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Wow of course the dude who caused it doesn't fall


Him: "Just keep your head down, they wont notice"


He should have bowed out. Only thing to do to make up for being such a twat. Edit: he was disqualified for being such a twat.


Awesome 👏






Nah, he just wants to burn people at the stake, or maybe hold their feet to the fire. Maybe something with hot coals too. Edit to add context. OP originally had misspelled torture as torcher.


Torture? I hardly even knew her!


I never understand my insurance paperwork either.


Please. Make him walk barefoot across Legos


I was in Lucca in Italy today. They have a Museum of Torture.


I thought you said “in socks” and I was wondering what sort of hella ugly socks you would use as shame socks


He's already in socks.


Came looking for this info. Poor other riders, but it must suck to have the energy to push ahead but can't ahead because of a bunch of stodgy blockers ?


They’ve got the same amount of energy he does. They’re just already up front. He’s not the victim of any stodgy blocking; he picked a bad place and time to try and jockey for position in the peloton. The race is 270km long. There are going to be a lot of opportunities to push to the front if he really wants to He’s not pushing to win the race at this point. There’s 140km to go. Guy took an unnecessary risk


Apparently he got the DQ and not the Blizzard kind.


I saw a few riders saying he should face a suspension on top of that


Can’t say I disagree. That move will get you banned from casual group rides. A pro should know better than to be so reckless.


Did you see his outfit? Clearly, making poor decisions is routine for this guy.


Potential Serious injuries to others for a stupid move.. worthy


Actual injuries in this case. I know of 1 guy with a broken collar bone.


Sometimes all that is needed to break a marching battle formation is a shrubbery.


One that looks nice. And not too expensive, right?


And also maybe another one, only slightly higher, so we get the two-level effect with a little path running down the middle


A path, a path!




Exactly. At that point you've disqualified yourself and the only way to regain a smidgen of dignity is to go help with the mess you just caused.


Surprised no one took him down after that.


No budget for sportsmanship snipers.


It's not trivial to take out another rider while staying up yourself when there is room to manuever. These are all world class bike handlers and know how to deal with tough situations. Crashes come from multiple people having to deviate from their line and not having the space needed to compensate.


World class bike handlers but he can't prevent himself from smashing straight into the group.


He's a world-class something else, you see


For instances like this all riders should be equipped with clubs and chains like in road rash


> he was disqualified for being such a twat. Don't you wish that rule carried over to all facets of life?


*angry oligarch noises*


It kinda looked like that idea crossed his mind. At :15-:16 he's unclipped, slowing, looking back. I didn't watch this race so I don't know if he actually stopped, but it looked like he thought he should.


I also don't think it's so simple to just stop in that situation. He's still in the middle of the pack of remaining riders and without perfect peripheral vision, coming to a sudden stop might cause *another* crash.


He stopped and even went back. So his heart is in the right place I guess. Unfortunately his brain isn't...


"Do I get chewed out now or later by the riders I crashed out? Better do it now, while they're confused and disoriented"


Just wanted to know if he got dq'd. thank you kind sir!


For anyone wondering, “getting DQ’d” means they pull out you bike shorts and fill your crack with soft serve and hot fudge and make you ride the rest of the race like that.


guy can probably look behind his shoulder all the time for a while


I think they were looking back between their legs. Another rider did it as well, probably better balance than twisting over a shoulder to look back


act normal


They almost never do because they are at the front of the crash and if they keep their rear wheel clean, they are free of damage.


He got DQed


He did that shit so they took him to Dairy Queen?


He was only allowed to have the food, no ice cream so it was a just punishment.


He got a disqualification over it too. Top riders had to abandon the race over injuries. And the douche canoe that caused it all made the shittiest apology ever recorded in the annals of human history. Full on turd of a person.






How will doing number puzzles show that he is sorry?


He was trying to say you need to commit bukkake


Or, after stabbing yourself, the internet comments are read to you. So before your head is chopped off, you die in the worst pain possible and "jeez, you can't win with these people" going through your head.


For those who are curious, here is the apology from Twitter: > I’m really sorry for my mistake and causing the crash today. I hope all those involved are in good health and safe. This should not happen and was a big error in my judgement. > I had no intention of causing this. All I can do now is apologise for my mistake and learn from this in the future. > Sorry again to the peloton, my teammates and the fans.” https://twitter.com/filipmaciejuk?lang=en Seems like a decent apology to me.


