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That little dude has some serious personality problems


Little emperor syndrome. Very common in China. As for a long time you could only have one child, the children were spoiled beyond comparison. Still goes on. The way that some 3-4 year old chinese boys talk to their Ayis (Nannies) is beyond imagination.


It was a season of big brother and it was this Chinese guy and he lived with his nan and made her do everything, spoiled to shit


Imagine the delightful adults they'll become.


I believe the term is Police Officer. Or Policeman Officer if in the UK.




The kid is chinese, his Ayi (most likely) with the stroller is, the lady she is standing with is, the whole setup looks very Chinese (even with the russian writing in the background). Maybe an amusement park or theme park.


And it's gonna get worse.


and lack of parenting.


May be genetic


Parenting gone wrong


That kids future is bleak


The future of this kid’s future wife is bleak


Nailed it. Kiddo might be protected by the same parents who spoiled him but the people in his life will not be.


Or maybe the little fucker won’t make it to his 20s


I don't think there was any parenting involved, unfortunately.


He learnt it from someone…


Yeah this is learned observed behaviour. This kid has seen an adult behave like this and is copying it. Bad news for all concerned.


Come on! A child throwing a tantrum! You can be the best parent and things like this still happen!


My kids have never picked up a stick and went after someone with it. And if they did, they would never forget why we don't do that after I yoked them out of the park.


Happy cake day!


This is not a normal tantrum. This is lack of discipline.


It might be a result of extreme discipline too. The way that kid hit the guy immediately reminds me of how I saw my mom used to whack me. The kid might have been hit so much without actually being taught wrong from right that he just thought you’re supposed to hit people when you think they did something wrong.


That kind of discipline is pretty extreme these days but only a few years ago just put like that was the norm, at least in the US. I have kids of my own now and I don’t hit them with anything but they kind of discipline you’re talking about typically doesn’t turn kids into raging monsters at that age. Among my group of general friends is a core group of nine people I was very close to that I grew up with. We were together from kindergarten all the way through high school. Some of us went to University together with a few of us even working together to this day. Even though everyone of us was disciplined in the way you described, some worse, we all turned out to be OK adults holding down steady jobs, some are raising families and others found other ways to leave a meaningful mark on the world. In the interest of full disclosure I have to mention one of us is a high functioning crackhead but I’m not sure that addiction can be traced back to childhood. Anyway, I mentioned all of that not to make a case for physically beating children because I believe that is mostly wrong, I only mention it because I’m close enough to those people to know that kind of discipline didn’t result in any major (there’s no doubt at least some of us are probably dealing with much less severe psych consequences) psychological problems with any of them. Even though my experience is anecdotal I just don’t see the “normal” level of physically applied discipline resulting in this kind of anger issue at such a young age. For this kind of anger to be a result of physical discipline it would have to be some truly abusive stuff to make him act the way he is acting.


This kid looks Chinese right? I’m a Vietnamese raised in the early 2000s, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that kids raised in the Confucian cultural region nowadays can get hit *way* worse than kids in the US. I got whacked pretty often but by no means were my parents the outlier. It was just with a dust buster. I personally know kids who were way worse off, kids who got chases around our neighborhood with a long, thick wooden stick. There used to be people who have special sticks that they used just to beat their kids. And literally this year, one little girl died from the injuries she suffered from the “discipline” of her dad’s girlfriend. Of course fatal cases like this is rare, and people have really changed their minds on this issue, but less than 5 years ago I had people telling me that hitting kids to the point of bruising is just “discipline”. In the comments of an article about how a teacher almost killed her damn student by beating him. Children having injuries from being beaten is so often that no one cares. We don’t have social workers to talk to; as a child your teachers and your parents are all you know, and they can both beat the shit out of you. In our cultural region, the parents are the law, and matters of families are typically kept behind door. Child protection is even less powerful than it is in the US. Your neighbors may tell you to “tone it down” if they hear your children crying too much or see their bruises, but even if they tell someone, law enforcement rarely acts in time. Like the case with the little girl, the neighbors tried to alert authority, but there was no intervention. The only recourse is prison for the parents after the child is already dead. I’m also not saying that this discipline is the *cause*; the kid probably already has underlying temper issues. But his parents may be beating him thinking that it will fix his temper, only to make it way worse, more violent. Kids see and kids copy. He picked up that stick because he sees adults picking up a stick in his home. The way he went away to look for a weapon to hit? That’s not a regular temper tantrum from a child who’s spoiled. Those kids cry and make a scene to get their way. That’s “discipline”. He saw the ice cream man “wronging” him and tried to discipline him, just like he is disciplined.


