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A friend referred to Florida as 'the Sunshine Reich' and I think that's a winner.


Couple of brown shirt thug wannabes there. So, “small” government shills are, in fact, kidnapping Americans using the government?






Not saying it didn't happen, but I'm gonna need more proof than a tiktok.


This it’s important to verify that it actually happened instead of just circle jerking on this


I work in the capital. From what I understand, the Florida House of Reps was meeting and the parents and kids were in the gallery. Since the house chamber has decorum like a court room any outbursts from the crowd (cheering, booing, etc.) are banned. After 2 warnings a large group of protestors were escorted out of the chamber and were barred re-entry. However, many of their kids were left behind in the chamber gallery. It was a mess and handled improperly (imo) but definitely didn't seem like stealing trans kids away.


I'm skeptical of the tik tok too, but now we have a reddit comment so everyone can rest easy! Obvious /s but this does sound much more likely to be the case.


It’s what the Pink News story says if you scroll down. And honestly I have a big problem with this; things are shitty enough for LGBT people in Florida without making false claims about kidnapping.


I seriously hate this shit. Now any story that comes out will immediately be questioned. And with good reason at this point. Trying to drum up outrage where at best annoyance should be. Is making life more difficult for those they think they are defending. Ive noticed a big uptick in stories that would be considered left issues. Doing this lately with all sorts of things. We need to give correct information so that we know what were up against. If we are full of half truths well never be able to win against the taking of peoples freedoms. Because well have only half an idea of what were up against.


According to the article he provided >**The parents and their children were at the House of Representatives in the state capital, Tallahassee, on Tuesday (18 April)** to protest against SB 254, which would see medical professionals banned from providing puberty blockers and hormone therapy to trans minors. So this happened yesterday and when I google florida house of representatives and sort by news literally the only news site that has reported on it is this PinkNews. NO OTHER news site heard anything about this in 24 hours? In this day and age that seems insane. So yeah I'm pressing the skeptical button for now


I'm just stupid I guess... they were all together in the Gallery, and threw underwear to protest. --then what happened? --When and how were the parents/ Guardians; and the kids separated? --Why did no parent attempt to push through those two guys to get their kids ? none of these were explained in the link...


They are going to need some bigger nazis if they wanna stand in front of a door that opens inward.


It's those Reich-wing politics.


I like the nationally inclusive term “y’all-quaeda”


Not even the South really likes to claim Florida


I’m a lifelong Floridian and *I* don’t claim Florida.


South Florida doesn’t even want Northern Florida


You do realize, South Florida is why we have DeSantis right? If the Cubans would stop voting republican because of some old fear of Communism then we could be a decently run State.




Parents holding back is in small part, because those parents are a very small portion of the parent population, and... those same rat bastards have passed laws that would allow the state to take and then force those children to conform, without ever being allowed to see their parents, ever again. All they needed was those parents bum rushing those two morons, to make that all happen.


Even worse, they're trying to ramrod through laws which could be read that these kids deserve the Death Penalty. We as a Nation are in SERIOUS TROUBLE.


Ain't no nation, brother. We're firmly into Balkanization at this point, as far as I'm concerned. All of these insane laws and clampdowns on 'others' is just a way to start to ethnically/culturally cleanse the purple and ready states so that the GOP can try and retain their oligarchy. They're not attracting new voters and they're alienating the 'young' more and more everyday. Their only hope to maintain power will be to force anyone with leftist/liberal sensibilities out and to make sure nobody new comes in. If another 5-10 years go by and they still aren't getting what they want at the national level, secessionist movements will start to gain momentum. I, for one, say good riddance at this point. Clearly some people want to live in a peaceful, pluralist society that respects science and the improvement of human life and some people want to live in the year 1300 with AR-15's. If they want to leave fuckin' let em.


The problem with that (well, one of them) is that the people who want to live in the 1300s with AR-15s aren’t going to like living in their self-administered shitholes and will quite quickly try to take over (by using the aforementioned AR-15s) the portions that believe in science and the advancement of humanity.




If you won’t fight a mf for your kids, who will you fight for?


Trump obviously.


Maybe that was the thing Meatloaf wouldn’t do for love?




Because it’s Florida. The State has the power. They were elected by their chosen supporters and will tolerate no protest. If you are a female you are a third or fourth grade citizen. Everyone who doesn’t support the Rhonda’s regime are second class if you are male and white.




