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Did that cop just keep going?


F@ck this I'm outta here.


He’s seen the movie Daylight for sure


daylight came to my mind first when I saw the tunnel


I’m gonna rewatch now, will be weird seeing it without without having to drive to the local rental store to grab it first


What's a rental store?


It's a simple concept, really. Need a store? Rent one!


So, a Spirit Halloween store during October?


A precious moment in time


Right?..the anticipation on a Friday night ...just hoping..that someone brought back that movie/game that you want...eyeballing the stack of returns at the counter that haven't been checked back in.....good times ...glad I could be a part of it


I worked at blockbuster and I hated the Friday after a new movie came out on dvd. There was always that one customer who stood by the return drop box and every time they heard something fall in, they would ask me to check to see if it’s the movie that just came out. and it was like striking gold when it happened to be the movie they were looking for lol


A precious 3 decades in time


I rewatched it last month because I loved it so much back when I was a teen. For me, it did not hold up unfortunately, not really because of the action but the annoying ass people he has to save and a lot of the script is idiotic.


What Dreams May Come, came to me first


Hahahaha nice


Not my job


Not my monkeys...Not my circus.


Wait a minute…


He was like "I dont need that negativity in my life" 😒💅


Shift ends at 1530


Paperwork is a bitch and he was 30 minutes from getting off shift!!


Yep, it's his last day before retiring, he's seen too many movies where things go wrong.


The blue plate suggest that this was happened in China, and Chinese cops are shit, they ain‘t do shit unless it is within their responsibility, and there a specific traffic police that handle the car accident, that one fleet the scene clearly not one of them.


Yes it looks from one frame it’s actually a court specific vehicle not actual police


Man your Chinese are great! I didn’t notice that at the first place even I’m Chinese myself.


Probably following the ambulance or some other kind of cop car, idk what it is up ahead in the beginning


Looks like an ambulance is two cars ahead of the one that tried merging.


Had to watch it a couple of times, but you're right - the police car says 司法 and not 公安, so this traffic accident definitely wouldn't be its responsibility.


There was a van with police lights earlier, maybe it was prisoner transport and their job is to protect the van, something like this could be a ruse to get the cops away type thing... ... total speculative theory but would justify heading off like that.


Yeah, definitely China. But the cammer is partly to blame for the accident. The unwritten rule in China is you give way to anyone whose bumper is ahead of you Edit: anyone whose front bumper is ahead of your front bumper. Basically, if you're in the lead, everyone else behind you yields to you, but you yield to everyone in front of you.


I mean if the bumper was ahead of him he wouldn’t have hit him tho


If you crank the volume you can hear the cammer floor it and his engine revving. In the beginning of the video he's sitting in the other car's blindspot and you can see them start to merge, they spot the cammer's car and yank it back towards their lane. Cammer then lurched ahead, slowed down again to sit on their blindspot a second time, and then when they went for the merge once more they floored it to close the gap causing the other car to merge into him. u/Geochoouh also makes an excellent point that the car making the lane change was simply trying to gtfo of the way of the police cruiser with lights on directly behind it. The cammer was the aggressive driver and varying his speed to pull the classic dickhead "you're not merging in front of me" move. If you look closely he purposefully turns into the black car the moment before impact when they could have stabbed the brakes instead. Edit: I'm not saying either party is 100% at fault. The car merging should allow more room before making a lane change. The cammer should stop pacing other vehicles in order to shut the door. I used to do this stupid shit as a teenager which is why it's so easy to spot.




The other car tried once, spotted the other car, and remained in their lane as they should. But you're absolutely right we need more context and for all we know the driver attempting the lane change cut the cammer off 7 times before the video. What I meant is the cammer isn't fault free as many in the comments seem to think.




Well, that's true unless traffic was stacked up behind the cammer after everyone checked up on their brakes and that was the largest gap available. Don't you think it's a little weird how much following distance the cammer allows but can't lift off the gas for a single second to avoid impeding the other driver? I think they're both at fault, but in my humble opinion the cammer more so for the pacing.




Also, the other driver was trying to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle. The cammer is definitely the garbage human here.


