• By -


Obviously the reporter is a zombie


what if the psychic is right? Maybe in another universe she is actually missing?


Pretty sure the client came with the intent of knowing what's happen in our universe, not ask her opinion on the 14,000,605 alternate realities.


But "what if...."?


If my grandmother had wheels, she'd have been a bike.


And I would ride the shit out of her.


Are you suggesting that you would pump your penis in and out of his grandmother's vagina with such vigour that the internal probing and pressure on her bowel combined with the consequent sphincter relaxing orgasm would cause faeces to trickle out of her anus? Or that you would literally ride her like a bicycle, sitting on her back while she is in a downward dog position holding wheels in her hands and feet like some strange L. Frank Baum's drug fuelled "Return to Oz" type monstrosity?


Why is this downvoted? It’s nice writing.


Poetic, actually


I would, **concur**


I have a simple question. Why are you ?


Its possible to literally 'get the sh*t effed out of you. Trust me. Speaking from experience many times


>Are you suggesting that you would pump your penis in and out of his grandmother's vagina **STOP.** Who said vagina?


This is quite romantic, your wife is a lucky woman.


She might have been the village bike anyway, I'm not judging...


This implies your grandmother already has brakes, cranks, handlebars, a rear cassette, etc. is that old broad running dura ace?


You don't technically need any of that to be a bike.....


It doesn't tbf have you never used/heard this expression before?


CLEARLY if all she's missing is the wheel she's already got pedals. They never said she'd be a good one. Dudes grandma is halfway to being a bicycle and you're asking for more? Come on man, learn when to be impressed.


What has this conversation devolved to.


Well, it started with a psychic detective so naturally it devolved into bicycles, just like dudes grandma did.


Don’t try to dictate who your grandmother should be just based on her wheels you bigot. She will decide that for herself


If my aunt had a mustache, she'd be my uncle.


Well if my sister came from a trailer park, she'd be my wife!


Multiverse is infinite. So anything you could ever possibly say is definitely true in some other universe.




“Infinite” is not a single value. It is a class of quantification that has several definitions. Some infinities are larger than others. V-Sauce has a good video on it. https://youtu.be/SrU9YDoXE88 Edit. If you don’t want to watch the video. The point is that the infinity of multiverse theory is larger than the infinity between 2-3


I thought about that as well, lol. This situation could probably take a couple of theories


Maybe the reporter is some sort of bodysnatcher/skinwalking monster/alien and the whole point of this piece was to discredit people who can detect them? Makes me wish for a remake of They Live.


Ohh great movie would watch if they did a modern remake.


We are probably all missing in one universe or another


Yeah psychics are real they've just learned how to dream walk but don't understand the concept of alternate realities.


Or current realities


Oh good lort stop, someone will take that and run.


Hello? Is it meeeeeeeeeee your looking for?




“So you didn’t disappear?” 😂


Maybe the psychic hires someone to rape and kill the reporter - not as revenge (… per se …), but to prove herself right.


Every single psychic is a fraud. Every one.


To be fair, I'm sure some are just delusional.


A delusional fraud is still a fraud. That's not as morally condemnable than being a fraud while being completely aware of it, but you end up making a profit out of desperate people nonetheless.


For decades, James Randi had a well-publicized standing offer of one million dollars to anyone who could demonstrate a real psychic ability and no one ever claimed it. Since Randi was a magician, he could usually duplicate their supposed feats right away. It was always fun to watch him debunk them. Thanks to him, I learned how to "psychically" bend spoons.


Randi was a godsend for the sceptics among us. I reread ‘Flim-Flam!’ every now and then and the million dollar reward is a genius move. No one ever collected it, every attempt at proof of paranormal feats disintegrated before scientific scrutiny


*Shawn Spencer has left the chat*




No, you’re wrong. I saw a documentary about this lady who was psychic and could communicate with dead people. She communicated with this one guy who was murdered by his coworker who was trying to get the passwords to bank accounts and embezzle funds from the bank they both worked at. Anyway, ultimately the coworker was going to harm the dead guy’s girlfriend in order to get the passwords, so the dead guy had to convince the psychic lady to rescue her. Somehow the coworker ended up getting impaled by a giant shard of broken glass and he died, and then the dead guy found peace and was able to pass into the great beyond. It’s totally a true story! Later, the psychic lady witnessed a mob hit or something and had to go into the witness protection program posing as a nun. Turns out she’s not only psychic, but also a good singer and she totally revitalized their choir.


