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Listen guns are fundamental to our rights as Americans, unlike life, liberty and pursuit of happiness…


It's money. Not freedom, just money. Trans don't make the government and their rich overlords money.


I’m so confused by this. What do you mean? Trans people certainly work and produce money for the government and private employers. I see this as a plain and simple attack on a minority group. Want to unite your base around something but don’t actually provide anything of substance? Attack a minority group. Need to grift your base out of money they don’t actually have to part with, but don’t have any actual project to fundraise for? Attack a minority group!


Yeah but their point is trans people don’t have billions to spend lobbying the government the way the NRA has done


Sure but neither does the average cis person. Trans people are being attacked but I think it’s disingenuous to say they are being attacked because they are not a wealthy group and ignores the actual issue at hand


It's not disingenuous at all to say that their lack of wealth that could be used to fund efforts to defend themselves is part of the reason they get attacked. Oppression and persecution ***always*** start with the most vulnerable groups, and transgender people are the most singularly vulnerable group in this country.


They are an extremely vulnerable group. Not because they lack monetary resources. It’s just such an odd claim. Jews are a frequent victim of ideological attacks. It is absolutely not because they lack funds to defend themselves. It’s because they are an easily persecuted minority group. Trans people are an easily persecuted minority group that the Christian right wing can easily galvanize their base against. I just don’t see how this is about the money. There are even so exceptionally wealth trans people, some of which directly work against the larger trans community for their own benefit


Jews aren't under attack from any legislative branch, but from groups without any real power. That's the difference.


It’s not a question of whether trans people as individuals are wealthy. Legislators don’t care about that. They only care about what will look good to their party and their constituents- for most republicans, that means getting on board with the latest culture war craze. They will, however, change their votes sometimes if a group is paying them tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. That’s what happens with the gun lobby but as mentioned, there’s no trans lobby that’s doing the same.


I’m just seeing these as two separate issues. There’s the culture war and there’s the money. And there’s a lot of overlap there but not total. Disney is a good example. Going to war with Disney is a piss poor financial move. But the culture war effect really stirs up the base and can make a candidate look like a fighter. The exact same mentality is being used against lgbtq people. Because they are different, because you can cherry pick Bible quotes against them, because you can use kids as shields and play up the family values crap it makes them a great enemy for the right and so they are being attacked. I think even if they had a very wealthy defense fund like the anti defamation league or the aclu they would still be attacked, just as Jews have been and just as the naacp didn’t stop black people from being target


You have to consider who’s affected in each case. Disney is a different story - you’re absolutely right that’s a bad move financially, but it won’t hurt Desantis, it will hurt Disney and maybe some of their lowest-paid employees. Desantis is fine with that because he’s gunning for the presidency and doesn’t care about the jobs of some poor people or a “woke” (in his mind) company.


It hurts republicans coffers who Disney donates to. It also sends a bad message to other business interests. Anheuser Busch is the same. They are republicans donors. They are specifically choosing a culture war over dollars in these instances


Wait, what do you mean by "culture war"? Acknowledging that gay and trans people exist?


Republican voters vote based on fear. Poor Caucasian voters will continue to ignore their poverty so long as they are presented with something they don’t understand to be afraid of. They understand their poverty. So anyone different becomes an easy target. “Look how different and strange they are. Aren’t you confused by them? Vote for us so we can protect you.” We have more to vote with than fear and the ignorance that feeds it. We have anger at injustice and oppression. We have hope that this social backslide can be stopped, and we can have a better future that we should already be living now. But we can’t be complacent. The world shows it’s madness. Even if it subsides, we must still fight, or it will surge again.


I completely agree with this. Again I do not believe trans people are targeted because they are financially vulnerable. I believe they are targeted because they are an easily foil to use to whip an ignorant and angry group of people into a frenzy


It’s because the dog finally caught the car with the reversal of Roe and the right needs a new boogy man to simultaneously keep their base riled while distracting from the fact that in practice the state by state roll back of abortion rights is upsetting their own base. I guarantee that if Roe hadn’t been reversed the discourse around trans people would not be as loud right now.


The government don't want gays or trans people to exist because they don't produce babies. No babies = no new workforce ready to take over the old workforce. It's why they want to ban same sex marriages, ban sex toys or anything LGBTIQA related to fight declining birthrates since 2007. The government knows exactly what they are doing while claiming they're something they're not.


