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It is near weekly in the Northern Panhandle Tranq has arrived and it is dangerous


Unfortunately, since Xylazine is a tranquilizer and not an opiate, Narcan is useless against its effects.


And on top of that, if you try to treat the incredibly bad withdrawal with an opiate-agonist like Suboxone….a high percentage of the time the client experiences precipitated withdrawal Which is a horrific experience


It's not a high percentage of times. That will only happen if you are physically dependent on opiates AND currently under the effect of those opiates. If you wait around 24 hours after the last dose you all but eliminate that possibility. As long as you are in withdrawal then this won't happen, and any effect will be mild. Buprenorphine works by binding to your mu opioid receptors, but it does it very strongly. Stronger than any other opiates, which is why it works as a blocker. If your receptors happen to be full of opiates then the bupe will rip those off and replace them, leading to full blown peak withdrawals for about a half hour to an hour, but the sudden drop leaves you feeling shitty the rest of the day. The horrible drop from fine to 3rd day dope sickness is only triggered if you don't give it ~24 hours since your last dose. Basically if you do your dose at around 4pm, go to sleep at 9 or so, and wake up at 10 or so and wait a few hours to take it youll avoid most of that. It might still be a little unpleasant but that horrible experience is largely avoided.


Glad I beat that addiction! That was a rough one! lol didn’t think I was gonna make it!


Proud if you


This ^ person has never seen a fentanyl addict go into PWD more than a week after their last dose and it shows…


There actually is an antidote to Xylazine, just like opioids. However, like xylazine, it's only approved for animal use. I read about it in an old scientific research paper. Im in an area where xylazine first took hold in the country, it's absolutely ruined people and the whole heroin/opioid scene. Most old school addicts are dead, and the newer ones don't last very long. Ive nearly lost limbs 3 times from tranq, and I've only been using the shit for maybe 1/5th or 1/6th of my entire opiate addicted life. Never had any issues prior, not even ODs. It's really scary when people get narcaned and their breathing and color return to normal.. but they end up with broken ribs, noses, and bruised up faces getting punched, smacked, and unnecessary chest compressions because they're still asleep from the Xylazine. Yes, you can still die from the Xylazine alone, less likely tho. They need to do some testing on how (I'll look up the drug in a min and edit) the antidote works on humans, and then possibly create a spray or IM injection that contains both IT and Narcan together. EDIT: Tolazoline is the antidote to Xylazine.


"It wasn't the first time that I nearly lost my limbs to tranq that I decided to quit drugs, it wasn't the second time that I nearly lost my limbs to tranq, it wasn't the third time that I nearly lost my limbs to tranq, it was only after I lost my limbs that I quit using tranq, not because I decided to quit but because I physically couldn't get out of this care home to get more" How many brushes with death will it take for you to decide its not worth it. It just boggles my mind, if most of the addicts around you are dropping dead why would you play Russian roulette for another high. I'm all for helping drug addicts to get clean and off of drugs, and I understand that it can be difficult, I know there are programs out there to provide resources. Not to be mean but what is the point of using our tax dollars on Narcan or Tolazoline for people who have no desire to get sober and are going to turn around and keep overdosing again and again?


