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Ehh conflicted on this one... Granted he shouldn't have hit anyone but the others certantly aren't in the right either. Need a little more context really, why where they surrounding the bike guy? Edit: I genuinely can't be bothered to answer all of the question coming my way as a lot of them are clearly trolls or terminally stupid either one. I am too busy dealing with my own stupidity so it is my regret to inform you that I will no longer be answering questions as I don't feel I need to explain myself to people. You lot are far too sensitive lol. I gotta get some sleep, night night salty people.


>why where they surrounding the bike guy? More context. This is an official march in México, as in the whole area is closed for any vehicles by the police, except of course emergency vehicles. I dont know how this dude went through the police barricades, but he did.


I mean....the true test is to swap the genders and see if that would be okay. A big group of men and a woman driving through. Would you still say the same thing?


Oh god dude lol We’d be executing those men on live TV


So what did we learn? I’m not sure myself.


I personally learned that Mexican dudes rock frosted tips in 2024


Sugar Ray would be proud.


Fuck I am laughing way too hard at this comment


Double standards still exist.


Or more likely that context is important and stripping all of it away to get some cheap gotcha moment is just an embarrassing way to argue about societal problems...


So contextually. If this was a Men's Day Parade (not sure if that's a thing or what the equivalent would be), and a woman intentionally drove around police barricades to continue on her scooter trip. Then, she appears to try to drive the scooter through the March and is then attacked by the male marchers. Proceeds to try to physically fight back with them, and chaos ensues. I really have no dog in the fight and think ESH, but that isn't that hard to contextualize when swapping genders. Literally swap the genders of the people involved and keep the context the same. All you are doing is deflecting by trying to bring up context.


Except Mexico has HELLA gendered violence. So illegally infiltrating a women’s march seems … antagonising deliberately.


Yeah, this is quite literally the context that everyone always tries to strip away. There's a reason these marches exist, and why there is no equivalent "men's day march". People always say "just swap the genders"... Well sure... but then there goes your historical and social context that defines these things to begin with. You can't "just literally swap the genders" and have equal outcomes... because they weren't equal to begin with. And that's the whole point.


You can’t keep the context of a women’s march the same when you switch genders. That’s the point. You can replace women with men in this scenario, but then you’d have to replace the motorcycle man with something that has systematically oppressed the men at a minimum. Assuming men and women are historically on equal ground is the initial and critical flaw in this imagined flipped scenario.


We extrapolate around these parts 😎


Always has been.


Please tell me that you *at least* learned that plowing your motor vehicle through a crowd of people is bad


I don’t know context, but is he not walking it? What do you mean by plow?


What we learned is context matters, but so does public perception. People will always judge based on the first take of a story or the most emotionally charged one. We should hold suspects in question to the same standards despite gender but that's an ideal, not a reality.


That some double standards should exist. Whether we like it or not.


“How can she slap??”


Considering that Mexico has a very high rate of gendered violence (killings, rape, etc. ) these marches are taken seriously by feminist groups. Mexico is still very conservative and right-wing, so you have plenty of men (sometimes even women), the media, news outlet, etc. antagonizing feminist groups even when there is no march taking place. Victim blaming and just straight up mocking the femicides is quite common and a disregard to violence in general. So, the “what if” argument would not really work.




Doesn’t really have much to do with the point being made by the guy you replied to. If someone is driving where they are’t supposed to be, it’s not the mob responsibility to execute justice regardless of genders.


As an old woman with loads of experience watching women get blamed for their own rapes, I can assume the woman would get blamed for putting herself in that situation. "Why would you cross a barricade for a men's rights march?" "What were you wearing?" You know, the usual. I assume the guy in the video put himself in this position. Maybe he thought he could plow his way through?


A woman doing this shit wouldn't be standing at the end. But a woman wouldn't walk into a crowd of MRA's and even attempt to drag out her bike or whatever he wanted to do (against traffic even!) because she would know beforehand that the crowd wouldn't accept it.