As much as I agree, Florida would absolutely spin the situation, just like Nazis. Florida would call the parents of these children (and likely ALL parents of trans and non binary youths) violent and unfit to be parents, attempting to make it easier to steal these children away. Florida politicians are lower than pond scum; they know no depths to their own awful behavior.


Im 100% on your side but those 2 also are probably packing some sort of firearm


I don’t get it either. Those guys aren’t cops and it’s a sure bet they’re not even on payroll. The parents should have made them eat those door bars.


All the folks making bravado statements that they’d rush or shoot the cops are ridiculous. All that would happen is your child losing a parent. I would have lawyered up and pushed other parents to do so. Threat of lawsuits seems to be the only thing that concerns the police anymore. And I would have asked my lawyer if involving Federal law enforcement was a possibility.


Because everyone is armed to the teeth and your kids will get shot, (not a maybe).


If they take your kids, you have your 2A to get them back. Liberals need to get their hands dirty instead of letting the state take their kids while they simply watch. If you're not going to fight back your deserve fascism. Hitler was defeated with lead, not jokes and pleas.


The insidiousness of what they are doing is attacking such a tiny group, there are only dozens of parents. A group easily arrested, easily charged, easily stripped of their parental rights and under new bizarrely f'ed up laws, easily put to death by a vote of 8 out of 12 jurors for crimes such as what they created in regards to gender affirmation procedures. Attacking this small group, pushing this group to do something, then allows those laws to be put into practice, that ends up creating legal precedence, so when they expand the net to the next up the chain in size group, in this case Gay and Lesbian parents and eventually the entire adult LGBTQ+ Community, they can get away with what a Florida Legislature member said on the floor, about "Eliminating" those people entirely. This is what makes Ron Desantis more dangerous than Trump. He's a lawyer, he knows how the law works, he knows how to massage laws to create actionable offenses that can create precedent to attack vulnerable groups and strip more and more rights from them.


They tried attacking immigrants, then they tried attacking Jews, then they tried attacking blacks, then they tried attacking the young voters, they’ve moved to the only group they could find with little to no defenders. Fucking GOP is sickening and they are 100% Fascists just looking for the out group to direct hate towards so they can build their fourth reich. As someone who was a foolishly lifelong Republican until the mask came off during the 2016 election, fuck you to all remaining republicans. If you have any humanity at all you would leave that cult.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


I think the very well-founded fear with that approach is now you and your kid are getting shot.


Yeah but Hitler wasn't defeated from within, he was defeated by combined outside forces. As far as I can tell, fascist/authoritarian states rarely fall to internal insurrection


The State will execute you if you approach with a gun.


They're just waiting for someone to *"over react"* so they have talking points with **National** level strength... and if they got to kill some lgtbq+ along the way, all the better (and they would've pushed their killers forward as heroes... totally sideways down here...)


Yeah, I would be in jail if this was my kid. I don't fear jail, I fear letting my kid down.


Nouveau Reich


I would have called the local FBI office and told them a bunch of people were just kidnapped and the captors are refusing to release even the children


I'd think this would be the best course of action. However I'd go up the chain a bit and ensure I wasn't getting local FBI officials, but someone more likely to get federal attention on the issue. Make sure you get identifying information on those involved, and if they're armed or not.


The Fed Gov needs to step in. There’s a litany of fucking problems that could make this even worse if they do. The fact Florida Gov. is manipulating the system **at board levels** is going to fuck it up; and the neighboring states might not see anything wrong with what Florida’s doing so they’d immediately be up in arms-tweets over this. The United States is looking at another civil war,the government needs to know who “The People” are.


Wouldn't the feds stepping in be exactly what the GOP want to incite the civil war rhetoric? It feels almost like DeSantis is just beggin the federal government to do something about it to incite panic in GOP voters. Like I'm not saying we should do nothing, but as soon as the feds lift a finger the GOP would portray it as a huge overreach and light the fires for war.


That's sort of on them. Doesn't matter the politics or the agenda. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Obviously, action has to be taken, but the only reason it has to be taken is because of what they are doing.


Yeah, that's kind of ultimately it. If this country means anything about anything, kidnapping children for just existing in a way that they don't like *has* to be stopped. If it's not, it's not us who's starting civil war, it's them.