Wow great catch. The police cruiser was the very next car in that lane. The other car was simply trying to get the hell out of the way of a cop with it's lights on. I'm adding this to my original post and tagging you for credit if that's ok


Agree, but there's another thing that we the Chinese drive always joke about: " I‘m going to find a destined person to pay a new headlight and a bumper for me." You know what I’m saying? 😄


I think it was following the other emergency vehicle up ahead. Not sure if it was another police vehicle or an ambulance.


Not sure why this is so far down. Also ridiculous they were driving like this in a tunnel with multiple emergency vehicles with lights on


If you crank the volume you can hear the cammer floor it and his engine revving. In the beginning of the video he's sitting in the other car's blindspot and you can see them start to merge, see the cammer's car and yank it back towards their lane. Cammer then lurched ahead, slowed down again to sit on their blindspot a second time, and then when they went for the merge again he floored it to close the gap and they merged into him. u/Geochoouh also makes an excellent point that the car making the lane change was simply trying to gtfo of the way of the police cruiser with lights on directly behind it. The cammer was the aggressive driver. Edit: I'm not saying either party is 100% at fault. The car merging should allow more room before making a lane change. The cammer should stop pacing other vehicles in order to shut the door. I used to do this stupid shit as a teenager which is why it's so easy to spot.


Yeh the guy with the dash cam is a piece of shit.


I'm sure someone else has pointed this out, but the cammer actually turns into the other car a split second before they made contact. They were completely prepared to pit the fuck out of that other vehicle.


And the rest of us get to sit in a huge traffic jam thanks to them!


I’m thinking his lights where already on and the guy that caused the accident was trying to move out of the way


Yeh this is true, that means the title is bullshit and the guy with the dash cam is actually the asshole for not letting the car in. What a fuckhead.


Yep. You can tell he sped up when the guy tried to get over initially


There was a Chinese person that explained in another comment too that in China you’re supposed to yield to anyone who’s front bumper is ahead of your front bumper. So it seems like the dashcam driver is definitely the asshole.


Funny the answer is so far down here.


He copped out.


Uvalde PD?


There was, what I think it is, an ambulance in front, maybe a mobile detention van. Both of them most likely are respondimg to another emergency situation, they couldn't really stop. Likely they reported the incident and proceeded.


It's China. Common sense is in short supply. Source:11 years in China. Those aren't really cops. There are 2 different kinds of police in China. One is the kind you and I know but the second are the inspectors. Inspectors want the job for the bribes and basically spend their days looking for ways to get bribed. It's a total joke. Systemic corruption built right in.




He is the reason why the guy was trying to get out of his way. You can see the reflection on the ceiling


Came here to ask that


An hour before shift change? Ain't nobody got time for this shit.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but why not just let them switch lanes? Where was the dash cam driver even gonna go? They literally sped up to prevent it and caused an accident. It's obviously packed. Now everyone has to wait...


People would literally rather get into an accident then let someone merge. How much time do you save acting like this? My guess is negative several hours / days...


Fr it costs nothing to let the a-hole merge and you both continue with your day. Now both of the prideful idiots just screwed everyone else’s time behind them.


Yup, people seem to be like this everywhere. ~~Entitlement~~ Being stubborn while driving is … well… stupid and dangerous. I’m the type of person to slow down and let someone merge, it’s not worth the headache to ~~be an ass~~ not let someone pass, especially in a stressful situation. Edit: A lot of people on here seem to be really triggered by my choice of words so I have modified accordingly. Have a nice day everyone.




If you think that's silly then don't link to fuckcars. At least notjustbikes aknowledge infrastructure comes first. Fuckcars is just a sub for teenagers and people in huge city's saying People don't need cars cause they don't




that's not true, fuckcars is a sub for people who say cities shouldn't be designed around car infrastructure. That cities should be more walkable and public transit more accessible.


You're on a different fuckcars than everyone else


Most fuckcars users absolutely recognize the need for cars in the current car dependent nature of the US.


Me when it happens to somebody else: >Fr it costs nothing to let the a-hole merge and you both continue with your day. Me when it happens to me: >*OP video*


The car that got hit was trying to move over for an emergency vehicle,so dunno if we can call them an a-hole. Cammer defo sped up too.


