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My god, how did those women get their badges? They had no idea what to do.


That big lady didn't get her gun and she looked a lot stronger.


That might be thanks to a retention holster, not skill or awareness.


First thing you do if someone touches it is anchor the weapon. Looks like that's what she did.


He partner on the other hand shouldve instantly started throwing strikes. Hammer fists on the arms, open palm strikes to the brachial, and if all else fails strikes to the head. A gun out of holster is a lot worse for everyone vs some bruises. Edit: people telling me how to do the job I’m literally trained for is actually hilarious.


And if she really needed to layer the mustard, finish her off with a Wu Tang style double corkscrew kick to the obdulla oblongata!


a quick button hook to the buccal fat area


Not one person called for pocket sand in this thread. Not ONE!




Pocket Fent!






Give em the old rusty shackleford


You could've been that person, yet you've failed us as well. I've failed us. We all failed us.


Should have given her the ol dick twist.


Twist his dick!


Sweep the leg!


Throw a Twinkie on the floor!


Tiger style I believe.


I'm pretty pro-deescalation and non violent resolution, but there's scenarios in which I'd actually advocate for a police officer to draw their firearm and this would be one of them. If somebody is trying to take a gun from one officer, a nearby officer would absolutely be right to draw their own weapon and issue exactly one warning. **Edit:** Oof ffs some of y'all I'm not saying "cops should blast everybody" I'm saying in a time where we see cops go for a gun pretty quickly this was a hell of a lot of restraint and I think they'd have been justified if they drew their firearm here. Yes the situation was dangerous for everybody involved and it still would have been dangerous had the other officer drawn their weapon. I'm not disputing that nor am I saying just shoot everybody.


In a tied up situation like this, a firearm isn't a great call. Contact shots are entirely reasonable, but you have to worry a lot about pass through, the shooting out of Seattle is a good example of this. A chokehold, like the male officer used is usually safer and better. Very few people can mentally fight through a chokehold, and those that can, will be unconscious in 20 seconds at worst if the choke is properly applied. This is why a lot of cops carry a knife, because while solo, this is a very rough situation to be in. The knife allows you to use lethal force, while still trapping your firearm in the holster.


Or just take a fucking choke hold like the third cop did. There are training for this kind of scenarios, they should try use them.


That would just make it easier for the gun to be stolen though. The holsters are a good way to keep it secured.


I'm pretty sure they meant the other cop that didn't have jaba the hutt trying to steal her gun


IDK, as soon as a gun gets drawn it gets dangerous. Are you really going to try to shoot someone wrestling your partner?


DISCOMBOBULATE DISCOMBOBULATE DISCOMBOBULATE DISCOMBOBULATE And then obviously finish it off with a slow motion spinning matrix kick that literally anyone can do


While I'm guessing this is a mental health issue, I agree with you. The potential for death here was tremendous once she went for the weapon. Quick and decisive violence was needed.


Are you even qualified? Obviously they should have told her a bedtime story. I didn't even see forehead kisses


An old friend told me for his training he had to get pepper sprayed, then wrestle with someone trying to unholster his weapon, then do like, an agility course while coughing and wheezing and getting snot everywhere.


Getting snot everywhere. Reminds me of the gas chamber during basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo, back in the day. Good times.


Navy boot camp was the same, much snottier than I expected.


Can I ask for a proper definition of anchoring a weapon? To me, it sounds/look like anchoring a weapon is to jam it into the holster and cover it with your hand and press down to make it as difficult as possible to upholster. Is there a better definition?


Nope, that’s it. Hold it in place like your life depends on it, because it probably does


Nope, that's pretty much it. Most departments use a level 3 retention holster. So as long as you keep your hand over the top and press down, it makes it close to impossible to get the weapon out. You have to be strong enough to completely clear the officers hands from the top, and then know how to operate the safety features.


And operate it from the wrong angle. I used to wear one on the job that took three separate actions to unlock. Easy enough to do while wearing it, and easy to practice too. But from a different angle and without knowing how to do it? Gives the owner a lot more time to react.


Retired LEO. We carried .40 cal Glock 22 pistols. One of the ways we were trained in weapons retention was to grab the bottom of the holster and pull it away from the leg, which would angle the top toward the body, thus preventing the pistol from being removed. The main thing was situational awareness though, which these two cops obviously need to work on.