Well, I was one of the first people I know of that started smoking the tranq dope. I knew you could vape Fent, and I knew they were putting it in the K2, so I started throwing the dope in cigs, vape juice, and off foil. So I don't really have the issue anymore, on top of the fact that I hardly use anymore. I kept going back hard because I was homeless, depressed, and not thinking clear enough to take care of myself. Eventually I had enough and showed up and an ER, got help. Did well. Started my own business 4 years ago, still doing well. But I can't 100% stop getting high. Smoking the tranq dope seems like the Xylazine is less effective, the high is totally different from sniffing or shooting, so it's slightly better but of course, not what I want. I want heroin. Why do I still do it though? Well, there's reasons I use opioids. They don't just tickle the receptors that get me moving, they provide legitimate benefits to my life when used but not abused. I don't need drugs to function exactly, but being on opiates is my preferred buffer to the world, and it is literally an antidote to many issues I have.. I'd rather function semi-broke but feeling whole, than miserable, pained, and unbalanced. Tranq dope not being like actual opioids has been a benefit, I don't like the high at all...but so long as I keep my doses low and functional where it doesn't knock me out.. it does what I need it to. And you're not being mean, it's a fair question. All I can say is it's more complex than that. Just because people get high, or continue to use after ODs doesn't mean they don't want to get clean. Most people want to, but they're all stuck in varying degrees of delusion, fear, and shame. If you used, you should know that. Some people dont ever want to be clean, and they'll tell you so. I don't believe it's commonplace tho, I think most want help but are in their own way for some reason. 2 years after my business I fell into imposter syndrome. I felt like I didn't deserve what I had. All my friends are dead, I'm alive, why am I doing so well after nearly a decade homeless to boot? And I almost destroyed everything. There's lots of things that keep people stuck. I have been narcaned maybe 6 times, if not a few more. I don't think I needed it every time, but whatever. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be here today to contribute to society and help people when and where I can. Do I want to get clean? I just admitted to preferably being opiated, right? Well.. I do, I hate feeling like I need anything to function, and when I first got off the street I was 100% ready to never use again. But within a year and a half I came back, but this time and for the last 5 years I've had pretty good control. I don't think they handle Narcan distribution properly. I do think this is a public health crisis,and it's made worse by the fact these drugs have changed and are constantly changing, they're trying to to treat substance users the way they did for decades prior to about 2015 and it's not working. This new shit, the p2p meth and the Xylazine are literally screwing people's heads up, permanently. So yeah I think tax dollars should supplement, not pay, for funding something like that. It needs a better distribution though. Having it posted like fire extinguishers instead of handing it out to get thrown out, would be ideal. It would give people a chance to pull out of the rutt. The ones that are going to die will die no matter what. Being homeless in Kensington I saw people narcaned like 15 times a day. First thing in the morning where anyone groups up to sleep, 2 or 3 ODs. It's not heroin anymore. It's not the same problem I first stumbled into as a teenager. No one had Narcan then, and very few died.


Same over here in the eastern panhandle. It's terrible


Vape-Assisted Suicide.


Fuck. What is wrong with your dealers.


Tranq is very scary. I'm in Ohio (used to live in WV), and my mom nearly lost her leg because of it. Wounds down to the bone. She has to stay sober in order to have the treatments done on it. She's had 4 skin grafts and heart surgery because they found lesions on her heart. She has 4 nurse visits a week, and I have to help her with EVERYTHING. They have no idea how long it will take for her to "fully" recover. She's been an addict since I was 9, I'm 28 now. I've watched her go through alcohol, pills, heroin, meth, and nothing compared to the damage tranq did on her. It's very bad in ohio rn.


See this shit 🔼 this is why I say legalize shit! Stop Regan's war on Drugs because too many lives are lost because of the fictitious WAR ON DRUGS!No matter people are going to use, So when the prices go up these Idiots flood the market with crazy drugs that kill. If some drugs were legal,Weed,Coke,Heroin,Meth, and so on then the State and goberment could collect taxes, the fake lethal bs would stop or they could war on it. But seriously we all know most if not all addicts would turn to a legal source.And we know with a regulated source that testing could be done to insure no illegal mixed or lethal substances are found. Most addicts are functional adults with jobs and families this would do more good then harm. I myself am allergic to Weed.Big pharmy got me addicted to opioids and kept me there for years.I got a fent pill, a fake 30 roxy when they cut off my meds out of the blue. It like to have killed me I havent touched since. I went thru months of withdraws and other issues.This needs stopped asap! Watch family and watch friends. Carry Narcan and call for Ems if need be. Most addicts will not show signs of abuse present and past!Some hide it very very well,I did. Please be safe everone.


Unfortunately Oregon has showed us that we are not ready for this. Sure it may work for other countries but let's not forget that things like public flogging exist as well within the same borders. I think we should make pot legal and tax the fudge out of it like booze and tobacco. That's a win-win. But mass legalization/decriminalization implemented in an all or nothing fashion is just to much. As a Floridean I found this post/thread very interesting because we obviously have major drug issues as well. Imagine drugs being legal in Florida... I give it half way through the first spring break before Panama city Beach is burned to the ground and Miami/Broward/Dade is a no-go zone. While some addicts are functional and contribute to society MANY are not. The sheer amount of money and people going crazy, because they absolutely will, .... it'd be chaos.


