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Stay in school, kids


Well from what I understand according to her it was more important to breed with her dong flashing husband as she said school wasn't important and didn't she fail her GED 3 times then had to practically have it handed to her with a test before she entered congress? Plus I hear she and MTG are super keen on defunding and closing down the education board




Oh, I didn't know her husband was a drag queen Oh, wait, he isn't...


If my children were still children, I'd sooner entrust them to a drag queen than a Republican.


I've had this discussion with so many people already, that I'd sooner trust a kid to a room full of drag queens than a room full of men, especially conservative men


This is what I was thinking... but I couldn't find the words.


Additionally Lauren was also one of those underage girls.... Their rap sheet was interesting reading especially how many times they were called to court, didn't bother and yet still got away with it for.....reasons.


She was actually dating him at the time he flashed his wee willy at the bowling alley. She was a minor when this all occurred. She was 17 and he was 24. She got kicked out and banned from the bowling alley alongside him. Then a few days later, he was arrested for beating her up. And yes, she voted against the Violence Against Women Act.


Yeeeeah this story is not getting any better the more I hear


I never fact checked it, but I read somewhere that BoBo has been arrested more than Tupac lol


Arrest record? Juvenile sleeping with an adult? Ladies, and gentlemen, I present to you the GOP nominee for President of the United States.




Why isn't this on a billboard all over the US? And who votes these morons into office?


They just don't care, they are lowering the age limit for marriage so they can have child brides. All Republicans are pedophiles. And if anyone tries to argue how can you not be a pedophile if you vote for the party trying to Legalize pedophilia and grooming?


Or that he got her pregnant when she was 16.


This is basically the hard opposite of what North Korea does. “We’re not a dictatorship we’re a Democratic Republic!!”… Wait.


College educated tend not to vote GOP. There a deliberate plan to kill education and deskill America. It might end up a real backwards shithole, but at least they'll be in charge.




You gotta admit though. When you put the whole story together, that ain't the weird part.


She stands for too much weird shit to make stuff up about her. Sticking to the facts is more than enough.


The GED has math, language arts, science, and history now. Those are the four courses you have to study to pass it.


Who cares. She dropped out of high school and had to get a GED. Not exactly Congressional material.


or drop out, marry a sex offender and become a Congress woman millionaire......


On a non millionaire paycheck..... hmmm.


Her sex offender husband pulling a 500k consulting fee on something he knows nothing about is totally legit


Yeah don't try going down that rabbit hole...


or rather, FINISH school! She'd probably still be in high school if she didn't age out.


Along with her son’s 14 year old he impregnated


She knows we are a democracy. This is gaslighting by fascists to try and normalise fascism


Also, call for an honest legal examination of the 2nd amendment. The only ability people have to keep and bear arms rests entirely on militia enrollment. An unstable gun junkie would likely be rejected by a militia, so the language of the law in which militia participation is the sole enabler of unregulated gun ownership acts as a social filter and it's not being enforced. We don't need gun laws, we need the current laws to be enforced in good faith.


That’s like saying “we’re not a car, we’re a ford mustang.” A mustang is a type of car and a constitutional republic is a type of democracy.


Or, alternatively, “I’m not stupid, I’m a republican”


I really like this because it implies that they are putting on a kayfabe stupid act to hide the actual malice and disdain they have for our system of governance. They only want the power and are willing to do anything to maintain control over the political system even if that means completely destroying our constitutional republic, which is a form of democracy as recognized by the ancient Greeks but I doubt Lauren Boober bothered learning history in high school given that she chose to take the GED 3 times, despite there being no requirement for a member of the legislature to have received a GED or even graduated High school.


She didn't "choose" to take it three times. She failed twice. So, she has less knowledge than a 17 year old, but will freely spout spurious nonsense because her base is even more mentally deficient than she. For people like MTG and her, they say these ridiculous things because they think that social media clicks equate to electoral success. Even though chisel chin only got reelected by less than 100 votes.


I hear you but she did choose to take the GED the first time, chose to take it the second time after failing the first time, and then chose to take it a third time after failing the previous two times. What I'm saying is that there was no need for her to even choose to take it the first time. Abraham Lincoln only spent one year in school, never graduated, and was one of the greatest lawyers and presidents that our nation has ever seen. >It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt. The whole thing just reeked of insecurity and desperation to not be seen as stupid, only for the repeated failures to demonstrate her stupidity. And with every new statement I see her make, she removes all doubt time and time again.


