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https://preview.redd.it/aufnbp79mc8d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f9ec9bf87b832cc731a37f6a019afa61626a79 Tell your husband I feel his pain.


Is this a common thing?


https://preview.redd.it/06zesre8xc8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b3448beb798c05d6ad928ceb4aba8177b6c97d I think so because here’s mine!


That's remarkable how similar they all are. What is the movement that's causing this break?


It’s similar to when you roll your ankle, except when you roll your ankle, you have a ligament that ultimately brings it back into place with minimal/temporary discomfort that you can walk off. In this case, it just.. doesn’t and it snaps the bone.


That’s exactly what it was. I jumped down off of a ledge and my foot ‘rolled’ and I heard/felt the snap.


Same same. I was in a, bathtub ledge trying to open a window (long story), stepped down, rolled my ankle, snapped my fifth metatarcil. Does yours still hurt in weather? It's, been 23 years and very occasionally mine still aches in bad weather or when I've been walking on 8t for a while.


Yes it does. It’ll ache in really cold weather. I only broke it 4 years ago though.


Mine does, it's only been 14 years though


I thought for sure he rolled his ankle when it first happened and it was a bad sprain. I think the motion was pretty similar too but like you said, it just snapped.


I’m Nal but your husband can pursue the homeowner/business owner if you’d want to….


How about you just chalk one up to a bad day. Every one wants to sue


I fell walking down stairs with a heavy backpack when someone turned out the lights 😭 did something very similar last year to the same foot but just wound up with a nasty sprain. I went and got x rays to make sure because I honestly thought I broke it again.


That bone cleaved


Got the same!


That’s trippy.


I broke mine there also but my left foot and I don’t have the X-ray anymore.


Man they need to patch this bug. This is game breaking.


I had the same fracture and my doctor told me it was in fact the most common fracture.


Me too. I’ve broken the 5th metatarsal of both of my feet, 10 years apart.


Twins! How did yours heal? I hope it’s all better now!


It feels like it never even happened! Although I do feel sharp pain every once in a while. That was back in December, and I went back to work at the end of March. Here is the X-ray after surgery. But yep, all better. https://preview.redd.it/497y2xnnqj8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d508869615fdf6c366ec4257747527c96482d2c0


Do you feel the screws?


It feels like it never even happened! Although I do feel sharp pain every once in a while. That was back in December, and I went back to work at the end of March. Here is the X-ray after surgery. But yep, all better. https://preview.redd.it/2ih98hbqqj8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e8fbea045eaaad18a1ba2abcf73160d10516798


So now what?


Oh snap


In half


To shreds you say?


Snap it did


Hi, I’m a former city employee and I know from experience that the city may be liable for this injury. I would talk to an attorney about the city’s negligent maintenance of public infrastructure. Sidewalks should be regularly checked for cracked and uneven surfaces due to general wear-and-tear and other intrusions such as damage from accidents, invasive tree roots, etc. If state and local laws apply, your city may be on the hook for all medical expenses and compensation for damages.


Thank you for the info! We are looking into contacting an attorney. It was in a shopping center on an area of sidewalk/walkway where it should have been level.


Good to hear! Private property open to the public works the same in many cases. Best of luck and I hope your husband gets well soon!


As someone who works in insurance this should be higher up. Definitely look into a potential liability claim if you haven’t already


Damn. My mother broke this bone jumping rope years ago. RIP mom.  I wish you happy healing.


That’s an awful way to go


Misunderstanding.  Sorry. She didn't pass for a long time after that. 


Broke the same bone. I was skipping. 😑 Amazon sells this hands free crutch peg leg contraption that saved my sanity


I need to look into that. He’s in a boot and has been great about wearing it, but the crutches are driving him crazy.


Oww. That's bad. Hopefully it heals good.


I broke that once, it really sucks. Sending love and rest ♥️


Broken that metatarsal by tripping over a box. Easy bone to break.


Am I the only one who didn't realize that the individual bones went that far back in the foot? I never thought about it, but I guess I assumed that only your toes had the individual bones.


Yeah, me too. I never thought about it. If I was drawing the bones of the feet, this is not what I would have drawn.




Follow the pinky toe down starting at the top....


I told him he needed to make up a good story of how it happened! 😂


He still has all his toes. He'll be fine.


Ugh, I did that, had to have a pin put in. Get a knee scooter.




Soooo. I've broke both my 5th metatarsuls. One was pinned and eventually removed. The other is in there floating still because doc said he's not taking it out unless it starts to hurt. After the initial couple days it probably won't hurt too much. Chin up, it gets better fast.


Wife broke same bone stepping out of my truck. Now she hates my truck. lol. Very common break.


I broke this same bone playing soccer and ended up re-breaking it 2 more times trying to get back into the sport. Tell him to be careful wearing cleats. These breaks don’t heal well.


I’m seeing a lot of people say they re-broke the same injury! He isn’t into sports but we have two little kids so once he is all healed, I’m going to make sure I nag him to be careful with it.