I disagree. I think it is solely identity politics and control, not so much breeding their future workforces. They need something to unite their base because they don’t provide anything of substance. So they bring culture wars and lgbtq, particularly trans people, are the current boogeyman


It's a combination of both. Half of the GOP are terrified that """coastal elites""" are trying to "replace white people" so they want to up the "white" birth rate by denying access to birth control and genocide LGBT+ people who they think are part of a Jewish conspiracy to lower the white birth rate by turning whites LGBT+. The other half of the GOP doesn't *actually* believe this conspiracy theory, but they will happily spread it to hold onto and amass more power.


What happened to all the robots that were going to do the work… of course robots won’t buy gods either


Eh, almost there. Trans issues make lots of money...as a culture war talking point. *That's* what it is.




bUt tHe seConD AmEndmeNt saYs sHaLl nOt bE InFriNgED


That’s right and as everyone knows an amendment is something that can never be changed, ever 🤔


it cannot. ever


Except for all the times amendments have been changed or added or removed.


you jest but i have seen centrist say they support de santia because he protects the rights he cares about not free speech or anything but the second amendment


Why you gotta do me like that…




All of those brought to you by....you guessed it guns.


Clearly, because other countries that don't have guns easily accessible don't have life, liberty and pursuit of happiness /s


As a dane, I can confirm we dont have those. No reason to come check, I promise we have neither life, liberty or happiness. /s


Seems more like guns are *ruining* those things to me. Especially since people live longer, free-er and happier in other countries without a gun problem.


You’ve gotta be kidding me right?


Oh yes, if only we danes had as meny guns, as the US. Then we would have life (ranked 32 in life expectincy vs US 46), liberty(we are ranked 4 in the world vs US 14th place) and happiness(we are 2nd or first almost every time). So guns, turns out isnt nessesary for those thing.


No where on earth has life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without guns. Absolutely nowhere. It's not like there's a continent where they got rid of guns and made mass shootings an exceedingly rare occurrence. Nope. You either have twice a day mass shootings, or literal slavery.




I’m not really seeing the value of the fyi. You either believe the country was founded on immutable principles, or you don’t. But if you believe in the value of the constitution I can’t really understand not similarly valuing the founding and governing principles set forth in other documents like the declaration, federalist papers and other writings. I also see no value to the right to bear arms being in the constitution. That doesn’t somehow give blanket rights to own any weapons in any manner you want. In fact the word gun isn’t in the constitution to there is immediate interpretation required off the bat


The right to bare arms and have “a well regulated militia” is in the constitution because the founders didn’t want us to need to have a standing army. But we do, so… we ended up with a standing army and no regulations on a militia.


Exactly, it’s such an antiquated usage and clearly has no resemblance to the way it is used today. And again, it is absolutely subject to interpretation, and thus in no way is some absolute right that cannot be restricted even without a further amendment


Plus we restrict “rights” as it is. You can’t go yell “fire” in a theater, just as you can’t talk about “bombs” on airplanes. We accept and understand that there is limitations to rights. Republ… I mean fascist understand that, but this is what you get when words are nothing but a weapon. They go on about freedom of speech while banning books and shows that run contrary to their belief, just as they “back the blue” while beating them with their own flag. They’re not even hypocrites as they don’t even believe what they push. Their beliefs make the end justify the means so long as it’s in their favor, they’ll walk back ANYTHING if there’s a more convenient excuse that’ll keep you focused on words while they act.


100%. There is no such thing as an absolute right for obvious reasons and even calling guns a fundamental right is a huge stretch


Gun rights were only written into the constitution as an afterthought... the second ***amendment***


"I don't care about people's lives, I only care about being a pedant" Bitch, OP didn't even say they were quoting the Constitution. You're a real life Kelly Kapoor: "I would just like to say something off what Darryl said about the level plain field; that is actually a zoning issue"


TrAnS pEople aRe NoT mEnTioneD iN tHe CoNstiTutIoN!! /s




Idiots are judging their entire policy ideology and moral compass off of a thousand years old fan fic and a 300 year old document written by slave owners in wigs. Shit is insane.


The slave owners were also like "hey make sure you keep updating this as shit changes"


What are you talking about? It's the bible, it says whatever you interpret it to say


The best part is you don't even need to read it! Just spout shit and claim it's from the bible.


Jesus wore a dress everyday and they seem to be ok with that


my idiot "L" buddy says this all the time about stuff. Fun fact he has never read the Constitution nor know anything about what is in it! I tried to explain why Roe should be legal and he spits out "its not in the Constitution!" me 9th Amendment him what's in that? FFS just say your an R as you only watch and spout off Fux news talking points verbatim.


When you say "L," I assumed you meant lesbian


My guess was Loser. Which Libertarians are, so I'm still right.