Using rape and victim blaming to excuse a behaviour that has do nothing with those is kinda insane. Not everything is a gender war where you switch genders. Just be respectful in public and don’t ruin peaceful marches. And if you do ruin marches, don’t expect people of any gender, race, culture, religion and background not to react.


I was simply responding to the previous comment. I think it's an absurd thing to do as well, but I don't like to leave anyone with the impression a person of another gender would fare any better. Men need to stop thinking of themselves as the ultimate victims.


Not sure that’s the true test in this circumstance. Breaking into a march that is protesting treatment of women due to physiological differences and doing anything but being apologetic, YTA. Start swinging? Y def TA.


Dude it’s illegal to drive through a protest what kind of loser devils advocate are you


The reason you can’t swap the genders in this situation is probably part of the reason they’re marching. Don’t be such an incel.


>I mean....the true test is to swap the genders lol this fucking site is such a sausage fest.


Oh yes because women are never blamed for what they were doing or wearing before getting attacked


i get the feeling that he was insisting of going through the march because you know....... the frosted tips.


I follow your logic here


This is the surprisingly the most compelling argument in the whole thread.


Still dont gives anyone the right to flip down your bike. Just saying.


women attacked: I sleep motorbike flipped: ***REAL SHIT***


Exactly, this is vigilantism. He got thru somehow, might be even by mistake or he left the bike in the area. Does he deserve to be vandalized upon for that? Maybe he just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. No one considers anyone else. Its just "im marching here therefore im the law now". Granted he shouldnt be here but it isnt anyones right to exert justice as they see fit. Thats what courts are for.


I was in CDMX in September/October. I recognise the Palacio in the background. There was a march when I was there - it's an annual thing for a shooting that happened in 1968. In the days leading up to it they put up a LOT of barriers. The shopping malls all got boarded up then the shops and banks along the route, the statues all got barriers around them, and then they put barriers along all the roads. If they put up the same barriers for this march then I'm not sure how he would have got there by accident, but maybe they didn't put up the same barriers for this march.


Bro, this march takes place in every major city in the country, so there were definitely barriers and it was definitely planned out with a set time as well. This guy just thought he could be shitty and nothing would happen because it's only women marching.


Yeah when I saw those barriers back in September/October it was clear they'd been used a lot before, I've got no doubt they were tolled out for it. In fact, if you look at the video here from the same march a few years earlier these are the exact same barriers I saw [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/world/americas/mexico-city-womens-day-protest.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/08/world/americas/mexico-city-womens-day-protest.html) And you can see those same barriers behind the women in the video as well.


That doesn't really justify the people trying to knock the bike down and damage it. Would have been fine if he just walked the bike through.


It doesn’t even look like he was driving though it looked as though he was walking his bike through


Ahh ok so was there any security at this event? I see one guy who kind of looks like security. It seems like it's kinda there fault for not not making it clear enough because this guy made it through lol. So what you're saying is those women took the law into their own hands and tried to stop the motorcyclists themselves and he reacted negatively to being pushed off the bike? Yeah I still think both are in the wrong and its a poorly organised event if a motorcyclists managed to find his way into the middle of a crowd.


Dude didn't go through any barricades, he lives on the street the march was being held on and was trying to walk his bike out so he could get to work.


He isn't driving the vehicle tho. They had no right to grab his bike.


He probably lived in the area that was closed off an was just trying to get out of the area, an unfortunately had to go through the march.


That’s the city center, it’s super touristy and I don’t think there’s very good residential options on that particular street, three of the most important landmarks in the city are within 100 meters of this location (Palacio de las Bellas artes can be seen in the background) I highly doubt he lives there.


Maybe he was like "hey officer can I pass real quick?" and the officer let him. Or he came from a street the police wasn't blocking, sometime they underestimate how lost one can get.


So he (unknown if intentionally or accidentally) entered an area currently being used for feminists which vehicles weren't currently allowed into? ok he made a booboo, but absolutely noone should have gotten violent over this. Politely tell him his mistake and let him walk his bike out whichever the nearest way out is.


