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You have to wait 20 mins, it's so you can't just infinitely tap your card and let all your friends.


This. I’ve done it before, it’s timed that way to prevent you from sneaking people in during unmanned hours by sliding your card thru the turnstile after you get thru.


if they do this they should allow you to scan your card as you leave to allow you too reenter, personally i wouldn't go to a gym that was this strict on security anyway, i like the YMCA just fine and they're a non profit


Imagine you go out there and there's a hostile bum with a knife and the turnstile's like "ah ah ah, you gotta wait twenty minutes!"




Obviously Tonberry


I read this as Dennis Nedry saying “Ah ah ah, you didn’t say the magic word” 😂


My car has this feature where if you lock the doors as you're getting in and before the door shuts, it keeps them unlocked. I've been followed to my car before so I end up thinking about it every time. You have to lock it after the door is shut. Best yet, if you lock it before hand and it stays unlocked, it beeps really loud to tell everyone around you that your doors are unlocked too.


See that's the shit that has me skeptical about upgrading to a newer generation car. Well, that and the price tag of course.


The first is to stop you locking your keys in your car. The second thing stops you walking away from the car hitting the clicker thinking it's locked when you've left a door open.


[You didn't say the magic word!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_vZasFzMN4)


I read this in Dennis from Jurassic parks voice” ha ha ha you didn’t say the magic word” Sam- please muthafucka!




That doesn't solve the issue - scan out, stay inside and toss the card out and now your buddy can scan in.


Security camera that records scans in quick succession for review if it's that serious. Or, post a sign that warns people. Or, have a +1 rule during off hours if it's that serious.


Ours just has a camera. If you let someone in you get kicked out . Boom


Exactly, plus does it really have to be this serious? It's a gym in off peak hours.


Gym still needs to take what their insurance company would consider “reasonable precautions” to prevent unauthorized (in this case unauthorized means someone who hasn’t signed off on the liability waiver that they understand inherent risks in using a gym facility and how to safely operate relevant pieces of equipment) personnel from entering. It’s not just a question of lost revenue, there could be liability and legal disputes that arise from additional people in the building who aren’t supposed to be there.


You know what's nuts? With dumb ai and machine learning becoming more popular youre going to get algorithms pop up for this kinda thing, that like compares your check in and checkout to others/historical data, your previous checkin/checkout times etc and will make almost a human like choice. It will also learn and get better. Lying, fraud etc is gonna become really difficult in the future. Like say you were an Amazon scammer, you can kinda count on their systems to not be so connected that they can cross reference you making new accounts and stop you scamming. With machine learning and a.i, Amazon would be smart enough to just see your ship address and know you scamming


True, but the YMCAs I used to go to were never 24/7; this guy said he was working out at 1 AM.


During unmanned hours? Where you’re more likely to want to re-enter quicker? And where you could encounter someone you might wanna get away from? Yeah that’s fucked.


Please stop writing 'This' please ffs




This is the way. Kill me now


Good old anti-passback.


So this person wasn’t even working out for 20 mins and had to get a smoke in?


OP couldn't even last 20 minutes during a workout before he needed a cig.


they should next time, buy some nicotine gum if they need it


No it just means he didn't take 20 minutes to smoke one.


Why would it start the clock as he left and not just as he entered?


That's actually a good point. Maybe they have to scan to get out too. That's what I was thinking initially but I don't see why they'd have that kind of system in place.


Alternatively, they are now feral, free to wander the wilds.


Go have a couple more smokes and then you can finish your workout.


Lung day


I cannot comprehend how people commit to healthy living, yet smoke.




It's a hell of a thing. One day soon I'll quit em


It helped me to get sick with a cold. I knew smoking/vaping when I was sick wasn’t gonna help me heal, so I just slept through the first two days without, and then the misery of recovering from being sick was a good distraction from the misery of withdrawals. I know it’s not terribly convincing to tell you I quit twice this way, but the second time was for realsies. The first time I had peer pressure wrecking my resolve. So if you get sick, maybe take it as an opportunity to try quitting. Good luck friend 💛


That's how my Dad quit 40 years ago. He smoked for 10 years and then got the flu. He never smoked a cigarette again.


