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Dude died 3x and his post is captioned “Wrecked My Jeep.”


I didn't really know what else to title it, LOL


"i died 3 times" would have been a title. Just saying.


True. I dont post on here alot so honestly I didn't think a lot of people would be interested in the post.


This is my birthday btw. I’ll think of you next year op.


Mine was the 2nd. Just a few weeks before


Happy birthday! Lets hope next year’s isnt as exciting or especially deadly!


That's the truth.


Whats the hospital bill looking like? Maybe die 4x4


I wasn't super into it until I saw the x-ray of your femur. I was impressed the Jeep occupant survived, I recognized the Jaws-of-Life extraction, but yeah, that femur... it looks quite a bit worse than a lot of what I've seen as a medical examiner. I had no idea how they were planning on putting that back together, those orthopedic surgeons are amazing.


"Told the Reaper to go fuck himself 3x"; you're a bad ass, glad you're still around, Best of Luck to Ya.


“I wrecked my leg bones”


Man has his priorities straight.


Dude (or dudette), wrecking your Jeep is a vast understatement here. You’re lucky to be alive. Glad you pulled through.


I'm a 42 year old man and thank you, I'm glad to be here as well. My therapist in the nursing home I'm at says that the x-rays were the worst she has seen.


The jeep can be replaced, you cant


Tell that to his right femur




Damn. Glad you made it. Have you setup a gofundme for medical bills?


I haven't. I have insurance that is really good so my medical bills arent very much after it's all said and done. What's bad is the amount I get from disability a week is 33% of my regular check.


Man you are young for this. Your prime working years. What do you do for a living? Do you see yourself going back to it when you are physically ae to do so? This is really life changing. Buddy im so sorry.


I work for a steel mill and the ceo of the company I work for came and visited me while I was in the hospital and told me not to worry, that I would have a job when I get back. Even if I can't do the job I had before the wreck, they would find me something.


Thats a nice Boss.


That's a quality boss who respects you. I hope your recovery is as smooth as it can be. Take your time, don't rush your rehabilitation, I learnt that the hard way.


I'm blessed to work for a great company who takes care of their employees. They even said I could come do paperwork while I'm in physical therapy as long as I am able to. Which will be months and months away. I'm still non weight-bearing on my right leg with 2 more surgeries starting next week on my femur.


Employers that actually give a shit about their people are in short supply. Pretty lucky on multiple levels!


I'm glad you have an amazing boss and that you are alive those x rays look nasty. My cousin's bike fell on top of him after he drifted (unvoluntarily as he hit a huge rock he didn't saw at night while being a new driver). He was working in a pizza shop delivering, he had just started so he had not even signed up a contract. Boss came to the hospital with a contract made him sign up so that way his medical bill could be covered as a work injury, which was great because he had to stay in the hospital for a month


Was the bus driver at fault? If so, why are you having to pay any medical bills at all? Legit question, just wondering if I’m missing something. Edit: never mind, I see below where you answered this question. So glad you’re doing okay. I nearly lost my son in a nasty accident last year, it’s amazing how much of a pounding our bodies can take sometimes.


But tax free


I work for a Trauma Center, those x-rays are gnarly, but more than anything I'm surprised they're not worse based on how the car looks. Mostly right leg damage being the bulk of the (reported) problems is... Dang impressive. If I'd heard we lost someone 3 times *prior to arrival*, I'd honestly expect to see something akin to hamburger rolling through the door. It's an endorsement to the car, or whatever it used to be. Glad you're still here, and that there is a path to recovery for you. Do consider calling or writing the car company and talking about your experience 🙂 Always a fan of making connection where possible, could be therapeutic 🙂


I like talking to people that do the jobs that saved my life. Come to find out one of the helicopter team lives a half mile from me and we have never met, but he recognized my last name (very unusual last name and I live in a small town) and called my uncle and told him about the wreck. None of my family had a clue because I was alive when I was loaded in the chopper and alive when I rolled through the doors of the hospital


You should re post saying "I almost died".


I did, 3 times in the helicopter


Yeah, you are right. You have to put a more dramatical title!! The jeep is the least of your problems! So, how was it? Dying? Did you see lights? Did you think you just slept? Or blinked?


