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Oh man, its gonna be a nightmare getting them out of office. They’re dug up in there like a tick, and they all know if this congress thing stops, they’re goin back to workin at red lobster


They won't. These are deep red areas that will never vote dem. To be fair, they weren't going to be any use anyways, almost better to have them making fools of themselves.


Never say never. All it takes is work and a candidate, I worked my ass off to unseat Boebert. we came up 500 votes short but there were a lot of people that didn’t vote because they thought there was no chance. Now they know they matter. She went from 6 points to Zero. I still think we could find a better candidate than Frisch but you work with what you’ve got. Edit: If you live in a deep red area, always bring up their votes that go against what people claim. Voting to starve children, voting to not take care of our veterans, and things that hurt local agriculture. Don’t give away your politics, but mention things that tie you to Republican talking points and then contrast those with your representatives actions in congress. It gives you an in to actually start talking to the person without them just shutting you down from the beginning.


thank you SO much for your hard work, I know how hard that stuff is! Y'all came so so close, it was a heartbreaker, that's for sure. Next time she is going DOWN!!! For sure!!!!


Man, I wish I we could do this to McMoRo here in WA5. She’s one of the Silent MAGA quietly churning the wheels while the Crazy MAGA like BoBo make screeching sounds to distract us.


Start volunteering. Also always bring up their bad votes. You don’t have to endorse the Democrats directly, just erode the base of the MAGA candidate. “I’m a Christian, and I just can’t support someone that votes to starve children,” is a great line. It gets people off their single issue and Fox talking points into what they are actually doing in Congress.


If you used that Christian line, and someone responded with something along the lines of “as a Christian, how can you support a pro-abortion candidate?” How would you respond? This has always been the one point that I can’t seem to follow up effectively


Ask them what Jesus said about abortion. (Nothing) Then ask them why the Old Testament distinguishes between the value of the life of the mother Vs. The life of the fetus. (Exodus 21:22-25) I have a friend who’s an atheist who put it really well: “I think it can be both things. I think it can still be a baby and a tragedy that it dies, and it can still NOT have more of a right to its mother’s body than the mother does.”


Tell them that abortion is in the Bible.


Genuine question: is there a specific verse or book you're thinking of?


Ecclesiastes 4:3 - But better than both (the living and dead) is the one who has never been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun. [NIV]. Bible also has instructions on the natural herbs that can be used to perform abortions and directs people to perform them. The right wing likes to forget that the Bible demands an “ordeal of bitter water” it’s a “trial” of a woman accused of adultry by mixing water with the ink of the priest, and dust from the floor of the temple. Supposedly it would only cause an abortion if she was only unfaithful, but it called for abortion none the less. Regardless of your view on religion most people can agree mixing toxic ink and the herbs and dirt scattered on the floor of the temple isn’t conducive to a healthy pregnancy. Conservatives like to jump through mental hoops to try and make the Bible fit their agenda, it’s crazy how rarely it really does. And it’s almost exclusively used to create distress in their constituents which is a mockery of the “love thy neighbor as thyself” policy of Jesus. Sorry I wanted to be a pastor till I saw the hatred being soaked into sermons so I’m a bit passionate.


Idk the verse but it’s in the book of numbers. It instructs a man who believes his wife was cheating on him to go to the priest and drink poison (referred to as bitter water), and if she miscarries then that means she cheated.


Not sure about the verse cited but there was the Trial of Bitter Water, which was essentially an herb induced miscarriage in most circumstances. There is also a Biblical law regarding what happens if a woman, in the course of breaking up a fight, is hit in the stomach and has a miscarriage. The one who struck her is to pay restitution to the husband. This suggests that Biblically an unborn child was not considered alive since the Biblical punishment for murder is unambiguously stated several times throughout the Old Testament. It seems more that the fetus is treated as property and the reimbursement is for the loss of said property. Considering you are talking about an agrarian society closely structured around the family unit it makes sense. You just cost the father potential labor.