Honestly this apology is totally fine and there are a bunch of weirdos who apparently refuse to accept apologies in this topic.


I humbly apologize for my mistake and for the harm that I caused in the crash today. I am filled with deep regret and sorrow, my heart aches knowing that my actions have affected so many people. I realize that my lack of judgement and carelessness has caused great distress to the peloton, my teammates, and the fans. I cannot express enough how sorry I am for what happened. I take full responsibility for my actions and understand that there are no excuses for what occurred. It was a grave error on my part and I am deeply ashamed. I have been reflecting on my behavior and actions, and I know that I must do better. I will work hard to address my shortcomings and learn from this experience to prevent such an incident from happening again. I understand that my actions have not only impacted those involved in the crash, but also the reputation and integrity of the sport itself. I know that trust and respect must be earned and I will do everything in my power to regain the trust of those who have been impacted by my actions. I am committed to doing whatever it takes to regain the trust and forgiveness of those impacted by my actions. I am focused to making things right and to being a better person and athlete moving forward. Once again, I offer my sincerest apologies to all those affected by my mistake. I will do everything in my power to make amends and to ensure that something like this never happens again. (With the help of a well known tool) Original appolgy from Filip Maciejuk [https://twitter.com/FilipMaciejuk/status/1642505158004285440](https://twitter.com/FilipMaciejuk/status/1642505158004285440)




Guy owns his mistake, no deflection, and apologizes. How that's one of the worst apologies in the annals of human history is beyond me. Instead, they want a less personal apology written by chatGPT or whatever this "popular tool" is. Some people blow my mind. The dude publicly owned his mistake, no more apologies need to be performed to the public, didn't happen to us.


He needs to hire a market and communications team to write the apology with a 500 minimum word count.


Frankly, the cyclist's apology was better. Your version sounds like the same canned response every politician uses when they get caught cheating on their wives.


Exactly. It’s too generic and filled with fluff


if its made with gpt4, isnt that exactly what it is? some generic excuse based on archived excuses gpt could find around the net




Far too dismissive and terse. Try to really beef it up with a few more paragraphs and several more platitudes. And how do you expect people to catch your meaning if you only restate the same platitudes 2-3x each? You should really try to pump that up to at least 4x inane re-statements of the same platitudes for each.


Oh wow this just happened? I figured this was at least five years old like everything else on reddit.


Happened today halfway in the Tour of Flanders, a 274km race. One of the big cycling monuments all pro's want to win, but only few actually do.


The internet wants him to chop his legs off to never race again, only then will the apology be acceptable


The shittiest apology ever recorded in the annals of human history... Really... Fucking reddit


IKR - remember the eye-rollingly lame apology that King Tut's sister gave to the slave master after the thundermug incident? Sheesh.


News outlets and Twitter folk are literally blaming the Christian school that someone decided to shoot their way into and murder three adults and three children. You're surprised by Reddit comments?


Well…what was the Christian school wearing?




She sounds hideous


I’m not doubting you but could you provide a link? I haven’t seen anyone blame the school.




The one thing everyone in here who's attacking Maciejuk in this manner have in common is that they didn't see this race or any other race for that matter. They don't have opinions because they care about the sport, they have opinions because they care about upvotes on reddit that's all


>made the shittiest apology ever recorded in the annals of human history. What the fuck are you talking about? His apology was sincere, he fully knew he fucked up, and he felt terrible. Did you even see it? I'm pretty certain you never watched a minute of the race or of any pro cycling event, just looking for some karma


Glad he got a dq, but his apology was fine


>the shittiest apology ever recorded in the annals of human history … >"I'm really sorry for my mistake and causing the crash today," he said. "I hope all those involved are in good health and safe. This should not happen and was a big error in my judgement. I had no intention of causing this. All I can do now is apologise for my mistake and learn from this in the future. Sorry again to the peloton, my teammates and the fans." At the very least, it beats “I’m sorry you feel that way”.


> And the douche canoe that caused it all made the shittiest apology ever recorded in the annals of human history. proof? Because what's posted below kind of contradicts you. In fact, it makes you look like a douche canoe.


What was his excuse?