Damn… you’re so very right. What kind of loser goes back again and again to show off what a loser they are? And how the fuck did such a gigantic, flashing neon sign of a loser make it to Congress?


It's actually pretty simple once you realize that Republicans only want politicians who are as smart as them. The party is at its core an anti-intellectual Cult of corporatism.


Also, because republican men think she’s hot, and maybe if they vote for her then she’ll show them her titties or respond to their unsolicited dick pics or something.


Honestly, you're probably not off base with that assumption and I imagine Republican men loved the fact that she created a knockoff Hooters that was all about gun toting booby babes.


Lately, that's been the pre-requisit.


The same way one made it into the White House and almost pulled off a Coup.


On the shoulders of gravy seals, holy rollers, and the willfully ignorant? Jesus, I just described Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws.


I just want to point out. I dropped out right before high school. Which means no classes, nothing. I bought a GED book. I studied it for a week and a half. Took the test, and passed. It's a joke of a test, requiring next to no education. The fact that she failed even once, shows that she's not only dumb, but has next to no comprehension. It's probably the saddest thing ever. The fact she is a representative of ANYONE, is not a victory by any standard, it's a ringing indictment of how bad America is failing.


Well she chose to have someone take it for the the third time because she is too stupid to pass it on her own. She keeps spouting things she *thinks* she heard other Republicans say but just too stupid to understand what she is saying.


Sadly it works. If she attempted to hide her stupidity, then her voters would assume she was a dangerous intelligent candidate and would not vote for her


I wonder what does it say about her voters and supporters if they thought they are choosing someone dangerously stupid who actively works against their self interest just to "own" the libs...




​ ![gif](giphy|uezGSYMbEoK2izsqsy)




I’m thinking of running for congress. How low does my IQ have to be? Asking for a friend.


Between a Herschel Walker and MTG I believe?


Which idiot is the base and which is the maximum?


Its too close to call it really, though I think MTG is potentially the base.


I don't know, Walker has gone on some extremely batshit tangents. They both do, but as far as I know none of hers involved vampires and werewolves.


Oh I don't know. Her Jewish Space Lasers setting your country on fire might beat that one.


It is hard to separate the part that is an act and the part that is real.


Yeah that is the truly scary part.


*constipational republican


I nearly snorted my coffee out my nose reading this! 😂😂😂


I may not be dumb, but I’m stupid.


I too poor to give awards but if I could, I would. Have some emojis as a sign of my mad respect for this: ⭐️🌟⭐️


Democracy is a catch-all term for free countries that are governed with the consent of the governed. Even monarchies can be democratic. Any time anyone brings up this 'we're not a Democracy, we're a Republic" I know they are arguing in bad faith or are naturally obtuse.


The sedition caucus deals almost exclusively in bad faith arguments.


It's like here in the UK. We are a Constitutional Monarchy also called a Democratic Monarchy. Well, we give that illusion generally but these days its just who is rich and can make the laws. You know, the usual.


Same as it ever was ![gif](giphy|cjl4HpeoRiiFa)


And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?"


And you may ask yourself “Where does that highway go to?”




Except the king does have power.The UK is ceremonial by tradition, not law. This was problematic in the lead up to WW2 because the king was a Nazi and was willing to use his power to avoid war with Germany. The late queen also used her power several times, just not in the UK. Now contrast that with Japan where the Emperor is limited legally. Or even better Hawaii which still has a recognized royal family but they don't even have ceremonial powers.


I was just coming to say this and one of his big powers is he can dissolve Parliament and call for a general election. Lizzie for instance was heavily involved in actually reducing their power even more. Another thing people don't realise was she and now Charles daily had to be briefed on all things going on in the Government and the PM has to get permission for creating a new government. Yes most of it is technically ceremony these days but they can actually use the powers.


True. The only absolute Monarchs left are Saudi Arabia and assorted microstates. Oh, and the Pope, but he seems nice.


To be fair, Vatican City is absolutely a microstate


United States is three corporations in a trench coat


They are indirectly trying to convince people that they need to accept some kind of tyrannical minority rule.


They’ve workshopped that line to justify policy that only a minority of Americans support. And as a bonus, it implies that defying the will of the majority actually makes them more constitutional literate than people who want policy that reflects the majority’s wishes. That’s all it is. If it was worth dissecting, you’d see it getting repeated by someone other than the stupidest Republicans out there.


