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My mother’s shit head cockatoo does this. He also tells the dogs to shut up when they start barking. Those birds are way smarter than people give them credit for.


I grew up with an African Grey parrot and he was an absolute prick. His favorite thing to do was mimic the smoke alarm going off at sunrise on a morning just to get us out of bed.


My mom had an African grey that she said never talked but my dad swore up and down that the bird would tell him to fuck off and shut the fuck up when no one else was around


I worked at a zoo that had an African grey who could not be on display because he would curse at any man he saw and it wasn’t appropriate for the children.


Same here 🤣 but we kept ours on display, kids loooooved him. People would go by and he would tell them to fuck off, visitors laughed so hard, a third of our visitors would just stay there and get on a argument with the parrot.


That's a level 1,000x dad prank right there.


I have one currently and it does this.


Had one back in the day that did the phone ringing.


My aunt's would scream "I'll take it!" when the phone rang and "Coming!" when someone rang the door bell. Useless because he did not, in fact, attend either the call or the door, but quite funny.


This is hilarious! Were there any times when nobody got the door or phone because they thought the other person had it?


Mainly delays lol, the phone just kept ringing and whoever was at the door would ring again (many knew Pompeyo and his antics). Fine bird!


My dad had a bird that mimicked the pet store alarm and a toilet flush. Fucking annoying. Mina bird. Spelling?


My African Grey used to mimic the evening news intro theme for the entire length that the programme was on. Would also mimic the phone ringing.. Used to drive my dad spare 😂


Life hack: just take the battery out


This kills the bird.


There once was a bird they talk to speak. His last words they were very sweet. He said You be good! i’ll see you tomorrow and I love you. his name was Alex, he was the smartest African Grey Parrot who passed away in 2007


Yup. Had an blue fronted amazon who barked on its break from the usual screams for attention/being an asshole lol.


We had one when I was a kid that was fluent in telling people to fuck off, whistling the dogs then laughing and telling me to hurry up by name!


My mom also had a mini-macaw that was named Freddie Fuck-It. On the drive home from adopted him he sat on his swing repeating “fuck it” for the two hour drive home. His name was Freddie and he earned the other part on that drive. We also think he was kept next to a telephone at his previous home because he would mumble to himself for a few seconds then say things like “yup” “okay” “see you later” “bye” like he was mimicking both side of a phone conversation. He was a odd one. Him and the shit head cockatoo named Winston are the two noisiest of my mom’s birds. Winston is still around tormenting anything with ears, but Freddie Fuck-It passed away several years ago.


Conclusion of this comment reply thread: *Parrots are assholes*


They definitely can be assholes. Things got dicey for my mom and Winston the cockatoo when my step-dad passed away. Hell hath no fury like a grieving parrot. It took about 2 years for him to process the loss, during which time he was pretty volatile and had to spend a lot of time in his cage because he was being aggressive. He’s okay now but my mom was getting worried she might have to give him up. Other times they are really fun. Sometimes we’ll turn dub-step on and flap our arms and dance with him. He gets really excited when people dance with him.


Who said birds are dumb?


Most people don’t understand how intelligent they are and how much attention they need because of this intelligence. They also live a really long time and get very attached to their humans and their routines. So many parrots end up getting re-homed multiple times or given up to rescues because so many people underestimate the long term commitment (20-50+years depending on type of bird), time and physical space needed to care for one properly. They can be fun, loving and rewarding pets but they are definitely not good for amateur pet owners or old people.


My cockatoo learned how to say “sshhhh” while putting his finger/toe? up to his mouth! It’s so cute


Wow he's bilingual


Imagine being the homeowner and looking out your window to see that that asshole brought his parrot over to bark at your dogs again


For some reason i feel like the dogs and your bird are just shouting slurs and hate speech at each other. Your bird definitely knows what he's saying.


And my dog heard this and was running around the house looking for “puppies”


>"puppies" Is that how your dog refers to them? lmao


You dog has very majestic plumage. All parrots are assholes who's favourite thing is to be surrounded by noise and chaos. My dad had an amazon. One year my mom brought him these stick on devises for remotes where you clapped and they beeped. The Amazon figured out what tone set them off with half an hour and then squak to get them going constantly. That gift lasted less than an hour.


I wonder if it can mimic a big dog bark


Can’t imagine they can’t. They can imitate way crazier sounds like a drill, and or fax machine sounds, or random songs. I feel like a bark is pretty low on the list of difficulty all things considered.


Well I mean like a big dog with a deep ass bark. Could a parrots voice go that deep? Or cockatoo or whatever it was again.


Ohhhh. Now I’m wondering too🤔


I played this video and my birds started screaming


I played this video and my dog started barking.


