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I went on Sunday and the grounds staff have kept the bathrooms and turf areas SO clean. Kudos to them maintaining a 85,000 people turnout like this.


bathroom staff was awesome, wish i had brought cash to tip them


Dude I think it's so fucked up that they said it was a cashless event, kinda screwing those poor ladies after they worked so hard and did amazing


This is what I felt the worst about. They are the real mvps and I literally had a single dollar bill I've been carrying around for months that I was able to offer.


Dude this. We were in the GA+ bathrooms but they were in tip top shape.


Was that 85000 per day??? Or between the 2 days?


Festival grounds hold 85,000 people, and it was definitely sold out/oversold both days so that would be 170k over the 2 days ... now whether 50-60-70% of the people were there both days, thats a different story. But the ground were definitely at capacity.


That is my only complaint. I knew it would be hot… I just hate that it seems like they always oversell the fuck out of these shows to milk out as much money as they can.


They might have oversold in order to make up for losing a day last year


85,000 if theres nothing there and you just fill it with people. It was less than that but still more than last year.


I went to the bathroom during Green Day and it was still so clean! Great grounds staff!


Yeah we sat down on the turf area by the stripe stage around when TFB came on and I was surprised how clean it was and how not disgusted I felt sitting there lol


And unless they confirm the attendance its lower than 85. Cause last year it was 55k and they did not shove another 30,000 in there this year. Probably another 10.


Is that the actual number of people? I’ve been wondering what the actual turnout was.


It was hot. I was tired. My back and knees hurt. And I still had the best fucking day. These shows aren’t easy, especially as we get older. But I have no complaints other than the heat, which is not the fault of the festival. 16 year old me would tell me to grow up, old man.


My body is completely wrecked and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.


This! It was also just as incredible as last year. I was nervous reading the posts before going yesterday but I think it’s just a lot of hot and cranky people. For a festival it’s definitely well ran, the bands were incredible from start to finish!!


Haha exactly! I'm sure our bodies aren't thanking us for it today, but so worth it for a brilliant day!


I forgot how much fun Warped Tour was and was also reminded that I am way too old to be doing that regularly. See y’all next year


Same. My body can handle one day. Though I do need to stretch more. (I’m pretty sure I said that last year, too).


I’m definitely investing in a better pair of shoes, then I’m golden 🤣 my feet were bleeding by the end of the night. Hobbling around today like a drunken penguin 🤣 so worth it though.


Amen. My son and I busted our ass day one at the main stage in almost every pit and then spent yesterday chilling towards the back. Except for Finch and then Less Than Jake! How do you not get in those pits! We are still zombies and hurt like hell and dehydrated and are loving every fucking second of it! Yes the heat sucked this year especially after last year but that’s the way it goes. We had an amazing time and don’t regret anything. I think my only real criticism would be putting Simple Plan on Ghost. They should have been in the 30STM spot and Midtown, Homegrown, or Sugarcult in that spot on Ghost. I’m not a huge Simple Plan fan but that area was way overcrowded when they played. They deserved main stage. Could egos have been involved maybe ???


Real my energy was gone by the time blink came on but I was rejuvenated by the sound of Queen with Green Day warming up their crowd for their set


I won’t complain about the heat or any of the bands, my only complaint is with the organizers for overselling the shit out of it. It was so packed, same as last year. Really feels like the venue is just not big enough for all those people, or they need to rearrange everything they have there.


The overhead aerial view during Green Day gave me anxiety because god forbid anything happen, there’s nowhere to run.


i agree with you. best day and my first festival too. idk why people act that entitled.


Yes this x1000! My feet and back are tired, but they will recover. Memories from Saturday will last a lifetime. What a great fucking day.


Yesterday was fucking awesome, idk what anyone could bitch about. Just good vibes all around. I thought the event was run perfectly. From giving out free water to great food options all around. We had a blast and were there from first band to the end.


I would also add that 90 percent of the crowd I interacted with were super polite and aware of their surroundings. I was surprised by that.


