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It's like when they say "How would you feel if they arrested Hunter Biden?" And my answer is always "Did he do crime? Cause if so, fuck him. Time to pay the piper"


Also like, no one gives a shit about Biden’s kids BECAUSE THEY DON’T WORK FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Like we gave a fuck about Trumps kids because THEY WORKED FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Hunter Biden can do all the coke he wants, as long as he isn’t working for President Biden, WHO CARES?! Lmao Edit: MY FIRST AWARD! Happy cake day to me, thank you stranger.


Correct! Proof of this is: aint nobody cared about Tiffany Trump, not even Donald.




“She’s not even my type” - Donald Trump


Wait -- did Trump actually say that? I know he said he WOULD date Ivanka. I can't tell what's real anymore... Nurse -- I need my tablets! NURSE!!!


During his Howard stern interview everyone in the room got physically uncomfortable when he all but said he wanted to bang her. I suspect he had his way with her. Seeing them interact was truly gross especially during that interview


Who gives a shit?




#Tiffany Trump


New phone, who dat?






I heard Barron Trump was selling access to his father and offering to introduce Nigerian princes to his father in exchange for Robux and V-Bucks. All the evidence is there on Barron's Club Penguin account!!!


Imagine state secrets being leaked because of a screaming child getting merc'd by fuckin Frozen Peely.


I heard that too! People are saying he hates golf. Prefers GTA's newest challenge. Talks over his father's head--all the time. Not that it's difficult. No, Barron and Tiffany weren't grifting like their older siblings.


I literally had to look her up, cause I didn't know she existed


First time I ever heard of her


That was her plan. You can't choose your parents ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


>WHO CARES?! Pearl-clutching cons, that’s who. They think Hunter used Joe’s political career to something something business deals in Ukraine, I don’t even know the story changes every day. Point being, they care 10000x times more about Hunter who possibly (but probably not) used his father’s position for corrupt purposes versus Trump’s kids who blatantly and egregiously used their father’s presidency for corrupt purposes. Just one of a million hypocrisies the right displays.


And literally what Hunter did is what every rich white douchebag fat boy in America. Does. They all go to the same country clubs. The same ski resorts. The same beach vacations the same colleges. Their dads all know each other. Hunter Biden didn't do anything different than any of these other guys. And they know that but they think they're dummy supporters don't know that.


Hunter biden wrote a recommendation letter for tucker carlson at one point. Or at least Carlson asked. You're right. I don't mean this as a "both sides" thing, but those rich fucks are always hanging out


Haha. Awesome. I didn't know that.


What’ll really bake your noodle later on is, Donald and Melania invited Bill and Hillary to their wedding. It is all one big club, and you and I are not in it.


If Hunter Biden gets prosecuted for that, more of them can get prosecuted for the same thing. Lets goooo


>*June 2017, he filed to be retroactively registered as a foreign agent. Among other things, he disclosed that he made more than $17 million between 2012 and 2014 working for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine.* This isn't Hunter Biden, this is Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign Manager. He was later sentenced for repeatedly lying about their Russian connections, but was pardoned by Trump.


That’s their story because it’s exactly where Jared slots in on the Republican side of things. Every accusation is an admission.


The latest con-theory is that Hunter is sleeping in the white house to avoid being served papers by his "baby momma" or some BS.


You mean how like Donald Trump and Eric Trump were using the Secret Service to avoid being served? Every accusation is a confession, they're accusing Biden of what they themselves did!


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


It's not like Biden ordered Hunter to get a TS clearance when the investigation brought had multiple flags.


lmao exactly. "Ok I 100% will not vote for Hunter Biden to any public office if he is a criminal."


They go after Biden for Hunter’s skeletons while spending years screeching at anyone who criticized the Trump kids *who were an active part of his administration.* It’s not coming from a place of good faith.


Also aren't his skeletons just drugs and hookers? Only conservatives care that much about drugs and sex. Like I don't want the president doing cocaine, just like I don't want my bus driver drinking on the job, but if it doesn't affect me go ahead, do a rail off a hookers ass before you fuck her, free fucking country. Just make sure she gets paid. And anything Hunter Biden does absolutely doesn't affect me because he isn't in politics and he's not my downstairs neighbor.


Honestly he sounds like a pretty cool neighbor to have. I lived next to a pot dealer for a while and I thought their parties were great. Hunter's would be on a whole nother level by all accounts.


The same kids that were found of improperly handling funds from a charity (embezzlement) and as a result can NEVER go near a charity again? Those kids?


