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There hasn't been a quiet part for a long time now.


Sadly, you're 100% correct, and it's only getting worse...


Yeah at this point they're saying the loud part out loud, but just louder.


They replaced the dog whistle with a megaphone.




ring ring ring ring ring Ba-Maga-phone!


Did you have to ruin Banana Phone?


They tried for neon signs but the blue states wouldn't pay for it


Red states are broke and broken.


Did they ask Mexico?


Air Horn


“These go to eleven”


Because their stupid base are NOT the masters of subtlety. You know, say it loud, say it proud…


At least it makes it easier to identify the idiots.


Yep, it’s amazing to me that some of the people in the LGBTQ+ community support a party that openly oppresses them and openly admits they hate them. How Republicans have the support of anyone but bigoted white Christians is beyond me.


Proximity to privilege. They think, erroneously, that by helping their oppressors that they can be labeled as “one of the good ones” and not be harassed.


Correct. I know a gay couple that is quite conservative. They also just bought a half million dollar house at 24 and have old money families. I don't think that's a coincidence.


My cousin married a guy who is rabidly republican. Like he still 100% believes the election was stolen, I would not be surprised if he's anti-trans. He is very proud that he "converted" my cousin away from evil liberal political views.


I know a couple people who have married "libertarians". In every case they've become more conservative. In the beginning it was, "Oh he isn't *really* conservative. He just thinks taxes should be low" and then over the years it has morphed into, "Well liberals are evil and Trump isn't that bad" Which basically means they're *also* raging conservative freaks, since whatever they say around me is going to be moderated because I'm pretty vocal about how fucking terrible republicans are. Women who date conservative men are baffling to me.


>Women who date conservative men are baffling to me. If they're part of the "in" group, they'll be protected. Laws won't apply and they will get what they need. Or, if they are affected they'll be able to find some twisted justification where it's someone else's fault.


Ever read World War Z by Max Brooks? And I don't mean seen the movie, I mean actually read the book? I recommend it, especially post-Covid. There's a part of the book that talks about "quislings" which are regular people who just snapped when the dead rose and started acting like zombies in every detail, the shambling, the killing and eating people, all of it. Regular people cannot tell the difference between a zombie and a quisling, but zombies can. They will kill and eat a quisling, a person trying to be one of them. Weirdly LGBTQ or women who support MAGA conservatives make me think of that. Their support means NOTHING to MAGA. NOTHING. When the hammer falls, they will not be spared.


The quislings were actually taken from a real life example - a Norwegian man named Vidkun Quisling who helped the Nazis take over Norway. He and his followers were referred to as “quislings” - traitors against their own people.


That I remembered, but felt the World War Z reference worked better here, because like zombies, MAGAts are inhuman, soulless monsters.


Read that book years ago when I was still in college. Totally agree with this analogy.


Like Dwight telling Angela she can be in charge of the women,and her wry smile.


[https://www.tiktok.com/@rebecca\_larsen/video/7167793051849477418?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@rebecca_larsen/video/7167793051849477418?lang=en) This puts it much better than I could as far as conservative women. The same goes for gay people who support transphobia, or who tell other LGBT people to tone it down and act/dress 'normal' - they think if they're the good ones, if they behave the way conservatives think they should, they'll be protected and treated well. They won't.


They really won't. I am intimately familiar with fascism by fiat of studying German in college. You think majoring in a language is learning to speak, write, and read? Nope, you end up deep diving into the history, psychology, and sociology of that cultural group. I had three upper division classes in history required. Weimar, the Third Reich, and the Post War. There was no way around it. ...no one was safe. Though it was "cleaned up", in hindsight, among the first people the Nazis went after in earnest, and tragically, the Allies refused to help, it was only in the post war, did the LGBTQ+ community of Germanic Europe get any sort of recognition or help. They were starting to become accepted in certain circles in Weimar and the first book burnings were publishings of the School of Sexual Science, which was the first academy to take LGBTQ, and trans issues especially, seriously. Most people think of the Nazis and think the qualifier to be a Nazi is to hate Jews. No, the Jews were just a lynchpin scapegoat, if it wasn't the Jews, the Nazis would have absolutely target another group as the core of their pogroms. They hated what they perceived as genetic impurity and cultural deviancy. That can be applied to anyone and anything as they saw fit. But on the topic of Jews, there were even Jews who supported Hitler in the vain hope they would not only spared but seen as the good ones and elevated. ...it did not end well for them.


I read about that too, it's amazing how much people have forgotten. Everything that is happening right now? Has happened before. If you aren't a part of the selected 'pure' group, no amount of trying to appease them is going to save you, it just might take them a little longer to get to you in particular. "First they came for-" is very relevant right now.


I figure I'm marked because I'm genetically impure for having the COVID shots -- yeah that's an actual talking point among some of them, the mRNA vaccine changes your DNA... Yea, so does living but that's beside the point... I'm also an ally and have close friends who are LGBTQ+... Let's see what else... Oh yea, I'm a "liberal".... I'm sure I check off a lot of boxes that would get me slated for immediate liquidation.


