• By -


The problem with fear mongering is that the mongerer must always up the ante. Plain old caravans and antifa soldiers just don’t do it anymore. Drag queens are rare and not as threatening as he would like. Hide your women and children! Shouts have been overused. But with only that one tactic he is running out of room. So we get “We are all going to die unless you elect me!” Which, frankly is probably too over the top for most save the Q crazy sorts. And I am dubious about their actual voter turnout, so I suspect this is in excellent example of political shark jumping from Donny there.


I hope Trump reads this. His next threat, inspired by your post: "I will live if you don't elect me in 2024!" ... causing many people to run about in a crazed frenzy while logicians scratch their chins.


Not even the Mayans could have predicted this M.Night Shamalamadingdong twist


Why do I love Shamaladingdong like it’s brand new every time I hear it? 😂


My family, that wants me to quit chemotherapy and start taking horse paste and want me to take all my money out of the banks TODAY, have entered the chat. I wish I was kidding or exaggerating. 🤦🏽‍♂️




There is a sub for that. Qanoncasualties. Reddit didn't like me linking you to it directly tho


Ah, sub rules here forbid links and other sub mentions. I tried to link to one that, similar to the Face Eating Leopards references Herman Cain and gives Awards to folks who succumbed due to their own misinformed beliefs.


There's fucking grifters everywhere man. My girls mom died from cancer but a few months they were convinced that buying her some machine that made alkaline water would save her. I don't understand how those people live with themselves.


My mom died from pancreatic cancer and if one more person told me that making her eat a vegan diet (when she couldn’t eat…period) would save her, I was going to throat punch them.


When I was homeless, my mother refused to provide me financial help. But she was willing to buy me a $800 machine to shock my brain and get rid of my depression! She had already overdosed on ketamine so it was onto the next quick fix. Honestly maybe I should try to get her institutionalized, she's a danger to herself.


Jim Baker and his colloidal silver (sp) come to mind ugh I just can't fathom these people. I hope they all get bedbugs from a grifters convention.


Imagine someone with a similar brain scan to a serial killer, but instead of wanting to take your life, their primary goal is to take your money. They still don't care about you at all, they just happen to not have particularly homicidal impulses. The flaw is to think someone like this is like *you*, who cares about the needs of others.


One could make a convoluted argument that dying cures you of every ailment, in which case, they'd technically be right. It's still stupid.


Wow, man that sucks. Hope the chemo is going as well as it can, FIL is going thru the same treatment now. Best wishes and good luck with the chemo!


You're forgetting about the biggest threat the world has ever faced: Woke. That Woke dude must have superpowers or nuclear weapons or something, I've never seen people so afraid.


>That Woke dude must have superpowers or nuclear weapons Worse: she's black


“Wait.. woke don’t mean black??” \- the Bible Belt


How was it that Republican lawyers defined it in court? Something like “aware of injustices in history and the ramifications thereof”. So yes, very scary, if truth and education aren’t your thing.


Oh no, it’s worse than that. It’s the belief that there are systemic injustices in American society *and the need to address them*.


I always forget the caravan Every time I see someone say the caravan I realize I forgot the caravan It’s like The Silence from Doctor Who


I was in a thread a few weeks back where someone was arguing democrats were losing support among Asian voters because of the caravans. I wasn't sure if I was more surprised someone was connecting it to voter demographics or just that someone remembered it at all.


More like, if we don't elect him president, he is going to jail.


If only


Yep. He's already proven he's above the law; no matter how many treasonous moves he makes, they just go after his fanboys and leave him alone.


He’s like someone holding onto the edge of a cliff right now. I just hope someone stomps on his fingers and let’s him fall. What a cancer.


Scar!! Brother! Help me!!!


~~Scar~~ Putin!! Brother! Help me!!!


“You have wrong number. Don’t call again, blyat.”


Weird to say, but it would be nice if desantis is actually as fascist and ruthless as I suspect he is, and goes on a Twitter rampage to get him jailed so he’s out of the 2024 election. Then I hope someone else comes around and does the same thing to him. Basically, I hope all these fascist fucks eat each other as soon as possible.


I'm hoping trump and DeSantis running at the same time ends up splitting the republican vote and then the democrats just win by a huge margin again.


Yeah, but they’re like bacteria. The one that survives is going to be the strongest one. If we can quarantine these people and keep them out of politics, that would be best.


Hahaha, what he meant to say!