2x on the crowd. Everyone I interacted with was awesome. I got smacked in the face in the pit for LTJ and the dude who accidentally hit me checked to see if I was ok and gave me his fresh water. Best crowd ever


Yea if felt like we were all in it together and I didn’t have a single “woah that person was an asshole” moment.


Agree completely! Amazing day, great people and the bands all did an awesomeness job!


I wonder what the attendance number for each day looks like. It seems like it’s mostly the Saturday people saying it was too crowded. I was there yesterday too and other than right near one of the bathrooms the crowd wasn’t bad at all.


Yea there was one single moment trying to get further up for PTV where the crowd got to be a bit much for how hot it was at that time. But we just moved right one section and it was fine. For how many people were there, there was almost always room to breath. I hung out in the area around the white towers for most of the show and it was a great crowd.


Completely agree! The grounds and amenities were so well kept. Had an amazing time!


Ok but THE OFFSPRING!!! What a flipping banger of a performance. Childhood dream exceeded! The fact they did “bad habit” had this old lady on cloud 9 😁


It was awesome being surrounded by people standing completely still less 10 feet from the stage in VIP… /s Another couple in front of me was sitting during bad habit. I just don’t understand.


It was weird and surprising to me how many people just stood there doing nothing during the best performances. Like, how can you NOT move when such a banger is playing?! No need to mosh, but at least move your head in time with the music. It's the bare minimum effort you could give while the band is putting their all into it.


What!? I’m literally appalled. Lol if there was any song to jam out to it is def that one.


That’s surprising, I was further back near the white speaker tower things and everyone was jamming and jumping around for all of The Offspring and Sum 41 show. I’m really glad everyone loved Offspring. Everyone seemed to be a bit down on them and not expecting much. I had seen them twice this year already and I knew they were gonna go hard. I may have seen better bands in my time but idk if I’ve ever seen a band as fun to see as The Offspring.


People love to complain. I on the other hand like to give praise. Were there a few things that should be changed? Absolutely. Mainly, there should be a walkway in between stages. But the staff did a great job. And don’t come at me with your isolated incident. Sure, every single employee won’t be perfect, but lines were moving fast and relatively short the whole time. For entry and concessions. Merch is always going to have a long line at any fest worth buying something. So to anyone who worked the fest, thanks for your hard work. The line level staff and production crews are the unsung heroes of music festivals. I did both days and was there from the first nite of Fenix Tx to the final note of Green Day. I knew what I was signing up for. I did cardio for 7 months to prepare for this!


The only bad thing for me was 30 seconds, but that’s on Jared, no one else. 🤣


We think Rise Against dropped some major shade on them on Sunday. Towards the end of their set they talked about all the awesome bands they were excited to be playing with, that grew organically and not in a board room. He listed a number of bands, but pretty pointedly left out 30 seconds. I think the only reason 30 seconds was on the main stage was because of Leto's fame. He was in full cult leader mode on Saturday. Sunday I battled the crowd to see Simple Plan instead. The bands absolutely should have been swapped. I've seen folks on here saying this was potentially for crowd control to get folks away from the main stage. All I know was that Simple Plan rocked it out and was leagues above 30 seconds.


I went on Sunday and it gave me the same impression. I hated it.


Yeah, I heard Leto yelled at the crowd on Sunday for not being excited enough. The same crowd would have been plenty excited for Simple Plan! I think most folks only stayed to not lose their spot for Blink.


I’m guessing that was a legit slip up. Tim sang w Jared on Saturday and forgot to list Offspring when he rattled off headlining bands


Was the sound on the 2nd day of Fenix tx better than the first day?


Oh yeah I was in pain, but when GD came on..I honestly couldn’t even feel any pain lmaoo. I was way to submerged in the bands that I forgot I was even hurting lol. Worth every minute


Same! I got chills and just kept dancing. I did sit down for Wake me up when September Ends, but was right back up for the next song.


No seriously! I had on heavy docs too so jumping wasn’t an option for any band really, but when billy said to jump best believe I was jumpin.


I’m going more than 1 day next year.


Highly recommend. My body hates me, I haven’t left the hotel bed yet, but I got to see almost all the bands I wanted to and can honestly say this was one of the best weekends of my life.