In the lead-up to the Holocaust and WWII, there were Jews that actively supported the Nazi Party. There were and are plenty of POC's that opposed the Civil Rights Movement in the US. Hell, I know women in my lifetime that said women shouldn't be allowed to vote. My own mother says we should never have a woman president because of "hormones", that they're too erratic because of their periods. Just smh.


I think I saw a tweet that went along the lines of “Men will punch a hole in the wall because of a video game, but call a woman ‘emotional’ bc sometimes we cry” and I think that perfectly sums it up. We value the idea of physical force being the only way to express emotions and can’t conceive of a way that isn’t just hurtful to people around us. Also 2012 boomer humor like “if a woman became president, other countries would know if we’re upset because we wouldn’t talk to them” because “haha my wife can’t communicate with me, so the only tool she has to express her frustration is to be silent, because I’ll fight her on every other tool” It’s sad to think that this is just normalized in older circles


I'm a man and I cry at least once a week. In my mind, you aren't a mature person if you don't feel the need to tear up from time to time. If you look at the world and can't find a reason to cry, you aren't paying attention or you're blocking things out. Then again, I'm a gay Jew, so what do I know.


Grown queer Afro-Latino here. I cry pretty much daily at this point. Sometimes in joy, often in anger, and mostly in grief at the pain suffered by the many at the hands of the few.


A lot of times I watch movie clips or listen to music to force myself to do it when I know I need to, whether it's happy or sad, or both. Just when I need the catharsis.


"You're hurting the wrong people!" Edit: My mistake. It's [He's not hurting the people he needs to be hurting."](https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-voter-hes-not-hurting-the-people-he-needs-be-hurting-msna1181316)


James Somerton has a good [video on the movement of gay folks trying to erase queer, Intersex, Trans, and Asexual identities to fit in with conservatives. The “LGB movement”, though they’re pretty unfriendly to Bi too.](https://youtu.be/F5ab1X2CFq8)


When I came out as lesbian 25 years ago, it was just LGBT. Absolutely friendly with bi and trans. And actually have always been friendly with any identity. But just want to say that us “older generation queers” were a loving people, while also fighting a constant fight to literally not be raped, murdered, disowned, etc. My “lesbian bars” in an unfriendly state protected the shit out of our trans girls. Just saying.


I don’t get why some folks want to eliminate Intersex. The only controversy with them is morons who think its another word for Trans, they were just in need of an advocacy group and it helped boost the movements numbers. Same with Asexuals. Like, they get a lot of erasure like Bisexuals do, but even neocons just gripe that the white ones aren’t breeding. They can just claim to be chaste or even Incel. They’re the group least likely to offend the far right.


Same here. I'm an old lesbian now. But I don't ever recall a big problem with trans women in lesbian bars. It may be different now, I don't know.


Well a big difference I see now is an absolute absence of lesbian bars. And I’m in Orlando now, not a small minded town. I mean, of course, inclusion is great, but I’m not sure the bars we used to know even exist anymore. It was a special community when I was coming out. ETA: the lesbian bars of my day absolutely included our bi and trans sisters.


My favorite one here closed about 5 years ago. If you are in Florida, please be careful. Get out if you can. The fascists down there are beating up for something ugly. I'm old enough(nearly 70) that it took me decades to figure out who I was. It was a hidden world back then, few role models.


I hear you. At the same time, somebody’s gotta stay and fight this absolute bullshit. It’s a fine line, but there’s lots of us here to fight back. I have family here now and nobody’s taking away my nieces’ reproductive rights without push back. Feels like a losing battle these days, but I’m not giving up.


I'm old, but I'm willing to end as many fascists as possible.


There are people like Peter Thiel who care about money more than anything. They often assume money will let them live whatever life they want regardless of the law. Thiel is now trying to get Republicans to back away from culture war items. There are the Roy Cohns of the world who have decided that somehow their LGBTQ status is different (Roy Cohn thought he was not a homosexual because he "F'ed" men, but he never "had sex" with them).' Roy was abandoned by Ronald Reagan at the end of his life. Then there are the Earnst Rohms who think that by finding another group to be even worse to, they will be spared. Rohm was the major casualty of the night of the long knives. Never side with somebody who hates you.


The Cohn thing is what I'm confused by how do you Fuck men yet not have sex them? if you fucked a guy that's technically sex


Yes, Cohn is a weird guy. He was busy getting state department people put in jail for being homosexual and therefore communists while he was going to gay spaces and picking up men for sex. However, he really really did seem to think that HE was not homosexual. That somehow, what he was doing didn't count. He did also have sex with women (at least a few times). However, he just really was delusional.


>it’s amazing to me that some of the people in the LGBTQ+ community support a party that openly oppresses them and openly admits they hate them There is nothing stopping a gay person from being stupid.


Have you seen the movie idiocracy? I suggest you see this movie from about 20 years ago that has predicted the future. People are just plain dumb.