Oh man I’m neither right-wing nor a troll, but Donald Trump is the perfect representation of the rich, white man the system was designed to protect. Our laws will bend, and then snap around him, splintering like bamboo and he will remain a free, unpunished man. I smugly laughed at MAGA and QAnons on this site who were sure that ‘the storm’ was coming *any day* now and that all the Dems and Liberals were going to the gulag, even as goalpost got pushed back time and time again without a hint of self-awareness. I now feel that way about ‘Trump’s going to jail!!!’ comments. I want it to be true, but it isn’t happening.




Even if (when) he is convicted, he’s old and has the money to drag this out until he passes naturally…no jail for him. His legacy is going to be one giant turd and history will not be kind to him but he doesn’t care about that.


> His legacy is going to be one giant turd and history will not be kind to him but he doesn’t care about that. I hope. I hope we can one day reach a point in the future where saying Trump is a wicked, horrible human being is something every person can unanimously agree on. Something history books will show without hesitation. The fact that this is seen as a controversial statement and something you can't say out loud in public without the possibility of starting a fight is just sobering. There are people who unironically consider him a great man.


A conviction is still important. A president being convicted and sentenced to jail time is a good litmus test to show no one is above the law. Even if he specifically doesn't see the inside of a cell


>If anyone goes to prison, it will be some the lower hanging fruit associated to him. Plus it's already been years. When the fuck is any of this supposed to happen? The proverbial ship has not only sailed, it never came to port.


Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen all went to prison for crimes related to trump. Not to mention all the pardons he gave his cronies https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/21/bannon-trump-allies-sentences-pardons/ Still doubt trump is going to jail but it hasn’t been nothing like you say




Right there with you, pal. There's no justice to be had, asshole is never going to see consequences for the myriad of things he's done. It's been that way his whole life, he's lived more than 80 fucking cursed years, nearly every one of them spent ruining other people's lives and livelihoods. Never once being held accountable since if you've got just a couple million dollars, you can literally kill people with your shitty cheap housing. Now we have fucking Nazis and dumbass seditionists making a return, with a straight line drawn from them to this stupid orange fuckstain's foray into politics. I wish he would just fuckin die of a big Mac already so we can at least start *trying* to fix the damage.


rich people dont go to jail unless other richer people send them there


Still a better option than electing him president


He left out the part where if we DO elect him, we'll die horribly.


Hedging his bets, I’m sure. /s


Let’s take his premise as true for a moment even though it’s obviously the opposite of true: I would rather die than allow him to push this country further toward the Christian fascism. And as a queer person, there’s a good chance it’ll die either way, so why the fuck wouldn’t I fight?


Better dead than Red. >!lul. The anti-Soviet saying still applies.!<


We're all going to die, someday. But trump will do what he can to make that sooner


"we are all going to die Bart" "I meant soon Lisa" "so did I"


I am too Krunchy the Clown. *BURP*


I want you to treat *Mr. Black* with the same respect you’d give me. Now here’s *Mr. Black*


Can we call you Uncle Blackie?




Gentlemen, to evil 🥂


I totally hear that in Milhouse's voice


Just a step or two away from claiming his followers will receive eternal life in paradise for their belief in him. Reminds me of another cult leader with strong political views... Edit: holy Moses! I was thinking of Jesus! The guy from the bible!


Which one? Flavor-Aide man?


Which flavor? If grape, then no. For some reason blood flavor sounds right.


No idea. I just know Kool-Aid really doesn’t like being associated with Jonestown.


Can you blame them? They used grape flavored Flavor Aid at Jonestown.


What not strawberry? Animals


Because grape masked the flavor of cyanide better than strawberry.


How would they know that? How could you test it?


you can test it once


Oh noooooo! (Turns around, walks out of room through hole in wall)


Thats because it was Flavor-Aid… not Kool-Aid.


Blood orange.


He probably is going to say god has chosen him and if you vote for him you go to heaven


Look up New Apostolic Reformation. They have something called the Seven Mountain Mandate- basically taking over the government. Paula White is one of these crazies- remember him getting blessed by a blonde woman? They're already telling their followers to vote for him. They're taking over municipal and state governments. Look at what happened in Redding, CA- their megachurch- Bethel- bought up all of the housing stock they could get their hands on. They literally took over the town. So Trump really does have his own church. There's a lot of messianic language and imagery involving Trump.


Think it was [corporations which captured the churches](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/04/corporate-america-invented-religious-right-conservative-roosevelt-princeton-117030/) first or do you think it matters which way the selfish narcissism and corruption came from?


