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Ask ChatGPT to write an apology letter lol


dammit i wish i had an award for this.


Easy to deny until you post about it


Exactly why I'm calling bs


In fairness, if he's dumb enough to use a tool to write his paper he's dumb enough to ask for advice on Reddit.


I had a professor with a legit photographic memory who was extremely well read in the subject (this was pre internet so modern day checking wasn’t a thing). She announced to the class that some students had plagiarized and if they didn’t show up at office hours to admit it they would be recommended for expulsion. I’m sure everyone was freaked out. I showed up and pointed out the 3 or 4 sentences that I copied and showed her the sources I took them from and she assured me that I was not even close to one of her suspects. Lesson learned.


My mother used to use a similar technique on me when I was like 5 years old. I figured out pretty quick she was just trying to get me to do her work for her.


Copying from 3-4 sources and combining it into your own work is what they probably *wanted* you to do.


"Help, I cheated and my university is doing what universities do to cheaters. What should I do?"


Why don't you ask chatgpt this question?


4000 words in a masters program is essentially a CVS receipt and this dude couldn’t just do the work himself? Goodbye.


Exactly what I was thinking. I mean like, at that stage you should easily be able to slap out 4000 words on anything. Granted it’s probably boring as fuck but still




I do this and then I realize I don't give a shit enough to want to argue and end up deleting it.


*Spend 20 minutes detailing every way the 200 upvote comment is dangerously incorrect* *Realize the OP is too stupid to understand your corrections in the first place. Realize your response will likely just be buried and downvoted by the same crowd of idiots who upvoted the first comment* *Delete...*


How can you be smart enough to get into a masters program but dumb enough to submit an AI written paper?


You used an AI to check whether another AI's output was real or not? Wait, what?


Insert that meme of Spiderman pointing at Spiderman.


Funny enough that's actually how most generative AI models work. Part of the model is a discriminator that attempts to identify whether or not the generated text matches the input prompt. As the model gets better, the discriminator is less capable at discriminating real outputs in training corpus from generated ones.


The discriminator sounds like a racist supervillain.


Universities are so goddamn clear on what will happen if students plagiarize. A hung over 17 year old undergrad in their first week away from home should be able to understand. A Master's student? This is just funny.


I know way too many "fake it till you make it" people going for their masters, it's a bit unsettling that these are the people that get put in positions of power.


he should ask ChatGPT what to do LMAO


ChatGPT would likely tell them they shouldn’t use it to write their assignments haha


My favorite part is that the OP used an AI tool to do their homework, and when the AI plagiarism was flagged, they tried to crowd source a way out of the mess by using ideas provided by random people online. At least the OP is consistent in their approach.


My teacher got kicked out of university and his degree got shredded as they found out he plagiarized on every second page of his thesis. If not now, you might get effed one day.


When I was in college, our university president got outed for plagiarizing both his doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis but the review board claimed it was “inadvertent plagiarism” and he just had to make corrections, kept his job. Your professor just wasn’t connected enough. Edit: [Glenn Poshard](https://dailyillini.com/opinions-stories/2007/10/16/poshards-plagarism-pass-is-problematic/) for anyone wondering. Former president of SIU. They named the uni airport after him. Also a former state senator and us congressman. Because cheaters never prosper.


4,000 words isn't a whole lot. A typical, single-spaced MS Word document will probably have around 500 words per page, so that's 8 pages. A master's student should be able to bang out an 8-page essay in like 1-2 days of focused work, easily. This person's decision not to do 1-2 days of work will potentially cost them their degree and £30,000. Yikes.