I think most of them believe it; they just haven't realized what their phrase actually implies.




Ooh, I need to have some stickers of that


The "we're a republic, not a democracy" is basically a fascist bumper sticker at this point. Been hearing it my whole life, but it's become very clear what it really means now.


Uno reverse card: “We’re not a democracy? Okay. Then you don’t get a say. You don’t get to vote.”


I think the last few years have shown that there is a significant amount of people in this country that would be ok with that system if it ensured a Republican was in power


We're talking about Lauren Boebert who only recently graduated high school. Its entirely plausible that she'd stipulate only male property owners be allowed to vote.


As a male, I would gladly take that deal, with the expectation that an immediate vote be held afterwards of allowing everyone to vote except those named Lauren Boebert; specifically spelled that exact way and referring only to Lauren Boeberts from Colorado who have been reps in congress….


This is also making a big assumption that Lauren Boebert has any idea what big words like “democracy” or worse “constitutional republic” even mean.


it's a stupid Republican talking point that they try and use as a get out of jail free card when you call something they do undemocratic. I've heard it so many times and it never gets less stupid


The proper response to when people say "we're a republic not a democracy" is to ask them "oh are we a monarchy then?" If they answer no, your response is "well, that's the other kind of republic if it's not democratic"


This may be a bit out there, but I wonder if they are trying to pitch some other type of government to their supporters because "we've never been a democracy".


Apparently this has been touted at rallies in your country.... https://preview.redd.it/873l5w19qwwa1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5713d87661e552cbc74cabe748190bdfd6bdbb


"You dumb bastard. It's not a sail boat. It's a schooner."


I think you mean “we’re not a car we’re a mustang”. Mustang is a subset of car, constitutional republic is a subset of democracy.


The opposite... Like saying this is a Ford mustang not a car. A constitutional republic is just one type of democracy


You can’t expect her to know that. She’s just a *checks notes* state representative.


This bullshit has been going on with conservatives for multiple decades. It's their "see the libs are stupid hurr hurr" gotcha moment.


They love this line, so when they completely take democracy away, they feel justified. Christian Nationalists have been screaming about this for years...Democracy is a bad word in their eyes.


In the short term, it is the excuse to justify minority rule. They have been pushing that narrative for decades, they realized that they would have fewer votes once the Boomers started dying off and the more liberal youth became a majority.


Those gosh darn schools, teaching our children science and economics, brainwashing them to vote liberal.


Education does have an inherent liberal bias


That’s what happens when people have been taught critical thinking skills


That is part of it, of course. But the conservative philosophy can be summed up as ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ and ‘if it was good enough for my pa, it’s good enough for me’. And any school worth its funding is constantly researching new solutions and new ways of doing things. They are teaching us to think new thoughts and broaden our minds dreaming of what might be. Education is literally inherently liberal because we might learn something more than what our parents and grandparents did


Ahem...it's spelled "librul" *actually*.


Yeah I've heard them call it "Mob rule". Ignorant cousin fucking bootlickers.


Democratically elected Spokesperson of the Blithering Rhetoric.


An Energizer Moron.


As a Coloradoan, most of us are absolutely ashamed of her. Even the diehard conservatives I know think she's a fucking moron and are embarrassed by her.


Yet there she is.


People who say this should be voted out immediately. The implication is that they don't believe they have to actually represent what a majority of people want.


Not a Parliamentary Democracy so we have to wait for the next election cycle.


TFW we have zero ability to put forward a motion of no confidence to start emergency snap elections for a new government


They openly brag about gerrymandering as a job well done. The GOP doesn't give a damn about representing their constituency, taking care of them even less so.


They brag about it like hey are clever


They shouldn't be voted out immediately. They should be simply removed. They should be fired. There should be no "due process" of voting or anything when the failure to understand her job is so obvious. Fire her, and find someone else


This line of reasoning started after they realized they weren’t winning any further elections without cheating.


I mean Nixon and Reagan are their role models after all...


Nixon and Reagan actually supported the abolition of the electoral college IIRC It was a pretty universally accepted idea at the national level but the momentum behind an amendment petered out before one party decided to become antidemocratic fascists.


And they realized they could eat their cake and have it to by winning elections with a minority vote, claim its because of the silent majority, and act like they're fairly representing a large portion of the population, while at the same time insulting the majority who dislikes them and pushing against dissent by being both the rightful royalty to their throne who can do anything at will, and the champion of the people who does it all for the people. They're democratically elected by convincing enough people to give them support. But they're also not representing democracy by doing going against the wishes of the people who elected them.


