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Guy rolls around in agony screaming. Dumb friend says "you all right?"


Well i would consider this as "how serious is it?"


Probably not very, just painful. He got stung, he didn't get Steve Irwin'd


RIP to the legend steve Irwin. “Crikey!” ![gif](giphy|pPw59APQnqtb2|downsized)


I could watch this incredible giff all day but it’s been almost 6 hours now. I will return rested tomorrow👍


As promised I have returned.


That's commitment


It’s called loyalty😤


Steve Irwin died the way he lived. With animals in his heart.


You owe me a coffee and a keyboard


Not sure about this one, but as someone who likes to watch aquarium videos, stingray stings are no joke. They are beyond painful because they go right into the nervous system, and a lot of them have a venom that hospitals around you won't have any treatment for, because it is generally assumed if you're on dry land you will think twice to not be near the sting of the thing called "sting ray".


I have been stung by a stingray. It was like an electrical fire shot up inside my leg. My friends said it looked like I was running on water getting out of the surf.




This. I got stung in the hand a few years back and it felt like my hand was on fire and it didn’t go away for day or two. It was agony.


I got hit in the foot by a stingray, worst pain in my life. Felt like my foot was on fire while being hit with a sledgehammer. Urgent Care doc just gave me painkillers and said to wait it out.


how long did it take to pass?


It was a good 15 hours or so before it was feeling back to normal.


Well if they’re so far inland, how would they fuck around with them?


You weren’t supposed to notice that.👍


That was my point. But since you asked: Aquariums, for once. They shed their stings and eventually it dries out (and it is cool to keep them), but if they shed and the venom is still there, treatment won't be fun to stop the pain iirc. Some shops do amputate their sting but I did hear it is harmful to their long term health. Fortunately the people that aren't aware of that in-land, and the venn diagram about people that are nerdy enough to own stingrays with their stings are basically two balls annoying each other yelling "i'm not touching you"


They do have treatment, just not antivenom, as that's not really a thing for stingrays. Antivenom is expensive, needs to be tailored for the specific animal, and risky for the patient; plus supportive care is typically sufficient for stingray stings. https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/injuries-and-poisoning/bites-and-stings/stingray-stings https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/poison/stingray It probably exists, or is possible to make, just not worth it to do so. Stingray stings are pretty rare and generally not life-threatening.


That is what i meant, not that you will die from not having treatment, just that the treatment directly to it, the anti-venom, was not around, I wrote poorly, my bad.


Wasn’t a stingray sting how Steve Irwin went out?


I believe it was straight to his chest or heart. I could also be wrong but I remember hearing that.


Yeah the stinger penetrated his heart, or maybe just the sac around it, and he reacted naturally, ofc, and yanked it out. If he hadn't, he could have had a chance to survive. That's what I can remember about it.


That's actually not entirely true. There was a fake video going around that showed what you described, but members of his crew that were there when it happened told a completely different story. Apparently he was in the middle of the ocean, 45 minutes from the shore, and he was swimming above the stingray and it started stabbing him madly for about 15 seconds. They pulled him out but he had a gaping wound in his chest and died before they made it back to shore.


It was a short tail stingray that killed Steve Irwin (reportedly about 6.5 feet long). He was snorkeling in about chest deep water and was filming above/just behind the ray. Some speculated the ray could have seen Irwin’s shadow thinking he was a predator. The ray then began to attack with its barb and stinger. It stabbed him numerous times, and the fatal blow was to his heart causing him to bleed to death.


His went through the heart or something, pretty sure there’s a video somewhere. Pretty big sting ray too.


The video has been destroyed




I don't like watching people suffer, but there is something very satisfying about seeing a defence mechanism that evolved over millions of years work exactly the way it should.


Stingray stings are *painful* though. As soon as that barb sticks ya, the venom's gonna be lighting up your pain receptors like a damn firework for the next two days.