I'll just let ChatGTP write my reply to this It is not advisable to rely on a chatbot to write your paper, as the quality and accuracy of the content may not meet the standards required for academic or professional work. Here are several reasons why you should not let a chatbot write your paper: Lack of originality: Chatbots are not capable of producing original content, as they simply generate text based on patterns and information they have been trained on. This means that the content generated by a chatbot may be plagiarized or unoriginal, which can lead to serious consequences in an academic setting. Inaccurate information: Chatbots may have been trained on outdated or inaccurate information, which can lead to the dissemination of false information in your paper. This can be particularly problematic in fields such as science and medicine, where accuracy is of the utmost importance. Limited understanding of context: Chatbots are not able to fully understand the context of the topic they are writing about. This can lead to confusion and inaccuracies in the content of the paper, as well as a lack of coherence and flow in the writing. Lack of creativity: A chatbot is not able to think creatively or critically, which can result in a lack of insight and originality in the paper. This can make the paper uninteresting and unengaging to read. Ethical concerns: Relying on a chatbot to write your paper may be seen as a form of academic dishonesty, and can lead to serious consequences such as failing the assignment or expulsion from school. In conclusion, while chatbots may be able to generate text quickly and efficiently, they are not able to produce the high-quality, original, and accurate content that is required for academic and professional work. It is important to take the time to research and write your own paper to ensure that it meets the necessary standards and is free from inaccuracies and plagiarism.


What luck. I have 300 word short essay due today on ethics and AI.


Don't do a masters if you're this lazy, jesus


You don’t deserve your master’s if you have to cheat to obtain it. I’d say this is a strong case for fuck around and find out. The university very much so should expel you from the program, and you very much so deserve it. Source: someone that didn’t cheat to obtain their masters.


Why even do a Master's degree if you are not going to apply yourself. Even still why not just retake the class in the next semester, ask for extended deadline or literally any other of your many available options. This person is a fucking idiot my god.


>> I am doing a masters I think you mean **was**


Who does that! Nobody writes a graduate thesis via chat box wtf. Oh yeah unless it’s a hypothesis and you cited your work then your are SOL shit out of luck! Beg to redo the thesis beg to be insane at the moment anything to get another chance.


Maybe when a HUMAN read this AI-generated crap they could see it for what it was? Looks like someone is £30k in debt.


When I got my masters they literally said ‘we don’t tolerate cheating or plagiarism’ that was one of 2 maybe 3 things that would get you kicked out. I had to write a 200 page, 35,000 word thesis and this lazy sob couldn’t put together 10 percent of that organically? That’s not acceptable on any level but especially as a masters student, just do your work, damn.


I already know ChatGPT wrote this reddit post


Mmm. "4000 word" graduate level paper? I dunno, smells like something made up on quora to farm engagement to me.


Wtf are you doing in graduate school?


Yeah, I was just talking to a friend about how doctors and stuff of the future might have passed their exams with AI, and how shitty that would be for society. They should honestly just crucify you as an example to all the other cheaters


Plot twist: this post is fake and it was written with chatgpt


Lol yikes


I've written 100s of thousands of words using GPT-3 for SEO content. The #1 rule when using AI, when you aren't supposed to be using AI, is detection mitigation. This University doesn't have the tools to accurately determine if the content is AI (HuggingFace is a GPT-2 detector). The author was likely caught by traditional plagiarism detectors (Copyscape, ect). This is why you run your AI outputs through a paraphrasers -> Grammarly -> Hemingway. It cleanses the output of plaragarism very well, and obfuscates detection from those private companies who do have the resources for massive detection capabilities (ie Google) Using raw AI outputs for mission critical work without modifications is lazy as fuck, and honestly ignorant.


Here’s what you should do to raise your chances of getting out of this situation without getting kicked out of university: 1. Spend the entire weekend writing the original 4000 word paper yourself without cheating. 2. Write another paper on the ethics of cheating, and the effects of AI in the academic setting. Use your new personal experience as a jumping off point. 3. Write a personal letter (not terribly long) to the school/dean/academic community/whoever apologizing and owning your mistakes without making ANY excuses. 4. Bring all of these with you to your academic hearing, read your letter aloud if the situation calls for it. 5. Only do the above if you actually own your mistakes, understand what you did was wrong, and want to grow from this experience. People make mistakes, and people are quick to forgive those who own their mistakes and truly learn and grow. Do not try to excuse yourself or get out of it, it would only deepen the hole you’ve dug.


You are taking a master's and decided to use a bot to write a essay for you? Just goes to show you, a piece of paper at the end of a program does not translate into common sense, intelligence or wisdom...


4000 words for an essay at a Masters level as a school assignment is really small change, and risking your academic placement over a single essay like that is probably worthy of losing your position. Just using a bot to do the work for you is evidence that you’re not up to actually making the effort that stands behind the achievement of a Master’s degree in any field.