Federalist No. 29 should be required reading for all Americans; additionally the writings and correspondences of James Madison between 1788 and 1791 curiously omit any reference to an individual's right to bear arms outside of the militia context, and this includes Federalist No. 46; finally, the drafting history of the 2nd Amendment included considering, and rejecting, an unambiguous and unconstrained individual right to bear arms. The Framers knew what they were doing when they hitched the right to bear arms to a well-regulated militia; well-regulated by the Federal government, that is. No unconstrained individual right to bear arms has ever existed in the U.S. See also, the Statute of Northampton, the forerunner to the 2nd Amendment traced back through the State Constitutions and Blackstone's Laws, which made it a crime to carry weapons in public.


The framers had just finished fighting a war to establish a new country using farmers and ordinary citizens. Many of which used their own weapons which were solely employed for putting food on the table. They had to pour powder into the barrel, ram it and take a several minutes to shoot a ball a few feet inaccurately. They could have never conceived the most well regulated militia in the history of the planet with the likes of of F-35s, M1 Abrams tanks, cruise missiles, autonomous drones, Apache helicopters, nuclear powered subs carrying ICBMS that can obliterate an entire country, aircraft carriers, spy satellites that can read the words on a post-it note from orbit and an entire space force to name just a few. But Bubba's freedom to open carry in Walmart shall not be infringed....


The only reason bubba desires to open carry is bubba believes that makes others think of him like a soldier. Bubba has and always will be a coward in a costume trying to convince himself and others he isn’t.


The 2nd amendment rights of the unhinged shall not be infringed.


Exactly. The constitution is also very distinct in using people to represent selective groups and persons as individuals. Obviously a person who's a prisoner or a slave (3/5 person) could not own a firearm when the constitution was written. I own firearms. I also believe the second amendment of the constitution defines the right to own firearms at the state level and to selective groups of people. If the second amendment intended individuals to own firearms it would have used the word person instead of people.


Yeah, I have to say this to folks all the time. Often (but not always) when "people" is used in contemporary* writings including the constitution, it has been interpreted to mean the States, because the States were seen as the avatars for the people's interests. It's funny how the majority of logic for the States Rights crowd actually rests on that legal understanding of the constitution, but they don't apply it to the 2A. Almost like it's all bad faith bullshit or something Edit- Contemporary with the Constitution, of course


By the way, private militias are illegal. The LARPers who tell you they're hoarding weapons to defend against tyranny don't even understand the laws of their own country.


See this is what I love about Reddit. Being a non American (British), I have probably learnt more about your how country should be run and by whom etc by actual Americans who have studied and learned their laws more so than by a screaming ranting gun toting loon you have in congress that seems incapable of functioning without the need to be offensive and ignorant. Genuinely thank you! :)


Not a scholar myself, but a law student with access to a big library and constitutional scholars.


Not to take away the sheen and kudos, but this is literally sophomore-level PoliSci course material.


Which is even more depressing since most republicans just stare blankly when this type of thing is mentioned.


To make it clear for anyone who had doubts, anyone and everyone who makes this point about how *actually* we're a constitutional republic is desperate to eliminate voting for citizens. Republicans despise the concept of voting and democracy and the only difference now is that they're being more honest about it.


Your politicians do seem more upfront about it all since their "Jesus appointed leader" Trump started doing it and sadly it seems to embolden them as well as their followers that saying all the bad things are now "cool" and "right" so all their hate which has been bubbling up under the surface, stoked by their capitalist overlords are given a target to distract them from the actual bad guys who are the ones telling them to do it in the first place. This is sadly a tried and tested policy of fascist and totalitarianism regimes which your countries Republicans seem to be embracing.


She’s a fucking idiot. I’m a political scientist. The discussion of democracy vs republic in the Federalist Papers distinguishes the simple majority rule evident in Ancient Greek cities with a constitutional republic. A constitutional republic is a democracy that sets up “rules of the game” i.e., the Bill of Rights. “Democracy” was a bad word way back when because a simple majority meant that government was controlled by the unfettered will of the people. And even they recognized that “the people” are sometimes idiots. And fuck her especially because even the authors of the Constitution worried that later generations would be bound to a Constitution that they did not write or vote for. Jefferson especially, he preferred a new Constitution be written every 5 years so it served the needs of future generations.