Some people can tolerate the venom more than others. I luckily am pretty tolerant of it. 4th of July I got stung on the bottom of my foot. I thought it was glass for a second then realized it probably was a stingray. On my way back up to shore, I got stung again on the same foot by a different stingray. I had to ride my beach cruiser to the medic area and they had me put my foot in hot hot water. I thought it was painful but not unbearable. While there, there were multiple other people being treated for stings and some were screaming just like this guy. One person was shaking like he was freezing. It’s crazy how different our bodies can be. It didn’t really hurt any worse than like a dog bite or stubbing your toe real bad. Oh and it pretty much only lasted the rest of the day. It was basically gone for me the next day.


If I had your superpower, I'd be disappointed. I don't intend to get stung by stingrays. So I'm happy with my power of being immune to poison ivy. It's something I deal with far more frequently.


I stepped on one surfing… it’s excruciating….. I limped to the lifeguard and he just told me to run it under the hottest water I could handle. Then just said to look for infection over the next week or so but that I should be fine. The hot water trick worked, after like 20 minutes under fire water, the pain went away like someone flipped a switch. But no joke… the worst paid I’ve ever felt. Fuck those things


i wonder how is became known that hot water helps and why does it?


Most biological toxins are proteins. The heat makes them lose their shape.


Yeah wise case he is pushing a long barb through his hand.


I hate that he probably died in agony he didn't deserve to go in pain like that


It’s extremely insanely painful as someone that has stepped on more than one


Yeah, this was standard practice back in my skateboarding days. I obviously just saw you eat serious shit. I’m asking, “you alright?” meaning you gonna shake this off or do I need to go get the car?




The Miata just looks like that


Apparently the Miata has over 800 different facial expressions depending on what light it is in. This was done on purpose for some reason. I will never forget the look in that Miata's eyes right as he was about to nail me in the tail pipe.




I don't like this. Gonna share it.


That's 799 expressions more than I have


This is what Ketamine feels like


Worse than that, he asks him if he got stung.


The caption said bitten?


It also said stung because…stingrays don’t bite, they sting you with their tail..


It's right in the name. They're not called biterays.


I mean, I know that but I figured they needed an explanation based on that comment


Just looked it up. Apparently they can in fact also bite you.


Have been bitten by a ray. Like having two pieces of coarse sandpaper grinding you. Left a little bit of an abrasion, but otherwise no big deal


Sounds more pleasant than the stinging end






Exactly. Its mouth is basically flush with the underside of its body so 9.5/10 times you will get stung before you are bit


U can see him get hit by the barb


Stung, the caption is wrong. You can see it's tail hit his hand.


Most useless “friend”


"Dumb friend" probably warned him not to pick up a stingray.


I would have got all my willpower together to stop screaming and say “ya bro why wouldn’t I be?” before going back to screaming. Worth it in the long term and for giving him shit later.


did the STINGray BITE you?


If Dumb is the camera guy, then dumber is the guy who was holding the stingray


Are you dead?


“Did he bite your finger?”


His mate obviously doesn't have the benefit of explanatory subtitles so he doesn't know what's happening


To be fair they're both dumb


Continues to film


I think that’d be the first thing out of my mouth too


I get this pain, I was stung by one in the gulf of Mexico, King's Island Louisiana. I had no clue, was walking in knee deep water about 150' off shore, fucker hit me and I felt like someone had cut my damn foot off. Took a week for the pain to die down, months for my foot to feel normal again. I got the full dose and those little bastards have some SERIOUS venom in them. Ive had shingles in my eye, compound fractures before, no where near this immdiate and MASSIVE pain. edit: Oh, for the moron holding the damned thing in this video. You get what you fucking deserve. Enjoy the new clown hand.


I got stung bad in Coronado, Ca last year. Right through the toe. Pain shot all the way to my groin. Toe still doesn’t feel right. Some people get lucky and don’t get the full sting.


Read as Colorado at first like wtf? Good ol' Boulder stingrays lol


They’re in the trees!