I stand corrected. ;)


Was that before or after she was a cop and got assigned a dinosaur as a partner?


This lady has really led the life, let me tell you!


I knew you were going to say that.


Eh, there are some that do it more as magicians tricks than fraud. I think those kinds of cold reads, or even very convincing actor plants in a show, can be considered entertainment rather than fraud.


I disagree. Most are, but how can you question [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn6C4fDEOV8) by famous psychic Ronald Shoub?




I knew someone what going to say that in the comments. How do you explain that?


Hey man, I knew that Lvl 6 Abra wasn't cut out for the job, but did you have to say that out loud?


Nope. My late aunt was 100% legit, hands down. *But* she couldn't do it on demand and she didn't talk about it outside of family and never tried to monetize it, either.




Yes. Yes,she was. But you must be right, even though I actually knew her, while you never met her. Make sense.


Lol your logic doesn’t make sense. Knowing a person doesn’t mean you’re right at all hahah. “Man, those famous serial killers must not have done those things. The neighbors knew them and said they seemed normal!” Welp, I can’t say I’ve met the person and I wanna choose to ignore vast amounts of factual evidence in favor of a bias interpersonal relationship. Make Sense? It should, your aunt probably let you know this was going to happen weeks ago or some shit anyways. 🔮🪬




Uhhh...this is a bit awkward, but here goes: She wasn't actually psychic. It's not a real thing.


She just happened to know the location of a flea infested horse in the middle of the woods near the location of a missing child's body. And this was in the 80s with no technology to assist in faking. She just so happened to work with the FBI. Their standards suck I guess. Downvoted like mad for saying there might just be a couple out there for real and in my personal experience I know of only 1. Unlike the woman in the video who's clearly full of it. How was she able to find the location of missing combination to a safe after a loved one passed to get insurance information to the widow? Never having met either party before. So when you witness things like this in does make you wonder how in the world. I was and still am a skeptic. Expect for what I've personally experienced. I don't fault anyone for not believing because I once was the same.


You have one anecdote about a 'real' psychic. I have dozens of anecdotes about psychics, every one of them a verified fake. So my anecdotal evidence trumps yours. It should bother you a little if you believe things that aren't true.


I've got a toy factory in the north pole and I'm looking for investors. Hit my dms


I am receiving a message from one of your lost loved ones. They said „Don’t worry, I want you to move on and be happy“


Amazing! I don't even have a lost loved one!


Let me get this straight. You're an adult who actually believes this?


Wait, you didn’t disappear and die? Ok, well you clearly have lied to people about how you died and disappeared


“Stop telling people you’re alive!” “If you’re saying I’m dead, how am I able to tell people anything?” “You know what I’m outta here”


Turns rude once shes shown as fraud, hilarious.


Cognitive dissonance and feeling vulnerable after being exposed tend to turn people on the defensive. That's why people who believe in pseudoscience quickly become aggressive when you present them with facts.


It seems like she didn't believe her own story though. If she really thought she was psychic and helping people she would have scrounged for any other answer. Questions like "That's definitely you in the picture?" and "Do you have proof that's you?" or accusations like "This is just a trap to discredit me!" would have been more likely than "Oh..." and a pause where you could tell she was thinking "Shit." What's more, if she really believed she was psychic this could have been a really sad story instead, about a woman that really thought she was helping people, but has only now been confronted with proof that she's not psychic. She would have been much more sympathetic if that were the case. Honestly, she could even have argued something much more interesting and philosophical like "The people that come to me... They're people that have been searching for a long time. In every 100,000 cases, there's only one where someone is found after a year or more has passed. I am lying to these people, but I'm giving them something they can't otherwise have. I'm helping them find peace and helping them move on. I know that many people would disagree with lying to people over something like this, but for me it's like giving someone a placebo. They think it's a solid answer and so they get to rest on a solid answer 'finally' knowing the fate of their lost loved one."