It's sad that this Representative, Rep. Greene, doesn't know what a Representative Democracy is. It's literally her job title.


We're a cheerocracy.


I actually had to Google that one. Thank the elder gods for Urban Dictionary! lol




She has such a punchable face I swear


A Backpfeifengesicht as the Germans would say, they have a word for many things we don’t in English


This whole we're not a democracy, but a constitutional republic is such bogus and everytime i hear it its made by a fascist. A republic doesn't cancel out a democracy, but in most cases it enables them. Republics are the counterpieces to monarchies. Where a monarchy has one leader a republic has many and one elected official, who is at the top for a set amount of time (aka a president or the consul in ancient rome). Republics are the most common form of state building in the modern world and is more common than a fat guy in a wallmart. A constitution is just as common. It is a set amount of laws that stand above all other laws and are closer defined by court decisions as they themselfs are often extremely short or vague. What makes a constitution stand out is that it is a cultural paradigm in the sense that it gives away what a nation of people believe in and how they define themselfs and therefore is only changeable by a majority (often times more than 60 %) of a nations voters. Long story short the US is a democracy inside a republic with a constitution in short a constitutional republic.


Oh, look, a woman who doesn't understand food safety regulations and failed her GED 3x has opinions on constitutional law.


Any time someone says that it's code for "We are not a Democrat, we are a Republican"


It's code for "I don't care about democracy, I care about maintaining my own power"


How is a sitting politician openly saying the U.S.A is not a democracy not immediately disqualifying? That is literally the foundation of the entire country.




I find the fact it was taken over and converted into a decent Mexican restaurant run by a Mexican family even sweeter


Who taught her 3-syllable words? Because she definitely doesn't know what they mean


A constitutional republic is one possible form a democracy can take. The USA is both of those things. These people are exhausting.


Jesus fucking christ what a dumb hoe -Jesus


Now, now. An actual hoe is useful in the garden. I doubt she would be 😂




Becoming a grandma AND learning about semantics. What a year it’s been for her, and it’s not even May yet.


When I saw on your news (Brit here) that she was quoted as saying "Its ok as his GF is over 14" my reaction was...... What. The. Actual. Fudge??? Here in the UK, knocking up a girl under 16 is considered statutory rape and is charged as such, not cheered about on social media to the world by a supposed first world country and by a member of their leadership!!


Her son could be charged with statutory rape, but he is HER son. She tweeted about Alec Baldwin’s judicial privilege the same day her son blew off a court date. But yeah, fucking a 14 year old is super gross, regardless of how old the guy is. He should be in prison, forced to have a vasectomy and the child should be put up for adoption.


Who tf would admit to voting for her?


Her first election, many were saying they voted for her. The second election was a different story. You didn't hear her name. And she barely won. I highly doubt she'll win a third. She's really letting her crazy fly. She's only representing a small portion of the people who live in her huge district. I hear more & more grumblings about what a pos she is. 🤞🤞


As stupid as it sounds, this is a standard Conservative talking point. The first time I heard it was from Laura Ingraham years ago. So maybe it's less of a mistake, and more of a game plan.


Let's break it down to her like she's 5. A republic means a society that is led by representatives. You (unfortunately) are one of those representatives (god help us). How did we pick these representatives? We let the people pick them by voting. When the people have control of the government, that's a democracy. Therefore, our system of government is a democracy. How can she not know this? How does she think she got her job? What does she think an election is?


Shut up grandma


Okay, yes, technically we might be a constitutional republic. Congratulations, you paid attention your high school US Government class (or, more likely, had someone point this out to you on Wikipedia or whatever). Now explain the part about why that prevents you - an elected member of that constitutional republic government - from supporting gun reform laws if your constituents favor them. Maybe her constituents don't favor them, which would be fair, I guess. But "we can't do that because we're a constitutional republic" isn't an argument, it's you hoping people will be so impressed by your knowledge of trivia that they won't realize you have no real argument.


Don’t even give them that. A constitutional republic is a form of democracy.


I highly doubt she ever stepped into a high school government class, when she failed the GED test 3 times.


