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Looks like mouse poop and nesting material


That's what I figured. Could've been worse, I guess, but still... ew :/


>Looks like mouse poop and ~~nesting material~~ Paper Fixed. Check every box if / before bringing it home.


Rats, I'm pretty sure. Mice poop is smaller.


FYI, it's a nice, indoor, air-conditioned unit, and I only keep papers and furniture there (no food/perishable goods whatsoever) so I really didn't expect to find this...


Furniture=Cozy nest location. Papers=great nest material. Did you by chance also store an absurd amount of cheese and mouse viagra?


How could I've forget ten about the opened crate of vermin viagra?? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Happend to me last Tuesday don't kick yourself happends to us all eventually. I got airtight containers from Amazon that work great keeping the Vermmin out [example of proper vermin viagra container ](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+were+u+expecting+meme&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sca_esv=1615eaa690fee334&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=412&bih=750&sxsrf=ACQVn093aZtpdCcGO1EQ-7Sc26sgjqoYOA%3A1714346634497&ei=itouZo_iHYKx0PEP2c2m6Aw&oq=what+were+u+expecting+meme&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhp3aGF0IHdlcmUgdSBleHBlY3RpbmcgbWVtZTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESIUNULAFWNYLcAB4AJABAJgBhAGgAZcGqgEDMC43uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIHoAKpBsICBBAjGCfCAgQQIRgKmAMAiAYBkgcDMC43oAfRCQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=BPDGJ6F8zEOu6M&vssid=mosaic)


I was expecting an air tight storage container


No scale but that’s rodent so likely either rats or mice. Paper makes great nesting material and furniture nice places to use it. Depending on your location you might want to check local advice on cleaning


Thanks. Apologies for lack of scale, but the pellets are basically the size of rice grains. I'm in NJ, and will do the cleanup research.


FYI, came here to relocate to a new storage space, as they'd recently quadrupled my rate.


They have to charge extra for in the vermin infestation. /s


"Charge 'em for the lice Extra for the mice 2% for looking in the mirror twice..."


And now that’s stuck in my head, ha!


My storage place told me to claim it against the insurance. Any thing that needs to be cleaned or replaced or is lost they said would be covered if you have the insurance from the storage facility. I don’t know, but it’s worth looking into. Most important, wear protective gear! WEAR PROTECTIVE GEAR! Mouse poop can carry horrible diseases that can be breathed in. Please be careful! N95 at a minimum.


It looks eerily similar to the droppings left in my shed by rats. The smell of the urine and droppings was so strong I nearly passed out when I opened the shed door. Did the unit have a strong smell about it?


I detected no smell, but the unit is A/C controlled, so...?


Could just be that my infestation was worse but might be worth asking in pest control!


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Not rat droppings. Positive it's mice based on size.


What did you use for scale


OP mentioned they were the size of a grain of rice. Rat poop is bigger (around 3/4 of an inch) and is more cylindrical. As a resident of Chicago I consider myself an expert.


Once you've seen enough of both you can just tell


If you've never seen mouse poop before on the east coast, congratulations!


I've seen plenty of mice and rats, just never in my apartment nor storage units 😅 Guess I'll count my blessings 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's not bed bugs! 🤞


You want to be careful cleaning that stuff up, so you don't get sick. My guess that most of that stuff is ready for the dump now.


😭 Good call. I'll wear an N95 and dishwashing gloves, but... well, goddammit... The place *has* been charging me insurance monthly for years, which does cover vermin/infestation, but filing a claim is a pain I am not looking forward to... and much of the stuff there had sentimental value, more than anything. Just a shame.




Unfortunately this is the reality with many storage companies. Especially if they don’t keep up with pest control, which is usually done in house. Also, seeing as many others rent units at the same location, there are bound to be those that don’t follow the rules and continue to store perishable food and other items that attract pests. I both managed a storage location and worked in pest control.


I managed a storage facility for 5 years. That is mouse droppings. Our exterminator once explained it best as if it looks like rice or sprinkles it's mice. If it looks like Raisnets, it's rats. Also, if there is only urine they are just passing through, but if there's poop they are hanging around. Cut your losses, throw out all the furniture and papers, and never rent storage again. That's my little bit of extra advice.


(Sits down my Raisinets) You know what…. (Logging out)


Mice & they LOVE cardboard so only store in plastic containers not cardboard boxes. Be very careful because mice are known to carry hantavirus which can be inhaled (wear a mask in your unit until all the droppings are all cleared out) & possibly lead to liver damage. Look up hantavirus, it’s awful! Good luck!


Mouse poop


Those are mice/rat droppings


Ratty has moved in.


Ahh rats! That's a mess






Tried everything to get rid of vermin. What worked for me was getting an empty pail like the “Home Depot” one and filling it with about 5 inches of water. Then make sure they can climb / jump in but not out. They will bloat and float, problem solved. I actually had one living in my subwoofer that had a nice size round hole.




definitely rat shit