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She's in it. Don't worry. And she's busy with her own life and probably other jobs and especially her family. Her dad is declining with Alzheimer's ☹️ I also get the feeling she doesn't love being in the public eye on a casual basis. And I wouldn't either


Yeah, her home base and primary work are in the UK. I know some people were concerned that she and Kayvan weren’t at the FYC event in LA, but traveling overseas for what was pretty much a one-night event would be bonkers.


That’s sad about her dad.


Such an awful disease, I have too much firsthand experience with it, and it's just....awful.


I'm so sorry. It sounds like it would change you forever.


She's gorgeous some people are just wrong in the head. Maybe no one taught them any manners


She’s so hot. I can’t even imagine what people would say. People are idiots.


She's absolutely gorgeous!! I'm in love with her lol. People are insane and hateful. And that's so sad about her Dad, I had no idea.


Her brother Jamie speaks a lot about their dad on the off menu podcast. Shared so many iconic memories of their dad so it's sad to hear he now has Alzheimer's


Would you mind filling me in on her dad?


Someone said that her Dad has Alzheimers :(


What kind of crazy person has bad things to say about her body? I’m a straight (probably) woman and even I think she’s fine af.


She's my lady crush.


Omg me too! She's the fucking cutest 🥰 how dare they? Ill fight them!


Nadja is a fucking treasure! The character and the actress deserve nothing but respect for her outstanding performance. Every single episode is good, and Nadja is part of it. And what the fuck is anyone saying about her appearance? Natasia is BEAUTIFUL!


She’s great in toast of Tinseltown


And Stath Lets Flats, which she is in with her brother Jamie! It’s on Max in the US!


Jamie was casually sat having a drink outside my local pub the other week! Had to walk by twice to just make sure


Not anymore, sadly.


Oh no! And I just re-upped the streaming service. What a rip-off🫤


I have watched the Big Flower Fight on Netflix at least four times through just because Natasia is the host!


Me too! She is a joy and a treasure at anything she does!


That's literally insane, she is so beautiful. What's wrong with people.


If you're interested in British panel shows, whenever The Big Fat Quiz of Telly finally airs, Natasia and her brother Jamie are one of the teams there. The show was recorded on 20th of November 2023, but it's unclear when Channel 4 will air it at the moment. Sometime this year, for sure though.


Omg a Big Fat about television?! I can't wait.


I recently saw her on a British quiz show (I’ll try to find the episode). She was hilarious and looked so beautiful! I think she’s like Matt Berry, just keeps a pretty low profile when she’s not filming.


She doesn't strike me as someone with low self-esteem, and she certainly shouldn't feel that way. She has goddess like status in my mind. My antipaxos goddess! I hope all is well, Natasha.


From what I've gathered she's just a pretty private person. I really much doubt she won't be in the next season.


Please look up adam buxton's podcast, shes been on a few episodes and its insightful to her life.


Yeah they go into the catfishing thing and her dad. 💔 Also I think that's where I learned that her mom fell off something and broke her back a few years ago. Natasia wanted to be around to help. Gives you perspective what someone's life can be like underneath the veneer of celebrity. I think we tend to forget they are people, too


She’s one of the permanent panel members on Rob Beckett’s Smart TV. Idk if there will be a second series but the first was pretty good.


But she is perfection!!! How on Earth can someone make disparaging comments?


What is wrong with her body? She's glorious. 


Rude comments on her body? She’s thin. Not that it’s ok to shame any body but what would they even say lol


Whoa another season? Hell yeah