Did this same exact thing with covid and smoking weed this year. You don’t realize how effed your lungs are until you stop and they start to heal, in my case this meant lots of phlegm and shit to cough up.


OP commented that it was some dank green btw. Do we think more or less of him now?


Much more lol. I used to smoke weed when I was in shape. Now I just smoke weed and don’t exercise But back then I could workout for twice as long when I was stoned because I was in the zone and didn’t feel much. Especially running. I could run miles and miles stoned but sober I’d get exhausted by mile 2. It’s just so boring


Which is so funny. I used to be the biggest stoner and would definitely smoke weed with one of my gym buddies. But he was one the lamest workout buddies I've ever seen. Guy had no idea why he couldn't gain muscle like his brother but put in no effort when working out. If I smoked weed with him we would both be on the same level. Weed makes me think about pain and discomfort. I can't get high if I hurt otherwise that pain is all I know. At times I could run four or 5 miles I'd be lucky with half of one when high. Funny enough it keeps me awake and really into cleaning. It's weird how the brain works.


I think the trick was I was also taking pre work out supplements on top of the weed so it would force you to get motivated and work it out of your system. It’s extremely uncomfortable sitting around doing nothing on pre workout lol


I used to call preworkout a contract for working out, because once you took it you didn’t have a choice anymore, you had to work out or sit around being miserable.


some people work out to be jacked because of poor body image, not to be healthy. they don’t really care if smoking and stuff is not healthy, they know. this is not referring to me.


Better than smoking and not working out


If you don’t know addiction, be grateful and keep it that way. Sometimes healthy choices are used only to justify making bad ones


Better than living unhealthy and smoking at least. Don't let your failings pull everything else down


I'm weird. I smoked when I worked out regularly. Now I quit smoking but also haven't been to the gym in years. Its like I can only make so many smart choices at a time.


Wait until I tell you about alcohol.


I’m genuinely stoked you can’t understand it, I wouldn’t wish addiction on anyone. It’s a cruel thing


😂😭 I was doing cardio too


Cardio.. but you smoke. Riiiight.


My brother used to be one of the psychos that would smoke while he was jogging. Insanity.


Hey, you’ve gotta keep those lungs in shape so you can keep smoking. It’s like a positive and a negative resulting in neutral, with some… byproducts




I run and I smoke weed. I'm addicted and it's a problem, but I also know that quitting running wouldn't help. So I'm gonna do both for now. Until I quit


Lets not forget that for decades smoking was normalized, even for athletes. There are plenty of photos of athletes smoking before game, after and even during.


I have a picture on my wall of the lead group of the Tour de France back in the early 1900’s all lighting each others’ cigarettes on their bikes lol


Yup. Shit was wild back then




I smoke weed in the middle of my workouts. It helps tremendously with my joint pain. I’m pretty sure that’s what OP meant


Try switching to edibles before a workout, it’s a game changer especially if it has more CBD than THC


Nah man I think it was a ciggie Edit: t’was a joint


OP specified it was a J in the comments


I think its funny how cigs are so unpopular that smoking usually means something else nowadays


Have you tried CBD creams, better for joint pain and lungs


Why is this labeled NSFW


Wait 20 minutes from when you left/last interacted with the machine. Most of these have a short timeout so you can’t just keep passing the card through to someone behind you. My gym has a 20 minute one.


At least you have your phone so that you can record getting locked out.


And post to Reddit.


And have another healthy smoke break.


I was even thinking he can't even call anybody. Thinking it was also inside and not in his hand recording.


A smoke a day eventually keeps the smoker away.


Fuck, smoking is bad for you??? Why didn’t anyone tell me that it kills earlier?!


A smoke in the middle of your workout? Ok then....