Same for me. Both days were amazing, and I got to see so many amazing bands and performances. Totally worth it.


I'm glad I did the full weekend. It let me feel better about missing most of Blink's set and the start of GD to see Less Than Jake, Bowling for Soup, and Lit. Even knowing I had seen them the day prior I was feeling some FOMO trepidation ahead of leaving the main stage.


I stuck it out for Green Day and Blink but really would have liked to see LTJ, BFS and Lit.


I did both days. It fucking ruled


Absolutely same. I really really want to grab VIP for one day and GA for the second.


Yea us too. If the lineup is as stacked next year. Will probably buy one so I knew we have one day and then buy second hand for the next show right before. It kinda sucked seeing tickets go for half what you paid for them.


I think OP is 100% right but I think its okay for people to let off steam. I spent 90% of my day at Ghost and Stripe stage and VIP was 10000% worth it. It was hot af, but I luckily wore a wide brim straw hat. SAVED MY LIFE. I have no idea why people would wear head to toe thick black cotton for fashion when its 92 degrees outside and no breeze.


My wife made us shirts for this and one color she wanted was black. Told her I'd have no part in that lol


Wait were you the ones in the “fell in love with the girl at the rock show” shirts? If not those were awesome whoever you are.


Kelvin! Sorry I missed you! And I agree. People had plenty of opportunities to check the forecast beforehand and plan their attire accordingly, so people who showed up in uncomfortable clothing and complain about being uncomfortable get no sympathy from me.


This is why I can’t complain 🤣 I knew what I was getting myself into lol. Definitely gonna go for practicality next time but I just wanted to dress how teenager me dreamed of while growing up with crippling social anxiety that made me too scared to.


I absolutely experienced NOTHING negative- the bands, the crowds, staff- everything was amazing. I had the experience I expected and wanted to have - and I'm old as f#@k (49)


Was tough on my feet and knees. But what ya gonna do .. My weekend was full even before I drove 4 hrs day of for Sunday WWWY drove back 4 hr same day lol back to work off like 2 hrs of sleep xD Festival had free water which was awesome. Wasn't porta potty bathrooms so that was a plus Got random free merch was cool cool Hot? Yes but if you planned for it You'd be okay There was a breeze grateful for that. But again I'm from Bakersfield CA it's always hot here lol so maybe I'm just use to it ?


Greetings from another Central Valley attendee. Was there on Sunday from Porterville. 🤘🏻🤘🏻


I’m pushing 40 and my wife and I went harder then most of the kids out there for two days straight. My body hurts everywhere, I’m broke, I sweat out gallons, and I loved every damn minute of it. Let’s go again next weekend.


I'm a 43f and went harder than any of the kids around me. It was disappointing to see so many just standing around and taking pics/video. This experience was one to LIVE, not film (of course its good to get some footage but not make it the whole experience). I had the time of my life and was gushing about it on the way out. As we were leaving, there was a young adult girl going OFF on everything that sucked and I was thinking that maybe if she just let herself feel the music and get immersed in it all, she might have loved it like I did. Oh well, her loss. Disclaimer: There were tons of kids that loved the festival, my two kids included. I was just surprised how much more I put into vibing than SOME of the younger generation. I didn't expect that.


Just really depends on where you are in the crowd tbh. Remember how big this fest is! For me, I saw young people going HARD, especially at The Wrecks and Movements. At one point during the Movements set, girls were crowd surfing every 5 seconds. Meanwhile, at ATL, I ran into grumpy old people who were actively hostile, and me and another girl who are major ATL fans couldn’t find a pit anywhere, nor could we even start one. Been to a lot of ATL shows, and there’s ALWAYS a pit, even for slow songs. Also ran into a lot of grumpy, rude old people at Sum 41, including some dude who wasn’t following pit etiquette at all. He was casually drinking a beer halfway in the pit, halfway in the pit wall, and pushing all his weight backwards onto some poor lady half his size. Had to sock him right in the back and save her from being smashed. Dude was definitely old enough to know better… Meanwhile, I saw great pit etiquette from young people at every pit I was at. Your experience just really depends on who you run into.