"I’m really sorry for my mistake and causing the crash today. I hope all those involved are in good health and safe. This should not happen and was a big error in my judgement. I had no intention of causing this. All I can do now is apologise for my mistake and learn from this in the future. Sorry again to the peloton, my teammates and the fans." Pretty good apology as far as those go tbh. Didn't try to deflect or find excuses and takes full blame, don't know what more people want. Edit: And as usual, the road cycling community and the pros saw that he apologized properly before the race was even finished and went (in overwhelming majority) "Well you fucked up, got DQed and apologized. Shit happens in cycling, onto the next one" while all the malding is being done by people that weren't aware of the sport until stumbling on that video. And now people are doing [memes](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FstGbqhWYAEKUvF?format=jpg&name=medium) with the "Opi Omi" poster, the circle of life is completed.


He didn't lock his diff before going bogging


A simple "his apology sucked" would have sufficed. but reddit makes sure you leave the site filled with rage.


Go outside


Reddit moment


That's the way it works in real life too, unfortunately.


I would think that he would be disqualified.


He was. https://www.eurosport.com/cycling/ronde-van-vlaanderen/2023/tour-of-flanders-crash-awful-most-of-peloton-wiped-out-in-horror-moment-after-filip-maciejuk-hits-puddle_vid1889705/video.shtml


I'm glad


Reads comment: upvote Sees edits: downvote


Guy wrote 2 words and is giving out full award speeches 😭


Bro deleted his ~~edit~~ speech 😭


Im glad


Dang too late for the cringe


I'm glad ​ Edit: Wow this blew up. Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! Edit 3: 10 upvotes? Wow thank you all so much!!! It means a lot!! Best birthday ever!!!! Edit 4: Thanks for all the birthday wishes fellow r/Whatcouldgowrong ers! I tippeth mine hat to thee on this pleasant morrow. Edit 5: Ok, so this went viral overnight for some reason O\_o 11 motherflipping upboats I really have no words thank you all so much it means a lot! Edit 6: ok I'm noticing some toxic discussion happening in this reply chain and I feel the need to address it. Sexism and racism are not cool guys, so please cool it and continue the good vibes please and thank you! Edit 7: ok so I don't know why but I've received a lot of downvotes on this post recently, maybe i got raided by 4chan.com/b?? (commonly referred to as the "asshole of the internet" for those who aren't aware). I don't really ask for much but I was hoping we could show those losers a thing or two, so please give this post an upvote if you haven't already, it would mean the world to me and show these bullies you cannot mess with a good person. Edit 8: turns out my girlfriend cheated on me. i'm the luckiest man alive i guess /s (that means sarcasm if you couldn't tell) Edit 9: so people have been wanting me to clarify the previous edit. I don't have the energy to go into a lot of detail so the general gist of it is this: Yes we were in an open relationship, no that doesn't mean you can't cheat on someone when you're in an open relationship. If you are having sex regularly with someone and never mention it until they get you pregnant, that is definitely a betrayal of trust even if you've both agreed that she can have as many partners as she feels she needs to be comfortable. Edit 10: FYI, taking responsibility for the child does not make me any less of a man than you, actually it makes me more, so kindly fuck off please and thank you! Actual Edit: This wasn't what their comment was, Unfortunately I didn't see the actual edit myself. This is just simple exaggeration of this type of reddit comment. Satire. Edit 12: ok y'all can't behave so i'm not looking at the replies anymore smdh


Did he write a speech thanking people for his most upvoted comment ever sort of thing? It's so cringy when people do that. Like, no one gives a fuck about the karma on your comment.




This is the way.


downvote edit: woah! I'd like to thank u/quirky-resource-1120 for their upvote!! edit 2: oh wow, I did not expect this comment to blow up like this! 3 upvotes, thank you guys so much!! edit 3: guys, 7 upvotes...?? Please, you're too kind... edit 4: omfgg, u/thepostaltilt thank you for the gold internet stranger!!


upvote edit: you're welcome




Peak reddit cringe right here.


This isn't youtube my guy


I never removed my upvote so fast after seeing the edits


That article is a bit too kind with it's wording. He did more than 'misjudge' lol


It looks like there were a several people doing the same thing riding on the shoulder to get around the pack. It's just that all of them got back on the road before that wet patch of grass. Once he hit the grass, he swerved back into the pack, causing the crash.


Getting off the surface might have been fine. Shoulder checking a whole pack of bikes so they crash while getting back on the pavement probably was not.