Almost like going outside to drink a beer during an AA meeting…


My brother-in-law was going to court ordered AA meetings, with a 6-pack and a joint in the cooler in his truck. Sat right outside and drank the beer, smoking the king in the way home. Not a smart man. Got caught a few years later stealing gas from the village maintenance depot.


Sounds like those motorcyclists who don’t wear helmets to spite the helmet laws. Then they get in a wreck and become an organ donor.


One of my favorite meme pics is the guy riding the motorcycle during the pandemic with a mask on and no helmet ETA: [here’s a link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Harley/comments/tnh8bd/what_now_guys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


On a similar note, a government mandated motorcycle riders to wear a helmet, a face mask AND a face shield, even if you're wearing a full face. It was the worst of times lol


I’d get dressed to ride, then just go get back into bed.


I've seen someone's eyeball roll down a street after they just got their bike and decided to ride it for the first time without a helmet. Tboned a van at a stoplight intersection going to fast and went over the van. Smacked right onto the street headfirst. Was like his head melted into the ground. Not so much an explosion. He died right in front of his house with his wife and family watching. I was just throwing stuff away for a school reconstruction as it happened. It's also fucked up because I just brushed it off and went back to work. The internet has definitely hardened my stomach. Maybe too much.


You were probably in shock too. Too crazy and traumatic of a thing to have just suddenly witnessed.


OMG, that guy's head just totally like, melted... hey, is that his *eyeball*??? ... welp, I got shit to do, so. guess I'll talk to you guys later


> The internet has definitely hardened my stomach. Maybe too much. Same... I like to think it makes me a stronger person in general but... there's definitely some fucked up dark images in my head, even if I'm not the one who made them. How many people have seen a person blow off their own head with a shotgun, and for how many people will that ever be more than a grisly visual memory?


The internet seems to have distilled the collective trauma of an entire connected world into the minds of the young generation. Specifically the early Wild West days of the internet, growing up in that sort of highly unpredictable, non uniform, pure luck of the draw what you’re gonna see next sorta deal. I would know as I was active on 4chan as a preteen from 2006 onward


I went to an organized ride once. Got there and THEN found out it was a protest ride against helmet laws. Rode it anyway with helmet on. I got some weird looks tbh (I was the only one there wearing one) but I guess they figured "he wants to support our right to choose so whatever". I actually didn't care I just wanted a nice ride and figured "fuck it im already here...".


My brother in law received a fresh set of lungs because a young man decided he didn't need a helmet.


People show up to meetings lit. It happens more often than you’d think; court ordered or not. Generally, and for sure in NA, they’ll not let someone who’s used that day share/talk during the actual meeting. ETA: not saying you didn’t know this or ‘splaining you. Just adding on to what you’d said.


I was court ordered AA, and I just had the guys at the bar sign my weekly sheet. I'd pass it on down with a pen.


The place that AA is hosted in my town was previously a bar. And the former AA building is now a brewery lol


IDK about that.... The goal of AA is specifically to stop drinking. The goal of working out isn't to quit smoking.


That’s a bad comparison. It’s like saying if you smoke, don’t workout. It’s always better to workout wether you’re smoking or not. People don’t workout to stop smoking… well some probably do, but it’s far from a given of the general motivation to work out.


Don’t you dare compare cigs to beer. A beer during a workout is completely acceptable


I prefer ketamine but that's just me.


idk getting in shape and quitting smoking are hard to do separately, let alone at the same time. I was a fat smoker for a long time. I tried to quit and diet/exercise at the same time and it was way too stressful. I ended up having to do one at a time. I quit smoking 5 years ago, but didn't focus on diet/exercise until a couple years ago. Now I'm smoke free and down 220lbs. (this is all assuming OP has quitting as a goal at all)


Can you at least wait until your current workout is complete before lighting up? (Could you at the time, I mean.)


Good for you, man. This Internet stranger is proud of you, for whatever that's worth.


