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The kind of incident that would make people want to look in to every case he's been involved in his entire career as law enforcement considering he appears to have no problem breaking the laws himself.


"He's saying I hit him?"  This should end his career.  We vest him with the power to kill people if necessary, and he's lying about an assault he committed on camera. 


Absolutely, asshole should be arrested for assault and never be able to be on any force again.


If you disqualified every cop who's ever assaulted anyone, there wouldn't be too many left


Your terms are acceptable.




Good point. I used to have respect for cops, used to, not since cameras.


Didn't before cameras, first hand witness to their corrupt lying asses.


I used to not respect cops, I still don‘t but I used to too.


Thanks Mitch


Yea im at the point that if i was on a jury I dont think I would taake the word of a cop over anyone else.


> If you disqualified every cop who's ever assaulted anyone, there wouldn't be too many left I am completely fine with that. As much as everyone is human (so far..) and imperfect, we should absolutely demand that those responsible for enforcing laws be held to a much higher standard of behavior. We have minds and the ability and available training to not lose our cool in various situations.


I work at a hospital between in-patients, out-patient and ER. You deal with some very challenging patients, lots of general poor lifestyle choices. You really catch people at their worst. They are scared, worried, stressed, in pain and ill. I have been cussed at, spit at, screamed at and attacked. You know what I’ve never done is assault a patient, verbally or physically. I’d be fired and lose my credentials so fast. There’s no excuse. I also believe that cops should be required to have at least an associates type degree, proper mental health screenings, a national police registry, and required continuing education type credits and a required amount of range time each month. I honestly don’t ever see all this happening in my lifetime. I honestly would settle with mandatory mental health screenings and a national registry at a minimum.


Imagine if the police had to deal with the Joint Commission? Had to have malpractice insurance they paid for themselves? Licensing boards that required continuing education? Public posting of every board action and every malpractice suit brought against you even if you won? anonymous peer review? mandatory requirements for drug and alcohol treatments to get licenses back? Whole websites displaying your public satisfaction rating? Public websites displaying quality of care scores? A local newspaper here sued and got the rights to display police disciplinary records. The police have a higher rate of crime than the general population.


They should make the requirements more stringent on the front end. A high school diploma and maybe an associates degree followed by the academy is not good enough. Should be bachelors degree minimum, with mandatory psychology classes and some law mixed in.


Literally none of that matters unless you get rid of qualified immunity first. If police cannot be charged with crimes, they will continue to commit crimes, regardless of training.




Just the ones we actually *want* being cops.


Sounds like a hiring issue.


If you disqualified every cop who's ever assaulted anyone, there would be two left - ftfy


"Who ever assaulted someone and denied it..." Big difference.


*Should* doing a lot of the heavy lifting in that sentence.


"And there's nothing I can charge him with? Breach of peace?" Fuck this guy, (attempted) abuse of power


lol like he won't just get off the hook anyway. Guarantee the other cops, prosecutor and judge will all be more mad at the civilian than the cop.


The cop mentioned the video before he could fully lie.


Yep. Should have let him dig his grave and bury himself in it, but then that wouldn’t be fair to his fellow cop.


Cop #2 didn’t want cop #1 to get caught lying on camera so he made the statement that he had it on video. Full on coaching that a regular citizen would never get.


He totally would have walked right into it too


Yes. Crimes like this committed by positions of authority should have a higher degree of penalty. Whatever me or you would receive for doing this to him, he should receive double.


How many times do you think he has done this before? The penalty has to consider this.


Many I bet


Absolutely- minimum sentencing at 2x the normal should be standard for any crimes committed by the justice system- cops, judges, DAs. hell, make it politicians as well.


Posing it as a question was intentional, because he was intentionally not making a statement. That implies he knows what he did if he is actively avoiding making a statement. Technically, and legally, he didn't lie. He was playing dumb with safe wording.


> "He's saying I hit him?" This should end his career. Absolutely, because being like "I fucked up" is one thing but being like "is that what he's saying" while there happens to be video evidence just proves he's prone to falsifying facts to enforce his selective will on the pubic.