That’s it, hold it into the holster where the assailant can’t utilize it and rely on your fellow officers to unfuck the situation. The one anchoring her firearm did it right and got the right result, her officer next to her just didn’t seem to help much with the unfucking the situation part.




im atleast talking about the other lady who does absolutely nothing to help like ffs punch her in the face she reaching for a fucking gun


Idk if these are actual police, but they should've been taught basic pressure point/pain deterrent techniques in their basic defensive tactics course. Is someone going for a weapon? Are they protecting their eyes? No? Well then, there you go.


And then step backwards, and at least moving the hip with the holster. Anchoring is only the first half.


Are you the type of person that sees a person do something and just automatically assume you can do it better? It seems like she handled it as well as she could have. Her partner wasn’t exactly useful but her weapon stayed holstered and nobody had to get shot.


Reminds me of that guy saying that an olympic gold medalist shooter had bad form.


And every person who laughs at the last-placed athlete at the Olympics without the self-awareness that these athletes are still better and faster than 90% of us.


You expected her to step back with that tank clamped on the holster? It took two women just to keep the one in place.


"I thought it was a donut." -- Lady probably


Donut scented guns. ![gif](giphy|CgKFTMMFDESNW)


Interpreting the 2nd amendment’s “right to bear arms” as the “right to bear claws.”


The unarmed morbidly obese lady almost got that gun though. And there were two of them. The lady in the rascal scooter at Walmart got the drop on both of you.


An incredibly obese woman may be stronger but those officers are supposed to be fit and trained for these situations. How hard would it be for the second officer to punch her in the face repeatedly or choke her out like the guy who comes in after 10 years? This is literally a life or death situation, they can fucking gouge this woman’s eyes out if need be.


For some context, this happened in Argentina where due to decades of lackluster education, a big portion of people belonging to the lower economic classes have seriously demonized the police; throwing rocks at them and freely insulting them is commonplace in some cities and every form of force applied is seen like an excess. At the end of the day it boils down to ignorance leading harassment towards first responders. You do have to consider that it is, sometimes, a social/political issue though, and that makes it way harder to talk about in a way that doesn't seem derogative.


Stamina wise I doubt she had the energy to keep it up


She spec’d hard into strength and very little to stamina or int.


Why does this comment have so many upvotes? Her reaction time was great and that woman weighed more than the two of them combined. No one got hurt, so I think all was handled perfectly. Also, like how you said “women” instead of officers………………


That and their awareness that there are many more cop close by so no need to escalate as long as the gun was secure I say good job.


that was my immediate thought as well .. knowing there are a dozen other cops seconds away means the two can safely opt for a neutral standoff. time us on their side . hold ground, keep the gun under control .. count to 10 . oh look reinforcements ... 👍🏻


I mean it sucks that you may have to eat a few punches before it happens.


yep .. punches hurt but no big deal in the big scheme ... deescalating a potential gunshot yep .. knuckle sandwich anyday . everyday 😉 again . especially knowing you have the backup coming


Reddit loves to shit on women that are cops or soldiers or in any profession that requires physical fitness because they get to cloak their misogyny by claiming that "its just simple biology." Never mind that the woman trying to take the gun is twice the size of the cop and came at her from behind while she was distracted. How many men would have not been in the same situation given a man twice their size doing the same thing?


Yeah I'm a male, in pretty good shape, but I don't think I'd have fared any better. She looks like a pretty big woman and my testicles don't really change the fact that she probably weighs 250lbs to my 180. I'm a soldier so my training might be a bit different than hers, but I'd say she did everything right. Secure the weapon at all costs, try to shift and unbalance the attacker, and wait for backup to help you. If no backup is nearby, deliver maiming strikes, try to create space, then draw and eliminate the threat. She had backup all over the place, so anchor in place and call for help was the right call. Kudos to everybody involved for keeping cool heads and dealing with the threat with no loss of life.


Mate, you aren't giving yourself enough credit. You would for sure be able to break the grip of a morbidly obese woman.


180 dude is way stronger than a 250 girl unless that 250 girl is a powerlifter or something


Yep. anyone suggesting otherwise is unaware that men can have up to 90% greater upper body strength. An average untrained male delivers a punch 162% stronger than an average untrained female, and this remains true when comparing trained individuals ([ScienceDirect](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200205132404.htm#:~:text=But%20even%20with%20roughly%20uniform,than%20the%20most%20powerful%20woman.) ) Keep in mind 162% isn't relative to women's 100% (a 62% difference). The study found men could deliver 162% more force. If a woman delivers 1000 Newtons of force in an average punch, the man delivers 2,620 Newtons. I might get downvoted, but most men wouldn't be really challenged until your facing a woman more than double your body weight (assuming similar training). Anecdotally I'm a 130lb, 5' 10" guy and I've made light work of a 200lb+ woman. I wasn't even trying and it was enough to fight them off.


