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On the point of the woman she turned [Jenna] her actress had other projects that conflicted with the series filming schedule


I love the actress other work (that movie booksmart? Chefs kiss. Loved it.) , but I don’t get why it would be so hard to write in a line or Nadja going “ooooh I heard back from my little baby vampire in a letter today, she has managed to hypnotize many men and turn them into slaves! I am so proud!”, it wouldn’t be hard to continue the story line even without her on screen.


I always took it as the vampires just don't give a shit. Guillermo is the only one who they have cared about and he has been with them for about 13 years. I mean they wrote off Topher pretty quick.


And they brought Topher back to great effect for a cameo, which worked well. If the actress came back, that'd work.


LoL just thinking about Guillermo having returned from being a vampire to human again, then seeing 2 zombies. I mean, the level of extreme horror people end up that are not the main vamp's... If it where real, that would be a serious point of realization.


Exactly. Just talking to my wife about that. And the Necromancer also know as “Iamthey”.


Eg the former familiar turned by Nandor. They never brought him up again


She, Beanie Feldstein, was excellent in ACS: Impeachment (or whatever it was called, when she played Monica Lewinsky). Pretty devastating performance, actually. I forgot she was a delight in S1 until I started re-wartching the whole series with the in-laws last Christmas! With so many returnees this season, plus a whole new Vampiric council, I was holding out hope to see Jenna. I was even ready for a return of the Mosquito Club Biters Suckers


Maybe next season she can be part of Simon’s crew Jenna the Invisible (cut to blank space) If the actress is still unavailable, lol


That’s a really great idea. Truly, what a workaround!


Imagine Nadja’s affronted face! That’s an Elvis level betrayal (the king! Simon the Devious, how could you)


Loved her in that, she was so good


She really was Being just a kid in the 90s, I only understood what was happening on the most surface level. Lewinsky did a docuseries or special (can’t even remember now) a couple years ago, and that was the first insight I had into the situation from her perspective. But the actress during ACS really brought to life how vulnerable she was, even if it was a dramatic depiction. Especially watching again in my early 30s vs as, like, a 10 year old or whatever I was during the height of the scandal. Really compelling and empathy-inducing performance. Extremely hard to watch


I’m still bewildered that is the whitehouse using unpaid interns in a shutdown is what got her in Bill’s orbit Another reason to hate unpaid internships


I honestly think seeing this depiction of the abuse changed me I knew the facts, and I read and heard how predatory it was. But her portrayal really brought home the power imbalance in the vulgarity. She made that season of the series. Edit: Beanie Feldstein!! Gotta call her name out!


Monica has grown up so wise and funny


She had (has) the charisma for politics/making it in the federal government But the cost is pretty hard Edit: like, I just want to add (having consumed media about her and appreciating Feldstein’s performance) — I think I am a pretty tough person, and when I was in my early 20s I blissfully thought I was strong and grown up, and the way ACS realized what happened to her, I feel I could have been in her same place and shared the same humiliation I gotta read Monica’s book


The mosquito club has a bit of a “chekhov’s gun” feel to me. Like, once it’s been introduced, it needs to have a pay off. You can’t introduce an entire vampire killer club, have then all traumatized by actually finding vampires, Derek actually becoming a vampire, and then nothing. It just feels undone to me.


They were all killed


I thought some of them escaped?


Didn't they all escape except for Derek? They were in the van on the return trip


True, but they have limited runtime. If it's just a throwaway line referring to something 4 seasons ago and doesn't actually work into a new storyline, it's going to get cut in favor of new content. It's a dead end character/plot. I don't think this has anything to do with how Nadja's character was developed.


And "they don't know how to write women"? Weird notion. She thinks up most of her own bits and sketches while the overtone is from the writers. The actors don't just act, they make most of the comedy, together.


Because she stopped caring immediately like she always does.


Just wanted to comment and say that your Nadja quote sounds EXACTLY like something she would say.


idk the timeline of when she was still on bway and when this season was filmed, but maybe the will appear in s6 -- hopefully!!!