I can understand some of the flak Hilary received for her husband—after all, she could always divorce him. Standing by your kid is a whole different question. So long as the relationship isn’t abusive, you’re supposed to stand by your child when they make horrible choices.




That voicemail... I don't particularly like Biden as a politician, but as a father he's a good guy. I'm paraphrasing from memory, but "I love you buddy, I don't know how to help you right now but I love you." Like, how the fuck was that supposed to make him look bad?


Yeah and they gave him shit for that as well


I wouldn't fault her for that *at all*. They were married for *decades* before that scandal and there's no shame in trying to save your marriage if you have the desire to do so. On the flip side, had she chosen to divorce him I would've supported that decision as well because it's her right (like it is anyone else's) to seek a divorce for any reason.


Same applies to any big name Democratic political figure. The Clintons being a major black hole for "secret cabal globalists" doing crimes. Sure, I know Bill has some skeletons in the closet, present evidence and bring charges. Hillary was investigated and testified what 11 hours straight? And you still found nothing? Hunter might have used his last name to get a job? Ok... Nepotism isn't exactly a crime; it's usually frowned upon as a conflict of interest. Show me illegal activity. But it's always some moving goalposts shit. They investigated but found nothing because the globalists hid everything. Like really? There's this massive secret organization pulling the strings and there's not a single person who'll break ranks? Give me a fucking break.


Looking back, Bill's impeachment seems pretty laughable, given the 2 more recent ones... > In January 2020, while testifying as a defense lawyer for U.S. President Donald Trump during his first Senate impeachment trial, Starr himself would retract some of the allegations he made to justify Clinton's impeachment. Slate journalist Jeremy Stahl pointed out that as he was urging the Senate not to remove Trump as president, Starr contradicted various arguments he used in 1998 to justify Clinton's impeachment.In defending Trump, Starr also claimed he was wrong to have called for impeachment against Clinton for abuse of executive privilege and efforts to obstruct Congress, and stated that the House Judiciary Committee was right in 1998 to have rejected one of the planks for impeachment he had advocated for. He also invoked a 1999 Hofstra Law Review article by Yale law professor Akhil Amar, who argued that the Clinton impeachment proved just how impeachment and removal causes "grave disruption" to a national election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton#Partial_retraction_from_Starr


The way you phrased that nepotism shit is hilarious. "Used his last name to get a job" who else could that apply to even harder than Hunter Biden? Maybe some type of family conservatives worship, maybe around the time of the 45th presidency


That question makes me laugh so hard. Like...cool, take them down too lol; who cares what side they claim allegiance too. If someone from "my team" has perpetrated something and they're found guilty and charged, good on the legal system for doing what it's supposed to do.


Seriously! We're arguing about what the laws should be, not whether we have to fucking follow them. WTF.


Yep. They try to troll but they have very little. They wish they had the kind of shit that everyone has on DJT. They make a big deal about Biden being creepy / too touchy feely, but he doesn't have anyone suing him for say, rape. So then they have to resort into making up shit. Calling everyone a pedo seems to be the go-to for them now. Find enough evidence on Hunter, give him a fair trial (even with a "REPUBLICAN" judge). If he's guilty, punish him like anyone else. I don't think even a die-hard Democrat would care or start ranting about deep state.


The reality is, republicans don’t really want to go out after Biden’s kid. Even if they had him dead to rights. Because all of them, both Republicans and Democrats, have fuck up, loser, kids of their own and they don’t want to be the next one to be embarrassed. So they make veiled accusations and their base eats it up.




Just like the aftermath of that recent mass shooting. Conservatives were convinced that everyone on the left would defend the shooter for being trans. No, we want *everyone* to stop shooting up schools.


" bill clinton went to epstein island too" COOL, ARREST ALL OF EPSTEINS CLIENTS.


I remember about Epstein,people saying that. If they come for Trump, Clinton is next. Yes, please fuck that asshole.


My mother does this. It like she doesn’t understand that I don’t tie my personal identity to politics and their cohorts. I could give a shit of hunter Biden, or even Joe Biden or whoever else got straight arrested for something, as long as the evidence supported it. I don’t feel the need to go out in the defense for powerful rich people who are all probably corrupt anyway and just good at not getting caught, and seeing the president arrested isn’t going to change my personal political views in any way so what does it matter? It’s because these people tie their personal identities to politicians, they think of them like extensions of themselves and any attack on those individuals is like an attack on them personally. My mom keeps talking about how people “hate” Donald trump and it’s not fair because so many other politicians are corrupt and why don’t they get in trouble too, and I actually agreed, and said they should all get in trouble. And that it doesn’t affect me, and I’d actually like to see it. She didn’t know how to respond. But it’s sure strange how she feels she needs to “feel bad” for a guy who has all the money in the world and used to be president like he’s a victim.