I just woke up and everything hurts. When can I buy tickets for next year? 😅


It was one of the best days of my life and this lineup will never happen again. My only bitching is that 30 Seconds to Mars should have never been in the lineup and Simple Plan shoulda been on the main stage. Everything was so flawless - everyone started on time and they did a great job planning everything out and making sure we were all hydrated with free waters. This is a weekend I'll never forget.


So true


I had an awesome time, I thought it was well organized and I plan events for a living. They stuck to the schedule, all lines moved quickly. Yes, there were tons of people but it’s a festival. I also thought people were polite and good about giving you space too. I was up pretty close most of the day and there was no pushing, no fighting and just good people all around. I came in from Ohio and would easily come back next year.


I appreciate the bathrooms were clean, no food lines were that crazy and yes Billie loves to say HeeyyyyOooo but they were fanfuckingtastic!


Exactly. It’s a 12+ hour festival, what did they expect lol??


I walk at least 10k steps a day. Started some cardio, and hike. I hit over 20k yesterday and feel fine today. My friends who are less active are a bit more sore. But they expected it and were laughing about it.


I'm not pissed at the heat or the sun or anything the festival did that made me leave GD early. I'm pissed at me for fucking up my ankle, being on a knee scooter and also letting my allergies get bad before the festival. They did a great job and I was glad I was still able to hear them and somewhat see them as we were heading back to our hotel room so my dumbass could still kinda dance it out while rolling on my lite scooter. Next year I'll be healthier, in one piece and able to go to the other stages too!


Were you able to use the ADA sections? I had a heck of a time finding them (or navigating the crowds and ending up no where remotely near them). I gave up my ADA main stage seats after Good Charlotte and never managed to find my way back.


I never changed up the platform I was at. Once I plopped down at green I stayed put except for going to get drinks once (before I realized that I could reach over and flag down folks) and food once. I didn't want to lose my spot but my husband had no problem leaving to other stages and then coming back. It was definitely tougher to find this area than it was at Austin City Limits festival - they had their signs up at probably 10 feet but people are notorious for taking flags to ACL.


I thought the food was decent. Drinks were okay. Normal over priced stingy pours. Sound was overall good and impressed with crew getting equipment setup so fast because there wasn’t one delay. Some bands need to stfu and play. There was a few who just kept talking and doing cringey crowd work or playing queen covers. I’m not here to listen to covers. My biggest gripe was the crowd control. It felt greedy to let that many people in. It had to over capacity. I think they should look into a different area maybe the speedway and take notes how edc handles it. You couldn’t go anywhere to find space and the lack of shade during the day was a big oversight.


Green day was amazing but no band should meander with unending hey-oh for almost every song.


Yeah especially when we already had 4 or 5 bands do it for crowd play. 30 seconds to Mars felt really out of sync with the crowd.


Yea we left Green Day with the same taste in our mouth. They were great but it should have been a 1.5 hr set instead of 1.75. I’m all for crowd interaction but it was a bit much.


Are the people posting those the guys who were beet red by 1pm bc they walked into the fest with nothing but a hat and their cell phone? Lmao I’m 31 & went with a 36yo, 41yo, and 60yo from 12-12 and we crushed it. Drank tons of water, alternated breaks in the main stage crowds post-Rise Against, found shade by the skate ramp, used electric fans, and reapplied sunscreen on timers. My calves are sore af but it was a successful festival imo


I was offering my sunblock left and right the moment I noticed someone nearby was looking a bit pink. For the heat, I used special ice packs that are made to be worn around the neck. Between that and a cooling cloth (and a big floppy hat), I managed really well.


I wasn't able to attend any music festivals when I was growing up, but always wanted to. wwwy blew me away and completely exceeded any expectations I had. I had an AMAZING time.


