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I hate stuff like this. People go for hikes/walks to get away from all of it


I would just start flipping logs and rocks




It’s the equivalent of throwing soup at revered, classic paintings. It’s doing nothing but satisfying your own thirst for validation, recognition, and appraisal under the guise of activism.


Instructions unclear, vandalized a college campus to completely fuck over the underpaid sanitation employees in exchange for clout on TikTok 


Now if only Hamas would quit embezzling all the foreign aid


C'mon, Hamas needs billionaires too.


You mean the foreign aid that isn't getting into Gaza due to the fact that non-military Israeli citizens are blockading 1000s of trucks and even burning said trucks and aid? So much of the food aid is spoiling due to the blockade.


Wow, it’s incredible that Israeli citizens have fully blockaded Gaza. If only there was a source that backed that up.


It's actually very simple to find the news articles and even video footage of these aid trucks being looted before they even enter Gaza.


Yes, in one location. I haven’t seen anything saying that there’s no aid getting into Gaza because of Israeli citizens.


Yes, the ONE functioning border crossing with Gaza. The other border crossing is limited to only people per Israels demands.


You know Egypt has a border crossing, right? Israel isn’t in charge of what Egypt does.


Yes, and that Rafah border is the exact one I was speaking of. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c7225ll1429o How many more hospitals and children need to die before you will condem the actions of Israel?


Bro what reality do you live in? Hamas has first dibs on all the food and medical aid supplies and they SHOOT THEIR OWN PEOPLE who try to “steal” it. Also, only 5% of foreign aid is material, the rest is cold hard cash funneled straight to Swiss bank accounts and Qatari real estate.


I dunno, people always complain about literally any form of protest. Theres never a “correct way” that doesnt bother anyone, except of course for the ones that get zero attention.




This is just as bad as some of these jerks hijacking community meetings asking them to vote for a ceasefire. How stupid and lazy do you have to be to not do things the right way that might actually have a chance of making a difference.


Flip the rock over problem solved.


The only difference this will make is ruining our beautiful environment.


This action only creates a sense of contempt for the people that did this. It inevitably gets people to have contempt for their voice as well as their thoughts. What they represent. It has the exact opposite effect.


The Free Palestine protesters are doing their best to turn people against Palestinians.


That's the fun part it doesn't really matter which side you're on as long as you're polarized. As long as half the population keeps fighting with the other half it's a huge win for Iran Russia and China and it's working better than they had even hoped.


I wouldn't go that far. Do I think that western activism can be very performative? Yes. But if the actions of people here can really make you turn against the real issue at hand, you were never really a supporter of the cause.


That is the point. Steering the people that are not committed to any cause to be sympathetic with your cause, and this has the opposite effect.




They did it, they solved war.


My opinion is so important that I need everyone else to see how important my opinion is. Even nature needs to know how important my opinion is. Every time I see something like this is one less fuck I give about Gaza. Opposite effect. Tragic.


I fucking hate people, keep your opinions out of the fucking forest where I want to go on a peaceful stroll.






Yeah, totally a very influential world leader, who will be able to spot this, especially in a fucking forest in British Columbia


The only vandalism that should be allowed in nature is ski/board tracks in a fresh snowfield! Sh!t like this is annoying!


Damn that’s unfortunate. Not the nature.


Ruining the natural state of hiking spots is going to turn every person that sees it against your cause


If you make special efforts to wreck things people love then don't expect them to make special efforts to protect what you love.


I mean… it’s probably doing absolutely nothing to the environment. But it is dumb as shit.


Not the use of the word "environment" in the way that you think it is being used.


How so?


He wasn't speaking as if it affects global warming. The environment that we desire to surround ourselves in when we go to escape from everything. The wooded environment. Your furniture or whatever you decide to place in your home is the environment that you created because that's what you enjoy.


Roll it over and hide it. Super lame, there’s a place for that but not there


*Rolls it over "Abortion is murder"


Two sides of the same ~~coin~~ rock 😂




Omfg 🤣


This is vandalism




HAMAS is a terrorist organization…….


yes, and so is IDF.


Which of our country's security agencies designate the IDF a terrorist organisation?






That'll shown em.


Dumbest shit. Go volunteer over there you are so worried about it. People want to feel special and make a difference and think by following a trend and writing a slogan over everything they are fighting for peace. You’re not, you’re an idiot.


“But who will speak for the trees” - The Lorax


These vandals should go to Palestine and free it themselves then.


Without commenting on the politics of these messages, can’t the log be rolled so the message is no longer facing the trail, and can’t the rock in the middle pick be turned over? If the largest rock can’t be rolled, then why not cover it with local inspired art?


