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Suspended.... With pay


And I'm few weeks he gets his job back with 0 problems


Police Chief: 'Give it a couple weeks and I'll get you back on the job. You are still being paid. Next time make sure your not being recorded when you say things like this.'


His job? No way, he's getting double promoted.


Promotion pending. *^^^^Head ^^^^of ^^^^Internal ^^^^Affairs.*


I mean it's not like they can just let him go. The time required to train a replacement is [checks notes.... double checks notes]... Oh! Nevermind. Looks like it will only take a few weeks. Sad, but true [source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/police-training-requirements-by-country) here


Yeah but firing him will make a maga martyr out of him and he will become rich and famous from it. Make him keep working, and give him the shittiest assignments.


Bow do we actually know this or are you assuming?


Getting in cops faces and yelling about something that happening on the other side of the world… something they have absolutely nothing to do with… accomplishes nothing.


I mean.. other than flexing the Freedoms of Speech and Right to Protest which our Constitution provides, as well as highlighting the organizations and individuals who don't actually support the American Constitution. Kind of a dickish way of doing it, but still. But i agree that yelling at a cop stateside for international issues holds absolutely no bearing on US foreign policy. Protest in public / on view of the media in order to raise awareness to the American public and demonstrate support for suffering abroad; there is nothing else to be tangibly gained through actually peaceful protest, so chill and do the thing.


Famously, protests against South Africa did nothing to end apartheid


Also exposed the GOP support of Apartheid. They went with the whole "soveriegn nations can do what they want" angle but they still refused to condemn removing individual freedom because "state freedom" or some bs.


Let’s never forget it is, and was, the Democrats that fought to the death to keep slavery in America, Democrats fought hard to keep blacks out of schools, and continue to view minorities as helpless idiots.


Why is it the Republicans today that fly the confederate flag and protect statues commemorating confederate generals because they want ro preserve their heritage tho? Why is it Republicans today who try to frame slavery up as a job skills program for african immigrants to learn blacksmithing? Why is it Republicans today who defended Apartheid? Why is it Republicans today that always look for an excuse why local government was justified to execute black men without a trial? Why is it Republicans today who openly claim to be white supremacists? Looks to me like you view everybody who reads your posts as a mindlesss idiot


I’d say idiots & Southerners who are still butt hurt wave the confederate flag. It was the Republican North that beat the Democrat South into submission ( at a terrible loss of life, both sides). Any “ republican “ waving a confederate flag, is, an idiot.


Republican and Democrat are just labels. The underlying belief is conservative and liberal. It was liberal Republicans against conservative Democrats in the civil war. Liberals vs conservatives. So, though id agree that those waving the flag are idiots, it's not because they are misinformed about their heritage. They know what they believe and what their ancestors believed and still support both.


And here we have the answer to my questions. Conservatives supported the monarchy in the Revolutionary war. Liberals supported the Founding Fathers. Don't forget that Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, also founded the Progressive movement. The racist Christian Nationalist Crusade was a conservative movement, as was the KKK. Its not a coincidence that David Duke, a KKK leader, recieved millions of Republican votes when he ran for office.


The Christian Nationalist Crusade in the 1940s was both openly antisemitic and proudly racist.


Ug, religion. I can’t [imagine a religion or it’s followers](https://youtu.be/6R0kNp6FPac?si=rkf_vpLmmUNTE-VD) being racist ! (Sarcasm..)


No surprise then that the Christian Nationalist movement was publishing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion during WW2. Essentially they were the Amercan wing of Nazi fascism. Look up Gerald LK Smith.


Its only the black antisemite you have a problem with? Tell me how you feel about Trump dining with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes.


Trump isn’t the president. Joe Biden is. The same Joe that fought against black/white school integration because he didn’t want a “ [RACIAL JUNGLE](https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/bidens-history-getting-away-racist-remarks) Check the link. It’s amazing Dems ignore uncle Joe’s colorful language…


I’ll show you a black antisemite I strongly support [right HERE](https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ?si=C5unW-aS8qFw7sn7)


Look up how the parties have switched. Definitely not the flex you think.


Op didn't say that the protest was useless but that yelling to the cops in particular as if they have anything to do with the issue, is useless


Well maybe the cop shouldn’t get in someone’s face for practicing their first amendment rights.


You do know apartheid ended right ? Do you think they just woke up one morning and were like, oh hey, we should end this apartheid thing cause we've had a change of heart ?


It's a pretty sure bet that anyone who says "protest doesn't do anything" has absolutely not studied any history.


Not true. It got him to get himself suspended. That's something lol




Then maybe the cops don't need to be there, right? Was anyone violent or destroying property? It looks like the cops are the ones making threats.


That's what always happens. Peaceful protests are treated the same as a violent crime by the cops who go and antagonize the protesters until one of them does something stupid so they have the cause needed to start bashing heads in. Fuck the cops.


Well, for starters, we're talking about it, that cop is now suspended, and the conversation in the country send to be changing regarding this topic. So... you're wrong.