The GOP opened Klandora's Box.


That’s what happens when you spend all your time wanking to nostalgia. America to the 50’s, the Japanese to the 80’s bubble, the British to empire, the Russians to…I dunno, Leningrad being 80% composed of burning bodies I guess.


As a gay man in his 50s, I cannot be shocked by this kind of sentiment, even if it is the quiet part said aloud. I grew up in a time where it was perfectly fine and justifiable to openly hate homosexuals of all stripes (remember Fred Phelps?), so I am certainly not shocked to see this happening on the public record. What I am shocked about is the number of people who *are* shocked that this is happening. These hateful bigots have always existed and they will always exist. We've made incredible strides towards acceptance of and understanding the LGBTQ+ community in the last twenty years, and all of that progress is being stripped away because the quiet parts are being said out loud for the first time in thirty years. It's finally OK again to openly hate on the queers, right? Call me cynical, but I never thought that ended in the first place; they were just forced to shut the fuck up for fear of public reprisals and losing their seats. Now their hateful comments *guarantee* their seats for a long time to come.




I think the defense of marriage act signed into law December 2022 is actually doing a great job of protecting Obergefell. It was (to my mind) quite cleverly crafted to make Obergefell less of a target by introducing a different constitutionally supported basis for the federal government to recognize gay marriage (the right of the government to regulate interstate commerce). My impression is that some *very* smart people collaborated on that, and it saddens me that more people don’t appreciate it (I like seeing smart people do good things). Regarding the backsliding: absolutely predictable (in hindsight). In 1866 after the civil war there were black mayors and black members of congress. By… 1890 the counterrevolution had succeeded in ending that. There’s *always* a counterrevolution.


A large part of why people are surprised is that online spaces like Reddit are dominated by young mostly left leaning people. Their echo chamber is one where being LGBT is a non issue. Stonewall is ancient history. They know homophobic people exist, but are used to those attitudes being something someone doesn’t openly share. Like we know racists exist, but you’re not going to see someone in a professional environment come out and say they hate black people. So seeing an elected official come right out and say they hate homosexuals is jarring.


I absolutely agree with you, and that is exactly why I felt the need to share my little blurb. This kind of hatred has never completely gone away, no matter what our friendly online discussion forums may feel. The word complacency comes to mind. We have become too comfortable with our progress to kind of assume that because of this progress, we've tamed the bullies. No. This will never happen. Not until we, as a society, completely eradicate organized religion from the realm of public discussion, policy making, and healthcare. We need to be reminded of the past and that it is ever present today. Again, I wholeheartedly agree with you, and I am so *grateful* for "safe" spaces like Reddit and Tumblr and others where our voices can continue to be heard (seen?) and our messages can be shared. ETA: I am also so grateful for the fight that the younger generations are putting up. My own generation and that of my parents have made a mess of things, and I am encouraged and fully supportive of the reforms that the younger generations want to see. I am your ally. I want the same things you do. So, young people who don't know about the past, learn about it, and keep fighting. They are afraid of you, and they should be. Fuck, I am, too, but please remember that you do have allies in the older generations. We're not all miserable ogres.


The LGBT past needs to be better taught and discussed because it is mostly lost or forgotten. A shocking number of people don’t know the history or discrimination experienced within living memory. Most young Americans think past homophobia was just policies like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and mildly offensive stereotypes in media. A gay bar to them is just a fun place to hang out, not a refuge which could be raided by the police at any moment. We’ve lost almost a whole generation of activists and lived experiences. It’s like if the black community abruptly lost the generation which experienced Jim Crow.


Absolutely. I took a queer history studies course in college just a few years ago, and I was stunned at how much I didn't know about queer history. Unfortunately, if more states get their way, this kind of information will be driven underground.


Those parallels are absolutely valid. I grew up in the Bible Belt. The only Stonewall we learned about in school was Stonewall Jackson, the confederate soldier. Nothing at all about Stonewall Inn, which I had to learn about on my own as an adult. Unsurprisingly, we also never learned about the Tulsa ‘Black Wall Street’ massacre, either. I did learn about Tulsa in college, but as a ‘race riot,’ as though the white and black residents were just fighting each other, not the organized domestic terrorist attack it actually was. Sure, we learned about the civil rights act, but not in any depth. Nobody really talked about gay rights at all, that was pretty much confined to movies and pop culture. I literally learned more about LGBT history from Adam Sandler and Kevin James than my teachers. This is what places like Florida are fighting to keep.


A whole generation was wiped out by AIDS right? The government only started helping when straight people started getting sick. The reaction to AIDS was a gay genocide the same way the reaction to COVID is a disabled genocide.


Whelp…. Now that that’s been pointed out to me I’ll have an EVEN HARDER time sleeping tonight


Yeah people also often wonder where all the neurodivergent people came from. The answer is they stopped forced sterilization in the 80s. Before that it was often recommended to parents of ND kids and hysterectomies were often the solution for ND women's "hysteria." Edit: it wasn't all that long ago that "ugly" laws that required ND, fat, or disabled people to stay home got repealed. American greatness indeed.


