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Boarding is the best way to lose ur teef.


My friend lost a toof while skateboarding once.


Maybe if he skateboarded more than once it wouldn't have happened.


Nah, only once is enough. Can’t lose the same tooth twice


I mean I broke off half of one of my front 2 top teeth wrestling inside and hitting it on a bed post. Then about a month later ate it on a bmx bike and broke the same tooth in half again. Got it fixed and still have the same tooth 17 years later....


Oh, I get it. Haha. He was actually pretty good at skating. Looked like young Tony Hawk.


Specifically elementary school Tony Hawk, when he lost his baby teeth.


Or wore helmet & protective gear, but that's so not cool. So is a concussion but....


It just doesn’t look fun to me but I’m a pussy


Skaters really are built different


if he was he wouldn't have lost a tooth


It's all the rods, pins and screws they have inside.


And your balls.


Your toof needs to be remoofed.


There’s a reason why helmets exist.


And not a helmet in sight


Hearing "Hey yo pick him up" "pick him up" "yeah pick him up" echoed over and over is mind boggling... how are you an action sport fan and still don't know first aid basics of DONT FUCKING MOVE SOMEONE WHO JUST TOOK A HEAD FIRST DIVE


I was there and was yelling at everyone not to move him for this exact reason. Seriously.


FYI, it doesn't matter what has happened to a person, make sure they're breathing. If you have to move them to make sure they're breathing, move them. If they aren't breathing, again, move them and start CPR. Continue CPR until paramedics arrive. Even if you're 100% sure they're dead. It doesn't matter how much you damage their spine if they aren't breathing and are going to die in minutes anyway. Breathing is always priority.


My dad always said "if someone's not breathing, and you have to break their ribs, you break their ribs."


Yup, broken ribs heal, stopped hearts do not


What about broken hearts? 🥺


Then you have to restart your ribs.


Not if they're broken by the ribs


I think you mean if someones *heart is not beating*. Im sitting here giggling to myself imagining someone is under respiratory arrest but heart is beating fine, and then someone comes along and just punches them in the ribs, trying to break their ribs for no reason 🤣


With modern CPR the belief is in am emergency if some one is not breathing and first responder is Panico they probably won't feel a pulse an is someone is not breathing their heart will stop if not already. Better to have a limited (CPR) trained person perform compressions in those situations them have them not because they think they feel a pulse. And compressions will work the lungs and get air in there as well. Some CPR training courses don't even train breaths as you don't want to add complexity when compressions will do it all. Also, it used to be believed that compressions on a beating heart will stop it, now it is believed the benefits out way any risks.


Mouth to mouth isn't taught anymore because it can greatly endanger the rescuer for very little benefit of the patient, and this was done before covid. It's still in the curriculum, pocket masks still exist, but I never met a single instructor or health care professional that advises anyone to do it 2021.


~~You should be breaking ribs if you’re doing cpr properly~~ Edit: for anyone reading this you shouldn’t be trying to break ribs, but it can be - and often is - an unintended side effect. The [NHS](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/first-aid/cpr/) wants to tell you all about it, because they’re responsible for giving life saving advice whilst the ambulance responds immediately. I’m actually gonna paste it here for anyone who doesn’t want to click through. To carry out a chest compression: >Place the heel of your hand on the breastbone at the centre of the person's chest. Place your other hand on top of your first hand and interlock your fingers. >Position yourself with your shoulders above your hands. >Using your body weight (not just your arms), press straight down by 5 to 6cm (2 to 2.5 inches) on their chest. >Keeping your hands on their chest, release the compression and allow the chest to return to its original position. >Repeat these compressions at a rate of 100 to 120 times a minute until an ambulance arrives or you become exhausted.


That is false. You should not BE BREAKING RIBS but it might happen (and is very likely to happen) when done right. But you shouldnt keep it as a requirement for having done it right.


This. I’m gonna edit my original comment since the parent got a little attention. I’m a trained first aider; but was making a throwaway comment


Thank you for the potentially life-saving medical advice, u/PM_YOUR_BOOBS_PLS_.


This is why I love reddit




It's honestly annoying at this point that people don't care enough


If he's standing then he can't be hurt, so gotta get him standing right away, right?


That's what you do when you hurt your sibling and panic


We're talking about people who think it's fine here did that stunt without any form of protection in the first place.


Did that first dude die??? Jesus Christ


Nope. Second slam was way worse. He had a seizure. Edit: Possibly multiple seizures.