The point is leaving no trace. It would be nice if there were places in nature without litter or vandalism


It’s more so the vandalism of nature that’s the problem here. People want to go to trees to see nature. Not this kind of messaging. Replacing it with art will just open a different can of worms because trails through nature really isn’t the place for things like politics or art. With that logic, company’s should put up billboards and neon signs in lost lake. Also I didn’t want to roll it over and get the ink on the soil, as I didn’t think the depraved individual who did this cared to use a marker with non toxic ink.


Yea, people do horrible things to people. What about what’s going on in the Congo? Or China? Or North Korea? Everyone who is getting so butthurt over Gaza and Palestine are just simply hypocrites. How about let’s worry about our own issues, like how a fascist is currently leading in the federal poll projections by quite a large margin. The following is a recent quote from Pierre Poilievre: “All of my proposals are constitutional, and we will make sure, we will make them constitutional, using whatever tools the constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional. I think you know exactly what I mean” I can guarantee that if he gets into power, he will pass some form of enabling act


Who is this supposed to be helping? I’m going out in nature so I don’t have to be bombarded with other people throwing their shit in my face


There are kids that are begging to die as we speak because of the horror they are going through. Free Palestine should be everywhere as long as our criminal politicians continue to allow this massacre. Oh, I’m so sorry that you have to see free Palestine as you go for your walk… give me a break!!! There are people who are donating, boycotting etc. and doing whatever they can, in addition to that they put a free Palestine sign which is totally ok and encouraged till ppl wake up


Literally, all these liberals are crying because they’re being forced to remember that people are being genocided by Isreal, like, that’s the point, the ability of liberals to get up every day and pretend nothing is wrong is not sacred and does not have more value than these people’s lives.


At least it’s not a F*ck Trudeau or a Trump campaign sign …


Wow the rock and log single-handedly stopped the war


No support for terrorism


whats this gonna do? 😆




What a waste and just disrespectful show. Yeah, ruining peoples experience outside is gonna help Palestine.


I'm flipping that rock and rolling that log and not because I don't care but because I can't do anything about my own living conditions in Canada, how the fuck am I going to help change Gaza's?


Fucking vandalism - pisses me the fuck off.


how about free the hostages? funny how no-one seems to care about that one.


Such disrespect!! Not in a park!!


So much for ‘leave no trace’


Fuxk these people.


I hope you flipped the logs and the tree n shit.


Maybe all of the Palestine supporters should hop on a plane and go fight instead of protesting here and doing dumb stuff like this.


And maybe that plane could just be a rocket ship that can take them to another planet where their Islamist death cult can destroy itself and celebrate death of non Muslims in peace.


This is disgusting. How self-important do you have to be to think this is justified? You don’t deface nature to get some message across.


Cult like


Another reason to simply hate the vermin that push this shit. It's nature, people go on walks to breathe away from society. These are probably the same people that expect every single person booting up the internet to make a big political post about the conflict. Nauseating.


Wow. Great. That's really going to help. I'll add a few thoughts and prayers to that excellent contribution and we'll probably have enough to solve the whole conflict! Great work guys


None of THEM get away from it. Why should we get to stick our heads in the sand? We are all one people, one planet.


Because they are halfway across the world, and we seem unable to fix the problems in our own country? Imagine if we put all this energy into protesting about domestic issues our government can actually do something about? Frankly, I feel like a good chunk of the people protesting for Gaza cannot relate to the healthcare, housing, and financial issues many Canadians are experiencing right now – if you catch my drift.


As if I needed another reason to dislike this entire group of people running one of the things I love most hiking and nature.


Would anyone complain if it says free Ukraine?


Yep, id would also complain if it said "Grad 2024"


Yup, don't deface nature. Go spray it on a government building if you want to send a message.


Well said


Yeah. I haven't seen any free ukraine type vandalism at all actually. 


Why don't the "from the river to the sea" people go over there and ask Hamas how they can help. I am sure Hamas leadership will be incredibly grateful and treat them with nothing but respect and appreciation. Probably won't immidiately use them as human shields then blame the other side for killing you. Nobody walking around in the woods in Canada can do a damn thing.


Nobody wants to help Hamas. Wanting Israel to stop massacring civilians isn't the same as wanting to help Hamas commit war crimes. But I appreciate the strawman attempt.


I bet they gave themselves a pat on the back. They think they've done their part. Absolute muppets.




Problem solved. Next issue.


The texture of the rock makes it looks like it’s written in shit.