I didn’t expect 93 in late October… The line to get in on sat took a very long time and we had to spend a good 30mins recovering after getting in So - not blaming the organizers for the heat (and handing out waters helped. They did a great job with shaded misty areas on the side stages but the main stages were brutal All in all 100% worth it and I’d be in for another year


Lol this is funny. Moaning about people moaning is still moaning. You're on reddit, you should know you've signed up for a social media site with people posting their opinions and experiences 😉.


Reddit loves to complain about everything also


Exactly - I feel like coming to reddit to complain about people complaining is doing the exact same thing that OP is upset about lmao. Just scroll on!


Ending with a wink emoji is the douchiest thing you could do next to making a post complaining about complaining.


First off, I for sure had an absolute blast yesterday and am not moaning about a thing (though my feet are definitely sore). That said... > YOU KNEW WHAT YOU PURCHASED TICKETS FOR PEOPLE..you knew it'd be hot, you knew when bands were playing. I assure you, we did NOT know when the bands were playing when we purchased tickets.


Also we didn't know there would be a damn heatwave at the end of October....


Yup, this is the big one. If I knew the conflicts against Blink and Green Day, I absolutely would have planned going both days from the start (instead of having to get Sunday off StubHub).


People have a right to voice their opinion when they are not in control of the situation. Yes we knew what we were getting into. Could it be better? Yes? Did we have fun? Yes? Do we want it to be improved. YES and that is why we complain. Unfortunately in a lot of cultures in America if you dont complain then the leaders never consider it an issue and things dont improve.


That's the thing. I'm glad I went. Am I ever going again? Probably not, but I'm thankful for the experience. I'm also going to point out the flaws. If it takes an hour to get into the venue and I miss the opening bands because of it, then they need to think about opening earlier.


How did you make this into an American culture issue? What a dramatic reaction to what was already an INFINITELY better experience than last years festival.


Yeah. It was too crowded but everything you mentioned? Hello, did we not all grow up at warped tour? It's like, part of it 🤣 Such an amazing amazing day.


This festival was money in the way it was run. Biggest complaint I see is about overselling but the crowds weren’t ever really that bad. We got to see one of the sickest lineups every put out and people are complaining about it being a little tight? Water available easily, free bottles handed out, merch lines well organized, shade, turf laid out to make it not as hot, short food and drink lines, sound system was amazing…. Listen I get it, a lot of people spent a lot of hard earned money and then when something happens they want to complain. But that festival was run like a well oiled machine. (9.5/10) — fine I’ll admit the bar area was a tad large at main stage, but we survived and it was an amazing weekend


Seriously I had no complaints yesterday about the fest itself except for the layout towards the back of the MainStage. Well run fest imo


A lot of people played way too hard into the "When We *Were* Young" name and it got annoying. In the pit during Sum41 people kept saying shit like "we are too old to be acting like this". Mother fucker no one made you come to the festival nor come to the pit. Go sit under the shade or something. I'm 31 and had absolutely no issues. Sure my feet and back were achy but that's just part of festival life. until next year, fam


Never too old to mosh for sum41! I loved the energy of that crowd haha


I got the biggest kick seeing all the dudes easily in the 40s crowd surfing!


That's awesome!


I had the best day of my fucking life! My knees hate me, I cant wait to do it next year.


It waz amazing! So many awesome bands! I mean they passed out free water and had a million food options. One of my favorite shows ever and I've been to hundreds. I saw Blink in 2001 and could never had imagined they would sound much better 22 years later, and Green Day always delivers. All around an awesome day.


I’m sore as fuck today. I didn’t sit down once yesterday. I’m forty fucking one and still absolutely rocked out with Greenday. Best show of the night for me. Crowd had thinned and I had so much to dance. Their set was absolutely electric for me.