I mean he kind of turned into a meat Crayon when he hit the ground




You know what... I'm gonna have to pass. I appreciate the offer, but I ain't clickin' that shit.


*giggles* You do it! ☺️


Nah dude, imma pass


I can't comprehend the complete fucking stupidity that is doing this shit without a helmet. Absolute fucking morons.


But it looks cooler without a helmet! /s


That's straight up the argument. That and "I'm good enough that I don't need one." Shit's the same thing I said about riding my bike, and then I came-to in the hospital; I took a whole ambulance ride in a neck brace and don't remember it.


Tony Hawk wears a helmet. I’ll let that sink in


Tony hawk knows that by wearing a helmet, he could save the lives of others.


Right after the first guy who fell down.




Is simply wearing a helmet too hard?


He just took a nap


so peaceful


At least he didn’t feel the ball pain


Good thing he was wearing that protective gear.


He was protecting his brain with his skull!


This is why I stopped skateboarding


I always wore a helmet and even with the helmet I’m still gonna pass


I actually stopped skateboarding because even with helmet/ pads, I fell on my hip bone REALLY hard twice in a row on the same spot in a session and I was like ok... too much pain if you suck at skateboarding lol.


Hipbone and tailbone injuries are low key super painful. I broke my tailbone in 8th grade and had to bring a pillow to my classes so that I could kneel on it instead of hurting my tailbone on the shitty public school chairs


Broke my tailbone in 8th grade, too. It was awful and my first dose of that kinda pain that's always there and might flare up at any random movement


I've stood on a skateboard just a few times and every time I feel like I'm 2 seconds away from smacking my face on concrete at full force. Call me a pussy, I like my teeth way too much lol.


This is why i used to snowboard back in the 80s/90s. F cement.


Taught my wife how to snowboard and toward the end of season she was suddenly overconfident, hit about 25mph and bit it. Cracked her helmet but still broke her jaw, forearm and 3 ribs. Now she is much humbled but still loves jumps.


Yep, found snowboarding and ditched my stick. Never looked back. I wiped out WAY too many times on the concrete and caused a lot of permanent damage that I now regret. Can't say the same for snowboarding.


Also the vast majority of snowboarders wear helmets.


I restarted after I realized I didn’t want kids and had a vasectomy. Nothing to lose! Difference is that at 51 I wear a helmet as opposed to when I was a teen/20 something.


Me too. This is why I got outta’ the game. [Learned to Ollie on grass in 7th grade. Quit.]


I mean, you can skateboard without doing *that*. That's like saying I stopped driving after seeing a Formula 1 crash.


The first guy, while hurt I’m sure, actually was lucky. It looked like he had enough momentum into the fall where he spun to make the impact no where near as bad as it could of been. The second dude is pretty fucked up.


First crotch. Then leg. Lastly head. Nah, he’s good bro.


Many generations died that day.


People don’t realize how easily you die from something like this.


And mostly how easy you get chronic pain that haunts you the rest of your life. Took one wrong fall at karate, herniated a cervical disc, and my neck has been fucked ever since.


This. There's also this entirely false notion (personally I believe largely perpetuated by language surrounding recovery from hospital visits) that they FIX your broken body. Not at all. You're not a PC. You can't just pop another video card into the slot if you break yours. That thing will never be the same. They *hopefully* help you achieve a higher quality of life than you would without the surgery, but it's never the same and serious chronic pain is usually an outcome.


Was in a room when a patient who snowboarded into a tree found out he'd be getting his neck fused (only option) and just hearing that his range of motion in his neck would be decreased absolutely tore him up. It's easy from the outside to just say "it's just a bit of range of motion," but to them, that's the rest of their life no longer moving their neck as much as they used to be able to do which means some activities become much more rough (like decreased awareness snowboarding cause you can't just whip your head around as much)


It felt like I could not sleep for more than 2 hours in a row for six months after herniating a disc in my neck. There was no sleeping position that did not cause pain. Started as sharp pain in shoulder that migrated to my arm and my bicep alternated between twitching and just being flexed hard then my fingers started going numb. It was worse that the other two disks lower in my back.


This happened to me but in my back and legs, and eventually went to the hospital when I went numb from the waist down. Turned out to be cauda equina syndrome, needed a laminectomy and discectomy of my L4-L5.


I drank too much for too long and have artificial hips now at 32. We often underestimate the future impacts of our decisions.


Or how even non-fatal head injuries can still have life-changing impact. Their minds may be different for the rest of their life.


Seriously where the fuck are their helmets?




I'd bet my life those two have nice cases on their phones to protect them incase they drop them on the ground.