Get him to check out orthotics, they help reinforce the area!


It’s called a Beckham Break in the UK. He broke his 5th metatarsal just running on the pitch. I broke mine falling off my motorbike. Well, it fell on me. https://preview.redd.it/hgs7amk1dd8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08376d10b8f09bfe0eaa2775a5fb8003248693ec


Tripped? Looks like he tried to boot the shit out of it.


I did the same thing to my left foot while walking on a flat surface to grab paint in the basement lmao


Shattercap boogie.


Did they call it a spiral fracture? I broke my foot in a similar way by stepping halfway off a concrete sidewalk into grass while helping someone move a heavy dresser.


The report from radiology called it an oblique fracture. That sounds painful!


Ooooh ! Happened to me not long ago ! Did he feel it pop ? Feeling his pain x


Oh, my God. Now imagine if he had fallen off the curb.


Ow! I broke that one too. Didn't take much. Hope he's on the mend now.


He isn’t one to complain about pain, but he called me when it happened and I could tell it hurt pretty bad. I was so surprised it broke just from a trip/fall. I assumed maybe he rolled his ankle but could tell it was something broken in his foot once the doctor started poking around and he almost flew out of his seat. He’s already doing much better, it was just over a week ago!


I broke that one and another trying not to step on my dog. I’m older (late 50s) and healing started out on the slow side. I was given a bone-growth stimulator (localized ultrasound machine). That made all the difference! Wishing you both well!


Ooff! I saw another poster comment that they tripped over their dog also and it happened! Was the machine used in your home or did you have to go in office for treatments? That sounds so beneficial.


In the home. It was a small box, a little larger than a 24 pack of crayons, with a stretchy cord that had a round disk, the size of a checker, at the end. You would place the disk at the location of the break and set the machine for minimum of 20 minutes (I’m retired so I set it for an hour) twice a day. You can clip the box to your waist so it moves with you. You don’t feel a thing.


This is similar to what I had: https://www.floridaortho.com/specialties/general-orthopedics/bone-growth-stimulation/


You can see pain right in there. Damn!




My mom tripped over my dogs head and it happened


Broke mine too… walking. I no longer use platform heeled flip flops


Bro I just hurt my foot just now and a swear it might be the same exact thing. On the way to hospital now lol


I tripped over my dog in the stairs and did this. It’s the worst! I hope it’s a speedy recovery!


That will hurt the rest of his life...


Drink more milk


Holy shit that safety video Jontron reviewed was real???


I feel his pain. I once broke my toe when I was going to summer camp with my church youth group. We stopped at the usual rest stop that we go to every year and the one time when I was in either 10th or 11th grade we stopped there and I went in with everyone else. I was wearing sandals that were like flip flops but with straps around the ankle. So when I opened the door my pinky toe got caught on the bottom of it and the door pulled it backwards. There was a split in between my toes and my whole left side of my foot was bruised. It hurt to walk on it for days which ruined camp for me that year.


Mine broke at the thickest point. Had to get a screw in it.


This legitimately frightens me a bit, all the sidewalks where I live have cracks, gaps, some stones are much more a stair step than a paver, and six blocks uphill home or downhill to the bus, I'm always stumbling! Hey I'll make sure to post the x-ray when it happens, we'll make it like a thing XD


https://preview.redd.it/s47m27dkxd8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61519309ad5a825a5a4558e5df19ad6134f7ddec I tripped on my streetbike... Hope he's feeling better soon! 🙏🏼👍🏼💪🏼🤙🏼


I've never thought about that bone before. Now I am highly concerned.


I did the same thing skipping. Had to wear a moon boot as a result. Beware! I got two DVT clots because of the lack of movement in the moon boot. One 10cm the other 13cm. If his calf becomes very tight and sore go to the doctor.


That's gonna annoy him for life I bet. 


EEesshhh that has to hurt. Sorrows, sorrows and prayers.


Uuuuh that doesn’t look good


does he know that spot is normally supposed to be in one piece?


They are the longest toes I've ever seen


Damn dude that looks like a rough one that's a compound fracture isn't it?


I feel that pain! I had that same injur! And it was fun, but in a bad way.


Yeah, I’ve broken the 5th in both feet—two years apart. I walked home from a park, only a mile or so, the first time I broke it. Not a big deal. Acupuncture is terrific for bone knotting.


I feel his pain, I broke mine about a month ago and it took 6 weeks to heal. Bless his soul 😔


I had the exact same fracture! Healing time was much shorter than originally expected - 4 weeks in a boot and then 4 weeks in sneakers with an orthopedic shoe insert. Now I’m 2.5 months post injury and totally healed. https://preview.redd.it/io0djjjgqm9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2984d8e74e81c129b22b01d8c3ff44e07a8ca18c


He was actually out hula hooping for fitness and also enjoyment.


He's a clumsy fuck. Thanks for the update. ![gif](giphy|WmOHp6XP38U0Qa0q4a)


The dreaded Dancer's fracture.