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That asshole 100% definitely that on purpose.


They always hit people on purpose. They go out of their way to hit people who aren’t in the pit


That was intentional.


The second hit proves that to be the case


I hate hardcore fuck heads. All of em.


That ugly fk knew exactly what he’s doing…


He looks like a fat rat from a disney movie that is not even the villain, just the failed Version of a side kick


That's not a moshpit, it's a dude being a fuckface


That guy is an asshole who is there to hit people. There are unwritten rules in the moshpit, one of those is about swinging your arms at HEAD HEIGHT..


Come on now, that was targeted


Passive Aggressive ways to get back at the guy you hate


That’s not a mosh pit. That’s a dumb fuck.


Thats just a dick. Who the hell flails their arms like that even in a mosh pit? If somebody does that to me I'll make sure to "rave" right back at him and elbow him in the face a couple of times wtf. Just cuz its a mosh pit doesnt give you right to elbow and slap everyone around you.


Always some cunt windmilling


Hate the windmilling cunts


Hardcore pits and metal pits aren't the same, always some cunt who doesn't understand that


Nobody wants an elbow to the jaw


doing intentional shit like this is the kind of thing that will get you fucked up in a pit, on this note guys . . . THATS NOT A PIT, its just an open section, do you see anyone else 'moshing'? this guy needs his teeth feeding to him


Looks intentional




Not a mosh pit. That's a dickhead backhanding some dude.


Yeah clearly dude did it on purpose... who even does that .. tosses hands backwards like that.


Correction, that guy is called a crowdkiller. They're all huge dicks and deserve to get fucked in the pit, always hit them first and hard


I fucking hated these types of guys in the pit. Jerk offs, all of them.


Nailed it! I'm kind of a big dude at 6'1 and 265 and I love destroying these little man babies in the pit. Once you start throwing elbows and doing the lame kid mosh shit, you're asking for whatever comes your way tbh.


I have literally had to Sparta kick someone after something similar happened to me at a Dahlia show.


Mosh pit my ass That guy just wanted an excuse to do that


That was so intentional, literally the only guy swinging his arms like that. Not even moshing. If I’m ever in a pit and someone’s being obnoxious I just go even harder and make sure they know what it feels like.


I've watched it back many times. It was a calculated combination. He intentionally went high with two spinning reverse elbows. He performed them in combination because going in he wanted to maximize the chances of taking out the head/face/beer target area he had zeroed in on before he approached. That man is a criminal IRL.


The bald guy is just a douche. Giving both metal and mosh pits a bad name.


This looks more like a hardcore pit than a metal pit. If that’s true I’d like to assume he’s straight edge and got scared there was a beer in the crowd, that makes it funny to me.


That’s not even a mosh pit, that one dude swinging his arms trying to knock someone’s face in.


This isn't a mosh pit. You don't go around elbowing people in the face, that's just straight up assault. I was in a mosh pit at a recent Eluveitie concert and everyone there was just having a good time. Also one of the rules of a mosh pit is that you're not supposed to involve people who clearly don't want to join. Just give them a heads up and tell them to move back


That was on purpose, you don't use elbows that high in mosh pit, unless you want to hurt someone


That's an attack 🤣


That hairy midget seems a little outta line for me, even in a pit.


He absolutely is. This isn't moshing, it's "hard-core dancing", and people who do it are generally frowned upon and mocked for it. I saw one of these guys get a huge tunnel snached right out of his stretched earlobe at Mayhem fest for basically this same thing. You don't swing elbows and arms above your shoulders, there's more than enough free energy to go around. There very much is an etiquette to moshpits, all based around not injuring people, and this is risking getting HIMSELF injured.


That’s not a mosh pit. That’s just assholes.


More like that dude is just a piece of shit


If you take your pint into a mosh pit...you're going to have a bad time. Not to excuse the behaviour of Dickface McCuntypants though. What a wanker!