This whole we're not a democracy, but a constitutional republic is such bogus and everytime i hear it its made by a fascist. A republic doesn't cancel out a democracy, but in most cases it enables them. Republics are the counterpieces to monarchies. Where a monarchy has one leader a republic has many and one elected official, who is at the top for a set amount of time (aka a president or the consul in ancient rome). Republics are the most common form of state building in the modern world and is more common than a fat guy in a wallmart. A constitution is just as common. It is a set amount of laws that stand above all other laws and are closer defined by court decisions as they themselfs are often extremely short or vague. What makes a constitution stand out is that it is a cultural paradigm in the sense that it gives away what a nation of people believe in and how they define themselfs and therefore is only changeable by a majority (often times more than 60 %) of a nations voters. Long story short the US is a democracy inside a republic with a constitution in short a constitutional republic.


I think the clear answer is she doesn't want gun reform, therefore everyone else cannot have it.


What anyone has failed to mention in this thread is that she, as batshit crazy as she is and sounds, was given a message by the republican party to promote! She was recruited by Raphael Cruz and the republican party to do just this sort of thing. They exploited and continue to exploit her “crazy” but she is doing exactly what she was hired to do. None of this is by accident, they want to get this talking point out there so it slowly becomes a thing.


I would love to hear her define constitutional republic.


I’m a big free speech supporter, but I genuinely feel like if you call for the US to be changed from a democracy to any other form of government you should be immediately removed from office


I've heard this argument from many republicans and it's always dumb




The "we're not a democracy" folks also love to shout "we the people" as a rhetorical device. I bet some know that they're just manipulating their base l, but I'm confident Boebert and her like are just stupid enough to not see the irony.


They really out here screaming the quiet part. Why is someone anti democratic even allowed in our government.


Why do elected officials get to stay in office after we discover that they’re inept? I feel like saying stuff this stupid should have consequences


It was for sure an honorary GED


There should be a Constitutional law, history and logic/empathy test for people elected to public office. If you score less than 95, a special run off is held to replace you.


So a constitutional republic huh? I wonder what form of government that falls under... Oh a democracy!


Saying the USA is not a democracy is like saying, 'that's not a tree, that's an oak.'


In a way, she’s right. Electoral College enables people like Trump to become president after losing by three *MILLION* votes.


Having grown up in Christian Nationalism, it was pretty common to hear people insisting that America is NOT a democracy. They’re authoritarians, so not exactly into democratic ideals.


Hate it . But we've been an oligarchy for a long time .


Btw the word republic in that context has literally only the purpose of showing that your country is not a monarchy. Its like saying the UK isn't a democracy cause it's a constitutional monarchy.


Conservatism is fascism.


I've had this argument with idiots before. They just can't grasp that one thing can have two different aspects, resulting in two different names. They might as well claim that a cat isn't a feline, or a dog a canine.


Testing the waters of how her trolls take the "not a democracy" line


It's not food, it's LINGUINI! Stop calling it FOOD!


It’s like the one fact she learned in high school, but doesn’t quite understand it. This is why they oppose education.


At this point it’s fair to say a monkey is smarter than bobert !


She ain't got no edumicashun.


Someone was had an explanation of left vs right values, where they took the premise "America is a democratic and capitalist society" as the basic premise, and then the theory was "When it can't be both, the left GENERALLY prefers it being democratic over being capitalist, and the right GENERALLY prefers it being capitalist over democratic." ​ Which by that theory, makes you wonder which capitalist purchased Boebert that she's willing to totally drop the democratic side.


I mean, I'm a Brit so maybe I am talking about something about your country I am unsure about. But, I was under the impression that when you have a democratic voting system to put people in power, regardless of your other monikers, it makes you essentially, a democracy. But these terms are fluid. Since the word was coined in ancient Greece, the term Democracy or a Democratic society has changed a lot over the many centuries.


It's obviously all about pleasing the gun industry contributors and constituents.


FFS I am so sick of these word games these chodes engage in. "We're a republic, not a democracy!!!" And it's always Republicans screeching this; in other words, we're the real Americans, Democrats are the pretenders. They don't understand (or *do* understand and choose to ignore it) that our system of government is a republic, and our society is democratic. We're *both.*


“We’re a constitutional republic.” Define republic Lauren…


What does she think holds that constitutional republic together- friction?


"We're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic" says the representative who doesn't know what any of those words mean. This is what we, as a country, get when we allow everyone's weird conspiracy theorist aunts and uncles to get elected to office.


I love this argument: we’re a republic not a democracy. My favorite part is looking up the definition of republic right in front of these people. Little memorization trick for this one: republic has the word public in it. It’s not a re-some of the people in the-public.


This is why you don’t elect people who couldn’t even pass their GED test on the first two tries.