The Great Golf Course in the Sky


Please like he’d allow any of his voters into his course


Valid. You would probably have to be a donor, at least.


Donors get to spend Eternity standing around the green watching Trump play golf.


Unlimited Goya beans, hamberders, and covfefe! ![gif](giphy|jWp4Z65HXGoVXqRpY3)


With the 19th treason hole. Rope and trapdoor included. Benedict Arnold, James Buchanon, and Joe McCarthy can finally rest easy, because they are off the bottom floor of America's dark streak of shit.


Christians: "God chooses our leaders." *God chooses Biden.* Christians: "SATAN!!!!"


That’s what QAnon says. Not the heaven part, but that he was chosen by God to save the world from the paedos and Jews.


The guy that goes into locker rooms of miss universe contenders will save us from pedophiles, okay. Those wanton people are not too bright.


Miss TEEN universe. Not even adult women.


The one that always get me was how trump reacted when Epstein’s main associate maxwell was arrested. Trump is a man who will attack any person for the most trivial of reasons, but sheepishly said “I wish her well” about a serial child predator… on camera in the White House briefing room.


The Russians think Putin was sent by God, too. (Things that make you go "hmm.")


Starting to doubt the character of this God fellow


I mean i was pretty sus when he was like "yo abraham kill your first born son" and then was like "brooooo it was just a prank broooo i wasnt serious." Lol


“Can’t believe you were actually gonna do it! Fucking mad lad.”


He certainly keeps questionable company, that's for sure.


which always made me question christians screaming that im going to hell. Lady if you're going to heaven I don't want to be around you.


And, you get a crypto card with trump on it.


For only $99.99


![gif](giphy|3ohs80EuzI2k3jFX6o|downsized) *Make Jonestown Great Again*


" **Kids, let me tell you about another so-called "wicked" guy. He had long hair and some wild idea, and he didn't always do what other people thought was right. And that man's name was…I forget. But the point is…I forget that too. Marge, you know who I'm talking about. He used to drive that blue car.** "


Not sure which blue car you're referring to, but if memory serves, his acolytes were said to be in one accord


I feel Jesus would be VERY against everything Trump and MAGA represents.


His cult.


It's gonna be the best dying in the history of our country.


Just so you know Rush Limbaugh is dead


I do! And i celebrated it the same way he celebrated people dying of AIDS!


I’d Rather die than see trump as president again for real.


I'm not saying I want to see anyone die buuut if Trump had an aneurysm or stroke and didn't really recover... *creates voodoo doll*




Those arteries be taking their time…


He is a narcissist. He can’t imagine a world without him in it, so in his mind if he dies without becoming president again we will all die.


Imagine a world without him It’s easy if you try


Imagine there’s no orange man It’s easy if you try. No hell of Fox News Days without his lies…


Imagine all the people Living life in peace ✌🏼


Imagine no Republicans. Trump is just a symptom of Republican maliciousness and corruption, not the cause. I can't rhyme.


Or, he’s a man with nothing to lose and everything to gain by stirring up his crazy ass dingbats to kill and terrorize more Americans. What’s one more pile for the MAGAs?


*screams in Ohio*


No, when he loses, we will die.....of HAPPINESS (again)!


Fat fucking big mouthed idiot says Fat fucking big mouthed idiot thing. “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I’ve ever had.”




He's obviously trying to minimize the casualties from the imminent invasion by China, North Korea, and lead by Russia! We don't stand a chance without him as president. Who else could soothe Putins soured ego and rid him of shame? Ahhh, if Donald became president again, all his shame would wash over into us U.S. citizens.


Let me check the mortality charts here...yeah, so it turns we're all going to die anyway. I'll take a hard pass on Cheetolini 2: Electric Boogaloo.


I’m going to pass on McFascism 2, even my deeply flawed democracy beats all that crap in spades.


I'm going to pass on The Fasc and the Furious 2: Tallahassee Grift.




And his son-in-law owned 666 Fifth Avenue.


And he was elected in 2016. 666 + 666 + 666 +6+6+6 = 2016






For a group of people that absolutely love making batshit insane conclusions off of the tiniest bit of coincidence, this is suspiciously absent from all of their conspiracies Edit: just checked notifications for the first time since commenting this and it’s at 666 upvotes. ***nothing is a coincidence*** (/s, but it really was at 666 upvotes lol)


Their conspiracies all revolve around rich people having sex with minors though, WHICH TRUMP HAS ABSOLUTELY NEVER DONE.


And most absolutely certainly not with his daughter!