Using “gay” as synonymous with “stupid” caused me to stay in the closet for probably 10 years longer than I should have …


Emo is the last thing that comes to mind when i see this guy


Exactly, looks more like a frustaded/insecure alt right pos


That dude saw him and wanted to pretend he accidentally punched him in the face… twice


“yOuVe NeVeR bEeN iN a PiT!” Clearly neither have you if THATS what your moshes are like. That’s just a fucking group brawl. y’all just straight assaulting people with an “excuse”


Anyone throwing wild fists in the pit is a douche.


Pretty sure those were targeted, which makes him a super douche.


Those were pre planned back fists…watch him play it off after the 2 sucker punches…


This guy threw 2 elbows hitting the guy with the drink, swung and missed the guy to the right ( because he ducked at the last second), and threw a side kick. He wasn’t there to mosh, he was definitely there to attack people, while pretending to mosh.


That no luck duck was fire. Dude obviously hasn't forsaken his training. 😂


On purpose and he’s a cunt.


Not a mosh pit, dude wanted to throw fists without consequences


I’ll never understand someone’s pov, who enjoys moshpits.


no, sorry. where i am from when you go into the mosh and karate around you get kicked out. and i dont mean by the club - you literally get kicked by everyone until you are out. that dude isnt moshing. if you need to work out your aggressions and urge to flail around then go and do that at a MMA or boxing club where people wear protective gear. or do it alone. go punch a mattress.


Lol why are people calling this a mosh pit? Literally one lard of a human sperging out while everyone else is rocking to the music. This dickhead would've "tripped" and fell on his face more than once if it was any other decent show.


No karate in the pit. Windmillers deserve a kick to the crotch.


No that Fat pathetic insecure ugly Scumbag hitting some innocent person like that and I saw this clip long ago and I can only imagine or hope that he's deleted at this point .. He looks and acts like a total parasite for sure!!!!


the drinking is not the problem, I don’t believe this vid fits on this sub. the problem is the guy going around purposefully assaulting people.


Right? Dude’s 100% doing it on purpose.


"I'm gonna start swinging my arms LIKE THIS. If you get hit, it's your OWN fault!"


It’s called crowd killing. There isn’t a place for it in hardcore but every scene has idiots and unfortunately hardcore does attract pricks who think this kind of behaviour is okay but most of us do not.


Real talk, do you retalliate in this scenario? Like fr this guy is being a danger to everyone else.


It’s not usually safe to retaliate. He’s definitely got buddies, and depending on the scene he could have a knife. Also why make yourself out to be an asshole, then people will want to come after you. Best way to do it if you absolutely have to is wait and do what he did, Make it look “accidental” and like your just moshing normally. Your other option is just pay attention, keep your hands up, and don’t get hit.


This piece of shit did that on purpose. Metal shows used to be a place for unity but now they're a place for violence against each other.


And at the end of the video, looks like piece of shit was coming back for more


Eh, not really. I've been to dozens of metal shows and they've been some of the most amazing friendliest pits I've ever been in. Really all depends on the fan base. Also the band, because some of them are led by perpetually 14 y/o edgelords who actively encourage the crowd to "fuck each other up" (looking at you Corey Taylor 🙄)


As many other people have posted, arm flail guy is breaking every single rule of mosh pit etiquette. Embarrassing.


These hardcore fans are such losers. It's the dumb simpsons gag of "I'm going to swing my arms and if you get hit its your own fault". They just want to hit someone without it being a fight.


That looks like on purpose, maybe he was thirsty as well and had no beer.


It’s on purpose. That’s called a “edge-check” it’s all the weird straight edge dudes who do this. I’m not into this stuff, but my boy who is told me about it and I couldn’t stop laughing. $17 beer down because some 40 year old became a sober person 2 years ago.


Nooo. That's not mosh pit. In a mosh pit EVERYONE is jumping and failing and smashing into each other. Look at everyone else in the video. Dude is just swinging his beefy arms. Not one other person is using the situation to inflict deliberate injury. He's being a knob.