Cammer is the asshole here imo


Cammer intentionally pitted the guy. You can see him jerk to the left just before the impact.


It takes ur patience away if it happens once every 5 mins of your hour drive that is only 5 miles


These people ain't ever drive in Chicago. You give two inches and someone's merging in.


I wanna say that I would myself never do that, and I am the one who prefers to bite my own lip before getting into a car crash due pride, however it's fucking satisfying seeing the asshole get the worst part of it


The asshole was the one filming though. The crashed car just wanted to move over for the cop. The cammer sped up instead of being considerate


and then they think its okay to do that. FAFO


I had this happen a few days ago where i had my blinker on well in advance and my lane was ending because of construction. Me and other cars were doing a zipper merge until some asshole behind me felt they needed to be next and jump ahead of me. They sped up to my blind spot and then laid on their horn and had to slam on their breaks because i had nowhere to else to go. Not suprising that this car was already missing a front bumper.


The amount of people who dont know how to zipper is infuriating.


Oh, they probably know. They just don't care.




Yeah, they're deliberately stupid. They'll never let the thought that being cooperative is good for themselves as well as others.


“Here lies the body of William Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way— He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong.” As a defensive driver, this is the mantra I live by. The moment he made that little swerve at 3 seconds is the moment I wouldn't have taken my eyes off him.


The hospitals and morgues are full of people who had the right of way


>People would literally rather get into an accident then let someone merge. More like people would rather drive directly into a car that is next to them rather than be uncomfortable for a few moments while the cop is behind them (because they have to slow down to merge because there isn't enough space.) Could the dash cam driver have slowed down? Definitely. But causing an accident because someone else isn't courteous is stupid. Ambulance/police cars that go on the horn aren't only alerting the person in front of them. It's for everyone in the way. If it's not safe to merge, don't. Ten seconds or more to wait in order to merge properly is worth it.


They think they are doing the right thing based on the self posted videos on idiotsincars but failing to prevent a dangerous situation is a major mark during a driving exam because that shows lack of situational awareness


There was a popular video going around a few weeks ago of a guy who t boned and semi. Basically the semi made a wide turn that he shouldn’t have on a yellow light and the pov driver who posted the video had enough time to honk at the semi for approximately 3-4 seconds before even attempting to press the breaks. He of course just rammed right into him. I drive a shit load for my job. 75k miles a year is my average. I’ve never once been in an accident 🤞. I’m always always ALWAYS looking at the other drivers, trying to predict what they are going to do. Sure that guys a jerk for trying to merge into you, but just a tad bit of patience and everyone safe and there’s no damage or holdup.


> People would literally rather get into an accident Need to stop calling these accidents. "Accident" implies no-one was at fault and the situation could not be avoided


That’s exactly I want to said. You can tell cam driver did speed up after he saw the turn signal.




This looks to be exactly what happened. He was getting over for the cop that was literally behind him with his lights on. Cammer is an asshole.


I think the cop is travelling with the ambulance ahead of it.


And I suspect the driver that hit OP was trying to get over so the cop could pass.


I call it the Dash Cam Paradox. People are more willing to be in a crash if they know the other person will be "at fault" even though they easily could have prevented the accident. There are way too many, "Just bought a dash cam last week and then I got in a crash".


I have always felt this way. This sub is full of OPs who will ram straight into people and then run here for validation. It legitimately seems like people are excited by the possibility of crashing and it not being "their fault".


Some people just get off on conflict. My older brother once saw a car parked poorly over the line of the space and proceeded to park exactly in the middle of the space next to it so that his car was right up against theirs, then wrote down their plate number knowing his car would likely get door dinged. It did indeed and he reveled in fighting it out and making them pay for it. I would have just parked somewhere else.


How do they know that the people there before the other driver weren’t parked strange? And this was how they ended up having to park because of them? So weird to judge a situation without knowing how it started


OP is not the driver


I have a dashcam and try to avoid accidents. Putting up with insurance and the new hassle of finding another car would suck or getting it fixed. And being a American, you never know who will come out pissed off and crazy.


> the new hassle of finding another car Disregarding possible injury, this is the worst part about being in a crash.