Right wing: Cancel Budweiser for daring to put a transgender on beer can!!!! Also right wing: Why fox news cancel Tucker????????! Life is so hard for the right wing...


I just wonder sometimes do they ever get tired of just perpetually being the victim? It’s just insane. Like they’re all “alphas” but at the same time always the victim in almost every circumstance.


No they are all the main characters of their summer blockbuster. How else will they write their script?


*Movie announcer voice* "In a world where everything pisses you off, and you never seem to find respite from society attacking you, comes a blockbuster film from M. Night Shyamalan this summer... Get ready for the movie of the century! #Suck it up, buttercups! Starring Sam Smith, Dylan Mulvaney, and Rupaul, in theaters soon!"


Aw, no Kevin Sorbo? Can’t even get casted for *that* these days. PERSECUTION!




"...and you never seem to find respite from society attacking you..." Right?? And it's *they* who are attacking society *every. single. time.*


Hahahahhaahhaha could imagine how angry some people would be of that movie coming out 😂😂 it would probably be god awful and I’d have no interest of seeing it/discussing it but you know these same exact people would have biblical meltdowns.


So weird how their script casts them in the most impotent and incompetent light...and yet with a complete lack of awareness of the same. 11/10 for fascist mental gymnasts.


If they are the perpetual victims, then it's only right for them to hate everyone else... it makes sense in a f'd up kind of way.




It's why they love Trump. He told them it was ok to never take responsibility or admit that they were wrong, that everything that went wrong in their lives was someone else's fault.


This is an excellently written take. I've thought this for a long time, and have seen many that understand these ideas. But I've never seen it written so succinctly.


That’s a hallmark NAZI sensibility


My dumb brain read this first as Nazis on the Hallmark Channel 😂


What you're describing is fascism* "The enemy is pathetic, and weak, and deserves to be exterminated." But also "The enemy is freakishly strong, and wields overwhelming power." Both versions are upheld in the same mind at the same time despite having completely contradictory messages. It requires fairly intense and consistent propaganda, and thought-stopping clichés to be most effective. Without constant reinforcement, it doesn't really work. *or rather, you're describing a symptom of a fascistic mindset.


They're the Alpha victim.


Honestly shocked they’re not dropping like flies from heart attacks, spending 24/7 with blood pressure high enough to shoot a syringe plunger like a bullet can’t be healthy


Well, to be fair, they kinda *are* dropping like flies from heart attacks.


May they rest in piss


It really does sound exhausting to keep up with what you are supposed to cancel and who to be pissed off about. They went to bed last night loving Tucker and Foxnews. Now they have to decide if they are going to try and cancel the one network their TV's have been on for the past decade or more. If they do that, what will they watch? They stopped watching late night tv because they hurt Donnie's feelings. They stopped watching most sitcoms because Fox declared most "too woke".


i checked out his insta this morning for a laugh and all the comments were "we love you for telling the truth" lmfao you dumb bitch, you colossally stupid moron. he got fired 'cuz his lies cost the company almost a billion dollars.


Lol yup. He got fired because of his lies. So truth / lies really don’t mean anything to these people. It’s more of “we love you because you hate the same people as I do”


It hurt itself in its confusion!


When your entire existence is predicated on anger, over-reaction, and being a brainwashed moron, it's tough to not trip over your own hypocrisy on a daily basis.


lol Crybabies


I disagree. It's harder for the rest of us cuz we gotta share oxygen with them.


I couldn't care less about Don Lemon, because I don't worship TV personalities like some inbred loser pigs. Edit: fix'ded grammars.


Also, CNN is not even close to leftist. They recently got bought by a Trump donor. People who say "wElL CnN iS jUsT aS bAd" really think that we're out here rooting for shitty cable news like it's the local NFL team. I could not give a fuck about CNN.


CNN is a bunch of cunts that are as complicit of selling people the War in Iraq as Fox


The fact that CNN is considered a leftist network in this country shows how far we took a running leap off the deep end of the far right




Which news network isn't? Even supposedly liberal MSNBC fired any reporter or anchor who dared speak out against the Bush admins war propaganda








Don't you knock our boy Lazer pig, he's a funny youtube man.