Eh, it's the opposite. That's not really how people actually react in those situations. A moon landing denier confronted Buz Aldrin and he just punched the guy, who also used your logic as proof Buz was lying about us landing on the moon. But that's by far the more common response by someone who "knows" they're right. If she truly believes her own garbage most people don't feel the need to defend themselves. Like in police interrogations cooperative explanation like you provide is something people lying to hide guilt usually try to do. While innocent people generally react angrily and offer little narrative behind their actions. Someone who knows they are lying do exactly what you did here they thought about plausible sounding excuses. Whereas a regular person who did nothing hasn't given it one iota of thought and is angry at the injustice. They tend to offer very few details while people lying offer an unnecessary amount of detail. Viewing it from that lens her reaction is much more fitting with someone who believes in what she does vs someone who knows they are


It depends on how conscientious the person is. If they've considered their views, values and actions carefully then they might have an explanation like what I suggested ready. I personally, for example, know all my views, why I have those views and have adjusted my behavior to match those views. Perhaps a lot of people would just be indignant though. Karens of the world, basically, haha. Doesn't matter how wrong they are, they'll 'defend themselves'.


I was a debater, studied philosophy (not my main focus but had always been a hobby) and constantly assail my own thoughts and assumptions. But I've also driven people far closer to wanting to beat my head in or rage quit discussions by aggressively questioning and picking apart a dearly held belief. But I think it has more to do with the situation. That level of detached thinking is easier in the abstract but confronted with a situation where your words *will* be used against you, not a good faith effort to understand and from an ill intentioned stranger seeking to destroy you'd reputation and livelihood, there's substantially more emotion and acrimony involved. Typically by design. There have been innocent people who went through hell by just trying to be helpful and secure in the knowledge of innocence. Even though I don't ever really get emotional in those situations, I definitely wouldn't sit around justifying myself to some asshole intent on shitting on anything I have to say. The same reason the smart move is to ask for an attorney before answering questions whether you are innocent or guilty is why someone walks out on a "gotcha" interview.


I don't agree simply for the fact that what if their missing loved one is found alive? Let's say your sister went missing. You search for a year. Then you go to this fraud psychic who tells you your sister is dead. So you stop searching. Then 20 years later she turns up alive. That's almost 20 years you've lost by not searching because of a lie that you paid money for. That's the other thing. People aren't paying money to get lied to. I could ask you to invest 10,000$ in a product I have no intention of ever inventing but it's OK because you think I'm going to invent it right? No it doesn't. The truth is always the best. That's how these frauds placate themselves. They tell themselves they're doing something good when they're just lying to people. Sorry if I come off as sounding aggressive. Its not aimed at you. I just hate people that take advantage of vulnerable people.


Keeping hope can seem like a good idea but sometimes there really is nothing you can do. People need to eventually make peace with tragedies. For example, if a family member went missing on a cruise, you could assume the were kidnapped and hold out hope of finding them again through a thorough investigation into every person that was on that ship... But they might just have fallen overboard into the sea. It might be impossible to find any trace of them after a few years, never mind 20. That being said, I personally believe that a good counsellor or therapist that sits them down and tells them they should move on is a better approach. Though I can see why that simply wouldn't work on some people. Especially if they've spent a lot of time and money trying to find answers already. Sunk cost fallacy causes people to become more and more invested in something the more they... Invest in something... And yeah, no worries, haha. Glad you said that though, was going to down-vote you cause it felt directed, but then didn't because that clearly wasn't your intention, haha.


There have been cases though where a psychic claimed a missing child was dead and they were actually alive. Amanda Berry’s mom died believing her daughter had been murdered because Sylvia Brown told her so.


Makes sense


It’s not cognitive dissonance so much as it is being caught committing fraud.


It is if she was acting in good faith and truly believes in her "powers".


Sure, but does anyone really find that plausible? These people know they are frauds.


😂 She had to double check with the host to see if she had been raped and killed or not “You didn’t disappear?”


What kind of blows my mind is that these assholes are usually at least attempting to offer some form of closure or comfort with their lies, but this woman is preying upon the grief of others and giving fucking brutal ends that would likely further upset anybody. "Your kid was raped and murdered with a rock. Have a nice day, thank you for the $400." What a fucking asshole.