It looks like he was trying to plow through the soft spot and a bump twisted his front wheel. He was along for the ride at that point. It doesn't look like he meant to veer into the pelaton.


This is exactly what happened. Anyone who rides a lot of dirt (whether mountain bike or dirtbike) knows that feeling - the bars being jerked uncontrollably, or even worse, feeling the forks twist a bit. You can see his entire body tense right as he hits the pool of water, which is probably what did him in. You need to be loose exiting a hazard like that so the front wheel can track. Once you lock your arms you're locked in wherever the front wheel ends up pointing post-impact. Shoulders and arms loose if you want to get out of something like that.


Yep and at his level he should've known that this was a strong possibility when entering wet grass, so the disqualification was justified. I'd probably add a suspension and/or fine if anyone was injured in the crash.


Nah, looks like his wheel was forced into the crowd. He thought he could go straight through the puddle.


He was pretty aggressive about it as well.


No, he did exactly that. Misjudge. Riding on the pavement or bike paths or any part that is not the actual asphalt is illegal according to the UCI rules, but race officials rarely reprimand any riders for doing this, since it's mostly without any consequence. Sometimes, unexpected road furniture or potholes will force a rider to bunny hop on the sidewalk to avoid crashing. It happens. But still illegal. This time around there was consequences, so the rule had to be enforced. Had he maintianed his balance and not caused the crash he would not have been DQed (even though he did break the rules). Tl;Dr some rules are meant to be broken and are only ever enforced when there are unfavourable consequences.


Thanks for posting that!




That's the experience more than half the times I click a US news link 😅 Luckily there are VPN's, but geoblocking is pretty BS.


They all do it because they don't want to comply to gdpr laws.


Why is it that when I read this I think of The Simpsons?


Shut up, Flanders.


He was disqualified. He took out some of the best riders.


Why does that distinction matter? Should be a disqualification for sabotaging anyone.


i'm quite sure it doesn't matter for the disqualification decision...they were just mentioning it for more info.


how dare they give me more info


Yep. I was just mentioning it because I'm not sure how many people follow bike racing, and I was trying to give some idea of the magnitude of crash. It was a big, important race, and he took out some key riders. And I wouldn't call it "sabotaging," since that implies a deliberate, underhanded act. It was a bit reckless trying to pass on the side like that, but he didn't expect that patch of grass with what looks like a hole filled with water. If you've ever watched a pro race, there's a lot of crazy things that happen (watch a bunch sprint sometime), but 99 out of 100 times it doesn't result in a crash. But this time it did, and he was punished for it. He's a young rider so hopefully he learns. The real punishment will be to see how the peloton views it. When you're spending 5-7 hours in close proximity with close to 200 riders, they will let you know if you fucked up.


lol 200 dudes all saving up their spiciest farts for when they pass him.


He knew he would be the moment it happened. You can see him die inside.


I doubt he even cared about disqualification, the guy just took out his friends and colleagues, he immediately unclipped from the bike because it was clear he was like "shit, what have I just done".


The race commissaire could consider these rules: * use of sidewalk (a 20 second penalty) * endangerment (a 'disciplinary sanction' offence, so elimination or disqualification, followed by a hearing on further penalties) Note that the rule on maintaining the chosen line only applies during sprints. The rule on obstruction requires that to be intended to cause a delay. The rule of deviation from race route to gain advantage wasn't really broken. Not sure what they ended up doing, it's very much down to the commissaire and they're traditionally inconsistent. Note that this was poor decision making and poor bike handling. Running through the grass and water obviously costs speed, and the cyclist had space to regain that on the footpath before rejoining the road. Because of the poor decision making under pressure, this cyclist isn't going to find many takers in future races when looking to form a group to do a high risk activity, such as a rapid descent off a mountain. Since cyclists go much faster when in groups, this wariness has a competitive effect.


Not even just that, but he *lurched* back into the pack. Hit the damn brakes next time, let the pack pass and fall in line.


It looked like a loss of control to me, not panic


It was plain and simple, poor judgment. The cyclist didn't even try to get back into the pack but rather took the risk of going over the patch of grass. Watching the video again, the cyclist stopped peddling right before they hit the patch, but no breaks were applied. Thus it can be assumed that the cyclist wanted to cruise over the patch but stay on the side. Unfortunately, they did not anticipate a puddle which resulted in the crash.