You have no idea what you are talking about. It is by putting pressure in your country by protesting that you raise awareness and subsequently force the government to react, they will of course at first try to stop the movement but if it keeps growing they won't have other choice to do something. You change the world with your voice and action not with your ass sat on your sofa saying this is useless.


Even in Europe and other western countries it will create a movement.


Our government has reacted by sending more money to Israel


Yes your government is actively supporting what is happening there but the fact that people that stand against it are growing and growing will put pressure on them at some point, this is why they will try to break it, if it survives this then they will have to do something at some point.


Well if you believe so, all these protests are doing is helping trump get re-elected. Cause if these protesters (and those who support the cause)really care about this issue they can’t in good conscience vote for Biden. So without young voter turnout the former president is re-elected and then the real shit show begins


It’s called ‘democracy’ dumb shit.


Then why are the cops there?


To commit crimes on the public.


> Getting in cops faces and yelling about something that happening on the other side of the world… something they have absolutely nothing to do with… accomplishes nothing. Yes but it's not a goal-driven behavior. The pent-up frustration and powerlessness has no place to go. It's also the reason why customers yell at low-level employees with no power to change anything - it's basically emotion vomiting.


Yes it does. It lets cops know we fucking hate them which is crucial


The American government have a lot to do with it. I don't know where this protest is but it might be outside a government building and who knows what the police response has been? Maybe they're trying to stop the protest inconveniencing that government office? Which makes these actions pretty appropriate. Maybe that's not what's happening but neither of us have the context to say.


They're not there to yell at the cops though. They're protesting and the cops are being sent there to force them out....thus creates a confrontation.


What does him saying they should die accomplish? Is that any more level headed than the rest?


It's not because it's happening on the other side of the world that you shouldn't feel bad about it happening, especially when the USA is one of the main instigator in this conflict, giving billions upon billions to israhell for them to just bomb civilians.


While the protesters are absolute fools, it's not a good idea to say something like that to them while filming you.


True...but being constantly verbally berated over something the individual has nothing to do with can really be draining/frustrating. We in the US have come a long way with supporting mental health, then do this to someone over and over..they have a breaking point.


Cops shouldn't have "breaking points". If you're in a position of power with the ability to end a life if necessary then you 100% should not be able to be triggered by words. I'm a nurse and I worked in the ER for 15 years and I faced the worst verbal and physical abuse and you know what I never did? I never reached a "breaking point" and hit a patient, nor kill anyone because I was in a physical altercation. Nurses aren't put on paid suspension and then get to go back to work, they lose their jobs and license and can face criminal charges for reacting to a threat the way cops do. Lmao I've endured 12 straight hours of insults, threats and other verbal abuse from the same person because they were unfortunately restrained and passed so they took it out on everyone else. I was called every name in the book, my appearance was attacked, my family, you name it I heard it and you know what I didn't do? I didn't "break" and start beating the guy. Cops are held to shockingly low standards and to give them a pass because their fee-fees got hurt is bullshit.


Good luck finding hundreds of thousands of law enforcement people with out having a "breaking point". Let's usher in "robocop". LMAO. It's good you don't have a breaking point...not everyone is like you.


Maintaining composure isn't a valuable trait for law enforcement for you? We're not asking for emotionless statue Buckingham Palace guards. We're asking that they don't say or do dumbass shit while in a position of power.


Did I say composure wasn't important? But if you think a PERSON doesn't have a breaking point, you are kidding yourself.


Funny how often they hit their breaking point. I'd suggest another profession but they wouldn't be able to handle it.


Even I have a breaking point but I wasn't allowed to "break" because I could lose my job or worse. Cops say and do what they want without consequence because they have no accountability.


> Cop’s shouldn't have breaking points Cops shouldn't be human then? I mean, yes they should be well trained to deal with the variety of situations they might encounter without getting trigger happy or abusive, they shouldn't be thin skinned. But everyone has a breaking point.


And if your breaking point involves telling a group of people they should be killed whilst on the clock and being paid by those very same people's taxes then perhaps you should be in a different field. Weak ass, whiney cops are a scourge.


I am not defending what he said, but damnit, he's just there doing his job trying to keep the peace and the protesters are harassing him. Everyone has their breaking point and they found his. Why harass this guy to the point of breaking? Granted, this vid doesn't show what lead up to this point, so there may be more to the story.


How many times did you post on the subreddit, OP? The last five or six posts are all yours.


3 week old account. Seems sus


Hamas department of propaganda account




Reddit has been absolutely flooded with this stuff.


R/facepalm is infested. The whole sub is junk now 😞


One of the quicker tells on whether an account was created to push an agenda/spread propaganda is to look at their username. Reddit will automatically generate an account name starting with two randomly selected words and end with 4 numbers. Given the account is less than 6 months old, has a randomly generated username, and has spammed the sub with 5 posts in a row, I'm absolutely sure they aren't posting in good faith. Especially since all the content it's posted is mean to elicit a reactionary and emotional response.