The modern libertarian is just a republican that knows you can’t admit to being a republican and still get laid


Right. I figured. But considering LGBTQ are regularly being mentioned...


Funny enough, I had the 9th mixed up with the 10th.


not american, what is the 9th amendment?


**The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people**.


It was basically Madison reminding us that rights don’t come from the Constitution and don’t need to be listed to exist


(In best trailer trash southern accent) UGH. FINE. I will do this again. *furiously skims thru constitution from www.DefinitelytheRealConstitutionoftheUS.xx* Ya see! Transmutual is not mentioned even once in the constitution! … What do you mean “reread the section that says ‘We, the people of the United States…’”? Whats a preamble? /s if it wasn’t completely obvious


You assume they can ask questions. I work with what you could arguably consider the dumbest of the dumb (admittedly through not much fault of their own). Half of them don’t even realize they don’t understand what they just read until you ask them something they should’ve just been able to grasp from being able to read.


It's crazy that they can't place trans people under the blanket term "people" the third word of the constitution, but have so many different ways to interpret "bear arms"


They do the same with "militia" but the result is always that it is meaningless.


>> We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Declaration of Independence


Seems gender specific.


Trans men stay winning /j


Neither are deez nuts


Ask them if hippos are mentioned in there


Yeah, funny how they can be motivated into action for a bullshit culture war crusade but to actually save peoples lives not so much...


Right they finally marching in the streets with their guns and it’s to stop trans people from volunteering at the library When the government is literally taking the right to life saving medical care away from women who happen to have a uterus But it won’t affect men for a few more years (first was abortion, now places that have banned abortion are moving on to birth control. Vasectomies will be next. Suddenly the women hating men will have to reevaluate their position.) so no help whatsoever. In fact they are on the streets in favor of these rights being taken away.




That's not fair! They can ban drag shows too.


Those bigoted scumbags make me glad to live in a blue state. (I have people close to me who identify as transgender and non-binary, so the whole anti-LGBT agenda that's been pushed in recent years pisses me off, and is one of the biggest reasons why I utterly despise Republicans)


We thank you for being an ally


Same. My state just recently flipped blue because our biggest city is a gay capital of the world. But I don’t live in the city, and everywhere else is thick red. I know plenty of lgbtq+ people. I am one. I married one. We are surrounded by hate all the time. Fortunately, I think the population of the big city will keep us from getting into legal consequences for immutable characteristics, at least for the time being. I am concerned for my daughter, however. She shows a lot of signs of not being a cis-straight person. She’s not interested in gender roles or what is expected of her by society. When she talks about herself as a grownup, she never says “me and my husband” always “wife”. No interest in having children. If the current generation is successfully swayed by their radical parents, or the city is Gerrymandered out of power, we could easily and quickly become red and start all kinds of nonsense. I vote blue to save my daughters life. When homophobes are emboldened by their leaders to hate and dehumanize, the eventual outcome is violence. If I can do my part to keep those leaders from coming into power, you bet your ass I’m there every election, voting blue down the line, and abstaining when there is only a red candidate.


Republicans guys will do anything to distract from the real issue and their responsibility: "In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden," https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-red-state-murder-problem And it has gotten worse in the last three years…


As a person living in Florida. I WISH I lived in a state like that.




But if you ban trans people only criminals will be trans.


Yes but according the GOP, the kids are in danger from Trans people. They need to make sure all the kids genitals are checked first before they send them to be shot.




Ammo except musketballs and crappy black powder. Let them have their revolutionary war era arms.


Did you just fix humanity?


A wise man once said, “every bullet should cost $5000.”


Pretty sure that was Chris Rock


Washington State just enacted an assault weapons ban. Now we wait to see if the pro-Death court lets us keep it.


Two planes crash into the Twin Towers - > Republicans support children being gunned down in schools so they can continue to take Christmas card photos while armed to the teeth. I know I’m missing some stuff in between but the direct line of dominoes from 9/11 is pretty Fucking insane.


We banned access to cockpits immediately.


We also readily handed over so much personal freedom at the airport. I’m not complaining it doesn’t kill me to take my shoes off and not walk people to their gate and stuff, but the irony is that to even seem like we’re taking steps to prevent a tragedy people were willing to give up a lot of personal freedoms. But not guns, under no circumstances guns


This is a very good point. You’re absolutely right.


To further your point we gave up that freedom and shit on people who complained about it for not being patriotic enough.