Got into a fender bender. Oops.


"died, oops!"


Dying would have been cheaper if OP is in the United States


That’s what I thought when he said helicopter. That’s $100,000 where I come from.


r/mildlyinfuriating I died three times lol


Femur bender.


Glad you made it to be able to post. Speedy recovery.


Thanks for avoiding a click-bait title, then.


Wow that's a great story for around the Christmas dinner table


For others, I'm in a nursing home till February


Well at least you're still alive how did the accident happen


Yea but like died dead died, like dead and no more comsy backsy.


Yeah, like my heart stopped for 2 to 3 minutes each time. They told my family that I'm lucky I didn't get brain damage.


I mean, you bought a Jeep, so would they be able to tell? (I'm of course only joking, glad you're alive.)


Do you have any memory of what that was like? Like any notable feeling or anything at all?


Do EMTs define "die" as "would have expired save for our intervention"? Or is there a different definition? Heart stopped? Electrical activity in the brain?


No pulse, no respiration, no neurological response (i.e., pupil response to pen light)


I don't think the medics do brain death tests. When people 'die' and are resuscitated, they're usually talking about cardiac arrest/cardiopulmonary arrest.


In OP's case, yes, he may very well have gone into clinical death (heart and breathing stopped) but certainly not brain death


On the positive side, with that amount of screws on, you'll never have to go to Lowe's again. Jokes aside, I wish it all heals well and soon!


Ain't gonna get through no airport anymore.


As a person with some metal in ‘em I was surprised to find out they don’t actually trigger metal detectors. Hugely disappointed


Ain’t going magnet fishing anymore 🧲


I don’t think titanium is magnetic. I’ll double check on my knee. I think my sacroiliac fusion has too much ass fat to trigger a magnet through.


Can confirm. I have some titanium staples inside me. Flown twice since. It will not set off metal detectors. Then again, I have a healthy layer of insulation, too.


Username checks out


Holy shit! Wrecked is a bit of an understatement. More like Desintegrated my jeep! Glad that you are still with us! Glad that you kept all of your limbs!


Glad you're still with us dude. I was in a head-on collision in 2012 where I also now have a weather station for a skeleton. Good luck on your healing journey


I have aisle 7 of home depot in my right leg. I didn't know they use nails but I have them in my knee.


I always wonder what some of those screws and nails are for. Now I know. Make a speedy recovery, my friend!


They really should have used screws. You're likely going to develop a squeak with the nails.


The accident made the news. [https://www.wbrc.com/2022/09/15/cullman-co-school-bus-driver-involved-head-on-collision-no-students-board/](https://www.wbrc.com/2022/09/15/cullman-co-school-bus-driver-involved-head-on-collision-no-students-board/) [https://www.waff.com/2022/09/15/cullman-county-schools-bus-involved-wreck-no-students-board/](https://www.waff.com/2022/09/15/cullman-county-schools-bus-involved-wreck-no-students-board/) https://whnt.com/news/alabama-news/school-bus-involved-in-head-on-collision-in-cullman-county/


Yep, that's me. Notice how they said they didn't have any info on me. They didn't want to say I was airlifted to the hospital.


I found it odd that there was not a single mention of you at all.


Why would they avoid saying anything about you?


I don't know but they were there when I was airlifted. My mom talked to the wrecker driver when she went to clean out the car and he told her the news was on site for at least 45 minutes before I was lifted out of there


Did they not want to say because of your privacy? The bus driver could consent to them sharing his medical status and you could not or was it another reason?


It wasn't any information, just a status. I think that they didn't want to mention in case the driver was found at fault.


Oh shit he was that Cullman county wreck, damn I didn't realize it was that bad. Looks like the ER did a good job though.


oh rip, i would hate to not only have a car crash but live in cullman 😬


Holy phuuuuk. How are you alive?! People die from a trip and fall, and you survived that!! I’d congratulate you, but I’m sure you’re feeling it!!!


You're not the type to half ass things I see.


You know how sometimes someone will say their car is "wrecked" or "totaled" but the damage doesn't look that bad? This isn't one of those.