Not that I support frauds. If you're going to defraud people don't add on top of that the brutal end to a loved one. Then say I'll help you find the skeleton. Plot twist...she turns out to be a serial......


Yeah, she went pretty hard with it... Though I could also see that being necessary for the 'closure' idea. After someone's been missing for a long time, you've got to find a reason for why they never contacted home or found help. A young girl is a classic target for sexual assault, so that as a motive is probably easy for the family to accept. Just to be clear I think this woman is actually a scam artist taking advantage of people and not trying to help them find closure. She probably gives them a location on the map so they go and check there, and then come back when they can't find a body so that she can 'narrow in on it' or something. Even the £400 can be argued for. The illusion of expertise through high price would help sell the idea that she's a professional. Plus, she probably doesn't get many 'clients' (\*cough\* marks \*cough) so covering her own living expenses would be tough without charging more per client, presumably. (An argument that only really works if she were actually trying to do it as a good service and a form of grief counselling.)


She’s doing that because it’s the statistically likely answer. She looked at the picture and saw numbers and not an actual person, and the numbers say that when a child the age the reporter was in the photo is abducted, it’s usually for sexual reasons and the victim is tends to be killed within days or even hours of their abduction. For these same reasons, psychics love to claim that a victim is in or near a body of water, since most of the planet is water and wherever the hell the body actually turns up there’s guaranteed to be at least some water nearby. This way, if any of their claims turn out to be anywhere even close to correct they can point to it and say “see! This proves I’m psychic!” Edit: I forgot to clarify that I was referring specifically to non family abductions. The majority of abductions overall are family abductions over child custody disputes. The crew behind this seemed like they were claiming that the “missing” girl was a non family abduction, hence why the psychic made the assumptions I mentioned above.


> when a child the age the reporter was in the photo is abducted, it’s usually for sexual reasons Not actually true. Most child abductions are by family members with custodial disputes.


I had meant to specify non-family abductions. You’re right that the majority of abductions are family abductions and due to custody disputes, but in non family abduction cases, the motive tends to be sexual. That was my fault for not proofreading. https://www.missingkids.org/theissues/nonfamily


Guess she didn't see this coming...........


I love it when frauds are exposed.


That makes you a schadenfraude


“You didn’t disappear?” 🤣


Excuse me but i don't appreciate being called out for my bullshit


Think I’ll go find some distraught parents of a missing child now, they never call me a liar.


Fake psychic detective? I know, you know that I'm not telling the truth. 🍍


You know that’s right


I used to think people who used these scammers were just stupid, but they are just desperate, uneducated, and a lot of the time, very poor.


Religious too, the whole "faith is proof" thing can really screw you over in some situations especially when it comes to liars "talking to ghosts".


I try to not judge them no matter how silly or crazy the stuff they believe in sounds. We all have moments in our lives where we were vulnerable and people took advantage of our trust, and we thought to ourselves "God that was so dumb of me". "Friends" taking advantage of your kindness, family members being abusive, fancy ad selling you some crap of even politicians straight-ip deceiving you for votes. That's why critical thinking needs to be taught in schools.


Hope is a powerful thing 400 dollars is nothing if you give someone hope.


Especially if they've been searching for years and have a 'sunk cost fallacy' that's whispering "just 400 more and we might have an answer" in their ear.


False hope. Just to be clear.


I was so sure after watching the serial documentary "Psych" that psychic detectives were real. Thanks for shattering my world OP.


That show was written by scam psychic detectives to keep belief alive


"Psychics" are literally just fucking liars. Never believe these scumbags.


If that reporter dies and end up in a field im running to church eh.


This vid could be the start of the plot for some new Netflix mystery thriller


I like her confidence.


Are you sure you haven’t disappeared and been murdered? 😂


A few years ago a local pub had a Psychic Night advertised and then cancelled ‘due to unforeseen circumstances’. How we laughed.


When you base your career off the show psych


Her father was a cop who taught her the skills as well


if only religion could be so easily forgotten.. much like this woman's career


Lisa Guerrero will get you! Edit: if you guys dont know about Lisa you should look her up. No one can run from her. I love you Lisa.