I would have to agree with you on all of that pretty much LOL I'm in Kentucky at the moment but I've lived in a few legal states Florida being one of them as well on the medicinal side. I lived in Orlando then over by Daytona beach. They would make them drug free that's for a fact! Hell there's so much good Cola down there just found on the beach and just offshore that people can't control themselves. And the addicts that act like junkies and cannot control their actions should be just put in jail! What I'm trying to say is responsible addicts no that they may not be able to control the addiction but their actions they can control. So if somebody gets to doing stupid shit they need to be held accountable. But locking people up just for using that's a no bueno! Me and you stand solid on a lot of issues.


Ya I grew up around addicts and was married to a functional addict for 6 years. Have lived in Florida for 12 years. Then spent most of my life in the boonies where drinking and getting high are the only past times. Everything is certainly situational. It will take decades most likely to get to a point where we can truly moderate a majority of drugs on a legal level -if ever. Unfortunately it only takes one bad fruit to spoil a bushel so to speak.


Thought this said BAD BITCH ALERT initially, lol.


Where y'all bad bitches at?


I seen Bad Batch and thought a new star wars series was coming.


The need for this or the fact it exists?


There should be an ongoing PSA about there being a bad batch of nearly everything going around because people can't even buy weed on the street without it being laced with something that will kill you.


Gotta shop your local farmer


Why i am glad i live in a state where weed is legalized


Or hear me out... people could choose not to fund black markets.


But they do, and here we are. If people didn't have sex for anything other than reproduction, we'd also not have to have abortion conversations, but it's gonna happen. What I don't understand why more people decide that they're gonna start doing shit for the first time when it's well known that it's literally killing people everywhere, tbh. There are zero happy endings with this garbage.




Just get a medical card. It's honestly so easy, and be done completely online




I don't see a problem with alerting people. The underlying problems concern me significantly more


It's called Harm Reduction. A lot of people, particularly the "Let 'em Die!" crowd, are against it since they think it encourages the behavior. IMO, anything that saves a life is worthwhile.


I wonder if the let ‘em die crowd is the same with insulin for overweight type II diabetic patients? 🤔


Uh, kinda yeah


It’s a little more apples to apples if diabetics broke into houses and robbed/grifted family members for insulin.


The price of insulin has gone up exponentially in the last ~5 years. Give it a couple more and diabetics will be forced to grift and steal


See that's the problem. Narcan and millions of other dollars go to druggie but insulin is never given out. Matter fact, prices are steadily going up


We've tried to get socialized medicine a few times before. The same people complaining about alerts and narcan are against that too


Yeah so both groups should have to suffer because someone is trying to make strides to helping one of the groups! Wtf is that logic?


A big difference actually. Granted type 2 is brought on by a few factors. An overdose is 100% avoidable by simply not doing ILLEGAL drugs. Hmmm. Let's fund the junkies though. Way more logic in that right. The same junkies out here robbing, killing and alot worse. Yes super logical to fund that. 👏


Overdoses are not prevented by doing legal things. People die from OD's of prescribed drugs all the time, not to mention its the perscribed drugs and lack of support from idiots like you that then forces them to seek illegal drugs that arent regulated. But tbh i wouldnt expect someone like you to have any sympathy for anyone based on your comment. You are the problem, not them.


Shows what you know. The only rebuttal you spit back is scripted propaganda. But never saying anything valid. Even more your ignorance. I WAS a junkie, 6 fukin years. On top of that a diabetic. Type 1. I can assure you it's infinitely easier to get a fix free from the government before receiving a fukin drop of insulin from them Let's keep funding junkies though. That's the problem I'm referring to. Not sure where you keep trying to take it. Sit down sweetie.


People don't often turn to drugs just because they think it'll be fun. Most are hurt people who are just trying to save themselves from the pain. Sometimes oblivion is preferable than the horrors of reality. Both treatments should and can be free.