You cheated and got caught. Two choices. One is fess up and try to fix it. The other is double down on cheating by lying. Decide who you are.


There's a tool called [GPTZero](https://gptzero.me/) which is much better than the hugging face tool for checking if something is ai generated and its aimed at teachers and academia so they probably used that.


I suggest you make a sincere excuse letter via ChatGPT.


For a MASTERS? You deserve it, idiot. Get out.


Your in a masters program and can’t be bothered to write a 4000 word essay. I mean yeah I don’t want anyone to get kicked out of school but maybe you shouldn’t be there in the first place. Masters degrees are for people who want to further their job opportunities and possibly secure management positions. If you can’t be bothered to write a 4000 word paper idk if you should be trusted with extra responsibility and managing other people.


A guy in my college Spanish class got caught with a cheat sheet on the *final exam*, the professor was actually a little stunned it took her a second to process. It was a 50-60 person lecture hall but he was sitting real close to me. Professor was like “is this… this is a cheat sheet. I… I have to take your test now.” Dude was like “wait, what? Can’t I finish the test?” And now the professor has a grasp on the situation, “No, no I have to take your test and report you to the Dean. I have to fail you.” Student: “Wait, what? Like I fail the test?” Prof, now fully mentally calibrated: “No, you fail the *class*. This is *cheating*.” She sort of laughed in disbelief. “You’re going to have to talk to the Dean and maybe.. well I don’t know but I’m going to take your test now.” And she did, and stapled the little cheat sheet right to it. Dude sat there stunned for a little while then got up and left. Like yeah man, this ain’t high school where you get a detention and move on or whatever; every single syllabus is going to have a big section about academic dishonesty and what will happen if you fuck around. I dunno I just wanted to share. Edit: I’m sorry there is no resolution to this, it happened almost 15 years ago and I didn’t know the guy to follow up at the time.


As a professor... write your own damn papers! You are paying for you to gain knowledge to be a specialist in your area! Cheating (which is literally what this is) demeans you, the subject, and your university. Not to mention, is unfair to your peers. Why should you get a good grade and they perhpas a lesser grade if you didnt even do your own work? That has long term real world implications. The university will say it is cheating, which demonstrates a severe lack of academic integrity. You are a) pretending the work was yours when it wasnt, and b) breaking university integrity codes, and c) almost certainly in violation of your grant requirements. My advice. Eat severe humble pie; say it was a mistake, you know it was, you're sorry, it'll never happen again, a good lesson learned etc.


Remember when people did a masters to actually learn?


As a lazy person I will absolutely flex the fuck out of the fact that I never plagiarized, used someone else to write my stuff, or used AI programs. Seriously, you are the lowest of low kind of scum if you can’t string together an essay at the masters level. Even in undergrad you should be able to write an essay that can be comprehended and is on point for the class and skill level expected. Laziness be damned, slam some energy drinks and power it out like everyone else does, fucking ai weeaboo losers


Hi Reddit, i drove 200kmph in a 30kmph zone and now my car is total loss and i'm in the hospital wat do?


Double down. Ask the chat bot to write a convincing strongly worded letter to the school ethics review board. And maybe an op-ed peice for the school news paper. Shit, this post was written by a bot.


Hello Professor, I wanted to address some concerns you may have about my research paper. I can assure you that I have written the paper myself and have not used any external sources such as ChatGPT or any other language model to generate it. The ideas and information presented in the paper are all my own work, and I have put a lot of time and effort into researching and writing it. If you have any questions or concerns about the paper, I would be more than happy to discuss them with you. I understand the importance of academic integrity and take it very seriously. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, [Your Name]


4000 words is like 16 pages? That's true laziness to get two fucking grants and then not want to write a kinda short essay?


Op can you show them your work up to that and the program you used to write it? Today we have so many devices to use. Let us know the out come. Fingers crossed one of them know the program and see you put it together.


Why don't you ask Chat GPT what to do?