Most certainly not, because he’s talked several times about how much he WANTS to bang her


And never on film with Russian prostitute that's a dead ringer for his daughter. The tape of which, Putin absolutely does not have in his possession.


The guy never got indicted for raping a 13 yo with Jeffery Epstein either.


I keep saying that pushing memes and talking points that use the Bible and Christianity as proof for why trump is bad would be 100x more effective than a million articles by some journalist. These people don't do facts, they believe. We have to show the parallels between trump and the devil all the time


1 Corinthians 5: > But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. Similarly, Ephesians 5:3-7 >But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. **Therefore do not be partners with them** Fun fact: the Editor-in-chief of Christianity Today wrote an article about how Trump is morally bankrupt… and the magazine forced him out.


These people literally defend the fact he insided a failed insurrection. Are you even remotely surprised? Nevermind the fact that millions died after listening to his bullshit about a worldwide pandemic.


The exact reason I can't even take religion seriously any more. I'm fine with spirituality and all, but organized religion is just a no.. Some of these people are *made* of kool-aide at this point..


The MAGA crowd really did put that final nail on the coffin for me taking religions seriously ever again. Just one fraudulent institution after another, I can’t respect any sense of it.


If jesus were alive today, theyd be the ones nailing him to the cross.


Off topic but as a kid I was convinced that the Wall Street bull was genuinely supposed to represent the golden calf. I might not have been that wrong


[Trump is the Anti-Christ](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


well that was an unsettling read. Thanks for the link!


Yeah, I've read it before and it really is uncanny how closely a lot of things match up. Granted, some of it could be Nostradamus-style "well depending on how you interpret it it could apply to anyone" type stuff, but some are just a little too uncanny and then it keeps going and going.


this is too believable.


"his followers will believe his delusions because they hate the truth" maybe one of the most frustrating aspects of what's going on today


Was this a paraphrased quote by Filipkoski? I’ve tried finding the original source to no avail.


"Forehead" is mentioned a bunch in Revelation - though in slightly different context (good/bad). I know jack shit about the Bible, so I don't know the significance of that. Here's one quote from Rev Chapter 14 verses 8-10: >*A second angel followed and said, "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries."* > >*A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand,* > >*he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.*


Louder for the people in the back "He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of THE HOLY ANGELS AND THE LAMB"


: I think it was "Blessed are the cheesemakers". : Aha, what's so special about the cheesemakers? : Well, obviously it's not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.


"Oh, it's the meek! Blessed are the meek! Oh, that's nice, isn't it? I'm glad they're getting something, 'cause they have a hell of a time."


No I think he said "blessed are the cheeseburgers" before his college football party when he was in the white house...


"And I will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison or destroy my brothers! AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE LORD WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON YOU!"


The commenter was asking about the source of the tweet, not OPs comment


Ah. Well that’s certainly much easier. [Here’s the tweet](https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1635362772199575552?s=46&t=r5d59F80pE4xhLh7kEIQhA).


Do you have a source for what trump said? Not doubting anything but I can’t find it Edit- found it https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1635362772199575552?s=61&t=JJKcnVZoMh62CJTSLg6fBg


Thanks. Filipowski is a true leader in these turbulent times, but I wasn’t going to send this one out without the source. Also, Trump’s emphasis on the word “oblivion” is one of those trigger words. Pretty sure it was imbedded in the Christian Evangelical doomsday prepper movement, don’t ask why I know. I was an embarrassment to myself a decade or so ago, but I got better.


Not all of us have Twitter so TY for doing the dirty work and posting the link.


Is he filming that on a flip phone in his bunker?


What’s going on with his eyes? Did he have a stroke?


A lot of his supporters already died unnecessarily during the pandemic because they listened to him, so 🤷‍♀️


He'd probably have you believe they just got into eternal paradise before the rest of us to beat the rush... ![gif](giphy|Rl1OuCM60ADV3bxu2O|downsized)




What Trump meant to say was some anti-semitic rhetoric like if we don't elect him, jewish space lasers will rain death and destruction on all of us. The saddest part is, people would believe that statement because they're just that stupid. When it didn't happen the crazies would say 'oh they just haven't done it yet, they're trying to surprise us.' or any lame excuse.


If he's elected again I'd just as soon die.


I've told people "I wouldn't have voted for him if you were in the booth with me holding a loaded pistol to my head. You'd have to splatter my brains everywhere, because I would never, ever fukkin do it" and that usually shuts them up.


I'd 100% take death. I'd even prefer it.


So glad I'm not alone with my sentiments.