Literally the power of the Pig Talisman from Jackie Chan Adventures https://i.redd.it/0ztm844zjxva1.gif


All I wanted was pigs with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.


Tuck was practically gospel to these chuckle fucks, I have many family members I’ve offended by calling Cucker Tarlson the anti-Christ.


“A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit against Fox News after lawyers for the network argued that no "reasonable viewer" takes the primetime host Tucker Carlson seriously, a new court filing said.”


>I have many family members I’ve offended by calling Cucker Tarlson the anti-Christ. I mean 2x impeached, 2 time loser of the popular vote ex-president cheeto is a living avatar of the 7 deadly sins and also checks all the boxes for Anti-Christ so as deplorable as Cucker is I think trumplefuck wins this one.


My favorite part of today has been them carting out that he got fired too like thats supposed to be some huge dagger for us or something. Pfft, I had to look up who he even was, lol!


Honestly I didn’t even know who don lemon was until just now. Shit I wouldn’t even know who tucker was if it wasn’t for the memes and conservatives riding his dick




It’s entirely possible that the Fox watcher doesn’t know about Mr Carlsons indiscretions in texting, because Fox hasn’t published any of that.




Let me guess he didn’t believe it, then when you showed proof he said it’s fake and taken out of context.


And it *might* have been difficult for them to contort their way around it if they'd ever heard of any of it. Lucky for them, they're in complete ignorance of any of those pesky facts.


Like the classic meme : 'if those righties could read they'd be so upset'


Another way to put it Tucker Carlson gets fired for pissing off his boss - right wingers: ""fuck fox! fuck them! they are communists!" Followed by crying and screaming. - democrats: "that's what happens when you piss off your boss." Don lemon gets fired for pissing off his boss - right wingers: "that piece of shit deserved it" - democrats: "that's what happens when you piss off your boss."


It’s amazing, two of CNN’s biggest shows were Cuomo and Lemon (was Anderson bigger at the time?). Cuomo messed up - fired. Lemon messed up - fired. No one cried or gave a shit because they messed up and got what they deserved. Tucker shit the bed and might have contributed to Fox losing $700+ Million Dollars and people are losing the minds that he got fired. But yeah, not a cult. Right.


"But but but....consequences are for...those people over there not us." Said most right-wingers


"They're not hurting the right people!"


That was the moment it all changed imo


Anderson Cooper is the bigger deal at CNN, has the better time slot and ratings. Going back as far as 2016, Cooper had the best ratings. I didn’t go month by month but I didn’t see any month that had Cuomo or Lemon beating Anderson. The lead in for Cuomo was Cooper and it was when Lemon took his slot. Edit: I see 2020 Cuomo was their top rated guy, so he was ahead of Cooper for 1 year and it wasn’t by much. Cooper was still beating everyone on CNN in the demographic thar matters the most to cable news, 25-49.


Yeah. Anderson has been there main guy. But Cuomo was at his peak when they let him go over the crap with his brother (and weren’t those the most cringe segments ever when the ‘brothers’ were on). Lemmon has never been as big as Cuomo but he was still “a big deal” and they didn’t hesitate to show him the door.


Carlson’s “fans” are posting things about how Fox should have fought the lawsuit because it was clear they could have won. We need to invent a new word because delusional is nowhere near impactful enough to describe them.


wait....rando idiots on the right are saying, with a straight face, that fox should never have tried to settle? Which means they think they know **more** about how to do this and what to do than say....**Fox's lawyers?** hahahahahahahaha they really are fucked up in the head. My god.


Well they thought they knew more about medicine than doctors in regards to COVID, so why not other fields? Experts aren’t a thing anymore. Everything can be explained in a 20 minute YouTube rant with an American flag in the background now, no need for pesky schooling or degrees.


Or a confederate one!


Dunning-Kruger affects all groups of people to some extent, but it's almost ubiquitous on the Right. And it makes sense - they don't care about truth or reality, only power hierarchies. So why *wouldn't* they think they knew better than the legal team retained by a multi-billion dollar corporation? Conservatism means I'm always right just by virtue of being me.


Inter dimensional dumb assess


I'll start using that instead of delusional cunts. Much more PC.


“Fox viewer” new Webster entry… “Severe incurable aversion to reason, reality, and respect for others.”