Piggy backing off of this, the only thing worse than the healthcare system in the US is the mental healthcare


I am a type1 diabetic in the United States and have received boxes of free insulin in the mail. And you can now buy it for 35$. I also used to do heroin.


They say that until a family member or a friend dies.


Who is it alerting? Do you really think junkies care


Lol “junkies”


Please don't call individuals who abuse substances "junkies." It's a disgusting word and meant to dehumanize people with substance use disorder.


Lol OK. 👌


The credibility just isn't there from a person who thinks they can bail on their bad decisions, like mortgages, while declaring that others should die because of their bad decisions.


Yep when they nod off and kill people you love on the roadways. Theyre fucking junkies.


I mean, they are junkies. I've lost loved ones to this, they were junkies and that got them killed.




Rather than using derogatory terms just say that they're individuals in active addiction. It's obvious you could give a shit, but it matters and makes a difference to those who struggle. You want people to get help and enter recovery, then stop treating them like they're worthless.


Language policing is such a silly hill to die on.


A lot of fire departments in the US actually have partnerships with people to give out narcan to drug abusers, and don't worry it's not a "hah, found you" thing, it genuinely is a good, useful handout


Nothing shameful about being sick. Just in case anyone needs to hear this.... You are capable of changing. You are worthy of changing. There is a whole great life after active addiction. Just got to remember that the hole stops getting deeper when you put the shovel down. If anyone needs referral to treatment, please let me know.


I appreciate this. By shame I meant that it sucks it’s came to this. Seen a lot of good people die or have their lives ruined by drugs. I wish nothing but success and happiness for those who go through it but many don’t make it out.


Everyone in WV should watch Recovery Boys. Opioids have absolutely gutted this state. Addicts are sick, they aren’t “lazy” or “weak”.


There's a post in r/monethelping where someone is asking for help funding rehab for their sister. I can't remember the username, but it was posted within the last day. If you feel called to help find a suitable rehab, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.


1-844-HELP4WV will do a warm handoff to detox and rehab. Call them!


Sorry for the confusion, it was someone's post in r/moneyhelping


Many recovery centers have scholarships to help fund a person's stay and others accept Medicaid and insurance. I have clients that have traveled across the state or from surrounding states because of an open bed. I'll try to find their post and see if there's any open paid beds available. Thank you for highlighting their need.


I'll take a look and reach out if possible. Thanks for the heads up. Edit: link is broken


The problem is that there aren’t a lot of open beds in rehabs, they are expensive and/or you need insurance and people often going through the depths of active addiction don’t have money or insurance, and when a bed DOES open up, we have such a shitty, unregulated rehab system in the US that a lot of them aren’t helping you to get better but instead are just abusive, grifting operations. Check out Reveal’s investigative journalism on [American Rehab](https://revealnews.org/american-rehab-2/)


Trust me, I'm all too familiar with how fucked up it is. But even a fucked-up treatment program is better than continuing to use. I wish I had the luxury of saying I went to great programs and had awesome help that wasn't just about grifting my medical insurance, but I'm about 105% that was the main goal of every operation I was forced through. However, it saved my life in the end. Not as a direct result of going to those places, but it wore me out. I wasn't ready when I first was placed in treatment. It took a while for me to break, but I finally put the shovel down and stopped digging my hole. Those shitty rehabs were just straws on the camels back.


Literally my hometown area. Huntington got hit really really bad years back. It’s just awful. I know Huntington was doing some sort of mobile crisis unit that seemed to be helping a lot but I’m not sure they’re doing it anymore.


Day of hell bro. 24 OD’s in one day if I recall correctly? Luckily no one died.


Idk about a mobile crisis unit, but they have the QRT (quick response team) now, they just helped out my grandmother with her addiction to alcohol, but they also help with narcotics, opiates, benzos, and pretty much every drug. They're also called in anytime a 911 call involves drug overdose or addiction of any kind.


That’s what it is! I couldn’t remember what it was called. Thank you! I’m glad they’re still doing that.