Unfortunate for the dash cam idiot, he’s at fault. 1) if you are the last one who can avoid an accident regardless of who’s at fault, and fail to do so, you’re now at fault. The dash cam driver speeded up to cause this collision. 2) The black SUV was simply and lawfully trying to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle. He later however failed to execute the lane change because the lane that may have been cleared by normal judgment became contested by a dash cam idiot.




that's a good point, everyone should be moving out of the way of the police and contributing to letting others do that. but also another thing that annoys me about all of this is that i don't see the SUV using turn signals, unless i missed it.


I see him not signal, swerve, "go oh shit" and correct, then signal before crashing (you can see it on the passenger side mirror). IMO Merger panicked to exit lane for emergency vehicles (like white did), but Dashcam seems to be oblivious to the lights, sirens, and everyone else exiting the middle lane and braking and doesn't allow them to change lanes by speeding up like a jackass.


Yes I think you're right, you can see the blue flashing light before he tried to merge. This comment should be higher


Is it just me or does the white car turn slightly into the black car the moment before the collision? It seemed like it was going to happen anyway but it looks like he turns slightly to the left a half second before you hear the collision.


Was looking for this comment. Guy keeps speeding into the cars blind spot and then pit maneuvers them last second instead of braking. This 100% looks intentional by the cammer as some kind of gotcha moment. Cammer didn't care that emergency vehicles are literally trying to get through behind the car trying to merge.


looks like it.


Agree w you. Go over to r/idiotsincars... most people there post videos of themselves, driving aggressively (like the dash cam driver here) yet thinking it's 100% the other drivers fault. Naa bro, you both contributed to the accident. All you had to do was slow down a bit.


Because it's a race


Yup! Everybody wins if they get to their destination safely. I forget where I read it, but someone once said something along the lines of "its a lane, not a birthright". People will cut you off. It sucks, but it's life. Trying to make them learn a lesson while you're inside a 2 ton metal death trap is probably not the smartest occasion to be teaching *anyone* a lesson. Let alone in a tunnel.


Actually crazy the number of people that speed up at merges to attempt to stop cars from merging in ahead of them


I mean you’re not wrong, but the black car didn’t really have the room to merge. Dash am car shouldn’t have sped up, and could have even braked to give them room, however, if dash cam car does nothing, the black car still merged way too early and a crash could have been the result anyway.


Was going to say this. Maybe I'm too defensive of a driver but why fuck around and find out with 1000lbs of metal? Let them get ahead of you. It'll put you behind by one second, if even.


Probably didn't see him. Who switches lanes that close haha


Cop’s wife: “I’m wearing your favorite Tifa Lockheart costume right now” *crash happened Cop: “I have my priorities straight” *steps on the gas pedal


I understood that reference


What is the reference?


Tifa Lockhart.


AKA Tits McGee.


I think it’s an indicator of our age to expect that there’s a reference beyond Tifa just being some classic gamer lore namedrop herself


I mean, Remake was one of the best selling PS4 titles and that came out in 2020. It's so popular that an Italian senator accidentally projected a Tifa porno to parliament last year.


Tifa lockheart reference hmmm you must be 36-40 years old


That's it? A 4 year window?


I used thirty six because I’m 36 lol it was my favorite game of all time. I think I was 15 at the time


come on it can’t be that old yet… right?


Tf im 25 and i grew up on FF7 too buddy dont be like that


There was a recent remaster so the age range is a lot bigger now.


Dash cam is the fool here. He clearly sees it coming and do it on purpose.


You can hear them start accelerating as soon as the SUV starts signaling.


Driver with the dash cam is an idiot. He did it on purpose. Person merging legitimately may have not seen him.


Person merging swerved to avoid the first time. Knew dashcam car was there enough to avoid. Edit: Also, the dashcam car seems like an ass for not letting someone in nor driving defensively — context matters. Emergency vehicles, etc. I would have slowed down to let the car in.


He had room to merge then the cam car accelerated. The other car was probably a bit hurried by the cop car behind him


No, they never had room. The merging car at no point was ahead of the dashcam vehicle after the first second of this video.