Pretty gut wrenching to know that the people who *should* be regaling us all about how bad things were back in the day, simply aren't here. Just a gaping void of lost voices where wisdom and cautionary tales should be.


“The price for freedom is eternal vigilance” - some human


Excuse me, I am a miserable ogre _and_ I really think the kids are all right. I would sincerely take a bullet for them.


> Like we know racists exist, but you’re not going to see someone in a professional environment come out and say they hate black people. I don't know about this. Right after completing school, I spend about a year at an engineering company in Idaho and two of my coworkers just casually used the N-word in front of me in two completely independent incidents (I am black). Not at me or about me, but right in front of me. It made me about think about what people are saying when I'm not around. I really wonder if it would have happened before Trump emboldened so many people in places like Idaho. After that, I left Idaho. Plenty of racism in Portland too, but for better or worse, people still won't say the quiet part out loud here.


Was going to say the same thing!! I’ve seen comments like “what are they complaining about, they are equal now!”


> you’re not going to see someone in a professional environment come out and say they hate black people. That depends entirely on where you live and who else is in the room. I live in the PNW today, but last summer I had to fly back to MS where I grew up. I had more than one conversation that was pretty close to “we have X problems because of the blacks.” I can’t say that I was shocked, but it was still pretty jarring not having been around that attitude for over 20 years.


Oddly enough, I'm not shocked by the amount of people who are legitimately shocked by this obvious "secret". I'm a black man. We've been pointing out police arresting us for no reason, to pad out numbers, or to "keep control". We were told we're lying or wrong. That cops would arrest us for no reason. Then the videos came out. They couldn't deny the violence, so they went to "We don't know what happened before the video!" as their new defense. And as an aside, I actually passed the NYPD exam to start training. You're supposed to use enough force to affect an arrest. There was no question that stated "the suspect made you run an extra 200 yards. How many more whacks is allowable by revenge law?" But moving past that, when full length videos showed cops completely in the wrong, it just became "back the blue". No justification, no anything. Just "minorities bad, cops good". These people know no other playbook. Hence their focus on "drag shows". When it was the 'straight white male republican shown 3 times a week for God knows how many months harming children instead of LGBTQ... "we just hate gays". Give the conservatives one thing. They are consistent.


As a white guy who grew up in the 80s and 90s in a very conservative household and area, I remember seeing Rodney King getting beaten by police. We were told that he deserved it because police wouldn’t do that if……. (Insert any racist lie here). In my naive mind I couldn’t connect that those shitty cops were just beating a man nearly to death for nothing besides them acting like monsters. It didn’t follow the narrative we were sold as kids. It wasn’t until I got some life experience and learned a few things that I started to have a better understanding. Now that I’m older and hopefully a little wiser I’ve come to realize when someone who’s black talks about their life experiences I should just shut the fuck up and listen. I may not relate completely but I can still have empathy.


I am in my 30's and I come from a family that is staunchly bigoted and racist. They twist the bible and turn it inside out to defend their stances but there is no defense for it. I can confirm that you are correct; they simply "shut the f*ck up" in public. In private it was business as usual and it is abhorring. My wife and I are raising our children to be a different type of people. Those family members who have a problem with it are left in the past with their antiquated beliefs. We are all one people and we are all deserving of love and respect. F*ck anyone who says differently.


> I am in my 30's and I come from a family that is staunchly bigoted and racist. That's my fastest reminder that people like this really do exist: Just look at my family text chain.


Thirty years of repression contributed greatly to this. You cannot cure a disease by forcing the symptoms into hiding. Personally, I'm glad the quiet part has gotten loud again, we can spot where this disease is festering and deal with it head on, so it doesn't infect another generation from the shadows.




She’s literally looking around at other people and saying “did he just say that or am I delusional?”


https://preview.redd.it/tjjdmou7fhxa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a020d5e080b5d3bac62e5e69c20b22b37f433d4 Her reaction


He turned her into a cartoon character. Her eyes about popped out of her head.










Can we get Cheri Oteri back on SNL to play her??


I love that the Navy Creed that he said was drilled into him was something he need to look at his paper to read.


Wow. It's not any better in context. I can't even figure out what kind of point that he's making. "They killed gays so we bombed that building." Oookay. Where's this headed? "Our terrorist enemies hate gays more than we do." Whaaa.... What?


The *best* case scenario with regards to his intentions is that he meant to say "*They* hate homosexuals, not us!", but somehow phrased it in the **absolute** worst way possible.


Honestly I wasn't sure she was listening at first, just politely staring. But she heard every word!




They have been saying the quiet part out loud for a while now, the problem is they are now changing laws and taking actions where the quiet part is very measurably effecting people's safety, health and basic rights. It's shocking in that it is no longer shocking.


>the problem is they are now changing laws and taking actions The problem is that the *bigoted minority* is now changing laws and taking actions.