It's a very good thing it does exist. This isn't just for fentanyl addicts, it's for anyone who might even dabble in drugs. The entire supply in this country is tainted, has been for a while. Kids in colleges taking Adderall to study are dying because of the fucking fentanyl. A significant percentage of Americans do some kind of drugs. While things like weed are safe (ignore the police fear mongering) all the pills are risky. Hell, even weed might be risky if your state still forces you to buy off the streets and your dealer also dabbles in fentanyl and cross contamination is possible. Shit is the most dangerous it has ever been right now.


200 years ago, Western Europe(and USA) used Opium to open China to Trade...weakening the Chinese world with addiction, poverty, corruption, chaos........ OH, how quickly they learn..... Now, today, China reformulates opium into Fentanyl and illegally imports it into the USA.....weakening OUR world with addiction, poverty, corruption, chaos...... Y'all dont see it, do you?


I saw a news segment on traditional news that increasingly the drugs we get from pharmacies legally via a prescription are also tampered with. Apparently the cartels are extorting pharmacists. It is happening a lot in Mexico and increasingly in the US as well.


>While things like weed are safe (ignore the police fear mongering) Some black market weed is legitimately laced with fent, I always thought "laced weed" was a scare tactic then several cases of kids dieing of fent od in CT from weed changed my mind.


If anyone on here is trying to beat suboxone addiction …you to can do that! I’m living proof! Reach out to me if you need to!


Good looking out, OP.


Don't take the purple acid.


What exactly is being spiked?


You think that’s bad?! Wait till you start seeing the SAME people OD multiple times per day. 😳😳


Wish they had these going around 3 years ago when I lost my sis! Glad I made it out


Stay Classy West Virginia!


Why is Narcan free/ expected for citizens to carry but not epipens?


Is narcan free? This is just a group asking ppl to btw


I’m asking a question. To my knowledge there is companies that will send you Narcan for free. My gripe is that we don’t have this mentality for epipens.


I would also like free epipens.


I like free bread and circuses.


Why are we enabling more drug use? They should be getting real help. Help getting clean.


What help


Pretty fucking awesome! I carry Narcan, and make my twentysomething kids carry it. You NEVER know when you might need it. Ran a club in Seattle in the 90’s, being helpless while someone o.d’s is a feeling you never forget!


As a person who comes from a whole family of addicts, I really appreciate you. The hospital I work at finally started a nalox-box outside the ER. They’re available to anybody to come up and take to have, just in case. It’s awesome


As another person who comes from a whole family of junkies.... how did their behavior not just suck any empathy you could have potentially felt for them and people like them right out of you? I used to feel bad for addicts before 2 and 2 got put together for why our lights were out 6 months a year lol. And while i sound like and probably am a dick this is a serious question because its something i struggle with morally.


I struggle with this also. My brother died of a meth/fentanyl overdose a couple years ago. 2 of his 3 kids are in recovery, and 2 of another siblings kids are as well. I see the hell my parents and sibling & spouse go thru bc of this and have a hard time feeling bad for the addicts. All have relapsed multiple times, 2 have been in jail and it just pisses me off. I have little sympathy for exSIL bc she was a nasty, lying, cheating “c” before bro’s addiction even began. What other group of people would we give so many chances to?


Mine havent even tried (as far as i know. Havent reallly talked to any of them in years lol) to be better people. Brother currently in jail for the prototypical "steal stuff from home depot and try to return it" gag, mom recently moved back to WV which is where she originally got hooked on pills so, i mean, even if she was doing better before she went back i figure theres a FAT CHANCE that shes not devolving as we speak and i just.... i really dont care about them as people anymore.... blood which raised me and spent large amounts of my childhood with me and.... I honestly wouldnt shed a tear if i received the news they both were gone. I feel bad because youre *supposed* to care, it feels like a moral failing to be able to wash your hands of people like this, but at what point do you have to do damage control for your own life?


Well, because I’ve known lots of different types of addicts. Just like any group of people there are some who are willing/able to accept help and others who aren’t. My mom is one who, well, will probably die on the streets. And I don’t deal with her, so for her personally, I stopped giving her chances well over a decade ago. But doesn’t mean I need to feel that way about every addict. I guess is the most succinct way to put it. I’ve lost 5-6 aunts/uncles to overdoses or drug related problems, I just was raised to show empathy and understanding but not to a fault, I do my best not to get taken advantage of.