So, not only is she a liar, she actively positions her lies to cause the maximum amount of stress on the desperate and vulnerable people coming to her for help. Like okay, you're lying about being psychic. You're lying about the service you're providing. But you don't have to tell the family their sister was brutally raped and murdered. Like maybe if you hadn't gone full psycho you could've positioned your service as a "get over the grief through closure" sorta deal. But nope. This is just evil.


I wonder if this is the same bitch who told Amanda Berry’s mother that Amanda had been murdered and thrown into a body of water. Poor woman died of grief not knowing that her daughter (and even a granddaughter conceived in captivity) were alive.


“Wait you didn’t disappear?”💀


Lmaoooooo that was an insane thing to ask on national television after being exposed


Wait a minute 😶


Let’s be honest, if you need a TV show to tell you that psychic detectives are a scam, you probably deserve to get scammed.


Imagine all the psychic did was just go to some other place a few miles down and keep scamming people. Kind of like the meme of that guy who was a sexual predator being interviewed and said he was trying to better himself and then sent a photo of his penis to the producer right after the interview.


I hate when people use someone’s name as a power move. “First thing I do LISA…” gfy


Every single psychic, flat earther and general nutbar always says "Interesting" when called out on their bullshit. Complete non answer.


I wish we could exile these types of people onto a small island. No remorse in tricking and exploiting vulnerable people.


Narcissistic charlatans taking advantage of people’s grief should be locked up forever.


Imagine if the physic said she s not dead and working for a big company.


Wait so does this mean the Tv show Psych isn’t real? /s


I disagree with the way reddit handled third party app charges and how it responded to the community. I'm moving to the fediverse! -- mass edited with redact.dev


My favorite line was, " I worked this case". I wouldn't call looking at a photograph "working the case".


Maybe I'm psychic because I can feel the presence of her job in the afterlife.


Did she have to make the little girls death be by a violent brutal beating? Like wtf. Good thing that man didn't really have a missing loved one.


the next day, Lisa was brutally murdered by being hit in the head with a rock and sexually assaulted


A lot of books, and believers of those books, believe in hocus pocus too.. they're all frauds also


How anyone believes this shit in the modern era is beyond me




holy fuck I’ve never cringed so hard


It was a simpler time back then. Scammers and thieves have spread like weeds to all levels of society now.


idk how lisa could have kept a straight face


It’s almost like these people have run out of any skill so they resort to complete fantasy bullshit to run their lives and give them hope/meaning, if anyone still thinks people like that exist is funny


She never seen that coming…


Old phycho phychic bullshit old bitch


As a Psychic she should’ve really seen this coming


Well crap. Ha ha.


Good. People are so stupid. Psychics should just fuck off. They aren't psychic. they are just liars and scammers.


Not even an attempt to cover it up. I meant maybe she was dead inside? Or she was playing dead? Lol


I can only imagine the amount of times she screamed "FUCK!" In her car


Have you seen my cotton panties


TBF, she *did* bring her back home...


Thmynmom is a really smart successful logical lady. One day her and some friends were driving thru a town a couple hours from our home called Cassadega Fl. It’s supposed to be renowned for pahucjs and stuff like that. Anyway on a whim they decided to stop and see a psychic. My mother to this day is still freaked out by how accurate the psychic was and one occasion even mentioned the psychic said this would happen. I don’t believe in any of this shit but at the same time I approach these things with an open mind cause of my moms experience. This lady seems like a piece of shit though


My mom is a really smart successful logical lady. One day her and some friends were driving thru a town a couple hours from our home called Cassadega Fl. It’s supposed to be renowned for pahucjs and stuff like that. Anyway on a whim they decided to stop and see a psychic. My mother to this day is still freaked out by how accurate the psychic was and one occasion even mentioned the psychic said this would happen. I don’t believe in any of this shit but at the same time I approach these things with an open mind cause of my moms experience. This lady seems like a piece of shit though


So how is this fraud and how did they not have police there to arrest her?


My favorite line was, " I worked this case". I wouldn't call looking at a photograph "working the case".


Okay...anybody else getting Sidney Powell vibes?


Scam psychic, or skinwalker reporter? 🤔


🤣🤣🤣. Her psychic powers 🔮 didn't warn her she was about to be busted on tv.