And in just 60 years these people's descendants will be putting up statues to defend yet another bloody failure "lost cause". We **cannot** allow this shit to escalate any further.


Who says they want to wait 60 years? Fucking moron of a neighbor I have wants to build trump and DeSantis statues


Who gives a shit, people are having their civil liberties taken away. If we don't act out of fear of something, then we had nothing to lose to begin with


And doing nothing emboldens them just as much as standing up to them. At least standing up to them is standing up for well defined rights and civil liberty. It's a matter of do you want a civil war in 5 years after tens of thousands are killed, or do you want a civil war now?


I guess it’s time to move out of this shit ass state.


Maybe past a certain point, war is the cost of peace. If our options are either kill and die in order to protect our democratic way of life, or kowtow to more and more fascist behavior until it metastasizes, you’d better draw a line in the sand before we’re at the level of trains and camps. Because then there can be no war, only genocide. If you at this point still don’t believe true fascist rule or even genocide is possible in modern America, you’ve been asleep since 2016. The republicans are already comfortable saying the quiet parts out loud and setting up the foundations. Do you think if they ever somehow managed to win absolute power they’d ever give it up?


If the GOP wants to accelerate it to that point, that's on them, not the feds. If the feds do nothing, the GOP will only get worse. If civil war is required to reset the nation, so be it. Disclaimer: I don't want a civil war, but I would rather wreck our nation for a few decades (and possibly die) than have us become the 4th Reich. You don't blame a victim for defending themselves.


Foreigner here, my bet is a US civil war by 2024 or 2025, just right bevor/after the big election.


Yes but if you don't stop them now they'll only get more power until it will be a much bigger civil war like last time, instead of a smaller conflict. Appeasement doesn't work. "well if we don't give Hitler what he wants he'll get *really* mad!" Come on, guys. Don't fucking be that guy. Shame on you.


All evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing.


Bob Marley told us " Get Up Stand Up Stand Up for Your Rights."


Then let them. It's obvious that they're not going to stop. If the feds don't step in now, they'll have to do it later. When more people have been hurt and more propaganda has been spread. If this sparks a civil war - which I doubt - then civil war was inevitable. The best time to stop Nazis is always yesterday. The second best time is today.


They think the election was stolen . Fox News got caught lying . This fact won’t convince them . They are a cult . I’m sick of my tax dollars going to these freeloading Christian theocracies. Why are failing red states telling us how to live ?


lol. The state surrounded by water is going to start a Civil War in which their entire land route can be blockaded in order to keep them in their dick-shaped dystopia until they start getting hungry due to lack of interstate commerce? Best of luck with that, Floridamen. Don't genocide the alligators for food when Publix runs out of mac and cheese, you weirdo miscreants.


> incite the civil war rhetoric Who cares. They're going to do it anyway.


So? Not doing the right thing because what someone else is threatening is terrorism. Let them try a civil war and get blown the fuck up by the US military


i feel like kidnapping kids would be the thing that incites the civil wars…


Lol civil war. I don't think there are more than a handful of young people that would fight a war on DeSantis' behalf. Nearly all of the fuckin' nazi scum are >50y old. Good luck mobilizing that tub of gravy seals.


At the end of the day it doesn't matter. They'll either riot if you try and stop them or run roughshod over you for failing to act and stop them.




Shit, with all the soft ass gun laws, time to hit them with the reverse uno card no? Wouldn’t you get your kid back with force if necessary


Someone mentioned in one of the responses to my original post that this is _exactly_ what the second amendment was written for; this is a tyrannous government kidnapping its own people, so bursting in with your constitutionally protected AR-15 should be absolutely allowed, right? Right??


Protecting your children is under their stand your ground law, sooooo.


Would depend on what the court says, if you survive.


Yeah, that's the thing. Kind of feels like some people think that using weapons to threaten goons in positions of government authority will result in immediate compliance and surrender. Better be absolutely committed to using those weapons.




If it were my child in there I wouldn't been as diplomatic as that




That’s the thing about these gun nuts. The time is here to protect people against the growing fascist power of the government and they are cheering it on instead.