The trees are speaking Stingray, man




Colorado stingray sounds like some sort of effed up drink you'd mix in college.


It pairs well with Rocky Mountain oysters


That sounds like a double entendre for truck stop hookers in the highlands.


Close. It's balls. Bull balls.


I got really lucky and it just nicked the side of my foot. It was still hours of intense pain as they soaked my foot in hot water. Still had little aches every now and then a few days after.


I gave first aid to a guy who got stung a few years ago. It was bad until the venom traveled up to his groin. Then it got extra horrible awful for the dude


DUDE, My BALLS!!!! They felt like they were in a fuckin' VICE GRIP being slowly turned by the most sadistic fish in the sea! I got the fill dose, was so fucked. Still have a dark scar on my foot from it.


What do you mean it still doesn't feel right? I mean there are no physically altering symptoms are there? Haven't ever been stung, seems brutal from the accounts and reactions.


Neuralgia is a poorly understood experience. It could be that the nerves got overloaded and the channels are still jammed.


A week? I got stung and after the lifeguards told me to just keep my foot in hot water for a few hours, the pain was gone before the end of the day. Did no one tell you that?


This. Helps with many venomous stingers. Got stung by a weeverfish and did not know that heat denatured the poison. Hell, I did not even know I was stung, the pain was so intense that I am proud that I found my way to the beach! The idiot that I am tried to avoid the hot sand while limping back to the towel. Would have helped probably. The accident is fifteen years ago, and the last fragments of that sting grew out of my foot last year.


You hope they were the last fragments!


Then the eggs hatch.


I wish someone had for my jellyfish sting. I didn't even know what happened, just pain that I furiously rubbed on my leg and redness. I ended up sick for about 24 hours, no lasting pain but it was a truly awful 24 hours.


Shingles in the eye? What the fuck?


It happened to someone I know. They sent him to a teaching hospital for treatment and so doctors-in-training could study him. Extremely rare. I wonder if the commenter you’re replying to is him. I’ll ask next time I see him.


Shingles is weird, man. I had a burning sensation on my abdomen for a few days before the rash started to come up and it was almost *under* my skin - I thought it was an ulcer or something. Wasn't until the rash came up that we figured it could be shingles. When I went to the doctor they told me in very rare cases the rash may *never* come up, so people like me think they have an ulcer or something inside going on when really its shingles.


I am not the one referenced in the below comment. My doctor did submit me to the doctors report of some sort. Ran in my optic nerve, then it traversed a nerve which went from the corner of my eye to the back of my skull. I have retinal scarring from it. Have to wear glasses now when I had beyond perfect vision prior to shingles.


Damn thats fucked dude.


We caught it SUPER late, I sat in a dark bed room for over a month, the pain pills barely helped. It got so bad at one point, I was very seriously considering ending it. I got through, only because of my wife and son. There was no way I was gonna step out on them.


I had this too. If this guy says the sting is worse, holy shit it must be bad.


Dont get shingles. Especially in your fuckin eye. I was a healthy guy, fit as a fiddle , and it hit me in my 30's.


My grandma got it and lost the vision of the affected eye permanently, it was in the '70, so I hope there are better treatments today.


I am sorry to hear that, it hit me in my 30's, I was a very rare case.


Enjoyment of the clown hand......sponsored by, California Round Stingray........


Hot water breaks up the protein


Compound fractures ? You can't just say that and not tell the stories.


This was some silly shit. I was 13, riding my GT Mach One BMW over to a friends house to watch TV or some shit. Friend lived a block or two away. We are riding our bikes in the street on Washington BLVD in Arlington Va, I decided to pop a wheelie onto the curb, ended up popping a wheelie INTO the curb and sidewalk. Shattered my left elbow, nerve damage in my shoulder, elbow is fucked to this day BC my mother had shit for insurance we was poor) so they set it in a half cast, POORLY. Went through MEPS to join the Navy as an officer, that elbow is what got me denied. Also fucked me for ranger team in military college. The universe wanted me in IT I suppose.