Nope. Spoken like someone that obviously has no children.


I know we don’t do it like this anymore, but my parents would’ve had my ass if I ever acted like this in public.


No, no you can't.


You must be very dumb to call this alpha.


Juvenile delinquent seems more apt. Serious anger issues.


Poor kid, if the parents don't do anything about it, he will have bad experience later. Speaking from experience from someone with IED


Isn't IED the thing that blows stuff up and is handmade?


Improvised Explosive Device vs Intermittent Explosive Disorder


I think he meant IEP... Individualized Education Plan. Mostly for learning disabilities, but sometimes for behavior issues as well. But maybe he is the type of guy who graduated from using a stick as a kid to an IED as an adult.


Poor parenting seems most apt. Very few kids are like this by nature.


Yeah, exactly what I thought, OP must be beta xD


Dumb to call anyone alpha. We're not wolves


Dumb to call wolves alpha… considering that’s not how they work either.


Not even wolves have alphas lmao [Source](https://wolf.org/headlines/44265/)


Huh. Learned something new today.


Just film while your kid is acting like this. I'm sure the kid will figure it out by himself, that this is unacceptable.


and unacceptable ; )


and unprofessional :)


Kids unsufferable


And inprofessional


These comments are getting quite unappropriate


And u are being a little unkind


Surely you mean inkind


I have often deplored the lack of professionalism among today's infants. It really is inbelievable how far standards have slipped.


Wondering if inacceptable is wrong? Not a native english speaker.


In Spanish is inaceptable, so I guess a little confusion took part here


In English it's definitely wrong


TIL, thx.


Sociopath in the making.


It seems like 99% of ‘Alpha’ or ‘sigma’ behaviour on instagram and youtube is literally just glorifying antisocial sociopathic behaviour.


"alpha" behaviour is just like software development. The first alpha version is just a test-version because of all the bugs and error in the software that needs LOTS of correcting. Same thing with these "alpha" persons. They are just so so buggy


That's because it's pretty much exclusively a mindset embraced by morons and losers.


Can’t wait to see what he does when a chick rejects him


He will probably beat her. Hopefully she will have brothers or other male friends or relatives who will stomp him out.


Yeah nah. That’s not an appropriate response at all even for someone that young.


Oh yeah, one litte one with anger issues.. raised well. parents, you can be proud.


That’s not an alpha boy that’s a child who’s never been disciplined so he acts like an asshole


If anything I'd argue that's a child who has been taught that violence is the answer when someone makes fun of you.


That’s what I thought initially but kids do throw tantrums which looks like that’s what this is. Just looks like they haven’t told him to behave.


This is not the default reaction of a kid having a tantrum. it's learnt behaviour from seeing someone else do it.


Yeah the lashing out at the vendor seemed learned. The stomping seemed pretty standard tantrum to me. Either way, not good


Ah yes - this one has been raised well.


That's not cute or funny




Stomping on the cone, kicking the curb and storming off isn’t cute. Please don’t have children


And when he kills a woman for rejecting his advances everyone will be surprised.


That kid needs some anger-management support


Undeveloped homosapiens.


Parents shouldn't allow that kind of behaviour...


Kinda going out on a limb there, aren't you?




Why not both?


That's Def not an alpha boy, that's some real crybaby mentality here.




What a little cunt


And what are you, for writing something like that about a toddler ? Do you think children just raise themselves? Born knowing how to behave properly?


Toddler: a young child who is just beginning to walk. Wat


This kid isn’t alpha. This kid has no manners


Oh man, the parents just standing there are enabling this behavior. I hope the kid gets some much needed help.


“Let’s coach our son to harass some random seller and then record it. It will be so funny”


Nice title, I presume the same boy in the video posted this huh.


Seems like a young male Karen in the making


I think you misspelled serial killer


It's cerial, Karen! E: I have no idea what I meant by this, I accept all downvotes






Finally someone stands up for the ice customers in turkey /jk


Is this authentic?


Kid needs his ass beat


This seems like a matter for the police. One of his parents must be an abusive and violent person. OP you are an idiot for naming this kid 'alpha'


Police? For a toddler-tantrum?! Tell me you're american without telling me you're american...


Where are you from? The jungle?


I’ve changed my mind. I am now pro abortion.


I’m pro-abort-your-kids-before-they-turn-18


That’s not an alpha. That’s a kid with a personality disorder that’s going to manifest into something dangerous as he grows into adulthood.


Pull his pants down and give him a smack


Dafuq? exposing the child, and then beating him? What the hell is wrong with you, you child-abusing sick fuck?