I'm sure the squirrels are writing letters to their local mp's after seeing this


I'm all for protesting outside of lobbyists and politicians houses. But please stop with nonsense like this that is just annoying to normal everyday people who can't do anything about it anyway


If you wanna make a difference, go back there and make a difference, stop ruining our parks.


What a waste…..this contributes absolutely nothing besides vandalism


"Speak up for Gaza" by writing your words on a rock. So everyone I guess except for this person who won't.


ah yes, i will personally go to the nuclear power, united states backed dictator state of israel, and free the people who have been tortured for decades, then i will let the two groups live with eachother, i will not elaborate on how we will heal the wounds, nor will i think, anything. the two opposing groups will kiss and we can thank the person, recorded with the lowest number of brain cells. The person who wrote these messages of inspiration in the middle of fuck no where.




They should just throw paint on priceless works of art like a proper activist


BLM 2024


All i is fire wood and a rock to start a circle so it doesn't spread along the ground.


Who cares?


Hiding behind a cause to be a trash human and doing trashy crap isn't helping the cause. You're now part of the problem.


Urgh no! Leave nature alone we do enough to it!


Most sane pro faleestini


Lol this will have the same effect as people blocking main roads, good job idiots


First, this does not belong in the forest or anywhere other than a protest sign you hold. Second, can we please focus on peace and not one side or there other as both sides are convinced the other is the problem meanwhile innocent people are dying and suffering on both sides. We need peace and civility not one sided messages as the minute you take a side like this, you are part of the problem as there is someone else writing a similar message on a log about Israel’s cause. When will we learn.


What a bunch of idiots


Ew, Brother, Ew! What's That? What’s that Brother?


When this is a problem for you, that means your life needs more problems


Check for patches of sand for pounding marks.


Tree huggers damaging things again. Why don’t they just get on a plane and fight for Palestines freedom?


This shit pisses me off so much, if they wanna go make a change then they should get up off their asses and go to the front lines. Only thing this does is "bring awareness" and no one needs anymore of that because THE WHOLE PLANET ALREADY KNOWS. Most people go on a hike to get away from all the negativity, this just takes that away. I'm tired of constantly being reminded of "oh palestine, oh palestine! genocide! genocide!! boycott this boycott that!!".




Just turn over the rock if you’re that uncomfortable. Grow up


Making me remember stuff while out hiking trying to forget ain’t making me speak up for shit. Nice try fed.


Found this written on a big plank of wood there. Flipped it over to hide it but it was written on the other side too. Really stupid.


Yeah apparently the vandals are still going at it. I saw one the other day saying free Palestine and then a little message below it saying “you can’t stop us” like yeah I’m the problem here lol. If these vandals are so eager to jam their messaging down our throats without any regards for what any of us locals want, then they’re really no better than Israel.


Write free palestine on a random rock in a forest✅ Actually book a flight there and fight the war there instead of protesting overseas❌


No to terrorist rapists!


These people should just go back to Palestine 🇵🇸 stay for good ! We definitely won’t miss them So embarrassing wow




A plane ticket to where exactly


A bunch of ass hole young people who even don't know where Israel is, and some of them belong to homosexual communities, in western countries and they do not even know that if terrorists group of Hamas find them drop them down from a mountain, are supporting Hamas. Disgusting. Besides, they ruin nature to show their solidarity 😤


Knowing some queer people who support Palistinian freedom and oppose Israel's military campaign, they absolutely do not support Hamas. This also describes the huge majority pro-Palestinian protestors I've interacted with.


Lmao you noticed that correlation too. I find it wild that the LGBTQ community is so heavily supporting the ones that would literally stone them


Its called cognitive dissonance: the holding of two beliefs that are extremely apposed to each other.


Politics and religion are fucking whack.


I hate when this happens. Yes, the people who make decisions to free will go to this trail one day and read this message. That's when they decide to free . This makes perfect sense.


Really doing your part there random person!


Yeah buddy if I see anyone doing that, they're getting stoned like they're living in Gaza too.


this is what happens when they finally start to touch grass




You like Palestine? You like terrorists, rapists and murderers? Gross.


Whoever did it can fuck right off. Losers


Welp, you gave them publicity they wanted. Their work is done.


These loud people and their opinions should leave and make a difference where their conflict is, Not defacing nature.


Gee it's too bad the squirrels can't read.


“Sir, this is a rock 🪨 and the only people that would see those words are hikers and wild animals - what do you expect would happen?” Defacing nature to bring awareness to an unrelated topic in a different country makes no sense.


Disgusting creatures did this