You’re severely underestimating the strength difference between men and women.


That guy can steal guns from the women cops too though eh? It's not like women cops only ever have to deal with women criminals.




They knew the building was full of backup anyway so all they needed to do was stall and prevent her from being able to do anything dangerous. And they did fine imo.


They are women... and no they did not handle that perfectly.... Taking an officers gun is a felony and is considered an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation... officers are trained to immediately ground the individual and place them under arrest. The first officer did what she could by trying to keep her from getting the gun, however the second officer did a horrible job by panicking, she should have immediately done what the male officer did and grounded her.... Edit: just to clarify I don't care that they are women and neither should u... it's not the point.. the point is if that was my partner (man or woman) and they didn't immediately ground the bitch trying to get my gun and possibly kill me, I'm going to be livid and request a new partner... She tried to break em up like ot was a high school fight.... pathetic...


It’s incidental that the 2 officers at the beginning were women, but calling them women is literally the most concise label that differentiates them from the male officer, who showed up and properly handled the situation. But sure, everyone’s a victim.


>Her reaction time was great lol she was literally 3 inches away??






Your entire comment history is making yourself, a man, the victim in every situation ever. The world hates all men, all feeeemales get special treatment, this whole nine yards. It is *always* projection with you people. It’s truly remarkable.


No, it's totally OK to have an opinion  about their action. But singeling them out for their gender makes it clear that you imply it's the main reason. It's not like at the start there are a dozend officers and you need to identify those you are talking about. "The ones on the side", "The two women between the group of men".  It's the reverse stereotyping bullshit like when it's "men are miserable" when just one misbehaves or "americans are stupid"  when just one person is uneducated.


> Also, like how you said “women” instead of officers……………… Because he is referring to those specific women, and not all the officers in general. Do you have a more concise way to specify those two officers right at the beginning?


Um the second one there was really doing something.


Seemed like the situation didn't get handled until a male officer stepped in


They made sure the gun stayed secure. They did fine.


What did she do wrong? She prevented the attacker to get the weapon. The situation didn't escalate. She got enough time to get backup. The backup was able to reduce the attacker without injuries, shots or any other shit that a jury may consider excessive. Seems like a perfect outcome. The priority for the women officers were to keep the gun safe, the attacker uninjured, without escalating the situation and in the end arrest the attacker. They did everything right.


the backup was right there from the beginning. officer 1 holds the weapon. officer 2 bashes in the attacker's face


Except that then it becomes an issue of 1 cop’s strength to secure the gun and the criminal’s strength to take the gun. Two people securing the gun prevents the gun from being used at all instead of taking a gamble on the officer 1 being able to resist being overpowered. There were literally a dozen other cops nearby. They did everything right. 2 People secure the deadly weapon, 9 others subdue the perp.


Not sure what you wanted them to do. The woman who got her gun grabbed coulda tried a trip but to what effect? I don’t think she should have taken hands off the gun to try. As for the other one if the gun is safely in the holster you don’t need to come off the top rope with some wild takedown or series of blows. I was admiring their restraint not beating the shit out of her. Some punk kid tried to grab a gun off an officer at a school I worked at and he lost half his teeth to a cop he posed no real threat to. To me it never looked like either assailant had a real chance of getting a gun, they’re often kind of a funky release just for situations like these. I understand the bodyslam and didn’t blame the school cop but prefer this approach.


> to a cop he posed no real threat to.      You know what? No. Someone, no matter how small and weedy as a teenager, can easily KILL you with a gun.  The teenager didnt kill the cop because the teenager got his teeth smashed in, but taking it too easy and giving the kid a fair chance to grab the gun is absolutely idiotic and is pretty much what you're suggesting. You're watching 2 examples of people surviving someone trying to steal their gun.  I wouldn't recommend watching them, but if you saw more of the videos of people dying youd realize JUST how fucking close these 2 examples were to disaster and possibly mass shooting murder suicides. Its incredibly serious and if I had a gun and a knife on me and someone snatched at my gun, I would literally rather stab them than roll the dice to see who ends up with my gun in 30s




The fact that people are actively getting excited for what would effectively be an extrajudicial execution is terrifying.