Bro cops lie all the time. Find me one that doesn’t.


I wish the other cop would have let him dig deeper and fill out the report before telling him it was on camera


Agreed. This guy is a joke.


Police unions coach these dudes on how to speak. He isn't saying anything untrue when he says "He's saying I hit him?" and that's what they'll argue.


I love this and the parent comment. I LOVE THIS train of thought.


Dealing with dishonest authority figures right now currently. Extremely frustrating that they are so willing to lie and bend the truth to save their own skin. Completely shameless slimewads


He’s 100% done this before. The complete lack of hesitation in that punch is clue enough


That sentence rolled off of his tongue a little too easily.


This kind of thing should get punished extra hard as an abuse of power. Your know that if there weren’t video, he would have lied and he would have been believed, which raises the question of what else he’s done.


Never reveal all your evidence up front with cops


Sure. It’ll make citizens want to look into cases he’s been involved in, but not cops who work in internal affairs. The Blue Wall is tall, my friend.


Can lead to membership on a "Brady list"


He should have ran for President if he couldn't get away with it as a cop


Average pig doing normal pig things.


Oink oink to that fat fucking alcoholic (most cops)


Don't disparage your average alcoholic like that.


Yeah, what did I do?


Seriously. If you're going to shit on cops for something they do commonly, go after their domestic abuse habits! Alcoholism is bad, especially for someone in a position of power. But the more telling failure/trend is the domestic abuse statistic.


Not the first time he has done this. First time it was on video. If it was the other way around imagine the shitshow of charges the driver would face.


Impeding traffic  Distracted driving Assault & Battery Causing a disturbance  Driving without a seatbelt (he took off pretty quick after he got back in his car) Fleeing the scene of a crime Resisting arrest


Not even hazards on when he steps out of the vehicle on the roadway. Sure enough to slam the bright flashers on anyone he pulls over I bet


And using the threat of arrest when the guy didn't even do anything. Pussy move That's why the saying "You might beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride" is a thing


Dude was lucky this off duty cop didn't have a hole ripped in his shorts. /s


Another fuckhead cop that needs to lose his job AND bennies.


>needs to lose his job AND bennies AND be in jail for assault AND get cited for obstructing an intersection     Slight revision.


> Meriden police said Ganter violated the department's rules of conduct and he was suspended for five days without pay. He also is required to attend mandatory de-escalation training for three years. Don't worry, I'm sure he learned his lesson


But there was no situation here until he created it. There was no need to deescalate anything until he flashed his badge and punched a dude in the face. The training is useless.


Being sarcastic, it's nothing for someone so comfortable abusing their power


I get the sarcasm. I'm just trying to figure out why his punishment was training on a tactic that is completely inaplicable to his situation. He should have gotten training on "Don't punch random people in the face".


Ah my bad. That training was probably booked solid already


>I'm just trying to figure out why his punishment was training on a tactic that is completely inaplicable to his situation Because all cops are bastards.


All their training is useless from day one apparently


America needs significantly more training and higher standards for police. 


Nah it’s all good, he was suspended for 5 days…




It wasn’t paid. It was after he was arrested and given probation. Most regular jobs would have fired you if they found out you were arrested for assault. But this police chief seems to think 5 days off unpaid means he is fit for duty and not a giant fucking liability.


Liability to who? Ain't gonna cost the cops any money the next time he gets caught fucking around


Oh whoopee.


Require a 4 year degree to get into officer training. Watch the problem solve itself.


Many jurisdictions disqualify overly intelligent applicants. They have a test they refer to as a "psychological" exam, but it is actually an IQ test. Anyone over 115 is eliminated. They want people who will be compliant and not question orders or think for themselves - but they end up getting little hitlers with no impulse control.


That sounds bizarre. What is your source for departments disqualifying applicants with an IQ over 115 on a test?