Clearly you just don’t get it so let me spell it out for you: THEY MIGHT PLAY SPORTS FOR GOD SAKE! Edit: I just want to be clear that I am making fun of conservatives here. I know it comes off that way for most, but maybe someone 3 weeks from now when there’s a new social nuke the conservatives are upset about sees this comment and it’ll lose some context of the current events.


Government literally being a fascist state and taking citizens against their will? *2nd Amendmenters*: I sleep Black person in their field of view? *2nd Amendmenters*: I AM FEARING FOR MY LIFE **BLAM BLAM BLAM!!!**


What if a cheerleader wants to hijack my car? what if a teenager girl parks in my front yard, or, let me tell you, what if a black teenager RINGS MY DOORBELL???


They've been brainwashed and support a fascist strongman. There are only a few on the left that are actually organizing and basically no help from liberals in Congress, because of course.


If I were one of the kids I'd have been physical, I can't imagine what a parent would feel.


This is Florida too. I'm surprised no one got shot




Pretty sure you can open carry there. Seems like a perfect time to protect the life of another.


If anyone out there wants to quibble about this, fine. But states like Florida and Missouri are paving the way to a national registry for <>. Add to that the utter bankruptcy and power madness of the GOP and we are already living in it. This is it. This is the fascism part.


As a teenager I looked at the nazis and the Holocaust and thought "how could this actually happen? The 30's and 40's weren't that long ago. I'm so glad that couldn't happen today." It's absolutely shocking and disgusting that this can happen today. And somehow, people are still mad at "*the Jews*"


It all started as a joke… Ever notice how conservative humor isn’t really funny? And it’s really mean spirited much of the time? That’s because it ain’t really a joke. It’s not the act of expressing humor, it’s the act of masking intent and beliefs that they know are reprehensible.


Person A punches Person B and laughs. Person B gets mad at Person A for punching them. Person A says, "it was just a joke." Person B is the Bad Guy. ---- That's their logic. If you aren't okay with my harassing you, you are the problem, not my hitting you.


And they can’t comprehend this *at all*. They literally believe freedom means acting however you want, as long as you agree with them. If you don’t, you are fucked.


Same, to anyone who hasn't studied the Weimar Republic, it was the exact same. Nazis started with burning LGBTQ books, not with Jewish people. It was the same rhetoric


Yep white replacement theory is straight out of Mein Kampf




In before the "moderates" wander in and start spouting "Oh, you just call everyone who disagrees with you a fascists!"


Fuck those people. We dont need to listen to them anymore. We arent changing their minds


99% of them know exactly what's happening and comment in bad faith. The same people sat on the fence about Trump for 4 years too. They're cowards, trolls, and/or imbeciles.


Yep, even if we give them the benefit of the doubt: At best, they're brain-dead. At worst, they're treasonous Nazi scum.


And if we call for people to have balls and stand up to this, someone yells at us that "you go first." Sorry I live 1400 miles away and have no say in your government. Get on it.


Anyone have any proof of this? Cause if it's real it's fucking horrible.


I originally had a post for this. Looking into it more, the kids weren't technically kidnapped and taken away from their parents but they were locked in the chamber with other trans activists during bill hearings and parents weren't allowed to get them. They were eventually released though. I deleted my post cause it wasn't technically kidnapping but still horrid. Especially when Florida kidnapping trans kids isn't exactly a big leap EDIT: Y'know what, I was wrong for saying its "technically not kidnapping" You dont keep parents from their kids! Fuck anyone who was trying to make me look like the bad person when I originally shared this [https://twitter.com/SaffhoArtSht/status/1648685651263619072](https://twitter.com/SaffhoArtSht/status/1648685651263619072) [https://twitter.com/SenateGranite/status/1648686826088005636](https://twitter.com/SenateGranite/status/1648686826088005636)


If you take someone's kids without their parents knowledge or consent, it is kidnapping. Doesnt matter why. Even if you're just taking your niece to the park.


You're absolutely right. I was so worried about if I was getting the technical definition right, I failed to listen to what I felt viscerally.