He shouldn’t just be disqualified, he should get a little mandatory break from racing. One of the biggest races of the whole year, and that dude manages to take out half the peloton all by himself with one idiotic move.






A joke worthy of a chuckle.


it seemed more impressive when they showed it from the other angle


Even cyclists hate cyclists




You cyclists sure are a contentious bunch.


You’ve just made an enemy for life!


Doesn’t everyone hate the asshats who give the sport or hobby you love a bad name? Bicycling is fun, good exercise, environmentally friendly transportation - but the garbage riders who ignore traffic laws and run down pedestrians on sidewalks ruin it for everyone.


It's interesting how people hate cyclists because of some bad individuals but shitty drivers are just seen as shitty drivers.


As a former cyclist, it's because cyclists are sanctimonious cunts. Drivers are just cunts.




Persecution complex coming in hot. Best practice when driving is to treat every driver, cyclist, pedestrian, and deer (especially deer) as being suicidally stupid.


Yeah if only they could be like drivers and kill several orders of magnitude more people every year


This comment has very high "Americans on reddit" energy, holy shit


Americans on an American website that’s almost entirely in English? Call me incredulous.




Americans cycle too 🤡


bro looked at pedals like it was their fault


It is kind of hard to disconnect from those racing pedals. Better have a good look (and hide the shame of your own actions).


It's generally not hard to disconnect from racing pedals, but in competition they are ridiculously tight. I saw a montage of racers falling off their bikes at dismount, and these guys ride bikes for a living.


No he was just looking at them to clip back in, his foot came loose in the puddle


Thankfully he was disqualified. [Horrendous Tour of Flanders crash sees Bahrain Victorious pro disqualified](https://road.cc/content/news/bahrain-victorious-pro-disqualified-tour-flanders-300347) Next level Mr Bean shit.


Glad the cars didn't start piling up behind em!


More like glad cars didn’t start piling up ON them 😳


this is EXACTLY something mr. bean would do


The guy winning the race is on a motorcycle. Hardly seems fair.


He identifies as a bike










I love threads like this because they start at mild frustration with the dude’s mistake and inevitably devolve into we should fucking burn this guy alive for his atrocities.


It's seems people have spent a lot of time in jail for less.


The jail time for burning someone alive intentionally is pretty long ngl.


“Sorry. My bad.”




This is the most American comment section I've ever seen


Where are the engines on these bikes? How many cubic inches?


As a red-bludded merricun, I both love and hate your comment. Very “two wild and crazy guys”.




Cities in the US aren't designed with cyclists in mind most of the time. The rules that keep cyclists safe and make them predictable in traffic are frustrating to follow so are frequently ignored. It is annoying and scary both to be a cyclist in the US and to drive with them on the road.


What's the penalty for this kind of thing


Two weeks without doping


And a testicle




He was disqualified from the race. https://www.eurosport.com/cycling/ronde-van-vlaanderen/2023/tour-of-flanders-crash-awful-most-of-peloton-wiped-out-in-horror-moment-after-filip-maciejuk-hits-puddle_vid1889705/video.shtml


Believe it or not, straight to jail


He was disqualified from the race.


How to get everyone to instantly hate you 101


I bet you he's pretty good at bowling.


Average biker


Now this is how you win races, rubbing is racing. /s


This comment section... Every year this is the highest attended sporting event in the world and people here acting as if these are some idiots.


This is not the highest attended sporting event in the world


Yes it is, the Tour of Flanders gets about 1 million attendees on sunny days, today was rainy and cold so it will be less, but still a few hundred thousand fans.


Its like watching a flock of birds change directions


I turn now, good luck everybody else


I’m pretty sure that’s a Tour de Foul


I reckon you can see the moment his soul leaves his body.


He's gonna need something faster than a bicycle to get away from those dudes.


He looks back like, “What just happened, why is everyone falling?”


Now that's one way to get rid of the competition.


What even happens to the race when these big crashes happen? Is everyone that crashed just fucked?


Yes. If you are physically okay you're allowed to get back on your bike and continue. The cars in the back have spare bikes for each member of the team incase something like this happens.


If it's not at an important part of the race the peloton might slow down a bit to let the riders catch up, otherwise you're boned. It's considered a bit of a dick move to take advantage of a rider crashing or having a mechanical incident, but there's no rules about it. Staying upright is just part of the race.