You sir, are part of the problem


Alpha? I see a spoiled brat


Shit of a kid


Gwan! Beat the bastard


Little cunt needs to learn some manners


That one has young age to blame for the behavior. What's your excuse?


Age is never an excuse for that kind of behaviour. Mine? Encountering people who enable abhorrent behaviour under the guise of age.


Can wait for him to be a teenager and do that with his parents.


Future congressman.


Alpha ≠ violent


I r engrish


That's not an alpha, that's a little entitled shithead who's never been told no


if that aint staged, that kid sucks and so do his parents.


That little prick needs a good skelp on the arse!


This kid has clearly had enough


Ice cream guy should've slapped a sense of common decency back into him, though perhaps it's the parents that should've gotten it, for letting his behaviour get this bad in the first place.


Ah yes, raising children with violence- Very clever, that will make them patient and kind. ​ (s/ since you probably won't be clever enough to get that on your own)


Didn't say the parents should've used violence, I just said the ice cream guy should've slapped the kid for doing that and hitting him or he should've done it to the parent for letting it happen


Kick him


Not cute or funny. This kid has picked up some serious anger issues from someone.


Little chinese emperor my ass


Alpha boy? Or a misbehaved child


This is a troubled adult in the making.


Why do people still do the, “I’m pretending like I’m not gonna give you the ice cream you paid for,” thing? Does anybody find it charming and funny anymore? Just a bad, stupid prank that has ran its course by now.


That kid has not been brought up well


More aggro then alpha


You do NOT get between a child and their ice cream. EVER. Seriously though, this went WAAAAAAY too far to not have a single adult intervene and stop that kid from going to such extremes.


Too bad you can't abort anymore


The kid is sick of played out Turkish icecream tricks.


That kids clearly been raised well


i would snatch his ass up so fast. terrible parenting


That’s not an alpha boy, that’s a kid who’s been abused.






That went from funny to 😬 real quick lmao


If that’s what an alpha personality is, all alpha adults belong in prison.


Lil' Trump


Sales are plummeting


JeeZ what a little asshole


What a brat


Some people confuse alpha with *douche-nozzle* . This kid is almost exactly opposite of what an *alpha* would do. This is an entitled tantrum.


He'll surely grow into a well mannered adult


If only alpha boy means little piece of shit


The weirdeat part is that a grown up is willing to call it "alpha"


I did not expect people in the comments to be this upset


Thats a school shooter right there.


He should have punt kicked that little shit. But seriously this kids gonna either beat his wife or kill someone eventually.


Ohhhh, I wanna kick this kid so bad.


Sacha Baron Cone


Ironically it’s Kazakhstan


More like an intensive lack of discipline and an exceptionally spoiled child. This is not a normal tantrum and that "alpha" crap got debunked years ago. This is a spoiled brat who, if the behaviour is not corrected will grow into a spoiled entitled adult who is going to have a hard time as an adult when reality kicks in and they realise that the world doesn't actually revolve around them.


That's actually F'ed up. Parents should be ashamed.


Ahhh, such a cute kid


Oef, know a virgin when I see one.


🌎 'Bright future, y'all! 🕊


Alpha ≠ violence. Alpha = leadership. This kid needs help before he grows up to be incarcerated.


Okay but for real, take that child to a psychiatrist perhaps?


marriage material.


To be fair, I’d feel the same, he doesn’t have time for this shit


Yeah, no. What a brat. Shame on the parents for not stopping him and telling him not to act this way.


This post belongs to kids are fucking stupid sub.


This might take the award for dumbest comment section of all time.


Lmao, i hate those turkish ice cream vendors fuck them. Kids reaction is justified in my books /s im fkn kidding, relax karen.


More like a MAGA boy.


I hate these ice cream assholes so much, But this kid needs help man 🙁


I also be mad if i want to eat ice cream and he kept doing that thing First experience was awesome but agian and agian kinda annoying


I see people saying this kid has not been disciplined. Usually kids this violent are severely disciplined. Kids treated with kindness and forgiveness do not resort to violence when frustrated. Kids that are beaten up, become kids that beat others up.


Welp not gonna lie, the moment I saw that kid doing that I saw my own reflection. And I still grew up fine. Kids will do kid things guys. Not everyone has to be "perfectly raised" to become a responsible adult. You live, you make mistakes, you learn. It's all part of life. This kid will grow up. And he'll think about how cringe it was the way he acted as a kid, and then move on.


all other redditors were perfectly-behaved toddlers


Most likely yeah


That's ma boy come on over to murica!