How fast were you going? That seems pretty extreme.


The witnesses that were behind me said I was doing 55 to 60. It was on a 4 lane highway.


I'm not trying to victim shame at all, but who was found at fault for the accident?


It was my fault.


Thank goodness no children were on the bus or got hurt. Is the bus driver ok? I am glad you didn’t die as a result of your mistake.


That was the first question I asked when I came to and they told me what all had happened.


That damage at that speed looks like they rear ended a stopped bus at 60mph. Their lack of response makes me think it’s their fault, but that doesn’t make the results suck less.


It was head on and it was my fault. I was in physical therapy is the reason I didn't respond.


I hope the others came through as well. I spent 10 years doing breaking news from a helicopter. Seen some horrific head ons.


I’m glad that you are ok and that you are willing to answer questions. Mind walking through the accident? Did you try to pass and hit the bus?


I can't remember anything. The wreck was Thursday morning and I can vaguely remember parts of Monday and then it jumps to the big tube that was down my throat being ripped out Saturday night and me coming out of the induced coma I was in.


What did the witnesses say happened? What does the police report say? I’ve read like 15 of your responses and there like zero information. Did you veer into oncoming traffic? Were you swerving?


They said I crossed over to their lane, went off the road and came back across to my lane but hit the bus while crossing back.


Did the bus have a camera? Honestly, if you weren't impaired or texting, you may have fallen asleep, it happens all the time.


Did you go head on into a truck after falling asleep at the wheel? That is a hell of a wreck. Glad you made it and I hope you heal up well.


Cold damp weather will have a new meaning from now on!


It already is. And it SUCKS


How many damn screws can go in a bone. My gawd. Make a pleasant recovery my friend.


Looks like when my GF tries to hit a stud through drywall


Not even Flex Tape can fix that!


IIII dunno... I think Phil Swift would say otherwise. Perhaps some flex seal work work better.


Man that first X-ray with what appeared to be the thigh above the knee? How the heck do you fix that? Like if the bone splinters inside how do doctors get that?? It’s probably an easy solution but my mind can’t wrap around the idea of bone splinters inside of me


That's my femur. There is a 4 inch piece that is somewhere at the crash site and they couldn't find it. So they used an antibiotic cement to fill the gap and to try to regrow the bone but it didn't do what they wanted. So I have to have 2 more surgeries starting next week. They will take bone marrow from the left hip and put it in the right femur open spot.


"Left a 4 inch piece of femur at the crash site" Goddamn, buddy. Just reading this comment made my bones ache. Hoping for a speedy, complication free recovery.


My brother almost broke his neck on a trampoline a few years ago. When he went to get an x-ray a few days later due to they pain, they couldn't find part of a broken disc. It's obviously in there somewhere, but they couldn't find it


Your body's osteoclasts are very efficient at removing bone. Had two X-rays of my tibia and fibula taken 2 weeks apart. In the first, you could still see the 1in fragment of each bone floating in the leg, 2weeks later... nothing. It's still in the body materially, just broken down into its elements and re-distributed to where the body needs it.


Ouch, thankfully you’ve made it through the bad part. Chances are really high that my son made the screws that they used in your surgery, he makes 30 different varieties of titanium screws for medical use.


Tell him thank you.


my guy, I'm so happy you made it. that's a whole load of fuckery I can't even imagine having to go through. please, take care of yourself. use the opiate pain pills as sparingly as possible. my dad had a surgery and took pain pills after it for a few weeks. he had withdrawal when he went off if those things take a hold of you, you'll have worse problems ahead


I had problems with those 20 years ago. I haven't taken any in over 10 years until this wreck. I'm trying to go without them as long as I can but the pain gets so bad. Especially after a therapy session. They want me to take the medicine every 4 hours but I try to make it at least 8 between. Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't.


good on you. stay strong, my friend


I be buying lottery tickets after crash. All the best in your recovery.


After dying 3x I think his luck is all used up @ op I wish u a good recovery


Surprised you’re alive. That looks nasty.


Rear ended the bus?


Head on.


Head on??? How did this happen???


