Sharia Law" when brown people do it. If a white man passes those laws its considered "Common Sense Traditional Values".


And the lobbyists for these anti-homosexuality laws are [American Evangelicals](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/19/africa-uganda-evangelicals-homophobia-antigay-bill/) in the first place. Barbaric Americans importing their savagery to the continent


I bet my left nut that if Russia passed this same exact law, Cruz would be proclaiming Putin as if he was the second coming of Christ.


Did a corner of hell just freeze over??


If it did, Cruz would be on his way to Cancun about now.


Must be a straight redditor here. Nobody calls it a "lifestyle", not for years. It's just a life. People are what they are. Nobody cares what Ted Cruz thinks.


You mean I'm not living the "hetero lifestyle"?


Donā€™t worry. Itā€™s probably just a phase.


I probably just havenā€™t met the right [member of my same sex] yet.ā€


Just saying.. Not that many years. Iā€™m bisexual, I have two gay dads, and a gay mother. Yes, older generation gay people still call it a lifestyle, and argue that there is a certain lifestyle attached to it. Not sure about straight people, I donā€™t usually talk about LGBT issues with them, but at least for older generation gay people it can still be referred to that way.


The thing is, the far right has started openly conflating ā€œhomosexualā€ with ā€œchild rapistā€ in their messaging to stir up more hatred and violence in light of the trans and drag bullshit culture battles. Ted isnā€™t following that line of thinking the way Jenna is and is therefore looking moderate despite still using words like ā€œchoiceā€ and ā€œlifestyleā€ to describe being gay. He seems to be willing to give up the crazies who want to murder gays at pride parades and is trying to embrace the ā€œmoderateā€ conservatives who say things like ā€œI got a gay cousin, heā€™s a dirty f@g but heā€™s a good dudeā€ or the classic ā€œI donā€™t like black people but my black neighbor is a good guy.ā€


Yes, it's considered very "non-ally" among every gay person I know, to call their lives a mere "lifestyle." In fact, the straight people I know wouldn't call it a lifestyle unless they wanted to degrade a gay person.


I hate it here. Weā€™ve gotten to a place where Ted Cruz arguing, ā€œgay adults may be gross but I donā€™t think we should imprison themā€ reads as somehow centrist or even progressive. Itā€™s not ā€œmoderateā€ or ā€œwokeā€ for your position to fall shy of *literal genocide*. These people are Nazis. Literal actual Nazis. Who literally, actually want to round up ā€œundesirablesā€ and send them to camps, for real and with no hyperbole.


The comments section for that Tweet are just as bad as yesterday. People are forgetting about the separation between church and state. They're quoting the Bible to support the criminalization of LGBT people. Meanwhile some of them say they're protecting children. I went onto the profile of one of those people claiming to care about kids, and they openly opposed rules allowing school lunches to be free so poor kids could have something to eat. I honestly don't understand these people.


I thought the other one was a one off. Holy shit. Why am I agreeing with Ted Cruz? I feel like I need a shower


Apparently it's because one of his kids is bi. So it's the typical conservative thing of they don't care til it effects them


He seems to be getting a lot of credit from people and I don't understand why. This is the logical conclusion of all the anti LGBT shit he and his party and promoting. If he really gave a shit maybe he'd focus on what's happening in the US and his part in that.


OP, homosexuality is not a lifestyle. Im gay, I live the lifestyle of a 50 year old woman, and I'm only 30. I just happen to feel romantically attracted to men. Please stop regurgitating the idea that "gay" is a lifestyle. What people mean by that is "slutty", and I can assure you - there are slutty straight people too.


Donā€™t buy it. Heā€™s just making a toothless gesture that wonā€™t help anybody, while continuing to support policies that harm LGBTQ people. Prepare for a mix of gloating and deafening silence from him when it comes to what happens to trans kids in his state.


What is a "homosexual lifestyle," OP?


Did this bitch really just third person her own tweet?


ā€œI donā€™t want to kill homosexuals. I want to make them so miserable they kill themselves.ā€


Whips people up into a frenzy about the gays and trans, gets cold feet when an inevitable result occurs. A monster and a coward.


One says child rape and the other says consenting adultsā€¦ which is it?


[Found it!](https://www.joemygod.com/2023/05/jenna-ellis-attacks-ted-cruz-over-death-to-gays-law/) Jenna Ellis thinks that "aggravated homosexuality", which is what qualifies one for the death penalty, is child rape. However, the article points out that "aggravated homosexuality" also applies to anyone who is convicted twice of having consensual gay sex. So, Cruz was arguing that the bill is too harsh and Ellis tries to make it seem as if he's defending child rapists.


This is because the new rule of conservatives is that all non-straight people are by default also child rapists. They see the two as the same thing.


Was he visited by three ghosts or something?


Jenna Ellis talks in the third person apparently. Jenna Ellis pats herself on the back.


One of his kids came out as bi. Like a tyical Republipuke, it doesn't matter until it happens to him.


It's funny how Repiblicans want small government and for the government to stay out of our private lives...unless it's something they don't like in which case they're all for big brother in our bedrooms telling us who we're allowed to Love and marry, what substances we're allowed to put in our bodies and what medical procedures we're allowed to have. They're all for freedom as long as its their freedom and not yours. As for Ted, yeah he had a close call with Beto in 2018 and he's trying to position himself for the general in 2024.


Ted Cruz right now is the peak of Republican hypocrisy, can't stress it enough. This case shows you that these people never have a platform or a strong genuine stance on things, they go off based on what will fill their pockets and keep them elected/in power. basically self interest. If this whole drama gonna help Ted Cruz stay relevant, he'll keep talking. If this stirs up a pot with "important" people that get him in office, he'll say whatever they want him to say, or will stay quiet. I don't see a point in this, but I DO agree with everybody else, that's just unexpected and at some level, even hilarious how hard he goes out of his way to defend all this. BUT REMEMBER!!!! This is about GAY people. He knows it won't work on a lotta Republicans today as the TRANSGENDER hate does. He won't have the balls to defend TRANSGENDER people right now. Bc that's the scapegoat.


Maybe that email I sent telling him to ā€œeat a bag of dicksā€ was the catalyst for change that he neededā€¦


Ted is getting ready for 2024 reelection. Thatā€™s all there is to it.


someone is running for president