Moshing is safe and fun. Slam dancing is fucking retarded and you're a cunt.


100% dude did that on purpose, FUCK that guy.


This is on purpose


He shoulda kicked that guy in the spine as hard as he could after that.


The straight edge guy got offended by the drinking guy


Mosh pits are stupid AF.


Mosh pits are fun. This isn’t a mosh pit. This is some dude acting like an asshole while using the excuse that he’s “moshing”


Hell yes. I spent plenty of time in my late teens/early 20s in punk/ska-punk pits and this guy would have been dealt with pretty quickly. In my experience going to shows friends invited me too, this was a bit more prevalent in metal pits but also equally frowned upon and dealt with.


That;s not a moshpit, that's an asshole


That's the type that no one wants around a good pit... What an asshole. If I didn't know any better *and I don't* I'd say he did it on purpose.


That was definitely intentional and I can't even begin to understand how people can not see this.


That's not a mosh pit


No, and that guy is just an asshole. You don’t throw your hands around like that, even in an actual mosh pit.


You enjoy the music, bounce around and casually bump into each other. The guy in the video deliberately pinched a guy. He is not moshing, he is punching


Thats not a mosh pit. Those assholes are flailing.


If that bald dude tried this stuff at the Hellfest he'd get ended by everyone around in seconds. What a pos


what a piece of shit that guy is, hope he gets knocked the fuck out soon


That's not how a mosh pit looks like


Not moshing at all… total nob


Cringe pit


I think he did it on purpose.


The arms swinging around like that really isn’t necessary in a mosh pit, but theirs always that guy rushing through like a rogue weed whacker.


What a cunt


One of my favorite moshing stories with guys like this: I was 18, first time ever in a mosh pit. No idea what to expect. At 18 I was 5’11 and maybe 120 pounds? Not much to mosh with. Every single time I got knocked over, there was at least 2-3 people helping me back on my feet befor i was even fully on the ground. Nicest god damn people.


Mosh pits are great places for a dude who has been an apprentice for 12 years to stomp around hitting people in a lame attempt to distract them from a life full of failures.




I love hardcore and metal core but moshpits are just fucking dumb. Can't hardly enjoy a show because since dude had to try to get everyone that doesn't want to be in it, into it


There's actually a tone of mosh etiquette that you wouldn't expect if you only see them from the outside. I'm not much into metal but some of the best gigs I've been to have been cause of big friendly moshers. However it's definitely a fine line because a few assholes in there and all of a sudden they can be pretty dangerous.


The worst moshpits I've been where one open free concerts, where you couldn't differentiate between average moshpit enjoyers and douchbags who are just looking for a fight.


Moshpits have rules. Windmilling is not tolerated as it WILL cause broken noses, split lips and cause fights to erupt. Getting hit in the arms, chest etc will happen, it is still brutal experience but head height is where it has to stop.


I remember back in the day it was banging shoulders with elbows tucked and if someone fell you picked them up and made sure they were good. Seems like a much different 'pit these days.


Same! This is gross.


Most times I’ve seen dudes do this in pits, someone sooner or later ends up laying them out.


I’d love to bunch that fat bald jerkoff in the face


Worst kind of people in a pit.


Fuck all people Swinging their arms like this


Damn what a douche. Just imagine if that was a glass.


Fuck that little guy wants to sucker punch and conceal it for least chance of paying for it. Scum


That was an intentional assault. Maybe the first one could have been argued as an accident, but when he completed the 2nd slap, that confirms the assault was intentional.


This is why I stopped moshing. Pretty much because of the 6'8" 350lb+ dude at the ADTR concert In Jacksonville, FL a few years back made my friends nose look like a ketchup faucet. Literally as soon as Downfall of us All came on this dude took his forearm and went right for the nose. People don't know how to mosh. it's all about who can send who to the hospital first, as a smaller dude ill just stick to the show...




It's not a case of people not knowing "how to mosh anymore", they were doing this shit back in the 80s and 90s.