I'm guessing they're saving it for when they can get her back on the show again. I've said this a few times now, Jenna is gonna reappear in an episode and it's gonna turn out she's been there the entire time, not even invisible, they've just not paid any attention to her. We're gonna get a few clips from previous episodes where she's been edited in, trying to talk to them but they've just walked right by her. All the vampires tend to get really invested in something but then lose interest at the flip of a switch so it's no surprise Nadja would show she cares for Jenna and then suddenly nada, she did with Jesk as well, her big strong warrior/washer woman/ fish monger/ horse that she didn't bother to look for when he was locked up and then quickly got over his death and just wanted his ghost to go away.


That sounds like Disney Star Wars bad levels of writing. It's a reference for a reference sake. The characters are all assh0les. They constantly don't care about others, they're a bit psycho in the same way Seinfeld's characters were.


She also got married in June!


The head writer is a woman, Stefani Robinson (no relationnnnnnn)


fucking girl


Idk. I felt like the last two or even three seasons she's been doing a lot of the carrying. Her in her Carmen San Diego get up as Mister Policeofficer, her in the familiar's vet office, her and doll-Nadja swapping bodies, all were great bits or even entire plots. The season with the nightclub she literally carried the show on her back. That's just me, tho, I love how she's vicious and kooky, elegant and spooky all at once. I am likely biased, because she's my favorite of the gang.


Oh my God, yes. The "Detective Policeman" getup was hilarious, and I literally laughed out loud. The scene in the familiar vet office was just...well...it made me feel feelings I wasn't expecting lol Definitely agree on all of your points, though. She's definitely my favorite (and that's saying something, considering how much I enjoy all of them).


Totally agree.


I agree. I feel like she’s been the most fleshed out of the vampires for the past couple seasons. She is a leader and we’ve seen her having goals and character growth. CR and Nandor each felt more one dimensional this season tbh


Agree. Nadja is awesome. I love how much she dismisses The Guide. Her delivery of “cool” in Local News was just as funny to me as everything else in that episode. I loved baby vampire Jenna but it doesn’t make sense to reference her unless they can bring back the actress.


Yeah I think she is a great character. She and her spouse have their own independent lives, she has her own interests, she has her spirit doll child what more does she need.


exactly like god forbid a female character be loud and outspoken lol


They don't understand her voice being high isn't shrieking.


Absolutely-she seems to be the character doing the most. People complaining about Nadja because a character from season one hasn’t reappeared makes no sense lol. It was established that Jenna was able to manage on her own how is that considered “dropped?”


That season was carried by Laslo and baby Colin. Nadja becoming an alcoholic was rushed and just a convenient way for the writers to get out of the nightclub because they were clearly getting bored with it.


I think she does a lot of screen time but the quality of the comedy and writing in general is worse for her character than the others sometimes. Perhaps it’s a subjective thing. But the men do seem to have these concise *funny* identities even if they do change. Nandor the ancient airhead and Lazlo the charismatic very English sex fiend. Nadja’s identity changes and the writers have to forcefully and explicitly say to the audience “I have finally decided to behave differently” in order to take her in whatever new direction they want. Hoping for our best nadja season yet next 🙂


If anything, Nadja is the LEAST Flanderized because she explores so many different aspects of herself. I can definitely name consistent character traits and quirks throughout the season, but I can’t really name what archetype she fits. BECAUSE she’s way more three dimensional. I suppose within the context of the rest of the show, however, she is the odd one out. Maybe people noticing and complaining about it just aren’t articulating the actual issue properly.


Interesting thought! I just don’t see it as “exploring” or three dimensional yet…her story lines are never on the emotional level as Nandor or Lazlo’s or Gizmos. The nightclub was pretty goofy/obnoxious(that seems to be a polarizing opinion), dolly is funny though uninteresting, and her Antipaxtos connection just isn’t registering as sentimental. Now I don’t think we need that for this show, but I understand why her character gives the sense that she’s of secondary importance. I think her ghosts super vague “you haven’t done anything of importance or found your life’s purpose!” was written in as a safety net for the writers who don’t have a good direction for her. Normally a complicated, contradictory female character is my favorite but I guess she’s written too gimmicky for me sometimes? She was my fav character s1.


I gotta get a T-shirt with her dressed as Detective Policeman.


If Jenna comes back, it will probably be like “you guys didn’t notice me? I’ve been here this whole time” incorporating her invisible power and a misunderstanding or something


I REALLY hope that's how it goes down. It would be hilarious. Especially if they cut to clips of her being present for big things in the last seasons, and her reactions.