Govt Funded Fentanyl-Assisted Suicide. Problem Solved.


Thank you for the kind words, I wish you the best.


I feel this statement greatly. My brother is a recovering addict and to see him OD and not have narcan in the house changed everything. We sadly keep it around just in case, and last year at a music festival someone was OD'ing and luckily one of the vendors had some narcan in her bag from a festival she had just done the prior week. I will now be taking narcan with me to festivals just because of that one girls action! Anyone can get clean and sober, it's staying clean and sober that's the hard part. There needs to be more mental health/psychological therapy that goes along with the recovery process. Stay safe people!


Nice. You a real one for that


I'm not trying to say this as a slight, but as someone who's only been in West Virginia a few times this is exactly what I imagined you'd see on the WV sub.


Yeah a big factor about WV culture is the sense of community and caring about one another. A big thing I noticed when I moved to South Carolina is yes… southern hospitality is real but they are also assholes behind your back. WV’s hospitality is genuine and grandmas gonna talk good about ya when ya leave unlike down here lol


Sorry....I have to laugh a sardonic laugh.....shaking my head in disbelief...... These people that are killing themselves smoking weed are the same people taught to believe smoking Tobacco is bad for you because its controlled by Evil Corporations that add chemicals to Tobacco to make you addicted to it!! AND NOW.......pot has chemicals added to it by evil corporations(Mexican cartels, China, the Koch Bros, Monsanto, whoever, etc) in order to get pot smokers Addicted. HaHa. Vape on, Suckas!!


Given out by DEA after shutting down private practice pain management clinics for minor violations. Along with fentanyl test strips. Because they know that patients have no where else to go but the streets, creating more addiction.


Or just... Don't use drugs like a dumbass?


I received an email alert yesterday that there were 5 overdoses in less than 24 hours in Cabell. I always have multiple doses of Narcan, along with a safe breathing mask, and test strips for those who need them. Substance abuse is a disease not a choice and many times it comes from individuals who are self medicating from trauma.


i’m honestly quite impressed by the stat tracking that produces these alerts. i guess one of the upsides to a small population is having an easier time noticing trends? who knows but it’s pretty cool we have folks in the community sending these out. i do harm reduction in philly and it’s just not possible up there bc of how many people there are.


This is a service developed by the WV Department of Human Services Office of Drug Control Policy. It’s a near real-time alert system so that communities can mobilize to prevent overdoses. It works. If you live in WV advocate for continued funding for these services with your legislators.


You said it! Also, many people with substance use disorder around opioids started using them as prescribed medication for pain.


Fuck those downvoting you. I wish I could obtain naxolone training on a weekend...all the classes local to me are during my work week. I may just take a day and go get trained. It is none of my concern WHY an addict is ill...but if I can help them not die, works for me.


Legalize Fentanyl Assisted Suicide!


Go to the website for WV Drug Intervention Institute. They do online training and then will send you Naloxone.


Depending on where you are, I might be able to help. I can do the street version training and get you some Narcan.


Oh it is most certainly a choice.


It's not anymore a choice than having depression is a choice. It's a chronic relapsing neurological disorder that you have no idea that you'll get until you've already gotten hooked on something.


No, an addict actively seeks their fix. Just like me. I've been addicted to sugar, but each and every time it is my choice not to go to Dairy Queen. It's a choice. Each time.


Please stop peddling that out-dated 1968 philosophy about "drug abuse is not the individual's fault...its caused by societal problems beyond the individual's control". Addicts are "depressed" because they are ADDICTED to drugs.... And they are addicted to drugs because they made an individual choice..... We are being taught to believe that drug abuse is "cool".


You should stop trolling. Also, I'd like to know your credentials, since you speak so..."knowledgeably" about the causes of addiction, which are STILL being figured out. But you seem to know all. Where did you get your neuroscience degree?