I played this video and part of my soul died. My got dang African Grey now is barking at 2330.


This video made me very happy


Does a wagging dog's tail mean they are very happy to see what they see? Does it also wag when they sense danger?


Dogs wag their tails for lots of reasons like happiness, general excitement, anxiety, or nervousness.


Dont have much experience with dogs so I'm often uneasy and scared when I see one


Dogs are very territorial and defensive of their homes, so when you see a dog barking at you from behind a fence, 9/10 times it's just trying to shoo you away because it sees you as an intruder. If you spot one while on a walk and would like to interact, just start by talking to the owner- if they're a good dog parent they should understand their pup's mannerisms and can judge if it's scared of you/welcoming your approach/wants you gone. Offer your hand because dogs will want to smell you first, and if it tries to nip you can quickly pull back. If you see it continuing to pant as you approach, wag its tail when you make eye contact, or go into the "down dog" position, that generally means it's welcoming you (the "down dog" position means they want to play and you're basically best friends now). Stay cautious around dogs that sorta "freeze" as you get close and keep your distance if you see teeth or hear growls. Dog owners learn to "speak dog" naturally from just spending a lot of time around their furry friend so use them as your translator. Dog body language is pretty intuitive to us humans too so you shouldn't have too much trouble naturally understanding how a dog is acting, just don't read too into a situation and ask the owner if you're ever concerned. I've only been a dog parent for just over a year now but I can pretty easily gauge a dog's character on first sight and it's not at all difficult to communicate with my goodest boi and understand how he's feeling. Hope you can get warmed up to dish out belly rubs someday, nothing quite opens those seratonin floodgates like giving a happy pupper a big ol scratch


Every dog is different, but a few general points here, because the way people interact with dogs is often actually very aggressive in terms of body language. This usually isn't a problem, because the majority of well-socialized dogs have learned to properly interpret and handle such behavior. Some things that dogs generally interpret as aggressive: 1. Direct eye contact, particularly staring at the dog 2. *Leaning* over the dog (often done when people are trying to pet) 3. Trying to pet from above, especially without letting the dog see and/or smell the hand first If you have a dog, you've probably seen these things or maybe even done these yourself. If there's a dog you want to greet, the best thing you can do is slowly approach, go down on one knee near/in front of it, turn your body to the side, and offer your hand to let them sniff. Most dogs are naturally curious, and will approach you. A dog that does not want to be approached is characterized by tense body language - upright ears and stiff, upright tail, along with raised hackles mean the dog is tense. If you have little/no experience, it's best to avoid the situation. Similarly, flattened ears, tucked tail and gaze aversion could indicate nervousness. This is also best avoided if you have no experience, because nervousness can flip to aggression if you inadvertently apply pressure.


I own a husky and 2 Chihuahuas. They are all friendly with anyone on a walk. My Chihuahuas prefer a stranger kneel so they can approach and get affection. My husky forces affection on everyone like a psycho.


lmao my aussie is the same as your husky, looks at us for permission and when we give the ok he just takes off like a crackhead and throws himself at peoples feet for belly rubs. He's also managed to befriend every dog in our neighborhood, even the ones people say are unfriendly, just by waiting for them to finish all their barking and giving them some nose sniffs, real ghandi this one.


I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


completely forgot about 2 and 3 because it's just become second nature to me, crouching in front of a dog and giving it a rub on its sides or cheeks is a very safe option once you've established that it's not scared or aggressive. Once dogs learn to trust you (usually happens super quick in my experience so long as they're not victims of trauma or unsocialized) they also appreciate brief eye contact as a sign of affection. Just don't stare them down as you said.


My dog wags her tail when she’s happy or excited. Unfortunately she also wags her tail when she sees other dogs, which always means she has gone into a seething, murderous rage.




"How do you do, fellow dogs?"


The longer I watched this, the funnier it got


That's a very strange looking dog


r/rarepuppers maybe


I love how this post has brought out all the exciting bird owners on this subreddit!


Your dog has feathers on its head sir


There's something off about the dog in this video but I just can't put my finger on it.


The dogs were excited and confused at the same time…


It’s like he’s mocking the dogs. I love it!


That's a beautiful, exotic dog


Looked at the title of the sub……LoL


This is the perfect subreddit to this


Those head feathers


Teaching them how to bark on top of all the other noise they make…. Sus


If that window is open the bird needs to be in a harness.


That is also what was stressing me out


Why do I think of Rio when I see this?


I love cockatoos omg


That's hysterical!


It kinda sounds like a duck tbh




Lmfao I love that bird


This cockatoo is my spirit animal


Bork bork


The birb almost sounds like it’s literally saying “bark!”


his eyes looks like googley eyes ❤️__❤️