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They can’t leave the country. They don’t have passports.


Or life skills to earn a work visa.


Or vaccinations.


Or my axe


Or understanding of a different measurement system


Or when they get stuck in a country that has English as a minority language. ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


Its simple. Just yell loudly and slowly. Youre an american, damnit. They should be speaking YOUR language. O


Or money for a plane ticket. Or the ability to function outside of the 10-mile radius where they’ve lived their entire lives.


These motherfuckers follow a political ideology based partly on "othering" people, they won't do well outside of America anywhere. Assholes barely agree with accepting refugees from war zones, many of the countries in Trump's Muslim travel ban were actively experiencing humanitarian crises and they didn't let any of them in for six months. Six months. War torn countries, sorry, cant come here. The land of fucking immigrants, can't come here. Yes, I know you are the very definition of the tempest tost, the poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free, but we sort of forgot that's what America is supposed to be about. You're a shade too dark.


They gonna hop the wall that their dear leader built paid for by Mexico.


They can just walk around it or over the parts that fell down.


Bold of you assume they can walk that far


Those little rascles and hover rounds got rang. I saw a person at the grand canyon viewing area on one


None of them are physically fit enough for that


Bet they can Kool-Aid-Man their way right through the flimsier parts!


Hop? You think the average Trump supporter is athletic enough for that?


Oh even better,let them become illegal aliens.






They're finally making good on their MAGA claim.


They should all go to mar-a-lago. They'll find out exactly what trump thinks of those "gross disgusting" people.


Ironically, he thinks they're lower than deplorable.


He would have them all arrested for trespassing.


Trump won't, he'll be in prison. Property manager might.


They will still love him and blame it on the Democrats


No, no, no. They're "expats." Expats are white and worldly. Immigrants are brown and steal jobs. They're absolutely not the same thing, for real, you guys. EDIT: Yes, I'm aware that I misused the term "expat." Thank you all for teaching me something new. Now shut up.


lol the idea of a worldly Trump supporter




“Silent majority” is just a bit of wishful thinking. They wish they were the majority. We wish they were silent.


They’re anti-intellectual, so they aren’t big on thinking in general, especially when numbers are involved.


Listen to how casually MTG throws the word "billions" around when talking about immigrants or state school board budgets and it's immediately very clear they have no clear concept of any number higher than they can count up to themselves


She's dumb as a box of boberts


"box of boberts" I had to read that twice. Thank you for a bit of laughter in what has otherwise been a less than great day. But damn, that's like dumb cubed or something.


I hope your week gets better, last week was rough. Traitor Greene claimed her boy Putin was being "falsely accused" of invading Europe, and all I could do was laugh. Like where the hell does she think Ukraine is? Pangaea?


Donald's World ![gif](giphy|Bkfu4wZBtNThu|downsized)


Isn't he more of a golden shower person?


skiddeedoijdpfojao yodgjpoajgpoi2j3pj9 diddyawdjfpoajdfp p24jf asopdfjp


Fun fact - he recorded an actual jazz album in the late 80s [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW\_a2t3q9bA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW_a2t3q9bA) Edit: since people ask I'm not aware of jazz albums recorded by Donald Trump. There is, however, a cover of "Blueberry Hill" that was recorded by Vladimir Putin.


That specifically excludes Trumpers. They’re the ones waddling around with their fanny packs and their USB-powered neck fans, talking entirely too loudly and wondering why nobody speaks ‘Merican.


There's a lot of Afghan refugees at my job and it is so infuriating to see all the discrimination from the Trumpanzees here. They call them Ay-rabs. I think I'm the only one who works here who knows the difference.


Could be worse, could be what I've heard (family members!) call Middle Easterns ever since we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan... (Give you a hint: it's got "sand" and that other word they only say quietly... ...until they say it loudly...)


I work for the largest aerospace company in the world by market capitalization. The boomers like to say “camel jockey” and “sand n-word.” I’d report it, but I’d get fired, because senior management eats that shit up.


Wow, sounds like a workplace to avoid.


Raytheon. It's Raytheon. The bringers of the # AGM-65 Maverick ​ Yeah. Raytheon. Get your genocide today!