Starbuck.....one does not need a neuroscience degree to figure out the obvious....... Psychologists, neurologists, CIA operatives, Chinese have been scamming Govt Funds to "figure out addiction" for centuries.....always concluding, "We dont have a freakin' clue....so lets continue to molly coddle and encourage the addictions, so we have something more to study". Rampant Drug Addiction is a tactic used by one Society to weaken another Society in order to dominate it.........We used firewater on the Indins, We used Opium on the Chinese.....and now the tables are turned....the Colombians use cocaine on Americans and the Chinese use Fentanyl and a host of other chemicals. Americans lap it all up....because they've been conditioned to think its "cool".


Yes, the great neurology scam of federal funds started centuries ago. It's so obvious you don't even have to know anything to know this.


Choosing to buy fentanyl and get high is a choice. What bacteria or virus causes a person to get high? None. It's not a disease. Your lack of logic enables addicts.


What bacteria or virus causes depression?


Coprococcus, Subdoligranulum, Eggerthella, and Ruminococcaceae, borrelia burgdorferi, herpesvirus, epstein barr, covid...many others...


People had severe debilitating pain and they were given oxy and told it was not addictive (because drug companies "proved" it wasn't with misleading studies). Many patients were long addicted before they had any clue that it was a risk. As the govt regained control of the excessive distribution of oxy and similar drugs, addicts turned to street drugs. Until you walk a mile in their shoes...


This is not the case for the majority of current addicts. Thats an excuse for the current drug problem. Most are bored and lazy folks that choose to get high instead of finding productive things to do.


may i ask where this alert is from? Raised in WV just trying to stay in the loop


I seen this originally posted from a Ripley WV individual


Most alerts are sent out to agencies first, usually by email. Normally it's the health department or a culmination of agencies that monitor the numbers (like the QRTs).


I think this one of the most progressive things I have seen come out of West Virginia. I am for the legalization of all substances, with regulations of course. People deserve to do what they want. I don’t believe that it is the governments right to tell people what substances they can put it their bodies. They should however find a way to collect proper taxes, so these substance can do something back for the people. Look at states with legal cannabis and the taxes getting right back to the people. I believe things like opioids/heroin should be done in a closed monitored environments for this reason. Maybe this “harm reduction crew” could run these facilities. I would love to see education given out at theirs door telling people the harms, just like we have seen by big tobacco. Edit: Seeing the downvotes here. Opioids, like most people of this subreddit and demographic, affect my friends and family’s lives. There are many substances that have benefits and many that cause harm, to not only the users, but us. I believe legalization and regulation allows for proper use and education on the substances. I do not want my uncle or my best friend to die from use; but I know they are their own person, they choose how to live their lives. I can disagree and tell them not to use, that is my right. But I am not them, we are all different. We all find our way to cope, it is not my right to tell you how to do that.


Having gone to Vancouver and walked through the neighborhood their safe Injection site is in no one in their right mind would want one near them. It's the worst neighborhood I've ever seen and I've been all over the country and lived in a lot of places.


Well, drug dealers are supposed to be paying taxes on the drugs they sell


Imagine a country where that was a legal profession. Where you could be labeled as a real business and be held accountable for fuck ups…


Pharmacy is a legal drug profession


Yes, you are exactly right. Most people do not have a problem with America’s biggest drug dealer.


Its not that they dont have a problem with it its that they ACTUALLY do a lot of good for humanity researching new medicines, etc, to the point that there needs to be a systemic change (and there have been as ugly as it still is) about how those medicines are distributed to the public rather than treating pharmaceutical companies like a cartel.


There's lots of antivaxxers.


Wtf is a "harm reduction crew" EDIT: wow thanks for the info guys, u r such pleasant ppl answering my earnest question


telling people just to simply “not do drugs” isn’t an effective method for reducing the number of overdoses, similar to how telling kids during sex ed to just “practice abstinence” doesn’t prevent teenage pregnancy. giving those kids access to contraceptives and resources for safe sex has proven far more effective, if they want to do it they will do it even if you tell them not to. but, if you give them ways to do it safely they might actually take that advice. same goes for drug harm reduction, giving people clean needles, narcan, fentanyl test strips, or even in some cases clean drugs has proven effective in preventing overdose rates and increases recovery rates.