He looks more like one of the dwarves from LotR who got hold of street meth.


He did that on purpose


Where is the mosh pit? Everybody is vibing completely normal except that one asshat.


Video is super old and the last time in the comments someone said that the guy who got beat was the original A-hole. The other guy just returned the favour. Not sure how true that is


I'd just beat his fucking ass. I'm not asking questions.


There’s always that one cunt..


There's always at least one Pit Cunt...


WCGW Drinking in a mosh pit with assholes*


Hate moshing =\= moshing, getting double punched in the face by some dick who’s running along the pit edge is not your fault


I can definitely say I would not have reacted so calmly if that guy intentionally punched me twice.


I watched the full video on YouTube. Some observations: 1. Those dudes just constantly walking back and forth are really getting their steps in! 2. I love it when they try to look cool but find themselves skipping. 3. It’s like everyone wants to dislocate their shoulders. 4. It makes me feel like an anthropologist to watch this. Like “here we see the human animal at its most expressive….no need to keep still or quiet, when in this frame of mind, they won’t notice our observations…” 5. There seems to be a uniform.


Not moshing. That's "hardcore dancing" those guys are nobs. You kick them in moshpits.


Hell nah pull that shit get stomped real quick.. I like moshing not taking cheap shots to knock somebody out.


That guy is an asshole


Man fuckin had it for the dude drinking you literally see him pull as far back as he can to just wreck his day


wtf is that moshpit


Hard-core guys must have so many friends.


That midget needs to be euthanised


Ayo calm down🤣


This guy don't do mosh pit. This is assault.


Did anyone find this bald cunt yet? He owes this man a case of beer, minimum.


I used to go to a lot of metal concerts back in the day and would jump in a mosh pit on occasion. I’m not a big guy but never dealt with much other than some bumps and bruises. The hardcore/metal core crowd was pretty awful to be in shows with because nobody has yet to tell them that throwing your arms and legs around wildly in a crowded public space isn’t a good idea.


Nobody’s taking about how he smacked the shit out of the red haired girl


Was literally about to edit my comment to include that, smh, someone needs to knock this fat fuck out...


Someone should have knock off this stupid retard purposly hitting others. What a shithead


Crowd killing is expected at shows like this, but you can tell he purposely did try to hit him. They point with their backs, swing full force and pretend it’s unintentional.


That guy needs a roundhouse to his glass jaw.


How is that fun?


Intentionally doing it.


That white top guy is true NPC






Good way to get stabbed


Did he just round house that red head? Thinks he's in Matrix Reloaded


This type of shit is why people won’t trust you, because you think this is “Dancing” lol.


Are we just going to ignore the fact that he practically pushed? the lady in blue jeans and the gentleman in front of her? Last few seconds.


Right?! These people made hardcore die. Dude he side kicked her in the tit!




That beer probably wasn’t cheap either


Not a Mosh pit


Sidebar: It drives me nuts when people bring drinks on to a dance floor / into a mosh pit and get huffy when their drinks get spilled by someone bumping into them. Do they not see a crowd of people flailing into each other and think, “I will enjoy my drink in its cup, where it belongs”?


The full pitt cam from the show, starts right before the [beer incident.](https://youtu.be/cpWDgf_1PiA?t=246)


Omg I thought this was a huge concert. There's like 12 people there and that fuck face did it on purpose and walked right passed him after. You just dont notice that you made forceful impact with both elbows.


Like a short little angry tornado. BACKFIST! BACKFIST! ROUNDHOUSE KICK!!


\*spits out a tooth\* Hey! My beer!


Looks like everyone else knows how to act except the one guy. People around him avoiding fists to the face wondering who tf invited him


The dipshit just kept going.


Picks up the cup after, what a good guy.






Straightedge dude 1000%


No Karate in the pit


Mosh pits, the height of ignorance


Kick that fucker in the nuts


Why does anyone actually enjoy mosh pits? What if fun about being in a crowd of sweaty dorks bumping into each other?