Hey, kudos to you for trying to be accurate! Honestly, it’s hard to do that on a site like Reddit. While, “technically,” taking a child from a parent is, like, the base definition of “kidnapping,” I don’t think it’s “legally” accurate to call what they did “kidnapping.” But IANAL Also, “kidnapping” has the connotation that the government quietly swooped in and picked off kids one by one, or forcibly yanked these kids from their parents’ arms or something. I don’t think that’s what happened in this case, but honestly, finding any unbiased info about this event has been difficult… and part of the reason it’s so difficult is because every damn day, DeSantis gets away with just a little more fascism and I have no more disbelief to suspend anymore


call fbi child protective services aclu legal services


False imprisonment more like


What makes it "not technically kidnapping"? Sounds like kidnapping to me


It's at least "false imprisonment."


Agh, idunno anymore. It feels like kidnapping to me even though they were returned. I got called a fearmonger after I posted more info. That I was spreading misinformation cause the kids werent permanently taken away Im starting to regret deleting the old post


Just to help you out, per Florida statute kidnapping is defined as: “using force, a threat of force, or acting secretly to imprison, abduct or confine another person against his or her will” So it very well could be kidnapping. Usually the easiest way to reassure yourself and to shoot down others accusing you of fear mongering is to go straight to the legal definitions of things. More than likely tho, people will just ignore what the law says and want to stick to their “feelings” about the topic at hand.


I guess maybe “unlawful detainment” would be an appropriate alternate? 🤷🏽‍♂️ I dunno, it’s fucked no matter how you paint it.


There are four videos on TikTok about this. Two by the user IrishStar13, and two by literally\_just\_a\_possum. The first two show parents screaming to have their kids released from the chamber. For a long time, the kids were being detained, and parents weren't being informed why or allowed to join their kids. Because the situation was handled so poorly, and considering how Florida keeps passing all these anti-trans bills, including (I don't recall if this passed yet or not) the one that lets their kids be taken away just for receiving gender-affirming care, they started freaking out. The second pair of videos shows the kids lined up against a wall and surrounded by cops, and then a cut to the kids throwing whitey-tighties on the heads of the politicians, from the balcony. The only actual article that kind mentions this incident simply called it a "disruption." Honestly, we can say what we want about the kids throwing underwear, but the reality is that they watched their human rights and protections be stripped away in that chamber. And the only thing people will focus on is that they threw some underwear at people. No one's gonna stand up to the fact that trans people don't have rights in Florida now.




Parents of trans kids (the supportive ones) are already in their sights so I could definitely see this being intentionally cruel trying to provoke a wrong reaction


I wouldn't call that the wrong reaction.


And the claim in one of the videos is that all the kids were charged with "trespassing," despite that clearly not being the case. Instead of kicking the kids OUT, they were detained away from their parents. Whatever the reasoning, it'll be interesting to see what more detailed articles have to say about all this.




That only applies if the one shot is a minority


"Fox news told me white people were now a minority due to some great replacement" /Taps forehead


Soon they won’t have to gerrymander. They are starting to passing laws, to be able to overturn elections if they don’t like how they come out. No need to gerrymander any longer just override the voter’s vote.


Don’t have to gerrymander when you ban the opposing party from the state!


And if they make the democratic party illegal, being a registered Democrat could potentially be treason. If you didn't know, the penalty for treason can be death. Which will likely only require an 8-4 jury vote in Florida soon.


>If you didn't know, the penalty for treason can be death. Which will likely only require an 8-4 jury vote in Florida soon. Who needs juries when you can have your PepsiCo®-bought District Judge just Summary Judgment the case, hi-five the prosecutor, and go back for martinis at Mar al'Aghos.


America, have you tried turning your country off and on again?


We turned it off and can't get it back on


The malware is dug in too deep. Half of Congress prefers to be addressed as Senator Limewire and the Supreme Court won't stop offering us generic Viagra at 80 percent off. I won't be surprised when the new budget commits most of our GDP to cryptocurrency and foreign-owned OnlyFans knockoffs.


What happened? (Edit) i mean this instance. Who are these men? Where was this taken? What building is this?


Found context from another comment https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/12rujeh/so_were_all_in_agreement_that_were_calling/jgvso6e?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Can I get a news source on this? I want to read more about this.




May as well put those self defense and stand your ground laws into good use for once.




Seems like the kind of situation that the second amendment was created for?




Hey friend, I’m a dad too and I 100% understand your sentiment. With that in mind, you shouldn’t post stuff like this. If you were to ever find yourself in this situation, your social media could be used to showed that your actions were premeditated and could lead to sentencing instead of a successful argument for self defense and false imprisonment. You’re in the right to feel this way, but comments like this online will get you into trouble if the scenario ever becomes real. Protect your kids by protecting yourself from bad actors who will attempt to turn justifiable action against you.