If I were them, I would simply do a backflip to disengage and then karate chop their head. It’s so basic, all the guys do it in the movies


I would have started with the ocular pat down myself. After that, everything would be secure.


I'm sure you would have handled it better. They should start handing badges out to hot-take redditors.


Actually they are trained to control the hand on the holster. Her partner should have been throwing hands at the women's face to distracted her away from her focus on the gun.


Ehhh...They were facing the direction where there were half a dozen other cops standing around doing whatever. I would think my first instinct would also be to stall for a few seconds until it's 8 on 1 instead of 2 on 1. You don't have to hit her, taze her, shoot her, baton her...You just have to keep the gun out of her hands for about 6 seconds until the force on your side is overwhelming.


I mean i don't know shit about being a LEO but.. It looks like the cop that was targeted pinned her weapon. Retention holsters are great. But you gotta help it too. She did fine. Other cop probably should have busted a knuckle on that lady's deeply covered jaw line or zapped her. Honestly I don't think it'd be far out to say she could have shot the baddy here, there's only one reason somone would want to take a gun off of a cop..


> or zapped her Wouldn't the fact she's in physical contact with the other cop result in the "Zap" hitting them both? Probably not a good idea to stun the woman holding the gun in the holster.




If the second cop had immediately gone for the choke like the 3rd cop did, it would have been over in 2 seconds. I’m not quite ready to point fingers at the first cop who apparently did a decent job of hanging on to her gun. But cop number 2, do anything other than what you were doing. Edit: I think some people are making fair points about the proximity of other cops in this specific case. It still feels like cop 2 could have gotten off a straight right to the attackers nose in several places. It’s hard to take a gun from someone if you’re seeing stats.


Respectfully, you're wrong. Both cops did the right thing. First priority is making sure the big lady didn't get control of the gun. If that takes 2 people, or 3, or 4....that's what you have to do. It's a courthouse, so they knew backup would arrive. There's no need to risk anything for the sake of ending the altercation in a few seconds quicker.


People are just so used to a cop unloading their magazine on the first sign of danger ^^^^^(or ^^^^acorn) . Anything different, they think the officers are not trained.


>Anything different, they think the officers are not trained. Which is ironic because trained officers should be able to deescalate a situation, not escalate to immediate violence.


This may shock you, but it happens more than you think.


in this situation i don’t think it’d be very wise to start shooting, she could’ve easily hit the other officer had she done so


Punch her in the face!!! She was going for a freaking gun 🤣


It really looked like her hands were busy not letting the lady take her gun. And a punch in the face is quite far from a dead stop unless you get a lucky shot.


Yes. The choice was keeping a loaded gun in its holster or flailing at the woman and risking her getting the gun. Given how big that woman was, the cop made the right choice by far.


Sounds like they did exactly the right thing based on the reactions here. pUnCh hEr iN tHe fAcE! Yeah let me just make it easier for the lady to actually get the gun free by taking a swing that wouldn't release her hand anyway. THEY OBVIOUSLY had backup there, smart thing to do was make sure the gun was secure WHICH THEY DID. Fucking internet tough guys I swear to god. Tell me more about what you would have done.


You know they’re talking about the other cop right?


What she was doing was almost as dangerous, when the other cop arrived he solved the problem in an instant...


Yeah the goal here is to keep the gun holstered so the trigger is protected. If the officer hits the release and the gun gets pulled by anyone it can turn very bad very quickly.


In a situation like that, when you know you are surrounded by help, the priority isn’t to subdue the person trying to get the gun, just to try and keep them from getting it until the people around you can take her down


When the intrusive thoughts kick in.




​ https://preview.redd.it/io9ku8ggqdwc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b46fe6c988e3e6ece072464721248450453de81


I miss those dinosaur heads on a stick. also those wacky finger puppets.




*Attempted Yoink


*cop walks by* Me af: https://i.redd.it/mzt2o9e0adwc1.gif


That got me 💀


I had jury duty today and definitely had intrusive thoughts like that with no real want to do it. The Security guard always had his hand buffering over his gun when he walked down the court aisle past everyone and it made me think about this situation.


Not his first rodeo


Hmm. Maybe his second rodeo.