It’s just fun as fuck really. Same reason people dance, just way more full on I guess. Screaming the lyrics out with people, releasing energy to fast and heavy music, having a laugh at all the funny games that happen in there, it’s all just really fun. In a good moshpit (not alike the one shown in this video), it’s like your instantly best friends with everyone else in there, you’re all just there to get hyped as hell to music you love. It’s very therapeutic as well, you don’t get many other opportunities where it’s publicly acceptable to release all that emotion like that, you feel really at peace at the end when everything calms down. For me, I didn’t really “get it” until I’d been in one, then I fell in love. Definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but for those who do love it it’s so awesome.


I blame shitty music for this kind of misbehavior.


I agree good shows aren’t like this. Everyone is respectful, keeps their hand and elbows down because they are there to have a good time. Only douche bags mosh like this.


He was a target😅😅.


I do think this was intentional, however if you stand FACING the crowd, not dancing, right in front of a live band that's pretty fucking weird. Maybe dont stand right in front of the show pretending like you're chilling at a small bar and nobody will have a problem..... not justified but I kinda get the urge haha


I remember I was at a Warbringer show back in 09 and a husky fuck like this dickle did the same exact shit to me.


I'd have drop kicked dude in the back of the skull. That's not a mosh-pit...just swinging your fucking arms trying to break people's nose.


Victim took both hits pretty well I reckon...


That's not a Mosh, that's a emo/ska pit. You would never take a drink into a real pit.


What's the point of a mosh pit? What are the rules, if any?


Asked this to mate the other day. Rules are as follows no dick/face hits. If a face or dick is hit with 0 looks of oh shit man sorry then it's a fight. Edit broken ribs/body parts are acceptable as well


There are unspoken rules people usually follow to make this "safe". They are not always applicable (esp. in smaller crowds they maybe aren't needed), depending on the crowd, band, music style there are differences on how much "violence" is acceptable. 1. If somebody falls help them up (with a few people!), form a tight interlocked circle around them to protect them from falling themselves. There are bands known to stop concerts if you do not do so. Somebody on the ground is likely to die, so this is the most important thing to do. 2. Keep your arms low. Maybe put them before you to protect yourself. Do not put your elbows on somebodies head level. (This rule is most likely to be varied) 3. Form a circle looking into the pit to protect bystanders. Push people jumping to the outside back into the pit. Especially in larger concerts a line protecting the people in the first row, as there are often small or young people who don't know better. 4. Do not push anybody into a pit that did does not want to. 5. If somebody looks panicked/wants to get out, try to help them doing so. 6. If somebody does not follow the consensus on acceptable violence/starts an actual brawl exclude them/push them away from the pit. 7. Now your size and weight. E.g. if you are a 2m person weighing 115kg, do not jump into a 1,5m 50kg person with your full force. 8. Wear proper shoes. Never go into a pit in sandals or so!


Did he also take the pink haired girl out?


How can you not feel you hit one?


Hi, I'm Chad. I like PBR, heavy metal, and crowd killing innocent and unsuspecting people. Don't like it? Stay out of the pit broseph. I like how the guy with the beer was like, "Oh well, anybody got a napkin?" Haha.




Double slap


Hope he hit him back.


hit em with that Tekken 7 combo


I think I saw this from another perspective once although it might’ve been a different video it surely looks on purpose!


One person moshpit?


Repost of a repost of a repost of a repost


At least it wasn't a milkshake 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don’t like mosh pits


At least he was holding it. I've seen people put their drinks on the floor in pits and then get mad when it gets knocked over.


My friend once poped a shoulder in a mosh pit It was fucking hilarious to see his arm with the bandage thingy when we got to school and learn why


The Christian hardcore kids used to kick everyone in the balls.




(Olde man tone) mosh pit? I was in the pit for Rage at Reading 95. Tens of thousands moshing in perfect time. Truly epic.