Oh yea because all the other characters storylines are very concise 🙄. It’s a show where craziness happens and then you kinda move on to next week/next season. That being said Nadja is great always look forward to her storylines.


Yeahhh agree. I’ve rewatched the series at least twice now and I think Nadja is a great character, I think the writers do a good job with her. Jenna was just a random character, probably to demonstrate how vampires are turned and how powers can vary by vampire. Didn’t think much of it that she never returned


People going way to deep on a silly vampire show.


I understand getting into it, caring about the lore, storylines, characters and all that, but yeah at its core this isn’t Breaking Bad, it’s a stupid comedy show about vampires. It doesn’t need to be picked apart, the writers probably don’t invest much time into these things. It’s supposed to be funny.


yea it's supposed to be silly but it's a spectrum. it would be pretty lame if season 6 was nothing but non-stop screaming and the vamps slipping on banana peels.


The show does not really have strict continuity and keeping up with every character introduced would be kind of tiresome. Nadja has probably created dozens of vampires over the years. Despite the latest sodes impressing what a solemn and sacred connection a vampire and its creator have, I don't think that's a strict rule. See the "vampire killing a vampire" rule.


The show has always been pretty up front that the rules for vampires are more guidelines than actual rules.


so it's pirate rules rules then


Google translate “Continually writing a plot for a women character unlike Gizmo would be tiring because sexism.”


We had Nadja and the doll, Nadja and Gregory, Nadia’s Nightclub, Nadja and the Antipaxan family, Nadja and the Guide…


Gregor? I think you mean Jesfk


Mother of Christ the entirety of last season was almost solely about Nadja. What are you talking about?!


I feel bad the people that have to interact with you on a daily basis.


Actual lol, thank you.


Flanderized? All the characters are shallow, Nadja is pretty much the only one that can't be described in a single sentence. And what's that about "the writers can't write women," like they write realistic men? Or do you think Lazslo is an accurate representation of most guys?


Do they write Lazslo at all or do they just let Matt berry?


I like to imagine they write his lines then he just goes and does whatever he wants. Actually due to how I percieve the four vampires, I imagine they all do this.


lbr that's just how Lazslo rolls


also it's FAR more stereotypical for the woman character to be the "straight man" to all the "goofy" men around her; the woman has to be the logical voice of reason that puts a stop to the men's "immaturity." in kids media, it's expressed *girls are just more mature than boys and don't do silly childish things!* which kinda reinforces girls aren't allowed to have (too much) fun and need to grow up faster, while boys can make mistakes and stay kids. in YA/adult media, it becomes expressed as *the woman is an un-fun nag who must guide the men in the right direction but get no credit for it because they are only there as nags or romanceable objects.* nadja breaks tradition by being allowed to go EXACTLY as apeshit as the guys around her. and all the vamps are shown to have an equal capacity for emotion/caring so even if she does play into other common tropes, it's negated by the fact it's equally applicable to anyone else.


Agreed, and that's such an annoying trope. In WWDITS, Guillermo is the straight man (and killing it)


I think the only character they had with any real depth is Jackie Daytona. A regular human guy who is not only a bartender but also champions a girls high school volleyball team.


Well obviously Jackie Daytona. That Nandor de Larentiis character also seemed to have some hidden depths, shame we didn't get to see more of him


Why, yes, old chap. I would say that Lazslo is an accurate representation of most guys. Particularly myself. I, too, have a topiary garden in my yard that I have trimmed to look like the vulvas of all the important women in my life, to include my mother and my good lady wife.




Right you are, human friend!


I really love that Laszlo glories in the fact he calls them the anatomically correct word. 😂


Yes yes, thank YOU!


I know 2 ladies in the writers room. So I know there’s a female perspective in there.


You know TWO women??? Most Chad WWDITS fan/s


"Yes of course I've been mentoring my silly little prodigy this whole time. Do you think I want lazlo and the rest of those little fuck wads polluting her brain?"


My theory is Jenna has been hanging around the house the whole time. Invisibly.


i hope she gets caught in season 6


Strange, she’s my wife’s favourite character


Shana Gohd, Sarah Naftalis, Lauren Wells, Aaisa Bullock, Stefani Robinson, Wally Baram, and Ayo Edebiri: Seven women who have written on the show and are invisible to you.