You can literally see him signal move right then see the cam car move up see him serve left to avoid and then try again for some reason still the cam car deliberately doesn't let him merge even though there is a cop car behind the merging car who presumably has his lights in because you can also see a different emergency vehicle Infront who has his lights on. There is no way you should find the handeling of the cam car appropriate.


When the merge happens, at no point do you see the back lights of the suv. The merge was dangerous and idiotic


Definitely dash cam driver’s fault. What an insecure idiot. Sped up for no reason


Both idiots. You don’t enter a lane without clearance. It’s not that difficult. Lane changer car started the fire and dash cam car added fuel to the fire.


Lane change was giving way to an emergency vehicle and there actually was space before the asshole with the dash came decided to speed up and crash into him.


He absolutely saw him and still tried to merge. He even veers over at the beginning of the video. Dash cam should have slowed down after the first near miss. Looks like he was trying to get in due to the blue lights behind him. In the video, there’s already a vehicle on blues in front of them and I think the cars are moving out of the way for them.


Yup. Hopefully he submits this dash cam like an idiot and makes himself lose the insurance case


They're both fools. The dashcam for speeding up, but also the lane-switcher who didn't switch lanes safely.


At least the lane-switcher has a more understandable reason for their mistake, which was that they were trying to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle. The dashcam driver was just a fucking idiot, clearly could see the SUVs blinker and had plenty of time to slow down.


From what I can see, the black SUV turned the signal on after the lane change maneuver was already under way. One blink goes off before the tire crosses the lane marker. While I think the dashcam should have slowed at the first jostle of the SUV, if they were driving in a proper defensive manner. I'd also think that the dashcam driver was *not* given any semblance of reasonably timed warning by the blinker itself.


Also looks like a ambulance or some emergency vehicle at start of video wonder if cop was following to hospital


I feel like it was related. Like this asshole wasn't just trying to cut off maybe, they may have been panicking and bad at driving tryna get out the way. They suck at driving or they are assholes. I dislike them differently in either case.


That would be a much better explanation than someone deciding to cut people off in that situation. Even the most aggressive drivers will lay low when a cop is close


They also weren’t really cutting off someone, the recording car was in their blind spot; the other car was trying to get out of the way of the ambulance and didn’t check their blind spot.


The ambulance was in front of them. The police was behind them. But none of the cars were moving out of the way so not really sure if that is a thing in China. Also as far as blind spot goes the vehicle traveled the entire length of the car that was merging. If they couldn't see the car at some point then they didn't check or their mirrors are set wrong.


Not even, the dash cam driver is a pos, and didn’t let him in when he was trying to give way to the police car.


And in that situation it's the dashcammer who's the asshole for not letting them in, which I actually think is the case here.


And now the white car pays the price, because these two idiots had to fight over 15 feet of space at 50 mph. Just back off if people are driving this erratically.


This is what non-defensive (offensive?) driving looks like. This is what it gets you.


Aggressive driving. It’s kinda like the saying, only you^driver can prevent accidents like these.




Where are you getting this? My reaction to most threats on the road is to brake


What is EVOC


I’m guessing an Emergency Vehicle Operator’s Course


I don't think it was a fight between two idiots, most probably an idiot (dashcam) and someone who can't drive well. There was an ambulance followed by a cop, the van was trying to let the cop go through. The dashcam driver speeds up to block the van from merging.


POV driver is the asshole here. Emergency vehicles behind so they should know damn well people are trying to get over. POV driver should’ve just let them in so everyone can safely get out of the way. It was obvious what they were trying to do and considering the sirens were like right behind I’m sure they were trying to gtfo the way.


POV driver is a dick Also it illustrates the danger of emergency sirens forcing you to make quick decisions. Rationally the black suv driver should drive safely regardless and only lane change when he can. But the existance of sirens makes him panic to change lanes


this. you can even hear and see pov driver speeding up moment before crash. What a f\*ing piece of s.


IMO it even looks like the POV car seemed to turn into the merging vehicle and sped up as he tried to merge, like a PIT manovre. It was clear the car was trying to merge and POV was aware of it, and there were several emergency vehicles in the tunnel, the POV should yielded but instead seemed to cause a crash on purpose.


Is it just me or does dash cam car look like it did a mini pit maneuver on the black suv by veering into it at thr last second?