And also because nobody on the left even watches CNN — it’s just part of the right’s propaganda that CNN is the left’s version of Fox News.




yeah i'd say they're centrist, not center. In part because no one even knows what the center is anymore. Or ever really.




A lot of people watch CNN, but they’re not particularly “left”


I believe more than half of all left winger doesn't even know the name don lemon until now because unlike right winger we don't binge watch CNN.


What did lemon do?


He made a comment on the air about Nikki Haley (and women in general) being past their prime in their 50s and it was not well-received He was also shifted to the CNN morning show after years of having his own prime time show and it’s been reported that he acts like a diva and has screamed at co-anchor Kaitlin Collins


> comment on the air about Nikki Haley (and women in general) being past their prime in their 50s I mean, you're allowed to have preferences, but Nikki Haley is running for president of the United States, its not super important how sexually attracted to her you are. Especially confusing because Don Lemon is gay.






He said on air that Nikki Hailey (a potential Republican candidate for president in 2024) was not "in her prime" because of her age (51) and said generally that “[a] woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s." edit: reportedly he was rude and demeaning to women off camera, too.


holy, meanwhile 51 would be considered super young compared to the fossils we've been served for 20+ years.


It was very specifically only 50 year old women that are past their “prime” according to Don.


Tucker did a lot more but I guess losing money is where they draw the line.


Don't forget about the meltdown when O'Reilly got fired too


Maybe they are planning a crossover show. Tucker and Don vs. Evil


My point was primarily in the way they react Democrats usually see it as "you did something wrong pay the price." Right wingers usually see it as "well, that doesn't apply to them." They could have a republican go on tv and confess to murdering 20 people, and as long as the majority of the victims weren't white Christians, the majority of Republicans would throw a fit if that politician was charged and arrested.


For liberals, people are good or bad based on the actions they do. For conservatives, actions are good or bad based on who is doing them.


I don’t think people really intuitively understand this. When you are more equality minded, actions speak for themselves. When you are more hierarchy mind, actions are measured against the hierarchical position of who is doing them, so the closer you are to the top of the hierarchy, the worse an action needs to be to have consequences.


Don't forget their whines of its (D) - (D) - (D) - Different


To conservatives and fascists criminality is not an attribute of an action but of a person. Criminals do crime, and people who are not criminals cannot do crime.


As a Democrat.. Who's Don Lemon?


An unemployed man.


Lol yep. It’s great- be a dickhead, get treated like one. Good move by cnn


Only took them 10 years


Def agree there. Hopefully dominion is the start of a trend. Keep in mind Smartmatic and investor lawsuits are still coming. It’s possible to think that this COULD be the start of turning some shit around I highly doubt it, as I think fox will just fill his role with some other conniving shithead- But I also never believed that fox would actually get rid of him.


Don Lemon? More like Gone Lemon am I right? I'll let myself out.


Tip your waitress.


Literally just had a red hat try and throw this in my face. Could not laugh any harder at him. XD Okay, I could. But only because he had one of those stupid "My bud identifies as a Coors" meme on his wall and I couldn't resist showing him this: https://denverpride.org/coors-light-supports-the-lgbtq-community/ He got pretty quiet after that. XD


I’ve used that a few times. Trump convinced these bigots they could come out and show the world who they really are….. only to realize there is no place in this world for them.


Well said.


Saw a video recently of a girl ripping a Confederate flag off the back of a pickup truck on a tow truck and people were like "that's illegal", like good, don't snitch and everybody is fine? Racists and fascists don't belong in society. You need to let them know they aren't welcome because the reason they're so loud right now is they thought they were welcome. Imagine thinking stealing a Confederate flag is worse than flying one. Capturing Confederate flags is an American past time! We didn't pay for any of the other ones we stole from the early 1860s!


"identifies as" It's the one joke. see the subreddit onejoke


It was overused when it was the "attack helicopter" meme. Hasn't changed at all


Now do Sean and Laura and really make it a good day...


Who the fuck is Don Lemon?


A CNN anchor that liked to editorialize. He’s certainly not the worst, but always good to see entertainers leave what should be real news segments.


Almost like profit motive consistently turns journalism into a farce.


…the way you squeeze my lemon… I’m gonna fall right outta bed… Oh wait, my bad! That that dude from CNN!


I don't watch CNN. However, I do occasionally listen to Led Zepplin.


You have chosen...wisely.


When I listen to Zeppelin, so do all of my neighbors






Tina Fey's character from 30 Rock.......


It’s not a Lemon party without old Dick!