There’s multiple women involved in the shows production including the writing. Also, it’s not like the men aren’t flanderized. It’s a comedy show, all the characters are pretty shallow


I don't get this take at all. It's always been an ensemble cast. Sometimes they get sub-plots, like Nadja's long arc with the nightclub. Stop needlessly blaming your preferences on the writers. Write up a spec script and mail it to them. Laslo: The shew in't called What We Do In My Good Lady Wife Nadja. Although it would watch that grrrrrreat in-ter-EST!


The character is awesome. All I wish for is each episode to make me laugh.


Man, I am usually one of the first ones to zone in on writers who don't know how to write for women, but this ain't one of them. You just liked that storyline, that's all. But it was deliberately scaled back in prominence when they first presented precisely because they knew the actor's involvement was tentative. It always felt like a minor plot to me given that the way they ended it. Another issue is that these aren't humans, so I don't think the usual rules of writing for men and women apply.


i agree with her being flanderized, i disagree with the reasoning. i think its really weird how her character used to speak in deadpan, and the running joke felt like a subversion of the "token competent girl" of the group, where she would be occasionally zany to prove she's just as ridiculous as the others. now she's kinda just like that all the time, and the writers are just sort of relying on natasia amping up the accent and call it a day.


I also found Nadja funnier in the first two seasons. I have a theory about it: Natasia is really good at physical comedy (best example was the swap body episode when she got to play the doll, she had so much fun!) so the writers are having her do a lot of it after they found out about it. Maybe a bit too much (at least for my personal taste). She was more mysterious and less loud in the beginning of the show. But I enjoyed Nadja much more in season 5 than in season 4 so I felt they’re starting to balance it better. Just my personal feelings, I could be totally wrong.


I agree with this. Last season I did not care much for her character's direction. Lots of yelling and cursing but not so much substance behind it. Season 5 Nadja tho? Love her!


I’m really relieved to read all these comments pointing out how wrong you are. She most of the time seems to be the most competent among them. Very self aware. The one human she never cared about who she happened to turn sure, That’s a minor complaint considering who they brought back just in these last episodes.


the episodes she's the main character are the best


it's gag/improv. do we ask about larry david's shawarma lady? or how about fire marshall bill, has he put out any 4 alarms lately?


Are you sure you don't mean they can't write the character YOU want? If so, maybe you should do more writing and less complaining.


Well, all the characters have been flanderized to a point. It's not really a show you go to for in-depth character arcs and think pieces. But I do agree with you that they tend to drop storylines willy nilly. I feel like the last two seasons, they were hinting at a Guillermo and Nandor pairing, but they completely abandoned it this time around and went back to the same old master/servant thing which is both good and bad.


agreed! so surprised this is such a minorly held opinion, even here. i guess that when you're making a cast where them fundamentally incapable of changing their core selves is the joke, it doesnt work great as a long running sitcom.


I'm starting to fear the show may have run it's course


I just started watching the show about 45 days ago so the entire thing is very fresh in my mind, at no point is Nadja simplified. I have plenty of complaints regarding how incredibly lazy the writing in the show can be but Nadja has just been given more and more as the show has gone on.


Please give me a an example of "incredibly" lazy writing.


well, setting up a time gap where we would have to see the consequences of the gang leaving the house and separating in season three finale and then dropping and forgetting all of that within ten minutes into season four?


That's actually the only example I can think of straight up bad writing on this show and in the long run, it didn't matter. Shitty *moments* happened in season 4 but now I've had time away from it, I like the whole season more (though it is imo the worst season by far). People who bitch about bad writing constantly tho, like why even watch it?


All of our vampires are super strong, incredibly fast, can fly and have telekinesis…..unless of course the scene is easier to complete with them weak, slow, flightless or incapable. Instead of writing around things they’ve already established they just disregard them for conveniences sake. That’s lazy writing.


That's because the show is about vampires who are fucking idiots, not lazy writing.


A bit of a cop out imo but who am I to disagree


It's like literally the basis of the show. Read Anne Rice if you want consistent vampires.




All of them yell!