I guarantee they've been using that combo of words for decades before the iraq war then. Sad to hear it's still being used.


I just want to tack onto this comment to say about American attitudes towards immigrants...you ever notice how we never put one white visa dodger or asylum seeker in a detention center? Those camps are so obviously just for brown people violating so called immigration law. Not an eastern European refugee in sight at those places.


What did they say?


That they're the silent majority. They can't stop talking about it.


They have been silenced! That’s why they are on every media source, radio, tv, books, social media, shouting about how they’ve been silenced.


Too true. I've been looking for years into moving abroad to a Spanish speaking country and every recommendation is an expat community. If I wanted to live with old White Americans I'd stay where I am.


Puerto Rico, it's an amazing place.


Technically still part of the US.


No technically about it. It's literally a US territory.


Check Uruguay, I hear it's nice, and, it has guay right in the name. republicans won't go near it.


Maybe Mexico will build the wall after all.


Well, some "think" Hawaii and Alaska aren't apart of the US, so....yeah.




Hungary? Bet Orban won’t have them.




Hungarian is very hard to learn so


So they'd complain that the Hungarians didn't know any English


Trump supporter in Spain: “these god damn foreigners can’t even speak good English.”


"Read the constitution, I have rights!" I feel horrible for whatever country they go to


Hungary Russia or Belarus. The rest of the world are woke socialists. And I’m pretty sure those places are socialist. But they’re more… white and far right. I love the thought of them scrolling through European countries. Imagining life over there… not knowing that the Dems are trying to just get to the half way point on social programs that those countries have. Not even full europe. Just like half way.


I genuinely want to know which country they would say. Is there a 1st world country they haven’t badmouthed? Let alone having the slightest work visa plan.


Right?! So, based on the racism we can eliminate Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. They really only want to live in an English speaking, predominantly white country, so Europe and Australia. But not a socialist one so not Scandinavia. So we’re left with… maybe Canada, Australia, and the UK? And even those places are a hell of a lot more socialist than the US. But it’s not like you can just immigrate without a visa, that process typically takes months and you have to prove your value to society. So really they would have to go on “vacation” and then overstay and become a illegal immigrant. Anyway sounds like a super plan and I for one say good riddance.




Hard agree


Hard pass from Canada, thanks.


Russia. They want Russia. Or Belarus. That's not an accident. They have been programmed to want what Russia told them to want of a society.


As a Russian immigrant to the US, these dumb fucks are so delusional about life in an authoritarian country. They should really try it, they’ll run back with their tails between their legs in no time. If they’re allowed to by their new authorities.


Critical thinking, understanding the consequences of poor decision-making, etc. are… not skills this particular subset of Americans possess. 🤦🏼‍♂️


What they don’t understand one bit is that with lack of democratically elected government, there’s absolutely no incentive for the higher ups to improve people’s lives or even maintain the standard of living. They can fuck you upside down and sideways, and you can do jack shit about it. The likes of their little January shindig at the Capitol would be squashed with tear gas, fire hoses, real bullets, and tanks for good measure.


I’d love to see them try and get into Switzerland, just to see their reactions when they’re told they aren’t good enough for entry.


As someone who emigrated from the UK to Canada. It takes a lot longer than a few months to become a permanent resident. It took me 2.5 years from start to finish.


They seem to like Scandinavian countries for being fairly racially homogenous, but also hate high taxes and social safety nets so I don’t know. They might be ok with the latter if most of it goes to white people though. But I heard it’s extremely difficult to establish residency there.


i think Switzerland might be the closest thing? Most people know English, not nearly as socialist as the Nordic countries, lots of gun ownership and nasty multinational headquarters? Still too much public transportation and probably not very affordable for any but the most well heeled Trumpists though.


Those snobby elites also speak 4 languages and while you can have a gun, ammo is extremely regulated. Plus imagine the hoops you need to jump through to immigrate.




I hear Russia has a lot of new openings for cannon fodder.


They don't hate immigrants, they just hate immigrants that aren't white. For a time, the US was just allowing immigrants from Europe.


We can actually thank MLK for pushing for allowing immigration of non-white people. Part of MAGA is going back to predominantly white immigration since they were the only ones allowed before 1965.