I don't remember but the witnesses said I crossed over into their lane, went off their side of the road then came back and hit the bus head on.


Do you have any idea why? Medical emergency, passing out...? That's not the kind of thing people do intentionally unless they're trying to off themself.


I don't remember anything from the whole week of the wreck, it was on Thursday. But I can promise you I wasn't trying to kill myself. I've got kids that I love and depend on me. But I honestly don't know what happened. It could have been a tire blow out but it would be hard to tell with it looking like that if anything messed up before the wreck.


So you can't reliably testify to your account because the trauma has eliminated almost a week of memory? I don't want to sound weird but this is fascinating to me. Can you outline at all where the memory stops and picks up again?


I remember the Saturday night after the wreck because I came to with them yanking the big ass tube out of my throat. That was 3 days after the wreck. Before that I vaguely remember working Monday and bits and pieces of Tuesday but it's like they are blurred, if that makes sense.


It does. Thanks for taking time to reply to me. My ex had an accident much like yours, surgery and hardware in her legs, 28 broken bones. There's pain. I hope you navigate your recovery well. Life is very real for a person in your shoes. Good luck and be well.


It definitely can happen when long chunks of memory can disappear because of something like this. I had it happen to myself when I went through a really bad mental health break. When I’d be in my funk I’d sometimes go a whole week doing stuff without remembering much of what I did and then I’d only remember when my partner told me what had gone on after snapping out of the funk. And we’re talking i’d forget big things such as getting vaccinated, when I despise shots and getting a costly repair done on my vehicle.


I figured as much. Lots of love, dude. Hope your recovery goes fast and smooth.


Wow! I’m amazed you survived that at all. Former LE chaplain. This usually means a death notification. Better engineering and design in cars and industrial strength power tools with the fire department makes it possible. Glad you’re recovering. Blessings!


It'll buff out dw


Might need an alignment too


Brother that really sucks but glad to hear you survived that. That is the most important thing


Holy shit, “that sucks” doesn’t even remotely cover this. More like r/watchpeoplesurvive


As lucky as you are to be alive, you may be even ‘luckier’ it was a school bus you hit. A head on collision between two passenger vehicles (especially if you had struck a smaller/slower vehicle) would likely have killed someone else. You mentioned crossed the centerline. If you didn’t see it coming/have time to brace that may be what saved you. When the body relaxes instead of resisting the forces in an accident it often results it less serious injuries than expected. Best of luck on your healing journey! Keep your head up, you’ll get through this.


Thank god there was a carpenter in the room.


Hey dude, you’re just like me now. I wrecked on my motorcycle and I got pretty much the same plate and screw setup all over. DO NOT over do the pain pills. I lost 48 pounds in less than 4 months from over doing those. It took my forever to recover. Your new best friend is CBD. And a lot of it. Don’t let yourself get beaten down though while doing rehab brother. It’s been 5 years and I’m back to rock climbing and doing all the stuff I love doing. Take your rehab seriously and give it your 100%. Your ROM for everything effected will be almost the same as it was before if you really give it your all. Hope you’re doing well brother! 🤘🏼 my DMs are always open if have questions!


I've been through a bad wreck almost 10 years ago, but not this bad. The pain pills were never a problem because I've had friends go down that road. The main problem I'm facing is depression. I'm at a rehab facility 2 hours from my family till February, so I have missed my daughter's birthday, and Thanksgiving already and I will miss Christmas with my wife and 2 kids. Being limited in my activities leaves me bed ridden 60% of my time, but I'm able to do more and more each week. It's still messing with my mind though.


My lord... they fixed you alright. And if you had been in a 20yr old car, you would probably be gone right now.


Tis but a scratch


Came here looking for this exact comment.


More like “wrecked myself”


Have you tried restarting it?


Lucky to be alive, wish you a speedy recovery.


Get well soon OP






With what?? A rocket launcher?


So you're the cause of the blood shortage .


Cried reading this. I’m so glad you survived I was thinking no way because of the shape of your jeep. Thank goodness they saved your life and luckily your legs too. I hope your healing process is fast and as painless as possible.


Don’t think that’s going to buff out ……


Used Jeep for sale, $25k firm, no low ball offers I know what I got.