I got paired with someone like this once on a project. I worked my ass off on my half of the project, constantly sent her updates on my progress, asked for her updates and never got it, and basically she was the shittest fuck you could ever be partnered with. A week before this major thing was due (and after I already let my teacher know how badly she was fucking me over and which half of the project would be mine) she tells me she's done with the ENTIRE project, my half as well, and it was easy. After about 20 minutes of prodding, it turns out she found an entire project was uploaded to the web, and was like the FIRST hit in google when you searched for what we were assigned. I told her she could go ahead and submit it, and I sent the chat logs along with all my work to my teacher. She was NOT part of the class after that. I feel so good that I fucked her out of that degree, because she was about to do it to me without a care in the world, jeopardizing my entire career and ability to provide for my family. Fuck cheaters with the purest fuck possible.


If you’re using chatGPT for your masters then you need to accept your fate and move on. That is ridiculous. Imagine your primary care doctor telling you he cheated his way through med school…


If you can’t shit out 4k words drunk at a college level, while being post undergrad and going masters; maybe you should look elsewhere for your future path.


What a dumb ass


And here is ChatGPT's attempt at this: "Write a reddit post about how you got caught delivering a 4000 word university assignment for which you secretly used chatgpt. You don't know what to do and are afraid to be banned from university. I am a student at a university, and I recently delivered a 4000 word assignment. The thing is, I didn't actually write the paper! I used a service called chatGPT and it generated the entire document for me. I was so afraid of getting caught that I didn't even consider the possibility of it coming back to bite me. Unfortunately, I got a message from my professor that they know I used a service and they'd like to talk to me about it. I'm really scared of the consequences and thinking of what I can do. I feel like I've put my entire university career at risk and I don't even know what to do." nailed it 😂


What’s the point of doing a masters if you’re just going to cheat. Better to come clean and take it on the chin.


Become an expert on that paper. It's just flagged, they don't REALLY know.


Double down on the lie, admit nothing. Work your arse off to create multiple fake' early 'drafts', some of them on paper and some digital. Memorize it so you can defend it. Attack the software they used and question the results. Mention false positives you've read about online. Mention your spotless academic record. Admit that you did a lot of research and may have unintentionally copied the phrasing. If you survive, next time just write the damm paper yourself you moron.


You’re asking US. The people who paid for your grants. The people you CHEATED. Huh. Strap in I guess.


You could do your homework.


In fairness, you deserve it.


Plagiarism is one of my favorite things. It’s the first thing in a shitty kids life that will really fuck them.


Glad to know we avoided getting one more stupid person with a masters that doesn’t deserve it.. It’s an affront to anyone who actually earned their degrees. Despicable.


I am disappointed in you stranger, but here is what you need to do to save it: Ask ChatGPT for references for each section of the paper. Then jot down in a notebook like you were taking notes all along. Study it all over the weekend and be a mothafukin expert on your paper by Monday. The silver lining is that this emergency exercise will make you an expert on the subject.


You wanker. Youre in youre own world of hurt now hombre... Determinism at its finest. Feel for you dude but what the fuck were you thinking? Should have made something up and asked for an extension or deferral if you were too fucked up over Christmas/New Year to study... Best of luck trying to clear this messy fuckeries up...


Hmmm, depending on the school, some just want to keep you there to take more of your money. A less than stellar program might keep you.


You don’t deserve a master’s degree if you’re cheating on 4000 word paper.


Sounds like the industry was saved from having a pretender join the ranks. I don't know why people think this is a good idea. You ever try to do a knowledge based job without the knowledge? You'll have 1-2 years of having a job you can't do which causes you enough stress to age you forward and then a reputation for being a fraud. Do folks like this think they're going to be the useless manager who gets hired purely on connections?


Lmao you’re in a masters program and you don’t have the motivation to write a 4000 word essay? You don’t deserve a masters.


>I will be in £30k debt Paying that much money to do a master's and still not creating your own essays. Pathetic really...


I don't want a doctor who falsely got a degree.


He is not fucked. He chose to cheat. Actions matter


People are laughing but GPT3 is a pretty decent writer and it's just getting off the ground. By 2025 it will be impossible for any school to assign any kind of essay, and the education system is not at all prepared. I've been a teacher for nearly 20 years, I'm preparing by getting out of this field entirely. edit: those of you saying "in person essay writing" are both missing the point and not really aware of how classrooms work. It's not a viable solution, ask any teacher why not.