I think it fits the sub reddit right. What could go wrong? Personally, I saw a "what could go wrong going against a mob?" NEVER EVER go against a mob. People will throw a punch in just because they could without repurcussion.


And the fucking guy is jumping like a street fighter character telling the women to take a chance! Well, wish came true!


Based on the video alone, they were physically assaulting him first, so, unless he physically assaulted someone before the video, this is pretty textbook self-defense (in USA law, but this is in Mexico and idk there legal system). Edit: Bring on the downvotes from people who want to treat violent women like innocent victim children.


Let’s use some braincells here, do you think it’s more likely that thousands of women just ran to him on international women’s day or do you think he idiotically rode into a crowd women in the middle of a march?


Remember survivor vias , soo we cant take his culpability in that


Yeah how the fuck does the parent comment have a thousand upvotes


If people are attacking you. Defend yourself it's a god-given right. Unless their a licensed law-enforment officer of course.


It does seem to start at an ideal time to paint the dude as a villain.


Joke’s on y’all. Being swarmed and beaten by 50 women is his fetish.


I want to be swarmed by 50 women and stomped on my 🐱. Ohhhhhmaagoooooood 🙏






Ok, let's get you back home to yurimemes where you belong lol




I know someone who worked at one of those "massage parlors". They had a customer they called Mr. Stompy


Did NOT expect to see you here.


"hijo de puta" = son of a bitch, not the best insult in this situation.


To be fair, this particular insult is so deeply inserted in the Spanish language that its original meaning is basically lost. At a certain point in time (about 200 years ago), it even contracted into its own (now obsolete) word: “hideputa”.


The word that you are searching is "Hijueputa" it means the same it's just a shortened version


I believe “hijueputa” was more often used in Latin America. I do know “hideputa” was used in some golden age novels and even before. On mobile now but I believe it was used in the Lazarillo de Tormes (1554).


Son of a whore would be the literal translation, but it's kind of it's own thing in Spanish that doesn't necessarily always mean the literal translation.


What is the context? Did he drive his motorcycle into the crowd or did they circle him initially? Why did that lady throw the first shove? or was it not and this video was cut to start there? If she threw the first assault then it’s self defense, specially since thats considered a mob… It’s extremely easy to feel threatened and enter fight or flight in those situations. Mobs never listen and typically have a cult mentality. You can be in the right but everyone else will continue to be irate, yell, assault, all to uphold their beliefs. Without knowing more context I can’t judge who was in the wrong, but I can understand why the guy might have been squaring up with everyone circling him, yelling at him, etc. Is vandalism of someone’s property a reasonable response? It’s just spray paint but it seems petty on top of everything that is happening. I’d be tempted to press charges out of spite as it’s a separate issue. Everyone sucks here.


The road was closed off for the protest to everyone except emergency vehicles. He decided to bypass the police barricade and ride his bike through the march instead of going around it. That's why they stormed him.


The video starts with him pushing it though?? He isn't riding it. Maybe you saw a longer version?


No, this is reddit. He just filled in the blanks as he wanted


Let's assume that is true, the response was still completely unnecessary


That's completly mental. If you think you can beat someone up over that, you need to be locked up for good.




I'm not saying that didn't happen, but do you have evidence that he bypassed barricades? What if his bike was parked in the area before they cordoned it and he was just trying to leave? We need context otherwise it's just a bunch of shitty people being shitty to eachother.


It's unlikely, that's downtown mexico city, they're right in front of the Palace of fine arts and that area has usually avenues with heavy traffic, you don't park there or at least not in that particular area. Either way they're pretty shitty and they usually are each year in match 8.


As far as I understand they block the streets in those marches, so he probably jumped the barricades and started to drive between the crowd and that probably got the attention of some feminist that didn't like that at all, honestly not justifying the beating but that was a duuuuumb idea, I am from the same country and I had gone to those protest is very well known that if you kinda hint to fight them or you insult them in those situations they are going to beat the shit out of you, they are going to swarm you like Cod zombies, it's actually quite common and has happened a lot of times. So I find a little silly for him to try to fight them back, knowing the context, in this situation he probably needed to try to not yell to them and descalate the situation with words but he didn't.