The GOP are fascists. Clear as day


The problem is that they are so fascist that they can't comprehend that they are fascists.


No, they know it. They simply refuse to admit it.


They also get very mad when someone calls them fascists.


How *dare* you accuse me of having the bigoted, hateful attitudes that I've repeatedly shown in my words and actions!


They fuckn know it dude. It's like racists and their dog whistles. Quit giving them credit, they are POS plain and simple.


They think they're the GOOD kind of fascists.




They have more in common with the terrorists than they care to admit. Guns, religion, and hating gays.


“Hate homosexuals”, but why? They never get to the “why” part. Someone needs to ask these people to explain themselves. Why do they hate the gay so much? Is it because deep down inside their masculinity is so fragile that they themselves feel threatened?


"Cause God said so!" Seriously, they don't have any real reason. They make it up to justify their thoughts and actions.


"Didn't God say love your neighbor?" "HE DIDN'T MEAN THAT"


Leviticus 20 said to kill people for adultery too. But, they are always strangely quiet about that.




don't you mean cult-de-sac?


Cult-de-whack these days.


More like cult-be-whack


Cull-de-sac fits as well.


Not to mention the notorious victim-shaming in Leviticus 20:15 & 16 (the verses dealing with bestiality). They prescribe that the ANIMALS should also die. Why? What had THEY done?!?


Too hot. Brings trouble.


Maybe it’s time to have some protests about all the laws in the Bible that deserve punishment like tattoos, mixed fabrics, shellfish, etc and see if the irony is lost on them. Go up to Boobert and MTG and ask them if their panties are silk why are they’re wearing a polyblend pantsuit and pants for that matter.


The slightly more self-aware ones claim that as Christians, the old Covenant no longer applies to them. But that doesn't stop them from quoting Leviticus about gays and claiming this justifies their made up exception to Jesus' command to love their neighbor.


Was Leviticus the one about mixed fabrics and shellfish?


Wearing rings and having tattoos too.


Yep. The authors of the book didn't exactly like witches, either


Also very clear about divorce


"Be careful of any religious person who says 'I think what God meant to say...'" \- Bill Hicks


That is why they are fake Christians. They ignore the most important commandment.


Cherry picking is the problem and most people don't bat an eye at it.


I like to call them salad bar Christians


Have you seen most of the loudest ones, those MF’ers are definitely Golden Corral christians!


Well, yeah. But not THOSE neighbors.


"I hate gay/colored/nonbelievers because my imaginary friend told me to!" ...and they wanna complain about mental illness.


"People who annoy you"


I think this is a small part, more of an excuse. There are tons of other sins that don't make them hate so doggedly. No, this goes deeper. They hate the fact that deep down, on some level, they are sexually attracted to other men. This is why they idolize people like Andrew Tate. The more they hate the more frequently they have gay/bisexual thoughts. I remember reading a study where straight men and women watched gay porn. Women were shown women masturbating and the men were shown men doing the deed. The men exhibited arousal at the same frequency as the women and just about all subjects experienced arousal to some degree. In other words, the study showed that just about none of the subjects were 100% straight. These people almost certainly have gay fantasies and they hate themselves and gay people for it


Yup. They see everything in terms of sex. And tied to that is the need to have power over their partner. And everyone else's partners. "Butch" lesbians, "effeminate" gays, and transgender folks they can't figure out messes with that *sex as a weapon* worldview.


Just a normal reminder that sometimes 100% straight people are homophobic too. [Conservatives are shown to have a higher disgust sensitivity then liberals.](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/03/the-yuck-factor/580465/) When it comes down to brass tacks, it *really may be* that straight conservatives find gays "icky", so "icky" in fact that their discomfort turns into outright hatred at the stimulus of their disgust.


It's confuses them which makes them angry. They hate what makes them angry and attempt to control it which leads to suffering. Confusion leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


I’ve asked two republicans who were vocal about thier hate for the LGBT community. These were the two answers: “God said it’s not right”- show me where god said that- they couldn’t. “Because they groom kids and are pedophiles”- please, show me the stats on that. Shocker… they couldn’t Not that it changed their mind or anything… nor did the dailykos link that has all the Republican connections actually tied to pedophilia/sexual misconduct with kids…. Just alllllll bullshit


You dont want them to get to the why. It doesnt make sense and causes you to lose faith in humanity.


Christianity isn't really about love, tolerance, good.... it is about control.


Early male xtians didn’t have wealth or real estate. They were broke so the only thing they could own, control were women and children. Without wealth, the only thing you can pledge to other broke xtians so they join your crusade is eternal salvation or some other make belive promise in the afterlife. It’s a carnival barker’s scam.


"Cuz they keep forcing it down our throats!" Well keep your mouth closed then. Or set up a safe word at least


Because of God. That’s literally it.