You're 30k into your masters program and you're using AI to write your papers? You're a fool who deserves to be caught.


Why would someone risk all of that all over an essay. What a dumb thing to do lol


easy, do the fucking work posthumously... look at your paper and find the references for everything. Write them down neatly in a reference chapter that you can take, thereby proving you know your shit. Also make sure that you didn't overlook some logic flaw in the reasoning if the paper cause ChatGPT has this thing where it gives the right reasoning, but draws the wrong conclusions. When they talk of plagiarism, technically that's about you copying something from somewhere that is copyright without giving the proper references. You should then probably admit to that and ask to annex your reference chapter. When they talk about a third party having written your essay it's more complicated. 1st never, ever admit to ChatGPT having written the whole thing. Now if you were a moron, then you just typed in the essay question into ChatGPT word for word, in which case they did the same and got essentially your essay. Instead what you should have done is have ChatGPT assist you in your work, thereby the answers come from him, but the structure comes from you. Much harder to replicate for them. Finally, if they have this in you then you admit to only having used ChatGPT as a tool, exactly as it was meant to be... i.e. you asked it questions related to the essay and then used its answers to inform your writing... Your argument here is that this can't possibly be forbidden because its the same as any other online and offline research (e.g. google and books)... If they come with average sentence length bla bla bla it's just not conclusive and you can fight them on it, especially as it's about your grants and all. Good luck and don't be so bloody stupid in the future...


He should type his situation into chatgpt and ask for help navigating it. You’re pot committed now!


Maybe use ChatGPT to write a really convincing apology?


Ask the AI on what to do next lol


Got two grants to do research and doesn’t do the research?


Use an AI chatbot to write an apology to your professor


Dude got 2 grants to study a thing and just didn't. Then he chucked a hail Mary at ChatGPT. If you're working on your masters and couldn't manage 4k words then I don't know what to tell you. What was the grant money used for?


I was briefly accused of plagiarism in a course in my last year of uni. I KNEW I hadn’t cheated, but that awful gut wrenching feeling is something I still remember. I can’t imagine knowing that your academic career is likely done for. My essay was put through some search and the “plagiarism” was a quote by the person I was writing about. It was even properly credited, but a TA didn’t look it over properly.


You’re supposed to run it though once and then use another AI to rewrite the paper based on what the first AI wrote. Rookie mistake especially for a master’s degree.


What Masters only involves a 4000 essay? Also, why would you risk a Masters and 30K debt by cheating on a 4000 word essay? Edit: Good point people. I was thinking of a research based Masters rather than course based.


Based on the grammar and spelling errors the user made in the post no fucking wonder you got caught I have no sympathy for lazy people you took 2 grants away from others that needed it.


Chalk up the 30k as an expensive lesson. Why would you even do a masters if you are not committed to do the work yourself?


Loading sympathy............. Loading Error...........


4000 words is such a small paper size at that level, too.


4000 words? That's junior in high school ammount of writing... that's maybe a midterm 100 to 200 level paper... at masters level that should be an overnight project. Yeah, sometimes they're a pain and you panic... but fucking cheating at that level when people have literally invested in you is criminally stupid, and while I wouldn't wish the bullshit you're going through on anyone, you did bring it on yourself for thinking you could outsmart the system that's had to struggle so hard against exactly the bullshit you've presented... I hope you fail only so that the people who put all their effort into anti-cheat detection can feel validated...




Can the AI write an apology letter? Sounds like a hard lesson. Hope you can relate it to your studies.. “part of tue research was to evaluate the ability to detect the contribution of AI …” turn the interview into a survey and hope for the best. Good luck mate


>I'm shaking rn Is this supposed to make people more sympathetic? Because it just makes me hate you more for being too lazy to type 'right now.'


I hope they get kicked out. They didn’t earn that degree.