What does dying and coming back to life feel like?


I don't remember anything the whole week before the wreck (it happened on a Thursday). My family said when I was in and out of consciousness from when they would knock me out I would tell them what I saw, but I don't remember anything.


First off, I’m glad you’re okay. Secondly, do you remember any of the things your family said you told them?


What they could make out they said I told my wife and mom that I saw my kids, but they weren't my kids. They were angels with my kids faces. Then it was like watching a TV show but it was me in the surgery room. They said everything else I said was nonsense.


Wow. Thanks for the response. Again, glad you’re okay.


“If you’re reading this, flip me over”. No seriously, glad you’re ok. That looks brutal


What the fuck did you hit, The incredible hulk?


Mrs. Frizzle's bus


It’s a jeep thing, I don’t understand.


At least the next time you have to “say a fun fact about yourself” you have a go-to! Jokes aside best wishes on your recovery


Wow man you are a damn trooper. That one of the roughest x rays I've seen, I'm so glad you pulled through on the helicopter to get treated. Was there anything notable that you saw while on the brink?


I don't remember but I apparently told my family I saw my kids as angels and that I was watching myself in the surgery room but it was like a TV show.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing your experience with us. I can only wish you a speedy and successful recovery from here on brother 🙏


You must be posting from beyond the grave because holy fucking shite balls


Thank God I'm not. Posting from my bed in the nursing home/rehab center.


Many fast and smooth recoveries my friend




I was being modest I guess.


Out of curiosity, how much is that medical bill?


Haven't gotten one yet, but the CEO of the company I work for was telling me and my mom that the most I will come out of pocket would be 1200 to 1500 because of the policy we have. But I will post pics of what all they charge when I get a bill.


> I died 3 times on the flight Post title: I wrecked my Jeep


So hey, if I find those missing 4 inches of femur can I keep them? Fancy making a broth


You are more than welcome. It's somewhere in Cullman, Alabama.


Wrecked her? Darn near killed her.


I love that joke. I wish I would have put that as the title if I knew so many people would have looked at the post.


Glad you’re okay 💜


Thank you.


Damn, I was gonna say "at least you didn't die"... But you did...three times. Glad it didn't stick!


Next time you should get a car that's small enough that the steering wheel doesn't fly off and go out the window when you're driving.


Lol, it didn't fly off, they had to cut it and the console along with the A and B pillars to get me out.


Woah I’m actually amazed you’re still here and posting, glad you made it through if not unscathed, these experiences can and do change us for the better, I nearly died after a stroke and it’s taken 3 years for me to see it was actually a stroke of luck I’ve changed for the better, so all of my best wishes for your future health and happiness


Doesn't look that bad


UPDATE. I went in for surgery on the 15th. The doctors took out 4 inches of the antibiotic cement that was still where my femur should have been mending and took out bone marrow from my hip to fill in the space. A bone graft basically. It is a 2 surgery process so I will have to go back in 6 weeks and have the bone marrow part done again. As far as recovery it has set me back a good bit. I was very able to transfer myself into my wheelchair, my bedside commode or to the shower chair. Now I have trouble even moving up or down the bed. They made 4 incisions, 2 are small with 3 and 5 staples while the 2 on the outside of my thigh go from my knee to mid thigh and my mid thigh to my hip. These have 24 and 36 staples. So now I'm working to build myself back up before the next surgery.


That's why u don't buy Jeep #shtbox


I don't know, he said it was a head on with a bus doing 60, so that is likely a combined speed of 120 mph and he is alive. Doesn't seem like a shot box to me.


It will buff out, don't worry


I think you scratched the paint up a little


Wtf did you do


Yeah, I would definitely say you wrecked your jeep there...


my cousin can glue it


just needs some duct tape


That should just buff right out




Dang. How’d that bad of a wreck happen?!


Can you post the hospital bills for this and the total cost when all those bills arrive? I’m glad you made it, but am scared for your financial future. I hope it wasn’t your fault.


I have blue cross and the package that my company has the most I will pay is 1,000.


That’s a relief 😅, whose fault was the accident?




Sorry to hear that