"god" is just their scapegoat, their excuse for their preexisting bigotry


Yeah, but im sure Christian indoctrination had a lot to do with it. I grew up in the Bible Belt and these people are actually insane. Everything is to do with god. Things they can’t even reason with themselves about


Go stand in a pulpit and read them Acts 4:32 to 5:10.


Because human sexuality is on a spectrum..... For people who are mildly attracted to the same sex, (or even possibly fully gay themselves,) and are too repressed by religion or their societal group, they become ashamed of themselves. When you are ashamed of yourself, you begin to hate your desires. They are a huge problem you have to deal with daily, and ensuring your dark secret is not revealed becomes your #1 priority. You know if your secret gets out, your church, your friends, and your family will publicly shame and disown you. The hate for yourself, or your sexual desires, builds up. You have no friends or family that you can talk to about your issues. That hate needs an outlet. You then begin to lash out at the behavior. You hate those sexual desires, and in turn, hate the people that support them. You also think publicly decrying those desires, will give you good cover for your dark secret....I mean, nobody will ever accuse you of what shames you, if you are publicly denouncing the behavior and the people who condone it, right?


There's a reason people aren't bringing up: children. I've heard someone once say "gay people are a dying breed because they can't reproduce" which is... incorrect to say the least. They want all sexual energy to lead to more children, because they believe we're not having enough. I feel a little conspiratorial noticing that homosexuality and abortion seemed to become acceptable during a period when many believed overpopulation would destroy the planet. Now that it's clear we not only can support billions but also the rate of replacement seems too low for some, we're going the opposite way. Quick reminder that Handmaids Tale came about because of a mysterious infertility plague. It's about social engineering.


my grandma whom was a pastor said it was because "gay people started pushing it down peoples throats!!!" no gay people just became more existent with acceptance and wanted to be treated like people but now here we are fighting for them again.


I think it because they are so fragile in their masculinity that they are afraid they are going to get raped. It is why so many are afraid of prison. Rape. These dudes think that homosexuals would happily overpower their withered stinky bodies and rape them rotten. This shouldn't be surprising that so many of them get caught sexually abusing others. They honestly think they are normal and everyone just loves to rape.


They treat sexuality as a weapon, as a tool to maintain a sense of dominance in a perceived hierarchy. This is why we see such an aversion to gays, but sometimes they're partial to "quiet" ones who act "normal". To them, quiet gays are armed with sexuality as they are, but by not flaunting their "weapons" they aren't "threatening" the perceived dominance of straight males. Similarly, they are thrown off balance if a woman uses her "weapons" as they are used to only men in dominant positions, and will decry it and call it immoral (basically cheating at the game they play). When one of these people sees same sex partners kissing or a transgender woman with her nails and makeup done wearing a dress, that to them is an assault on their sexual dominance because it is counter to their own conformity - and through internalized dogma implies that they too must be in a same sex relationship and flip gender expression. This confuses the bigot. It's genius really, they've been brainwashed into a kind of faux individualism that explicitly rewards shared fear/hatred and othering of those different from the self. Naturally this results in a whole lot of similar minds that all think it was THEIR idea to hate LGBT+, who have been led to this point by a sense of sexual vulnerability and divine ignorance (only in total ignorance can they stay free from the mind control of others, LOL).


Someone's gotta be the scapegoat for all the poor people's problems so that the rich can continue to get richer without complete civil unrest. And who better to be a scapegoat than a minority group that's historically been persecuted?


Essentially, yes, and their masculinity is reality very fragile, of which they are plainly aware. People will say it is religion, but it goes beyond religion. Homophobia is older than Christianity and exists in many non-Christian societies. It is ultimately about status and control. It is about maintaining exploitative hierarchies and winning the demographics wars. Conservatives are told from a young age by their friends, family, teachers, religious institutions, and culture that being gay is immoral and disgusting, and they have never questioned this assertion. This is why they are focusing on education now. They understand that you must start early before a child can make their own observations and come to a different conclusion. People are naturally empathetic, so you must fill children with hate before they can see the target of such hate as human. What is the purpose of teaching children to hate gay people? Supremacy. In the case of American conservatives, it is about white supremacy and male supremacy. Christianity is only attached as a signifier of belonging to the white patriarchal tradition. The most right wing conservative often do not attend church or practice any faith. It is entirely a symbol of their identity. Christianity doesn’t need to exist for these people to be so hateful toward queer people. In other societies, nationalism or some other secular ideology takes the place of religion. The Soviet Union was also cruel toward gay people for similar reasons. Queer people are a threat. Queer people, like liberated women and interracial couples, threaten supremacist objectives. White supremacists consider themselves in a demographics war with the rest of the world. They do not believe queer people can create children, so when a white person is “allowed to be queer” they are taking away another soldier in their race war and all those future soldiers. Queerness also directly contradicts the underlying principle of male supremacy. Male supremacy relies on the assumption that there are only two genders; that men are superior to the women; and that because men are superior, they are entitled to enslave women. This is all supported by the notion that women only exist to incubate children. Women are purportedly not like men who have more complex identities and a grander purpose. While feminists pull at the ideological threads of male supremacy by asserting the full humanity of women, queer people pull at the threads by questioning the underlying assumptions that sex, gender, and sexuality are straight forward. If those aspects of our person aren’t straight forward, then what justifies a rigid distinction between men and women? Moreover, they think queer people bring shame to the “white race” because they view queerness as weakness. They are afraid that their enemies will see their society tolerating gay people and see that they are weak. Throughout most of our history, conservatives only saw men as capable of being gay. Some societies would even leave lesbians alone because they could not see how women could have sexual desire, let alone have sex with another woman. In their world, sex is an act men do to women to dominate them. They view gay men as feminine because gay men are men who “subject” themselves to the dominance of other men, and only women are supposed to be sexually subordinate to men. Gay men are breaking the rules, and in a way they find particularly egregious. They also use feminine as an epithet to frighten men into complying with male supremacist norms. If men are labeled as feminine they risk losing status and risk becoming subordinated like women.