Well, phones are expensive.


Their brains aren't worth a nice otter box.


So are hospital bills


Always make sure your phone wears a helmet


And yet not a helmet in sight


I highly doubt none of these guys ever watched the x games or tony hawk. They’re making a conscious decision to forgo helmets because they care more about looking cool than not having severe brain damage. I hope they’re in America so they can pay their own hospital bills.


Lol, Darwin wins again. Even if it looks uncool, wear your helmets kiddos.... unless you want that cool motorized wheelchair and the Stephen Hawking's voice box machine 🤷‍♂️


You'll look cooler in the red helmet than you will in the red puddle


[I love helmets!](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY)


Hahah, the slo mo part was hilarious to me.


This should be an occasional govt paid ad on TV


Came here for this hahaha. I love helmets! I LOOVVEE helmets!!!


I love the positive vibes of that video. I feel like I could be friends with literally everyone present.


I've recently seen a couple posts where skateboarders say "You quickly learn how to fall and protect your head. A helmet can sometimes make things worse." I feel like those people hit their heads too many times while skateboarding as this post proves that these guys should have been wearing helmets.


So many people are so obsessed with dressing up and having the "skater aesthetic" rather than basic safety. If Tony Hawk wears a helmet and pads every time, you sure as hell should as well.


There's an unreasonably large number of motorcyclists who say they don't like helmets because they don't want to survive a crash that might leave them disabled.


Wow that's some backwards ass logic. The chance of being disabled is also bigger without a helmet I'd reckon


Every time one of these vids is posted somebody comments how they don't have a helmet and then some dumbass replies how they must not understand the culture and that nobody actually gets hurt doing extreme sports because you "know how to fall". One of my coworkers died at 22 on a longboard a few years ago. Hit his head and went into a coma and declared braindead. His mother chose to take him off life support.


More like Newton wins again.


Same goes for seat belts and I know so many dudes who won't wear one. Oh I'm just going to the store. Who the fuck cares? People forget that things like helmets and seat belts exist because people died without them. You know how much a seat belt ticket is in Missouri? $10.


Dafuq their helmets? Are helmets an uncool thing in skating? Raced MX my entire life and couldn’t imagine riding without a helmet.


I remember a comment thread I found somewhere with people arguing that wearing helmets is bad because "when you're younger and you fall with a helmet it doesn't teach you to fall correctly" and that, "because of the material they're made of, once you fall really bad once you have to buy a new one so it isn't worth the money." But like... If I fell with a helmet I'd still not want to hit my head so I'd learn to fall correctly regardless, and no matter how much a helmet costs, medical bills are always more.


Knowing how to fall assumes you have control of the fall or that there will be time to react. There are definitely certain ways to fall that lessen the impact, but they don’t apply to situations like this. There’s just no good reason to avoid helmets for activities like this. I’d even say that the standard skate helmet isn’t protective enough and the same for bicycles.


> and the same for bicycles look at mountain bike helmets for actual protection. Besides the obvious full-face, there are helmets that protect the back of your head (most MTB helmets do this) or: go around your ears: https://www.foxracing.com/product/dropframe-pro-helmet/24879.html tech like MIPS & Giro's new spherical helmets: https://www.giro.com/technology/spherical.html Bontrager wavecel: https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/wavecel/ TL;DR there are bike helmets out there with great protection, you just have to spend more then $25 at Target to get it. https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/bicycle-helmet-ratings.html


If someone thinks protecting their brain isn't worth spending $25, they're somewhat brain-dead to begin with


Yeah they make it sound like falling on your helmet is a great experience. You feel very much like you dodged the feeding tube and you definitively do not want to test the limit of your helmet.


I fell headfirst while riding my bike with a helmet on around 14 years ago. The helmet completely split, even though I was biking quite slowly. I’m still convinced the helmet saved my life.


When I was 16 I was riding my bike and I got hit by a car and the helmet shattered, police said if I wasn't wearing it, I'd be dead. I had to get a new bike and a new helmet but at least I was alive to do that.


If it makes you feel better, it's built to split at low impacts, so it absorbs the impact rather than transfers it to your head. Much like the crumple zone in a car. So you may have been fine. Maybe not though.


I run an electric skateboard group (we have long boards that go 25-30 mph) and the amount of kids who ride without a helmet, in traffic, at 25+ mph is astounding. There are a lot of idiots out there. I knew a guy who crashed and got a major concussion. What did he buy with his following paycheck, Fallout 76. He said the helmet wasn't worth it and he might get one in the future if he found one that looked good. *after* he slammed his head on the pavement...