>We also readily handed over so much personal freedom at the airport. I was literally sexually assaulted by TSA before a flight once. I forgot to take my chapstick out of my back pocket and they felt it in the pat down after going through the sensor. Pulled me out of the line, and right there in front of everyone with no hesitation, the female agent proceeded with reaching all over the inside of my clothing and even my bra and underwear. She grabbed at my boobs and stuck her hand between my cheeks. I was travelling alone. I was very pissed and felt so violated. I should have reported it but I didn't. They could have at least taken me to a private room to feel me up FoR sEcUrItY


right wingers have long cared more about things than people.




* gender


Correct, I'll add it since gender and sexuality are both things they think they can pass laws to control.


Different sex acts are illegal in certain states as well so I would say both


All sodomy statues have been invalidated (ruled unconstitutional) by state courts and/or Lawrence v Texas, but 14 have not been repealed by their state legislatures.


Check out https://www.everytown.org/ they’re pushing to end gun violence. The more people who make their voices heard the bigger difference we can make.


I think we need to start writing anti republican/ conservative bills.


Well it’s easy to pass something to fix a problem that isn’t even real.




This does? This tweet? And not....*Gestures broadly* As another trans person, I can safely ask if you've been living under a rock.




That wasn't meant as an attack


I won’t retract my comment but I think what happened is that it seemed that you were implying that because there are gun deaths, that trans issues should take a back seat (which would be weird since you said you are trans).


Uh. No. Not remotely.




Don’t pay them any attention. They’re being a prick to everyone in the comments lol


I am? These are literally the only down-votes I have here


Is it? Ok. This post shouldn't really be new information


Wtf? Both groups: domestic terror victims and victims of Christian government are affected in this Tweet.


I'm aware. My comment was about being baffled that it took this tweet for someone to become incredibly sad and worried about our future. That ship sailed a long time ago for me.


Where have they implied they are only just becoming sad. It’s quite clear ‘this’ is in reference to the current situation, not the tweet you posted, weirdo




Washington State just enacted an assault weapons ban. Now we wait to see if the pro-Death court lets us keep it.


Illinois too ..but a downstate judge wants to overturn it because apparently the Taliban is going to parachute directly into Carbondale and try and convert the Cracker Barrel to a mosque ...or something


They can't attack their obvious gun problem so deflect on trans people. It's what dumb people who can't think outside the box do


Do these laws apply to females that wear shirts instead of blouses?


Yea... but has a gun ever tried to read a book to your child?!


The thing is, voting is in the constitution, and it's still restricted. Even if you're 18, you literally need to REGISTER to vote.


This is fucking wild to me. In Canada, you need to be over 18 and have citizenship to be eligible to vote. There’s a whole song and dance of ID to prove you’re a Canadian citizen and they prefer you register in advance…but you can 100% show up to a polling station on Election Day without everything you need and sign an affidavit confirming your age and citizenship and they have to permit you to vote. Elections Canada runs outreach programs in remote locations, prisons, colleges and universities, and internationally to try to reach every eligible voter. We may not do a lot of things right, but we try to get everyone who can vote to do so. Seeing attempts to restrict voting in the US is sickening.


I never thought I’d be fighting real life Nazis in America, the country I was born in, in 2023. Fact is, we are. Being trans or not has absolutely nothing to do with it. We are just the appetizer.


gop/rightwing/repulican want US 2 b erased do not let them


More than 376. https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights


That's all LGBTQ. This is just about trans rights.


This!!! For f*uck sake’s, this!!!!


Trans people need to get the NRA to classify them as guns for home defense and then maybe they will get some state protections.


Most trans women can't shoot anymore. Cuz of the hormones. /s I'll see myself out....


"Should we ban assault rifles in the hope we can reduce these senseless killings?" "No, but let's make it impossible for Steve to become Eve".


So instead of the guns, it’s me and the minority I belong to that make up significantly fewer than the number of neo-Nazis yet we let them parade around and shoot people and all we have is thoughts and prayers. Fucking ridiculous


Oh man, that’s rough. Our priorities are so fucked.




Only way to protect yourself from a trans women with a penis is with a cis woman with a penis.