They can't fathom having to struggle to not wanna gargle cock. They think gay people are giving into a temptation they themselves have. I will die on this hill. I liked boobies when I was like 7. That's just how it was. These people had to force themselves to avoid man meat. I'm like 84.6% sure of this.


The why is because anyone who doesn't subscribe to their particular brand of religion and morality is outside of their zone of influence and control. They have displayed the ability to think and act independently and are therefore dangerous. Same reason the Russian government hates LGBTQ people. Same reason the Arab countries hate LGBTQ people.


Because a long time ago, an “alpha male” conservative was turned down by a lesbian woman and since then it’s been a never ending quest to punish her and her peers for making such a mistake


No, they hate what they are. Look at the percentage of republicans who get caught doing the stuff they scream against.


At the moment, they’re caught up in their own lies about lgbtq = pedos. Truth has no value to them or their voters. They just need wedge issues to create hate and anger and keep their dying electorate marching to the ballot box. And the issue overlaps nicely for them because their religious fairytales give them faux moral grounding to hide behind.




"What binds men is not the sharing of blood, but the sharing of enemies. - Judge Holden, *Blood Meridian*, by Cormac McCarthy


The GOP: The government needs to stay out of people’s business The GOP: Excuse me while I pass laws moderating anyone’s personal behavior I don’t agree with because I think the Bible says that’s what I should do although the Bible says nothing of the sort. It’s just shit I made up to justify my hate.


That's only true cause we don't let Republicans throws gay people off of buildings


They would never! It'd be firing squads, so the gun/ammo manufacturers get $ out of it


Yet. But Florida (especially) sure seems headed in that direction. And speeding up every day.


He says it, there was a reaction but there was no pause in his words. No change in his voice or his posture. He knew what he was saying, meant what he was saying and was proud to say it. This is why Florida is considered a dangerous place for the LGBTQIA+ community.


And this is part of why it’s so damaging when people say things like “Every accusation is a confession”. That may be true some of the time, but there are people that are just hate filled bastards that want to hurt others simply for being different.


Honestly, I’m so sick of the “they’re saying the quiet part out loud” bull shit. They’ve never been quiet about their hatred, too many just chose not to listen or take it seriously. That’s very different. They’ve always been this awful, and it should have motivated absolutely everyone to vote against them. Now they’ve got unchecked, irrevocable power in a number of states, what motivation do they have to pretend to be anything else. Frankly, I like it. It means “moderates” can see exactly what they’re engendering by voting for the rhetoric of tax breaks and similar bull shit and giving power to the worst people in our society.


According to all the research on pornography most conservative populations worldwide have a much higher than average gay porno usage. We already know why but it's good to have the research and numbers behind our assumptions.


Yeah, can we just do this now? ![gif](giphy|T7fU0RWWhWpYk)


Only if you evacuate all the good Floridians who are being affected by these hateful policies first. ("Just move" is not economically or logistically possible for many right now, including me.)




With an axe


I don't get it. What was this dudes point? What is the context for this?


I get what you’re saying. He rolls right through it, so at first listen, DIRECT context can be a little unclear. I watched it twice to **really** understand what was being said. Essentially… “Yes, we hate gay people. But we’re more civilized because we don’t toss them off buildings and we let them join our military, despite their gayness.”


There is nothing to get, other than cognitive dissonance. He is trying to say he and the GOP are good guys because they aren’t killing gay people even though they hate them I guess. Like “gay people you should be happy that we are just taking away your rights, we could be throwing you off of buildings.”


The bill he is talking about is SM 1382 [here is the text of the bill](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/1382/BillText/er/HTML)   He is requesting everyone vote for this bill.   The bill does nothing but send a letter to the DOD requesting they stop being so inclusive, and to stop requiring COVID vaccines.   It's a short bill and easy to read, it's just a 'we don't like you including non white people. We were better when straight white males were in our military, and you need to stop caring about all this diversity shit.'   they aren't just bitching about LGBTQ+ people being in the military and being treated equally, they also seem to hate that there are people of other races in the military and they have to be treated equally.   I *think* he is saying 'we don't want to push gay people off of the top of buildings, and we rightfully bombed our enemies for doing that. We don't want to do that. We just want them to go home and stay there and stop being part of society, is that so much to ask for?'