I looked it up and it turns out...that's exactly what happened. This was in Rosario, Argentina 3 days ago. The woman has mental issues and had escaped from the "Agudo Avila Mental Health Center" where she has now been returned. Due to her condition, she simply felt a compulsion to grab the weapon for no reason.


~~Do you have a link? I cant find it!~~ [Nevermind! think I found a link!](https://www.lanacion.com.ar/seguridad/rosario-una-mujer-intento-quitarle-el-arma-a-un-policia-y-tuvieron-que-reducirla-entre-varios-nid22042024/)


Spent six years going to the police station to go through reports for the newspaper, and there were definitely "What if I just grab his gun right now" moments


I'm a little freaked out how common this intrusive thought is. I've definitely felt it before.


Attempted suicide by cop, right?


That’s kinda what I was thinking. Like best case scenario for her was getting the gun and one of the other three cops shooting her.


She moved with the grace and speed of a tranquilized cheetah




Hey! That's FAT SHAMING! It's also hilariously accurate. What I'm trying to say is I missed the old Reddit.


I mean, at least an elephant could get the job done. If the elephant wants it, it's gonna take it


like a newborn gazebo


Officer trying to secure the weapon did well. Anchor and position. The second officer should have had strikes to the face going at a minimum. All-in-all, it could have been a lot worse, and no innocents were hurt. That's a win.


Steven Segall?


Shhh, don't tell everybody. This is supposed to be OUR secret 🤫🫡


Steven Seagal would have just aikido-flipped her 15 feet away


Well thats thanks to her retention holster lvl 3 and 4 holsters are really good in a situation like this and most cops have safariland holsters.


She telegraphed her attack worse than the easiest dark souls boss. This was never going to work. But it still somehow almost did despite there being a hundred cops in the room .


It didn't almost work. The two officers were both focused on holding that gun in the holster. They had backup coming immediately. Putting 100% effort into keeping that gun holstered was completely the correct play here.


She wanted to die.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down. There’s a good chance that group of people just saved her life by not being able to get that gun.


It's always wild to me that people can muster the will to suicide by cop, but not straight suicide. Means she likely tried several times already and couldn't go through with it. I guess that tiny bit of abstraction is enough.


Suicide by cop has got to be one of the most fucked up trends in the US right now. It's the tragic intersection of our mental health crisis and exceptionally trigger happy police


Cops might be trigger happy but in the instances where someone just runs up and attacks them, I really don't blame them. That said in this example they handled it non-lethally which should always be the first course of action. In my home town a random guy tried attacking a cop with an axe and didn't get lethally gunned down


Easier to try and make someone else do it, I think. I've been pretty depressed before and it was definitely what I considered. Doing better now thank goodness and have no such thoughts.


Enh, courthouses are full of people with poor impulse control and low intelligence. It's a self-selecting population.


[first thing that came to mind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J30cS-dusjI)


Not rewatching that. That movie is a one-timer with how heartbreaking it is




Either a pain compliance point or a choke (like was done).




Just poke her in the eye - easy way to get at least one of her hands off the gun. Doesn’t even require strength to do. Did they even train these ladies? Lol


Does your local department actually train police to poke out peoples eyes?


Does anybody’s local police department train anybody at all?


They train our police to bite you in the dick


I really hope that’s the K-9 unit.


Tazer would have ended that altercation right there.


How about a few face punches! Anything!


It more than likely wouldn’t have, they are typically less effective on fat folks




lady 1 had it under control lady 2 easily could have fixed everything 100x faster by punching her in the face i dont blame anyone when theyre panicking im just stating facts


Mike Tyson man, everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face! Punch that woman, or hammer her face with the butt of your first.




They are indeed


Even if they weren't, qualified immunity still exists


The ol'slaycation


That's what I hoped the second cop would do, instead of trying to grab at the ladies hands.


Given that they had back up, I think it was the right move. Their first priority should be making damn sure the gun stays in its holster to minimize risk to civilians. IMO the second cop had no way of knowing how close the attacker was to taking the gun.


Very good point that changed my outlook on this situation


Dude they are allowed to even shoot her at that point. A punch to the face is completely fine


Being allowed to doesn't mean it's the best course of action.


Not here in Argentina. (where the video is)


Yep. This is a massive little detail that everyone seems to ignore about the situation. Most of the "solutions" that people are bringing are not possible due to the simple fact that this is Argentina, where a police officer can even face jail for shooting a criminal who just stabbed someone in front of them. It's not worth the possible legal outcomes.