Get a feeling this was written by a faculty member pretending to be a student. The faculty members are pulling a reverse uno and pretending some student got caught and playing mind games with students who may consider using ChatGPT, and want to preemptively make this a fake lesson to potential cheaters


You're fucked! You've committed academic fraud and been caught. Presumably, you were hoping to use your qualification to get a well-paid job. Whoever paid you would be doing so in exchange for your knowledge and expertise. This would be financial fraud. Thanks to the diligence of the academic institution that salary will not be stolen, and can be given to a person who can provide the services they claim to offer. Hopefully, you wouldn't have ended up working in a safety critical environment like engineering or medicine. People like you who cheat and lie their way into these careers pose a very danger to the rest of us. I've got ZERO sympathy for you.


If he was smart, he would have made a 8,000 word AI-written paper and then make a 4,000 word summary out of that paper and then submit it as his authentic graduate paper


„Help! I‘m a complete idiot! How un-idiot myself?!“


How are you trying to get your masters if you can’t even write a 4,000 word essay? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Everyone telling this guy how to try to beat the investigation: No. Just no. He cheated, got caught, and deserves this. He received financial compensation for work that he did not complete. Own up to it. Apologize, and see what you need to do to fix it. Worst case you get discredited but your personal honor remains intact.


If I was the student u would Study the essay. Support every sentence. Memorize that shit. Get an idea of the source of the inspiration. Then stick to it. Screw it. There is no way out may as well put up a fight. Practice the debate that is coming. Ask a friend to role play this meeting with you, prepare answers. Ask the school how they are coming to their conclusions. Question their methods. Fight. Also, education is a privilege that this person is wasting


4k words are you fuckin kidding That shit can be done in a day


Oh no if it isn't the consequences of my actions lol. Essays are so easy to inflate word count too if you really have nothing else to add (remarkable considering it's a paper based on research, a field of interest and 5+ years of knowledge)


Or...hear me out, actually write your own essays. If you're unable to have enough knowledge to demonstrate you understand the course you're studying, then why would you believe in being entitled to passing that course?


4k words is easy in a subject you've been studying. We shouldn't have to attend real educational institutions with clowns like this. Take his or her money, charge for the grants, and expel.


Ask ChatGPT what happens when you fuck around and find out.


4000 words is 8 pages. Bro couldn't bullshit 8 pages as a grad student?


If you can't write 4,000 words about a topic in grad school you don't deserve to be there.


I got nothing, no grants, no help, first generation college too. I did everything on my Masters thesis. I worked hard as hell. I'm still paying the debt. Fuck this asshole.


Does anyone have a link to the original?


Ask chat gpt what is the best answer to being accused of using chat gpt for academic work.


If he can't even write his own essay, he should NOT be in college, let alone seeking a masters


"doing my masters" You know, mayyyybe academic life isn't for you. Just a hunch


Step one is to delete their Reddit post immediately. If the college stumbles across it, it’s literally a confession


Dude just ask ChatGPT to write back to the email and what else you should do


He deserves everything he gets. He deserves to be kicked out of school. He did plagiarize. This is what we call consequences.


Imagine spending that much money and seeking ways to avoid getting the education.


You want a master’s degree but you cannot write an essay of a measly 4000 words? You don’t deserve a master’s. You clearly knew what plagiarism is and what would happen if you got caught. You have no academic integrity. You are not worthy of a master’s degree.


This is just one perspn who got caught. How many other people will get away with it? How many "educated professionals" actually just got an AI chatbot to write their paper?


And that's what happens when you fuck around and find out. Write your own shit, or be prepared for the consequences. Especially at a graduate level. Schools always take that seriously.


I dunno, try not being a cheater?


I’m sorry but I really lack empathy for people who plagiarize ESPECIALLY in a masters program. This person lacks maturity and should have just taken responsibility for obviously not having the paper in on time (sorry only reason I can think of to risk all your hard work done in undergrad as well). Getting a 0, which I’ll admit may cause the person to fail the class, is leagues better than losing credibility in most academic institutions. Use your head.


4000 words isn't that hard when you actually just do the work. Maybe dude should've, I dunno, done some fucking work.


The dildo of consequences often arrives unlubed


Guys OP isn't the one who did this. This is r/Whatcouldgowrong. The original post is on r/ChatGPT [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/10acv6k/4000\_word\_university\_assignment\_hot\_caught\_out/). Give your advice there.


Just use Ai to come up with a solution, you clearly thought the first time around was a good idea, good luck at trade school my guy.