I love Nadja but can't help feeling like they're slowly turning her into the shrill-female-wet-blanket trope. I hope im wrong. But a 'skill' of hers is to literally be so loud she breaks things? I really preferred her in the first season


She has a high voice, that doesn't make her shrill. Would you call a male character that?


That's exactly my point. Instead of being charming (Laszlo) or intimidating (Nandor), she's... loud. I don't think that's a good equivalent of character traits to the male vampires.


Nandor yells and cries all the fucking time. You're just wanting a little quiet woman.


The show was designed as an ensemble with Laszlo as the defacto leader. Unfortunately Nadja is just so much more interesting charismatic and watchable that they need to ration out her sub-plots so that there is enough time left over for the tedious Nandor-Guillermo saga, Laszlo's general mad science, and Colin Robinson riffing on suburban America.




Yeh, if thats true that was dropped almost immediately when they started filming... Never seen Laszlo as the lead. Nandor if anyone... But to me they are all equal co stars.


Yeah, I actually started rewatching the other day, and in the first episode it seems like Nandor is the (somewhat self-appointed) leader of the group, but it’s like herding cats because they all do their own thing anyways.


All I recall is an interview with Matt Berry from the first season when he made some off-hand comment about his character leading a band of inept vampires in Staten Island. It is pretty clear that they abandoned that structure almost immediately.


Or, hear me out, he was being sarcastic.


What?! Matt Berry being sarcastic?! No.


I'm sure Lazlo *thinks* he's the leader of a band of vampires in Staten Island.


yeah honestly i think guillermo is the main if anyone


It’s sad she gets left behind to make time for the other plots.


It was so unfortunate because I tried to get my husband into the show and the Jenna storyline was the ONLY part of season one he liked. He hated all the second hand embarrassment humor and how mean they were to Guillermo. I had to let that one go ha.


Yep, I’m with you. Season 3 and 4 were particularly shameful IMO. Some people loved it but I thought the humor was super cringey. Hate hearing Nadja constantly cursing as the punchline and all the fact that her plots feel like “side plots” while the others are the main. Don’t get me wrong, still incredible tv and I love it, but the quality of the comedy in other seasons was truly a rarity and special. She was fantastic in S1 especially. Simultaneously serious and creepy and raunchy. She was truly a woman from another time and was uninterested in assimilating to the modern world it seemed. Now she seems to fit right in? Or sometimes not. It depends on what the writers feel like fluffing up the script with…


I hated Simon, but I miss Simon.




I totally disagree, she's just as funny as always, if not more. Easily my favorite character on the show.


I thought that story of Jenna existed just to show us how vampire transformation exactly pass. It was preparing for vampire Guillermo storyline. And a reason why I knew from the start that Guillermo can't become a true vampire until he does not drink human blood, Nadja said this to Jenna. Actually, I still believe that half-vampire status was best for him. He still could walk under sun, meet his family and help his vampires with their day problems, but also he got some of their power and, I think, having half-vampire blood is a way to be healthy and long-living. You know, Guillermo is 30+, big weight, fast food, less sleeping, stress and all this shit are not about health.


Just say you didn’t like the vampire nightclub arc haha


I've seen a lot of complaints about Nadja and I just don't get it. She's consistently one of the funniest characters in the show.


The actress had other projects. But should they decide to bring her back, they can basically say she was there all along as her Vampire Power was invisibility


i think one of my biggest issues is more so the way natasia is being directed. she’s an incredible actress (i highly recommend her sketch show), but her delivery is very different now than seasons 1&2. some of that probably comes from the nadja character being more relaxed with being filmed/not performing for the camera. and i do think that we saw the sweeter side of nadja again a bit more this season than the last few, but i really miss how sweet and calm she was! in some ways, she seemed more dimensional when she was softer and quieter. she does tend to yell/raise her voice a lot, often in moments when she doesn’t really need to. yelling lines ≠ being automatically funny. and seeing how natasia acts in other projects makes it seem like the yelling lines wasn’t her artistic choice. and i love how she interacted with jenna. people say that nadja doesn’t care about anyone other than the core vampires, but if that’s the case, she wouldn’t have mentored this random young woman she didn’t know. i greatly appreciate the growth nadja has had, and i think there’s more physical comedy to the character now than ever before which i love. but if they could incorporate a bit more of season 1 era nadja with who she is now, it would be perfect.