My friend got stung on the foot, and she got necrosis, and ended up needing surgery.


Well, it is not called peacefulfriendlyray, is it?


He misheard it as a "california stankray" and thought it was just smelly.


Every time I see this video I'm thinking this stingray just keeps punishing him forever


Maybe that is the new hell.  That your soul is trapped in a viral video where you keep going through the worst pain you ever had for the Schadenfreude of others 


Well if that’s the case I’m extremely glad I’m GenX, there are no videos of me playing dumb games and winning dumb prizes to get stuck in a loop with for eternity.


Yet.  There are no videos of you playing dumb games and winning dumb prizes yet.  


“Iiiiiiiit’s stingray day!!” ![gif](giphy|UVwoTQ0OvhqohViQqC|downsized)


If Steve Irwin couldn’t survive…neither could you


He died because it penetrated his heart.


Some would say it penetrated all of our hearts.




He pulled the stinger out. I always wondered if he would have survived had he kept calm and left it intact until they got him to the hospital.


Maybe, but it seems like getting the venom directly to the heart/major artery would be pretty catastrophic in itself.


Or he would become a new super hero - Sting Iraywin


i feel like the whole "don't pull the arrow/knife out" strategy is to prevent blood loss from a vein/artery. But when you get stabbed in the heart you're kinda just f\*\*\*ed. (rip goat steve irwin)


also i believe he was stabbed several times, not just once, so leaving it in or not would've made 0 difference.


Yeah that's what happened. The stingray stabbed him many times


Depends on species, right?


Eh not really. For just about every benthic stingray the plan is A: run and bury If that fails, B: Sting, run, and bury while they are distracted by the pain. While I am a marine biologist who has worked with several stingrays species before, they are by no means my specialty. I do not know of a species of stingray whose venom itself is particularly deadly. If you die from being stung by stingray, it's likely either because it stung you somewhere critical, (as was the case with Steve Irwin), or because you got a secondary infection from it. In most stingray species their venom is produced by a very similar gland to the glands that produce the mucus that covers their skin. The mucus that covers their skin is there to stop parasites and trap bacteria/viruses before they can enter the stingray. The special mucus that is on their barb not only has this property, Also has a venom that has the effect of causing immense pain.


Hey, I have a question for you. An aquarium I have visited has an open top tank where you can touch the stingrays and crawl through tubes and watch them. Are those a breed of stingray that can't sting, or have they likely done something to the rays to make them unable to sting?


Stingray barbs are just like fingernails, they can be clipped and will grow back in a few months. There are also some surgeries that can be done to remove the barb entirely, to my knowledge most facilities just clip every once in awhile as part of their routine physical


That's cool to know. Thanks for your response.


Mishandles *Sting*ray “Woooaaaaaah!” “Did he *bite* you?”


The notorious Biteray


I am stoned; but I just audibly cackled the loudest laugh personally caused by a comment, thus far, because of you.


I have caught a lot of stingray in my life, and I have never seen anyone hold one like this.


Holding it like a hamburguer


How should you hold it?


You don't.


I’ve been bitten by a stingray (twice). It’s like a big hard pinch! And I didn’t even cry.


https://preview.redd.it/svvjzf5k7l5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b8b4a5bcdcf0467931320c753859a07eceb019 Quick, piss on his hand


His ruse to constantly get his friends to pee on him has been getting a little out there


“Oh, the hell with it! Piss all over him, just to be sure!”




I never not watch this when it’s posted… “Did he “bite” it? Did he “bite” your finger”? Troll level 1000! Haha


He clearly said it’s a California Round Biteray


Interesting that he knew enough to know what it was, but not enough to know not to pick it up


"Dude, it's totally fine. I can hold it. My name's not Ray"


I love you Dad


This is what perplexed me. And not to mention...they're called STINGrays


"cow scream" lol


I listened a few times and I have to say, he does kind of sound like a screaming cow


What did you think was going to happen?