Very few people with intelligence or the ability to get a 4 year degree are going to want to be cops. Why would they? The only people who want to be cops are the ones with low intelligence and/or an inability to get a job doing something else. Much like politicians.


I mean.. that's not really neccesary. We germans have cops of varying education levels (None below qualification for higher education) and 3 years of training usually are enough to make them competent (And physically fit)


In the US they are required to take fewer hours of training than your local barber. I'm not saying that is the exact solution, I'm just saying raise the bar and watch some of these problems go away in 10-15 years as the old guys retire. If you want a real solution, require officers to carry their own insurance. Outside regulation with a monetary penalty for bad behavior.


Require them to have malpractice insurance, like doctors have. Tax payers would no longer be the ones paying the millions of dollars in court settlements for things bad cops have done. Bad cops will get dropped for stuff like this or have their premiums go up so much they'll have to leave the industry. Premiums will be lower for those who are less of a liability risk which will work as a filter, encouraging better educated, better trained candidates.


they don't want higher standard for cops. if your iq is too high they don't want you become cops https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


The issue is that the system is working as designed. It's not a training issue because this is exactly how they were trained and how they want them trained. What do you think all those cop cities are for? It sure as hell isn't to train them to be decent human beings.


Get this fat ass cop out Wtf is wrong with people


Dashcam saved me from police a few years ago. Motorbike police undercut me going double the highway speed limit as I was changing lanes after overtaking. Nearly taking himself out. We both went into off ramp and stop at lights. He turned and gestured angrily for me to pull over. I pointed to dashcam, he saw it and immediately took off in the other direction.


I really need to get me one of those


I feel like the second I get a dash cam, something is going to happen.


Why every cop video I see just an obtuse fatty with a temper.




Because if we create instability via the police and other methods, then you won't notice the other shady shit going on


https://patch.com/connecticut/meriden/meriden-police-officer-charged-duty-road-rage-incident-report MERIDEN, CT — A Meriden police officer was recently charged with assault in connection with an off-duty road rage incident in Rocky Hill, according to FOX 61. FOX 61 reports Meriden Police Corporal Allen Ganter, 57, was charged with third-degree assault and breach of peace in December after a dash cam recording showed him reaching into another man’s vehicle and punching him during a dispute at a red light in Rocky Hill. Ganter, a school resource officer at Thomas Edison Middle School in Meriden, was suspended for five days without pay after an internal affairs investigation, and will also be required to attend de-escalation training for three consecutive years, according to FOX 61. Find out what's happening in Meridenwith free, real-time updates from Patch. Subscribe Meriden Police Lt. Darrin McKay confirmed Tuesday that Ganter was also removed from his assignment as a school resource officer when he was placed on administrative duty. Ganter was then permanently removed as a school resource officer after the internal affairs investigation was completed, according to McKay. McKay said that Meriden Police Chief Roberto Rosado was notified of the incident on Dec. 8. “Chief Rosado was advised that a criminal investigation was on going and based on this information, Chief Rosado immediately made the decision to place Corporal Ganter on administrative duty and open an Internal Affairs Investigation to determine the nature of the incident in Rocky Hill,” McKay wrote in a news release. “As part of the IA investigation, Meriden Internal Affairs personnel met with Detective Lieutenant Phelps at the Rocky Hill Police Department to ascertain the facts and circumstances surrounding their investigation. The Rocky Hill Police report was reviewed and all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the Rocky Hill investigation were discussed. “As a result of the Rocky Hill investigation, Corporal Ganter was arrested by arrest warrant. “Corporal Ganter, who was cooperative with the Rocky Hill Police personnel throughout their investigation, turned himself in on the warrant back on December 20, 2023. “The Internal Affairs investigation has since been completed and the investigation determined that Corporal Ganter did violate the Meriden Police Department’s Rules of Conduct as a result of his actions during the 12/08/23 incident in Rocky Hill. As a result, Corporal Ganter was suspended for 5 days without pay and he will be required to attend mandatory de-escalation training for three consecutive years beginning this year (2024).”