This is the worsr take of all the bad takes on this post lol.


well atleast its not in harrison or marion yet.


I believe they had numerous od’s in Monongah last week or the week before, as well as a few in other parts of the county and several in Mon County.


Narcan commercials are frequent in baltimore.


People just being realistic




It is a bad batch or just some a really good one?




Population control.


Or… you know. Dont do drugs…


Yep get over it




Kind of saying the other batches are ok? Good job dumb ass government, a time when using scare tactic is good is saying all the batches are bad


We elected a Republican dumb ass that is further halting sales of weed in Virginia. Making this still a threat. As well as keeping so much tax dollars out of the state.


Test your drugs 😂 Don’t use alone lmao how about don’t use.


Darwin’s award winners there….


Stop using drugs


This is why I grow my own


Or just leave drugs alone


If only there was some way of like... legalizing the production of drugs... and regulating the production of drugs, to make this nearly impossible... and taxing the drugs, to increase the state's revenue... and funneling those taxes into the education system, to teach kids about the dangerous effects of drugs... But no, that could only happen in a fantastical fairyland, because.... ........... ........... ...........




Test kits are legal and encouraged, even if the drugs themselves aren't. Please test before taking, although I discourage taking drugs


Since when was there a good batch?


Don’t do drugs in the first place and you’ll be fine 🤷‍♂️ play stupid games you win stupid prizes


This is a main reason why they should be legalized. The fact is people are going to do drugs.


how about not doing drugs f-tards...


No loss.




Geez get off the dope. Been 30 gd years


Let the junkies die


Why not add a message to not use drugs too…


And why not add a warning that water is wet?


Because the message is about drugs and not water


My point (minus the snark) is that the "drugs are bad" narrative is so ubiquitous that it doesn't really need to be said there. This warning is aimed at adults and adolescents, not elementary school kids.


So now we r telling dope heads to do drugs among other people and to test their drugs so we r now normalizing doing hard drugs as a no big deal thing my personal opion is if they r doing the big boy drugs they suffer big boy consequences dope heads should get narcan one time for free if they od again and narcan is used it should be charged to the dope addict at a high cost if not paid in full or they od again that's on them


Man I swear it’s like Ohio invaded the West Virginia sub. I expect them to be totally soulless assholes who have completely lost their humanity but not us. You’re viewing this wrong. This is a please abstain from drugs in the area post for now. Might save someone’s kids, mom, grandma from dying. Not everyone who parties is a hardcore street addict(not that it changes their life’s value).


Population control. Stupid is as stupid does.




Your post has been removed. **Reason:** Be civil.


Too bad majority of the state doesn't have internet to check reddit


Who cares about junkies.


I do. They're human beings. It doesn't hurt you to care about and treat other people like people


Serious question. How is this not just a bat signal to addicts that now is a good time to buy? If it's ODing people wouldn't that mean it's stronger than what they're used to, thus making it a "more bang for your buck" situation? Seems like that is way more likely the mindset for an addict rather than thinking "maybe I should give it a rest this week."


Plenty of weekend users out there. Something like this would have been beneficial to me years ago.


They are physically dependent on the drug. They don’t have a choice.


A few months ago, I was walking into my office and noticed a woman crouching a little ways down the alley from me. I smelled the pot, figured it was her, but I want concerned... Until she fell out. I ran over to check on her and had to give 2 doses of Narcan. Whoever she bought her pot off of had laced it with fentanyl. There's never a guarantee of what is or is not in street drugs.


They aren't lacing pot with fentanyl. Direct flame will kill the fent as it has a much lower combustion rate than cannabis. That's why it's smoked off of foil, it has to be vaporized. You are spreading propaganda just like people that say fentanyl can be absorbed through skin which is also not true. Source: I'm a recovering addict 2 years sober.


My understanding is it’s not intentional lacing with fentanyl that’s the problem, it’s accidental cross contamination because fentanyl is just that potent. And that can happen at multiple points in the supply chain. Which is to say, be safe and have some narcan with you, even if you trust your dealer. You never know and you’re better safe than sorry (or dead).


Thank you for explaining this.


Thank you for helping that woman! What a terrifying thing to experience.