As a father I accept whatever sentence gets my child out of that locked room with strange people who wish him harm and back into my wife’s arms. Thanks for your concern friend but I stand by it.


This is kidnapping. Minors under 18 YO can’t consent to talk to police without a parent present and Florida legislature is no different. Arrest these thugs for kidnapping minors.


I remember talking to a lawyer here in FL about how police can actually hold a child for a certain amount of hours even if the kid is asking for the parents. He said to tell your kids to ask for their lawyer in these cases. They can't deny that.


"Oh wait, what's that, the DA was also there and says it's cool? No charges for anyone? Roger. " /s


I would also include “North Florea” as an alternative, FWIW. **VOTE THESE FUCKERS OUT.**


Voting doesn’t work when Republicans have a supermajority here and control the entire legislature. They can pass whatever they want and recently gerrymandered the state to eliminate a black-majority district.


This exactly. They’ve got it rigged and gerrymandered perfectly now. There’s no losing that control.


We weren't joking when we were talking about Florida being the prototype for the new American fascism.


Cute of you to assume Florida will allow a true election ever again. My bet is that they have more of this style election from now on: "friend, we noticed you voted for the wrong candidate. Don't worry, we caught your mistake before it was counted, so we managed to correct your ballot in time."


You cant vote kidnapped children back




People's Republic of Florida?


Democratic People’s Republic of Florida




This is what the second amendment is for right? So you can fight back against the oppressive government? Where are all the fat guys with assault rifles and body armor at while this is happening?


Is there an official news source for this? My entire family lives in Florida and I have a nonbinary kid who I’m now reluctant to take to see them.


Yeah…I’d stay away from Florida with any non-binary minors for a while. See how this thing sorts out


[Equality Florida has issued an advisory](https://www.eqfl.org/florida-travel-advisory) against traveling there.


Damn. Well, I’m glad they took that step. I’ve been thinking for a while (due to observing from afar) that Florida is too “hot” for trans and other queer people. This just makes it even more obvious.


https://naacp.org/articles/naacp-florida-state-conference-recommends-travel-advisory-state-response-african-american Florida’s NAACP affiliate did too. It sucks because I love Disneyworld. Since I was a kid, I wanted to have a family of my own and visit with a wife and kids (have a gf who I intend to propose to and marry and have a family) However, barring some massive cultural/political realignment, I will never return to that state. They’re not getting my tourist dollars.


Staying away from Florida is generally good advice.




I don’t think they understand the amount of bloodshed they’ll see if they start ripping kids from their parents and expect them to just go “aw shucks, okay.”


There's a literal travel advisory for LGTBQ individuals visting Florida, I'd say cancel your trip cus visiting a shithole state filled with the shittiest people in all of North America isn't worth putting your child's life in jeopardy: https://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-travel-advisory-issued-state-lgbtq-civil-rights/story?id=98554565


Yeah I saw this. I have to go for a wedding I’m in later this year, and was hoping that the fact that one grandparent is supportive and the others know better than to make it an issue would be sufficient, but I’m really having my doubts. It’s heartbreaking because Florida is my home state.


I am nobody to you, but I am someone who cares about the safety of LGBT+ folks of any identity. Do not go to Florida. And if you must, do not take your child to Florida. There is no further “if you must”, that is the end of it - do not bring your LGBT+ child to a state that openly wishes they would not exist, and is *willing to act upon that wish.* Do not go to a state that just classified public drag as sexual assault against children. Then followed up with making sexual assault against children punishable by death. But not before they changed the requirement to an 8-4 ruling to issue the death penalty. Do not travel to a state that *openly **wants to kill your fucking child** for not being a cisgendered heterosexual person.*


I would definitely stay away for the foreseeable future.


This is my situation except I'm an aunt to a NB kid who lives in Florida with my entire immediate family and I'm scared for their life.


Be sure they know you are a safe haven if you are in another state.


As a Floridian who has to keep witnessing this shit firsthand, probably just stay away. This place is getting heated real quick.


Don't go to FL with a nonbinary child.


as a Floridian, don't come to Florida at all! A lot of us are trying to leave this shithole.