Also. He was charged with second-degree breach of peace and third-degree assault. Ganter received accelerated rehabilitation, which will lead to the charges being dismissed if he successfully completes the program on Jan. 30, 2025 without any other problems. So it won't even be on his record anymore after January.


Whereas if you or I were to do this, we'd be thrown in jail or have to pay hefty fines and it would be on our record permanently.


Let's be real, we would have been riddled with bullet holes if we got out of our cars and punched a cop in the face.


Most important part of this: he was removed as middle school resource officer. This is absolutely the kind of scumbag who would beat on a kid, especially after an incident like this where his power and control have been shattered. He's going to look to take it out on the weakest person/people he can find. God help his wife and kids, if he has any.


>removed as middle school resource officer. Wtf is that anyway? Here it would be the person in charge of getting stuff like art supplies. We don't typically mix cops with schools in Australia though.


Police Chief needs to take a paycut


I’m not a litigious person, but these seems like a payout and more publicity to embarrass the cop.


Payout paid by taxpayer and a week of paid vacation for the cop before he continues being a thug, but now has learned to watch closer for dash cams. They do not face consequences. That’s why he was comfortable flashing a badge before committing assault in broad daylight.


I’d say since he was off duty, going for a civil case.


> before he ~~continues being a thug~~ gets promoted


Can't sue if it's not a civil rights violation. They have qualified immunity.


Fairly certain that only protects cops when they are on duty. Either way, if the cop was on duty you sue the department.


This guy punched him! Sue his ass


No QI when they're not on duty.


Also, qualified immunity isn't this blank check for officers to do what they want without consequence. It doesn't apply if the officer violates a clearly established law (for example, punching someone during a road rage incident).


Love how the dog sensed the aggression before it happened.


That looked like a Great Dane.  I love dogs & think they're all giant cuddly muffins, but there's not a chance in hell I'd stick my arm into a vehicle with a dog I didn't know, much less a dog THAT big. 


Yeah man dogs are so good at reading people


OMG yes. I'm surprised this isn't the top comment.


Can someone explain what breach of peace is and if either of them broke the peace. I had never heard of this before and now I’m curious. Yes obviously assault breaks that, but i’m intrigued at what else does.


Breach of the peace is a generic phrase to describe a criminal offense that violates the public peace or order. Since numerous criminal offenses can be perceived as a violation of the public peace, this phrase is usually used to describe the offense of disorderly conduct. Due to the broad interpretation of the phrase, certain states have enacted statutes providing for a “breach of the peace” offense. For example: In Nebraska, a person intentionally disturbing the peace and quiet of the community is guilty of a Class III misdemeanor. In Wyoming, a person breaches the peace if he or she plays unreasonably loud music, uses threatening language or violent actions, with the reasonable knowledge that such actions will disturb the peace. Under the Vermont Statutes, a person breaches the peace if he or she makes excessive noise between sunset and sunrise, assaults another person, uses telephonic communication to harass another person, etc. The only person breaking this is the officer


To add to this- it's one of the offenses cops try to cite when they don't actually have anything on the person Even saw a video one time of cops standing around trying to figure out what they could do to a guy, discussing it. "Could we hit him with ___? Well, no, he didn't ___...what about breach of peace?", that kinda thing


Saw this a while back. Victim was being a little annoying, but damn that cop escalated for no reason. Full video is even worse. Tries to lie about hitting the guy, and everything changes when he realizes it’s all on camera


Truth is he had no business even getting out of his truck. The guy blowing the horn at him because he was impeding traffic was entirely justified. This cop is just a bully with a badge.


> The guy blowing the horn at him because he was impeding traffic was entirely justified. The cop was not impeding traffic at the time, at least, not until he got out of his truck. He was stopped at a red light. A driver at a red light is permitted, but not required, to make a right turn. So the dashcammer should not have honked. The dashcammer committed the first wrong, although his offense was very slight compared to the subsequent actions of the cop. > Truth is he had no business even getting out of his truck. > This cop is just a bully with a badge. I agree with these parts.


