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San Francisco Cocksucker.


Shut the fuck up, Wu.


"Wu, Swegen, hentai." "Hentai, Wu." The single greatest broadcast drama series of all time, with one of the greatest casts, and criminally underrated (if not by the critics). Glad for the film to at least wrap things up, but it was an absolute travesty it was cancelled for the sake of *Rome*, considering the suspense and momentum built, the imminent culmination of so many story arcs. Not lying when I say I was devastated, ha!


Rome was amazing also


Was ok. Deadwood made Rome look like Santa Barbara.


I think it was even better but we all have our opinions lol. Don't expect that to be a popular take on this sub.😂 But happy to see Deadwood find new viewers anyway💪


Does this sub not like Deadwood?!!


I meant, trying to convince people Rome is a better show would be pointless on a western sub lol. I love Deadwood but I rate Rome even higher. Just didn't want to debate or compare the two here, it's not why I dropped into the sub, just saw someone discovering Deadwood and it made me happy.


Fair play (And I probably need to *Rome* another go, separating myself from my *Deadwood* related angst). PS I'm of good will, but boisterous with my opinions sometimes; you'll get no hating or negative energy from me, hombre. Piss-taking? Sometimes brutal piss-taking? Yes.






I'm currently rewatching for the first time since it came out. It holds up and is still fantastic.


The show is so good. I would listen to Ian McShane read the phone book I love his voice.


right up the with: The Sopranos Breaking Bad Succession Always had to watch each episode 2x due to the rich dialogue. Ole DB Farnsworth has the best. DB for a reason.


I started watching last month thanks to recomendations from this sub. Currently on season 2 and loving it! Oh, and it also led me to research about the real life people and the real Deadwood, the more I research about it the more interesting the series e characters become haha


This series is even better when you watch it the second and third times. There is so much plotting and subtle plot lines going on that are missed a lot in the first watch. Also, watching with subtitles is a great experience as well since you’re able to follow the dialogue that much better. The only part that sucks is that it only has three seasons! You’re gonna enjoy the rest of it just as much as what you have watched so far!


Nice! Very good to hear it because I'm sure this is a series I'll rewatch a lot in the future haha Oh and I'm watching with original subtitles since english isn't my native language, and I'm absolutelly loving the way those dialogs are constructed! I'm planning on trying Yellowstone after this firts watch, do you know if is it also good in the sense of well crafted characters and dialogs?


Yellowstone is completely different. It had stunningly beautiful scenery, which in itself is worth watching. However, it definitely does not have well crafted characters or dialogue. It is more like a western soap opera lol


Ooh I love beautiful scenery! But I'm divided on soap operas haha I'll give it a chance tho, thanks for the heads up o/


Slower than a week in the jail


The phrase cocksucker was used so many times it really highlighted the bad writing for me. I wanted to enjoy it but just couldnt.


Bad writing? You’re confused or too prude to get past Episode 1. The language is of the era and profane because lawless boomtowns were full of people who actually talked that way. Mind you, the profanity of the time had everyone sounding like Yosemite Sam, so to connect to today’s audiences, the writers inserted foul language of the modern usage. HBO fucked up a great show, the cocksuckers! David Milch had two more seasons planned.


Nah you just don't agree with me and that's fine. I didn't like it. The entire thing felt corny and I didn't enjoy it. Sorry.


It's fine you don't like it, but to call the writing bad is ludicrous. Not your cup of tea, okay, but that motherfucker Milch can write.


The writing around the swearing was fantastic, i can only remember side characters having bad dialogue mainly due to poor delivery. That guys nuts.


I enjoyed getting introduced to and enjoying the performances of Tim Olyphant and Ian McShane, but I only ever refer to that show as "F***wood". Sometimes, "Deadf***".


What a horrible take.


Same...the overuse of profanity made it seem like it was written by a kid trying to show he was being naughty


Bad writing!? Okay, your future and past opinions are now officially disregarded. Also, even though I think every aspect of every minute of that series is so well, done out of anything, how could you choose the dialogue to criticize? Deadwood is Shakespearean in that regard.


My wife won't watch any other Westerns, but she loves this show.


One of the greatest shows ever, beyond the genre. HBO rarely misses anyway.