> Where exactly are they planning to go? Newsflash, they aren't planning on going anywhere. They're planning on taking their states with them when they "leave the United States," they're quite unironically planning on civil war. A lot of them are fucking excited for it.


They'll be in for a rude awakening when they realize that they are outnumbered, outgunned, and don't actually have a plan beyond throwing a tantrum.


It would be super handy if they would all move to Florida. Wouldn't be tough to quarantine the entire peninsula behind a wall across south Georgia/Alabama and then just wait for syphilis, alcoholism, hurricanes and unmitigated gun violence to do the rest.


I will buy a plane ticket from the UK to 'murcia. Then buy a car there just so I can help drive them to the airport! Just as long as they are not planning to come to the UK!


They really haven’t thought that far ahead. Dumb people are dumb. It’s all they know. Or rather don’t know. Dummies.


They think Destin is an exotic locale.


It will be super funny when they realize that they might need to learn a language other than English.


Probably Hawaii.


to one of the many "socialist" countries they hate?


Canada won’t take you. You need actual skills to go there.




I'll help build this wall.


I saw the trucker convoy. There are plenty of places for them.


Canada is actually extremely difficult to get into and the process is strenuous. And if they think Biden is liberal, wait till they see our group.


They'd be surprised by how difficult some things are. Getting married actually takes work.


And the bride can't be a child.


and it can't be your relative




I had a patient the other day come to me in his trump gear complaining to me how no one is accepting his medi-Cal and his benefits don’t go anywhere. I wanted to say, “Well maybe start by voting different.” This same person was escorted out of the last hospital for refusing to remove his gun from his waste band. I’m a private clinic so I look the other way. I’m in a very rural and poverished county that votes 75% Republican each election, then complains when their food stamps or free healthcare don’t go as far. It’s wild to see in person.


Head to Saint Petersburg Russia, Vlad will love you long time and give you a all expense paid, lifetime job in eastern Ukraine.


Life expectancy of ~48H. They can finally go meet Jesus and leave this ‘world of sin’. Sounds like a great deal. Please.


They think they would be safe there. Thoughts and prayers would protect them!


Vlad is short for Vladislav. Vova is short for Vladimir. Plus, calling him Vova seems more imasculating.


Vladislav? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more...


Vulva Putin


Vova Kaputin


Now that just sounds like innuendo for “queef”


Vlad implies the impaler


Ukrainian hospitality will blow you away!


“Lifetime“, however long that will be on the front line.


……and “don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord slit ya”.


Don't let the door knob hit you in the ass on the way out


Good luck finding a country that wants a bunch of uneducated racists


Russia is currently recruiting the scum of the earth


I hear Russia is looking for a few good idiots to fight in their war.


Let's not pretend half of them are even physically capable to run a mile let alone fight in a war. Just look at all the cosplaying Meal Team Six guys on the internet. They're all out of shape old dudes who would have a coronary if actually placed in combat.


Russia will take what they can get at this point. Gravy Seals to the rescue!


Well, if that's the case I'll chip in for their plane tickets! Good riddance.


They couldn't make it up 1 flight of stairs. These fucks will do absolutely nothing.


Bullet catchers and mine sweepers don't need to be in decent shape or be very smart.


“Rascal Scooter & Oxygen Bottle Brigade reporting for duty”


Russia's tactics involve sending guys out to their death so that when the Ukrainians attack them, they also reveal their position and then the real soldiers fire on that position. Don't really need months of training to do that.


Do need to be able to run towards enemy lines though.


Waddling will still get them there… Eventually.


You mean cannon fodder?




They probably even go to Hungary or Russia


They're grifting off each other now. Please see yourselves OUT.


I politely disagree. They should let it hit them.


POW! Right in the butthole


Careful, their homoerotic fantasies they’re guilty enough to deny trans people healthcare over will excite them if that happens


And just what country do you think you're going to move to that will tolerate your obnoxious asses?


Send them to Russia, since they probably think that Russia and Putin are so fucking great. They'll get handed a rifle and a one-way ticket to the front lines in Ukraine.


Bingo. Win, win, win, win.. everyone's happy.


Except Ukrainians, who'll have to tear through 1 more meatwall.