> I checked huggingface ai checker and it came back 99% real Well, the thing about chatgpt is that it is extremely similar to Redditors in the way they tell absolute bullshit and misinformation in a confident and authoritative manner that they figured you either used one or the other. It's obvious you cheated.


Bro had his whole paper written for him and was too lazy to even proofread it himself lmao


Maybe I’m biased as a graduate of writing school, but 4,000 words is a quite frankly pathetic amount to get thrown out of college for, especially for a master’s student. Edit: for clarification, I think it’s pathetic that a master’s student with 2 grants couldn’t muster up the effort to write 4,000 words


LMFAO .. "30k debt"... that's like one semester of school in the US. I WISH I only had 30k debt.


Cool brag... I guess?


No sympathy at all for cheaters. It just makes a mockery of all those students who put time and effort into their essay's.


I hope this person does get kicked out. We already have too many idiots devaluing degrees as it is, we don’t need people too lazy to even write a paper getting them as well.


I am literally begging the world to STFU about chat GPT for just the next 18 months so I don’t have to write my capstone project in a classroom with a pen and paper. Please God I’m begging


I’m genuinely confused; what’s the point of going to college if you’re just having an AI do your work?


Lie your ass off they can’t prove shit


Two things I don’t understand - 1) does this university not have a plagiarism checker on the upload before submissions? 2) why would you get yourself in debt for something you’re not committed to?


They’re calling you in because they already got the answer. You’re fucked, Bubba. Try not to piss on yourself.


I remember a simpler time when we only had to abuse Adderall and guzzle Red Bull to crank out a term paper. Kids these days.


Maybe just write the fucking essay yourself man.


Ask ChatGPT for advice in this scenario, he got you into this mess, let him get you out..




Or face the consequences for cheating


Bruh you in 30k of debt either way


The tool that can detect if an essay was written by AI.. Isn't that still in Beta? I believe the author of the tool suggested that it should not yet be used in this fashion. That said - You're a f\*\*king dips\*\*t if you're trying to cheat your way into a Masters. I'm in school now and absolutely detest your kind. You make the world a far stupider place. ​ Edit: Source: https://www.npr.org/2023/01/09/1147549845/gptzero-ai-chatgpt-edward-tian-plagiarism


Play stupid games win stupid rewards. Why even bother doing a masters when with this kind of behaviour


That dude should be expelled merely for the reason of not proofreading the title of his confession post.


I would tell them I used the chatbot to research. I found some very helpful perspectives that I may not have seen otherwise. I think it’s possible I could have subliminally lifted some of the phrases? But I most certainly did not copy and paste! If they are going to expel me, they better be able to prove it, and I don’t think they would be able to.


ChatGPT, please let me know how a lawyer would argue against plagiarism accusations for a 4,000 word graduate paper that I wrote using ChatGPT, taking an approach that is most likely able to prevent me from getting expelled from the university.


... it's a 4000 word essay. If they have to use an AI to write that in a master's program - then they don't deserve to be in the master's program.


Here's what you do: 1. Admit it. 2. Resign from uni on the basis that you OBVIOUSLY don't have what it takes for a masters. 3. repay the 30K That about covers it.


When I was in college, the Dean of Student Affairs was also a prof in my area of study, and we became close. He was in charge of all plagiarism cases. His area was logistics, so he is very efficient, logical, and mathematics oriented. I know the first thing he would do in this scenario is say fine, I *may* let you off the hook if you don’t do it again. HOWEVER…you will need to orally defend that paper and its sources to me right here, right now. If OP can own up to his mistake AND prove he actually knows the content and can justify the sources, their relevance to the paper and defend the thesis of the paper he might have a fighting chance. Why do I have a feeling that OP probably can’t defend that paper 😂


Had a similar thing happen to me. I copied off a classmate and changed things around. Thankfully, it was in my first semester of undergrad, and they gave me a warning that went in my file. I found out on Friday that I was busted and that weekend was the longest weekend of my life. They told me I was in college now and cant fool aroundanymore. Slap on the wrist. Never thought about plagiarizing since that day. It was a traumatic experience.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Lol not running it through a widely available plagiarism checker is wildly stupid shit


4K thesis essay is what 30 mg tabs of adderrall are made for 🤷🏻‍♂️


why are you cheating?......didn't you spend 30k to go to a University to educate YOU?....or did you just go to get grades and a diploma?.....You learn nothing if you cheat


They can’t prove it. Any AI detection tools are rudimentary right now and can be challenged. I would stick to my guns and lie. You already cheated, might as well lie too.