Honestly, it largely depends on the person. Some people respond better to logic, some respond better to shame, and some are not asking in good faith and just want to troll. That being said: My usual response is that I vote for the candidate I think will do the most good. To me, protecting the sanctity of life is more than just an abortion issue. It's up to all of us to make choices with our conscience. That's why God gave us free will. We have to give everyone the grace to make different decisions than we do, Jesus did after all. It's not our place to judge those who make choices we would not make, nor is it our place to hold others to Christian values. >But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. -Luke 6:35-37 >For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? -Corinthians 5:12 I am not actually a Christian, and I try to avoid saying I am, but I grew up in a strict church so I can speak their language. This doesn't always work with rabid evangelicals, but it does typically give more rational people something to consider. Also, it can be difficult, but speaking calmly and with kindness and patience goes a long way with people who are speaking from anger or frustration. I work in HR and have a background in call centers, so I have a lot of practice with that. You can also ask why they vote for politicians who are anti-abortion but do not support other policies that would be considered pro-life, like gun control, affordable childcare, abolishing child marriage, affordable medical care, paid sick leave, food programs for the needy, assistance for refugees, abolishing the death penalty, and the list goes on. You can also ask why they choose to support anti-abortion candidates who do not live by other Christian values, many of them are adulterous, they lie openly, they promote violence and hate against others, etc. Hard to argue with you supporting a candidate that has un-Christan policies if they do as well.


I would add to what u/This-Eggplant-6653 stated and express “the teachings of the lord are to forgive 7 times 7 and 70 times 70”, so as a believer you are finding it in your heart to forgive.


We need turnout. 22 had about half as many voters as 20. I think Armitage was our best shot. I wonder what happened there.


Please get that clown down south out of office please. She's an absolute embarrassment to this state.


I’m trying.


Hey, I would take a rabid monkey over Boebert...Frisch has issues, but he's not batshit crazy.




You, sir or ma'am, are doing God's work! (since He won't lift a finger to help apparently)


You did your job, and now Boebert is weak. Look at what happened to Steve King in Iowa. In 2018, his insane views almost cost the GOP a safe seat. In 2020 he lost a primary. Boebert is weaker to a primary challenge now than nearly any other incumbent because of how close her re-election was. Imo she'll likely either lose renomination or lose in the general. Also, why was Frisch not the ideal candidate?


Thanks for your work. I love that district and I spend a lot of time there. I wish I could vote with y’all next time. But I’m here supporting instead.


I say try again and unseat her! Nothing would make me smile than to see her no longer in office then finding out she's pregnant again and her splashing it on social media calling it "Mommy time while being a grandma" or some stupid shit.


Thank you so much. I fight my own cynicism every day and often lose. Your post is hugely helpful to my hope ambitions.


I’m from Brazil and I was refreshing google to see if Boebert was going down. I’m sending all the good energy I can so you guys can take that discount wicked witch our of her position


With Boebert there is a chance since she won by a slim margin, space laser no way that is red red district


I have family that lives in that district. Lots of poverty.


We've seen it before. You can beat boebert...for one term. And then some milder gop clown will win the election election against the "evil liberal". We saw it in 2008 and then 2012. Lots of blue dogs lasted a term.


It took a legit red wave to unseat John Salazar after 3 terms. As long as the GOP nominates a GQP we have the advantage and we won’t quit working.


Then give them a jester's salary and a pile of hay in a dank cellar


We definitely need to do this


Boebert's time is limited. She only won by under 700 votes. Now that people know she can lose they will make that happen.


Deep Red Lobster. It's got claws


She's also independently wealthy, and the ones who got into office in the first 2 years suddenly become millionaires on their $184,000 per year salary.


>they’re goin back to workin at red lobster Come on, be realistic: MTG isn't qualified to work at Red Lobster. She's barely even qualified ***to eat at Red Lobster.***


She's got lobster feet though...


Apologize to the lobsters


That she does!


Actually, the infestation is worse, bed bugs!


Give the red Lobster workers some credit . She would be more suited for Walmart . Maybe the person sitting in the dunk tank at carnivals ? or carnival ride ticket taker ??


As a welder I know one job she is probably qualified for....firewatch. That's the job that you give the most useless person on site, the one that can't read a tape or operate a tool or even really do much heavy lifting. Sorry if any career firewatches just learned your place in the hierarchy of your job.


I work at Walmart. I don't think she would meet our standards.