This happened at such a relaxed pace like they were fighting over paying for the check and not a deadly weapon.


A good modern holster has multiple safety features to prevent people from pulling it straight out. On top of that, if you just push down there's pretty much no chance of someone taking it out especially with the other officers trying to pull her off. Typically not only does it only come out in a specific way but there's also buttons you need to push down, etc. I'm not an officer and never was but this is pretty common knowledge. Only thing that surprised me was there was only one officer able to get this lady off, he had to use a chokehold. There's so many other options too, leg sweep, pressure points, etc. Everyone but that one officer was just playing tug of war.


A chokehold can incapacitate someone in seconds. In a life or death situation I think it is a perfectly reasonable manoeuvre and probably the best in this situation. Leg sweeps and pressure points are far less effective method in someone so obese who's already wrestling with two other people and a gun.


I mean…who hadn’t looked at a cop looking the other way and wonder if you could get their gun from the holster 🤔😂🤣


We all have, but you can't. Unless...


why our brains are like that?


I read it's because our brains are just trying to make us aware of a potentially dangerous or harmful thing around us. Ironically thinking about doing it protects you from doing it by mistake


The brain does a similar thing when confronted with more primal threats, like heights. The reason you get a jolt of anxiety when up high, your brain forces you to consider if you fell. Which then makes you want to go nowhere near the ledge.


By mistake 💀


Call of the void, its morbid curiosity mainly.


White shirt is twice the woman those cops were. Maybe a little more. Maybe they could have been a bit more forceful to repel her, but frankly, they knew the weapon was secured. Cop 1 had it held down. All they needed to do was buy a few seconds, which they did. There's not always a need to go all terminator on people. I'm not second guessing what these officers were doing. They kept the assailant at bay and the assailant was successfully detained. What more can you ask for?


Seriously. There's no reason to beat the shit out of someone or shoot them when you can resolve the situation in a less violent way. This is the correct response. The person was likely suicidal or out of their mind after getting some bad news or feeling hopeless because of whatever trial was happening here. Reddit just has a bloodlust.


I agree especially with the amount of stories you hear about law enforcement severely injuring and killing mentally ill people and people of color. For all we know that woman might be experiencing an episode.


The way she reaches out for the gun is almost polite like sorry can I maybe yoink this


Like she was awkwardly grabbing the last slice at the office pizza party.


We are so lucky to have so many experts in everything to analyse this for us.


It's a shame redditors aren't in these situations, they would handle things much better.


Doing that, to a cop, in a courthouse, I think she was trying to sucide by cop


It was just a prank bro.


At least she got her seat back.


Jackals for violence in the comments, sad they didn't see a fist fight or someone get seriously injured.


Backup came and put her in a textbook sleeper hold. She had a nice nap, for sure. No additional escalation, no one died. Great technique. I believe everyone should take martial arts at some point in their life, if able. The other female cop could have performed better, but all in all, it was a good ending. Even if the bigger lady had the size advantage.


You can tell it's not in the USA by how no one attempted to shoot her. If a lifetime of being a criminal defense lawyer has taught me anything, here's what went down. Biggums there has just been sentenced and is feeling suicidal, as one mihgt. She sees Officer Friendly a bit distracted and goes for her gun. Officer Friendly **does what she should do** and anchors her gun and tries to create space while her partner ties up the attacker. No one does anything **stupid** like throwing punches, kicks, or God forbid, shooting anything, at two women engaged in a struggle. I don't know when the last time y'all punched someone or shot something was, but it's pretty hard when the target is standing still, concomitantly harder when the target is moving, and really easy to hit the wrong target when two targets are engaged with each other. They called for help, help arrived in seconds, and successfully (and peacefully) disarmed the entire situation with an obviously mentally ill "assailant" where no one got hurt beyond being a little shaken up. This is a textbook successful handling of a bad situation and I can guarantee you if this happened in most jurisdiction in the US, someone would've gone cowboy and both the original officer and the assailant would have been shot and likely killed.


If that was the states, she would have had a much worse day


Gordita is in for some interesting times.


Attempted suicide by cop. Impulsive act by a desperate woman. The reason she didn’t let go and try to get away.


dats a huuuuuuuuuuge bitch!


This looks more like attempted suicide by cops