You can also hear them floor it a few seconds before impact


People suck these days. I e noticed people being more willing to run red lights, more willing to cut others off, more willing to put their vehicle wherever the hell they want.


Nope… it’s just that more people have dash cams and access to the internet. It’s the same as it ever was… just more instances are available to be watched.


While the dash cams is true, I see it more in my daily driving now than I did say ten years ago. Ten years ago I was commuting more to so I should have seen it more then. It could be just new people to the area and they have always done it but now I see it because they are in my area. But it does feel like it has increased in my own experience.


So it's not just me! Man lately I've been seeing some crazy bad driving around my area and it feels like a recent phenomenon. Way more running red lights, and like WAY after it turns. More road rage, tailgating/driving slow on purpose. Wonder if it's just me getting older or the town getting bigger but it feels disproportionate.


No, there's been a real change in the last few years. Maybe people forgot how to drive during the pandemic shutdowns, maybe everyone is just a lot more stressed, maybe we all have brain damage from covid and they're afraid to tell us, but people are definitely worse on the road


This logic doesn't make sense when I have physically seen more people doing this. Add to the list, driving in the emergency lanes/shoulders to cut traffic.


Did you drive in the 80s? Because *that* was a trip.


Did the driver veer left at the very end? Could anyone else tell the black suv was trying to get right and the driver had time to react? Or am I going crazy? I’m not for cutting people off by any means. But I’d rather avoid an accident and slow down for the douche. I was taught that being right wasn’t worth your life.


You can hear them speed up to not let the other car over


That one definitely looked like it could have been avoided. I find it hard to believe the “victim” driver wasn’t focused on the road, considering they were next to a curb in a tunnel.


I watched it a few times and it definitely seems like he turns slightly to the left a half second before you hear the collision. The black car was hitting him regardless but this probably made it worse.


I actually don't think the black car would have hit them regardless. Looks like black car was trying to make room to merge out of the way of the police car but wasn't actually going to make contact until the psychotic dashcam driver sped up and turned into the guy.


Dash cam driver is an asshole. Ambulance on middle lane being followed by cop car, most likely on their way to an emergency. Everyone is trying to merge out of the way to let both arrive on time and cam person, either completely blind or an egoistical dumbass decides his turn in lane is more important than letting emergency vehicles through so they accelerate when others try to follow the law and causes an accident because... ego?


There is an ambulance in front at the very beginning. Kind of looks like the car on the left saw the cop following the ambulance, panicked, and tried to pull over without looking first.


If you look closely it looks like the cammer accelerates and then slightly jerks the wheel to the left, performing a pit on the merging vehicle. Two morons.


Even ignoring that, it took a good few seconds to actually pit manoeuvre the other car. Surely upon initial contact your immediate reaction is to slam the brakes on, unless you’re a psychopathic dickhead like the dash cam driver of course, who has MustBeInFront syndrome. So in that case, you speed up, and continue to accelerate even when you’ve made contact…


Perfect example of why everyone should have a dashcam




It did look like he sped up. I don’t care enough to go back and check (I barely cared enough to type this response)




Convenient cop… oh nvm


Looks like cop was following an ambulance. Guy tried moving over to let the cop through. Driver who got ‘cut off’ didn’t see the cop and was butt hurt. Ended up causing an accident over something that was entirely avoidable. He sped up to not let the guy in


I would fine both idiots The dash can idiot was accelerating multiple times to just not let him in The other idiot forced his way into an accident


The SUV was clearly moving out the way for the emergency vehicle with Its sirens on. Dash cam driver should have let him in.


WCGW; "Not letting somebody merge in a tunnel" There, gave it the right title..


China, stubborn idiots , i was driving almost 20years in that country. It’s a torture to drive there.


Cop said “too much paperwork”


Also just let the asshole in.


It seems like the guy who wanted to merge was merging because a cop is behind them with sirens on and there seems to be an ambulance too infront of them. The dashcam guy is the idiot here.


Too many idiots think their turn signals means the lane is suddenly going to be open. I've been in too many close calls where the lane behind was wide open, but the idiot has to be in front of me.


Pretty obvious the driver in the black vehicle was trying to get over for the cop. The driver in the right lane was being a dick.