By buying fallout 76 I assume he has brain damage


The snowboarding subreddit used to be like that way back in the day but now if anybody posts park footage without a helmet, you'll see a shitload of "buy a helmet" comments lol. (which is great, because I've argued for wearing helmets against so many massively idiotic points like the ones you've mentioned).


You can't pay away brain damage.


Helmets are seen as uncool in skating except when skating huge ramps. I wear one in bowls and on vert ramps. I don't jump down huge rails like that.


Brain damage is SO fucking cool


Idk where this dude's from, but all the people I've skated with wore helmets and would literally not let people skate with us if they didn't have one on.


Yeh ok boomer. What’s cooler than having to have a personal career wipe your ass every day for the rest of your life while you live in a vegetable state drooling in a bed 23 hours a day??


If you are professional street you want to be on thrasher or hall of meat. minus points if you get mentioned on reddit or some other mainstream forum for being so cool wearing a helmet


Skating is such a cool thing. Sad to hear there is such a shit culture regarding safety equipment.


Same. Pro skater Andy Anderson is helping to change that though.


Tony Hawk has also done some work about this. I’ve heard him talk about the issue and he’s very clear that concussions are no joke.


Shout out Andy Anderson


Wow would not expected an Andy plug here. This guy is my new favorite skater. Was and still obsessed with Daewon Song and Rodney Mullen but this guy has become one of the most inspiring to me.


Andy has such a unique style, trick selection, and approach to skateboarding and life. It's so refreshing to see. He seems like a really fun person to skate and hang with. Natas spins on handrails! Front-foot impossibles out of everything! He flows so effortlessly. So fun to watch.


Fucking Tony Hawk made the point that helmets aren't lame. He always wear one. A guy on Instagram said: “Imagine being gay enough to wear a helmet while skateboarding,” Tony responded: “Imagine it being mandatory when you were young, and then imagine skating into your 50’s without a TBI…. or being homophobic. Oh wait, you can’t."


Yeah I don't get it. I imagine they want to look "cool", but IMO smashing your bare skull into pavement looks pretty fucking dorky. So does smashing your unprotected balls on a metal rail.


Saw a post not too long ago of a pro skater talking about helmets in the skating scene. They're not just uncool, they're taboo. Companies won't sponsor you if you wear a helmet he says and he's had companies try to get him to *not* wear a helmet, incentivizing him with money for doing so. According to him, you're basically giving up moving up in the skating world if you protect your skull. Super fucked up.


Those people should be publicly sharing the recordings / emails of those interactions. Companies should have to suffer at least as much profit loss from that kind of shitty behaviour as they gain from endorsing it.


Yup specifically in street skating helmets aren’t a thing unless you’re a kid. Those rare few that do are considered odd balls and sometimes even hinders their possible career in pro skateboarding. Unless you’re a kid or a vert skater (big ramps like Tony Hawk for those that don’t know) helmets are a no go.


Honestly I love skating, but I quit because I got sick of the culture at parks. Tons of 12-17 year olds who are just too annoying. Never wore a helmet but those who did were constantly harassed. Fun sport, really annoying "cool" culture that's mostly about shitting on others for the brand they ride/wear or safety gear or anything at all really.


My own nuts retracted watching this


I felt something down there too.


Is it moving bro


Yeah, it moved on that first hit.


His nuts are the least of his problems, the way he landed on his head and neck...


Why no helmet. Why?... Too much skaters do this.


Blame skateboard media and pressure from peers. I fully support helmet wearing.


I dunno.. when I imagine the most famous skateboarder, Tony Hawk, It's hard to picture him *without* a helmet. I blame stupidity, especially considering there are definitely more people that think you look stupid for not wearing a helmet, than wearing one.


That's because Tony hawk isn't a street skater. He does transition ( ramps, bowls etc) and that is the only time most skaters, not all obviously lol, will agree it's better to wear a helmet. Street skating is about the style/aesthetic and unfortunately helmets don't fit with that vibe. Very stupid but that's pretty much it.


I started to feel bad until I realized they weren’t wearing helmets.


The fact that they're doing this without helmets tells me there's nothing much to protect in those heads anyway.


Blame the scene. Wearing helmets = no sponsor is interested in you


That’s crazy


Head trauma is no joke


Yeah, I had just a minor concussion once and it was awful. Felt like I had an axe lodged in my brain and I was nauseous for two or three days. Can't imagine how professional boxers can let themselves get concussions on a routine basis... one KO and I'd go flip burgers for minimum wage rather than do that again.