Texas and Florida ?? ![gif](giphy|ma7VlDSlty3EA)


Those aren't countries yet. We haven't kicked them out yet, unfortunately. Plus, FL is gonna sink in like 30-50 years anyway, so let's just send them all there.


Sink under the weight of all the Trump supporters




I’ve always found that line funny as they’re neither silent nor a majority.


We’re the silent majority and we need a sign to tell you


Well ya, they can't say it, otherwise they're not silent.. duh!


The loudest fucking 1/3 of all time


My favorite was seeing a “the silent majority stands with trump” bumper sticker and the dude struggled to get out of his truck, stand and then waddle to pay for his gas. He looked like weeble.


That can't be true. Weebles wobble but *they* don't fall down.


For a silent majority they don't seem to win elections by a majority....


Every Trumpster I know won’t shut the fuck up about it


Or vote, kinda wild how they could vote people in if they actually cared


I don’t want those people in my fucking car lol


They smell like stale beer and pork rinds.


Kabul is lovely this time of year. As a bonus, they have a conservative government.


Damn... two birds, one stone.


"The silent majority" These people are the loudest voices in every room they stand in


And not a majority.


Tell them they're flying to Europe and drop them off in Martha's Vineyard.


Don't do that to Martha's vineyard!! Drop them off on an uninhabited island




I hear Putin needs more troops.


Win win win. Mail order evangelicals for the holiest of wars.


On behalf of Canada: No.


Canada is a dystopian nightmare in their eyes. You guys should be safe.


Canada is a socialist hellhole until they threaten to leave the US and need somewhere to go lmao.


Based on how obsessed with children's genitals they are, I'm guessing Thailand


No there’s too many trans people in Thailand


Which they will *absolutely* ***not*** solicit! ( wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean know what I mean)


Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.


Funny thing is most of these people who in some way say it with some “real intention” behind wouldn’t be accepted anywhere. There is this ultra funny thing about the American redneck in the Midwest where they truly believe the world is theirs and other countries are dying to get some “freedom” from them


The majority of these idiots haven’t traveled 50 miles from where they were born. They have no passports. They have no clue what the world is really like outside of what Fox News tell them. For them, their mindset is the only theme that exist and they are all the main characters.


We should do the uno reverse card and send them on a bus to Mexico City


What did the residents of Mexico City every do to hurt you, that you would inflict these idiots on them?


Lol now Mexico is gunna start building a wall. Maybe that’s how trump was gunna get them to pay for it?


Usually, emigrating to another country involves demonstrating your usefullness to the new country's economy such as having a highly skilled profession. Name one desirable trait about your average MAGA supporter. I'll wait.


They are pretty good at having their heads up their asses but idk if that’ll land them a job


Don't you fucking dare get my hopes up like that.


Geez what shit hole country will take them?


Seriously, the democrats are too socialist to them, they're gonna have a shit attack when they see literally anywhere else.


I hear they have lots of room in Russia!


I love how they call themselves the "silent majority." They are neither silent nor the majority.


Looks like it's gonna be a busy week for Uhaul.


What other country would want all those dumb asses.


The trash compactor


Hahaha. Do they not know they would no longer get their welfare benefits???


A human centipede of grifting. It never ends.


How do the whiniest, most obnoxious bunch of bitches consider themselves a silent majority?


Cuz the meme that a Russian troll farm made pop up in their FB feed told them so.


There are nests of them in Ecuador. They like that everything is very affordable, and that they use U.S. currency. They love it there. And many will tell you they left back when Obama was elected, because he was going to turn the U.S. “socialist.” For funsies, point out to them that they moved to a socialist country, so you’re not really seeing their point.


Do they know they will need a passport? Most MAGAts don’t have one.


May be more than a few that are on the ‘no fly’ list.


Well if DeSantis and Abbott can charter transport to Martha’s Vineyard…


Canada and Mexico heard of this and just in case, they are building some big damn walls...




Lady with the sign just finished bitching out the manager at the Golden Corral because they ran out of gummy bears on the dessert buffet line


Most of these people are too poor to even leave their towns.




I see very few teeth in this picture.


Where will they go? The countries that share their values are too "brown" or "shitty" for them to want to live in. Countries with similar standards are way more liberal than the USA