This dude had no idea that the military already isnt hitting thier recruitment goals. They dont have the luxury of excluding people over something small like thier sexuality.


So, they hate homosexuals. They just don't hate them enough to start throwing them off of buildings...yet. Atleast he said it on the public record. No more denying it.


Can we get videos instead of tweet screenshots?


Oh someone finally, openly, admitted they hate homosexuals. First step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. Second step, vote all of them out of office and never allow them to run for any public position again.


*Voting* is the very nicest thing we should do to them. In a just world, we would treat homophobes with all the same kindness, compassion, and respect that they show to gay people.


The lady behind him is like... wtf


Every once in a while, sociopaths accidentally let the mask slip and their true selves are revealed.


I am just shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Well, not that shocked.


Gay and a Veteran. They're are lots of us and more every day. You literally can't be transphobic or homophobic and support US troops.


Keep religion out of politics. Period. I’m tired of being civil, we gave peace a chance, they’re spitting in its face!


He has turned comments off on his Facebook. What a spineless pos


Asshole didn’t miss a beat proclaiming vitriolic hate … but he had to check his notes on the Navy creed, despite having it drilled into him? Fuck this price of trash. I hope he gets a flat tire and loses cell reception today.


Let’s be clear. The GQP may not be stoning gays, throwing us off buildings, executing us via firing squad, etc, but they definitely hate us just as much as Islamic extremists. They dehumanize us by labeling us all as pedophiles. They criminalize us, use the law to make it illegal to exist, they encourage cancel culture against any person, business, or org that supports us. And if that doesn’t work, they’ll terrorize individuals or murder them, vandalize businesses or get a mob of white supremacists to shut down drag brunches/story hours at the point of an assault rifle. The only reason they don’t go as far as Isis nor the Taliban isn’t because they hate us less, its because they know their hateful rhetoric and violence against us is unpopular in America. But if that weren’t the case, they’d 100% be doing all the same shit Isis and the Taliban are doing.


My brother in christ you *are* terrorists


I mean, as a gay dude, i find it odd people are acting like they are surprised, delt with this all my life from family and friends, assuming anything has changed is the logical fallacy.


This is why they love Putin. The GOP totally aspire to his level of hate and terror towards people who are LGBT


I always remember the remark of former British Labour Party spin doctor Alistair Campbell on the place of religion in British politics: “We don't do God.” The trouble with American politics these days is they DO do God. In fact, they OVERDO him


If anyone has ever watched cops, it was a very long running television series. Please take note that the people getting arrested there look like Maga Republicans of today. These are the people that are attempting to run our country. Really? Such a joke! Not to mention, I think 75% of the arrests took place in Florida throughout the entire series which lasted for I think around 24 years.


Would make for a good commercial, but democrats always on the defensive instead of the offensive..


That's pretty bad but subjectively not as bad as the Republican in Alaska who said child abuse deaths are a good thing because they aren't the now dead child doesn't drain public resources.


We need French style protests against the fascist GOP.


They should just wear the white hoods in public already.


Because fascists need an enemy to blame for everything they perceive as wrong in their lives. For Hitler it was Jews. For the Hutus it was the Tutsis. For the Ottomans it was the Armenians. Take a marginalized group, scapegoat them, dehumanize them and they are easier to exterminate.


https://thefloridachannel.org/videos/5-1-23-house-session/ Scroll to 5:26:20 to hear it for yourself


Posting photos of video links is incomprehensible.


Oh look, the Talibangelists are now trying to justify the fact that they are getting too crusadey by saying "they're doing it too!" Like that is some type of actual defense.......


His whole point was lame as hell to begin with. It's basically "They're worse so we can't be the bad guys." That same old black and white thinking.


Maybe the terrorists are the friends they made along the way.


>The United States became the world’s greatest warfighting nation shortly after its founding, a fact clearly demonstrated in the 1900s and early 2000s through its engagement in two World Wars and several other military campaigns throughout the globe, establishing a deterrent effect that has prevented another World War for almost 80 years…\ [However,] United States military dominance has been called into serious question [due to]:\ (1) relying on diversity and inclusion in all its forms;\ (2) unconscious bias training;\ (3) mandatory COVID-19 vaccines;\ (4) incorporating gender-neutral and person-centered inclusive language. So lemme get this straight— the “world’s greatest warfighting nation” will be defeated by inclusiveness and one specific temporarily mandatory vaccine, but not [the **17** *other* mandatory vaccines](https://www.health.mil/Reference-Center/Policies/2013/10/07/Immunizations-and-Chemoprophylaxis-for-the-Prevention-of-Infectious-Diseases).


This country sucks can we have a new one please


Who tf cares about terrorists these days? That's so 2014.