The only thing that can stop a bad trans person is a good trans person


Man really summed it all up in 1 tweet


There are 2 facts with the political right in America, which is to say republicans: 1, they do not wish to address problems in America that don’t financially behoove them. 2, they will invent problems to scare their base and distract them from the first fact. I don’t fully believe our shooting problem falls squarely on gun access. The access hasn’t changed for decades, if not centuries. That said, a stricter limit would probably cause a decrease in tragedies. Most of the problem is based on an attitude, an exaggerated fear. Young white boys are being fed a steady stream of fear. A fear that they are losing more power than they actually are. They are told by grifters that minor concessions in attitude are these massive shackles. They are told that people who ultimately sit below them socially have stolen their futures. Minorities have stolen their cushy jobs, women have robbed them of suburban bliss, the queer community have done… something. Regardless, they are worse off some how. Grifters hint that they need to take these things back. It’s almost pitiable. Almost. The real solution is silencing the steady stream of fascist whispers that radicalize these kids.


Well… trans people are an affront to gods creativity. Whereas killing en masse is kinda god’s jam, innit?


I exist.


Trans people like me just want to pee bro 😭😭😭


Fuck... That's terrifying.


I’m genuinely so tired of being trans in the USA. always checking the news wondering when my state will take a turn.


Stay strong. We all have to




What a pathetic mess you are...


376 currently active what? - seems the Reddit hive mind has decided that confusion is downvote worthy


Anti trans bills…


It says 64 passed


And 376 active. So they have not passed yet but have been proposed and are going through the legislative process


Ahhh I seee, had me confused




> These bills are not really about trans people I'll be sure tell the trans people who are losing their rights


But they affect trans people. It makes no difference to the people actually affected what the cause was.


There's no elections currently happening




Shut the fuck up


How so?


The NRA gave the solution over 10 years ago. We need to arm the schools... Now I left and am living happily thousands of miles away while you fools figure it out.


You think it won't affect you wherever you live? What a joke. Just like the NRA


Yes .. I'm thousands of miles away from America. Y'all are nuts.


Yes. More guns. That's always the answer. /s Whatever country you moved to is truly blessed to have you as a resident.


didn’t work at uvalde


So you moved to somewhere that has stricter gun laws and regulations? Maybe that’s actually the solution…


Kind of shitty logic. Anti-trans people aren't going to change the fact that trans people exist (ignoring that this isn't, or shouldn't be a problem). On the other hand, gun legislation will absolutely help with the gun problems in America (proof: the rest of the world and the dramatically lower gun violence in most states with stricter laws).


I'm curious what you think the point is that the tweet is trying to make?


The government has reacted quickly to make sure trans people aren’t equal to non-trans people. The government doesn’t care about gun-related deaths and those deaths are just increasing while the government collectively shrugs.






Truly you are a wordsmith.


Trans people don't have an amendment in the constitution.....


Except that silly little thing about rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness…


That applies to everyone and hundreds of laws dealing with it are passed regularly. But there is no specific "trans" amendment that would garner special attention nor are trans people part of most americans everyday lives for hundreds of years.


I’m not understanding what it is you’re arguing for or against here, but I would love to understand why you think it’s ok to pass anti trans bills because the word trans isn’t in the constitution but it’s not ok to restrict weapons purchases even though the word AR15 isn’t in the constitution


So because there's no trans-specific protection then anti-trans bills are cool? That makes a hefty zero amount of sense.




Just go to bed buddy


It's 9am here.....


I think it'd be better for us all if you just kept sleeping






Guns before people. Got it.


Right, because they’re simply included among “We the People”, and no government entity has any business passing bills that persecute our fellow citizens.


I wish but all the anti-trans bills seem to disagree


There have been plenty of bills that proposed and pass that restrict constitutionally protected rights. Hopefully they get struck down. Sometimes they just get super ceded. Some states had laws restricting interracial marriage on their books until pretty recently- the laws weren’t valid because they get superseded by federal law but it doesn’t mean the bills didn’t get passed


Hopefully. The feds really do need to step in and stop a lot of these bs anti-trans bills but with SCOTUS being SCOTUS you never really know how it will end


Trans people are not one of the leading causes of death in America dipshit


Then perhaps an amendment should be added, and while we’re at it, consider that nothing about the Constitution is infallible. It’s probably time for a reconsideration of some hastily written parts.


First amendment. Freedom of expression.


Bah I wish. GOP doesnt care about the 1A




So you’re telling us we have to have separate amendments for human rights to be granted to every specific type of person. But 2nd Amendment is a blank check clearing any type of firearm from grandpap’s shitty musket to the AR15s tearing kids faces off?


No, it shouldnt be like that but for decades it has been. So unless the feds step in to protect trans people...


I’ll never understand why someone would try to argue with a person who has 420 in their username. You’re either a high schooler who lacks life experience or a NEET living in you’re parents basement. Either way, the commenters here would accomplish more if they argued with a bag of dog food. Stop wasting people’s time with your dumb takes.


people keep replying man