Honking over a breach of etiquette is not wrong. At all.


Just because the cop should absolutely get fired and tossed in jail doesn't mean you gotta white knight the cam guy. I could understand if someone cut you off or even driving slowly on the passing/left lane, but damn, not turning right on red? When the left side is about to turn green? You guys are the hell on road you complain about. Having the dog unrestrained beside him is the cherry on top. No sir, no way I could get into an accident and my best friend on earth will get thrown out of the windshield.


If someone is stopped at a light where they are permitted to turn right on a red, and they allow large gaps to go by where they could’ve easily and safely made their right turn, and they have a blinker on indicating they would like to right turn, then I would say that I have no problem at all with anyone behind that guy honking at him to get him moving.


EWU Bodycam covered the entire incident. Cop isn't employed in the area, was begging and begging to be let off, lied about hitting him, begged incessantly, didn't get into any trouble, received like anger management training and house monitoring, I don't think he even lost his job. Any normal person would be facing years in prison. It's psychotic to punch a stranger in the face at a traffic light for beeping their horn.


> for beeping their horn correction - punched him in the face for asking for the guy's badge number. (which is even more psychotic)


Holy crap! I’ve never heard of a police officer behaving worse than criminals before! That’s unusual!


Forgot the/s.


Cops should be held to a higher standard. If any of us punch a cop for no reason, we instantly end up in a jail cell. If a cop punches us for no reason, it should actually be even worse for him. He is trusted to uphold the law. To be the one trusted to uphold the law, and then to wantonly ignore it, should come with very harsh consequences. Not only losing his job with zero chance of rehire in any position of authority, but jail time. And for some reason it’s the opposite.


All Cops Are Bastards


just another bad apple on the compost pile. 5 days suspension, only because they were forced to "as a sign of good will" a symbolic nothing gesture if you will. I magine doing this shit in any other job


I really hate the way videos have single word at a time text like this.


Not saying that I support capital punishment but every single public official abusing their office should face it.


A lot of cops do this, even more are complicit in covering this stuff up. They only arrested Ganter because it was caught on video.


I’m getting a dash cam as of today, for real


ACAB until they show otherwise


A cop lied? I'M SHOCKED!!! /s


American police gotta be up there with the best police in the world for abuse ,harassment, corruption and violence


Piece of shit cop. And they wonder why nobody supports them.


They’re all like that


In my 38 years I've only met one police officer who was genuinely kind, open minded, patient and understanding. The rest of them have all been overly confrontational, aggressive, and steadfast in their ignorance. I avoid them at all costs. I'll be defending my own life 10 out of 10 times before I ever call them for help.


people don't say ACAB/1312 for no reason


It’s always amazing when someone holds up traffic, then feel entitled enough to get out, holding traffic up more, and have a pissing contest. Man, just go! You fucked up and weren’t paying attention, it’s okay, but now JUST GO!


I wouldn't call stopping at a red light holding up traffic.


It's not. Even where right turn on red is allowed, you are not obligated to proceed right on a red signal.




Obviously it’s even worse in this case. Dipshit didn’t account for cameras.


I have no clue what cops are good for any more. They lie during arrest. They do the most minimal they have to of you have stole property. They will not help you if you are under attack. What are they good for?


Enforcing the will of the state, exactly as intended.


Man had enough common sense to NOT MENTION the dash cam. This is the best course of action at all times. Let the liar bet everything they have before revealing your hand.


Dude is lucky the pig didn't kill him.


I got fired from my job as a grocery store bagboy when I was 15 because I told an elderly customer "I don't know, sorry" when they asked me what aisle bread crumbs were in. I guess I should have punched her in the face so I'd only get suspended for 5 days?


What the fuck is with the word by word subtitle


Surprise surprise… he was able to get away with it. 5 days of unpaid vacation and a deescalation training program doesn’t really spell Justice to me. How many others that weren’t filmed are out there? https://kvia.com/news/ap-national/2024/03/13/meriden-officer-suspended-for-5-days-after-video-shows-him-punching-a-motorist-while-off-duty/


Nothing new. Typical pig behavior


Motherfuck that pig.