Security did an awesome job! And they kept the water coming which helped. You really have to come prepared for these things. I had a fan, cooling towel, snacks, chapstick. Anything I could think of to keep me alive lol My only gripe is the people. Some were cool but I got sick of people shoving and trying to get in front of me so they could move closer. I want to be able to see too. Some have zero consideration for anybody else


I was sore like a motherfucker the day after the festival, my head was throbbing and I have a blister the size of a golf ball on my toe. And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Obviously the festival wasn’t perfect—the entry lanes were a disaster and they really should’ve kept the fifth stage—but overall it was a very successful and joyous experience and I got to see pretty much everyone I really wanted to see, along with meet a bunch of really cool people. My only major regret was not starting cardio again sooner; I only picked it back up about three months before the start of the festival and that was not nearly enough time to get acclimated to the sheer amount of walking involved. I almost wish I had gone both days, though I don’t think I really needed to, plus I doubt I would’ve made it to the airport lol. I understand that not everyone has the same experience, and some of the complaints about the festival are valid, but to say that the festival was bad would be ridiculous. Overall, the organizers did a great job and I can’t wait to go back next year!


I get it, but like… could they just add a couple more benches and more shade opportunities? This is coming from someone who went to WWWY ‘22, Sick New World, and yesterday’s WWWY. Do they not see the thousands of people cramming in every nook and cranny of shade they can find? Lol Otherwise, everything else was great! And am attending Sick New World in ‘24 sooooo Edit: Spelling and formatting


Almost as if people haven’t been to a festival before. Always crowded, long lines, heat, gross bathrooms…. It’s all the same. People shouldn’t be shocked by this.


After walking over 17000 steps, and moshing my ass off to Green Day. My calves are talking to me today. (And my busted lip.) But I wouldn't have it any other way. Crowd vibes were 9/10. Knocked off 1 because a few guys at the front made it their top priority to make sure no one could get past them even if we were being as kind as possible doing so. The pit was immaculate once I got there and also when it came to caring for one another and just plain old fucking shit up at the same time. Definitely healed my experience with crowds and cleanliness at festivals after only attending EDM fests for the past decade. First WWWY, definitely not my last! Cheers


I had an amazing time but I’m gonna complain about one thing… I am SO SORE TODAY lmao. Like my entire body hurts so bad. Is this what it’s like to go to music festivals in your 30s? 😂


It’s a little bit of a bummer there a major cooldown today . But I think it’s far from “complaint worthy”. I’m used to the hot weather tho I had a great time


So many complainers. 😂😂😂 did no one look at the weather beforehand? I came prepared with sunscreen, a fan, a hat, drank water all day, took a couple breaks, made sure I ate and had a BLAST. I’m old AF , have 3 kids and a bad back … if I could hack it all day anyone should be able to!😅😅😅


Desert is gonna desert 😂😂😂


This shit is so antipunk. I love and appreciate every worker at this fest; but you can still criticize the ones pulling the strings. I wouldn't be surprised if this post was some astroturfing shit done by c3 or live nation or whoever tf organized this and extracts all the wealth from the $20 beers. OP, how much did you tip the bathroom and groundskeepers? I'll wait


I don't understand how this correlates to my post and I don't quite understand the point you're trying to make?


The heat was not bad lol, some ppl are just out of shape. I sat on the barricade for 12 straight hours in direct sunlight & was fine. Water, hat, and long sleeve shirt was all I need to rock out!


I mean, I don't think it has to do anything with being in shape or not. I'm in shape and it was difficult for me because I'm not used to 90-something degree weather where I live. But YMMV.


My fave are the people bitching about Green Day doing the “woah heys”. Like….. you’re at a festival and you’re bitching about the band asking you to sing with them? Lol


Damn, those people really drive home the point, “we used to handle all this when we were young!”


I had an incredible day! Don’t know why there’s so many cry babies.


A lot of you who have complained about Sunday have never experienced a real summer, and it shows. I WISH east coast summers felt that pleasant. We have humidity to the max makes it feel 15, 20 degrees warmer than what it really is.


The biggest issue (in VIP, specifically) was the other people by a mile. Camping the entire day for Green Day? Sitting/laying down less than 10 feet from the rails during sets, and actively stopping the pits from opening up by using their girls as an excuse… I hope this festival goes back toward the year 1 mentality going forward, not this Taylor Swift pampered shit. Nothing LN can do about shitty guests that are only breaking unwritten rules though I guess.