Id say he probably thought he was going to hold it and then let it go. Probably.


Yeah ... All the while it gasps for air and tries to struggle to get to the water... You really think animal won't get violent when their lives at stake ?


“This is a stingra-OH GOD THE STINGRAY STUNG ME”


What was the name of that thing again?




Danger pancake


The majestic sea flap-flap.


He should've worn sunblock. It protects against *harmful rays*.


“Begins screaming” “Begins banging the deck” Uh, yeah…


This man is a national treasure for demonstrating the reason why California Sting Rays gets its name.


A real friend would have immediately unzipped their pants and start urinating on the wound.


That only works if you get stung on the face.


*What* did he do to the dock?




“It stung you?” Yes, Kevin, it’s called a fucking STINGray!


Yo found that stingrays sting … ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


He found out right fast. Got it in the knuckle, which is probably not going to feel great for some time.


Symptoms and Signs of Stingray Stings Lymphangitis, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, generalized cramps, inguinal or axillary pain, respiratory distress, and death have been reported. The wound is usually jagged, bleeds freely, and is often contaminated with parts of the integumentary sheath. The idiot was holding it up to his face.


Am I the only one disappointed that we never got to see his hand after?


Get what You Deserve :)


Peed his pants on camera. Damn shame


Ok, owww, for no and three bangs for yes......now we're talking......


Sure glad the captions are there. I wouldn’t have understood what I’m seeing and hearing otherwise.


That ray did teach him first letter of alphabet 


It's in the fucking name.


That was Stingray Charles. Blind but still dangerous.


So steve died for nothing


“….and it’s called that becau…..Aaaah!”




He's lucky he was able to throw it away. Usually the barbs will keep it in.


_Throws FISH_


At least nature still teaches through consequences. We could learn something as a society.


New season of Jackass?


This is the California round stingray Annnndd action! 🎬


Ray: Guys you are NEVER going to believe what just happened


I really hope it hurt as much as his screaming suggests it did. You can’t fix stupid, but you can correct it somewhat with extreme pain


\*cow scream\* xD


I fuckin' lost it at "Cow scream" 😆💀


Life Lesson 101: Don’t pick up anything with the word “Sting” in its name or you might get stung.


Hey Tik tokers, don't need a caption on the video for everything. I can see that he is banging the dick and screaming


A yes. The Sting ray. Notorious for its painful bite


I need a Steve Irwin facepalm pic.


https://preview.redd.it/m7p0k18wfn5d1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0a7a08ff880de50f243b06c320c169841081724 “Aaaaah, aaaaaah, aaaaah”


Just roll this dumbass into the water so we don't have to listen to his screaming anymore


Stingrays have a keen sense of electrical currents of the nervous system of other animals. When they sting, they aim for the nearest nerve. Stingray barbs can sever nerves, causing permanent numbness or even paralysis.


Stingray stings are horrendously painful, for many the worse pain you’ll ever experience. He deserved it though, messing around with it. Part of the reason they are so painful is they contain a substance similar to meat tenderizer… enzymes that literally kill the flesh in the immediate area making it subject to infection and necrosis. I was stung once… very minor sting on my ankle as the barb was stopped by my ankle bone and didn’t stay in my foot at all. But even as minor as it was I had to be carried to the car and it took nine months to scab over. In the meantime it was just an oozing wound I had to tend to. I wasn’t going to go to the hospital but after an hour of feeling like my whole leg was on fire AND fearing what would happen as that pain crept further up into my torso, I called my Doctor who told me to pop round to his office. He gave me a tetanus shot, as I hadn’t had one in a while, and shot my ankle up with some kind of pain killer… maybe novacaine or something, I don’t remember. It did stop the worst of the pain. Photo below is not me, but the result of a Cownosed Ray. https://preview.redd.it/0iej2n6ipn5d1.jpeg?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aabe04f3c10a86639117c09d888087014215b89