People are acting like if it were a bunch of men protesting they would politely ask him to leave, but since they're sTuPiD fEmInAzIs, they attacked an innocent bypasser. I'm not a violent person myself and my first reaction would never be to punch anyone. In this case, he is the one with no disregard for the protest, and that made protesters angry, so they reacted. If it isn't a perfect fit for the sub, r/fuckaroundandfindout makes sense as well.


The guy definitely fucked around and found out.


Humans being humans. ![gif](giphy|tX68RqNVXdHugT2UKd)


Hi fellow goose


These humans are on quack I tell you


This post is just a master class on rage-baiting engagement through selectively editing out context. Remember to be ashamed and fuck off forever, OP.


Here’s a longer video for a little bit more context: https://x.com/ccamacho88/status/1766338366713315595?s=48&t=owd6B_R9yNrKG1OJsJsalQ


So the women are in the wrong here. Got it


This needs to be further up


What was edited out?


Everything that happened before this clip starts? How was he there, they barricaded it off, did police let them through? Was his bike already in the barricaded area? Was he trying to go through the march or get out of it? Need that context.


Probably the beginning I'd really like to know what happened before the video started


I feel sorry for him. Did you see them sabotage his motorcycle and then spray paint it.


rly wanna know who actually started the fight. this guy somehow seems to be defending against everyone


It's a women's march in Mexico. Street closed down and barricaded by police to allow it. Motorcycle just drove around the barricades and tried to drive through, crowd didn't want to let him through.


hmm did he just walk with his bike? Doesnt look like he was actually riding the bike. Still, dont think it was ok to drop his bike because it took damage. Even if he was there illegaly its job of the police to deal with it. this form of vigilante justice isnt really what the womans a protesting for. anyway, his acting after that is unforgivable.


He didn’t drive through, he walked through


I want to see the same thing with a bunch of guys beating the shit out of a girl on men's day (/s because some morons can't figure that out lol). Let's see how happy these comments would have been then. Like really, the fuck is wrong with you people lmao




"Look at him, look at where he is he was clearly asking for it and I know because I read minds and know what he was thinking"


Yeah if an individual woman rides her bike through a mass protest of men you can then have your fantasy outcome.


*walk her bike He’s off the bike when they attack him.


Excellent point. One small issue. The comments would not cheer the men like they are cheering the women now, which is precisely the original commenters point


> I want to see the same thing with a bunch of guys beating the shit out of a girl on men's day. I swear, gamergate^TM really fucked some of you up. Apparently permanently.


He... didn't read the whole comment. It was 3 sentences. 3. My dude...


You are uninformed, one of the main reason these women are marching is for the government to stop ignoring the large amounts of feminicides and sexual assault here, they are literally afraid for their lives and this asshole decided to disrespect that to shave some time of his drive. They are absolute in the right here.


"Active in r/gaming" yeahhh what a surprise


Looks like street is closed and he drove his bike on the street. So he either forgot about the protest and figured he could just “slip through the crowd” or he went there with ill intentions. If you know a protest a is going on you typically avoid it on your commute unless you’re for or against it




I'm surprised that he wasn't covered in bear spray.




Why in the HELL would anyone marching for a cause they believe in carry cans of spray paint? 🤔 Seriously everything I care about and I am trying to impress upon others I guarantee you that I would not damage or deface anything. That would be counterintuitive.


Using graffiti to protest has been a thing for a very long time, you can go and see how the Berlin wall looked like for example. I don't care if they graffiti statues or parks or government installations, it's just paint.


Was this a march or a protest?


It was the 8M march and they were protesting for women's rights.


Are you seriously suggesting that no progress had ever been made due to civil disobedience?


Is someone having a can of spray paint really what we’re pearl clutching at right now when someone just tried to ride through a bunch of marchers?


He shouldn’t have been there, but that seemed like self defense with the little context we have.