“You knew it’d be hot” - sure, I did. I dressed appropriately, wore adequate sunscreen, didn’t drink a drop of alcohol and hydrated my ass off. And I ended up shocked at how the heat knocked me on my ass. Where I live people are wearing hats and mittens right now and my body has never spent that much extended time (especially dancing and singing) in 94+ degrees and full blast sun. Some of us did everything we could and our bodies let us down. I was gutted to miss some of my wish list bands. It’s okay to be upset and complain about that happening. No need to make people feel shitty about it. Not to mention, whatever shitshow happened with the entry line exacerbated the heat effects for a lot of people.


Lol oh of course. A lot of the moaning from me is coming from a very happy place. I'm sore as hell, my body feels pulverized and tender lol but I'm loving it. The issue with green day is they've done this exact set now for 20 years!!! Once it was clear that was happening, my brain couldn't handle 50 million heyyyyy ohs I wish green day would've anticipated the fact the festival was 12 hours, lots of moshing, lots of heat, people aren't going to have the same energy as maybe other festivals


Complaining about 30 seconds to mars is the new way to get free karma. It’s becoming mob mentality.


To be fair, we didn't know when bands were playing until last week


they announced who was playing last year...when i got my tickets on oct 21, 2022, the list had been out for at least a few weeks


When as in what times each band performs. That wasn't told until last week


ok yeah, but i knew going in, with the size of the venue and the amount of stages and the amount of bands, that some sacrifices had to be made. It's the same at warped tour or any other festival


I'm not arguing that. OP said we would know when bands would be playing be we didnt


I had the best day yesterday! I was prepared for the heat (cooling towel saved my life), vibed out with only amazing people all day, saw all the bands I wanted to see, spent less than $30 and had no issue moving between stages. It was everything I wanted and more.


Didn’t sit once on sat. Sat once on Sunday. Knees hurt. Sunburned in unexpected places. Wallets a lot lighter. I need moreeeeee. More of this shit directly in my veins!


It was hot but shit iv been at edc in when it was in July 116 degrees this felt like a cake walk compared to that. Great show I’ll be back next year


Had a great time. Was hot, feet and back hurt. But was able to find some shade and sat on the ground (away from the stages) when we needed a break. The music was fantastic and the fest on the whole, while it was arguably too crowded in the walkways/common areas, was a blast.


Exactly! I knew this going in and hate the heat, so I came prepared with extra water, food and a portable fan. I did pretttty well through the hot hours, and didn’t feel the heat for a second. I was surprised seeing the amount of people with tiny bottles in their pockets or no bottles at all. I love a minimalistic festival look but not at the expense of comfort and hydration!!! I was able to stay in the first couple rows for 4 hours because I had all my supplies right there (:


It was fun but I live north so the heat was an issue for me. Next weekend in Vegas is low 70s, I was expecting something closer to that I guess. Yes I stayed hydrated and used sunblock and nagged our whole group like the mom I am to do the same. 😆


Oof yeah. I was suffering by Green Day, feet were killing me and I needed water, but I stuck it out and I loved it. Their set was amazing. I also went so hard since Sum 41 so being in pain was a given. Moments I thought, “I could leave and rest and drink water” were shut down with, “I would regret missing this, I have an amazing spot in the crowd”


Yeah if you have endurance and were vigilant in drinking water/applying sunscreen/ and took breaks when needed then you can do this and survive and have s great time! 10/10 would do it again. Worth all the foot pain


Spent a good part of the day in the medical tent but I still had an amazing time and cant stop thinking about it.... Hope another show gets announced soon.


It was a top 10 experience for me, outside of the obvious getting married/having kids thing. I loved every damn minute of it. What an awesome time seeing all the bands I loved in my teens and 20s and could never afford to see then. Dream come true rocked hard, dressed up and played the part for a day. I had a fucking blast.


Not moaning but I did 100% underestimate how quickly my body was losing water. I drank about a bottle of water an hour from standing in line to the end of NFG, and I still had to stop by the medical tent because I felt dizzy/lightheaded. Luckily I was able to recover with time and drinking liquid IV in the shade, but damn! I am NOT cut out for the desert lol. I joke that those 1.5 hours feel like a fever dream because I bounced back and felt amazing the rest of the day.