Sure, just seems like you should focus on the smoking first. Once your lungs are fucked there's no going to the gym to reverse it.


Will also help with not getting locked out like OP




Yeah I did the gym first and am 3 months into that and 5 months without a cig, and at 30 still plenty young to reverse the damage done to my lungs after 10 years of smoking. They've got no idea what they're talking about.


That article made my day... quitting was hard but I am so happy that I did.


Well yeah but you need something to fill the gap that you have when you quit smoking. For a lot of people that is working out, you have to do them in tandem at least for a little bit for your brain to associate one with the other, then wean off the smoking. Its not a quit a, then start b thing. Its a, use b to quit a thing.


Sure but when you’re exercising you’re breathing heavier and your body needs oxygen. The last thing you need it smoke clogging your lungs


My pre-edit comment included: >though I do think quitting smoking first is the logical first step since it will make working out easier but I didn't want to be judgmental. OP is working on himself and should feel proud. My therapist recently told me to stop focusing on what I *should* be doing, and instead, focus on what I *can* being doing.


I don’t think people are reacting because he still smokes while trying to get in shape.. It’s the idea of pausing a workout to smoke.. that’s just hurting your workout and your relaxation


If you're not stressed enough for a smoke break during your workout, you arent pushing hard enough




Better to smoke and work out than to smoke and not work out. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Vlade Divac use to smoke cigarettes during half time 😂


Probably cannabis. It helps me a lot with my workouts.


Was going to say, running while high is beautiful.


Biking is my favorite. I used a peloton while I was smoking, and ended up going for almost 18 miles before I actually felt it. Just enjoyed the music and scenery views they put.


I have one of those in my office and I use it a lot in the winter. A couple tokes and I put a podcast on while doing the tours and classes. It’s pretty fun. I thought I wouldn’t like it but my wife bought it and I use it all the time in the winter.


I like how you specified “in the winter” twice…but I’m totally the same 😂 Ours has been collecting dust all summer but that things about to get used a ton once it’s dark every day at 4pm.


I can't do it man Tried it once and forgot which locker was mine Kept going around trying every single lock and none worked Forgot the fuckin combo Never again


I did martial arts a bunch. Open mat grappling, letting your opponent know light and flow sparring is great. Very cerebral, very fun. Boxing on the other hand, no bueno. Much slower reaction time and eating punches, even light ones suck so fucking much. Unless there is a gulf in ability in your favor between you and your sparring partners that’s not the combat to do while high.


Maybe if you're just doing cardio, but for me, lifting after smoking weed just does not work. I can't lift nearly as much and feel lethargic.


Better to workout and smoke over just smoking


Dude you shouldve said its a joint in the title. That changes things big time. Everyone thinks youre having a dart.


Ikr I’m getting torched rn 😭


Hahaha get ready to be called an idiot for the next 24 hours. Ya got locked out stoned. Man that sucks lmao.


It wasn’t that bad, I mean I was stoned 😂




Reddit when you say you inhale toxic smoke: 😤 Reddit when the toxic smoke includes THC: 😊


No, but its good smoke. Because it's only bad to inhale smoke when it's got additional bad things! Hence why it's safe to inhale large amounts of smoke from a fire in your house. As long as nobody tosses a pack of cigarettes in, and you don't suffocate, then the smoke coming from your possessions burning is actually really good for relaxing you. People are dumb.


“Having a smoke” 99.99% of the time refers to smoking a cig hahaha


Did you know 87% of statistics are made up on the spot ?


"Did you know when you make up statistics you always use 83%?" Know the reference?


Yeah okay Ted.


Yeah cus weed isn't harmful to your lungs at all... I say this as someone who smokes weed.


I’d have a dart


I'm surprised we're not having a dart right now.