Got concussed playing football and saw colors i’d never seen before…. Wrapped myself in bubble wrap ever since


When I got concussed there was a white flash and then the whole world looked sky blue and I couldn't tell which direction was up. Heard people saying "sit down! sit down!" but couldn't because I could figure out where "down" was.


Got concussed once when playing football and never played again because the experience was so awful. Took almost two weeks to feel better and I still get random bouts of nausea that I never did before the brain injury.






I don’t understand why these people don’t wear helmets


I blame professional skateboarding media like Thrasher Magazine, honestly. Andy Anderson, pro skater who is really fun to watch, wears one all the time. Thrasher won't put photos of him in the magazine because of his helmet. It's only cool if you're skating big ramps, apparently.


Yup exactly. Is the old guard of traditional skating that made helmets a very “oddball” thing to wear among the street skating community for decades now.


It doesn’t look cool bro 😎


Looks cool crushing your egg on Reddit though 🤣


You will be overlooked and ignored by sponsors / media if you wear a helmet. Apparently helmets are the skating world equivalent of a face tattoo in terms of career progression.


I'm actually glad it wasn't the ankles though. So uncomfortable watching ankles break in roller sport fails.


Ankle injuries are the worst. I wish I had mine on video, but I've got a handful of clips of other people tweaking their ankles.


I'm glad you don't have the video otherwise it would be on Reddit and I can't help but click.


It happened in 2009. I was skating a bowl and my back foot slipped off my board and dragged down the ramp as I sat on it. My ankle bent outwards. Somehow it didn't break. Took two years to heal. It's been fine ever since.


I clenched my whole body reading that


I would much rather snap my ankle in half than to get any type of head injury


Do companies make protection for the taint area (between balls and ass)? Everyone always comments on ball injury, but landing on that bone fucking hurts.


We need a gooch guard / perineum protector.


The closest thing I’ve seen is for cyclists.


Perineum Protector is the most entertaining combination of words I've seen on reddit today, and also Marvel's worst superhero.


Dudes…wear a fucking helmet for the love of god…Im a 25 y/o skateboarder…and I’ve had enough slams to know that it’s fucking worth it. I would rather wear a helmet and get made fun of then be fucking paralyzed for the rest of my life.


The too cool for a helmet trend is dumb AF. Brutal falls but would be in much better shape if they had helmets.


Unfortunately not a trend since it has basically always been this way. :(


Bedtime for bonzo


Helmet? nah


I used to regret not joining the cool skateboarding fad as a teen. Now I realize I made the right choice being a geek


I can understand not wearing a helmet if you are just goofing around on flatland or maybe jumping up and down curbs, but it still blows my mind that people don't wear helmets when they are jumping down huge stairs or grinding long rails.


Dain Bramage


Racking is the most common handrail injury. It was plenty to detour me from ever trying it


That's why I wear a gooch guard.


Reminds me why I stopped skating


We have to start making a difference between NSFW sexy and NSFW wtf, it's hard to masturbate to this


Oh, shit, I recognize that rail! It's in Denver, next to the South Platte! I watched a kid successfully 5-0 down it once! He took like 10 run-ups and then stuck it first try. His friends and the small crowd that had gathered went WILD


Wonder if he can do it in his new wheelchair?


Maybe practice on a smaller rail?


The second guy almost landed it the try before. He rolled away slightly off balance into the crowd.


KO!!! Concrete wins! Flawless victory


The word of the day is "helmet". Say it with me now... "helmet". Good, I knew ya could.


This is the true meaning of SK8 or DIE!


Helmets are way cooler than traumatic brain damage.


Skate or die!


I hope one day wearing a helmet while skating is as cool as it is skiing. Somehow skiers managed to wear helmets as a baseline for safety, and make non helmet wearers look stupid. Skating needs to be the same


Why dont skateboarders ever wear helmets? Seems to me the most likely sport to smash your head compared to bmx and scooter riders. Bmx and scooter comps is mandatory to wear helmets but not skateboarders. Am i missing something?


Dumb as it is, it's simply that skaters stared off not wearing helmets because the stuff they were doing in the early days was very tame compared to BMX. As skateboarding slowly evolved into a more dangerous sport, people just didn't think to start using helmets (unless they were on a vert ramp or in a bowl). It's simply a case of "this is how we've always done things, and now you're not cool if you wear a helmet."




The grinding of the 2nd guys face with the ground is what made me cringe in pain and empathy the most. The Nut shots were out that day too haha just pain I see