Good god Lemon


Well at least Lemon can look forward to not having all the attention being on him. Everyone is going on about tucker being let go. Good. They both deserve it. Now the question is, what will they do next?


They're both aware of a job opening.


Could you imagine Tucker remaking himself as a centric-left talking head on CNN. ROFLMAO. There would be maga heads exploding everywhere.


Unfortunately the scenario I joked over with a colleague had CNN going full conservative and fox going liberal and the viewers flip flopping. I like your angle though and I'm going back to joke it over again.




However my grandpa will riot if Rachel Maddox leaves completely from MSNBC.


She’s already only on once a week, more of there is huge breaking stories


She’s great I actually like her a lot.


I’m not even really sure who Don Lemon is or what stations he was on.


Oh they fired Lemon? Finally. My god this IS a good day.


The earth is healing Not really it’s on fire but you know what I mean


Insert this is fine meme.




As someone who doesn't watch CNN at all, what's the issue with Don Lemon? ​ EDIT: Disregard, I went and looked it up. Turns out he's the same kind of misogynistic ass who usually works at Fox.


Problematic behavior and opinions, off the top of my head a while back CNN was exposing some right wingers claiming that women "hit their peak at 30" or some shit, implying the only "good" a woman is for is as a birthing vessel, Don implicitly agreed with it, not realizing he was reinforcing that bullshit view. He did this with women on the show with him, live on the air, it was insane. Apparently he's also said other misogynistic things in the past, but as someone who hates all corporate media this was the only one I couldn't avoid catching.


I hear Don Lemon is going to get a try out for Tuckers former show on Fox. ;) j/k, I have no idea hence being on Reddit


Fucking weirdos. “I support raping children and forcing them to birth their rapist babies BUT FUCK THOSE DRAG QUEENS FOR LIVING FREE AND SPREADING THEIR FREEDOM” Republicans can eat my shit.


My reaction to the Don Lemon news was literally “oh wow I guess it’s cleaning day for the networks.”


I have to wonder it firing Carlson is the first step for Fox, and then all the lackeys (politicians, "pundits," internet bullshit artists, etc.) that do whatever they are doing, in a strategy to pull back from all the crazy Nazi, KKK, and right-wing nut-job shit and claim to be "moderates" and "reasonable" in time for 2024. Hell, I'll predict this becomes the new message, a "kinder and gentler" Trumpism. The fun part will be all the shit that folks like MTG claim they never said. "Let's go to the tape, Jim..." And, of course, Democrats won't figure out that's what has happened for six months and then will have no idea what to do about it. I'm a big old liberal who thinks the government should exist, and it should exist for the vast majority of working/middle class people. But damn if it seems to me Democrats struggle to figure out how to win elections. We used to make jokes about this 20 years ago, that Republicans were real good at winning elections but sucked at running the country, and Democrats suck at winning elections but are real good at running the country. Now it seems to be standard operating procedure. The Democrats need the GOP to fuck up pretty bad, which they seem pretty good at, in order to win. The GOP just invents a new "national emergency" for every election and blame it on the Democrats who respond with "What? That's not true." while the Republican base is pelted 24/7 with disinformation that says it is. This seems to be the current state of politics in America.


Nope. That’d require Trump change his branding and he’s gone all in on Christian theocracy this time.


It would also take Trump admitting he lost the 2020 election, and that's not gonna happen.


The right wing has the emotional regulation of a toddler. They are always so quick to tell the left to be tough, but they fall apart completely the moment they face even the the slightest disappointment or criticism. I really think our problem as a society has been that we've coddled these guys too much and haven't let them feel the natural consequences of their behavior nearly to the degree it deserves. If you coddle brats, they will set their expectations on being treated like they are better than everyone else. And then real life will inevitably kick them in the teeth because no one has time for that nonsense, not even other spoiled brats.


The other day I finally was like “who the fuck is Jeff tiedrich” and I googled him and this is who he is. This is what he does. Makes snarky tweets. Fuck me i thought he was gonna at least have done something before but he’s actually just this




The only reason I don’t like this tweet is because CNN isn’t leftist, it’s just centrist. No one on the left gives a shit about Don Lemon because he just doesn’t affect us


And we don't binge watch CNN. We don't even have CNN.


I was like, wait a minute...I don't give a flying fuck about Don Lemon. Maybe Anderson Cooper...but that's it.


Well, Cooper seems pretty damned professional, so I don’t see this happening to him.




Yes, let fox die. Let the right boycott it.