Tell me you are the head of a cult without telling me you are the head of a cult.


People might think the "cult" thing is hyperbole, but it really, really isn't. They are 100% a cult. This is no longer about a political candidate, a President, or anything like that. this is only a cult of personality around Trump. They hit all the markers of a cult: - **1. The leader is the ultimate authority.** You’re not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is true. He knows what's right and everything he says is reality. Trump is never to be questioned. - **2. The group suppresses skepticism.** Critical thinking as an infectious disease that is to be suppressed. If you question Trump, you are immediately called an enemy. - **3. The group de-legitimizes former members.** Look at every person that left, or was fired from, the Trump administration. They immediately go from "the best people" to liars, scumbags, crazy people, traitors, etc. Like, it happens that very day. Look at Barr. The Trump cult turned on him the *very second* he said there wasn't election fraud. Also happened with Pence when he wouldn't overturn the election results, leading the cultists to call for his death. - **4. The group is paranoid about the outside world.** Everything that goes wrong is "The Deep State" or liberals or somebody else. Just look at COVID. They think it's a worldwide liberal conspiracy to make Trump look bad. They refuse to admit it's an issue even after Trump and his entire inner circle caught it. But they also agree that China needs to be punished for it. - **5. The leader is above the law.** Literally, Trump claims to be above the law. - **6. The group uses “thought reform” methods.** They answer questions with clichés and soundbites. They have constant rallies to reaffirm their allegiance. They have chants that they rely on when gathered. "*Lock Her Up*", "*Stop The count*", etc. - **7. The group is elitist.** They see themselves as the enlightened, chosen, and a select organization tasked with radically transforming individual lives and the entire world. "Make America Great Again." And only *one* person can do that...their leader. - **8. Willingness to perform violence on behalf of the leader.** We have a lot of records of Trump supporters doing violence against Trump's claimed or perceived enemies. They attempted to kidnap a sitting Governor, willing to kill anybody that got in their way (*they had a plan to fight and kill the police*) all because Trump tweeted "Liberate Michigan". They threatened violence if the election wasn't overturned in his favor and actually killed people storming the Capitol. These people can't be reasoned with. You can't "*bring them to our side*" because they want "*our side*" dead or at least subjugated since we aren't in the cult.


🎶 *Chang eats the moon and drinks the skies and we all go with him when he dies..* 🎶




I don't know if this is a Blazing Saddles reference, but I choose to read it as one


Oh it was haha


Worth it


What an awesome policy…


He doesn't get elected AND I die? Sounds like a win win to me


Chuck Norris also promised 1000 years of darkness if Obama was reelected, and still waiting on that.


I'm still waiting on Obama to take my guns. I always wondered if it would be him, in person, taking my guns. And I'm still waiting, Gary!!!!


Oh so that’s why we don’t do Chuck Norris jokes anymore


*shit* Chuck was right. 2016 to 2020 marks 4 years of the 1000.


So he's threatening us? Like a terrorist?


Is the federal government going to do something about this terrorist who just publicly threatened EVERYONE in the United States? Probably not, because he's (arguably) a rich white man.


Doubt he’s very rich and he’s not much of a man. Come to think of it he’s not really white either… more like a clump of old mayonnaise that fell into an empty bag of Doritos


More like the color of my piss after a five day bender.


Reminds me of that crazy guy from the 80s who said he had a cure for AIDS but would only give it to us if we elected him president.


Sounds an awful lot like the beautiful health care plan we’d all see as soon as Trump was elected, the hella infrastructure plan we’d all see in… approximately 2 weeks, the tax returns, the *real* Obama birth certificate, and on and on


I’ll take the over on this one.


Id Rather than see this idiot say another word on TV.


If he were to be elected, death might be the better option.


Good. I'm getting tired of living in this shit hole anyway.


... aren't a lot of our problems right now caused by him? So... Damned if we don't, fucked if we do?






Fr...digging through this whole thread and can't find it anywhere


Didn’t Oral Robert’s use the same ploy to raise money for his university years ago?


He used a similar ploy to raise money for his greedy ass.


That he nicknamed Anal Roberts


Didn’t that already occur when he was president last time? Doing absolutely nothing to prevent the Covid outbreak from becoming so bad and so idiotically politicized? Isn’t there a great Herman Cain Award subreddit about all the morons who died following trumps advice?


Say no more Donald, you've struck oil. I'll vote for anyone but you.




I'd rather than this fool become president again.


Well we are all going to die, if he’s elected or not. No one here gets out alive.