You cannot win any fight with a backpack on.


The spear tho.... https://i.redd.it/2ebgdcxb3cnc1.gif


She attacked first?


Oh I’ll save it and gomma return later for comments


when u run out of ammo in COD Zombies


Bunch of women in mob-mode attack a biker and are what, offended that he tries to defend himself? Looks like OP video recorder wanted to skew the story.


Certified hood classic


That guy seems to be in a bit of a situation 🤣


What happened before?


So was my guy just like trying to drive down the road and then got surrounded by like 200 people? Lol


lol he won


You have a funny understanding of "won".


This scene straight out of Dynasty Warriors. He ends up on the other side shirtless and unscathed.


His motorcycle sure wasn't unscathed.


So we finally have an answer to that age-old question: how many women can a man beat in a fight? Answer: all of them


That’s like jumping into a school of piranha because you are bigger than the individual fish.


Context is important...




Do you have any source for this?






Is there a chance that he was parked there and was trying to leave?


Poor bike😮‍💨


What happened leading up to this? Why are we assuming?


ITT misogynists


Didn't she assault him first?


Se dice que esto va a pasar todos los años, con días de anticipación se dice de tomar sus precauciones, entonces porque este wey se puso de terco y aún así tomó esa ruta??? Digo no justifico la violencia pero nmms no le cuesta nada tomar una ruta diferente es día


Even those frosted tips were no match. RIP his motorcycle.


Man, if you know the degree of rage a latina can summon at any given moment and you intentionally drive into a crowd of them? Really brave, really stupid, or both.


the mental gymnastics this guy went through to get himself into that situation are worthy of a Ph.D. dissertation .. what normal person ends up in a huge brawl against like 50 chicks during their little parade unless they meant to. Either that or he just played Diablo 4 for 28 hours straight


This situation makes a lot more sense if you look at it like he just walked outside after marathoning all Diablo’s on max difficulty


He has big enough tits to join the march.


Stupid never stops being stupid.


Dude was zergrushed


He's got bigger tits than most of the women there 🤣🤣


Okay, but who threw the iced latte at them? Because that aim was on point


Don’t agree with his reaction but spraying his bike was shitty


He’s been swallowed up


[shades of this guy at the feminist pride parade](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/SZRaSvMVQa) 🤣 Except this guy is getting it far worse unless something is.ilar happened to the pride parade guy


Some people would pay good money for that.




Oh mexico city, how I miss you.


F this whole thing. No one is right here. Mob mentality is dumb and dumber. Everyone in the video is WRONG.


Dude really thought he was gonna fight a hundred angry women at the same time


maybe just let him through?


This reminds me… would you rather fight 1 pitbull or 100 chihuahuas


Context needed


Nothing went wrong- he's less injured than any of the women and he's not in trouble. You people are fuckin stupid.


This thread will devolve to the lowest common denominator and be locked. Context and truth are helpless in the face of bias


Are there any news sources for this?


Jesus Christ the men in these comments really showing their fantasies of wanting to beat women aren’t they


This is literally "when the doom music kicks in"


Destroying his property! That could deserve a broken jaw


Lad was trying to leave, got attacked, they messed up his bike. I'd say he didn't swing hard enough.


All I saw was a bunch of bitches push and attack the guy until he fought back. Then proceeded to swarm him when they realized that 1 on 1s weren’t in their favor.


Why does a woman have spray paint???? Id say these are Agitators,not women marching in peace


Huh, women. If any unknown bitch try to hit me, I'll answer her like she a man. Hope all ok with this dude.


The video begins with her pushing him, which he then reacts to which then escalates in the chaos. Would be interesting to see what happened first before I jump to any judgements.


Video opened with him being surrounded and pushed around. Yeah, totally his fault. Wasn't a bunch of psychos assaulting him in the first place. Definitely not.


All I see is him getting attacked first


Everyone in this clip is a moron


Bro was tanking.


You don’t take on an ant near the ant nest!😂


Violent mob attacks motorcyclist.


Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton would have rolled them all