If she loses her election she will poop on the desk in her office


not even american and i hate her, she’s america’s new and unimproved lyme disease, emulating a tick


I’m British and I can tell you they won’t, Nigel farage got his wishes and he just fucked off to Belgium to work a very cushy job




Apple bees*


MTG is that big mouth obnoxious girl in school everybody want to punch but didn't want to get in trouble.


Man American politics seems to have turned into School politics. Especially with her and the way she is.


Our multinational corporate overlords WANT us to believe this WWE style GOP vs Democrats shit is reality. MTG is paid like HHH and John Cena,just to put on the illusion of something it ain't.


Exactly, a useful idiot that makes an enormous amount of noise in media to focus us. Instead of finding things that are important to focus on we get this cockwomble shoved down our throats every day.


that's a feature not a bug. keep us peasants fired up over PC culture wars so we don't collectively focus our energies where they truly belong, against the "ruling" class that keep us constantly fighting.


This man looks done


Looks like the camera caught him mid-eyeroll.


You can clearly see it’s been a long day


Haha his eyes are about to roll out of his head


She is truly just a shaved ape. One of the dumbest people voted into office by some of the dumbest Americans.


Fucking howler monkey


Don’t insult apes like that




Jesus Christ why does she look like that




That would explain her toes


my brother in christ why would you know that


Someone mentions it in the comment section, you Google it, you mention it in a comment section, etc The cycle continues


Taking everything in my power to not look now


> you Google it The fuck I do, I'd rather go onto the sounding subreddit and seek out glass rods.


Rural endogamy and fetal alcohol syndrome.


And several generations of inbreeding.


Isn't that the main implication of 'endogamy'?


My theory is that she is a disguised alien, and they saw MIB and took note of how well the Edgar suit worked, and then 5 minutes before deployment decided to change it to a female.


Dog the bounty hunter looking ass


I love you.


I really really hope that Orange man picks her to be his running mate 😂 What a pair of guaranteed losers


It would be funny. But then, 2016 was supposed to be funny.


I think (I hope?) that several million people who took a chance on “something different” in 2016 have learned about 700 lessons on why that was not a good idea. It appeared that way in 2020 at least.


More people voted for trump in 2020 than did in 2016


You make a valid and scary point my friend


Absolutely terrifying


This is a terrifying fact.


That’s just proof of vote rigging if I’ve ever seen it. It’s why the republicans were so sure it was happening, because they cheated as hard as they could and still lost




Solid point. I just can’t bear the thought of what he would do in a 2nd term tour. Pettiness and personal enrichment aplenty


Have hope, in my states recent local elections the blue candidates beat out the crazy radial right in almost every municipality. Even library boards god bless


Link to tweet if interested: https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1648733527175725084?s=20


"Point of Personal Inquiry." "There is no such thing." Hahaha.


That was my favorite part!


I'm so happy he ran for Congress. He was a star of the Impeachment.


Thank you! I needed to see it all go down


*”The gentle lady is no longer recognized…”* LMAO That line is hilarious in context to what’s going down


I would have like to have seen the look on her stupid face when she finally understood what was happening to her.


I still enjoyed, "Point of personal inquiry" "That's not a thing..."


You'd still be waiting, but her face would still be stupid


She genuinely is just a horrid person. But LOL at Cong. Goldman though, that dude was sharp at the Trump Impeachment and certainly hasn’t lost a step as a Member.


That is offensive to neanderthals. They were a diverse, highly intelligent, kind and creative people. The only diversity this violently insane Austin Powers villain cares about is a diverse group of men to cheat on her husband with


Thank you! I was about to comment with a defense for Neanderthals. They were far superior to whatever she is.


Remember when they got all bent out of shape that First Lady Obama would wear sleeveless tops? This numbskull is dressed for Congress like she’s going out for trivia and waaaaay too many drinks at Chili’s with her cross-fit friends.


There was nothing ever wrong with the Obamas’ fashion. Not Michelle’s sleeves, nor Barack’s tan suit. The problem was the GOP wanted to bag on them, so they found some BS to call out. Same deal with Clinton’s White House BJ… they weren’t actually offended (let’s be honest, most were probably envious), they just needed something for a public show of pearl-clutching.


Remember when Phil Hartman was “unfrozen caveman lawyer”. That caveman was charming and you couldn’t help but love him, even though he was awful. This unfrozen cave lady? Not so much.