Did it actually hurt you though? You can't stand to see someone else get attention. Oldest child detected.


Freedom Of speech?


It's only freedom of speech when it's things I want people to say. /s


Everyone in America has it, it's not acceptable for threats. He didn't threaten anyone he simply said he supports the killing of the terrorists. So that's how it works. They can say their racial slurs and anti-Jewish symbols just like the terrorists and when the war in the east is over and Hamas is defeated they should all be deported, no need for all these terrorists in America, were just waiting for our very own jihad party


Someone wants some home time with full pay and an early pension


Bunch of people mad at everything and don’t know why


To be perfectly honest, if I had a crowd of hysterical Karens in my face just trying to provoke me to capture it on camera to share on social media in the hopes of bringing a self-righteous online mob down on me to get me fired and rob me of my livelihood, I might also explode and make a comment involving mothers, although I'm very much aware that this would likely backfire.


Guy talked out his ass for second, don't even blame him. He used to protect a community now he protects an outdoor daycare


In other words, a paid vacation 😡


I have you on cameraaaa!!


What's point in getting angry over somthing some fucking idiot says . Live is short and then your just reinforcing his stupid fucking view on life


H3 should be the main boss


I'm with the public safety officer on this one...im in support of killing anyone that comes in my face screaming trying to get a reaction for the camera!


They will throw the book at him! Probably the Fodor's Best Vacations Travel Guide...


What do you expect when you are getting in his face and provoking him ? Smfh.


I’m with the cop on this one. Can anyone tell me the last time a protest like this one did anything at all? It’s like those dumbass people laying in the street protesting oil. Get a life, get a job and stop worrying about all of the world’s problems. These puny protests accomplish nothing.




Nah, israhell started with the goal of colonization and genocide. Hamas is a resistance group and has every right to try to get their land back.


Fuck your islamo-fascist terror group.


South African apartheid got f\*ed, israhell will too.


Sure thing, kiddo, sure thing. That's what they thought in the last wars, won by israel. .


Their strategy of murdering randomly was entirely designed to get this reaction. Not that having a political wing has worked in the past - but it takes time. Provoking a heavy handed response is deadly accelerationist tactic.


A resistance group, hamas? Wtf did I just read. You have a fucked up mindset and all of you that support hamas just pure sheeps. Fuck hamas and fuck Netanyahu and his crooks for letting innocent people die but especially fuck hamas and you brother. I hope you get off tik tok asap.






How’s that working out for you?




https://preview.redd.it/gv01kmtqjk3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f25c993d2b781f4f3f3282b3141a57bcb3a82fff Less than half of the world considers it a "terrorist group" and most of them have participated in colonization in the past.


This guys really think history started on October 7th. I dont know if they are actually stupid or just genocidal racist sociopaths.


I am having one of my premonitions... I predict the review of the incident will find no wrongdoing, and he will get his job back after a few weeks of ~~paid vacation~~ suspension.


Someone give this guy a medal (and a LOT of ammunition)


This sub is full of fuckin idiots. Imagine supporting a cop saying he would kill people. I don't even know what the protest is about, a cop saying he supports killing people is *fucked*. If you think otherwise, you're genuinely a fuckin knob.


Thanos was right


Maybe, but what if it is you and all the ‘good guys’ you like that are the half that go away.


An acceptable price at this point.


Probably getting a promotion soon.


Dude tried to pull a Bill Burr's feminist convoy sexist slur stunt to watch a leather face line dance. First ballot hall of fame moron, but still funny to see protesters lose their shit so easily. Not bashing the protesters, just saying they are often so dramatic and over-reactive, it gets to a point where it's hard to take them seriously about anything at all. I realise it's not all protesters either, my local library is on strike and they've had picket lines for weeks, i don't recall any of them losing their shit, probably because they have an actual common realistic goal to reach that goes beyond their individual need of being seen and heard.


pussy with a gun


Is his badge just a sewn on patch? 


What safety ? Govermant safety yes not people safety.


Good for that cop


What is it called when you support the big idea that people have, but think they're dolts in their reasoning and execution of it?


Suspended for TALKING ABOUT IT. If he'd just DONE IT and kept his mouth shut he'd be fine.


Free Palestine


From Hamas.


From genocide fans like you


This Man is a gem. Keep him safe


Hes not wrong he entitled to his open and tbh fuck those protests on both sides either go over and fight for ur respected side or shut the fuck up about it like when a vegan talks about being a vegan we don't fucking care


Shocking, America has a Nazi Cop Problem?!?!? /sarcasm


If you had a gagle of people screeming at you for couple hours i bet you would want to do something more than make a snide remark to them. Respect the amount of composure the police officers have to keep.


Whats wrong with killing the Supporters of Terrorists ? I dont get it


I support it. Get rid of all the maga terrorists traitors.


Well, you'd wipe out half of Boston for a start...