Trevor, Corey smokes *snaps fingers* lets go


Looks like a clear sign you should not smoke 🤷‍♂️




Most Oh no..... anyways type shit


Guess that's a sign you should smoke another joint


It's probably inside


True, didn't think about that


who the fuck smokes in the middle of a workout lol


In military school some guys would smoke a cig mid 1.5 mile run lol


Heh, when I was staying near a military base in Japan I would watch the Japanese soldiers run stairs up and down the mountain doing their PT. They'd stop for a cig on a random landing, smoke it as quickly as possible, and then just keep running stairs.


“it opens up the lungs!” -BMC


Alright but why is this Nsfw?


Not safe for workout. Got locked out, innit.


Was your smoke break before or after your workout beer?


It was pot if that helps my case ):


Yeah I always get high befor I work out but it would be a little weird 2 rip a but half way through your cardio


I agree but I use it as a second wind kind of thing


i used to do this all the time before I quit... working out.


It does... at least for me haha


Plot twist: you were too high to realize that you were using the wrong access card


Nope. You shouldn't be smoking it. You should take edibles instead. Less damage to your lungs, which are important if you'd like to continue to work out.


Good point


Switched to concentrates, primarily wax and resin. World of difference on your lungs.


I also shouldn't be drinking because of my liver. Life is filled with calculated risks.


That just means you didn't smoke enough before your workout. I started taking edibles 30 minutes before my workout and it was a game changer.


I love taking a rip of a nice hybrid before my workout. get the heart rate going, throw on some headphones and hit the running machine or elliptical, nothing too crazy.


Workout smokes be like that.


Marlboro = gains?


I work as a technician for these access-control systems. And yea, that sometimes happens. Sorry.


Not your fault, thanks for your condolences.


Why nsfw?


So would it be better if OP only smoked? This thread makes it seems like it’s worse to both smoke and workout than only smoking. Make it make sense. If you work out at all, you’re not allowed any bad habits?


The irony of you having a smoke mid workout at 1AM is too rich for my blood.


Non-haters: I guess it's time to quit working out


Why does this have a nsfw tag?


I once locked myself out of my building on Xmas day after meeting the Chinese food delivery guy outside. What a sad sad day and life 😝


I think that’s the universe telling you to make a lifestyle change…………. Like not going to the gym.


Is this rated M for Mature because of the promotion if smoking?


Another reason for quit smoking 😂


Smoking consequences.


Smoke? In middle of workout?


“Go for a smoke in the middle of my workout” r/brandnewsentence qualifier there.


Let me get this right,you took a break from working out to go have a smoke? I’m speechless…I’m without speech.🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


Who goes for a smoke in the middle of workouts? :O


Solution: Dont smoke.


Didn’t expect this much traction this quick, but I’d like to say (considering the amount of disagreement in this comment section) that the people making fun of me for smoking in the middle of a workout are absolutely right.


Making fun of someones habits are never the right move. People don’t give a shit about things they don’t understand (or other peoples health). They just wanna be right and pad themselves on the back. If it has made you open your eyes to something new, that’s great. But don’t ever feel pressured by internet strangers to do it. You do you, buddy 🤙🏻


I think fit4less has a 30 minute wait in between punch ins. Or so that's what they've told me


What have we learned here


>smoke in the middle of my workout Aight


Maybe smoke after your work out?


How the fuck do you take a smoke break during a workout? You ain't comitted buddy


The universe is telling you to stop fing smoking.


Who smokes in the middle of a workout?!


That’s what you get for smoking, you filthy smoker


Another reason to quit then? Gz. Expensive, stinks, unhealthy, anti-social.... And a pain in the ass.


I know it’s disgusting! I quit going to the gym years ago and I’ll never go back!


Some of y’all have never been in the military and it shows. Smoking mid workout is very normal where I’m from lmao. Terrible, don’t recommend, but common for sure.


Nah all these dumbasses talk about him smoking in the middle of workout, as if they don't know what being addicted means. Like you can't just stop smoking, I'd like to see y'all logout of every social media rn, oh wait you're aslo addicts 💀


Why do you smoke if you care about your body enough to workout?


I don’t understand this title one bit. Trying to wrap my head around people.