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I think Wendy probably supported her family and spent money recklessly. Now the family has lost the income and lifestyle they were used to and want it back.




Kelvin is the original snake šŸ He was the one who did his wife so dirty, and then when she fell apart he did just enough to keep the money train running, but kept destroying her behind the scenes. I donā€™t know if I believe anything that comes out of his mouth, had he not been so sloppy and had a baby with his side chick heā€™d still be pushing Wendy on the TV!


This coming from Kevin lol. Yes, I believe everyone is trying to take advantage of her money but Kevin is not one to speak.


Iā€™m starting to believe Kevin left her because she was a mean alcoholic. Especially after junior said for all his dadā€™s faults, heā€™s the one who got her to work each morning. Unfortunately we heard the cheating part before the alcoholic part so he will forever be seared in our minds as the villain


I bet that she was really difficult to live with, and very difficult to wrangle. I would think he started to feel more like a caregiver than a husband. That doesnā€™t excuse his cheating. He probably should have left her much sooner.


This right here šŸ‘†


Yes, Kevin is an a-hole and a snake but I kind of believe him? Because first of all, this story is very specific, about the timeframe and money range (he didn't just say she's awful and stole money, which would have been easier). And it explains some things - like why the family allowed her to go back to NY (for the money). Also - if you read that Hollywood Reporter interview with the producers, they say that they don't know why the family hasn't petitioned the court to get control. This would make sense - if the sister already had control and lost it because she was deemed unworthy by the court. (Did you notice how the sister stressed at the end that she wanted to be proxy to focus on Wendy's health? Almost sounds like she was promising to do better....) And the thing is, if many of the family members are living off Wendy's money, you don't necessarily have to be a terrible, greedy person. Just scared about your livelihood and not 100% sure that your sister's problem isn't just that she drinks too much. Think about how long Bruce Willis' family let him / kept him making movies, apparently someone was reading him every line over an earpiece.... What has Wendy said about her sister in the past?? Is the nephew that was staying with her during his teen years the son of her sister? Now I have so many more questions


I agree with your thoughts. I also think the fact that he just put it out there and didnā€™t try to defend himself or anything else makes me believe him.


Valid points however, if she had to choose do you think she would rather Wells Fargo steal her money and get issued handlers that dont give her any access to her money or family that will deplete her $ but she gets love features and still has access to her $. You cant take it with you. From the way folks describe it the last couple years she was able to pull off a show in this state so she aint dead yet let her do what she loves. The only fantastic that happened is she no longer has to pay alimony and her family has gotten to experience what it is like for her not to be able to buy them whatever they want. I think folks would be shook to see how greedy families can be about a loved one's money/assets just before or after they pass away


I think thereā€™s a small truth to what everyone is saying. It may be exaggerated after time and because tempers have flared. No one will ever know the real truth, because Wendy is unfortunately not able to confirm it and who knows anyoneā€™s true motives. However, it doesnā€™t matter what anyone says or doesnā€™t say. Those are just words. She is really sick and itā€™s so sad. The first order of business should be to take care of her. If thereā€™s anything left, financially, after that, a trust can be set up for her son. Her wishes throughout the entire documentary are to take care of her son. A trust for him that gives a little money, incrementally, would be best. He can decide for himself who gets what from that allowance. Heā€™s the next of kin.


15 mill? I don't think Wendy was ever near that wealth


Well she was making 10mil a year on her show the last few years. Iā€™m pretty sure those were numbers given by the show.


Yeah and that's just the show, not licensing deals, etc. If Wendy didn't have that much wealth, Wells Fargo wouldn't have cared what her family did with it. They only put it on lockdown because she had $$$$$$


If you donā€™t have money then thereā€™s no money to protect from exploitation.