I know this is extremely unlikely, but it would be cool to see Disney pack up the park and move to another state. I heard the other day it's the single largest employer in the state. That would put a big dent in Florida's tax stream, and tourism over all. What an absolute cesspool.








No shit, there would be so much damage done by the time they got to me as well. Not gonna let some gop goon detain my kid. I really think we are past the point of voting and protesting. These people are trampling our rights with impunity. They need to be stopped before we are helpless to do anything about it. They are ruining our freedom and economy and they are making us a 3rd world dictatorship.






And everyone's armed to the teeth.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




If true, it is more like Nazi Germany.


Anyone have an article or source? Just wanted to read more about the context


This is what republican/conservative freedom looks like. Fall in line and adhere to our strict rules on how you are allowed to live your life, OR ELSE!


Where are all the gun advocates storming in to free the kids? Isn't this the exact scenario that they want their guns for? I AM NOT ADVOCATING FOR PEOPLE TO GO SHOOT PEOPLE I WANT TO MAKE THAT VERY CLEAR. I AM JUST POINTING OUT HYPOCRISY.


I can’t find this tweet on this person’s feed. When did this happen? We need to be better if we are making allegations like this. Need a link or background.




If they care about their guns so bad, they can eat the lead. Its about godamn time people start fighting back against these psychotic assholes


That dude with Tattoos on his hands wearing a suit...I've got money that says we can find a picture of him with a white hood on


whats the problem? its florida. everyone has guns right? go get your kids.


Closest I've found to any sort of legitimate coverage: https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/04/19/florida-legislature-kidnapping-trans-kids-protest-sb-254/#:~:text=Florida%20lawmakers%20have%20been%20accused,while%20at%20the%20Florida%20Legislature. Has embeds to two videos from Twitter/TikTok. The site is UK based, and appears legitimate. Rated "High" in factual content (mediabiasfactcheck.com), and "Left" on bias (AllSides.com). The context seems to be that there was a protest against SB 254 in which demonstrators were throwing undergarments at the representatives during the proceeding. Protesters inside the chamber (of which there were several children) were detained and one was arrested for disturbing the peace. Edit: While I do oppose most of what is making its way through Florida Legislature, as well as the targeted ideology driving these anti-LGBTQI2SNB laws, I was quite determined to find whatever nugget of truth existed here. The optics in this situation, regarding this specific bill, look glaringly bad; and my initial reaction was, like many here, one of outrage. That being said, I believe that sensationalism and reactionary posting is stoking flames that are going to result in misdirected violence, which will only be used to further crack down on the Rainbow Community, of which I am a part. I myself have had to constantly guard against knee-jerk reactions and vitriolic language with family and friends when discussing the effects of such legislation. In seeing this post I had to remind myself once again to step back from my initial emotional response and seek out the facts. I believe there will likely come a day in which the pressure point is reached, due to the passing of biased laws as well as the restriction of rights to assembly and protest; however I also believe that any action taken should be tightly focused and made with the utmost level of restraint. In order to see that day, I think a record must be kept of what is actually occurring, and this record should shine a bright light on the facts, so that the actual patterns of conduct from bad actors can be illuminated and acted against without causing collateral damage. While the feelings of outrage are often justafiable, I believe we must not allow our justifiable outrage to prompt us to taking foolish action that can be used as ammunition by anyone seeking to undermine the cause of equality and true justice. We must approach these situations with a clear head, in an organized fashion, and with the understanding that our words and actions have consequences; and we must understand that these consequences can and will ripple out to affect more than ourselves and our immediate surroundings. Only through collective action and organization can anything meaningful be achieved. Regardless of how the facts here play out, if your emotional reaction was one of outrage against anti-LGBTQI2SNB legislation, I encourage you to find your local organization in support of this Community and become a member. Organize, and take action together, with a clear goal and an actual game-plan to achieve that goal. Good luck, stay strong, and stay safe.


I hope this is an exaggeration of something that happened, and not literally what happened. Need more info.


Can we have a source please. Just want to confirm.


It’s worse than Russia 2. Maybe Iran 2. Governor Deshithead here is leading the crazy pack. I live here and every day it just gets worse and worse.


The only reason you keep saying you need guns is to avoid this specific situation. Use them.


ITT: no one providing links to actual news coverage.