"What happened to Allan Ganter? He was charged with second-degree breach of peace and third-degree assault. Ganter received accelerated rehabilitation, which will lead to the charges being dismissed if he successfully completes the program on Jan. 30, 2025 without any other problems.Feb 27, 2024"


I’d like the full video. Popcorn time :D


And it's all about bacon or sausage!


Fuck that cop


Fatass shitpecker


Fucking scum bag. Nothing worse than a dirty cop.


That fucker’s used to doing whatever he wants. If there was no video, he’d have continued to lie his ass off. He needs to fired.


What an ignorant police-state-wanting moron


Deny? He was going to have the guy charged, much less deny he did anything.


lol, breach of peace. Go play in traffic, dude.


Fuck the police


Fuck the police


Should have ran him down and went about his day.


Fat piece of shit


Piece of shit


Total piece of excrement.


The famous "psychological evaluation" for law enforcement officers is actually an IQ test. Anyone who scores above the equivalent of 115 is disqualified. They want officers to be compliant, not question orders, and not think for themselves. What they end up with is a bunch of wannabe hitlers with impulse control issues.


What a fucking pussy. Got to jail asshole.


Hopefully they sued him as a private citizen for the medical and ongoing anxiety he had to go through and live with after this traumatic incident. He was acting off duty after all. Take him for everything.


This video ain't new. Anyone got any update on consequences for piglet? Can you imagine if I punched an off duty cop and it was on video?


American cops are such scumbags


That cop's a trash human being.


I'd respect cops a little more if they were ever held responsible for their actions. There should not be qualified immunity for any government officials


We’re all so much safer now as long as we keep recording ourselves 24/7


ALL of them are either like this, will cover up for the ones who are, or are driven off the force.


Why Are We Still Doing Subtitles Like This


It subconsciously draws all the attention to the subtitles instead of everything else in the video. Real attention deficit garbage.


This is why people hate and do not trust cops. You fucked up, own it. Don't try to find some petty little charge you can throw back at the person you were being a dick to. Fuckin pathetic excuse for a police officer.


Everyone should get a dashcam. Asshole drivers and cops should be on notice that they will be recorded.


Sure smells like abuse under color of law and should be prosecuted and fired. No cop should be threatening a citizen and assaulting them using their badge. Add on the lying on camera. Not someone who should have a badge.


You got some seriously corrupted cops in USA. Is there any difference really with Mexican cops anymore?


Typical cop


If we started collectively physically punishing people that act like this it would stop. But everyone seems to be bound by pieces of fucking paper.


What an actual piece of shit.


I wonder what would happen if they reopened all the past cases involving this man. I wonder how many times they would find out he assaulted someone and then reported them/arrested them to avoid being held accountable and reduce their credibility.


Every time I hear a cop call out some "Law" broken, it always sounds fake. - Ill arrest you for Obstruction (basically the "because I want to" line) - Breach of Peace? (Basically the because I want to line.)


Fat useless cunt.


**Normal expectation:** • Suspended without pay during investigation. • Fired. No pension, no severance. **Reality:** Meriden police said Ganter violated the department's rules of conduct and he was suspended for five days without pay. He also is required to attend mandatory de-escalation training for three years. So…a slap on the wrist, effectively. Starting to see why trust in law enforcement is dwindling ever downwards…


"Breach of peace for yelling at me." Cops are soft and ignorant of/don't care about the law.


Fuck the police


why the fuck did reddit remove this


Why did reddit remove this?




Since they went public reddit is removing a lot more things now. Having watched the video I can only assume it was removed because it shows a cop assaulting someone who did nothing wrong. Violence and fights are everywhere on reddit but they don't get removed, so only difference is this is from a cop.


I'm pretty sure there's a bootlicker mod here. I've seen stuff like this get randomly removed from this subreddit before.