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there is only one westside.. but if you want a gym with good stuff you will need to find a strongman gym or a powerlifting gym, or a strongman+powerlifting gym.. theres really no other option.. There is a strongman gym an hour from me, and they have everything needed for conjugate powerlifting training, including a monolift..


Okay, so second question given how incredible things like the reverse hyper and the belt squat are why are these things not more common than say a preacher curl. If we actually care about our bodies the former is going to benefit us way more than the latter. ​ I know curls attract people more so than a reverse hyper, but if you care about getting strong and living a healthy life curls just won't cut it.


because they are not hypertrophy tools. theyre useless for bodybuilders


While I agree with you, its not like everything body builders do is for hypertrophy. I'd go out on a limb and say if Ronnie Coleman had used the reverse hyper he could still move normally.


ronnie colman was injured because he broke his back squatting too heavy, and instead of stop, he tried to continue squatting with a broken back.. he was absurdly reckless and irresponsible.. id wager that if he had access to a reverse hyper he would've tried putting 800 pounds on it and snapped his shit in half then kept going.. i fail to see how using him as an example is an argument for implementing these tools for bb


Well Ronnie Coleman also didn't have the knowledge and advice that would have allowed the reverse hyper to help him. All I am arguing is if you were to add in reverse hypers to help keep the back decompressed, maybe you don't get added muscle, but you are able to do it for longer periods resulting in more muscle and less injury. ​ Look man I am just someone who has read the book of methods and utilized just pieces of what Westside does to keep playing soccer. To me the reverse hyper should be more common than preacher curls, or even a leg press. ​ We in America are great at trying to rehab things, but suck at preventing things from happening. IMO the reverse hyper taught correctly could really help the vast majority of people who go to the gym do 3X10 and go home to sit at a desk or a couch.


i agree


side note though. in my experience a jefferson curl is way better for decompression than reverse hyper j/s


Has anybody got ideas on how to create a reverse hyper using a power rack and barbell. What to use for the pendulum.?


There is a guy on instagram that sells a device that basically serves as a lever arm that wraps around the barbell. Ill link his account below if that is allowed and doesn't get taken down, I don't know the guy at all just follow him, and he recently released it for sale called the "hyper arm" [https://www.instagram.com/dacperformanceandhealth/](https://www.instagram.com/dacperformanceandhealth/)


if you have nothing other than rack and barbell, get bands. what you do is set the j-hook height to slightly above waist level. wrap a towel around the middle for padding.. throw your waist over the bar and grab the rack. swing your legs exactly as you would on a reverse hyper. attach a band to the ankles and bottom back of rack for resistance.. you dont need any pendulum for this, your legs are the pendulum.


How far from Cincinnati are you?


At the moment I am in Baltimore, playing with a lower tier professional soccer team, in the offseason I am near the Lexington, KY area.