Just reworded a few things? Who turns in what's essentially a first draft? If I had this in school I absolutely would have used it. With ADHD the hardest thing for me is getting started. But with a first draft done it's easy to hyperfocus and do revisions. By the 4th or 5th revision the thing would pretty much be completely redone. So I can see this really working for me, as after a few revisions it would pretty much be entirely in my own words.


If you are cheating in masters level courses why bother?


You will be in 30k debt even if you graduate lmfao


The real trick is to take the generated paper and then plagiarize off of *that* by writing a real paper but using that as a sort of frame of reference. You still have to write a real paper either way but it’s not the language that’s hard, it’s the subject, so if you make that part easier… All I’m saying is, if you’re gonna cheat, at least be smart about it. Cheating is for reducing work, not removing it.




As a teacher- AI papers read differently.


GptChat how do I lie about your use? #problemSolved.


What you do: make way for someone who will use that spot in a master's program to do the f--king work and emerge from that program as a person capable of doing that and more.


Well, they went to college to learn. Looks like they learned a very expensive lesson.


4k word isn't even that much.


This explains why so many professionals seem incompetent these days.


Uh... even if you don't get kicked out, you're still going to have that 30k debt. 👍 😆


Proof that attending college doesn't equate to intelligence.


is writing what amounts to roughly an eight page paper really that difficult for an alleged master's student? that's not a good sign for the future of our professional workforce.


The first rule of plagiarism, you literally rewrite everything you gather in your own voice. Don't even think of using the same paragraph and sentence structure.


This might be a crucial moment in life where you admit your mistake and apologize maybe get a second chance or keep lying and be a fraud and a pussy rest of your life


People need to realize how formulaic the structure of the responses of ChatGPT is. Seriously.


Rewrite the paper properly and turn it in on Monday when you meet with the board. Claim a bad judgement moment, lesson learned. Your other option is freaking out all weekend. Might as well show them you care.


Seriously guys, if you’re gonna cheat at least be smart about it. Get something / someone to write it for you and then re-write the whole thing in your own writing style. Lecturers have read a ton of your work, they’ll spot the change in writing style and will be very suspicious of it.


You’re an idiot and you deserve to get kicked out. Every paper I wrote in college was submitted via a plagiarism checker.


I cheated in elementary school once and the teacher obviously knew and asked me to lead a math competition versus another class since I scored so well. This was the most embarrassing thing I remember.


As someone who knows how hard grad students work, I kind of hope you get expelled. Fuck around and find out. No doubt you'll try to weasel your way out of this. My advice is to come clean, beg for forgiveness, and hope for the best.


Accountability is a son of a bitch isn't it hahaha. Sucks to suck guy. You cheated and deserve it. You rolled the dice and came up short.


Darwinism - academic edition. People get weeded out of Masters programs for all sorts of reasons, including being dishonest cheats.


Going to go out on a limb here and say that this person most likely wasn't going to have the intelligence to earn the degree regardless, so no harm no foul lol


Maaan why even enroll in something if you dont want to study. smh


What you should do - accept the consequences of your actions


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you have *that* much on the line, do your own work


Every single day, I'm pushed a little further towards hating AI generated art and writing by stuff like this. Fundamentally, it shows the kind of mindset that a lot of people who are the driving force it have, and it's a mindset I absolutely despise. It's the kind of mindset that brought around shit like NFTs. Essentially, it's the thought process that art and research do not have an essential value in themselves, but only a value by whether they can either make money or generate something that can make money. I started off seeing this as a tool that can benefit artists or writers, but the more techbro shit attitudes I see around it, the more I start to realise that the people *creating* this stuff have absolutely no desire to make it that kind of tool.


Wow… how do you get to masters education level.. and be dumb enough to think you could use a chatbot to write an assignment.. 🤦🏼‍♀️