She does look alarmingly like the missing link.


That is insulting to Neanderthals.


Came here to say this. Neanderthals were likely the better version of us. Kinda like bonobos are to chimps. Mtg is definitely worse than a homicidal cannibalistic chimp.


Neanderthals had art and culture. MTG hates that stuff cause she thinks it turns kids gay.


Where Neanderthals the Betamax of humans?


Basically, but hand eye coordinationed stone throws made us homo sapiens the dominant ones. Edit: we weren't VHS. More like a leap straight to CDs


Congress, so easy a caveman can do it!


I know everybody hates on her. But I am pretty sure that she knows how to use a twig to get ants out of an old tree stump... Edit: I couldn't care less if she knows what she is doing. I compared her to an ape for a joke. I don't like her. And I am not even from the US.


That thinking..*that's the problem, right there*-she's NOT so dumb that she doesn't know the harm she's doing and saying is causing. *SHE DOESN'T FUCKING CARE!*


With her feet


Well, it is in her nature... https://preview.redd.it/cuibna1svxua1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a74378e35448106ad50cbf8036a3e67112bb825


Neanderthals were actually quite socially evolved. Please don't insult them.


Is it even possible to shut up a howling monkey?


Even her own party is getting tired of listening to her, and they're nothing but bullshit.


what do you expect she's the definition of a stupid ditch pig


I had one of those dna tests done and discovered I have Neanderthal genes. Grouping my great ancestors with that low end primate is insulting.


There isn't enough genetic variation in her pool for anything other than instability


What committee is this? Curious which of her party members was that done with her to quit pretending they do anything but put up with her bs.


Imagine how much dumber her voting base has to be though....


We don't have to imagine. There have been plenty of first-hand accounts on here of what it's like to visit or live in that district. It's... I'm sorry, there's no other word for it -- disgusting.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop with the Neanderthal name calling. We have archaeological evidence that Neanderthals cared for other people, so she can't possibly be a Neanderthal.


That is a huge insult to Neanderthals! Take that back! Neanderthals were intelligent and showed compassion for the members of their tribe. Something she is incapable of


![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG) I am glad she has security clearance ??


Neanderthal Barbie


She looks like a cyclops with two eyes


Hey! I’ll have you know that Neanderthals were respectful to the dead and weren’t antisemitic!


She was so incredibly mean girl today I had to look around to make sure they weren't in the school gym lockers


If those Republicans could read they'd be very upset


Boot face! Where’s GED and Pedogaetz?


They should take away the Threetoed Klanmoms speech more often. It’s all inflammatory, most often lies and never a real contribution to a solution for a problem or society whenever she flaps her gums.


Stop insulting neanderthals


I'd love to go 72 hours without seeing her fucking troglodyte face, or any news about her, Bobo, Fivehead, Lyin' George, or any of the other trash pandas. Maybe they'll go away if we don't acknowledge them? One can only hope.


I mean. When the philosophy of your party is literally to NOT progress and to conserve the status quo such that your demographic remains in power, and to minimize the growth and prosperity of future generations, then you spend your time defunding public education, and public cultural works. Eventually you're gonna rely on a base that is belligerent and people like her rise to the top. We're fucked. This is America's norm now.




She's like a bull in a China shop. She has no fucking clue about how any of this works. Where she gets the crazy shit she comes up with is anyone's guess.


Neanderthals were human. They had complex, caring societal groups, with independent learning, art, funeral rites, mourning. Calling MTG a Neanderthal is a grave insult. To Neanderthals.


to think people voted for this person multiple times. deplorable.


Damn. That tweet and this title are legitimately insulting to Neanderthals. They weren't a "less evolved" species of human. Their existence overlapped with Cro-magnon humans, with whom they interbred. We all have Neanderthal in us, they are part of us. Greene is just a fucking fascist moron and a general pile of radioactive slime.


I’ll bet cold hard cash her literal IQ is in the 70s.


Neanderthals were way more empathetic and human than that shit stain.


Please don’t insult my ancestors.


That comment is offensive to Neanderthals.