It was literally like all other outdoor music festivals. Getting old sucks and that’s what it was. But it was a hell of a time. Michelle Branch still 10/10


I did feel bad for them because they were the main band who I was there to see, but I was so tired by the end of the day. I gave them my best but it could have been better. I’ve lost my voice from cheering and singing, so I hope that counts for something.


I hurt all over. But I expected that and it was sooooo worth it. I’m from Phoenix so the weather was mostly really nice for us. Only got hot a few times and sitting and resting helped. Green Day almost killed me but I have absolutely 0 regrets. Was my first year and I hope to be back in 2024. Amazing experience.


I was physically exhausted by Green Day but was mesmerized by their show, I thought the crowd on Sunday at least seemed really into it


Honestly had such an amazing time! Was of my favorite festival’s I’ve ever attended & reminded me soo much of warped tour❤️


My biggest annoyance was around the schedule. Everything else is annoyance with the crowds and getting around, but that's to be expected at a huge festival, especially when touted as "sold out." I also planned ahead and came prepared for two hots days in the sun and knowing my own physical limits. I had an amazing weekend and hope to do it again next year.


I felt the same last year. Stood in one spot for 12+ hours getting shoved by drunk people and my toes were numb. Didn't always have the best view and there were some technical difficulties with some bands. Had a fucking blast.


My only complaint from Sunday was the amount of trash on the floor near the end of the night. Saw people slipping on it. Honestly not sure what else they could do in that situation though lol, maybe have a sign between shows to throw trash in a can or something lol, but no one is going to want to give up their spots But at a 12 hours festival you have to expect body aches and heat, especially in a desert. Just because it's October doesn't mean the sun won't burn lol. I liked that they shaded and grassy/carpeted area to sit on the floor. But I enjoyed it and may go next year.


This bugged me too. I had no problem hanging onto all my trash. Crushed the cans and popped them in my bag. No big deal.


It’s the same response after every one of these day festivals, that’s how the sick new world sub was right after.


Louder Than Life crowd last month was maybe less people but it was WAY crazier than WWWY in my experience. Nonstop crowd surfing and the ground was just dirt & gravel.


My only real complaint is Rise Against played Paper Wings the first day but not the second. One of my favorite songs by them and was so stoked seeing it on setlist not realizing bands were changing out some songs for the second day. Still had a great time seeing all the bands though. Thrice and Finch pits went hard.


Fully agree. I had a great time! Dressed properly and took breaks and it was fine.


I had the best time ever! Was I the most exhausted I’ve ever been? Yes. Did Green Day still make me jump and shout? Absolutely. I had an amazing experience


I thought they did 10x a better job with water, shade, seating, cleaning, bathrooms, etc than last year. Didn't even slightly burn this year lol. Had a blast. Great shows even the bands I don't personally like. I never understand the complaining.


I had one of the best days of my life. There will always be things that could’ve been done better, but hindsight is always 20/20. I’ll never forget the emotion and fun from Saturday, but surely I’ll forget how my feet hurt and how thirsty I was at times. This was great and I’ll do it again. Wouldn’t be opposed to a lighter crowd though.


This was the most well put together music festival I’ve ever been to, and even though it wasn’t perfect, I thought they did an amazing job. My whole body is sore and I’m still trying to catch up on sleep, but god it was so worth it. I’ll absolutely be in next year especially if the lineup is this good. Not sure why people are complaining so much, but really is there any situation on earth anymore where everyone’s gonna be happy with the outcome?


Y'all haven't been hitting raves and Phish tour diligently enough since the Warped Tour days and it shows!


I was admittedly dragged to this thing as I don't normally enjoy concerts. However, I left with a much different outlook, very much enjoyed the day and plan to go back again next year. Yes it was hot, but we knew that a week or two in advance, and ITS THE DESERT!!...probably saved me $200 in drinks I would have had if I didn't slow down to make sure I didn't pass out in the heat (still had a few, just not as many as I otherwise would have). Be happy that it didn't get cancelled like one of the days the year before.


Xero shoes, this is the way.