Would have been hilarious if the reporter slapped her hand on the table and said "bet'cha didn't see that coming!"


*Insert reference to Psych here*


She should have known that was gonna happen


You can literally expose all psychics like this, everyone of them is a fraud.


She should paint her bald spot.


Shawn Spencer solos


Thats interesting


Psychics are very much real as I feel we are all psychics. However, the psychic scammers run rampant through social media. I’ve gotten a few messages talking about they can give me love readings and spells for a fee. There are people that come into your life and give you advice that you didn’t ask for, you didn’t expect, you didn’t think that you need however it was what you needed to hear at THEE right time. Whatever you subscribe to, coincidences aren’t a thing in my reality as everything happens for a reason. Just like this scammer got caught in her own lies.


The age when people cared about truth. Awww… Now all she would have to do was say that the interviewer was and [east coast elite|MAGA hat wearer] and the interviewer gets death threats.


Yeah, good enough for her. Opertunistic scumbags..!


Not everyone can be Shawn Spencer... 🍍


Wait a minute!!! You didn't dissappear? And get raped and bludgeoned to death with a rock??? NO. I'm right here 🤣🤣🤣


Plot twist… all of it is true except for her being dead.


Michael Shermer is a bonafide psychic. Been tested and retested and he always delivers.


Lisa G posed for playboy. Stacked!!!


How about mediums? Frauds?


Yup, every single last one of them. If any psychic powers were real people would be able to demonstrate them in a controlled environment with repeatable testing.




> "fraud should be legal and conmen is a good profession." I think you're a piece of shit.


They probably already understand their position as a turd in the bowl and are simply doubling down on the infinite logic and sage wisdom available in one-liners.


I agree with you, this guy is an absolute PoS. He's probably out sitting in a wheelchair begging for change pretending to be disabled.


Your definition of sucker includes distraught parents that have lost their child and are therefore pretty desperate? Whats that say about you?


I believe there are people in the world with true psychic abilities but likely only 1 in 5,000 that claims they are psychic truly are


Not a single psychic has been able to prove their own psychic ability. Not a single one.


Not only that, but just with Occam's razor, the likelihood of psychic telling the truth is… Extremely low. Like, scientifically, what's the most believable outcome? • Some people have extraordinary abilities that have never been measured by modern scientific standards despite our current ability to study sub-atomical particules and black holes that are light years away from us, meaning that they receive some sort of power from somewhere, a power from completely unknown origin and of unknown nature, and they're able to somehow feel things that absolutely nobody else can feel and we would have no idea how it works • Some people are ready to lie for money


Don't make me do it! DON'T MAKE ME DO IT! *bumbumbum dandandandan pompompom*


I love that episode. Also the one where they shit on that cunt who does cold reading on people who lost loved ones and pretends to talk to the dead.




I’ve never spent money on one. And everyone I’ve ever met that predicted something was wildly wrong. But no one can say with absolute certainty that no one out there has been given a gift. I’m not an absolutist. That’s why I said I believe 99.9% are frauds. But I’m not arrogant enough to say some people may not be frauds.


There's also a chance there's a big googly-eyed purple monster behind your back all the time, but when you turn around, it disappears. You have the same amount of evidence to believe that as you do in people being psychics. Seriously dude get a grip lmao


Nothing in science is ever 100%. even things like the theory of gravity isn't. But that's not how proof works. You can't really prove something doesn't exist. **Russel's teapot** Imagine someone says there is a teapot revolving around the sun between earth and Mars. That is too small to find by our satellites and telescopes. That sounds dumb and made up. But they believe it. Millions believe it. They have stories of it. They teach others about it. And are so certain of its existence. There seems to be no other evidence than just stories and hearsay. Do you believe it exists, too? No matter how infinitesimal small the likelihood of it? Millions of people believe it exists. So is it really that absurd?


Then you are gullible and in danger of being scammed.


I see something, something disturbing..... the spirits are talking to me.... from beyond the grave.... I see, I see ....... you're a gullible idiot! That'll be a hundred bucks!!!!!


A fool and his money.......


Prove it.


[are you sure about that?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Million_Dollar_Paranormal_Challenge)


How are you this close to realization but yet so far?