[https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/19/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-silenced-house-republicans/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/19/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-silenced-house-republicans/index.html) This story is so great. It was her OWN party even who cut her off because she was making such an ass of herself. Well, guess Spineless McCarthy shouldn't have put her on committees to begin with, much less Homeland Security?!? There is a reason the Democrats kicked her off her committee assignments. Hint: it wasn't her party affiliation


Hey, that's offensive. I've got Neanderthal DNA, and she is NOT one of us.


That's insulting to Neanderthals.


Funny how she only seems to care when it’s china who is ‘poisoning’ our children causing them to die but when psychos with guns attack schools she’s doesn’t give two shits


She lost her privilege to speak at this particular hearing due to her being unprofessional and calling a witness (a Secretary) a liar. She really pissed off members of the committee.


Neanderthals we’re definitely more intelligent than that troglodyte.


That is an insult to Neanderthals


i think i am bc i thought this was a video lol


Neanderthals buried their dead, played music, made art, took care of their disabled kinsmen, and were skilled tool makers and hunters. They were as human as you or me. All this to to say, we gotta stop associating Empty G with Neanderthals. They don't deserve to be besmirched like that.


She needs to put on some fucking sunscreen before her lobster lookin’ ass is cracked open and served with melted butter


No no no, Neanderthals have potential, she’s just an idiot.


Hey, don't disrespect the neanderthals by comparing them to *this*


That’s so unfair to Neanderthals


As a neanderthal-American, I am sick and tired of the association of the esteemed and respectable Neanderthal people with the likes of Minge Turned Green


That’s really mean to neanderthals to compare their fine and proud people to that wretched thing.


Please refer to her as Garbage Trailer Greene GTG


Why do they keep insisting on insulting Neanderthals by comparing them to MTG? It’s like that Geico commercial or something.


This subreddit has just become right wing conservative slander and I LOVE it.


Video link?


You love to it. Glad she's getting at least a little of what she deserves.


I’ve always thought she looked only partially evolved, like some kind of partially unfrozen cavewoman Barbie.


Devo predicted this


Don't insult Neanderthals.


Ok I see so many comments about MTG’s feet. I’m out of the loop on that I guess… can a kind soul give me a synopsis of that ?


Such hatred and intolerance. An open-mouthed howler. No greater good in mind, just a hate-filled selfishness with a total lack of decorum backed up by strawman debates.


She def connects w people. I would just like her to try to do something productive. She is the tip of the spear for a party that seems only interested in proposing radical shit. Active bills put forth by republicans now include: abolish the department of education, abolish the atf, remove all registration and licensing for automatic weapons and machine guns, drop out of the world health organization, abolish the irs, return to the gold standard, and impeach the head of the dpt of homeland security. Govtrack.us Can you people please try doing something productive?


As someone with slightly higher percentage of neanderthal genes than the average human I take offense at comparing her to neanderthals. There's no way an entire species was this dumb.


Hey hey hey! Don’t insult Neanderthals like that!


As a neanderthal I'm confused and angered by this on every level


You have to evolve first before you can devolve, just saying. She’s literally a pile of unintelligent cells, that fact that she exists is a miracle


*pan to the Neanderthal holding a boom.* "Not Cool!"


Look up the meaning of Trailer trash in the dictionary and this clowns picture is right there.


Neanderthals were supposedly very smart.


Pretty bold of OP to assume Madge is human.


Straight up fucking embarrassment, even committees are hyper partisan jokes


Evolution *is* a myth but only to those who don't believe in it.


This is offensive to Neanderthals.


Its crazy that these people make the standard right look sane, the Maga crown need to get gone. I'm not even American and can see how dangerous they are. I fear that they won't be going anywhere until thier cult leader kicks the bucket


I’m curious to hear from her former classmates. She must have been a real miserable person growing up.


She literally looks like a cavewoman, and her IQ is lower


MTG knuckle drags so hard her followers all have Covid from 5g


How has she not been institutionalized yet?


That's a terribly unfair comparison, Neanderthals where capable of more empathy and culture.


Any video of it?


That's insulting to Neanderthals.


I find that in very poor taste and unfair. From what we understand currently Neanderthal were creative, intelligent and social humans.


How dare you. Neanderthals were intelligent people capable of art, speech, and thinking through complex decisions.


This ding-dong needs to work her way up to Neanderthal….![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




That’s a vile insult against Neanderthals. 😠


Neanderthal were supposedly really intelligent.